Being A Global Indian

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Being a Global Indian!

By Neena Kamal

Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. - Tryst with Destiny Speech by Pandit Nehru (15 Aug 1947) On the occasion of the 62nd Republic Day of India maybe its time to discuss the tryst with destiny we all being part of! When everywhere there is a talk of India Shining and emerging as great power etc., we all know that we have a long way to go! Today with the technology explosion, the world is becoming smaller and more Global! The boundaries are changing. The definitions are changing, power equations are changing. We as a country are really having this tryst with the destiny which can take us to a different level all together. Without getting into any political or social aspect of this lets just focus on the Corporate Side of it. The Indian corporate world is changing so rapidly. The most important change is the need for Global Organizations and Global employees running it. Western Countries have a certain way of looking at Asia. When they look at India, many of them think about snake charmers and elephants. Many Indians in last 15 to 20 years have worked very hard to change this perception. Today we see Indians playing very prominent role in the Global Economic Scenario. Many of us have been travelling overseas and learning foreign cultures. Large part of metro population in India is either working with MNCs or working for foreign elements. However, many common young Indian professionals are torn between the global professional environment and a very traditional (not conservative necessarily) personal environment. The question is how do we balance? How can we stop smelling curry even in our thoughts and start looking Global? Are we being Global? What is a Global Indian? Study done by Development Dimensions International (DDI) and The Institute of Executive Development (IED), examined what it takes to be a successful global executive, and the strategies and methods organizations use to develop them. They came out with a list of qualities rated as important for any Global Executive

Ability to influence or motivate people from various cultures. Cultural Sensitivity Resourcefulness to get things done in an unfamiliar situation


Effectiveness in ambiguous environment Ability to adapt Intellectual Communication Skills Openness to feedback and change Entrepreneurship Resilience Enthusiasm to learn new culture

This study refers to the qualities required globally, for any culture. But we just focus on India; most of us believe that we know how to become global. We have worked in MNC, dealt with foreigners. But then still there are certain hitches. Why are those there? We Indians are very emotional and many of us have a great pride in our heritage and culture. Historically we believe that we are better of many cultures. However, today this not a debate about which culture is the best, rather the struggle is what would work globally. And so here is one theory to consider. Being Global is having a global mindset. It involves 3 levels

Think Learn Act

THINK - Let go of prejudices - "WE"Attitude - Competence focus and not competition LEARN - Read about other cultures - Learn a Foreign Language - Learn to appreciate other cultures ACT - Network more - Be open, respectful and sensitive - Give others a chance Dont be defensive


What is important to remember here is that all the three parameters are very critical. Just knowledge and no action will sound very pseudo-intellectual. Just action and no knowledge will sound very idiotic. No thinking will bring out the superficiality. But if one has the combination of all three then that person can surely become The Global Champion! Apart from that there are two qualities which we will need to make our Global Presence felt. Quality of Originality and quality of Taking Pride in what we do! If we look around some other cultures we will see that these two qualities have helped them to make their marks. So its about having an Indian Apple Computers or Indian Google! Its about thinking out of the box. Some are doing it no doubt but we need more such global Indians! It is also remarkable that in many developed cultures quality parameters do not evolve around kind of level of job. Any job, maybe its of heading a department to a janitor, the level of professionalism and perfection will be the same. Each of the job owners will show lot of pride in doing that job. We need to inculcate these qualities in us. It is note that someone else will define quality parameters but rather we take so much pride in whatever we do that we do the best! That will set us apart! To start, we can take smaller steps, such as Gain knowledge about more culture. It will help in looking at similarities. Being proud of what is good about India but also being open to learn what is good with others. Staying away from debates about how my side is better than yours. It is not a competition all the time! Helping others to see thoughts behind our rituals, our rules. Being patient till they understand. We do have complex culture and emotions would only increase the complexity.

Certain small things we need to remember and do are


Adaptability does not mean lack of backbone. It means the sheer capacity to change and manage with what is! Being sensitive to other cultures does not mean forgetting our culture. It means showing understanding of impact our culture has on others. It means helping others see our point of view but not forcing them to change theirs! Letting go does not mean stopping to be proud of our heritage and culture. It means not to become defensive or apologetic about it. It means being open to the fact that each culture has its highs and lows. It means being able to see the highs of other culture.

So here, we are being a part of India when its struggling for a powerful position in the World Commerce. It is our tryst with destiny! Lets be proud and responsible for the parts we are playing in it! Lets do what is necessary to make this Tryst with Destiny successful!!


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