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Team Teaching 3.

Provides variations in class size and education according to the specific needs of students and the It involves or more teachers who work cooperatively purposes of the course. with the same group of students over a period of 4. Purposes for large group small groups and time. independent study sessions. The Necessity for Team Teaching 5. Provides student with opportunities to study To improve the quality of instruction and with the subjects beyond the basic requirements. demand of teacher shortage due mainly to poor 6. Facilities self facing and self - grouping of salary, the poor working conditions and the students. unattractive career prospects offered by teaching. 7. Provides unstructured time to encourage Patterns of Team Teaching development of student self responsibility. 1. Two teachers and a paraprofessor 8. Enables extracurricular activities to become part of 2. Two teachers the school day. 3. Four teachers and one paraprofessor Strengths 4. Two teachers combining schedules 1. With the trend towards according to ones individual 5. Three teachers and a clerk pace, through materials which enable one to proceed 6. 8 Social Studies teachers, two councilors, a clerk at his own rate, it will no longer be necessary to wait Two General Types of Approaches: 4,5,6 or more years before one is conferred a degree Teacher unit specialists which normally indicates that has satisfactorily Differentiated role specialist team approach completed all requirements of a particular course. Coordinate pattern 2. This organization format promotes the development Associate pattern of unit- skill concept of occupational education. Strengths 3. No such thing as failure as we commonly use the Insures learning opportunities for students greater term, since no one gets credit until modules are opportunities for guidance and more effective use of completed and the objectives achieved. audio visual devices. 4. System no longer time based but experiencedMore efficient teaching methods and procedures and based; performance-based or criterion-reference better use of facilities . based. Better utilization of various abilities of the different 5. Save in time, money and effort for many, since teachers of the school. students no longer feel pushed or pulled by the group Young teachers are given the opportunity to learn in which he belongs from the seasoned and the older master teachers. Weaknesses More time to prepare their lessons and teaching 1. Topical reorganization of subjects matter in each materials. They are stimulated to do their best since field is necessary. they are looked upon as experts or specialist on the 2. Administrators, supervisors, teachers need to be field. retrained. Weaknesses 3. Community must be reeducated so it will accept Hasty adoption of team teaching the program and take an actively supporting role. Teachers were trained for individualized form of 4. Youngster must be schooled in an atmosphere teaching. inducive to development of constructive work Difficulty of composing a team, scheduling of classes habits, attitudes and appreciations that will and facilities. function in a less structured environment. Instructional space not always available. 5. Publishers must provide the required Staff relationship problems may arise. instructional materials 6. Colleges must provide the required instructional Modular Approach materials. Modules 7. Colleges must establish more relevant entrance Learning task that are so organized, sequenced, and requirements. clearly stated, in such a way that it provides sufficient 8. It is not known whether these element of the direction and guidance to students without having design that proved to be effective in middle-class the teacher present all the time. suburban communities will operable in Components pluralistic metropolitan areas. Flexible Scheduling Laboratory Methods Individual Study It is a procedure dealing with first hand experiences Mastery Concept regarding materials or facts often derived from Individualized Prescribed Instruction investigation or experimentation. Continuous Progress It is experimentation, observation, application with Objectives of the Approach actual materials. 1. Develops the individualization of teaching and Aims of the Laboratory Methods learning . To give first hand experience in the laboratory which 2. Leads to such changes in the instructional may increase student interest. arrangements for education as from traditional To provide student participation in original research. teaching to non graded curriculum. To develop skill in the use of laboratory equipment and instruments.

Types of Laboratory Methods Experimental The aim is training in problem solving with incidental acquisition of information and motor skill. The emphasis is discovery, original procedure, analysis and solution of the problems. Educational Information is the dominant aim. Ex: seeing museums, collections, exhibits, and watching lecture demonstrations or field excursions. Steps of Laboratory Methods 1. Introductory steps for orientation and motivations 2. Work Period 3. Culminating Activities Suggestions: Adapt laboratory exercise to broader social needs For reflected thinking, laboratory exercise must grow. Choose the laboratory manual with care The teacher must be a skilled director of problem solving and duty Strength It is learning by doing. Undergoing of actual experience is vivid and what one learns is retained longer. Reality is more vivid than any symbol. It is a direct preparation for way of life. Weaknesses Uneconomical way of knowing. The lecture demonstration may be substituted with better result. It becomes mechanical at times The expensive apparatus sometimes does not justify results. Loss of time occurs due to indiscriminate overrun of the method. Project Method Projects A significant practical unit activity of a problematic nature, planned and carried to completion by the student in a natural manner and involving the use of physical materials to complete the units of experience. Characteristics of a Project Problematic in nature. Work towards a definite attainable goal. Activity is purposeful , natural or life like and is significant. Students plan, direct, execute the activities. The nature of the activity should be attainable to the learner. Project method consists of the following steps: Purposing Planning Executing Evaluating Kinds of Project According to Kilpatrick: Construction Project Enjoyment Project Problem Project Learning Project According to Risk: Physical or Material Project

Learning Project Intellectual or Problem Project Consideration in the Construction of Project Project construction. Group works or individual. Cooperation and responsibility Ability to construct properly Orderliness Clarity Neatness Students must have knowledge of the principle involved in each of the project Makes a written report of the actually performed project. Value of Projects It provides motive for learning. It trains students to be responsible and it develops initiative. Trains students to solve problems in practical life situations. Develops the spirit of cooperation. Gives training and perseverance. Develop good judgment and encouragement creatively Furnishes hobby. STRENGTHS Emphasizes practical value in learning. Increases interest as it is practical and tangible. Gives experience in making plans and in selecting tools and materials. Encourages independent research. Provides experience in applying practical criteria to a series of related activities. It breeds respect for the difficulties and values of constructive labor. Provides natural way of learning. WEAKNESSES It is a slow way of learning and is time consuming. It is expensive. Consist of much planning and carrying out activities. Is a failure in the hands of poor teachers. It sometimes degenerates into a fixed and formal statement of subject matter. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Discipline is harder to maintain. Selection of project presents another problem. Choosing projects that fulfill educational criteria is another difficulty the teacher has to surmount. Possess educational value Adaptability of materials Adaptability of project performance to school schedule. Low cost of materials. Decided advantage of this method over others. Capability of finishing the project in the time set. -- Almira G. Gibe MAT-MATH

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