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ESTPs are action-oriented, logical problem solvers. Energetic and social, they prefer not to be stuck inside working at a desk, and enjoy working with their hands, rather than abstract ideas. ESTPs are often excellent at promoting their ideas and energizing others. They usually find change invigorating, performing well when required to adapt to swiftly-changing environments. ESTPs are focused on the moment, and quickly absorb the details of situations and the people around them. They are stimulated by their environment, and prefer to stay active and social. ESTPs value rich experiences, often drawing others to them with an infectious appreciation for lifes pleasures. They tend to be assertive and competitive. ESTPs often love to challenge others, as they enjoy being challenged in return.

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ESTPs prefer to make rational and objective decisions, often processing information internally. At time they may appear blunt or cold, due to their preference for critical analysis and decisiveness. ESTPs are bored by theory and abstract ideas, and


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learn best by jumping into a project, rather than by study or discussion. They are sometimes so quick to take action that they forget to inform others of their intentions. ESTPs are particularly motivated by any project that makes

When seeking a romantic partner, what do you look for?: Someone with a similar personality type to my own Someone with a different personality type from my own Someone who balances me, with some similarities and some differences I don't take personality type into account

practical use of their mechanical skills, attention to detail, and logical mind. ESTPs enjoy spontaneity and variety. When given a schedule or explicit instructions, they may simply figure out a way to work around them, as they perform best when allowed the freedom to follow their own rules.

ESTP Type Dynamics

The core of the ESTP personality type is Extraverted Sensing. This dominant function guides the way ESTPs take in information and experience the world around them. Using Extraverted Sensing, ESTPs notice details in their environment and observe the realities of their situation. They focus on the various sensations that the world has to offer and seek to experience the present moment. The auxiliary function for ESTPs is Introverted Thinking. This mental function supports their dominant Extraverted Sensing to help them process and evaluate information internally. Using Introverted Thinking, ESTPs seek orderly, systematic and logical thinking. They analyze data to create rational understanding within their own minds. The tertiary Feeling function is less developed for most ESTPs, especially early in life. When this function is not well developed, ESTPs may have trouble tuning into values and considering the impact of decisions on people. The inferior function for ESTPs, or that function which is least likely to be conscious and well developed, is Introverted Intuition. When this function is not developed, ESTPs can having difficulty focusing inward on personal insight and creating a vision for the future.

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ESTP in the Population

ESTPs make up: 4% of the general population

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6% of men 3% of women

Myers Briggs Types of Software Engineers

Famous ESTPs
Famous ESTPs include Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Winston Churchill, Mae West, Eddie Murphy, Bruce Willis, Madonna, and Evel Knievel.

Similar Types
ENTP: The Visionary ESFP: The Performer ESTJ: The Supervisor ISTP: The Artisan

ESTP at Work
At work, the ESTP is motivated to solve logical problems in the moment. ESTPs have a solid grasp of the concrete realities of a situation and a good sense of the resources at their disposal. Because they understand the facts of the present, they are often able to quickly see a way out of difficult situations. The ESTP relies on past experience to choose the best approach for the situation at hand. ESTPs are concrete and hands-on, and have a kinetic sense of how things work. Although ESTPs may have trouble envisioning abstract ideas, they are flexible in their approach: if something sounds logical, they are usually willing to give it a try. ESTPs often choose careers that take advantage of their athleticism, their mechanical skills, or their ability to negotiate their physical surroundings. They tend to prefer objects to ideas and often like a tangible product. They may have trouble sitting still and often avoid being stuck behind a desk. ESTPs like a job that is a bit unpredictable, and offers them some fun and adventure throughout the workday. They want a job which allows them plenty of flexibility to solve problems on the spot, without pressure to follow set procedures or plans.

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Popular Careers for the ESTP

Top careers for the ESTP include: General Contractor Building Inspector Surveyor Mechanic Forester Real Estate Broker Sales Engineer Stockbroker Sales Manager Property Manager Military Officer Police Officer Firefighter Athletic Trainer Airline Pilot

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Submitted by Guest (not verified) on September 18, 2012 - 12:48pm. AWESOME reply

Nick is cool.
Submitted by Dylan scinta (not verified) on September 20, 2012 - 6:06am. Nick is cool. reply

I find this very true but I'd

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on September 25, 2012 - 6:25am.

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I find this very true but I'd rather be a herbist. reply

My male partner is ESTP, or

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on October 29, 2012 - 12:37am. My male partner is ESTP, or so I think. My personality is very emotional and I have the ability to understand and percieve his emotions in a way even he can't. And I feel like its nessasary to warn all other emotional types of this personality type. My ESTP is very inconsiderate, manipulative and emotionally/intimately "unavailable". And he's so set in his ways that he can't see anything wrong with his behavior. I'm hoping for him its just a maturity issue and he'll gain insight with age, but I don't see it happening soon. reply

I'm estp and I found

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on November 8, 2012 - 1:39am. I'm estp and I found emotional people very annoying, estp don't manipulate just give you answers that you like to hear to stop you from bugging them, don't make someone love you more than they do already. Actions speak louder then words. reply

I am an ESTP, and I can

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on December 5, 2012 - 4:37pm. I am an ESTP, and I can assure you that you have to work around it. Try to see through his manipulation, and present arguments with sound mind and logic, that is where he'll best understand. reply

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So interesting that it
Submitted by Guest (not verified) on November 6, 2012 - 1:09pm. So interesting that it represents likely to have a low GPA but stay in school. This is me. I do not enjoy school and therefor do not try much but I have been in school forever because I think it is important. reply

@ My Male Parter, as an ESTP

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on November 6, 2012 - 1:22pm. @ My Male Parter, as an ESTP I recognize that I do not empathize with other people as strongly as other personality types. It does not mean that I do not feel or respect you. For example: today a client told me 5 trees fell over in her yard in a bad storm and she was very scared - it takes me longer to feel empathy because I have to think very specifically and imagine what it would be like for me. I want to empathize and I have learned how to copy the faces and expressions that people would use in these situations to comfort or connect with others. I do not do it to be manipulative, I sincerely want to make other people feel better and to be a part of their lives but I just don't function quite the same. It is helpful for me to surround myself with stable, open communicators for this reason. I am definitely open to criticism if it is delivered in positive language. I will not respond to anything that is insulting but if you can share your feelings clearly and politely I will do my best to attend to your needs. The more honest and direct a person is the better my relationship with that person will be -because I take words literally and do not pick up as much on facial expression and body language as I do language and tone. Think about what you need from your partner and new ways to express that to him without using words like "inconsiderate and manipulative" that will cause more damage and impede growth. Like say "next time you are going to do ________ I would like it if you ask me first so we can discuss" - showing him that you aren't feeling considered and offering a solution this way is constructive and creates new opportunities. reply

Yeeehaaa I thought I was a

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on November 8, 2012 - 1:43am.

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Yeeehaaa I thought I was a wacko turns out i'm not the only one! Thank God i'm NORMAL... reply

Yep, I am an ESTP girl, and

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on November 12, 2012 - 8:07pm. Yep, I am an ESTP girl, and gonna have to say I can't stand emotional girls...or guys for that matter. Super annoying. Ohh, and that was good to hear "guest" say that he had to put a sad face expression on. I sometimes feel like a terrible person, because while other girls are saying "awww", I am like "Let's talk about something other then your problems." I think ESTP's just wanna have fun. And there is nothing wrong with that. reply

I'm an ESTP. I chuckled at

Submitted by DJ Arendee (not verified) on November 14, 2012 - 8:42pm. I'm an ESTP. I chuckled at the "lowest gpa, most prone to staying in school." So true. I can slog through just about anything I hate but if its a challenge its going to get done, even if it means meeting the bare minimum. I'm frustrated though, because bosses often have a difficult time with me as an employee and I don't always understand why. I just can't seem to keep a job for the life of me. reply

DJ, likely, you are late

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on December 4, 2012 - 2:33pm. DJ, likely, you are late alot, let deadlines slip a bit (it will get done though!) and some people find you argumentative, unsympathetic and manipulative. You probably also have a remark or comment for everything, usually sarcastic.

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Start by biting back at least half of your remarks. Learn how to put yourself in the other persons shoes, and be able to put on the empathy, sincerity and I really care masks. Don't use passive/aggressive language and know that you aren't going to do well in a job where they are rigid about things like timeliness. Find a place where they will allow some flexibility and appreciate you for your skills at handling change and chaos. reply

I'm an ETSP Girl and I guess

Submitted by ESTP FTW (not verified) on March 18, 2013 - 1:41am. I'm an ETSP Girl and I guess this sort of fits me. I'm extremely competitive and driven to be the better then everyone at things I am good at, but things I am bad at I have no reason or willpower to try hard at. I live by my rules, not anybody else's, I have a very strong moral code that I won't break, and I expect people to treat me with the same respect I give them. I hate emotional people, my best friend is an extremely emotional and deep person and it drives me nuts. I'm good at seeing people, before most people see there actions, and a lot of the time I can guess what people are thinking or about to do. I must say I am a bit of a manipulative person, but only at the best of times. I'm so glad we have these sorts of tests! reply

Im an ESTP girl and trying to

Submitted by NAAZIE (not verified) on May 31, 2013 - 11:11am. Im an ESTP girl and trying to find my life career is terribly difficult at moment! People often find me rude because I call a spade, A SPADE. I hate sugar coating things and beating around the bush. I honeslty started re evaluating what and how I speak to people but after reading this, I realise I shouldnt change how I am for anyone! I come from a very emotional family and my husband is the sweetest guy (highly empathetic and sympathetic), everyone are total opposites to me. Cant deal with it most of the time. Glad I read this. reply

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