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12  theSun | THURSDAY APRIL 23 2009

news without borders

Teen Somali pirate suspect to be tried as adult

NEW YORK: A Somali teenager accused of hold- tence of life in prison if convicted. The captain of took the lead in issuing demands and said he had
ing hostage a US ship captain in the Indian Ocean the Maersk Alabama, Richard Phillips, was held hijacked other ships, according to the complaint.
after an attempted hijacking will be tried as an hostage on a lifeboat for several days after he Parts of the hearing were closed to the public
adult in New York on piracy charges, a US judge volunteered to go with the pirates in exchange due to questions about whether Muse was less
ruled on Tuesday. Abduwali Abdukhadir Muse, for the crew. He was rescued when US Navy than 18 years old.
the sole surviving accused pirate from the foiled snipers killed three pirates and captured Muse. Defence attorney Philip Weinstein said he
bid to hijack huge US container ship the Maersk Muse appeared at a hearing in Manhattan spoke to Muse’s father in Somalia, who said his
Alabama earlier this month, was put in custody federal court after being brought to New York by son is 15 years old but prosecutors said Muse
until his next court appearance on May 21. US authorities late on Monday. “An act of piracy told the FBI he was 18. US Magistrate Judge
Muse, who prosecutors said “conducted against one nation is a crime against all nations,” Andrew Peck eventually ruled Muse is 18 years
himself as the leader of the pirates,” is charged Acting US Attorney Lev Dassin said in a statement. old. Speaking to reporters, Deirdre von Dornum,
with piracy, conspiracy to seize a ship by force, “Pirates target ships and cargo, but threaten inter- one of Muse’s lawyers, said the legal team was
conspiracy to commit hostage taking and related national commerce and human life.” investigating the possibility Muse may have been
firearms offences. He faces a maximum sen- Muse who was the first to board the ship, “kidnapped and taken hostage.” – Reuters

100,000 escape rebel zone

COLOMBO: Thousands more civilians in contravention of LTTE founder-leader this year is now around 173,439 accord-
surged out of Sri Lanka’s war zone yes- Vellupillai Prabhakaran’s dictate that fol- ing to the military tally.
terday, while soldiers and Tamil Tiger lowers wear cyanide vials to be taken in The United Nations confirmed this
No rebels fought the apparent endgame of case of capture. week’s outflow.
Asia’s longest-running war despite calls He surrendered along with the trans- “It is 60,000 plus and counting, and
stopping to protect those still trapped. lator for the late LTTE political head S.P. we have heard various reports of up to
ANC In the third day since troops blasted Thamilselvan as troops thrust deeper 110,000 coming out,” said the UN spokes-
pg 14 through a massive earthen wall built by into a former army-declared no-fire zone man in Colombo, Gordon Weiss.
the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam that is now the last battleground in a war The LTTE has accused the military of
(LTTE) and unleashed the exodus, the that erupted in 1983. fabricating the numbers and of capturing
military said at least 100,000 people had The military says troops now control people it says are staying by choice. It has
been registered for onward transit to all but 13sq km of the Indian Ocean ignored all calls to free civilians while
refugee camps. island, where the remnants of the LTTE urging a truce, and on Tuesday vowed no
Among those who came out was the and Prabhakaran are fighting a final surrender despite facing overwhelming
LTTE’s former spokesman Daya Master, stand in their war to create a separate firepower.
a former schoolteacher who was the Ti- state for Sri Lanka’s Tamil minority. Dashing the LTTE’s hope India would
gers’ voice to the English-speaking world “Confrontations are taking place. step in to help a group it trained in the
for years and arranged media visits to Whenever we come across LTTE cadres, 1980s, Indian Foreign Minister Pranab
the self-declared state the separatists had we are fighting them. The rescue opera- Mukherjeeyesterday told reporters: “We
fought to create. tion is continuing,” military spokesman have no sympathy for the terrorists,
The military said he was the most Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. but every sympathy for the civilians.”
senior rebel to surrender, an act that is The number of people who have fled – Reuters

South Africans vote in briefs

toughest test for ANC EPAPIC
JOHANNESBURG: South Africans Freddie Mac acting
voted yesterday in an election CFO found dead: Police
that poses the toughest challenge WASHINGTON: David Kellermann,
to the African National Congress acting chief financial officer of trou-
since the end of apartheid and bled US mortgage giant Freddie Mac,
could weaken its overwhelming was found dead yesterday in his home
dominance in parliament. after apparently committing suicide, a
The ANC looks assured of a local police source said.
fourth straight win since defeating Kellermann, 41, was named acting
white minority rule in 1994 under CFO last September after the Treasury
Nelson Mandela and will make its Department seized the company, and
leader Jacob Zuma president weeks its sibling mortgage agency Fannie
after he was able to get corruption Mae, as the agencies faced deep losses
charges dropped on a technicality. on a crashing US housing market.
But the party faces an unprec- A police source said the 16-year
edented challenge from opposi- veteran of Freddie Mac was found
tion parties hoping to capitalise hanging in the basement of his home
on frustration over corruption, in Reston, outside Washington.
poverty and crime, and could lose Kellermann had been closely involved
the two-thirds majority that gives it in many key accounting and financial
the right to change the constitution issues since 2003 when regulators
and entrench its power further. found that Freddie Mac had improperly
“We are entering a post-libera- booked years of losses. – AFP
tion era. People are talking about
new issues and challenges and
there’s also a new generation Egyptian held on
that’s not attached to the libera- suspicion of killing
tion struggle,” independent politi- wife over cooking
cal analyst David Monyae said.
Queues snaked before dawn CAIRO: An Egyptian man has been
outside polling stations across arrested on suspicion of beating
South Africa, the continent’s his wife to death because she
biggest economy and diplomatic had cooked him the wrong meal,
Voters in Johannesburg the state-run Mena news agency
heavyweight. queue to cast their votes
The electoral body hopes voter reported on Tuesday.
yesterday. Police suspect that the 37-year-
turnout will top 80%, compared
with 77% in 2004. Voting papers old from the Nile Delta province
were running short in some areas. of Sharqiya punched his wife and
A key challenge to the ANC The first credible black oppo- cratic Alliance, resurgent under banged her head against a wall
comes from a new party formed sition party, the Congress of the new leader Helen Zille, a white after he discovered that she had
by those loyal to former president People (Cope), has some support South African, also hopes to boost not prepared the food he had
Thabo Mbeki, ousted by the ANC among the growing black middle its presence in parliament and has requested, Mena said. The 48-year-
amid allegations he meddled in class, but has struggled to win campaigned under a “Stop Zuma” old woman died of a brain haemor-
the corruption case against Zuma, over the poor. slogan, with an anti-corruption rhage and her husband has been
which was dropped this month. The official opposition Demo- message. – Reuters detained. – AFP

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