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Contents Lesson One. HELLO! WHATS YOUR NAME? . 5 Greetings ..7 Lesson Two. WHERE ARE YOU FROM?

.. 12 Present Simple (To Be, To Have)....... 13 Lesson Three. LETS COUNT! Colors, Days of the week / seasons... 17 Plural of Nouns. . 18 This is . 19 Lesson Four. HOW OLD ARE YOU? Numbers. .... 22 Money. ... 23 Present Simple. .. 25 Lesson Five. WHAT DATE IS IT TODAY? Ordinal Numerals. Questions. .. 29 Months of the year. 32 Possessive Case. Possessive Pronouns ... 35 Lesson Six. WHATS YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION? ..37 Some, Any. There is, There are. 44 Lesson Seven. WHATS THE WEATHER LIKE TODAY? .. 49 Clothes. .. 51 Modal Verbs. . 55 Lesson Eight. What Time Is It?.......... . 59 Countable and Uncountable Nouns. . 61 Food. .. 65 Lesson Nine. LOCATIONS, DIRECTIONS. ... 75 Prepositions. .. 80 Imperative Mood. .. 82 The Pronoun .. 84 Lesson Ten. DISCRIBE YOURSELF. . 87 The Adjective. ... 90 Degrees of comparison. . 91 Lesson Eleven. WHATS YOUR PROFESSION? 100 The Article. .. 104 Lesson Twelve. YOUR BODY.. . 107 The Adverb. .. 111 Lesson Thirteen. HEALTH. ... 114 Present Continuous 121 Lesson Fourteen. HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? .. 125 Future Simple. .. 126 Lesson Fifteen. MY FAMILY. ... 130 Past Simple. . 135 Lesson Sixteen. THIS IS MY HOUSE. .. 141 Furniture. .. 143 Past Continuous. ... 146 Lesson Seventeen. DAILY ACTIVITIES. . 152 Present Perfect. . 159 3



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Lesson Eighteen. TRANSPORTATIONS. 162 Past Perfect. . 165 Lesson Nineteen. AT WORK. 168 Job Application 171 Future-in-the-Past. ... 172 Lesson Twenty. HOLIDAYS. .... 174 The Passive Voice. ... 178 Lesson Twenty-One. FREE TIME. At the supermarket. ... 180 At the restaurant. .. 181 Hobbies. ... 182 Reported Speech. .. 184 Annexes ... 196 Bibliography ... 199


Lesson One

The First Lesson HELLO! WHATS YOUR NAME? The United States of America

The English Alphabet A a [e ] B b [bi:] C c [si:] H h [eIt] I i [aI] O o [ou] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [dbl - ju:] X x [eks] Y y [waI] Z z [zee]

E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [di:]

D d [di:]

The United Kingdom

Vocalele Consoanele Reguli de citire

J j [deI]

K k [keI] L l [el]

M m [em] N n [en]

Reading Rules:
Vocabulary a un, o / air aer / bag geant / bus autobuz / car autovehicul / chair scaun / ear ureche / girl fat / head cap / heart inim / joke glum / pleasure plcere / shop magazin / the articolul hotrt thin subire / window fereastr / worker muncitor, -oare / yes da / you tu, voi / ,

us in o-B

= e cu gura deschis ca pentru a bag, head = the, a, worker = a bus a: = ar car, heart : = r girl i = i ear e = e air

j = i yes, you w = u window = j pleasure [ple3 ] d = gi, ge joke = shop t = ci, ce chair = s cu limba ntre dini thin = z cu limba ntre dini the


oo [u] good, soon, afternoon ee, ea [i] see, sweet, team i, y [ai] I, hi, nice, night, bye o [ou] hello, a [] a, have a [ei] day ir [ :] - girl

Pronumele I eu/ se scrie ntotdeauna cu liter mare, chiar i la mijloc de propoziie.

- Hi! My name is Alex. - Hello! I am Ana. Whats your name? - Nice to meet you. - Pleased to meet you too.

- Hello! - How are you?

- Hi!

- Im very well, thanks.


Good bye! Bye-bye! See you! See you tomorrow! See you soon! Have a nice day! Good night! Sweet dreams!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Hello! Hi! How are you?

Greetings Bun dimineaa! Bun ziua! Bun seara! Salut! Salut! Ce mai faci/facei? Farewell La revedere! Pa! Ne mai vedem! Ne vedem mine! Pe curnd! O zi bun! Noapte bun! Vise plcute!

! ! ! ! ! ?

us in

Hello! I am Ana and I am from Drochia. Maria is from Fleti. We are friends. Elena and Olga are friends too. Elena is from Sngerei and Olga is from Rcani. Today is our first day at work. We are happy to meet our coworkers. Hello! Im Ana. Whats your name? My name is Maria. Where are you from? I am from Drochia, and you? I am from Fleti. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Have a nice day! Thanks.

- I am fine, thank you. And you?



name prenume/ last name nume/ your, yours al tu, a ta/, my al meu, a mea/, nice plcut/ meet a ntlni/ too de asemenea/ year an/ from din, de la/ friend prieten/ day zi/ today azi/ our al nostru, a noastr/, work lucru, munc/ happy fericit/ coworker coleg de munc/ there are sunt, se afl / ... many muli, multe/ new nou/ people oameni/

4. Match the pictures with the following dialogues:

Exercises: 1. Introduce yourself in pairs. 2. Fill in the spaces below: friends name is a from what 1. We are ____ Fleti. 2. I am ____ worker. 3. Olga and Ana are _____. 4. My ____ is Ana. 5. _____ is your name? 6. Maria ____ a worker.



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3. Pay attention to the next dialogue. Practice it:




5. Find the words in B that have the same pronunciation as the words in A.

Lesson Two

The Second Lesson WHERE ARE YOU FROM?

- I am from Moldova. And you?

- Where are you from? - I am from Russia.

Nationality naionalitatea /
Moldovan moldovean / Romanian romn / Russian rus / American american / British britanic / French francez / German german / Italian italian /

- Nice to meet you.

Country ara /

6. Interview your partner.

Language limba /
Romanian romna / Romanian romna / Russian rusa / English engleza / English engleza / French franceza / German germana / Italian italiana /


us in


Moldova Romania Russia U.S.A. / America Great Britain France Germany Italy

Exercises: 1. Fill in the spaces below speaking about yourself: - Where are you from? - I am from . - What nationality are you? - I am . - What language do you speak? - I speak .

2. Ask your partner about themself.

Present Simple: Verb to BE Nr. Pers. + 1 I am Sg./. 2 you are 3 he, she, it is 1 we are Pl./. 2 you are 3 they are

a fi/
I am not you are not he, she, it is not we are not you are not they are not 12 ? Am I? Are you? Is he, she, it? Are we? Are you? Are they?




A: Hello. Are you here at the conference? B: Yes, we are. A: Thats nice. Im Paul and this is Fred. B: Glad to meet you. A: Why are you in London? B: Im here on business. A: Excuse me, where are you from? B: Im from Russia. A: Are you a tourist? B: Yes, I am. A: Whats your name? B: My name is Nick. Im an engineer.

us in

3. Practice the following dialogues: A: Hello, Ann. B: Hello, Pete. How are you? A: Fine, thank you. And you? B: Not bad, but my husbands not well today. A: Oh, Im sorry to hear that.


2. Fill in the text with names of nationalities and languages: Ion is from Moldova. He speaks Romanian. Ions mother is also from Moldova. She is . She speaks Romanian. Ions Father is from Russia. He speaks . He understands Romanian but it is difficult for him to speak. Ions best friend is from Romania. He speaks and because he lived in America for 2 years.

A: Sorry to interrupt you. B: Thats all right. A: Where is the bus stop, please? B: Its over there, on the right. A: Thank you. Read and learn the poems. Remember the days of the week.
Mondays child is fair of face Mondays child is fair of face, Tuesdays child is full of grace, Wednesdays child is full of woe, Thursdays child has far to go, Fridays child is loving and giving, Saturdays child works hard for living, But the child that is born on Sunday Is jolly, good, and sweet like honey.

Solomon Grundy Solomon Grundy, Born on Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on Wednesday, Took ill in Thursday, Worse on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday, This is the end of Solomon Grundy. What day is it today?



Present Simple: Verb to HAVE a avea/ Nr. Pers. + ? 1 I have I dont have Do I have? Sg./. 2 you have you dont have Do you have? 3 he, she, it has he, she, it doesnt have Does he, she, it have? 1 we have we dont have Do we have? Pl./. 2 you have you dont have Do you have? 3 they have they dont have Do they have?

A: Who is this lady? B: Mrs. Brown, my boss. She is a lovely person. A: Excuse me, who is that gentleman? B: Thats Mr. Herbert. A: Where is he from? B: He is from Germany. A: Whats his job? B: He is the director of our company.

Today is Monday.

Exercises: 1. Ask the questions as in the model:

Example: Are you a fireman? Yes, I am. (No, Im not. Im a dentist.) Is Ion a waiter? Yes, he is. (No, he isnt. He is a taxi driver.)


1. Is Tony Blair a policeman? 2. Are you a businessman / businesswoman? 3. Is Vladimir Putin a singer? 4. Is Madonna a dentist? 5. Are you a student? 6. Is Julia Roberts an actress?


4. Fill in the spaces below using the verb To Have: 1. I a book. 2. She . a car. 3. You. a computer. 4. He . a new bike. 5. We all . many friends. 6. They . new shoes. 5. Translate the sentences: 1. People are always busy. 2. Lena is free today. 3. Diana is on duty today. 4. All workers are present. 5. Somebody is absent. 6. The woman is sorry. 7. Andrew is married. 8. We are young. 9. They are old. 10. The boy is happy. 11. We are glad to see you. 12. The director is angry. 13. Yes, you are right. 14. No you are completely wrong. 15. The work is done. 16. People are hungry. 17. Is anybody thirsty? 18. We are fond of foreign languages. 19. He is going to study German. 6. Match the expressions: 1. __ To be busy 2. __ To be happy 3. __ To be on duty 4. __ To be present 5. __ To be absent 6. __ To be sorry 7. __ To be married

a. (a fi de serviciu) b. (a fi nsetat) c. (a fi pasionat de ceva) - d. (a lua cina) e. (a fi liber) f. (a fi bucuros) g. (a lua o gustare)



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3. Put the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms: 1. Ion is a teacher. 2. The workers are in the section. 3. We are happy. 4. Maria is from Chiinu. 5. We are at home. 6. They are at the market. 7. There is a car in the yard. 8. My friend is an engineer.


2. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb to be: 1. I a pupil. 2. My father not a teacher, he a scientist. 3. your aunt a doctor? - Yes, she . 4. they at home? - No, they not at home, they at work. 5. My brother a worker. He at work. 6. you an engineer? - Yes, I 7. your sister a typist? - No, she not a typist, she a student. 8. your brother at school? - Yes, he . 9. your sister at school? - No, she not at school. My sister at home. 10. this your watch? - Yes, it . 11. She an actress. 12. This my bag. 13. My uncle an office-worker. He at work.

8. __ To have supper 9. __ To be old 10. __ To be glad 11. __ To be free 12. __ To be angry 13. __ To be right 14. __ To be wrong 15. __To have breakfast 16. __ To be fond of 17. __ To be thirsty 18. __ To be hungry 19. __ To be going to 20. __ To be over 21. __ To have lunch 22. __ To be young 23. __ To have a snack

h. (a fi ocupat) i. (a fi greit) j. (a se termina) - k. (a fi fericit) l. (a fi tnar) m. (a fi prezent) n. (a fi btrn) o. (a fi suprat) p. (a lua micul dejun) q. (a lua prnzul) r. (a fi cstorit) \ s. (a avea dreptate) t. (a fi flmnd) u. (a-i prea ru) v. (a avea de gnd s) - w. (a fi absent)


Lesson Three LETS COUNT!

The Third Lesson

3. What is the color of the things in the room? Plural of Nouns

-o, -s, -ss -x, -z -ch, -sh + es f v + es voy. + y + s cons. + y - i + es exceptions

2 3


Exercises: 1. Complete the puzzle and remember the colors:

6 color of sun 2 color of apple 5 color of teeth


4 color of sky

1 color of lemon 3 color of leaf




us in


2. Read the sentences: 1. I have three blue bags. 2. My sister has five black skirts. 3. His mother has two orange umbrellas. 4. The child has ten red toys. 5. The workers have green clothes. 6. He has nine golden books. 7. She has four silver rings. 8. You have six grey cats.

4 5


1 - one 6 - six

2 - two 3 - three 4 - four 5 - five 7 - seven 8 - eight 9 - nine 10 - ten


book books door doors tomato tomatoes, bus buses, dress dresses, tax taxes, knife knives, boy boys fly flies Man men Woman women Child children Tooth teeth Foot feet Goose geese Mouse mice fish, deer, sheep

3. Write the sentences in plural:

This is Aceasta, acesta este That is Aceea, acela este

These are Acestea, acetia snt Those are Acelea, aceia snt

us in

a. 1. This is a star.2. This is a boy. 3. This is a baby. 4. That is a plate. 5. This is a flower. 6. That is a bookshelf. 7. Is this a sofa? 8. Is this a bookcase? 9. Is this a man? 10. Is that a ball? 11. Is that a train? 12. Is that a plane? 13. Is the window opened? 14. Is the door closed? 15. Is the boy near the window? 16. That is a king. 17. That is not a queen. 18. This is not a bus. 19. This isnt a mountain. 20. That is a goose. 21. This isnt a mouse. 22. It is a sheep. 23. It is a cigarette. 24. It is a cat. 25. It is not a girl. 26. Is that a flower?


b. 1. This man is an engineer. 2. That woman is my sister. 3. This child is my son. 4. That goose is big. 5. This mouse is white. 6. This man is my brother. 7. That woman is my cousin. She is a teacher. 8. This boy has a good coat. 9. That girl has a blue sweater. 11. This is a new table. 12 This nice flower is in the vase.


5. Turn into singular: 1. these old women; 2. those big boys; 3. those blue flowers; 4. these cars; 5. those balls; 6. those ships; 7. these maps; 8. those small children; 9. these pretty ladies; 10. these sweet peaches. 6. How many ?

____________ ___________ ___________ ____________



4. Turn into plural: 1. this cat; 2. that window; 3. that tree; 4. this watch; 5. this man; 6. that school; 7. this dog; 8. that boy; 9. this flower; 10. that child.

c. 1. This room is very large. 2. There is a match in the box. 4. There is a man and a woman in the street. 5. This lady is his wife. 6. This shoe is too large for my foot. 7. The child is sitting on a bench. 8. My tooth is white. 9. This key is made of steel. 10. A potato is a vegetable, but a cherry is a fruit. 11. This is my handkerchief.


__________________ ________________ ________________

19 20


Exercises: 1. Write the plural of the following words and put them down in the right column: Girl, tree, leaf, story, hobby, dish, cake, branch, candle, daddy, class, witch, party, factory, paper, animal, door, shelf, director, window, spoon, chair, knife. -s es -ies -ves

d. 1. What is his name? 2. The cat eats a mouse. 3. There is a boy and a girl in the room. 4. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? - He is a Frenchman. 5. Why dont you eat this potato? 6. There is a story book on that shelf. 7. This strawberry is still green. 8. Can you see a bird on that tree? 9. Does your tooth still ache? 10. I hold up my foot to the fire to warm it.

_______________ ______________

- And how old are your children?

7. Translate the following sentences: 1. Eu am o rochie verde. . 2. El are o main roie. . 3. Ei au trei copii. . 4. Tu ai nou colegi de serviciu. . 5. Noi avem ase mese. . 6. Ea are o geant portocalie. . 7. Voi avei cinci cri albastre. . 8. Acesta este fularul meu negru. . 9. Eu am patru cmi verzi. . 10. Ei au un cine alb. . 11. Pisica mea este rocat. . 12. Ele snt n grupa galben. .

Lesson Four

The Fourth Lesson HOW OLD ARE YOU?

- I am 25 years old.

- How old are you? - How old is your husband?

Lets count! - eleven - twelve - thirteen - fourteen - fifteen - sixteen - seventeen - eighteen - nineteen - twenty - twenty-one - thirty - forty - fifty

- My husband is 28. - My son is five. My daughter is eight.


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 30 40 50

60 - sixty 70 - seventy 80 - eighty 90 - ninety 100 - hundred 101 - hundred and one 174 - hundred and seventy four 500 - five hundred 1000 - thousand 2000 - two thousand 2010 - two thousand ten 1980 - nineteen eighty (ani) 1 000 000 - million



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rd No ess
Seven multiplied by eight? Four multiplied by five? Nine multiplied by two? Eight multiplied by three? Eleven multiplied by four? Fifteen multiplied by two? Two multiplied by twenty? Three multiplied by nine?

*two hundred people dou sute de oameni/ hundreds and hundreds of people sute i sute de oameni/ *two thousand people dou mii de oameni/ thousands and thousands of people mii i mii de oameni/ *plus, minus, multiplied by, divided by, equals: +, -, *, /, =

Exercises: 1. Write in letters the following years: 1973, 1985, 1969, 1990, 1962, 2001, 2005. 2. Look at the picture and say what day, month and season it is. 3. Tell how many children, close relatives and friends you have. Ask your colleagues too.

I have children. The oldest is , but the youngest is . I have close relatives. I have friends. My colleague has children. She has close relatives. She has friends. 4. How much? Model: two plus three equals five Twenty-five plus three? Twenty-five minus three? Thirty-six plus four? Thirty-six minus four? Forty-two plus two? Forty-two minus two? Fifty-nine plus one? Fifty-nine minus one? Sixty-six plus seven? Sixty-six minus seven? Seventy-three plus nine? Seventy-three minus nine? Eighty-four plus eight? Eighty-four minus eight? Ninety-one plus five? Ninety-one minus five? Twenty-one divided by three? Thirty-six divided by six? Fifty divided by five? Eighty-one divided by nine? Twenty-seven divided by three? Forty-two divided by seven? Thirty-five divided by five? Ninety-nine divided by ten?




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5. Read the following numbers. Say what numbers are colored:

Present Simple It is used to talk about things that happen all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general. Time indicators: every day, sometimes, usually, often, seldom, on Monday, on holidays, always. I, You, We,They Verb Verb+s Verb (-o, -s, -ss x, -z -ch, -sh) +es vowel. + y + s cons. + y i + es I go to work every day He, She, It
Present Simple: 25

Verbs with es ending Watch Watches Try Tries Catch Catches Cry Cries Fly Flies Brush Brushes Finish Finishes Mix Mixes


We use the verb to do for the negative and the interrogative sentences: I go to work. She goes to work. Do you go to work? Does she go to work? I do not go to work. She does not go to work.

Teach Teaches Study Studies Wash Washes Push - Pushes


Sg. . Pl. .

1 2 3 1 2 3

Verb to DO a face/ I do I do not Do I? You do You do not Do you? He, she, it does He, she, it does not Does he, she, it? We do We do not Do we? You do You do not Do you? They do They do not Do they?


She reads books. She goes to work every day. He watches TV every evening. She plays the piano. She tries to play the piano.

us in


Usually Often Always

Translate! Never Sometimes Rarely

Learn the pattern:

4. Give the negative and interrogative form to the sentences: 1. The sun rises in the east. 2. Cats catch mice. 3. I get up at 7 oclock every morning. 4. Ann often drinks tea. 5. He comes from France. 6. I meet my friends. 7. They work hard. 8. She goes to the university. 9. You buy a new car. 10. The children play in the garden.



3. Correct the mistakes: 1. She like apples. 2. They doesnt understand what the teacher says. 3. I usually has breakfast before I go to school. 4. People doesnt go to work on Sunday. 5. Ina go to sleep at ten oclock. 6. When do he comes? He comes in Monday. 7. There is three books on the table.

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2. Give the correct form of the verbs: 1. I (go) to work by bus, but my mother (go) by car. 2. Lucy (not, speak) French. She (speak) English. 3. He (go) shopping every Friday. 4. I usually (read) books in the evening. 5. She (write) to her parents once a week. 6. Sometimes they (go) to the cinema with their friends. 7. What date (it, be) today? 8. He (have breakfast) at nine oclock. I (have) breakfast very late on weekends.


Exercises: 1. Put the verbs in the correct form of present tense: 1. I (to read) every day. 2. He (to sleep) every night. 3. We (to drink) tea every morning. 4. They (to go) to work every morning. 5. I (not to sleep) in the day time. 6. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. 7. We (not to watch) TV in the morning. 8. They (not to eat) at work. 9. My mother (not to work) at an office. 10. You (to work) every day? 11. He (to work) in the afternoon? 12. Your sister (to rest) after work? 13. What you (to do) every morning? 14. What you (to read) after dinner? 15. I (to write) an English letter. 16. Your husband (to go) to work in the morning. 17. The director always (to shout) at employees. 18. He (to work) at a factory. 19. I usually (to get up) at 7 oclock in the morning. 20. What your sister usually (to do) before dinner? 21. She (to wash) her face and hands. 22. When do you usually (to come) home from work? I come home at 4 oclock. 23. Where your wife (to work)? She (to work) at a hospital.



5. Make questions. Begin the questions with the words in brackets: 1. You go to the dentist once a year. (How often?) 2. Tom plays tennis in summer. (When?) 3. I work out every day. (How often?) 4. She watches movies in the evening. (What time?) 5. People do stupid things. (Why?) 6. Lucy works at the factory. (Where?)

Lesson Five


What day is it today? Today is... What date is it today? Today is... When is your Birthday? It is on...

Today is January 15th (fifteenth) Azi/astzi este cincisprezece ianuarie. / . 29 30


Ce zi este azi? / ? Azi este... / Ce data este azi? / ? Azi este... / Cnd este ziua ta? / ? Pe /


1 - the first (1 ) 2 - the second (2 ) 3 - the third (3 ) 4 - the fourth (4 ) 5 - the fifth (5 ) 6 - the sixth (6 ) 7 - the seventh (7 ) 8 - the eighth (8 ) 9 - the ninth (9 ) 10 - the tenth (10 ) 11 - the eleventh (11 )
st nd rd th th th th th th th th

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30

- the twelfth (12th) - the thirteenth (13th) - the fourteenth (14th) - the fifteenth (15th) - the sixteenth (16th) - the seventeenth (17th) - the eighteenth (18th) - the nineteenth (19th) - the twentieth (20th)

No ess

Who? Cine? ? When? Cnd? ? Why? De ce? ? How long? Ct timp? ?

Questions with how:

Today is Monday, the fifteenth of March, 2010

What? Ce? ? Where? Unde? ? ? How? Cum? ? How much? Ct? ?

- the twenty-first (21st) - the thirtieth (30th)

us in

Frequent questions / ntrebri frecvente / What do you want? Ce dorii? ? Whom do you need? De cine avei nevoie? ? Who are you looking for? Pe cine cutai? ? Whom can I ask? Pe cine pot s ntreb? ? Where can I find him? Unde pot s-l gsesc? ? Who told you that? Cine v-a spus asta? ? What is going on? Ce se ntmpl? ? What happened? Ce s-a ntmplat? ? What do you mean? Ce vrei s spui? ? What's the matter? Care-i problema? ?

Read the following dialogue: - Hi, Ana. I havent seen you for a long time. How are you? - Hi, Tanya. Im fine. I am glad to see you too. How do you do? - Im very well, thanks. - Why are you looking - Yes, I do. I have one so tired? child. - Do you have children? - How many children - I am tired do you have? because I work - I have two kids. hard. - Where do you work? - I work in the office. - What are you doing there? - I am a secretary. - For how long have you worked in that office? - Ive been working there for 3 years. - How much do you earn? - I earn 2350 (two thousand three hundred and fifty) lei/ (per) month. - How do you get along with colleagues? - Very well, thanks. - Who is your boss? - My boss is Mr. Karl. - How old is he? - He is 34. - Is he married? Does he have children? - Yes, he is married and he has three girls. - Is his wife beautiful? - Oh, yes! - Oh, what about your personal life? Are you married? - Yes, I am. - Do you have children? - I have two boys and one girl. - My congratulations to you! - Thank you! - Ok, I have to go now. I hope we'll meet again. - All the best!

Work in groups. Take turns. One student makes a statement about weekend. Other students ask questions. Each student answers at least four questions.


Day Zi / Week saptmn / Month lun / Year an / Century secol / Season anotimp / Today astzi, azi / Yesterday ieri / Tomorrow mine / Morning diminea / Noon amiaz / Afternoon dup-amiaz / Evening sear / Night noapte / Midnight miezul nopii / Sunrise rsrit / Sunset asfinit / Early devreme / Late trziu / On time la timp / Tonight desear / Tomorrow night mine sear / Last night asear / Now acum / Second secund / Minute minut / Hour or / Clock ceas de perete, de mas / , Watch ceas de mn / 32

us in

Months of the year Lunile anului / January- ianuarie / February- februarie / March- martie / April- aprilie / May - mai / June- iunie / July- iulie / August - august / September - septembrie / October - octombrie / November - noiembrie / December - decembrie /



Exercises: 1. Write in letters the dates: 12.05.2004, 30.12.2009, 17.08.1994, 11.01.2010, 08.03.2000, 13.04.1982, 01.11.1864.





5. Memorize the rhyme: Thirty days has September, April, June, and November; February has twenty-eight alone; All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting leap-year that's the time When February's days are twenty-nine.


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4. Write the correct word next to the numbers:


3. Fill in the spaces with the correct number: 1. There are ____________ days in a week. 2. There are _____________ weeks in a year. 3. There are __________ months in a year. 4. There are __________ weeks in a month. 5. There are __________ days in January, March, May, July, August, October, and December. 6. There are _______________ days in February. 7. There are _________ days in April, June, September and November.

7. Ask your desk-mate as in the model: a. When were you born? I was born on the eleventh of May, 1980. 1. When were you born? 2. When was your mother born? 3. When was your father born? 4. When was your sister born? 5. When was your brother born? 6. When was your friend born? b. When is your birthday? My birthday is on the eleventh of May. 1. When is your birthday? 2. When is your mothers birthday? 3. When is your fathers birthday? 4. When is your sisters birthday? 5. When is your brothers birthday? 6. When is your friends birthday?


2. Days of the week. Work as in the example: Monday (luni/) - is the first day of the week. Tuesday (mari/) - ________________________________ Wednesday (miercuri/) - _____________________________ Thursday (joi/) - __________________________________ Friday (vineri/) - _________________________________ Saturday (smbt/) - ______________________________ Sunday (duminic/) - __________________________

6. Unscrumble the following days of the week and months: cotOrbe Mdaony yluJ ndSuay Jarynua uJen esTuyda yruarFeb Sertemepb Thsduray arMch vemNober esdayWedn lApir Fdriay ayM rdSatuay Demberce Austug


8. Fill in the blanks:

1 2 3 One Three Four Five Seven Nine Ten 8th 9th Eighth 1st 2nd 4th 5th Sixth Second Third

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

- Whose guitar is it? (Frankie). - Whose watering-can is it? (Aunt Rosie). - Whose toys are they? (your children).

6 7

10 11 12

Eleventh 12th

Possessive Case s s Sg: the babys eyes Pl: the childrens mother my parents room his toy the boys toy (Johns toy) the toy of the boy Pronouns (see chapter 9) My Your His Her Its Our Your Their 8. 9.

10. 11.


I You He She It We You (all) They

Mine Your His Hers Its Ours Your Theirs

us in

2. In this exercise you have to join two nouns showing the possessive case. Sometimes you have to use an apostrophe (). 1. the camera/Tom Its Toms camera 2. the eyes/the cat. 3. the top/the page. 4. the daughter/Charles. 5. the newspaper/today. 6. the toys/the children. 7. the name/your wife. 8. the name /this street. 9. the name/the man I saw you with yesterday. 10. the new manager/the company. 11. the result/the football match. 12. the car/Mikes parents. 13. the birthday/my father. 14. the new headmaster/the school. 15. the garden/our neighbours. 16. the ground floor/the building. 17. the children/Don and Mary. 18. the economic policy/the government. 19. the husband/the woman talking to Tom. 20. the house/my aunt and uncle.

I have a cup. This is my cup. The cup is mine Exercises: 1. Answer the following questions:

1. - Whose umbrella is it? (the teacher). It is the teachers / her umbrella 2. - Whose bicycle is it? (Old MacDonald).



- Whose glasses are they? (the doctor). - Whose suitcases are they? (an Italian passenger) .

- Whose watches are they? (our friends). - Whose clothes are they? (Paul and Lucy). - Whose house is it? (my grandparents). - Whose guinea pig is it? (Alison's brothers).




It is on 23 Vasile Alecsandri Street. Thank you. See you tomorrow. Bye! Vocabulary Street Avenue Road Block Near Far


Each digit of a telephone number is spoken separately. If two identical digits occur together they are said ex: double two. Read the following dialogues: - Hi, Olesea! How are you? - Hi, Irina! Fine, thanks. - My friends and I plan to go to the theatre soon. Do you want to come along? - Id love to. - OK, Ill call you when I have the tickets. Whats your telephone number? - My home phone number is 48296 (four eight two nine six), and mobile number is 079984635 (zero seven double nine eight four six three five). - Thanks! - Thank you? Im looking forward to your call. (the phone is ringing) - Hello! - Hi, this is Irina! - Hi! How are you? Have you got the tickets already? - Yes, well go to the theatre tomorrow. Meet you there! - Hold a second, please. I dont know where the theatre is. Can you tell me the address, please?



us in



Remember! Who is speaking? Is that Mihai? This is Ion./ Its Ion. (NOT Here is Ion, or Im Ion.)

Check ( ) the things you can say to keep phone call short.

Conversation: Telephone messages

us in
ROLE PLAY An invitation Student A: Choose an activity from and invite a colleague to go with you. Be ready to say where and when the activity is. A: Say, are you doing anything on ? Would you like to ?




2. Work in groups. Ask your colleagues their telephone numbers and address. 3. Answer the questions: What is the address of your parents? What is the address of your work? What is the address of your best friend? What is the address of your favorite market? What is the address of your study center? 4. Practice the following business dialogues: a. Jack Norman: Good morning (good afternoon).May I speak to Mr. Wood? SECRETARY: He is not in right now. Who is calling, please? J.N.: This is Boris Rudakov. I have a letter from Mr. Wood asking me to call him for an interview appointment. He has my resume. SECRETARY: I see. Mr. Wood is out to lunch right now (in a meeting right now) but I expect him back very shortly. J.N.: At what time would you suggest that I call back? SECRETARY: He usually gets back to the office about two oclock. Maybe it would be better if I have him call you. What's your telephone number? J. N.: (718) 459-3243. SECRETARY: Thank you, Mr. Rudakov. As soon as he's back, he will return your call.


Exercises: 1. Practice saying these telephone numbers: 00373 22 937 581; 07880705024; 0044 0237 78479; 0231 23366; 0262 30299; 022 158 117.


Student B: Your colleague invites you out. Either accept the invitation and ask for more information, or say you cant go and give an excuse. Accept Refuse B: That sounds interesting. B: Oh, Im sorry, but I Where is it? cant go. Im .

J. N.: Thank you. SECRETARY: Good-bye. b. Secretary: Good morning (good afternoon). Could I speak to Peter ONeil? P.O.: Speaking. Secretary: This is Mary Thomas of Metro Data Control. Im Mr.Dillon's secretary. He's interested in your letter and resume and would like to see you. P.O.: Fine. I would like very much to speak to him. Secretary: Lets set up an interview appointment. P.O.: OK. Secretary: How about tomorrow at 10 A.M.? P.O.: Thats OK with me. Secretary: We are located on 516 Fifth Avenue, 7th floor. Do you know how to get there? P.O.: Yes, I hope so. I guess I can take the F train. Where should I get off? Secretary: You should get off at 42nd Street. From there you can walk. It will take you not more than five minutes to get to our place. P.O.: Would you mind repeating the address? Secretary: 516 Fifth Avenue.7th floor. Ask for personnel. P.O.: Thank you. Secretary: You are welcome. See you tomorrow morning.

6. Imagine that you are a tourist guide. Tell the tourists which way to take to get to the necessary destination.

us in
turn left

5. Explain to your new friend which way he has to go to get to your house. Use the meaning of the direction signs below.


to the left

to the right



turn right


8. Practice the following dialogues: a. Customer: Good afternoon. I look for a telephone number and can't find it in the directory. Operator: Is it a business or a residence? - A residence. . - What's his or her full name? - Sam Dolgin. - What's the correct spelling of his name? - "D" as in "David", "O" as in "Oscar", "L" as in "Lilian", "G" as in "Gloria", "I" as in "Irene", and "N" as in "Nora". - What's the town? - Brooklyn. - Do you know the street address? - The address is: 1240 Ocean Parkway. .



- The number is: (718)763-5533. (718)763-5533. - Thank you so much. b. Operator: Directory Assistance. Can I help you? Customer: Can I dial direct to Munich, West Germany? - Yes. First you dial the international code number - 011. - What's to be done next? - Next you dial the country code. For West Germany that's 49. The city code for Munich is 89. Then you dial the local telephone number. - Thank you. c. Operator: Can I help you? Customer: I would like to bill my call to a third number. The number is: (212) 371-1839. d. - Who is calling, please? - Alexander is calling. Somebody should be at home. (Operator is verifying the third number charge) - This is AT&T. Alexander is calling from Flushing, Queens, to Washington, D. C. Would you pay for this call? - OK. - Thank you. Create your own telephone call. Use phrases like: Can I help you?, Who is calling, May I speak to, ect.. 9. Imagine you are in England and you need to reach these addresses. Ask somebody for them:

us in


Some, any, no, every, ever Some is used in affirmative sentences. Any is used with the same meaning in negative and interrogative sentences. someone (cineva/-) anyone (cineva, oricine/-,-) somebody (cineva/-) anybody (cineva, oricine/-) something (ceva/-) anything (ceva/-, -) somewhere (undeva/-) anywhere (oriunde/-) no one (nimeni/) nobody (nimeni/) nothing (nimic/) nowhere (nicieri/) everyone (fiecare/) everybody (toat lumea/) everything (tot/) everywhere (peste tot/)


Whenever (oricnd/-) Wherever (oriunde/-) Singular There is Este, exist ... Plural There are Snt, exist

10. How long is the distance to every city?

43 44




There is a person in the store There is a book on the table

There are people in the store There are books on the table

Singular Countable

Plural Countable



2. Use one of the expressions: there is, there are 1. some eggs in the fridge. 2. one sandwich in the fridge. 3. any vegetables in the fridge? 4. any milk in the fridge? 5. any cheese in the fridge? 6. some meat in the fridge.

us in

Exercises: 1. Complete the sentences with: a, an, some, any. 1. There is water in the fridge. 2. Is there apple in the fridge? 3. There are sandwiches in the fridge. 4. There isnt wine in the fridge. 5. Is there watermelon in the fridge? 6. Are there grapes in the fridge?


5. Choose one of the following: somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody 1. Has in this group got a dictionary? 2. reads a magazine in the park. 3. The question is so difficult that can answer it. 4. I am afraid I cannot find in the office now: it is too late. 5. knows that water is necessary for life. 6. Is there here who knows English? 7. You must find who can help you. 6. Choose one of the following: somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere 1. I put my dictionary and now I cant find it. Of course, that is because you leave your books 2. You must go next summer. 3. Do you go on Sunday? 4. I cant see him 5. I know the place is around here. 6. Did you go yesterday? No, I went , I stayed at home the whole day. 7. Complete the sentences with the correct word:
some any every no + thing one/body where

3. Choose: some or any: 1. There are ________ boys in the garden. 2. I can see _______ footprints on the snow. 3. Are there _______ desks in the classroom? Yes, there are many. 4. There are ________ books on the desk. 5. Did he say _______ word about it? 6. Is there _________ person here who knows this man? 7. Have you _______ books on Dickens? I want to read about him. 8. Are there _______ apples in the basket? 9. Do you have ________ answer for this question?

1. Did you meet nice at the party? Yes, I met who knows you! 2. Ouch! Theres in my eye! Let me look. No, I cant see . 3. Lets go hot for our holidays. But we cant go thats too expensive. 4. Im so unhappy. loves me. I know who loves you. Me. 5. I lost my glasses. I looked , but I couldnt find them. 6. Did you buy at the shops? No, . I didnt have any money. 7. Im bored. I want interesting to read, or interesting to talk to, or interesting to go. 8. It was a great party. loved it.



Countable and Uncountable Nouns Place the following nouns into the correct column: cat, glasses, blood, plant, children, love, meat, rivers, music, head, photos, violin, bread, news, rain, desk, doors, pain, luck, money, water.


4. Choose one of the following: something, anything, nothing, everything 1. is alright, the patient is much better today. 2. Is there interesting in the program of the concert? 3. I could see it was quite dark. 4. Give me to drink. 5. I didnt take any money with me, so I couldnt buy 6. My new eyeglasses are very good, I can see now. 7. I saw near the wood that looked like a tent.




us in


10. Complete the table.


9. Fill in the blanks with this or these: 1. ____ book is very interesting. 2. ____ armchair is comfortable. 3. ____ students work very hard. 4. Are ____ pencils yours? 5. Is ____ exercise difficult? 6. Do ____ women work here? 7. Does ____ boy know you? 8. Is ____ girl your sister? 9. Do ____ stamps belong to her? 10. ____ castle is very old.


8. Fill in the blanks with this or that: pen / pencil: This is a pen and that is a pencil. 1. school / church 2. boy / girl 3. table / chair 4. door / window 5. teacher / student 6. wall / picture 7. man / woman 8. cow / horse 9. apple / pear 10. sugar / salt.

Lesson Seven The Seventh Lesson WHATS THE WEATHER LIKE TODAY? Description of the seasons In spring the ground gets warmer and warmer. All kinds of plants come out. Here and there over the ground you can see young green grass and beautiful flowers. Snowdrops and primroses appear first; then other flowers, such as tulips, daffodils, lilac. The sky is blue, the sun is bright and the air is perfumed with the sweet scent of jasmine. The trees break into delicate blossom, the busy bees are at work. The first birds, rooks and starlings build their nests, and every morning there is loud singing in the trees and bushes. They sing so sweetly that the people love to listen to them. In summer the sun is shining and the sky is cloudless. The air is full of insects with their soft hum. A sweet smell rises from the wild roses, chamomiles, daisies and green grass. A warm soft breeze stirs the leaves of the limes, birches and aspen trees. There are many fields around. The wheat is golden, the grass is green. There is a small river nearby. What a pleasure it is to lie on the sandy bank or splash in the water and swim. In autumn the weather is changeable, but rainy weather is more common. After the rain we can see a rainbow in the sky. The sun appears. There is a fine day again with the golden trees changing their color from green to dark brown and bright yellow. In autumn the trees are rich in fruits. This season is the most colorful, thats why many people like it very much.


In winter it snows often and it is very cold. The snow covers up the ground with a great white cloak, and the frost paints all the trees silver. Everything is white around. The north wind blows strong and people wear warm coats and boots. Most children love this season for the winter happy holidays. They like to make snowmen and go to the sleighing.
bright luminos/ tulip lalea/ snowdrop ghiocel/ lilac liliac/ daffodil narcis/ primrose viorea/ plant plant/ ground sol/ sky cer/ nest cuib/ blossom floare/ bee albin/ starling graur/ scent miros,arom/, cloudless senin/ hum zumzet/ insect insect/ smell miros/ chamomiles romani/ bush tuf/ wind vnt/


daisy romani/ breeze adiere/ birch mesteacan/ aspen plop/ field cmpie/ wheat gru/ river ru/ sandy nisipos/ bank mal/ swim a nota/ burning arztor/ colorful colorat/ rainbow curcubeu/ changeable schimbtor/ paints culori/ frost nghe/ cloak impermiabil/ cover a acoperi/ snow zpad/ sleighing a se da cu sania/ snowman om de zpad/


us in



Exercises: 1. Read and memorize the rhymes. Fill in the spaces below: Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white. - What is your favorite season? Why? - My favorite season is _______, because then it is _______, _______ and ______.



2. Look at the picture and say what you do in different seasons:

us in

In spring the weather is ________ and I wear: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In summer the weather is _________ and I wear: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In autumn the weather is __________ and I wear: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

No o-B
In winter the weather is _________ and I wear: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. Tell for what weather you use these accessories: Clothing & Footwear
*coat, rain coat, suit, trousers, dress, shirt, skirt, blouse, pants, shorts, tights, socks, stockings, scarf, gloves, jeans, cap, hat, sweater, T-shirt; *shoes, boots, rain boots, sandals, high heel shoes, sneakers. 51 52


3. Fill in the table with the words in the box:


5. Learn the types of weather from the pictures below and say what the weather is like today in your town:

7. Look at the pictures and say what your favorite weather is?

6. Practice the following dialogue: A: What's the weather today? B: The temperature has fallen again. A: I enjoy the cold weather. B: Don't you mind the cold? A: Not at all. I prefer a cold winter to a hot, muggy summer. B: I agree. After the terrible August we had last year, low temperatures are kind of refreshing. A: In August there wasn't a breeze anywhere. There was ninety percent humidity, and the temperature stayed above ninety degrees for 15 straight days. B: It's six o'clock now. I'll turn on the radio. Let's listen to the weather report. Radio: As the cold front crosses the region tonight, temperatures will drop considerably. The present temperature is 26 degrees. Tonight will be partly cloudy. Tomorrow will become sunny, windy, and very cold. High 20, low 16. Strong winds from the north will bring Arctic air to the region. Snow will develop at the end of the week. A: Did you listen to the weather forecast?



us in




B: Yes, I did. The mild weather will continue. Scattered showers will occur tomorrow night. A: And what about the day after tomorrow? B: Skies will begin to clear. Drier, colder air will arrive from the north-west. Sunny but cold weather will prevail the day after tomorrow. A: At this time of the year, the weather is so changeable.

Modal Verbs Memorize! Can you speak English? Can he play the piano? Can they work well? May I come in? May we go out? May he ask them? Can, May, Must, Shall and Will do not add -s in present. The verbs that follow after modals are used without the particle to Can you open the window? May I come in? Must he work at night? Shall he go to the doctor? Will you have a coffee? Modal Verbs
CAN a putea (abilitate) / () MAY a putea (permisiune) / () MUST a trebui (obligaie) / () SHALL a trebui (opiune)/ () WILL a vrea (politee) / () HAVE TO a trebui / NEED TO a avea nevoie s /

Exercises: 1. Answer the following questions choosing from the words below: serve, type, design, deliver, treat, fly, write, bake, teach, drive, translate, look after, cut 1. What can a waiter do? A waiter can drinks. 2. What can a teacher do? A teacher can students. 3. What can an architect do? An architect can buildings. 4. What can a Postman do? A Postman can letters. 5. What can a pilot do? A pilot can planes. 6. What can a hairdresser do? A hairdresser can hair. 7. What can a typist do? A typist can texts. 8. What can a doctor do? A doctor can people. 9. What can a baker do? A baker can bread. 10. What can a truck driver do? A truck driver can trucks. 11. What can a nurse do? A nurse can patients. 12. What can a translator do? A translator can documents and speeches. 13. What can a journalist do? A journalist can for a newspaper.



us in

I can speak Russian. I cannot do it. Yes, you may. No, you may not. Yes, he must. No, he neednt Yes, he must. No, he shouldnt Yes, I will. No, I wont.

3. Translate the sentences using the modal should: 1. Ar trebui s lucrai mai mult. . 2. Ea ar trebui s asculte directorul. a. 3. Ar trebui s v cerei iertare. . 4. Nu ar trebui s lipsii de la serviciu. . 5. Ar trebui s fii mai atent privind lucrul dumneavoastr. . 6. Ea ar trebui s se adreseze la medic. . 7. Nu ar trebui s v facei griji. . 8. El ar trebui s mai citeasc o dat manualul de utilizare. . 9. Ar trebui s mergei acolo i s vorbii cu el. . 10. El nu ar trebui s vorbeasc att de aspru. . 11. Ea ar trebui de acum s se ntoarc. . 12. Ea nu ar trebui s ridice aa greuti. . 13. Ar trebui s memorizai aceasta. . 14. Ar trebui s cerei permisiune. .



2. Choose one of the modals: May, Must, Need 1. we hand in our papers tomorrow? No, you not, you hand them in today. 2. John really do this today? No, he not. He do it tomorrow if he likes. 3. You not fill this cup up: it break. 4. I help you to put on your coat? 5. I take this book for a little while? I am sorry, but I return it to my director at once. 6. They come at any time they like between 10 and 12 oclock in the morning. 7. I go there right now? Yes, you .



us in

4. Translate the sentences using the modal may: 1. Pot s intru? ? 2. Pot s plec acas? ? 3. Dac ai finisat lucrul, poi s pleci acas. , . 4. Directorul a spus c putem pleca acas. , . 5. Medicul spune c pot deja s lucrez. , . 6. Tata spune c putem s mergem la coal singuri. , . 7. Credeam c am voie s utilizez calculatorul. , . 8. Dac nu mbraci paltonul poi s te mbolnveti. , . 9. Nu pleca din secie, directorul poate veni urgent i el nu are cheie. , , . 10. Fii mai atent, poi cdea. , . 11. Nu atinge calculatorul, el poate s se strice. , . 13. El poate s uite despre asta. . 14. Degrab poate s plou. .




5. Translate the sentences using the modals: can, cant, may, must, to have to, to be able to 1. Eu trebuie s cumpr un carnet astzi. . 2. Soul meu nu vorbete germana. El vorbete engleza. -. -. 3. Pot eu s vd secia d-voastr? ? 4. Putei s-mi artai lucrul vostru? ? 5. Putem pleca acas mai devreme? ?



Practicing Politeness A: Excuse me. B: Sure, what can I do for you? A: Im sorry to bother you. B: No problem. A: Would you mind holding this for a minute? B: No, not at all. A: Would you mind if I also give you this? B: No, I dont mind A: Thank you. Ill be back in a minute. Apologizing A: Sorry to keep you waiting. B: Thats OK. You dont need to apologize. Here are your things. A: Thank you B: No problem A: Um. Could you do me a favor? B: I guess so. What is it? A: Can I borrow your umbrella? Reminding politely B: Do you still have my dictionary? A: What do you mean? B: I lent you my dictionary. A: Oh, yes. Im glad you reminded me. B: Would you be able to return it? A: Of course. Here it is. A: Thank you. B: Thank you.


6. n caz de nu ndeplinii lucrul astzi, va trebui s iesii la serviciu i mine. , . 7. Nu-mi pot gsi ceasul. Poate l-ai lsat la serviciu ? . ? 8. Putei s finisai acest lucru mine? ?

Lesson Eight What Time Is It?

The Eighth Lesson

2. Choose the right preposition:

Exercises: 1. What time is it? Complete the table:

us in




Its two oclock este ora dou/c Quarter sfert/ Midnight miaznoapte/ Half jumtate/ After dup/ Noon miazzi/ Past trecut de/

3. Fill in the spaces below: I get up at (7:00) . I get dressed till (7:10) . I have breakfast at (7:15) . Then I go to work at (7:40) , and I start working at (8:00) . I have a tea-break at (10:15) . After that I work till the noon, when I have lunch at (12:20) . About two hours later, at (14:45) , I have some minutes for a coffee-break. Then I work till (17:00) , when I go home. It takes 25 minutes to get home. So, I arrive at (17:25) . I do some chores till (19:05) and then I watch my favorite TV program till (20:40) . I go to sleep at (22:20) . 4. Read the dialogue on roles and try to act it:



5. Learn the time expressions below and make up sentences:

6. Speak about your usual day. 7. Fill in the blanks:

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

us in

Exercises: 1. Insert much or many: 1. Please dont put pepper on the meat. 2. There are plates on the table. 3. I never eat bread with soup. 4. Why did you eat so ice-cream? 5. She wrote us letters from her vacation. 6. of the students dont like to look up words in the dictionary. 7. in this work was too difficult for me. 8. of their answers were excellent. 9. of their conversation was about the institute. 10. There are new pictures in this room. 11. There are teachers at our school and of them are women. 12. of these plays are quite new. 13. Thanks for the books you sent me yesterday. Dont mention it, it wasnt bother. 14. of her advice was useful. 15. He had pairs of socks. 2. Practice. Answer the following questions using how much or how many. 1. money do you spend in a month? 2. sisters do you have? 3. hours did you work last week? 4. chocolate do you eat in a week? 5. hours of English do you study in a week? 6. holidays do you have in a year? 7. free time do you have in a week? 8. people live in this city? 9. meat would you like? 10. carrots do you need in the recipe? 11. wine does he drink? 12. is that? 3. Fill in the blanks with much and many: 1. We have friends here. 2. She spends money on her holiday. 3. There are pupils in the schoolyard. 4. The farmer plants trees in the garden. 5. This book has pages in it. 6. We have very



Much, Many and a lot of Mult/ MANY is used with Countable Nouns: o many books, many trees, many tables o many people, many computers, o I have MANY friends o there are MANY people here




MUCH is used with Uncountable Nouns: o much water, much salt, much juice o I drink much juice o I like to use much money A LOT OF is used with both countable and uncountable nouns: o a lot of books o a lot of money o a lot of friends o a lot of milk o a lot of people o a lot of sugar


work to do today. 7. The relatives ask me questions about my new job. 8. We must pay attention to this problem. Few and Little Puin/, - FEW - is used with Countable Nouns: o few books, few trees, few tables o few people, few computers, o I have FEW friends o there are FEW people here - LITTLE - is used with Uncountable Nouns: o little water, little salt, little juice o I drink LITTLE juice o I like to use LITTLE salt Exercises: 1. Choose few or little. 1 - I have a friends. 2 - He has very patience with me. 3 - There's only a sugar left. 4 - I've done it a times. 5 - I saw a films during the weekend. 6 - I've got very spare time.

2. Use the words much, many, few, little with the nouns from the pictures below and make up different sentences.

7 - I've only read a of the book so far just the first couple of chapters. 8 - I'd only like a milk in my tea please.

9 - Only a tickets were sold for the concert. 10 - I'd like a more chicken, please.



us in





FOOD dishes vesel - a plate farfurie - a glass pahar - a cup can - a saucer farfurioar - a tea-pot ceainic - a fork furculi - a spoon lingur - a knife cuit - a bowl castron frying pan tigaie pot crati - pitcher ulcior utensils ustensile - corkscrew tirbuon can opener deschiztoare cutting board toctor grater rztoare tenderizer ciocan spatula spatul ladle polonic napkin erveel serving tray tav de servire

us in o-B

meat carne beef de vit mutton de miel pork de porc chicken de pui goose de gsc duck de ra tinned meat pateu de carne sausage salam bacon unc chops prjoale beefsteak muchi de vit fish pete - herring scrumbie srat sprats prote - smoked fish pete afumat tinned fish pateu de pete dairy lactate butter unt sour cream smntn cheese cacaval yogurt iaurt milk lapte spices condimente sugar zahr




first/second course felurile 1 i 2 soup sup porridge terci macaroni macaroane salad salat *mixed salad salat din legume mashed potatoes pireu din cartofi fried potatoes cartofi prjii


salt sare mustard mutar pepper piper eggs ou fried eggs ou prjite omelette omlet hard-boiled eggs ou fierte tari soft-boiled eggs ou fierte moi bread pine macaroni macaroane hot cereal terci din cereale semolina gri rice orez buckwheat hric pizza pizza - fruits fructe apple mr pear par plum prun orange portocal lemon lmie grapes struguri banana banan cherry viin, cirea , strawberry cpun peach piersic nut nuc pineapple ananas kiwi kiwi pomegranate rodie grapefruit grapefruit vegetables legume potato cartof

us in o-B

tomato roie carrot morcov cabbage varz cucumber castravete turnip sfecl peas mazre onion ceap garlic usturoi pepper ardei mushroom ciupearc melon zmos water-melon harbuz eggplant vnt pumpkin dovleac corn porumb radish ridiche parsley ptrunjel celery elin dill mrar drinks - buturi water ap tea ceai coffee cafea beer bere wine vin champagne ampanie fruit-juice suc de fructe stewed fruit compot dessert desert pudding chec cake prjitur pancakes cltite sweets dulciuri biscuits biscuii chocolate ciocolat





1 2 3 4

Make up dialogues using the expressions above: cooking activities activiti culinare to cook a gti to cut a tia to mix a amesteca to add a aduga to pour a turna to fry a prji to boil a fierbe to taste a gusta to prefer a prefera to roast a coace (friptura) () to bake a coace (pine) () to eat a mnca to drink a bea to dine a lua cina What do you like eat, cook bake, mix, taste, fry?

us in


- What is this? - This is - Do you like ? - Yes, I like. No, I dont like. - I want to eat. What will we cook? - We will cook - Can I help you? - Yes, please. - Do you want ? Try it. - Yes, please. - Pass me the bread, please. - Here you are. - Thank you.

Dining expressions expresii n timpul mesei to set the table a aeza masa to sit down at the table a sta la mas to be at table a fi la mas to clear the table a terge masa *to take away the dirty dishes a lua vesela murdar de pe mas Help yourself! Servete! ! Have some more! Mai ia! ! No more Att, destul ! Thank you! Mulumesc! ! Exercises: 1. Read the following: For breakfast I usually eat eggs, bread with butter, and yogurt. I always drink a cup of coffee for breakfast. For lunch I usually eat soup or a sandwich. For dinner I usually eat chicken, pasta, or beef. 2. What do you usually eat? Tell your menu for the entire day
How to ask for something politely. I would like . . . We would like . . . May I have . . . ? 70 May we have . . . ?






pastry copturi pie plcint ice-cream ngheat honey miere jam jem jello jeleu

kitchen appliances electrocasnice refrigerator frigider mixer mixer toaster toster coffee maker cafetier microwave cuptor cu microunde stove aragaz blender blender

3. Name the following dishes:

5. Read the following text about New York:



4. Read the dialogue and try to act it: Waiter: Hello, what would you like? Customer: I would like one cheese pizza, please. Waiter: Would you like something to drink? Customer: Yes, a Sprite, please. Waiter: Im sorry, we only have Coke. Customer: I will have a Coke then. Waiter: Here you are. Customer: Thank you. Customer: May I have the check, please? Waiter: Here you are. Customer: Thanks. Waiter: Thank you. Here is your change. Customer: Thanks. Bye. Waiter: Goodbye.

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It can be difficult to comprehend the New York lifestyle just by standing in Times Square, seeing the Statue of Liberty, and walking down 5th Avenue. Here at New York Food Tours, we believe that the best way to understand the history and culture of any place is by eating! Known to be a culinary center and melting pot, New York is comprised of numerous cultures that range from American to Vietnamese to Ukrainian. Since there are so many restaurants and food stands to choose from, New York Food Tours is here to show you where to go and what fun, interesting, and tasty things there are to eat around this marvelous city. 6. Read the following recipe and try to translate it. Guess what food it is. Where do people eat it? Ingredients: 2 tablespoons oil 3 boneless chicken breast halves, cut in thin strips 1 medium onion cut in wedges 2 cloves garlic 4 mild green or red chili peppers, seeded and sliced 1 sweet red bell pepper, seeded and cut in strips 1 green bell pepper, seeded/cut in strips 8 flour tortilla, warmed





Preparation: Heat the oil in a heavy skillet; cook the chicken strips over high heat, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes, or until cooked. Add the onion, garlic and peppers to the oil in the pan and saut over high heat for 2 minutes. Add the peppers and; cook over high heat for 4 minutes, or until the vegetables have begun to have a blackened look around the edges. Return the chicken to the pan and heat until sizzling hot. Serve right away, with warm tortillas, sour cream, cheese, sliced green onions, and chopped tomatoes. Serve with hot cooked rice and beans, if desired. Serves 4. 7. Could you bring the recipe of your favorite food? Share it with your colleagues. 8. Express your opinion about Fast food. What are the pros and cons of it? Try analyzing this question from different points of view. Pros You can find it everywhere 9. Learn the poem: Cons Its not very healthy food

10. What are your likes and dislikes? Like very much Carrots Tomatoes Fries Chicken Beef Hot-dog Cola Apple juice Tea Coffee Chocolates Potatoes Milk Bread Fish Steak Mushrooms Oranges Bananas Sausage Pears Rice Macaroni Jam Cheese Cabbage Pears Like Dont like Hate



An Apple a Day An apple a day Sends the doctor away Apple in the morning Doctor's warning Roast apple at night Starves the doctor outright. Eat an apple going to bed Knock the doctor on the head Three each day, seven days a week Ruddy apple, ruddy cheek


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Lesson Nine


Left (on the left)

Next to (beside) Facing (across from)

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Amys Apartment Building Amys apartment building is in the center of town. Amy is very happy there because the building is in a very convenient place. Across from the building, theres a bank, a post office, and a restaurant. Next to the building, theres a drug store and a laundromat. Around the corner from the building, there are two supermarkets. Theres a lot of noise near Amys apartment building. There are a lot of cars on the street, and there are a lot of people on the sidewalks all day and all night. However, Amy isnt very upset about the noise in her neighborhood. Her building is in the center of town. Its a very busy place, but its a convenient place to live.

Right (on the right)

1. Learn the following prepositions of place:





a. - Pardon me, sir. Could you tell me how to get to the bus terminal (post office, city hall, library etc.)? - Turn left (right) at the corner. - Thank you. - You are welcome. b. - Good afternoon. I'd like to ask you how to get to Brooklyn College? - Where are you starting from? - At Jackson Heights. - Roosevelt Avenue?


Straight (straight ahead)

Between (in-between)

Read the dialogues and learn the expressions:

2. Answer the following questions using prepositions of place:

3. Write questions about these places in the neighborhood map:

Read the dialogues and learn the expressions:

a. - I beg your pardon. Where's the nearest subway station (bus stop)? - It's right down the street. - Its three blocks from here. - Its at the second corner. - Its at the next corner.



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Read the dialogues and learn the expressions: a. - I'm afraid we're lost. - We'd better ask for directions. - Okay. I'll ask at the next gas station. Stopping in front of a gas station:
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- That's correct. - Take train number 7, get off at Times Square and transfer there to train number 2. Get off at the last stop. - Is Brooklyn College within walking distance from there? - Yes, it is. - Thank you. - You are welcome.

b. Alexander can't find his way to Edward's home. Edward gives him directions on the phone. - Hi, Alexander. Where are you? At the corner of Taylor Avenue and Duke Street? Wait there. I'll be there in five minutes. - It's not necessary. I drove the car from New Haven. Give me the directions. I'll find my way. - All right. Go north on Duke Street to Shore Drive. You can't miss the large supermarket there. Turn left there. Continue on Stevenson Avenue to Fourth Street. Make a right turn and go to the middle of the block. I'll wait for you in front of the house. - I got it. See you soon, Edward.

b. - What's the best way of getting to your place? - Take the subway. Get off at Lincoln Center, turn right and walk two blocks. 4. Answer the following questions:




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6. Fill in the blanks:


- How do we get to York Village? - You're going West, but you should be going East. - Should we make a U-turn? - Yes. Make a U-turn and go straight. Then turn to the right at the traffic lights. That's interstate 95. Take interstate 95 for about 15 miles and then get off at Roundview. You can't miss your destination. - Thank you very much.

Prepositions of place
up down from on into to inside outside under over across along next to in front of behind

5. Write the prepositions corresponding to each picture:


7. Follow ball and say where it goes:

ess o-B
8. Practice. Complete the following sentences with one of the following prepositions (next to, between, on, in, in front of). 1. The television is the television stand. 2. The lamp is the living room. 3. The cooker is the sink and the refrigerator. 4. The toilet is the bathtub. 5. The coffee table is the larger sofa. 9. Look at the map below and explain to your desk-mate, using prepositions of place, which directions to take to go from the Post Office to City Park, from the Cemetery to the City High School, from the Bus Station to the City Middle School, from the Community Center to the City Library:


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Imperative Mood (orders and requests) Look! Do not look! Give me, please! Go! Dont go! Tell me, please! Stop! Dont stop! Take it, please! Speak! Dont speak Open, please! Come! Do not come! Come, please! Work! Dont work! Call me, please!

Memorize the Expressions! Lets go! Lets not go! Lets work! Lets not work! Lets speak! Lets not speak!

Why dont we go? Why dont we work? Why dont we speak? 10. Complete the dialogues. Use lets or why dont we: 1. A: The weathers beautiful today. B: Good idea. 2. A: Im bored. B: Me too. A: Great idea!
82 81



3. A: Are you hungry? B: Yes. Are you? A: Yes. .. B: OK. 4. A: What are you going to do over the weekend? B: I dont know. What you going to do? A: I havent made any plans. B: A: That sounds like a terrific idea, but I cant afford it. B: Actually, I cant either. 5. A: I need to go shopping. B: So do I. A: B: I cant go then. A: OK. Thats fine with me. 6. A: Do you have any plans for this weekend? B: Not really. A: I dont either. . B: OK. Good idea. 7. A: What time should we leave for the airport? B: A: OK. 8. A: What should we do tonight? B: A: Sounds OK to me. 9. A: . B: Lets not. A: OK.

ess us in

c. Open the window! Please, open the window! / Open the window, please! 1. Come back early! 2. Mail the letter today! 3. Pass me the bread! 4. Call me tomorrow! 5. Turn on the light! 6. Sit on this chair! 7. Look at this now! 8. Push the cupboard back! 9. Help him with this task! 10. Bring that tool to me!



11. Work on the model: a. to speak/English/French - Speak English! Dont speak French! 1. to give him/a pen/a rubber; 2. to go/to the window/to the door; 3. to read/the lesson/the letter; 4. to eat/an apple/a cake; 5. to buy/this book/that bag; 6. to take/a taxi/a bus; 7. to go/to work/to go to the cinema; 8. to open/the book/the notebook; 9. to turn off/the radio/the TV; 10. to tell us/a joke /a story.

Personal Pronoun (who? whom? cine? pe cine? cui? ? ?) I (me) eu, pe mine, (mie)/, , you tu, pe tine, ie/, , he (him) el, pe el, (lui)/, , she (her) ea, pe ea, (ei)/, , we (us) noi, pe noi, (nou)/, , you voi, pe voi, vou/, , they (them) ei, pe ei, (lor)/, , they (them) ele, pe ele, (lor)/, , ex. I speak. I tell them. You call me.



b. Go to the door! (to the window): Lets go to the door! Lets not go to the window! 1. Speak to him! (to her) 2. Write our address (their address) 3. Listen to her! (to him) 4. Visit the museum! (the cathedral) 5. Buy bread! (milk) 6. Read the poem! (the story) 7. Help mother! (Mary) 8. Play football! (chess) 9. Sing an English song! (a French story) 10. Eat cakes! (bread).

Possessive Pronoun (whose? al cui? ? ?) my (mine) al meu/ your (yours) al tu/ his (his) al lui/ her (hers) al ei/ our (ours) al nostru/ your (yours) al vostru/ their (theirs) al lor/ their (theirs) al lor/ ex. This is my bag. This bag is mine.


14. Replace the nouns with pronouns: Lucia loves Andrei. She loves

15. Complete the spaces:

16. Fill in the gaps with: me, him, her, us, and them. 1. Can you help , Daddy? (we) 2. Tell about your plans. (I) 3. Ask to bring some paper. (John) 4. Give the invitations. (they) 5. Ask to cook a cake. (Your sister) 6. Call Tom and ask to bring his music. (He) 7. Could you show your album? (I) 8. Can
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1. Petru sees Maria. 2. The girl has a flower. 3. The mouse is afraid of the cat. 4. George studies English. 5. Father is with his son. 6. Alina and Marina are outside the shop. 7. The teacher is in front of the class. 8. Laura wants to sing with Iulia. 9. The toy is for the children. 10. The girl buys books. 11. Mother kisses the daughter.


13. Use possessive pronouns as in the model: This is my book. It is mine. 1. Thats her house. 2. This is my coat. 3. These are your keys. 4. This is his sweater. 5. This is our flat. 6. This is your room. 7. Those are my postcards. 8. This is our door. 9. Those are their rooms. 10. This is our dog. 11. That is her watch. 12. This is his album. 13. That is our horse. 14. These are my shoes.



Exercises: 12. Fill in the spaces with the right pronoun: 1. Alex is ... friend. a. my b. mine 2. ... dog is black. a. we b. our 3. This car is ... . a. their b. theirs 4. What is ... name? a. your b. yours

he tell the time. (Anna) 9. Do you have time to help with English? (My friends) 10. I want to work with if possible. (She) 17. Fill in the blanks with the right pronoun: Greta is a famous actress. lives in Hollywood. movies are very popular. When walks down the street, people always say hello to and tell how much they like movies. Dan is always busy. works in laboratory every day. Dans friends rarely see . When they see , usually talks about experiments. Everybody likes very much. is a very nice person. Bob and Carol are television news reporters. friends dont see very often because travel around the world all the time. Presidents and prime ministers often call on the telephone. like work very much.

Lesson Ten

The Tenth Lesson

tall nalt / long lung / short scurt / oval oval / round rotund / thin slab / fat gras / nice drgu / nasty obscen / wide lat / arrow ngust / belt curea / nylon nylon / new nou / old vechi / clean curat / dirty murdar / well pressed bine clcat / wrinkled boite /


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3. Describe your friends and answer the questions below:

Exercises: 1. Describe yourself and your colleagues. Use the expressions: General appearance Hair

How old is he? Hes about 25. Hes in his twenties. 87

How tall is she? Shes fairly short. Shes 152 cm.


What does he look like? Hes pretty tall, with red hair. Does he wear glasses? Yes, he does. Does he have a mustache? No, he doesnt.

What color is her hair? Light brown. She has dark brown hair. How long is her hair? Its of medium length.



DESCRIBE YOURSELF! My sister Angela is a kind girl. She is rather tall (short, of medium height). She has fine long (short) brown (dark, light) hair. Her face is oval (round) with a fine color. Her nose is long (short) and her eyes are brown (blue, grey, green). Angela is very thin (fat). Usually she puts on nice (ugly) clothes. She has on a black skirt and a white blouse (dress, suit). She has a wide (narrow) red belt. She has a pair of high black boots on. She always wears nylon stockings. She likes to wear her new (old) hat. Her clothes are always clean (dirty) and well pressed (wrinkled). Angela can speak Romanian, Russian and English very well. She is smart and fun. She loves to play cards with her friends. She is fond of music too. Her favorite colors are black and white and her favorite season is summer because she likes being warm.

2. Read on roles: a) Dialogue 1

b) Dialogue 2



4. Read about the following people and their life, nationality, appearance, hobbies, and careers:
John: John is always early to events. He is a businessman from America. He lives in New York. John feels that if he wants to be good at his job he must work a lot. John is tall and thin. He always wears a suit and tie to work. He has blue eyes and brown hair. John is very impatient. He likes things done right away. John doesnt have many hobbies. Usually he is too tired to do anything fun after work. Ann: Ann is a student at the University; she is going to be a doctor. Her father and mother are both doctors. Ann is from England but she is studying in America. She has a lot of friends because she is very out going. She always wants to do something fun when she is not studying. She is very pretty with long blond hair and brown eyes. Her friends love to hear her speak because she has a strong British accent. Ann has many hobbies but it is cooking that she loves the most. Many times Ann has had her friends visit her at her apartment so they can eat the food she cooks. David: David, like Ann, is also a student He has a lot in common with John. He spends most of his free time studying law. David wants to be a lawyer when he graduates from college. Davids parents do not have a lot of money. His father works in the market and his mother doesnt work. David is from China and he wants to move someday to Europe. David is very smart and can speak 4 languages. David is short with black hair and black eyes. He is a little heavy. Davids family is very proud of him because he is studying very hard. Sue: Sue works as a cashier at a grocery store. She is a grandmother with a large family. She has 5 grandkids, Sue lives in France. When Sue was younger she worked at a telephone factory. She has been married for 40 years. She and her husband live in a small house in the village. Sue is short with grey hair and bright blue eyes. She has a few hobbies she likes to do after work or on the weekends. She likes to sew a lot. She makes scarves for all her grandkids for when the weather gets cold. She is a very happy lady.

The Adjective


Good Bad Happy Sad Right Wrong Alive Dead Excited Bored Content Angry Big Small Tall Short Fat Thin Pretty Ugly Rich Poor Strong Weak Loud Quiet Dark Light Wet Dry Clean Dirty Hard Soft Serious Funny Polite Rude bun ru fericit trist corect greit viu - decedat emoionat plictisit mulumit nemulumit mare mic nalt scund gras subire drgu urt bogat srac puternic slab tare ncet ntuneric luminos ud uscat curat murdar tare moale serios amuzant amabil grosolan

5. Describe your friend and yourself. Follow the example:

I have a friend named Bob. He is very tall and he has dark hair. He also has blue eyes and big ears. He is an American but he lives in Moscow. He is an engineer. Bob is a very funny person. He is happy and honest. Bob is a very hard worker too. Bob has hobbies. He loves to play basketball because he is tall. Bob is 34 years old and he is married and has 2 kids.



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Moral traits: honest, friendly, reliable, initiative, kind, motivated, generous, open-minded, sociable. Degrees of Comparison
Positive long dirty hot beautiful important bad good many much little Comparative Longer dirtier hotter more beautiful more important worse better more more less 91

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Superlative the longest the dirtiest the hottest the most beautiful the most important the worst the best the most the most the least



Exercises: 1. Write the opposites to the underlined words: 1. There are some new businesses in town. 2. The post office is behind the bank. 3. Our canteen is very large. 4. English is a difficult subject. 5. Your camera is old. When did you buy it? 6. Nick usually comes to work early. 2. Match each word in column A with its opposite in column B. Add two more pairs of adjectives to the list:

3. Form sentences using the positive or the comparative degree: Model: A peach is sweeter than a plum. A plum is not so sweet as a peach.


Some adjectives have two forms different from each other: Positive Comparative Superlative older (than) the oldest He is three years older than me old Elder the eldest My elder sister later (time) the latest I will come later late latter (the last of two) Of Jack and Bill the latter is the last younger


5. Learn the poem: A Wise Old Owl

A wise old owl Sat in an oak The more he heard, The less he spoke; The less he spoke, The more he heard; Why arent we all Like that wise old bird?




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4. Complete the spaces:


a) 1. a plum and a peach (sweet) 2. a plum and an apple (good) 3. a pomegranate and a pear (sour) 4. an olive and a pickle cucumber (salty) 5. a watermelon and a melon (juicy) 6. a nut and an orange (soft) b) 1. nights in summer and nights in winter (long) 2. days in summer and days in winter (short) 3. trees in summer and trees in winter (beautiful) 4. winds in summer and winds in winter (severe) 5. autumn and summer (rich in fruit) c) 1. a pencil and a pen (breakable) 2. fresh bread and stale bread (eatable) 3. a sea and a river (quiet) 4. flowers in the morning and in the afternoon (fresh) 5. a knife and a tongue (sharp) 6. a friend and a relative (dear) 7. an illness and loneliness (bad)

6. Find the differences:



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8. Work on the model: English food is good. (Moldovan) I agree that English food is good, but Moldovan food is better than English food. 1. Maria is intelligent. (Lucia) 2. Nick is lucky (Pavel) 3. Bli is big. (Chiinu) 4. Gheorghe is young. (Ion) 5. Her driving is bad. (yours) 6. Our car is slow. (theirs) 7. Anas house is small. (Stelas) 8. Books are expensive. (watches) 9. The bag is heavy. (the suitcase) 10. The car is fast (the train) 9. Fill in the gaps using the adjectives in the right degree of comparison: 1. The distance from Sydney to Madrid is (long) than the distance from New York to London. 2. Davids kitchen is very dirty. Mine is much (clean). 3. That film was terrible. In fact, it is (bad) film Ive ever seen. 4. Generally speaking, the coffee in Spain and Italy is (cheap) than the coffee you get in Britain. 5. Riding a motorbike is (dangerous) than driving a car. 6. Clares apartment is just as (luxurious) as Michaels. 7. One night at The Ritz is (expensive) than a week in The Holiday Inn. 8. Rolls Royce makes some of (good) cars in the world. 9. The aquarium in Valencia is (big) in Europe. 10. Circle the correct answer: 1. Diana is much taller Charles. A as B like C than 2. This one is better that one. A as B like C than 3. This hamburger is bad, but that one is . A badder B worse C worst 4. Moscow is a long way away but Ulan Batur is even .



7. Work on the model: Is it difficult? (to play?) Yes, its difficult to play. 1. Is it dangerous? (to eat) 2. Is it pleasant? (to hear) 3. Is it safe? (to handle) 4. Is it funny? (to tell jokes) 5. Is it simple? (to understand) 6. Is it hard? (to understand) 7. Is it interesting? (to read) 8. Is it easy? (to pronounce this word) 9. Is it heavy? (to lift) 10. Is it difficult? (to wok)

A further B more far C farther 5. Shes beautiful, I agree, but her mother is . A beautifuller B most beautiful C more beautiful 6. Texas is big but Alaska is . A more big B biger C bigger 7. American Beauty was the _______ film that year. A good B best C badder 8. Of all the sofas I've seen so far, this one is _______. A nicer B the nicest C most nice 9. I'm not short. I'm just _______ tall as Hans. A as B like C than 10. Samantha is just as rich _______ David. A so B like C as

12. Choose a person to speak about and let the class guess who it is.

11. Complete questions 1 to 4 with comparatives. Complete questions 5 to 8 with superlatives. Then ask and answer the questions:

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Choose a person in your class to speak about but dont tell who it is. Let your colleagues ask you as many questions as they need to guess. 13. Check the adjectives for the ideal boss:
Hard working Brave Clever Serious Honest Funny Sociable Kind Punctual Attentive Talented Open Minded Decisive Motivated


14. Check the following statements and translate them. Come up with your own ideas: A Good Teacher Director
ascult prerile i recunoate greelile folosete diferite materiale i metode didactice menine disciplina i ordinea n clas se intereseaz de viaa studenilor este sever

ntrzie lucreaz n rnd cu angajaii nu strig i schimb repede dispoziia vorbete numai o limb i ajut angajaii vorbete des la telefon




Lesson Eleven World Knowledge Quiz

1. Which metal is the heaviest? 2. Which planet is the coldest? 3. Which planet is the biggest? 4. Which animal lives the longest? 5. Which animal is the tallest? 6. Which of these is the heaviest? 7. Which drink has the most calories? 8. Which country is the driest? 9. Which country is closest to the equator? 10. Which shape has the most sides? 11. Which measurement is the longest? 12. Which era is the oldest? Gold Neptune Jupiter a whale an elephant the brain silver Saturn The Earth an elephant a giraffe the heart aluminum Pluto Mars a tortoise a camel the liver 1 liter soda Chile India a hexagon a mile


1 liter of wine 1 liter of beer Egypt Malaysia a pentagon a kilometer The Renaissance Peru Colombia an octagon a meter The Dark Ages

The Middle Ages


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1. Read the texts below and learn what each profession means: An electrician is a tradesman specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, stationary machines and related equipment. Electricians may be employed in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenance and repair of existing electrical infrastructure. Electricians may also specialize in wiring ships, airplanes and other mobile platforms.





A plumber is a tradesperson who specializes in installing and maintaining systems used for potable (drinking) water, sewage, drainage. Years of training and/or experience are needed to become a skilled plumber. Plumbing codes are strict, and need for quality plumbing work is high because of the health and safety problems associated with poor water supply and sewage removal. Plumbers install and repair pipes, fittings, fixtures, and other plumbing equipment used for water distribution, waste water disposal, and venting in residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings. A police officer is a warranted employee of a police force. Police officers are generally charged with the apprehension of criminals, the maintenance of public order, and the prevention and detection of crime. Police officers swear an oath, and are granted the power to arrest and imprison suspects, along with other practices.


A truck driver is a person who earns a living as the driver of a truck. Truck drivers provide an essential service to industrialized societies by transporting finished goods and raw materials over land, typically to and from manufacturing plants, retail and distribution centers. Truck drivers are also responsible for inspecting their vehicles for mechanical items or issues relating to safe operation.

Accountants are dedicated to ensuring that the businesses and organizations they work for run efficiently. Accountants also keep accurate public records, making sure taxes are paid properly. A doctor practices the profession of medicine, which is concerned with maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease or injury. This properly requires both a detailed knowledge of the academic disciplines (such as anatomy and physiology) underlying diseases and their treatment the science of medicine and also a decent competence in its applied practice the art or craft of medicine. The ethics of medicine require that doctors show consideration, compassion and benevolence for their patients.

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A baker is a person who primarily bakes and sells bread. The place where a baker works is called a bakery. Construction workers are employed in the construction industry and work predominantly on construction sites and are typically engaged in aspects of the industry other than design or finance. A mechanic is a craftsman (or woman) who uses tools to repair machinery.





A nurse is a healthcare professional who, in collaboration with other members of a health care team, is responsible for: treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill individuals.


A cook is a person that prepares food for consumption. The profession requires profound knowledge concerning nutrition. A chef is a person who cooks professionally. In a professional kitchen setting, the term is used only for the one person in charge of everyone else in the kitchen the "executive chef."


Exercises: 1. Match the information in column A, B, C:

4. Choose the right column for each occupation:

2. Do you know that ?

1. mechanic mechanic / 2. teacher nvtor / 3. doctor medic / 4. dancer dansator / 5. cook buctar / 6. driver ofer / 7. singer cntre / 8. accountant contabil / 9. leader lider / 10. electrician electrician / 11. plumber instalator de ap i canal / 12. construction worker muncitor n construcii / 13. social worker asistent social / 14. gardener grdinar / 15. farmer fermier /

a. to deal with gardening a avea grij de grdin / b. to repair a repara / c. to count a socoti / d. to teach a nva, a preda / , e. to maintain a farm a ntreine o ferm / f. to drive a conduce maina / g. to mount plumbing a monta instalaii sanitare / h. to treat a trata, a vindeca / i. to dance a dansa / j. to provide social assistance to people a acorda ajutor social oamenilor / k. to install light wires a instala fire de lumin / l. to lead a conduce / m. to cook a gti / n. to construct a construi / o. to sing a cnta /

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3. Match the numbers with the letters:





The Article Definite: the Indefinite: a before a word beginning with a consonant an before a word beginning with a vowel THE is used: 1. when the noun was already mentioned or it is very well known: Yesterday I saw a film. The film was very interesting. Open the door, please! (the door of the room we are staying in) 2. before nouns considered unique: the earth, the sky, the sun 3. before adjectives in the superlative degree, numerals: the best, the longest; the first, the eleventh. 4. in expressions: by the way, in the morning. A/AN 1. when the noun is mentioned for the first time: There is an old book on the table. 2. before names of professions: I am a doctor. You are a teacher. 3. before names of nationalities: He is a Romanian. She is an American. 4. with the meaning of the numeral one: There is a book on the table. 5. in exclamatory sentences: What a surprise! This is such a big city! ZERO ARTICLE 1. before abstract nouns used in general (life, death, freedom, love, hate): Most people fear death.



2. What are these? Choose your answer from the list and write a sentence: animal, bird, flower, season, planet, river, tool, game, fruit, vegetable, month

3. Make up sentences: Model: (she/teacher) She is a teacher. 1. (I/student) 2. (he/doctor) 3. (you/fireman) 4. (Maria/nurse) 5. (Arcadie/policeman) 6. (she/secretary) 7. (Madonna/singer) 8. (he/politician) 9. (I/engineer) 10. (you/bank teller) 11. (she/businesswoman) 12. (he/taxi driver) 13. (I/waiter) 14. (she/factory worker) 15. (he/hairdresser)



1. a hen? It is ________ 2. a rabbit? It is _______ 3. tennis? It is _______ 4. a rose? It is _______ 5. a tomato? It is ______

6. Mars? It is ________ 7. an apple? It is ________ 8. Prut? It is _________ 9. winter? It is _________ 10. May? It is _________

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1. Write a or an. 1. a book 2. an old book 3. ___ window 4. ___ horse 5. ___ airport

6. ___ university 7. ___ organization 8. ___ restaurant 9. ___ accident 10. ___ bad accident

11. ___ question 12. ___ hour 13. ___ evening 14. ___ baby 15. ___ arm



5. Put in a/an or the: 1. What is the name of this village? 2. Chiinu is a large city. 3. What is ___ largest city in Russia? 4. Can you open ___ window? 5. What time is it? I dont know. I dont have ___ watch. 6. Dont sit on ___ floor. 7. You look very tired. You need ___ holiday. 8. Can you turn on ___ radio, please? 9. We live in ___ old house. 10. ___ bus station is in ___ center of the town. 6. In each box below one noun does not go with the verb. Which one?


2. before names of languages: Mike speaks English. 3. before meals: to have breakfast, to have lunch 4. before days of the week, months, seasons, holidays: Monday is the first day of the week in Moldova. February is the shortest month of the year. Children like Christmas. 5. before transports: by train, by car, by bus, on foot 6. before church, school, prison, hospital, bed when they are used with their primary meaning: to go to church (school, prison, hospital, bed) 7. in expressions: face to face, from top to bottom, to stay at home, to make friends, in place of, in front of, from time to time.


4. Complete the sentences with the, a/an or nothing: 1. I have two children, ... boy and ... girl. ... boy is twenty-two and ... girl is nineteen. 2. Andrei is ... soldier in ... Army, and Vasile is at ... university. 3. My wife goes to ... work by ... train. Shes ... accountant. I dont have ... job. I stay at ... home and look after ... children. 4. What ... lovely day! Why dont we go for ... picnic in ... park? 5. What did you have for lunch? Just ... sandwich.

Lesson Twelve KNOW YOUR BODY

The Twelfth Lesson

Body Parts
A. The body corpul / 1. face faa / 2. mouth gur / 3. chin brbie / 4. neck gt / 5. shoulder umr / 6. arm mn / 7. upper arm bra / 8. elbow cot / 9. forearm antebra / 10. armpit subsioar / 11. back spate / 12. chest coul pieptului / 13. waist talie / 14. abdomen abdomen / belly burt / 15. buttocks fese / 16. hip old / 17. leg picior / 18. thigh femur / 19. knee genunchi / 20. calf gamba / E. The foot piciorul / 49. ankle glezna / 50. heel clci / 51. instep talp / 52. ball minge / 53. big toe degetul mare / 54. toe deget / 55. little toe degetul mic / F. The Internal Organs organele interne / 57. brain reier / 58. spinal cord mduva spinrii / 59. throat faringe / 60. wind pipe trahee/ 61. esophagus esofag / 62. muscle muchi / 63. lung plmn / 64. heart inim / 65. liver ficat / 66. stomach stomac / 67. intestines intestine / 68. vein ven / 69. artery arter / 70. kidney rinichi / 71. pancreas pancreas / 72. bladder vezica urinar / Verbs, actions - aciuni

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B. The hand mna / 21. wrist ncheietura minii / 22. knuckle articulaie (deget) / 23. fingernail unghie / 24. thumb degetul mare / 25. (index) finger arttorul / 26. middle finger mijlociul / 27. ring finger inelarul / 28. little finger degetul mic /


29. palm palm /

Exercises: 1. Read and learn the poem: Hands on Shoulders Hands on shoulders. Hands on knees. Hands behind you, if you please; Touch your shoulders, now your nose, Now your hair and now your toes; Hands up high in the air, Down at your sides, and touch your hair; Hands up high as before, Now clap your hands, one-two-three-four!



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to gain weight a se ngra / , C. The head capul / to lose weight a slbi / 30. hair pr / 31. part crare / to look a privi / 32. forehead frunte / to see a vedea / 33. sideburn perciune / to hear a auzi / 34. ear ureche / to smell a mirosi / 35. cheek obraz / to taste a gusta / 36. nose nas / to speak a vorbi / 37. nostril nar / to breathe a respira / 38. jaw maxilar / 39. beard barb / to move a (se) mica / 40. mustache mustea / () 41. tongue limb / to step a pi / 42. tooth, teeth dinte/dini / () to walk a merge / 43. lip buz / to grow a crete / nape ceaf / to bend a (se) ndoi / () D. The eye ochiul / to raise a ridica (mna, 44. eyebrow sprncean / piciorul) / 45. eyelid pleoap / to nod a da din cap afirmativ 46. eyelashes gene / / 47. iris iris / () to shake the head a da din 48. pupil pupil / cap negativ / ()

2. Do the following actions:




The Adverb 1. of place (where?) here, there, that way, anywhere, everywhere, at home 2. of manner (how?) easily, carefully, well, badly, accurately, quickly 3. of time (when? how often?) now, then, once, today, yesterday, tomorrow

Time Expressions!
for about six months timp de aproximativ ase luni / for ages de o venicie / for a long time de mult timp / for as long as I can remember de cnd m in minte / , for 11 months de 11 luni / 11 for less than a year de mai puin de un an / for the last 2 weeks n decursul ultimilor dou luni / since I got married de cnd m-am cstorit / since my childhood din copilrie / since that time din acel moment (din acea clip) / since then de atunci /


less than a year ago de mai puin de un an n urm / over a year ago mai mult de un an n urm / this time last year aceast perioad a anului trecut (anul trecut pe vremea asta) / the year before last mai an /


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The verbs look, feel, taste, smell, sound are always used with adjectives: is are is He feels tired They look American It smells good looks sound tastes

Exercises: 1. Put the verbs in the correct place. Practice with a partner:

2. Complete the sentences with one of these adverbs: quietly, loudly, dangerously, fast, angrily, heavily 1. Its raining heavily. 2. He sings very . 3. The thieves come into the house . 4. She shouts at me . 5. He drives . 6. She can run very .


The adverbs make the comparison degrees like the adjectives. Positive Comparative Superlative fast faster the fastest early earlier the earliest quickly more quickly the most quickly friendly more friendly the most friendly carefully more carefully the most carefully badly worse the worst well better the best


5. Make up sentences with the following adverbs: fast, bad, early, quick, carefully, slowly, attentively, well, friendly.




6. Use adverbs of frequency and answer the questions: 1. How often do you go shopping? 2. How often do you read books? 3. How often do you watch TV? 4. How often do you listen to the music? 5. How often do you get a cold? 6. How often do you feel bad? 7. How often do you go for a walk? 8. How often do you practice your hobby? 9. How often do you have aches? 10. How often do you sing or dance?

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4. Underline the right word: 1. I open the door slow/slowly. 2. Why are you angry/angrily? 3. Boris is a careful/carefully driver. 4. He drives careful/carefully. 5. Can you please repeat that slowly/slow? 6. I dont remember the rule very good/well. 7. My father is very good/well at chess. 8. She is not very good/well at the moment. 9. Those oranges look nice/nicely. 10. Please be quiet/quietly. Im reading.


3. Match the verbs with the adverbs: answer explain know listen think win work write read

Lesson Thirteen carefully clearly quickly easily well hard correctly aloud accurately HEALTH

The Thirteenth Lesson

AT THE DOCTORS OFFICE Secretary: Good morning. Can I help you? Patient: Good morning. My name is Ben. I have an 11 o'clock appointment. S: Please, take a seat. The doctor will see you soon. P: Thank you. Doctor: Hello, Mr. White. Come in, please. Sorry to have kept you waiting. P: That's all right. Did you get all the test results? D: Yes, I got them last night. As to the tests, everything is okay. Your cardiogram is normal too. P: But what about the X-ray? Is anything wrong? D: The X-ray shows emphysema. That's evidently the result of your heavy smoking. Your breath shortness and your cough are probably caused by the emphysema. P: Is that serious? D: It could become extremely serious. If you are worried about your health cut out your smoking. P: Certainly, Ill try to stop smoking. What else could you advise me to do for improving my health? D: You should do daily exercises. Eat small meals four or five times a day. P: Do I have to go to the hospital? D: No. Ill give you a prescription. Take the pills three times a day. I want you to see me again in three weeks. Stay well. P: Thank you, doctor.



2. Read the dialogue:

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Exercises: 1. Practice the following dialogues and take role play: Doctor: Whats troubling you? Patient: Ive caught a cold. I have a sore throat and a bad cough. D: Put this thermometer under your tongue. I want to see if you have a fever. Let me see ... Yes, you have a temperature. When did you first feel ill? P: A couple of days ago. D: Let me examine you .Take a deep breath. Now I want to test your blood pressure (testing blood pressure).Your blood pressure is slightly above normal, but nothing to worry about. Any other trouble?



3. Practice giving advice:



P: Doctor, I haven't been sleeping well. D: I'll give you some sleeping pills. Take the tablets as prescribed, take only one at bedtime. You must stay in bed for several days until your temperature has gone down. Heres a prescription for your flu. Come in again to see me in ten days. P: Okay. Thank you, doctor.

8. Study the box with modals, complete the conversations with the verbs can, could, may, have, suggest, try, or should, then compare and practice with a colleague.

5. Say what problems these advices are good for:

6. Practice the following dialogue:


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9. Read the following dialogues and try to act them: AT THE DRUG STORE a. A: Could you fill this prescription? B: Just a minute. I've to check if we have this in stock. Sorry. Today you can get only 37 capsules. Is that okay with you? A: All right. When will you have the rest? B: We owe you 23 capsules. Can you drop in the day after tomorrow?




4. Read the dialogue. Richard is going to the Doctor because he fell off his bike. Doctor: Richard, how do you feel? Richard: I feel bad. I fell off my bike yesterday. Doctor: Tell me what hurts. Richard: My head hurts a little because I wasnt wearing a helmet. I have a cut on my face below my lip. I hurt my arm and hands really bad. My back feels OK. I should have been more careful. My legs are cut a little bit but they will be OK. My feet did not get hurt at all. I think I just need to rest because it hurts to walk.


7. Use the words in the list to complete these expressions. bottle box can package tube 1. a of ointment 2. a of aspirin 3. a of bandages 4. a of foot spray 5. a of tissues

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c. A: Good evening. What can I do for you? B: I've a long list of things I need. Most items I can find on your shelves without any help. Please tell me only where I should look for vitamins and adhesive tapes. A: Aisle3 for vitamins, Aisle2 for adhesive tapes. Anything else? B: Aspirin, deodorant, shaving cream, shampoo for my wife. A: You'll find aspirin in aisle 1. Aspirin comes in bottles of fifty, one hundred, and two hundred tablets. In Aisle4, you can find deodorants, shampoos, and shaving creams. As to the shampoo, we have a special on a new brand. B: Is it for oily hair? A: Yes, it is. B: That's the right thing for my wife. Thank you. Now I can find the items I need without any difficulties.




Memorize the words! headache durere de cap / dizziness ameeal / ulcer ulcer / liver disease boal de ficat / kidney disease boal de rinichi / stomach disease boal de stomac / insomnia insomnie / pneumonia pneumonie / heart attack atac de cord / heart disease boal de inim / stroke atac / malignant tumor tumoare malign / cancer cancer / benign tumor tumoare benign /

b. A: Can I help you? B: Could you give me something for a toothache? A: I would recommend you Tylenol. Its for temporary relief of minor pain. B: Don't you have a painkiller? A: Weve a lot, but without a doctor's prescription you can't have it. B: Okay. What's to be done? Please give me Tylenol, extrastrength 50 capsules. I've to see my dentist anyway.



A: Of course. Ill come the day after tomorrow if I can get the other capsules. B: That's for sure. A: Should I pay now or later? B: Now will be fine. Have a seat, please. Your medication will be ready in five minutes. I'll give you a receipt. I'll indicate there that we owe you 23 capsules.

Present Continuous It is used to say that the action is taking place at the moment (the moment of speech) or that there are several parallel actions. (V+ing)
Present Continuous: Verb to DO a face/ Nr. Pr. + 1 I am I am not Sg./ 2 you are you are not . . 3 he, she, it is he, she, it is not 1 we are we are not Pl./ 2 you are you are not . . 3 they are they are not doing

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Time indicators: now, while, when, at the present moment, Look! Listen!




? Am I? Are you? Is he, she, it? Are we? Are you? Are they?



hypertension tensiune ridicat / hypotension tensiune sczut / bleeding sngerare / pus puroi / inflammation inflamaie / cold rceal / runny nose secreii nazale / hoarse voice rgueal / sore throat durere de gt / constipation constipaie / diarrhea diaree / upset stomach stomac deranjat / heatburn arsur / cramp colic / to gain weight a lua n greutate / to lose weight a pierde din greutate /

2. Put the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous: 1. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 2. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 3. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 4. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 5. Look! The baby (to sleep). 6. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 7. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension. 8. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden. 9. I usually (to get up) at seven oclock in the morning. 10. What your sister (to do) now? She (to wash) her face and hands. 11. When you usually (to come) home from school? I (to come) at three oclock. 3. Open the brackets.Use Present Simple or Present Continuous: 1. I (to write) a letter now. 2. I (not to drink) milk now. 3. I (to go for a walk) after diner. 4. I (not to go) to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He (not to read) now. 6. He (to play) now. 7. He (to run) fast. 8. My mother (to work) at the factory. 9. My aunt (not to work) at a shop. 10. You (to work) in Moscow. 11. My friend (to live) in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin (not to live) in Moscow. 13. The children (not to sleep) now. 14. The children (to play) in the yard everyday. 15. They (not to go) to the stadium on Monday. 16. She (to read) in the evening. 17. She (not to read) in the morning. 18. She (not to read) now. 19. You father (to work) at the factory. 20. You (to play) chess now. 21. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer. 22. How is your brother? He is not well yet, but his health (to improve) day after day. 23. Listen! Who (to play) the piano in the next room?


Exercises: 1. Put the verbs in the Present Continuous using the adverb now: 1. The boys (to run) about in the garden. 2. I (to do) my homework. 3. John and his friends (to go) to the library. 4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography. 5. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 6. The old man (to walk) about the room. 7. The dog (to lie) on the floor. 8. You (to have) a break? 9. What language you (to study)? 10. Who (to lie) on the sofa? 11. What they (to talk) about? 12. It still (to rain).


4. Read the following dialogues and practice present continuous:

6. Complete these conversations using the Present simple or the Present continuous. Work in pairs. Practice the dialogues.

5. Read the following dialog. Suggest an ending to it, saying what musical they are going to see.




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Lesson Fourteen

The Fourteenth Lesson HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY?

1. Say how these people feel.


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Ask your colleagues and friends how they feel and what they do or how they act when feeling so.


Nr. Sg./. Pl./.

Future Simple It expresses an action that will take place in the future. I, you, he, she, it, work tomorrow. will we, you, they
Future Simple:

Time indicators: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, one of these days, next week (month, year), in the near future, soon, as soon as possible, some day, in an hour. Short form: will not wont

Verb to BE a fi/ Pers. + ? 1 I I I 2 you you you will 3 he, she, it will he, she, it he, she, it not Will Be? be 1 we we we be 2 you you you 3 they they they


Learn the pattern to be going to: Exercises: 1. Open the brackets and give the correct form of the verb: 1. I (play) chess tomorrow. 2. I (not to play) chess tomorrow. 3. You (play) chess tomorrow? 4. You (to come) to my place next Sunday? 5. You (to read) this book next week? 6. I (not to see) him tomorrow. 7. What you (to do) tomorrow? 8. Where you (to go) next summer? 9. You (to help) your mother tomorrow? 10. They (to go shopping) the day after tomorrow. 2. Transform the sentences into future: Example: The children always play in this garden and tomorrow they will play there too. 1. The workers always come to their plant at seven oclock and tomorrow they . 2. We always have dinner at twelve and tomorrow we . 3. On Sunday we meet our friends. Tomorrow is Sunday and we . 4. They spend their days off in the open air. Tomorrow is their day off and they . 5. He goes fishing every Saturday. Tomorrow is Saturday and he . 6. My wife always does her shopping in the evening. So tomorrow evening she 7. I always prepare all my lessons. Tomorrow I 3. Open the brackets and use either Present Continuous, Present Simple or Future Simple. 1. When you (to get) up every day? I (to get) up at 7:00 oclock. 2. My brother usually (not to get) up at 7 oclock. As a rule, he (to get) up at 6 oclock, but tomorrow he (to get) up at 7 oclock. 3. Why she (to come) home so late tomorrow? 4. We (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow. 5. Our friends always (to go) to the country for the week-end. 6. Look! The kitten (to play) with its tail. 7. Your parents (to watch) TV now? 8. My sister (not to rest) now. She (to help) my mother in the kitchen every day. 9. Where she (to go) tomorrow? 10. She (to go) with us to the country tomorrow. 11. They (to stay) at home tomorrow. 12. What you (to do) now? 13. When you (to finish) your homework? It (to be) very late, it (to be) time to go to bed. 14. How you usually (to spend) evenings? 15. What you (to do) in the country next summer? 16. They (not to drink) tea now.

Complete the table:




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I (to think) they (to watch) TV. 17. What your father (to drink) in the evening? 4. Open the brackets and use either Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple. 1. It (to be) cold in the autumn. It often (to rain). A cold wind often (to blow). 2. The weather (to be) fine today. It (to be) warm, the sun (to shine) brightly, a soft wind (to blow). Small white clouds (to sail) in the sky. 3. Dont go out! It (to rain) heavily. 4. Take your raincoat with you. I am afraid it (to rain) in the evening and you (to get) wet if you (not to put) on the raincoat. 5. Every spring birds (to come) to our garden and (to sing) in the trees. 6. Listen! Somebody (to sing) in the next room. 7. It usually (not to snow) at this time of year. 8. What the weather (to be) like now? It (to snow)? No, it 9. We (to go) out of town to ski on Sunday? Yes, we if it (to snow) this week and if there (to be) a lot of snow everywhere. 10. What you (to do) tomorrow? We (to go) out of town if the weather (not to change) for the worse. You (to come) with us? With pleasure if only I (not to have) too much work to do at home.

Lesson Fifteen MY FAMILY

The Fifteenth Lesson

5. Make up your own sentences using Present Simple, Present Continuos, and Future Simple!


How many members does your family consist of? How old is each member of your family?
130 129

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I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. My brothers names are David, Robert and John. My sisters name is Mary. I am the youngest of all my brothers and sister but I am the tallest. My sister is the oldest and smallest of all my brothers and sister. David is the oldest brother but he is still younger than Mary. The next older brother is Robert then John, then me. Robert is the fattest of all my brothers and John is the strongest. My sister Mary has always been the smartest of the children. School has been really easy for her. As I said before I am the tallest and because of this people ask me if I play basketball. I do not play basketball very well but my brother Robert is the most athletic of all the children. He can play basketball, football, and hockey.



Friend, boyfriend, girlfriend prieten, - / , Fiance logodnic, - / , Retired pensionar / Relatives rude / Single celibatar, - / , Married cstorit, mritat / , Divorced divorat, - / , - Engaged logodit, - / , - Widower, widow vduv, vduv / ,

2. Write about your family. Use as many words as you know. Include names, ages, professions, and where they live.

Exercises: 1. Choose from the words below and fill in the spaces:

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4. Read the text: Hello. My name is Kristina and this is my family. My family lives in California. My grandmothers and grandfathers are retired. My fathers name is Kevin. My mothers name is Elise. My father is a businessman and my mother is a bank teller. My sisters name is Michelle. My brothers name is Brian. They are students. My uncle John is an engineer. My uncle Adam is a policeman. My aunt Julia is a veterinarian.



3. Give the names of your family members:

8.Express your agreement or disagreement about the following tips. Parents and children Here are 9 simple tips for a good relationship between parents and children: 1. Say I Love You. Tell your child you love him every day no matter his age. A simple "I love you" goes a long way toward developing and then strengthening a relationship. 2. Teach Your Faith. Teach your child about your faith and beliefs. Tell him what you believe and why. Allow time for your child to ask questions and answer them honestly. Reinforce those teachings often. 3. Develop And Maintain A Special Bedtime Ritual. For younger children, reading a favorite bedtime book or telling stories is



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7. Now complete the sentences using oldest, older, youngest, younger based on the text above. A. John is than Adam. D. Elise is the ... . B. Adam is than John. E. Adam is than Elise. C. John is the .


6. Read the following text: Johns Family Hi. My name is John. I live in San Francisco, California. I am thirtyfive years old and I am an engineer. My parents Peter and Maria are sixty years old. I have one brother, Adam, and one sister, Elise. Elise is forty-four years old and Adam is forty-one years old. Elise is the oldest and I am the youngest. I have one brother-in-law. His name is Kevin. I have one sister-in-law. Her name is Julia. I have two nieces. Their names are Michelle and Kristina. I have one nephew. His name is Brian. Michelle is a dentist. Kristina is an English teacher. Brian is a student.



5. Complete the sentences using the new vocabulary: Example: Kristina is Julias (niece). A. Kevin is Elises ... E. Michelle is Kevins ... B. Brian is Michelles ... F. John is Brians ... C. Joseph is Kevins ... G. Kristina is Marias .. D. Peter is Brians ...

a ritual that will be remembered their whole life. Older children should not be neglected either. Once children start reading, have them read a page, chapter, or short book to you. Even most teenagers still enjoy the ritual of being told goodnight in a special way by a parent even if they don't act like it! 4. Let Your Children Help You. Parents sometimes dont allow their child to help them with various tasks. Unloading groceries after going to the store is a good example of something that children of most ages can and should assist with. Choosing which shoes look better with your dress lets a child know you value her/his opinion. Of course, if you ask, be prepared to accept and live with the choice made! 5. Play With Your Children. The key is to really play with your children. It doesn't matter what you play, just enjoy each other! Let kids see your silly side. Older kids enjoy cards, chess, computer games, while younger ones will have fun playing about anything ... as long as it involves you! 6. Eat Meals As A Family. You've heard this before, and it really is important! Eating together sets the stage for conversation and sharing. Turn the TV off, and don't rush through a meal. When schedules permit, really talk and enjoy one another. It can become a quality time most remembered by young and old also. 7. Spend time with your child. Whether it is a walk around the neighborhood, a special trip to a playground, or just a movie night with just the two of you, it is important to celebrate each child individually. Although it is more of a challenge the more children in a family, it is really achievable! Think creatively and the opportunities created will be ones that you remember in the future. 8. Respect Their Choices. You don't have to like their mismatched shirt and shorts or love how a child has placed pictures in his room. However, it is important to respect those choices. Children reach out for independence at a young age and parents must respect their way of thinking. 9. Make Them A Priority In Your Life. Your children need to know that you believe they are a priority in your life. Children can observe excessive stress and notice when they feel you are not paying them attention. They grow up so fast, and every day is

special. Take advantage of your precious time together while you have it! Past Simple It is used to talk about actions or situations in the past. Time indicators: yesterday, last, ago, the day before yesterday, the other day, in 1990, etc. I watched TV yesterday. Verb+ed I, He, She, It She tried to play the piano We,You, They cons. + y i + ed last week.
Past Simple:


Past Simple:

Nr. Sg./. Pl./.

Past Simple:

Nr. Sg./. Pl./.

Verb to DO a face/ Pers. + 1 I I 2 you you did 3 he, she, it he, she, it did not Did 1 we we do 2 you you 3 they they


? I you he, she, it we you they

Verb to HAVE a avea/ Pers. + ? 1 I I I 2 you you you did 3 he, she, it he, she, it he, she, it had not Did have? 1 we we we have 2 you you you 3 they they they

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2. Practice the dialogue. Ask questions on it.

Nr. Sg./.

Verb to BE a fi/ Pers. + ? 1 I I I? was was not Was 3 he, she, it he, she, it he, she, it? 1 we we we? Were 2 you were you Were you? not 3 they they they?

Exercises: 1. Complete these conversations and practice them.



4. Complete the table:

5. Write the Past Simple forms:


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7. Practice using the verb to be in the simple past and present. Example: a) She wasnt at school yesterday. b) She was at the park. 1. ) You werent at home yesterday. b) I at the cinema. 2. a) They werent at the store last night. b) They at the post office. 3. a) He wasnt in the office last week. b) He sick. 4. a) We werent



3. Turn the text into Past Simple: Frisk is a young dog. He is light brown. He has no dog-house, he has no bed. He has only one friend. His friend is little Tom. Tom is a schoolboy. He goes to school every day. Every morning Frisk sees Tom. Frisk is happy when he sees Tom. He says, Bow, wow, wow, wow. And Tom says, Good morning, Frisk. One morning Toms book falls out of his bag. Frisk sees it and runs to take it. He takes the book and gives it to Tom. Tom is very happy. He likes his dog very much. He is proud of his dog. He says, Oh, Frisk, you are a very good dog. Come with me, I have a good dog-house for you. Frisk is very, very happy. He jumps and jumps near Tom, and says, Bow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!

6. Work in pairs as in the model:



at the meeting today. b) We at the museum. 5. a) You werent in the park yesterday afternoon. b) I at the pharmacy. 6. a) It (the book) wasnt in the living room. b) It in the bedroom. 8. Fill in the Past Tense form of the verb: 1. Yesterday I a coke. (drink) 2. My mother a book for me. (buy) 3. I with the manager yesterday. (speak) 4. The day before yesterday my birthday. (be) 5. He at 6:00 this morning. (wake up) 6. Last summer they to Ohrid. (go) 7. We home very late. (come). 9. Open the brackets and use Present Simple Past Simple 1. I (to go) to bed at ten oclock everyday. 2. I (to go) to bed at 10 oclock yesterday. 3. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 4. Yesterday he (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven. 5. I (to have breakfast) at a quarter past seven everyday. 6. We (not to rest) yesterday. 7. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday. 8. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (to walk) to her office. 9. You (to talk) to the members of your family everyday? Yes I do, but yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy. 10. You (to come) home at six oclock yesterday? No, yesterday I (to come) home from school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 11. Your sister (to go) to school everyday? Yes, she did. 10. Change to Past Tense. On Tuesday I get up at a half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face, and brush my teeth. Then I dress and go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past 7 my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I dont drink tea. I drink coffee. After breakfast my son leaves home for school. I dont leave home with my son. On Tuesday I dont work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watches TV, my

husband reads newspapers, and I do some work around the house. At about 11 oclock we go to bed. 11. Change to Past Tense. On Monday we have 5 lessons. The first lesson is Russian. At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. He answers well. Pete doesnt know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to a cafeteria. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I dont drink milk. After school I do not go home at once. I go to the library and take a book. Then I go home. 12. Transform the text into the past.



us in




Lesson Sixteen

The Sixteenth Lesson THIS IS MY HOUSE



I live in a large yellow two storey house with a basement (9), an attic (6), and a garage (8). I also have a large green yard (7). When you enter my house from the front door you will be in the living room (1). My living room has brown carpet, a green couch, and a TV. Next to the living room is the dining-room (2). The dining-room is blue with purple floors. There is always fresh fruit on the table. Next to the dining-room is the large kitchen (3). The kitchen has a refrigerator, stove, sink, and microwave. Of course my kitchen has


us in
Exercises: 1. Match the verbs and the nouns:



a table where we sit and eat breakfast. From the kitchen you can get into the garage (8) where the car is usually parked. When you go upstairs you will see my bedroom (4) on the left. My bedroom also has purple floors as well as pink bed sheets. I have a dresser and a night stand. Across from my bedroom is the bathroom (5). This is where I go to take my showers. My bathroom is yellow and green. Above the second floor is the attic (6). We can store a lot of things in the attic. Below the house is the basement (9). It is another place where we can pile up things. This is my house.


2. Match the activities from the previous exercise with the correct room:

5. Match the words in the box with the correct pictures.

Example: I spy something YELLOW! Guess what is it?



4. Play the I-Spy game. Pick an object in the room and tell its color (but dont name the object). The other people in the group have to guess which object you have chosen. Then change roles.


us in


3. Write the words in the correct column. What is in your living room? Tell to your friend.



6. Match the words with the pictures.

7. Name the rooms and say what you see in each of them.

us in o-B

Past Continuous It is used to indicate: a) an action going on at a given past moment (yesterday at 6 oclock). b) an action going on at a time when something close happened (She was sitting at the desk when I came in.) c) an action filling up a whole period of time in the past (I was taking notes during the meeting.) d) parallel actions (All the time she was cooking the lunch, I was doing the rooms).




Exercises: 1. Open the brackets and use Present Continuous or Past Continuous: 1. I (to write) an English exercise now. 2. I (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 3. My little sister (to sleep) now. 4. My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday. 5. My friends (not to do) their homework now. 6. My friends (not to do) their homework at seven oclock yesterday. They (to play) volleyball. 7. You (to eat) ice-cream now? 8. You (to eat) ice cream when I called you yesterday? 9. What your father (to do) now? 10. What your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday? 11. Why she (to cry) now? 12. Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday? 13. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 14. She (not to read) now. 15. Now she (to go) to school. 16. What you (to do) now? I (to drink) tea. 17. You (to drink) tea at this time yesterday? 18. My sister is fond of reading. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday, and now she (to read)

us in

What were you doing yesterday? (activities going on at different moments or periods of the day) - at 7 oclock in the morning? - from 8 to 12 in the morning? - at 3 oclock in the afternoon? - in the afternoon? - when your friend telephoned - at 8 oclock in the evening? - when your family was watching television in the evening? What did you do last Sunday? (succession of activities, incidents)




3. Open the brackets and use Past Simple or Past Continuous: 1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. I (to go) to the cinema at four oclock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me. 4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. 5. I (to do) my homework yesterday when my mother came home. 6. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 7. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. 8. I (to do) my homework at six oclock yesterday. 9. I not (not to play) the piano yesterday. I (to write) a letter to my friend. 10. I (not to play) the piano at four oclock yesterday. I (to read) a book. 11. He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework. 12. When we were in the country last summer I (to go) to the woods one day. In the woods I (to find) a little fox cub. I (to bring) it home. I (to decide) to tame the cub. Everyday I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox


Verb to DO a face/ Nr. Pr. + 1 I was I was not Sg./ 2 you were you were not . . he, she, it 3 he, she, it was was not 1 we were we were not Pl./ 2 you were you were not . . 3 they were they were not
Past Continuous:

? Was I Were you Was he, she, it Were we Were you Were they

again. 19. Look! My cat (to play) with a ball. 20. When I went out into the garden, the sun (to shine) and birds (to sing) in the trees. 2. Open the brackets and use Past Simple or Past Continuous: 1. I (to play) computer games yesterday. 2. I (to play) computer games at five oclock yesterday. 3. He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday. 4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday. 5. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place? 6. What you (to do) when I called you? 7. I (not to sleep) at nine oclock yesterday. 8. What he (to do) yesterday? He (to read) a book. 9. What he (to do) the whole evening yesterday? He (to read) a book. 10. She (to sleep) when you came home? 11. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday. He (to play) tennis the day before yesterday. 12. My sister (not to play) the piano at four oclock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening. 13. When I came into the kitchen my mother (to cook). 14. She (to cook) the whole day yesterday. 15. We (to wash) the floor in our apartment yesterday. 16. We (to wash) the floor in our apartment from three till four yesterday? 17. You (to do) your homework yesterday? 18. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday? 19 Why she (to sleep) at seven oclock yesterday? 20. He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday.





5. Open the brackets and use Past Simple or Past Continuous: They (to drink) tea when I (to come) home. 2. He (to walk) along a river when a boat (to pass). 3. The old man (to think) about his plan when he (to fall) asleep. 4. We (to listen) to an interesting lecture yesterday. 5. When I (to enter) the classroom, the teacher (to write) words on the blackboard and the students (to copy) them down into their work books. 6. They (to get) ready to go out when it (to begin) raining. 7. Yesterday at one oclock I (to have) lunch in the cafeteria. 8. When I (to come) in he (to do) his homework. 9. What you (to do) at eight oclock yesterday? 10. At this time yesterday I (to go) home. 11. You (to sleep) when I (to go) out. 12. He (to read) on the sofa, when I (to come) in. 13. I (to walk) along the street with my friend when a train (to pass). 14. She (to look) out of the window when I (to

us in

4. Open the brackets and use Past Simple or Past Continuous: 1. When I (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep). 2. When Nick (to come) home his brother (to play) with his toys. When mother (to come) home, I (to do) my homework. 4. When father (to come) home Pete (to sleep). 5. When mother (to come) home the children (to play) on the carpet. 6. When I (to get) up, my mother and father (to drink) tea. 7. When I (to come) to my friends place, he (to watch) TV. 8. When I (to see) my friends they (to play) football. 9. When I (to open) the door the cat (to sit) on the table. 10. When Kate (to open) the door the children (to dance) on the floor. 11. When Tom (to cross) the street, he (to fall). 12. When I (to go) to school I (to meet) my friend. 13. When we (to go) to the cinema we (to meet) grandmother. 14. When grandmother (to go) home, she (to see) many children in the yard. 15. When Henry (to walk) about the forest he (to find) a bear. 16. When we (to walk) about the forest, we (to see) a rabbit. 17. When I (to wash) the floor I (to find) my old toy under the sofa. 18. When I (to play) in the yard (I see) my old friend. 19. When Nick (to run) about the yard, he (to fall).




7. Open the brackets and use Past Simple or Past Continuous: 1. Nina (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful; there (to be) many flowers in it. When I (to come) in, somebody (to play) the piano, and two of three pairs (to dance). 2. I (to listen) to music yesterday. 3. When I (to look) out of the window, it (to rain) heavily and people (to hurry) along the streets. 4. What you (to do) at seven oclock yesterday? I (to have) supper. 5. When I (to come) home yesterday, I (to see) that all my family (to sit) around the table. Father (to read) a letter from my uncle who (to live) in Kiev. 6. Where you (to be) yesterday? I (to be) at home the whole day. How strange. I (to call) you up at two oclock, but nobody (to answer). Oh, I (to be) in the garden. I (to read) your book



cub is quite tame. It lives in my house. 13. When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday. I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My father and mother (to like) it very much.

see) her. 15. We (to answer) the teachers questions when the head mistress (to enter) the classroom. 6. Open the brackets and use Past Simple or Past Continuous: 1. They (to translate) a difficult text yesterday. 2. I (to open) the window at six oclock yesterday. 3. You (to go) to the cinema yesterday? 4. I (not to see) Mike last week. 5. When I (to open) the door my friends (to sit) around the table. 6. When you (to begin) doing your homework yesterday? 7. We (to discuss) the latest news from three till four yesterday. 8. When I (to read) the newspaper yesterday I (to find) an interesting article on ecology. 9. Lena (to sweep) the floor on Sunday. 10. Lena (to sweep) the floor from eleven till twelve on Sunday. 11. They (to go) to the woods last Sunday? 12. When they (to sail) down the river they (to see) a little island. 13. We (to work) the whole morning yesterday. 14. Mother (to cook) dinner at three oclock yesterday, 15. She (to finish) cooking at four oclock yesterday. 16. At half past four yesterday we (to finish) dinner. 17. You (to watch) TV yesterday? Yes, we (to watch) TV the whole evening yesterday. 18. When you (to go) to bed yesterday? 19. I (to go) to bed at 10 oclock yesterday. 20. At half past 10 yesterday I (to sleep). 21. When I (to come) home from school yesterday, my brother (to sit) on the floor with all of his toys around him. He (to play) with them. I (to tell) him to put his toys into the box as he (to make) too much noise.

us in

ess Pr o-B


wake up a se trezi / get up a se scula / get dressed a se mbrca / bathroom baie / shower du / brush a peria / kitchen buctrie / toast pine prjit / butter unt / jam gem / milk lapte / cereals cereale / drink a bea / meet a ntlni /


and (not to hear) the telephone. 7. What you (to do) at five oclock yesterday? I (to work) in the library. I (to be) there too, but I (not to see) you. 8. Yesterday I (to work) on my English from 5 till 7. 9. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday. 10. Where your sister (to be) now She (to be) in her room. She (to do) her homework.

Lesson Seventeen

The Seventeenth Lesson DAILY ACTIVITIES

A Day in My Life I wake up every morning at half past 6. I get up, go to the bathroom, I take a shower and brush my teeth. Then I get dressed, go to the kitchen and have breakfast. I usually have toast, butter, jam, milk and cereal, and I also drink a cup of coffee. After breakfast I go to the University. I have classes until 2 oclock. At the University I meet my friends. We study a lot of interesting things, such as computer science, marketing, etc. We also study foreign languages. English is mandatory. We study a number of other languages such as German and French. After classes my friends and I go for a walk when the weather is fine or we go to the caf for a coffee. Sometimes I go to the library to study, or I go home and have lunch. In the evening I watch TV or I go out with friends. I go to sleep at about eleven oclock in the evening. This is a usual day of my life. Vocabulary
classes ore, lecii / interesting interesant / foreign strin / study a nva / mandatory obligatoriu / things lucruri / such as ca de exemplu, cum ar fi / go a merge / go for a walk a merge la plimbare / go out a iei n ora / go to sleep a merge la culcare / weather timp, vreme / sometimes uneori, cteodat / watch a privi, a viziona /

Look at these everyday activities. What is your favorite one? What can you do? Make up sentences in present simple and then put them in past and future simple. smile

smell teach sweep stand dance run


do exercises

fly (plane)

fly (birds)



throw drive eat drink brush teeth

ride a horse pour wine





us in

sit down clean


water flowers

wash clothes

wash face





wake up




ride a bike skateboard speak on phone speak


Exercises: 1. Read the following text and pay attention to daily routine activities: sing shout sew dress Mr. Priestly will describe his day: I wake up at about 7:00 oclock and then it is time for me to get up. I like a cold bath every morning so I put on my towel and slippers and go to the bathroom. The water feels very cold on winter mornings but I dry myself with the towel and soon I feel quite warm. Then I shave, brush my teeth, and wash my face and go back to the bedroom to dress. I brush and comb my hair, take a clean handkerchief out of the drawer and go downstairs for breakfast at a quarter past 8. After breakfast I sit and read my morning newspaper and smoke a cigarette, or in summer I have a walk around my garden. I go into my study at 9:00 oclock and meet my students there. The days work begins. At 12:30 I have a break for lunch I usually have this at home but sometimes I go out for lunch and have a chat with my friends before beginning work again at 2:00 oclock. I generally finish my work at about 5:00 oclock. Then I have a cup of tea and a biscuit and in summer I spend an hour or so in the garden or play a few games of tennis, or I go to the golf club and have a round of golf. We have dinner at about 7:30 or 8:00 oclock and then we sit and talk, listen to the radio and watch television, or Mrs. Priestly plays the piano. Sometimes in summer we take out the car and go for a drive in the country. In winter we go to the cinema or the theater, but that is not often. I have a lot of work to do and usually after dinner I go to my study and read or write until 12:00 or 1:00 oclock. That is my day. Mrs. Priestly will describe her day: I get up soon after 7 and go downstairs to help Susan with the work. She cleans the kitchen and the floors. While she is doing that, I get the breakfast ready. I put the table cloth on the dining room table and put out the knives, forks and spoons, and the cups, saucers, and plates. Then I go and cook the breakfast. I make toast, I boil water for tea or coffee, and we are ready to sit down at a quarter past 8.



pour water

plant trees







wash hands

hand in



travel dial

us in




After breakfast, Susan and I clear away the dishes. Then she washes and dries them and I go to do my shopping. Sometimes I go to different shops like the butchers to order the meat, to the grocery store to buy tea, coffee, sugar, but often I ring them up and order what I want to by phone. Then Susan and I go upstairs to make the beds, dust upstairs and downstairs, and clean the carpets with my vacuum cleaner. It is about 11 oclock about this time. So I change my clothes and begin to get ready for lunch. After lunch I do some sewing or go for a walk and visit my friends. Then my husband joins me for afternoon tea in the sitting room. Usually he brings 1 or 2 of his students with him. We have bread and butter, jam or honey, cakes and biscuits. My husband has already told you how we spend our evenings. 2. Change the 1st paragraph into 3rd person singular. 3. Speak about your daily routine:

us in

4. What is your every day schedule? Use names of days, time expressions and adverbs.
Daily schedule 7:00 get up 7:05 do my morning exercises 7:.20 wash my face 7:21 brush my teeth 7:25 get dressed 7:35 have breakfast 7:45 read the newspaper 8:00 go to work 8:25 meet colleagues 8:30 12:00 work 12:00 have lunch 12:30 17:00 work 17:00 go home 17:35 cook dinner 18:15 have dinner 18:45 watch TV 20:00 take a shower 20:25 read a book 21:30 go to bed





5. Does it seem familiar to you?

I, you, he, she, it, have (present worked (Part. II) we, you, they simple) Time indicators: already, yet, just, never, ever, today, this week, this month, lately, recently, since, for.

us in

Present Perfect It is used to show the connection with the present of an action, which happened in the past. It is also used to give new information or to announce a recent happening.

2. . Complete the sentences with a verb from the list. Use the Present Perfect (have/has + the past participle of the verb). break buy finish do go go lose paint read take



Exercises: 1. Complete the sentences using Present Perfect. 1. I am not hungry. I (eat, already) I have already eaten. 2. Its ten oclock. I (finish, already) my homework, so Im going to bed. 3. I am thirsty. I (not drink yet) . 4. I am late. The class (start, already) . 5. I can rest now. I (do, already) my tasks. 6. I can go shopping. I (receive, already) the salary.



3. Work as in the model: 1. I have lost my passport. (I cant find my passport now) 2. She has gone to bed. 3. We have bought a new car. 4. He has cleaned his shoes. 5. They have gone out. 6. You have eaten at seven oclock. 7. He has taken a shower. 8. We have signed a contract. 9. I have finished work. 10. They have studied foreign languages. 4. Mary is 65 years old. She has had an interesting life. Write sentences about the things she has done. Use the Present Perfect: 1. (she/do/many different jobs) She has done many different jobs. 2. (she/travel/to many places) She . 3. (she/do/a lot of interesting things) . 4. (she/write/ten books) . 5. (she/meet/a lot of interesting people) . 6. (she/be/married five times) . 5. Put in gone or been: 1. Hes on holiday at the moment. He has gone to Spain. 2. Where is Jill? She is not here. I think she has to the bank. 3. Hello, Pat. Were have you ? I have to the bank. 4. Have you ever to Mexico? No, never. 5. My parents are not at home this evening. They have out. 6. There is a new restaurant in town. Have you to it? 7. Paris is a wonderful city. I have there many times. 8. Helen was here earlier but I think shes now. 6. You are asking your friend Ann questions beginning with Have you ever? Write the questions. Use the Present Perfect: 1. (Paris?) Have you ever been to Paris? No, never.


1. Are they still having dinner? No, they have finished . 2. I some new shoes. Do you want to see them? 3. Is Tom here? No, he to work. 4. you the shopping? No, Im going to do it later. 5. Wheres your key? I dont know. I it. 6. Look! Somebody that window. 7. Your house looks different. you it? 8. I cant find my umbrella. Somebody it. 9. Im looking for Sarah. Where ... she ...? 10. Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks. I ... ... it.





9. Complete the questions with When? and What time? 1. They have arrived. What time did they arrive? 2. Bill has gone out. What time 3. Ive seen Carol. When 4. She has left her job. When ?

us in

8. Use the words in brackets to answer the questions. 1. Have you lost your key? (yesterday) Yes, I lost it yesterday. 2. Have you seen Alan? (ten minutes ago) Yes, I him ten minutes ago. 3. Have you painted the gate? (last week) Yes, we it . 4. Has Sarah gone to France? (on Friday) Yes, she . 5. Have they had dinner? (at 7 oclock) . 6. Has he started his new job? (yesterday) Yes, he .


7. Look at the answers in the exercise 6. Write sentences about your friend and yourself. Add more sentences. Ann You 1. Ann has never been to Paris. I have been to Paris twice. 2. Ann has played golf many times. I . 3. She . . 4. She . .


2. (play/golf?) Have you ever played golf? Yes, many times. 3. (travel/Australia?) ? No, never. 4. (lose/your passport?) ? Yes, once. 5. (sleep/in a park?) ? No, never. 6. (eat/Chinese food?) ? Yes, a few times. 7. (be/New York?) ? Yes, twice. 8. (win/a lot of money?) ? No, never. 9. (break/your leg?) ? Yes, once.

Lesson Eighteen

The Eighteenth Lesson TRANSPORTATIONS

Read the dialogue. Get ready for buying a car: Customer: Good morning. Dealer: Good morning, sir. May I help you? C: I want to buy a new car. D: Do you have anything special in mind? C: It shouldn't be either an expensive car or a big one. D: I see. What about a Honda? It's a good and rather inexpensive car. One of these cars is to the right of you. C: How much is it? D: 6900 dollars. C: I've got a large family. Thats why I'm looking for a mid-sized car. D: If you are interested in a family car, the new Oldsmobile Delta 88 would be a good buy. C: May I see it? D: It's right this way. It's a very popular model. Let's take a look. Here we are. This car will get you an excellent gas mileage. Do you like the color? C: Yes, dark blue is my favorite color. What special features does the car have? D: It has air conditioning, vinyl seat covers, and a radio. C: Is it economical to run? D: Absolutely. It uses lighter material in the body, and it has a new type of carburetor. Therefore your gas consumption will be cut down. Will you take a test drive to see how the car runs? C: Okay. (They get in, and the customer starts driving) Several minutes later. C: I like the car. It's comfortable. The steering and the brakes work well. What about a trade-in? D: I can estimate your old car. If you wish, I can ask my assistant to drive it around the block. He could check out your car. He'll tell me what he thinks about a trade-in.



3. Which transportation would you use if you go to? - school - library - park - work 4. What are the three modes of transportation? List at least 2 places that you can go by car, 2 by plane, 2 by boat.








2. Match the number of each drawing with the correct word: car, bus, transporter, tram, ambulance, yacht, submarine, van, tanker, taxi, canoe, motorcycle.


us in





5. Which is the fastest mode of transportation? (the slowest, the most comfortable, the cheapest, the most expensive) 6. Tell us how do you go to work? I ... .


Exercises: 1. Look at the other types of transports. Read them:


C: All right. There are the keys. My car is only four years old. I've not been in a single accident. I've taken good care of the car. D: Well, Let's go back to my office. C: Let's see what kind of deal I can expect. My decision depends on the price and the trade-in. As soon as you can give me your ultimate price, I'll talk it over with my family. I definitely need a new car.

Past Perfect It expreses something that had already happened before a definite moment in the past. I, you, he, she, it, had we, you, they Time indicators: already, never, just. worked (Part. II)



3. Complete these sentences using the verbs in brackets. You went back to your home town after many years and you found out that many things were different. Example: Most of my friends were no longer there. They (leave) had left.


Exercises: 1. Complete these sentences as in the example. Use the verb in brackets in Past Perfect. Example: Mr. and Mrs. Davis were in the airplane. They were very nervous as the plane took off because they (fly) had never flown before. 1. The woman was a complete stranger to me. (see) I before. 2. Margaret was late for work. Her boss was very surprised. (be/late) She . 3. Jane played tennis yesterday at least she tried to play tennis. She wasnt very good at it because she (play) . 4. It was Keiths first driving lesson. He was very nervous and didnt know what to do. (drive) He . 2. Now you have to make sentences using the words in brackets using Past Perfect. Example: I wasnt hungry. (I / just / have / lunch) I had just had lunch. 1. Tom wasnt at home when I arrived. (he / just / go / out) 2. We arrived at the cinema late. (the film / already / begin) 3. They werent eating when I went to see them. (they / just / finish / their dinner) 4. I invited Ann to dinner last night but she couldnt come. (she / already / arrange / to do something else). 5. I was very pleased to see Nora again after such a long time. (I / not / see / her for five years).

us in


4. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect. 1. When I left for school this morning, it (rain) was raining, so I used my umbrella. 2. By the time the class was over this morning, the rain (stop) had stopped, so I didnt need my umbrella anymore. 3. Last night I started to study at 7:30. Dick came at 7:35. I (study) when Dick came. 4. Last night I started to study at 7:30. I finished studying at 9:00. Dick came at 9:30. By the time Dick came, I (finish) my homework. 5. When I walked into the kitchen after dinner last night, my wife (wash) the dishes, so I picked up a dish towel to help her. 6. By the time I walked into the kitchen after dinner, my husband (wash, already) the dishes and I (put) them away.

5. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets, using the appropriate tense: 1. A: (you, enjoy) Did you enjoy the concert last night? B: Very much. I (not to go) hadnt gone to a concert in a long time. 2. A: (you, see) John yesterday? B: Yes, I did. It (be) good to see him again. I (not to see) him for a long time. 3. A: Hi, Jim! Its good to see you again. I (not to see) you in weeks. B: Hi, Sue! It (be) good to see you again, too. I (not to see) you since the end of last semester. How is everything going? 4. A: (you, get) to class on time yesterday morning? B: No. By the time I (get) there, it (begin, already) . 5. A: (you, go) out to eat last night? B: No. By the time I (get) home, my husband (make, already) dinner for us. A: How (be) it?



1. My best friend, Kevin, was no longer there. He (go) away. 2. The local cinema was no longer open. It (close) down. 3. Mr. Johnson was no longer alive. He (die) . 4. I didnt recognize Mrs Johnson. She (change) a lot. 5. Bill no longer had his car. He (sell) it.




7. Open the brackets, use the past simple or the Past Perfect: 1. When I (to come) home, mother already (to cook) dinner. 2. When father (to return) from work, we already (to do) our homework. 3. When the teacher (to enter) the classroom, the pupils already (to open) their books. 4. Kate (to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before. 5. Nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to draw). 6. The boy (to give) the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the field. 7. Mother (to see) that Nick (not to wash) his hands. 8. The teacher (to understand) that Alina (not to do) her homework. 9. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to come). 10. Tom (to return) from the cinema at 5 oclock. 11. I (to finish) my homework at 7 oclock. 12. He (to think) that he (to lose) the money. 13. Ann (to tell) me that she (to see) an interesting film. 14. When I (to wake) up yesterday, father already (to go) to work. 15. Nick (to think) that his father (not yet to come) home. 16. Mary (to tell) us that she (to cook) a good dinner. 17. Yesterday I (to find) the book which I (to lose) in summer. 18. When we (to come) to the station, the train already (to leave).

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B: Terrific. We (have) chicken, rice, and a salad. While we (eat) , George Drake (stop) by to visit us, so we (invite) him to join us for dinner. But he (eat already) his dinner, so he (not to be) hungry. A: What (you, do) after dinner? B: I wanted to go to a movie The Sound of Music. But George and my husband (see, already) it, so we (go) to Titanic instead. It (be) pretty good.

Lesson Nineteen AT WORK

The Nineteenth Lesson

Training Program After the Group had lunch Mr. Hill invited everybody to one of the conference rooms on the first floor of the hotel. David: Ladies and gentlemen. First let me say a few words about myself and the company, who is the organizer of this Program. My name is David Hill. I'm Doctor of Economics. In the recent past I worked for a foreign trade company and then for a bank. Now I specialize in business management and in training businessmen from East European countries. For some time I worked in Poland and Hungary. Now I'm closely cooperating with Moldova. I'm working for international Management Ltd. It's a well established English company specializing in business and computer skills training. The Company also provides financial consulting and business development. Here in front of you there are booklets on the history and scope of activities of our company. You may certainly keep these booklets. Now I'll be grateful to you if you could introduce yourselves in just a few words. Then each participant said a few words about himself or herself in English or in Romanian and Mr. Creu acted as an interpreter. Here is what one of the participants said: Mr. Hill, let me first thank you for the nice reception and for a good beginning of the Program. I hope the Program will be a success and we shall learn a lot of useful things. My name is Oleg Ciobanu. I'm financial manager of a department in a commercial bank in Chiinu. And I'm especially interested in topics related to financing foreign transactions for small businesses. After everybody made introductions Mr. Hill distributed the Timetable of the Program and invited the participants to have a panoramic tour of London by private coach. The Romanian speaking guide told the Group a lot of interesting things about London and the participants enjoyed the sights. Many of them took pictures with their cameras.



Exercises: 1. Read the following: word, words, to word, wording to work, worked, work, works, worker, working with me, with them, with us, with a camera, with their cameras Many of them took pictures with their cameras. 2. Insert prepositions: Let me say a few words ... myself and the company who is the organizer ... this Program. I'm Doctor ... Economics. ... the recent past I worked ... a foreign trade company and then ... a bank. Now I specialize ... business management and ... training businessmen ... East European countries. ... some time I worked ... Poland and Hungary. Now I'm closely cooperating ... Moldova.

I'm ... financial manager of ... department in ... commercial bank in Moscow. 5. Complete these short speeches and act out similar ones: Ladies and gentlemen! First let me say a few words about myself and the company. My name is David Hill. I'm . In the recent past ... Now I specialize . For some time I worked ... . I'm working for ... It's a well established ... The company also provides ... Here before you there are booklets ... You ... keep ... Now I'll be grateful ... introduce yourself ... Let me first thank you for ... I hope .... success ... My name is Oleg Ciobanu. I'm ... manager ... bank ... And I'm especially interested ... foreign transactions for small ...

4. Insert articles: I'm working for IMD. It's ... well established company specializing in business training. ... Company also provides financial consulting. Here before you there are booklets on ... history and scope of activities of our company. I'll be grateful if you could introduce yourself in just ... few words. Thank you for ... nice reception and for ... good beginning of ... Program. I hope ... Program will be ... success and we shall learn ... lot of things.


3. Complete the sentences with prepositions. 1. I apologized Ann stepping on her toe. 2. I thanked Sam helping me fix my car. 3. My Grandfather doesnt approve gambling. 4. Please forgive me forgetting your birthday. 5. My friend insisted taking me to the airport. 6. Please excuse me being late. 7. Children depend their parents for love and support. 8. In my composition, I compared my city my home town. 9. Umbrellas protect people rain. 10. We are relying Jason to help us move into our new apartment. 11. We had mice in the house, so we set some traps to get rid them. 12. What happened your finger? Did you cut it?

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6. Role play Imagine you are the Organizer of a training program for foreign participants in Russia. Write down the main points of the opening speech. 7. MEMORIZE! To look for a job To find a job To hire To fire To be hired To be fired To employ To work To work as To be good at Employer Employee Employment Worker Job Orientation Career Rate Wage Salary Payment Day off VAT Taxes Bank Card ATM

Where did you work? What was your position? Where did you study? What subjects did you study? What is the name of your company? What does your company do? What position are you interested in? What do you do?




8. Then fill in the job application form: APPLICATION

Instructions: Fill out this application completely. Do not omit any answers. Print your response in capital letters (ABCDEF, etc.)

I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they


Future-in-the-Past It is used to express the idea that in the past you thought something would happen in the future. He promised he would send a postcard from Egypt. would work the next day.

NAME ______________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) DATE OF BIRTH __________ __________ _________ (Month) (Day) (Year) ADDRESS _______________________________________________ (Number and Street) __________________________ __________________ (City) (State / Province) ____________ (ZIP) ______________________________ (Country)

Marital Status ______ Single ______ Married ______ Widowed ______ Divorced

Educational Level ______ Secondary ______ AA Degree ______ BA Degree ______ MA Degree ______ PH D ______ Other

E-MAIL ________________________________________

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _____________ ____________ _____________

WORK EXPERIENCE _______________________________________________________


DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER ___________________ CATEGORY ________________

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ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ________________________________________________


HOBBIES ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

__________________________________ SIGNATURE

____________________________________ DATE




Exercises: 1. Fill in the blanks using Future-in-the-Past: 1. I knew you (to help) would help him. 2. I knew you (to go) to the party. 3. I thought Julie (to make) dinner. 4. Jane said Sam (to bring) his sister with him. 5. I had a feeling that the vacation (to be) a disaster. 6. I suppose John (to finish) the work by 5:00 PM. 7. She said she (to come) late. 8. My sister heard the president (to visit) our city. 9. Jane hoped she (to get) expensive presents. 10. My mother believed I (to become) a good teacher. 2. Open the brackets and use the correct form of the Future Simple and Future-in-the-Past: 1. I know we (not to be) late. 2. I asked whether he (to be) at home. 3. When you (to be) ready? he asked. 4. I cant say whether Bob (to do) the work perfectly, but he (to do) his best. 5. He asked me whether I (to see) Oleg there. 6. Are you sure that we (to have) time to do that? 7. I was afraid he (to say): I dont think I (to be) able to come. 8. I didnt know what he (to speak) about. 3. Use the following expressions below and transform the sentences. Work as in the model: (I supposed, He believed, She was sure, We were told, I heard, She said, He understood, She imagined, The letter said) Model: My brother will sleep in the afternoon. I supposed that my brother would sleep in the afternoon. 1. They will win the game. 2. I will go to the South. 3. My sister will not forget to ring me up. 4. I will do my homework in the evening. 5. The tourists will not return by sunset. 6. My friend will wait for me. 7. They will work in the evenings. 8. He will solve the problem in no time. 9. The new film will be on in many cinemas. 10. The teacher


will correct our papers after the classes. 11. She will not like that TV program. 12. The train will arrive on time. 13. The children will play in the yard. 14. All the newspapers will publish this information.

Lesson Twenty HOLIDAYS

The Twentieth Lesson

o-B Pr

Thanksgiving Day In the year 1620, a ship named Mayflower brought 102 English men, women and children to the rocky coast of what is now Massachusetts, one of the states of the United States of America. The ships passengers were members of a religious sect which was unpopular in Britain, because its members wanted to reform the Church of England. These pilgrims, as they are usually known, came to an area were Native Americans were living. The winter was cold, and about half of the Pilgrims died. In the spring, with advice and help from the Indians, with whom they lived in peace, the Pilgrims planted corn (known also as maize) and other crops and prepared as well as they could for the next winter. In October 1621, to celebrate the good harvest, the Pilgrims held a feast which featured, among many other foods, wild turkey, which is native to North America. They called this their day of thanksgiving, held to thank their God for his blessings. This story is told and retold every year to young children in schools as one of the major American holidays approaches. The holiday is called Thanksgiving Day and is now celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Other nations have days of thanksgiving too, but Thanksgiving Day has a special significance for Americans because it is traced back to that group of people who were among the first to come to the New World in search of freedom. Exercises: 1. Look at the pictures. Which are the equivalents to our holidays?

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March 8


Fathers Day (3rd Sunday of June) 174

Christmas (December 25 / January 7)

Independence Day
(August 27)

Independence Day
(July 4)

New Year
(December 31)

(March 1)

October 31

2nd Sunday of May


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Felicitri! Congratulations! I wish you success! V dorescsucces! Fericire! Happiness! Sntate! Health! Bun dispoziie! Good mood! Toate cele bune! All the best! Drum bun! A nice trip! It is a present for you! Acesta este un cadou pentru Dvs. Thank you for such a Mulumesc pentru un cadou att de wonderful present! minunat.

! ! ! ! ! ()! ! !

3. Read the Wishes and add some more for different holidays:




4. Have a look at this invitation. Try to make one of your own. Invite friends to your birthday.

2. Say how people celebrate holidays and what traditions are there to follow. Also practice saying wishes:



Exercises: 1. Help the bunny to find the way to the basket. Say which direction he has to go to take the shortest way:

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2. Complete the table: Name

David your mother your father your brother your neighbour your director



3. MEMORIZE! Congratulation! I wish you happiness! For good luck! Come to our place! Thank you! Welcome! To my regret, I am busy. I miss somebody / something I am bored I am lonely I am sad It is impossible

Felicitri! V doresc fericire! Pentru succes! Venii n ospeie! Mulumesc! Cu plcere! mi pare ru, dar sunt ocupat. Mi-e dor de cineva / de ceva M plictisesc. Sunt singuratic. mi este trist. E imposibil.

Present Past Future

! () ! ! ! ! ! , .

Passive Voice Form of Passive voice: Subject + auxiliary verb (to be) + main verb (past participle) Ex: Present Simple Mother makes a cake. (active v.) The cake is made by mother. (passive v.) Ex: Past Simple Mother made a cake. (active v.) The cake was made by mother. (passive v.) Ex: Future Simple Mother will make a cake. (active v.) The cake will be made by mother. (passive v.) Active makes made will make Passive is made was made will be made


a pie



Long Life

To remember!


Exercises: 1. Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. 1. She sang a song. A song was sung by her. Somebody hit me. 3. We stopped the bus. 4. A thief stole my car. 5. They didn't let


him go. 6. She didn't win the prize. 7. They didn't make their beds. 8. I did not tell them. 9. Did you tell them? 10. Did he send the letter? 2. Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. 1. He opens the door. The door is opened by him. 2. We set the table. 3. She pays a lot of money. 4. I draw a picture. 5. They wear blue shoes. 6. They don't help you. He doesn't open the book. 7. You do not write the letter. 8. Does your mom pick you up? 9. Does the police officer catch the thief? 3. Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. 1. Sheila drinks a cup of tea. A cup of tea is drunk by Sheila. My father washes the car. 3. Farmer Joe milks the cows. 4. She takes a picture of him.5. I write a poem. 6. We do not play football. 7. He does not wear a tie. 8. Does she prepare the party? 9. Do they talk about the meeting? 10. Does she water the flowers? 4. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Past. 1. They (visit) their granny. 2. We (visit) by our teacher. 3. My friend Paul (live) in Dallas. 4. She (go) to school in Boston. 5. Antony (grow up) in the country. 6. The new shopping center (build) last year. 7. The film (produce / not) in Hollywood. 8. Barbara (know) James very well. 9. The jewels (hide / not) in the cellar. 10 We (spend / not) all day on the beach. 5. Rewrite the Active sentences in Passive Voice and the Passive sentences in Active Voice. Active: Many people visit Washington. Passive: The White House was built by James Hoban. Active: Passive: The White House and the Capitol are connected by Pennsylvania Avenue. Active: In the Capitol, workers are building a visitors center. Passive: Active: They will probably finish it in 2006. Passive:

Lesson Twenty One FREE TIME

The Twenty First Lesson

At the Supermarket Olga (a newcomer): Do you have the shopping list? Victor (her brother): Yes, it's in my pocket. Ill get a cart. Well shop together. We need laundry detergent. Olga: Is the big size too expensive? Victor: Not at all. It makes sense to buy a big box of detergent. You save about a penny for every ounce. Olga: How come? Victor: You have to read not only the price for the item but also the price for it by weight and volume. It's cheaper to buy big sizes, especially for staples that are used for a longer period of time. Olga: I'll keep it in mind. What's the next on the shopping list? Victor: Orange juice. Olga: There are a lot of various brands of them. Victor: The stores own brand is the least expensive one. The quality is the same, but it's a bit cheaper. Olga: Do big supermarkets have their own brands of other things? Victor: Yes. Always look for them. Olga: What about apples? Victor: Apples are in aisle eight. Olga: How much are they? Victor: They're 84 cents a pound. Olga: What do we look for next? Victor: Let's get to the meat counter. Olga: Okay. I think we need a chicken and some veal. I'll get both items. Victor: Don't forget to look at the date on the label. Olga: Its February 23rd for the chicken, and 22nd for the veal. Victor: That's okay. Today is February 19th. Olga: What does the date mean? Victor: The date indicates the last day the store is supposed to sell this item. Olga: Which foods are dated? Victor: If foods are perishable, they have to be dated.




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Olga: You are an experienced buyer. What else do we need? Victor: I have to check the shopping list. We need half a pound of butter, sour cream and eggs. Dairy products are in Aisle3. Olga: All right. Here are the eggs. I prefer unsalted butter. Would you get it? Victor: I got butter and sour cream. Now we have to buy coffee. That's in Aisle5. Olga: I've cut out an ad from the paper. There are special prices they've advertised for instant coffee. Victor: Okay. Get the coffee that was advertised. That's all we need. Let's go to the cash register. At a restaurant Waiter: Good evening. Two for dinner? Bill: Yes, thats right. W: Where would you like to sit? B: Could we have a table near the window, please? W: Come with me, please! (leading Bill and his wife Lucy to a table for two) B.: Could we have the menu? W: Certainly (waiter brings the menu and a wine list) B: We have to make up our mind. We'll order in a few minutes. W: Are you ready to order now? B: Yes. Can we begin with the salad? W: Certainly, sir. What kind of dressing would you like? B: Just olive oil and vinegar for both of us. W: And for your entree? B: Two steaks, please. W: Rare, medium, or well done? B: Medium, please. Lucy: Is there a choice of vegetables and potatoes? W: No, madam. We serve a daily special. Today you can have mashed potatoes. The vegetable of this day is asparagus.


B: It's all right with me. What about you, Vera? Lucy: Its okay. W: Would you like to see the wine list? B: Wed like a carafe of Chablis. W: Fine. Will you order your dessert now? B: Can we order it later? W: Of course. Hobbies


Sports in America What are the favorite sports of American young people? They prefer football, baseball, basketball, and hockey. American people also like to fish and hunt. Nearly 66 million hunting and fishing licenses are issued each year. Other popular spots include swimming, golf, bicycling, skating, bowling and all types of ball games. Many cities have ice-skating areas, baseball fields, swimming pools, and playgrounds lighted at night. In autumn, high school and college football games attract millions of spectators each year. Many of the people who attend the games are former graduates rooting for their team. College football alone draws over 36 million spectators. What is called football in America and Canada is entirely different than what is called football in Europe. American football is different than any other sport. It is probably close to rugby. What is called football in Europe is called soccer in America. American children growing up today are choosing to play more soccer as an alternative to football. About 42 million people attend basketball games each year. Professional baseball games attract over 45 million yearly, with enthusiasm reaching its peak during the World Series each year. Millions of dollars are tied to the business of sports. As for salaries, it is interesting to note that in 1984 there were 22 millionaires in baseball, 10 millionaires in basketball, and 4 millionaires in football.


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Reported Speech I. Statements 1) If the sentence starts in the present, there is no backshift of tenses in Reported speech. Example: Susan: "I work in an office." Susan says that she works in an office. 2) If the sentence starts in the past, there is often backshift of tenses in Reported speech. Example: Susan: "I work in an office." Susan said that she worked in an office.





Backshift of tenses from Simple Present Simple Past Present Continuous

that (evening) that day

to Simple Past Past Perfect Past Continuous Peter said that he worked in the garden. Peter said that he had worked in the garden. Peter said that he would work in the garden. Peter said that he could work in the garden. Peter said that he might work in the garden.





gymnastics in the morning


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fishing driving







Say what are your hobbies? Speak about them. When do you usually do what you like to do? How often?


Peter: "I work in the garden." Peter: "I worked in the garden." Peter: "I will work in the garden." Peter: "I can work in the garden." Peter: "I may work in the garden."

Peter: "I would work in the garden." Peter said that he would work in the garden. (could, might, should, ought to) (could, might, should, ought to) Continuous forms Peter: "I'm working in the garden." Peter said that he was working in the garden.

If the sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it as well. Peter: "I worked in the garden yesterday." Peter said that he had worked in the garden the day before. Shifting of expressions of time
this (evening) today/this day


these (days) now (a week) ago last weekend here next (week) tomorrow

those (days) then (a week) before the weekend before / the previous weekend there the following (week) the next/following day



1. Continue the sentences: 1. John: "Mandy is at home." John said that . 2. Max: "Frank often reads a book." Max told me that . 3. Susan: "I'm watching TV." Susan said to me that . 4. Simon: "David was ill." Simon said that 5. Peggy: "The girls helped in the house." Peggy told me that . 6. Richard: "I am going to ride a skateboard." Richard said to me that . 7. Stephen and Claire: "We have cleaned the windows." Stephen and Claire told me that . 8. Charles: "I didn't have time to do my homework." Charles remarked that . 9. Mrs. Jones: "My mother will be 50 years old." Mrs. Jones told me that . 10. Jean: "The boss must sign the letter." Jean said that . 2. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech. Example: Peter: "I cleaned the black shoes yesterday." Answer: Peter told me that he had cleaned the black shoes the day before.

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Note: In some cases the backshift of tenses is not necessary, e.g. when statements are still true. John: "My brother is at Oxford University." John said that his brother was at Leipzig University. or John said that his brother is at Leipzig University. or Mandy: "The sun rises in the East." Mandy said that the sun rose in the East. or Mandy said that the sun rises in the East. Example: Peter: "I clean the black shoes." Answer: Peter told me that he cleaned the black shoes.

3. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech. Note whether the sentence is a request, a statement or a question. 1. He said, "I like this song." He said . 2. "Where is your sister?" she asked me. She asked me . 3. "I don't speak Italian," she said. She said . 4. "Say hello to Jim," they said. They asked me . 5. "The film began at seven o'clock," he said. He said . 6. "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said. She told the boys . 7. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him. She asked him . 8. "I never make mistakes," he said. He said . 9. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know. He wanted to know . 10. "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience. The stuntman advised the audience . 4. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech. Note how a request, a statement or a question changes. 1. "I was very tired," she said. She said . 2. "Be careful, Ben," she said. She told Ben . 3. "I will get myself a drink," she says. She says . 4. "Why haven't you phoned me?" he asked me. He wondered . 5. "I cannot drive them home," he said. He said . 6. "Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says. She asks Peter . 7. "Where did you spend your holidays last year?" she asked me. She asked me . 8. He said, "Don't go too far." He advised her . 9. "Have you been shopping?" he asked us. He wanted to know . 10. "Don't make so much noise," he says. He asks us .




1. Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow." Emily said that . 2. Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday." Helen told me that . 3. Robert: "My father flew to Dallas last year." Robert told me that . 4. Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago." Lisa said that . 5. Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend." Patricia said that . 6. Michael: "I am going to read a book this week." Michael said to me that . 7. Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow." Jason and Victoria told me that . 8. Andrew: "We didn't eat fish two days ago." Andrew remarked that . 9. Alice: "I spent all my pocket money on Monday." Alice complained that . 10. David: "John had already gone at six." David said that .


7. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech (no backshift). Note the change of pronouns and verbs. Helen is in front of the class holding a presentation on London. As Helen is rather shy, she speaks with a very low voice. Your classmate Gareth does not understand her, so you have to repeat every sentence to him. Helen: I want to tell you something about my holiday in London. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that . Helen: I went to London in July. Gareth: What does she say?


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6. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech. Change pronouns and expressions of time and place where necessary. Imagine you want to repeat sentences that you heard two weeks ago in another place. 1. They said, "This is our book." They said . 2. She said, "I went to the cinema yesterday." She said . 3. He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow." He said . 4. You said, "I will do this for him." You said . 5. She said, "I am not hungry now." She said . 6. They said, "We have never been here before." They said . 7. They said, "We were in London last week." They said . 8. He said, "I will have finished this paper by tomorrow." He said . 9. He said, "They won't sleep." He said . 10. She said, "It is very quiet here." She said .




8. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech (no backshift). Note the change of pronouns, places and verbs. Your friend is an exchange student in the USA at the moment. You are speaking with him on the phone and your friend Sue is standing next to you. She is very excited you have to repeat every sentence to her. Tom: I'm fine. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that . Tom: The weather here is great. Sue: What does he say?


5. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech. Change pronouns and time expressions where necessary. 1. She said, "I am reading." She said that . 2. They said, "We are busy." They said that . 3. He said, "I know a better restaurant." He said that . 4. She said, "I woke up early." She said that . 5. He said, "I will ring her." He said that . 6. They said, "We have just arrived." They said that . 7. He said, "I will clean the car." He said that . 8. She said, "I did not say that." She said that . 9. She said, "I don't know where my shoes are." She said that . 10. He said: "I won't tell anyone." He said that .

You: She says that . Helen: My parents went with me. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that . Helen: We spent three days in London. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that . Helen: London is a multicultural place. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that . Helen: I saw people of all colors. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that . Helen: Me and my parents visited the Tower. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that . Helen: One evening we went to see a musical. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that . Helen: I love London. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that . Helen: The people are so nice there. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that .


II. Reported Commands If you put a command into Reported Speech there are some steps which are the same like in statements: (changing of the person, backshift of tenses, changing of expressions of time). The form is mostly: tell + to + infinitive.
Affirmative commands Father: "Do your homework." Father told me to do my homework.


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You: He says that . Tom: My host family is very nice. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that . Tom: I have my own room. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that . Tom: We have a national park here. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that . Tom: We went there yesterday. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that . Tom: It was great. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that . Tom: I'd love to go there again. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that . Tom: The teachers at my school are very nice. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that . Tom: My English has improved. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that .

2. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech: Example: Peter: "Don't clean the black shoes!" Answer: Peter told me not to clean the black shoes. 1. Karen: "Don't play football in the garden!" Karen told me . 2. Teacher: "Don't forget your homework!" The teacher reminded me . 3. Mike: "Don't shout at Peter!" Mike told me . 4. Yvonne: "Don't talk to your neighbor!" Yvonne told me . 5. Denise: "Don't open the door!" Denise told me . 6. Marcel: "Don't sing that song!" Marcel reminded me . 7. Jane: "Don't watch the new film!" Jane advised me . 8. Walter: "Don't ring Romy on Sunday!" Walter told me . 9. Lisa: "Don't fly via Paris!" Lisa advised me . 10. Jamie: "Don't eat so much junk food!" Jamie reminded me . 3. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences. 1. "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said. The teacher told Joe . 2. "Be patient," she said to him. She told him . 3. "Go to your room," her father said to her. Her father told her . 4. "Hurry up," she said to us. She told us . 5. "Give me the key," he told her. He asked her . 6. "Play it again, Sam," she said. She asked Sam . 7. "Sit down, Caron" he said. He asked Caron . 8. "Fill in the form, Sir," the receptionist said. The receptionist asked the guest . 9. "Take off your shoes," she told us. She told us . 10. "Mind your own business," she told him. She told him .

Negative commands

Teacher. "Don't talk to your neighbor." The teacher told me not to talk to my neighbor.





Exercises: 1. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech: Example: Peter: "Clean the black shoes!" Answer: Peter told me to clean the black shoes. 1. Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!" Andrew told me . 2. Jessica: "Write a text message!" Jessica told me . 3. Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!" Nelly told me . 4. Fred: "Wash your hands!" Fred told me . 5. Anna: "Open the window!" Anna told me . 6. Tom: "Come at 8!" Tom told me . 7. Teacher: "Do your homework!" The teacher told me . 8. Doris: "Dance with me!" Doris told me . 9. Sabine: "Meet Sandy at the station!" Sabine told me . 10. Victoria: "Check your e-mail!" Victoria told me .


1. Complete the sentences in the Reported Speech: Example: Peter: "Did John clean the black shoes?" Answer: Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes.


III. Reported Questions If you put a question into Reported Speech there are some steps which are the same like in statements: (changing the person, backshift of tenses, changing time expressions). In Reported Speech there the sentence becomes a statement. That's why the word order is: subject - verb. Question without question words (yes/no questions): Peter: "Do you play football?" - Peter asked me whether (if) I played football. Question with question words: Peter: "When do you play football?" - Peter asked me when I played football.


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5. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences. 1. She said, "Go upstairs." She told me . 2. "Close the door behind you," he told me. He told me . 3. "Don't be late," he advised us. He advised us . 4. "Stop staring at me," she said. She told him . 5. "Don't be angry with me," he said. He asked her . 6. "Leave me alone," she said. She told me . 7. "Don't drink and drive," she warned us. She warned us . 8. "John, stop smoking," she said. She told John . 9. "Don't worry about us," they said. They told her . 10. "Meet me at the cinema." he said. He asked me .

2. Complete the sentences in the Reported Speech: Example: Peter: "Did John clean the black shoes yesterday?" Answer: Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes the day before. 1. Mandy: "Are the boys reading the book?" Yesterday Mandy asked me . 2. Jason: "Who gave you the laptop?" Yesterday Jason wanted to know . 3. Robert: "Is Tim leaving on Friday?" Yesterday Robert asked me . 4. Daniel: "Will it rain tomorrow?" Yesterday Daniel asked me . 5. Jennifer: "Where do you play football today?" Yesterday Jennifer wanted to know . 6. Nancy: "Why didn't Nick go to New York last summer?" Yesterday Nancy wanted to know . 7. Barbara: "Must I do my homework this afternoon?" Yesterday Barbara asked me . 8. Linda: "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?" Yesterday Linda wanted to know . 9. Grandmother: "Where are my glasses?" Yesterday Grandmother asked me . 10. A man: "When does the train to Liverpool leave?" Yesterday a man asked me . 2. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses. 1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked. She asked . 2. "How are you?" Martin asked us. Martin asked us . 3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?" He asked . 4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. The mother asked her daughter . 5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend. She asked her boyfriend . 6. "What are they doing?" she asked. She wanted to know . 7.



4. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences. 1. "Don't touch it," she said to him. She told him . 2. "Don't do that again," he said to me. He told me . 3. "Don't talk to me like that," he said. He told her . 4. "Don't repair the computer yourself," she warned him. She warned him . 5. "Don't let him in," she said. She told me . 6. "Don't go out without me," he begged her. He begged her . 7. "Don't forget your bag," she told me. She told me . 8. "Don't eat in the lab," the chemistry teacher said. The chemistry teacher told his students . 9. "Don't give yourself up," he advised her. He advised her . 10. "Don't hurt yourselves, boys," she said. She told the boys .

1. Christopher: "Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me . 2. Betty: "When did you come?" Betty wanted to know . 3. Mark: "Has John arrived?" Mark asked me . 4. Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?" Ronald asked me . 5. Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?" Elisabeth asked me . 6. Mandy: "Can I help you?" Mandy wanted to know . 7. Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" Andrew asked me . 8. Justin: "What are you doing?" Justin asked me . 9. Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?" Frank wanted to know . 10. Anne: "Must I do the shopping?" Anne asked .




4. Transform the text into Reported Speech: The Little Kitten One day a little kitten says to her mother: Oh, Mother, look at my four little paws! One, two, three, four! What can I do with my four little paws? And Mother Cat says: Oh, you little kitten, you can run with your paws! And the little kitten runs and runs and runs. The next day the little kitten says to her mother: Oh, Mother, look at my two little eyes! One, two! What can I do with my two little eyes? And Mother Cat says: Oh, you little kitten, you can see with your eyes. And the little kitten says: Yes, yes, I can see with my eyes. I see you, Mother, I see little chicks, I see a big dog.

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3. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses. 1. "What's the time?" he asked. He wanted to know . 2. "When will we meet again?" she asked me. She asked me . 3. "Are you crazy?" she asked him. She asked him . 4. "Where did they live?" he asked. He wanted to know . 5. "Will you be at the party?" he asked her. He asked her . 6. "Can you meet me at the station?" she asked me. She asked me . 7. "Who knows the answer?" the teacher asked. The teacher wanted to know . 8. "Why don't you help me?" she asked him. She wanted to know . 9. "Did you see that car?" he asked me. He asked me . 10. "Have you tidied up your room?" the mother asked the twins. The mother asked the twins .

5. Transform the text into Reported Speech and do the tasks: A driver who was going in his car at a great speed through the country road saw a man crossing the road and a dog following him. As the car drew near them the dog suddenly stopped, was hit by the car and killed. The driver stopped his car and came up to the man. "I am very sorry for what has happened," he said. "Will 50 dollars be enough for the killed dog?" "Oh, yes," said the man, "50 dollars will be quite enough." The man put the money in his pocket and when the driver disappeared in the distance, looked at the dog and thought, "I wonder whose dog it was." I. Did the man feel very unhappy that the dog had been killed? II. Why was he happy to get 50 dollars? III. Open the brackets and use the appropriate form of the verbs: ) There (be) a very interesting story in the morning paper about a man who just (inherit) 50,000 dollars. The newspaper article (be) quite detailed. It (say) that the man always (behave) very strangely. What others (like) he (dislike) and what most people (enjoy) he (hate). He (not bear) the sun, but he (take) long walks in the rain without a raincoat or umbrella. He always (see) the black side of everything. He (find) fault with the best picture of the year but he (stay) up late watching very old films on TV.



"Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me. He wanted to know . 8. The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?" The teacher wanted to know . 9. "How do you know that?" she asked me. She asked me . 10. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me. My friend asked me .

The next day the little kitten says to her mother: Oh, Mother, look at my two little ears! One, two! What can I do with my two little ears? And Mother Cat says: Oh, you little kitten, you can hear with your ears. And the little kitten says: Yes, yes, I can hear with my little ears. I hear you, Mother, I hear little chicks, I hear a big dog. The next day the little kitten says to her mother: Oh, Mother, look at my little mouth, what can I do with my little mouth? And Mother Cat says: Oh, you little kitten, you can eat a mouse with your little mouth. And the little kitten says: Yes, yes, I can eat a mouse with my little mouth.



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get give go grow have

Last week his uncle (die) and (leave) him 50,000 dollars. Perhaps the uncle (be) rather strange too. Or perhaps he (know) about his nephew's strange preferences one of them, anyway and (decide) to try and cure him. In his will the old man (insist) that the nephew (spend) half the inheritance within the next two years. In case he (fail) to do that the money (give) to a university. Everyone (want) to know what the nephew (do). You see, the thing he (hate) most of all (be) to part with his money. b) There (be) always a big problem with Rex. Mr Smith never (know) where he (go). He (try) to keep him in the garden but it (be) no good. Rex always (bring) something home with him. One day Mr Smith (come) home tired and (be) soon fast asleep. He (wake up) by a loud knock at the door. Rex (look) at him with one eye. Mr Smith (get up) and (surprise) to see a policeman in the doorway. The policeman (apologize) and told him that there (be) a thief in the district stealing from the local shops small things like sweets, chocolates ... . Mr Smith said that if he (notice) anything he (let) the policeman know. But he knew who it (be).

List of Irregular Verbs

Infinitive be become begin break bring build burn buy can catch choose come cost cut deal dig do dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly foresee foretell forget forgive freeze Participle I was / were became began broke brought built burnt bought could caught chose came cost cut dealt dug did dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew foresaw foretold forgot forgave froze got gave went grew had Participle II been become begun broken brought built burnt bought could caught chosen come cost cut dealt dug done dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown foreseen foretold forgotten forgiven frozen gotten given gone grown had 196 Translation a fi / a deveni / a ncepe / a rupe, ntrerupe / , a aduce / a construi / a arde / a cumpra / a putea / a prinde / a alege / a veni / a costa / a tia / , a avea de a face / a spa / a face / a visa / a bea / a conduce maina / a mnca / a cdea / a da de mncare, a hrni / a simi / a lupta / , a gsi / a zbura / a prevedea / a prezice / a uita / a ierta / a nghea / a lua, a obine, a deveni / , , a da / a merge / a crete / a avea /




teach tear tell think throw understand wear win write

kneel know lead learn leave let light lose make mean meet mistake

knelt knew led learnt left let lit lost made meant met mistook

knelt known led learnt left let lit lost made meant met mistaken


misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood pay put read retell ring run say see seek sell send shine show sing sit sleep smell speak spend stand paid put read retold rang ran said saw sought sold sent shone showed sang sit slept smelt spoke spent stood paid put read retold rung run said seen sought sold sent shone shown sung sit slept smelt spoken spent stood 197

a pleca, a lsa / , a lsa / , a aprinde / a pierde / a face / a avea sens, a nsemna / a ntlni / a grei / a nelege greit / a plti / a pune / a citi / a povesti / a suna / a fugi / a spune / a vedea / a cerceta / a vinde / a trimite / a strluci / a arta / a cnta / a se aeza / a dormi / a mirosi / a vorbi / a petrece, a cheltui / , a sta n picioare /



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tought tore told thought threw understood wore won wrote

hear hide hit hold hurt keep

heard hid hit held hurt kept

heard hidden hit held hurt kept

a auzi / a ascunde / a lovi / a ine / a rni / a pstra, a ine / , a ngenunchia / a ti / a conduce / , a nva /

steal swear sweep swim take

stole swore swept swam took

stolen sworn swept swum taken tought torn told thought thrown understood worn wun written

a fura / a jura / a mtura / a nota / a lua / a nva (pe alii) / , a rupe, a lcrma / , a zice / a gndi, a crede / a arunca / a nelege / a purta (haine) / () a ctiga / a scrie /


Bibliography: 1. Barry Tomalin. Follow Me. BBC English by Radio and Television. London. 1992. 2. BBC English. 3. Betty Schrampfer Azar. Fundamentals of English Grammar. New Jersey. 1992. 4. Cathy Lawday. Get Set Go! Oxford University Press. 2002. 5. E. C. Parnwell. The New Oxford Picture Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 1988. 6. Liz and John Soars. New Headway English Course. New York. 2002. 7. Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. 1990. 8. Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. 1985. 9. Robert ONeill, Roy Kingsbury. American Kernel Lessons. Longman. 1978. 10. Steven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss. Side by Side. Washington D.C. 2000.

15. . . . . . 2001. 16. . . . - . 2001. 17. . . . 2005. 18. . . . 1987.




11. Corina Andrei. Everyday English. Engleza pentru nceptori. 2004. 12. D. Melenciuc, E. Onofreiciuc, E. Fabian. English for High School. Chisinau. 2000. 13. Leon Levichi, Dan Duescu. Engleza fr Profesor. Teora. 2007. 14. Virginia Iastremschi, Andrei Prohin, Eduard Rotaru. A Book of English Grammar. Pontos. 2006.

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19. - . ., . . . . 2006. 20. . . . - . . 1981.

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