Maha Maya Perah Are 7

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Buddha Matha Deva Rajini

Every Buddhist knows that Queen Mahamaya departed fro this world just one week after giving birth to Prince Siddhartha, but the fact known less among foreign Buddhist is her being reborn in Thusitha Deva Realm as Buddha Mother Queen of Goddesses (Buddha Matha Deva Rajini). The opportunity to become the mother of Buddha does not come about easily. A women who aspires to be so has to fulfill the required Paramis in countless number of births undergoing much hardships and sacrifices in her long journey through sansara (cycle of death and reborn). The enormous merit Queen Mahamaya gained in her long samsaric journey enabled her to reach diving status as Mahamaya Mathru Deva Rajini. This was confirmed by Buddhas visit to Thusitha Heavenly Plane and the preaching of Abhidhamma Sutta to her during the three month Rain Retreat (Vassana) season. She reached the First Stage of Sotapana on the Path to Nibbanic Bliss on listening to this Sutta preached by her Buddha Son. Invoking Mahamaya Deva Rajanis blessing to overcome human suffering in various forms and to fulfill hopes and aspirations of devotes, a series of Poojas and Pinkamas are conducted at Devram Maha Vehera, Pannipitiya in Sri Lanka. Following is the historical backgrounds to this religious tradition. A mothers fervent wish According to Buddhist chronicles the journey towards Buddhahood of our Siddatta Bosath commenced as recorded in the Jataka story of Mathu Posaka. The seed of aspiration to Buddhahood The seed of aspiration to Buddhahood was planted first in the heart of son by his dearly beloved mother.

According to the Mathu Posaka Jataka Story, son and mother were on a business trip by ship when the vessel was wrecked in high seas. The son resolved to save his mothers life at any cost and began swimming carrying her on his back. This was done at great risk since it involved many days of swimming with no food or drinking water. At one stage he might die of starvation. Sons valiant effort He advised his mother that should he die in this attempt, she should climb on to his dead body and make it a raft for her to be taken across to a safe land. What would have been the feelings of this mother on hearing such words from a young son? However, with strong determination and enduring effort he was at last able to swim across to a safe land with the mother. The mother in sheer astonishment of her sons dedication and persevering effort exclaimed that such a worthy son should one day in the future undoubtedly attain Buddhahood. Determination for Buddhahood] This wish of his dear mother went deep into his heart. He Worshipped her and kissed her feet, promising with determination to fulfill her wish of becoming a future Buddha. It is in accordance with her wish that our Bodhisatta commenced performing the required Paramis over and immeasurable period of time, undergoing untold hardships and suffering, sacrificing everything precious and dear to him for attaining Enlightenment. Proclamation at the feet of Deepankara Buddha. Countless years passed by with after his firm resolution to become a Buddha. In the era of Deepankara Buddha it also happened that after incessant rains the roads got muddy with pot holes all over. When the Buddha was on his alms rounds one day our Sumedha Bodhisatta who was then a hermit undertook to repair a stretch of road. But before completion he saw Deepankara Buddha was on his way. Sumedha Bodhisatta then lay prostrate in worship and offered his body for the Buddha to tread upon. Handful of jasmine flowers Having reach this spot, Deepankara Buddha in his supreme wisdom investigated who this great man was and saw that he had the potential to be a future Buddha. At this very moment he received a handful of jasmine flowers which he sprinkled on Sumeda Bosath with pleasure. Gotama Buddha Deepankara Buddha proclaimed here that the fervent wish that the Bosaths mother expressed on her being saved by him had now matured into a seed of strength leading eventually to Buddhahood. It was the first confirmation that Sumedha Bosath would become a Buddhya by

the name of Gotama. Thenceforth receiving confirmation from twenty fourth Buddhas , the Bosath in his sansaric journey completed the paramis to become Gotama Buddha in this kalpa. Buddha Mother in Sansaric Journey It is the belief of Ven. Kolonnawe Siri Sumangala Anunayaka Thero that the mother who was saved from drowning in sea by her son is the same mother who expressed this wish for her son giving birth to him repeatedly in her sansaric journey, inculcating the required Buddha Karaka Dhamma in him for attaining Buddhahood. For she travelled sansara being mother to this Bosath nursing this wish and finally as queen Mahamaya gave birth to Prince Siddhartha and thereafter departing in seven days, to be born as Mahamaya Mathru Deva Rajani. Why did Queen Mahamaya die in seven days? One reason is that queen Mahamaya and her sister Prajapathi Gothami both in their sansaric lives aspired to be mother for a future Buddha and fulfilled the required paramis. Mahamaya gave birth to Bosath Prince and left him in seven days to be taken charge for adoption by Prajapathi Gothami. Another is that the womb of a Buddha Mother after the birth f Buddha Son is no place for any sensual pleasure thereafter. Hence it is a norm that this death would occur as a natural phenomenon. The third reason is that her own sister could be the protective Deva Rajani for prince Siddhartha while bringing him up. Medin Poya Maha Pinkama From her childhood Princess Mahamaya led a noble life of chastity and at the right age entered into wedded life with king Suddhodana in the month of Medin, paving the way for the birth of a son who would become the Buddha. Hence Month of Medin or March is considered as Mahamaya Deva Rajini Month. Reverence to King Suddhodana It may be asked why only honour Buddhas Mother. Why not honour King Suddhodana also?
The pinkama at Devram Maha Vehera also honours King Suddhodana. However, the King is no more in worldly existence. When he was nearing death, the Buddha was beside him and having listened to the Dhamma preached by the Enlightened Son King Suddhodana became an Arahat. Although he did not don the robes of a monk, he is in the category of Noble Maha Arahat. Therefore if anywhere in the world one offers pooja to Arahats, Suddhodana Maha Arahat is also included. Mahamaya Mother Deva Rajani remains a great noble lady.

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