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Holes Comprehension Questions

Week 3 Chapters 12 18 1. What are the boys talking about when Stanley returns to the camp? Why does Mr. Pendanski want them to think about it? What to do with their lives and what their interests are. Mr Pendanski wants them to set goals so that they can do something with their lives and not end up in jail again. (pp56-57) 2. When Mr. Pendanski asks Zero what he wants to do in the future, what does Zero say? Why do you think Zero says this? He likes to dig holes. Possible answers: he doesnt know what he wants to do, he doesn't feel confident about himself, he doesnt want to talk about it with Mr. Pendandski (p58) 3. What does Stanley find the next day when he is digging? Describe it. A gold tube that has the initials KB inside an etched heart. (pp60-61) 4. What does he do with it? He keeps it and then tells X-Ray about it because he kept his promise. (p62) 5. Why does he tell X-Ray to wait? X-Ray has almost finished hole for the day, so he wouldnt be able to enjoy the day off. (62) 6. How does Mr. Pendanski react when X-Ray finds the object? How does the Warden react? He goes to tell the Warden. The Warden seems excited about it. (pp65-66) 7. Describe the Warden. Tall woman with red hair. Red fingernails. TOUGH. She orders Mr. Pendanski around. (pp66-68) 8. What do the the boys need to do for the rest of the day that is different than they usually do? Why? They double up on the holes where or near where X-Ray was digging. One boy digs and the other boy puts it in a wheelbarrow to see if there is anything in the dirt. Then they take the dirt away from the holes so it doesnt get mixed up again. (pp69-70) 9. What does Stanley know that the Warden and the others dont? What does he do? They are all looking in the wrong place. That they are not digging just for themselves. The warden is looking for something specific. He memorizes the place where he found the tube. (p71)


Holes Comprehension Questions

10. Who goes with the boys to the dig site the next day? How does she feel by the afternoon? The Warden. She is frustrated. (p73) 11. What does Stanleys mom tell him in her letter? How does Zero react when Stanley tries to explain it to him? They are about to be evicted because of his dads experiments because of the terrible smell. She makes a joke about the nursery rhyme about the old woman who lived in a shoe, but when Stanley tells Zero, he absolutely doesnt understand, which surprises Stanley. (pp75-76) 12. How many days do the boys work in the same spot? How is the Warden feeling? Week and half. She is very angry and says the boys arent working hard enough, (pp77-78) 13. What happens to Stanley? Does he get to quit for the day? Zigzag accidentally hits him on the side of the head with a shovel and cuts him. He has to go back to work. (p78) 14. How has Stanleys body changed since he came to the camp? He is stronger, more muscular and he doesnt hurt anymore. (p80) 15. What does Stanley learn about Zero? What does Zero ask him to do? Zero doesnt know how to read and wants Stanley to teach him. (p81-82) 16. How does Stanley response to Zero show another change that has happened to Stanley? Stanley says no. He has become less caring. (p82)

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