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2 theSun | THURSDAY APRIL 23 2009

news without borders Interact with the PM

on his website:

» The use of public facilities like town

Najib’s right to
decide: Mahathir
CYBERJAYA: Former prime minister Tun Dr Ma-
hathir Mohamad said yesterday Prime Minister
‘Heavy police presence in halls and government vehicles for
campaigning and the alleged mobi-
lisation of National Service trainees
during the nomination in Batang Ai
» Inconvenient election timeline as the

by-elections unjustified’
Datuk Seri Najib Razak had the right to make polling day for the by-elections fell on
decisions and he did not interfere in the govern- a working day and the voters’ conven-
ment administration. ience must be taken as the paramount
He also said he was not being consulted consideration when deciding nomina-
on any issue and the government was free to tion and polling date; and
decide on anything. » Limited freedom of campaign and
“I’m not a consultant on every issue. In fact, peaceful assembly as there had been
I’m not being consulted. The only way I can sug- by Giam Say Khoon way, the candidates may police restriction against “open-air
gest my idea is to answer questions from the file their nominations any ceramah” in Bukit Selambau, and
press and to write in my blog,” he told report- time and a police presence harsh enforcement used to disperse
ers after delivering a speech on “The MSC and KUALA LUMPUR: The will not be necessary. ceramah, that failed to obtain police
Leadership in the Information Age” at the MSC heavy police presence during Ong noted that Ma- permit as well as restriction on touch-
Malaysia Leadership Talk Series. the three by-elections in Bukit laysia is one of the few ing certain issues in Bukit Gantang.
“If you ask me a question, I have to answer Gantang, Bukit Selambau and countries where active He said Mafrel recommended
and maybe my answer is not the same as what Batang Ai was unjustified, elec- campaigning is held even that:
the prime minister has in mind. But it doesn’t tion watchdog Malaysians for on polling day. » EC revamps the electoral roll or im-
mean that I’m opposed to him. He has the right Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) He said if political plement automatic registration based
to decide.” said yesterday. parties follow the law of on National Registration Department
He said it was quite obvious that Najib did In a preliminary report on campaign moratorium records;
not depend on him, especially in appointing the three by-elections held on on polling day, support- » Polling should be held on a holiday
ministers and deputy ministers, a few of whom April 7, Mafrel chairman Syed ers will not create so more can vote.
Mahathir thought were undeserving. Ibrahim Syed Noh said their tension outside polling » Instant projects or allocations by
Mahathir said he was free to give his opin- observers noted that the people centres and, again, no the government made to give certain
ions but the government did not consult him were wary about the unjustified heavy police presence candidates an advantage must stop as
on any issue. mobilisation of policemen. would be needed. it is tantamount to abuse of power by
“If they consult me, of course I tell them why He cited a newspaper report “The campaign the office-holders;
I make the suggestions. They don’t consult me which put the police expenditure moratorium has never » Police should respect the citizens’
but I have the right to talk,” he said. for the three by-elections at a total been enforced (by the rights to peaceful assemblies as called
He also denied that he would be leading the of RM17 million – 10 times higher EC). Do not think that by the Malaysian Human Rights Com-
campaign in Penanti and had only said Barisan than the Election Commission’s voters will just change mission (Suhakam); and
Nasional should contest in the by-election. expenditure of RM600,000 a by- their mind on polling » EC enforces the campaign ex-
“That’s all. I didn’t say I offered myself to lead election. day with supporters penses limit which stipulates that a
the campaign, the papers said so,” he said. Mafrel northern coordinator actively campaigning candidate shall not spend more than
On the high cost being among the reasons Ong Boon Keong noted that the outside the polling RM200,000 for a parliamentary seat
why BN might not be contesting in the Penanti police presence has grown since centres? They are in- and RM100,000 for a state seat during
by-election, he said it was a valid reason but it the Kuala Terengganu by-election telligent enough to make their choice,” the campaigning period.
depended on the party. in January. Sedition he said. On the controversy over “unnec-
Asked about the increasing interest among He said if the police are worried about Syed Ibrahim also noted: essary by-elections” and the link to
Johor folk over the replacement bridge, he said if clashes between supporters of rival camps, the
charge » Electoral flaws, in which an outdat- costs, Syed Ibrahim said a by-election
the bridge was built, the Iskandar project would nomination process could be extended from a flawed, ed electoral roll was used and posted is a democratic process and the people
really take off. – Bernama day to a week as done in many countries. This says challenges in tracing the voters; should have the right to vote.
Karpal » Abuse of public expenditure for cam- He said the cost of holding a by-
paigning as “instant noodle projects” election will be high only if “we are
pg 4 continued to be seen although Prime putting excessive cost for the police,
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak EC and the political parties, therefore
had vowed to stop them. the limit must be enforced”.

State withdraws appeal

in orang asli land case
by Maria J. Dass should be solved administra- Orang asli Sagong Tasi tively. We don’t want to go and six others are the re-
to court and be antagonistic spondents in the case involv-
SHAH ALAM: Selangor has towards an already margin- ing their customary rights
decided to withdraw its ap- alised group,” she said. over the 15.32ha plot.
peal to the Federal Court with There are about 14,000 On Sept 19, 2005, the
respect to the Sagong Tasi orang asli left in Selangor, Court of Appeal upheld the
case, involving the acquisi- the majority of whom are Shah Alam High Court’s de-
tion of 15ha of the Temuan Temuan and the rest from cision to declare Sagong Tasi
tribe’s customary land in the Mahmeri tribe. and the six others customary
Bukit Tampoi, Dengkil in Wong said the task force, owners of the land.
1995. which met last Thursday, set The Court of Appeal
Mentri Besar Tan Sri parameters and decided that affirmed the High Court’s
Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said the orang asli cannot get all decision that the orang asli
the state legal adviser will in- they want, but the state wants of the Temuan tribe owned
form the Federal Court of the to be as fair as possible. the land under a customary
state’s intention to withdraw The task force is made community title of a perma-
from the case today. up of experts on indigenous nent nature and ordered that
“The state will also take people, assemblymen who the orang asli be paid the
into account the concerns have orang asli in their con- market value as prescribed
raised in the Court of Appeal stituencies, and those with under the Land Acquisition
judgment in respect of the experience in this field, in- Act 1960.
gazette of orang asli land cluding former Federal Ter- The court ruled it was
and has formed an orang asli ritory Gerakan chief Datuk wrong for the Selangor gov-
land task force to address Tan Kee Kwong and former ernment to pay compensation
land-related issues,” he said co-chairman of the land task for the loss of livelihood and
after a state executive council force in Selangor Datuk Dr damage to property when the
meeting yesterday. Nik Mohd Zain. land was taken to construct
At the press conference, Wong said the aim of the the Kuala Lumpur-Nilai
after a long absence, was task force is to resolve the is- Highway.
state executive councillor for sues affecting the orang asli When the defendants ap-
environment, tourism and within three months. pealed to the Court of Appeal,
consumer affairs Elizabeth Abdul Khalid said the it further ordered United
Wong, who has been well Pakatan Rakyat (PR) govern- Engineers (M) Bhd and the
acquainted with issues in- ment hopes to work with the Malaysian Highway Author-
volving the orang asli. indigenous communities in ity (MHA) to pay damages to
She said the matter has the state. the orang asli for trespassing
been in court for the past 13 “The state believes in pro- on the land.
years and last year, during tecting their rights and will On Nov 21, 2006, the
the court proceedings, the continue to treat them with federal and Selangor govern-
state decided the orang asli the respect they deserve, ments, UEM and the MHA
deserved compensation. which should have been were allowed their applica-
“We decided we want to accorded to them from the tions for leave to appeal to
withdraw because this issue beginning,” he said. the apex court.

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