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Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Systems Software includes Operating Systems, Utilities, Device Drivers, and Language Translators are type of Systems Software Programs. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power Point are type of System Software Programs. System Software is background Software that helps the computer manage its own internal resources. ---- Programs make copies of the files to be used in original files are damages or lost. Which programs reduce the size of the files so that they occupy lesser space on the disk? ---- Utility identifies non essential files on the hard disk and erases them only when user allows their erasure. Disk Cleanup Utility identifies non essential files on the hard disk and erases them only when user allows their erasure. Uninstall programs that allow you to safely and completely remove unneeded programs installed into the computer`s hard disk. The ---- Display a list of commands that can be used to gain access to information, change hardware setting, find information stored in the, get online help and shout down the computer. The internet explorer display a list of commands that can be used to gain access to information, change hardware setting, find information stored in the, get online help and shout down the computer. Which of this operating system does not have a [Type text] Option A Operating Systems True True True Backup Backup Backup True True GUI Option B Device Drivers False False False Disk Cleanup Disk Cleanup Disk Cleanup False False Desktop Icon Start Button File Compression File Compression File Compression Uninstall Programs Uninstall Programs Uninstall Programs Option C Utilities Option D All of these Answer All of these True False True Backup File Compressi on Disk Cleanup True True Start Button False





Windows 95

Mac OS




graphical user interface? 13 14 Sr. No 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 GUI stands For GUI means Good Uniform Interface Question ---- are graphical objects used to represent commonly used application? The operating system provides the user interface, controls the computer resources, and runs programs. Application Softer are programs that manage resources , provide user interface and run application. ---- provides the user interface, controls the computer resources, and runs programs. ---- are also known as service Programs. Utilities are also known as service Programs. ---- Convert the programming instruction written by programmers into a language that computer understand and process. Language Translators convert the programming instructions written by programmers into a language that computer understand and process. ---- are specialized programs that allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system. Device Drives are specialized programs that allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system. Which of the following is the function of operating system ? Operating system are programs that manage [Type text] Graphical User Interface True Option A GUI True True Drivers OS True Utilities True Device Drives True Managing Resources True Greater User Interface False Option B Drivers False False Operating Systems Device Drivers False Device Drivers False Utilities False Providing User Interface False Running Application All of these OS None of these Language Translators None of these Desktop Utilities None of these All of these Graphical Union Interface Option C Windows NT Graphical User Interest Option D Icons Graphical User Interface False Answer Icons True False Operating Systems Utilities True Language Translator s True Device Drives True All of these True

resources, provide user Interface and run application. 27 28 29 30 31 32 Sr. No 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Multitasking is the ability of the operating system to run more than one application at a time. ---- is the ability of the operating system to run more than one application at a time. Starting or restating a computer is called --- the system. Starting or restarting is called multitasking the system. Starting or restarting is called booting the system. ---- are used to store data and programs. Question Files are used to store data and programs. Language Translators are used to store data and programs. Which of the following example of operating system. Trouble shooting programs recognize both hardware and software problems and try to correct them as for As possible. Antivirus programs are meant to guard a computer from in vision of the virus programs. ---- Programs that guard your computer system against viruses or other damaging programs. A ---- is a concentric ring. Each track is divided into wedge shaped section called sectors. ---- is a utility programs that locates and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearrange files and unused disk space to optimize operating. Disk Defragmenter is a utility program that locates and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearrange files and unused disk space to optimize operating. ---- is a collection of several separate troubleshooting [Type text] True Booting Booting True True Folder Option A True True Netware True True Backup Track True Disk Defragmenter True Backup False Copying Copying False False File Option B False False Windows NT Server False False Antivirus Sectors False Backup False Uninstall Norton Utilities All of these Uninstall Round Uninstall None of these None of these All of these Windows XP Server All of these Pasting Pasting Multitasking Multitasking True Multitaski ng Booting False True File Answer True False All of these True True Antivirus Track True Disk Defragmen ter True Norton

Recycle Bin Option C

None of these Option D

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Sr. No 51 utilities. ---- controlled by a mouse and changes shape depending upon its current function. Linux is one popular one free version of the UNIX operating system. ---- is one popular one free version of the UNIX operating system. Operating system, Utilities, Device Drivers and Language Translators are type of Input Devices. File compression programs make copies of the files to be used case the original files are damaged or lost. Files Compression program reduce the size of the files so that they occupy lesser space on the disk. Norton Antivirus utility identifies non essential files on the hard disk and erases them only when user allows their erasure. Question The help menu displays a list of commands that can be used to gain access to information, change hardware setting and find information stored in the, get online help and shot down the computer. GUI stands for Guide User Interface Icons are graphical object used to represent commonly used application. Java converts the programming instructions written by programmers into a language that computers understand and process. Search Engines are programs that manage resources, provide user interface and run application. Browsing is the ability of the operating system to run more than one application at a time. Starting or restating a computer is called --- the system. Disk Cleanup programs are meant to guard a computer [Type text] Icon True Windows 95 True True True True Option A True Desktop False Windows NT Server False False False False Option B False Option C Option D Linux None of these Painter None of these Utilities Painter True Linux True True True False Answer True

52 53 54 55 56 57 58

True True True True True Copying True

False False False False False Pasting False Multitasking None of these

True True False False False None of these False

59 60 61 from invasion of the virus programs. Software the allows your computer to interact with the user application and hardware is called. In order for a computer to understand a programs, it must be converted into machine language by a (n)------ is the most widely used operating system Application Software Operating System Windows XP System Software Device Drives UNIX Word Processer Utilities Mac OS Database Software Language Translator Linux System Software Language Translator Windows XP

Sr. No

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Question Which of these is not a file compression program? Following are the file compression programs, EXCEPT. A track on a disk is the one of the many circular ring shaped areas where data is written magnetically. A ---- on a disk is the one of the many circular ring shaped areas where data is written magnetically What is the name given to part of circle on which data is written in a storage media? Floppy disks are removable storage media. ---- disks have a 120 MB storage capacity and the drives are also able to read and store data on a standard 3.5 inch disk A CD ROM Stands for Compact Disc Read Only Memory A CD ROM means CD- RW A CD ROM Stands A CD R Stands for A CD stands for CD- Recordable [Type text]

Option A

Win Zip Win Zip True Oval


Option B Zip RAID False Rectangle Sector False HIFD Disk False False Compact Disc Read Once Memory CD -Runner

Option C Win RAR Win RAR

Option D RAID None of these


Track Cylinder None of these Spiral Track Sector

True Super Disk True True

Compact Disc Read Only Memory CD -Recordable

Zip Disk None of these Super Disk

CD ROW CD - Recover None of these None of these False Compact Disc Read Only Memory CD Recordable




13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A CD stands for CD- Regional A CD RW disk A CD RW Stands for CD Rewriteable A CD RW Stands for CD Regional Primary Storage volatile Secondary Storage nonvolatile RAM is sometime referred RAM is sometime referred to as Primary Storage RAM is sometime referred to as ROM Storage devices are hardware that reads data and programs from storage media. The traditional floppy disk is the 1 The traditional floppy disk is the 640 MB 5 The 2HD on a disk label means

True CD Rewriteable True True True True Primary Storage True True True True True Two Side Low Density True Track True True Hard disk packs True Zip Disk True True

False CD Recordable False False False False Secondary Storage False False False False False Two Side High Density False Sectors False False Floppy Disk False HFD Disk False False


None of these

All of these

None of these

False CD Rewriteable True False True True Primary Storage True True True True False Two Side High Density True Track True True

One Side High Density

None of these

26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

The 2HD on a disk label means Two Side High Density A ---- is a concentric ring Each track is divided into wedge shaped section called


None of these


High capacity disks also known as floppy disk cartridges are rapidly replacing the traditional floppy disk ---- are removable storage devices used to store massive amounts of information. Hard Disk packs are removable storage devices used to store massive amounts of information. Following are high capacity disks, EXCEPT. Disk caching, RAID and file compression / decompression improve hard disk information. Internal Hard Disk or Fixed Disk is located inside the [Type text]


None of these

Hard disk packs True


Super Disk


True True

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 system unit. Optical Disks use laser technology to provide high capacity storage. Floppy Disks use laser technology to provide high capacity storage. DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disc. Like floppy and hard disk, magnetic tape stores data and programs by altering the electromagnetic charges on a recording surface. Flash Memory Cards are credit card sized solid-state storage devices widely used in notebook computer. ---- is the process of saving information to the secondary storage device. Writing is the process of saving information to the secondary storage device. ----cindery storage. Reading is the process of accessing information from secondary storage.

True True True True True Reading True Reading True Volatile

False False False False False Listening False Listening False Direct
Writing None of these Writing None of these

True False True True True


True Reading True Volatile

Primary storage is referred to as ---- storage.



Internet, web and electronic commerce

Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Question ---- is the computer language used write animation and games for the World Wide Web. ---- are programs that provide access to Web resources. ---- are programs that are automatically started and operate as a part of the browser. The com indicate website of --- type of organization. A popular chat service is called -The extension. gov, .edu, .mil, and . net are called [Type text] Option A Java Java Windows XP Commercial Internet release chat Chat names Option B C HTML Operation System Complex Internet request chat e-mail targets Option C C++ DHTML Application Software Company Internet resource chat Domain codes Option D HTML Browsers Plug ins Cargo Internet relay chat Mail to Answer Java Browsers Plug ins Commercial Internet relay chat Domain codes

addresses 7 8 9 10 E-mail stands for Electronic Mail. What is E-mail ? What does the abbreviation WWW in Internet stands for ? What is a URL ? True Engineering mailing World Wide Web A Software package used to cruise the World Wide Web. Union Resource Locator Browsers True True Search engine Option A Google True Alta Vista True Domain Original web site Internal service Plan False Internet mailing Wide Wide Web The address of a resource on the World Wide Web. Uniform Resource Locator Search engines False False Index Option B Alta Vista False Google False Google Commercial web site Internet Service Plan Electronic mailing World Width Web The term used to describe an Internet wizard Uni Resource Locator HTML programs All of these World With Web A live chat program (Unlimited Real-time Language) None of these Flames True Electronic mailing World Wide Web The address of a resource on the World Wide Web. Uniform Resource Locator Search engines True False Search engine Answer All of these True Netscape Navigator False Google Organizational web site Internet Service Provider

11 12 13 14 15 Sr. No 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

URL stands for Web spider and crawlers are example of Web spider and crawlers are example of Search engines. Web spider and crawlers are example of Browser. When you a (n) ---- to search for a topic the information you search through is organized into a database like student. Question Which of the following is a search engine? Alta Vista, Google are example of Search Engines. Following are the example of Search Engines EXCEPT. HTML, Java is example of Search Engines. Which is a web search engine used worldwide? When you type an address such as http://www., in this. org indicates that it is a ISP stands for ---

Spider Option C Yahoo Netscape Navigator Toggle Organizational web site Integral Service Provider

Applet Option D All of these Yahoo None of these Educational web site Internet Service Provider

[Type text]

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Sr. No 37 38 39 40 41 ---- service providers provide Internet connections for computer with wireless modems. IM stands for ------- are programs that provide access to Web resources. Browser is programs that provide access to Web resources. The last part of the domain name following the dot (.) is called as ------- are the special programs written in Java. Applets are the special programs written in --language. Applets are the special programs written in Microsoft Word 2007. Following are the used of Internet. Microsoft Internet Explore is a widely used browser. Following is a script language used, while designing a web page. When a web site is developed, the various interlinked files are grouped together. This is called as ---E-mail includes all of the following basic elements EXCEPT. Directory Search is also known as Question A programming language used for cresting applets is called Java ---- include mailing lists, news groups and chat group Discussion Group include mailing lists, news groups and chat group B2C, C2C and B2B are type of --Netscape Navigator is a type of --[Type text] National Instant Making Browser True Domain code Java Programs Java True E-mail True HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Hypertext Header Direct Search Option A True Discussion Group True E-mail Browser Regional Internal Messaging Search Engines False E-mail targets Applets HTML False Shopping False HTML (Hyper Link Markup Language) Hyperlink Footer Unique Search Option B False Internet Group False E-commerce URL E-learning HTML (Hyper Text Web Markup Language) Network Message Index Search Option C IP Group All of these None of these None of these Signature All of these Option D All of these Wireless Instant Messaging Programs All of these None of these All of these Wireless Instant Messaging Browser True DNSs Projects HTTP Mail to address None of these None of these Domain code Applets Java False All of these True HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Hyperlink Footer Index Search Answer True Discussion Group True E-commerce Browser

E-cash E-mail

All of these None of

these 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer are the examples of Browsers. Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer are the examples of Operating System. Web spiders are also known as web crawlers Web spiders are also known as Netscape Navigator. Directory Search is also known as Index Search. Keyword Search is also known as Index Search. FTP means File transfer protocol is an Internet standard for transferring files. Telnet and FTP are Internet standards for transferring files. When your mouse pointer goes on the top of a link in the web page, the shape of mouse pointer changes to hand. Discussion on the Internet about specific topic is known as Instant messaging allows you True True True True True True Filed Transfer Project True True True News Send E- mail messages False False False False False False File Transfer Project False False False News group Instant reply of your messages WWW Web Client False Option B False False Option C Option D Veronica To communicate with many at once in a conversation that occurs in real time PPP URL Telnet Sharing the data True False True False True False File Transfer Protocol True True True News group Send E- mail messages

File Transfer Protocol

None of these

54 55 56 Sr. No 57 58

For navigating any website, user has to enter The computer that stores and shares Web page resources is called a ---The computer that stores and shares Web page resources is called a Web Server. Question Electronic Commerce is the buying and selling of goods over the Internet. Java is the new computer language used to write [Type text]

URL Web Server True Option A True True

None of these None of these

URL Web Server True Answer True True

59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 animation and game for the World Wide Web Browsers are programs that provide access to Web resources. Printers are programs that are automatically started and operate as a part of the browser The com indicates website of Commercial type of organization. The com indicates website of Educational type of organization. The extension .gov,.edu,.mil. and net are called as Domain Code E-mail stands for Education Mail URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. When you use a (n) Search Engine to search for a topic, the information you search through is organized into a database-like structure. When you type an address such as http://WWW, in this . org indicates that it is a Organizational web site. ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. Wireless services provider provide Internet connections for computer with wireless modems. IM stands for Infrared Message Utilities are programs that provide access to Web resources. The last part of the domain name following the dot (.) is called as header. Data is the special program written in Java language. Microsoft`s Internet Explorer is a widely used Operating System HTML is a script language used, while designing a web page. When a web site is developed, the various interlinked files are grouped together. This is called as Hyperlinks. [Type text] True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True False True False True False True True True True True False False False False False True True

77 Sr. No 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Directory Search is also known as Mailing List. Question Discussion Groups includes Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint. B2C, C2C and B2B type of E-commerce B2C, C2C and B2B type of E-Mail Netscape Navigator is a type of Device Driver. Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer are the example of Programming Language. FTP means File Transfer Protocol. Discussion on the Internet about specific topic is known as News group For navigating any website, use has to enter Uniform Resource Locator. Electronic Commerce is the downloading and listening songs over the Internet. Rules for exchanging data between computer are called Unwanted and unsolicited E-mails are called --Programs that automatically submit your search request to several search engines simultaneously are called --Programs that automatically submit your search request to several search engines simultaneously are called Met search Engines. These programs allow parents as well as organization to block out selected sites and set time limits on the Internet access. True Option A True True True True True True True True True Programs Spam Met search Engines True Plug ins False Option B False False False False False False False False False Protocol Flame Spiders False FTP Filters WAIS Procedures Junk Search Engines Hyperlinks Lurk Hits Option C Option D False Answer False True False False False True True True False Protocol Spam Met search Engines True Filters

[Type text]


Input And Output

Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Question Which printer print data or images by spraying small droplets of link at high speed on to the surface of the paper ? Ink jet printer prints data or images by spraying small droplets of link at high speed on to the surface of the paper. Method of working of a flatbed scanner is mostly similar to a photocopying machine. Optical character recognition device and optical mark recognition device are two names of the same device. Output of an image on the monitor screen is often called soft copy. Output of an image on the monitor screen is often called --Output of an image on the monitor screen is often called Hard Copy . Output of an image through a printer is often called Hard Copy . Output of an image through a printer is often called --Headphone is a typical output device. Printers can be connected to a computer for [Type text] Option A Ink jet printer True True True True Softy Copy True True Softy Copy True True Option B Laser Printer False False False False Hard Copy False False Hard Copy False False Large Copy None of these Large Copy Nine of these Option C Dot matrix Option D Drum printer Answer Ink jet printer True True False True Softy Copy False True Hard Copy True True

13 14 15 16 17 Sr. No 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 producing output on a paper. Primary function of monitor is to display information to the user. Which of these is not an output device. The function of a mouse and a trackball are different. Primary function of a common keyboard in a computer is to play mouse like a piano. The keyboard keys that are labeled F1 F2 and so on are called --Question The keyboard keys that are labeled F1 F2 and so on are called Function Keys. The keyboard keys that are labeled F1 F2 and so on are called Toggle Keys. Which of the following key is not a toggle key ? Which of the following key is known as a toggle key ? The key labeled 0-9 on the keyboard are called --Instead of function keys which keys are use to create a shortcut. The keyboard keys that have arrows on them are called. The keyboard keys like Caps Lock that turn a feature on or off are called. The mouse pointer seen on the Desktop is also called as --Which of the following device is not from pointing type of device ? Which of the following device is used to play fast computer games ? The easiest way to access any part of the screen in the window operating system is using the. A --- is a light- sensitive pen like device. [Type text] True Monitor True True Function Keys Option A True True Caps Lock Shift Function keys Toggle key Function keys Function keys Arrow pointer Mouse Touch surface Keyboard Light Pan False Printer False False Numeric Key Option B False False Num Lock Num Lock Numeric key Special key Navigation keys Combination key Key pointer Touch screen Touch screen Rat Joystick Scroll Lock Alt Typewrite keys Combination key Typewrite keys Toggle key Display pointer Keyboard Track ball Mouse Touch screen Control Control Special Purpose Key Numeric key Special Purpose Key Special Purpose Key None of these Joystick Joystick Joystick None of these Typewriters Keys Option C Special Purpose Key Option D Plotter Joystick True Joystick False False Function Keys Answer True False Control Num Lock Numeric key Combination key Navigation key Toggle key Arrow pointer Keyboard Joystick Mouse Light Pan

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Sr. No 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 --- devices translate what people understand into a form that computer can process. Input devices translate what people understand into a form that computer can process. Trackball is not a pointing device. Touch surface is a pointing device. Touch screen and touch surface are the same things. MICR can be used to read data from check in a bank. OCR is used to translate printed text to machinereadable code. Plotters are used to produce special purpose graphics Question A --- is a pen like device commonly used with tablet PCs and PDAs. A Stylus is a pen like device commonly used with tablet PCs and PDAs. An Optical scanner accepts documents consisting of text and / or images and convert them to machine-readable from. Character and mark recognition devices are scanner that are able to recognize special characters and marks . Digital cameras are similar to traditional cameras but images are recorded digitally. --- are similar to traditional cameras but images are recorded digitally. Voice recognition systems accept voice commands to control computer operations and to create documents. Monitor features include resolutions, dot pitch, refresh rate and size. CRT and Flat-panel are types of Printers. [Type text] Input True True True True True True True Option A Joystick True True True True Analog Camera True True True Output False False False False False False False Option B Mouse False False False False Simple Camera False False False Digital Camera All of these Option C Scanner stylus Option D Stylus All of these None of these Input True False True False True True True Answer Stylus True True True True Digital Camera True True False

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Sr. No 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 CRT and Flat-panel are types of Monitors. Ink-jet, laser and thermal are common type of --Ink-jet, laser and thermal are common type of Printers. --- measurement is used to determine a printer resolution. Following are the typed of Printer, EXCEPT Speaker and Headphone are the most common types of Audio-Output devices. --- is the most common types of Auto-Output devices. Fax machines send and receive images over telephone lines. Disk printer print data or images by spraying small droplets of ink at high speed onto the surface of the paper. Optical character recognition device and joystick are two names of the same device. Question Technology Printers use heat sensitive paper. Headphone is a Processing device. The keyboard keys that are labeled F1, F2 and so on are called Fundamental keys. The keys labeled 0-9 on the keyboard are called Numeric key. The keyboard key like Caps Lock that turn a feature on or off are called as Toggle Key. A Light Pen is a light-sensitive pen like device. A Joystick is a light-sensitive pen like device. This type of keyboard provides the greatest amount of flexibility and convergence by eliminating cables connected to the system unit. Wireless Keyboard provides the greatest amount of flexibility and convergence by eliminating cables connected to the system unit. [Type text] True Monitors True Dpi Laser True Keyboard True True True Option A True True True True True True True Ergonomic Keyboard True False Keyboard False Apl Ink-jet False Printer False False False Option B False False False False False False False Traditional Keyboard False Option C Option D Printers Cpi Thermal Speaker Mouse All of these Automatic None of these True Printers True Dpi Automatic True Speaker True False False Answer False False False True True True False Wireless Keyboard True

Wireless Keyboard

Flexible Keyboard

67 68 69 70 71 Traditional Keyboard provides the greatest amount of flexibility and convergence by eliminating cables connected to the system unit. The mouse --- usually appears in the shape of an arrow. This types of pointing device is located in the middle of the keyboard. This type of pointing device has crisscrossed invisible beams of infrared light that are protected with a clear plastic outer layer. --- is a specialized input and output device for receiving and sending voice communication. True Pointer Joystick Optical Mouse Fax Machine False Indicator Pointing Stick Pointing Stick Network Terminal Marker Wireless Keyboard Light Pen Internet Telephone Meter Light Pen Touch Screen PDA False Pointer Pointing Stick Touch Screen Internet Telephone

System Unit
Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Microprocessor is often called a CPU. Capacity of a storages device is usually measured in terms of bytes. Capacity of a storages device is usually measured in terms of --The internal memory of the computer is present on the Motherboard in the form of chips. Which of the following is the highest unit of memory ? Random Access Memory (RAM) is --- type of memory. Which of the following components is used to store data? Which of the following is a data processing unit ? Which of the following is the Primary memory ? Which of the following is the unit of Computer memory ? [Type text] Option A True True Bytes True Gigabits Permanent. CPU CPU RAM Kilogram Option B False False Kilograms False Bytes Temporary. Memory RAM CD Kilobytes Megabytes Flash. Input Device Hard Disk Floppy Meter Kilobytes Smarts. Output Device Floppy Hard Disk Celsius Centimeter None of these Option C Option D Answer True True Bytes True Gigabits Temporary. Memory CPU RAM Kilobytes

11 Data stored in Flash RAM does not get erased even when power to the computer is switched off. 12 --- is also known as the system cabinet or chassis. 13 System Unit is also known as the system cabinet or chassis. 14 Monitor is also known as the system cabinet or chassis. 15 Notebook system unites are often called as --16 Notebook system unites are often called as Laptop. 17 --- are highly portable devices that support the use of a stylus or pen laptop commands and data. 18 Tablet PCs are highly portable devices that support the use of a stylus or pen laptop commands and data. 19 Desktop PCs are highly portable devices that support the use of a stylus or pen laptop commands and data. Sr. No Question 20 Desktop, notebook, tablet PC and handheld are four type of system unit. 21 In parallel port data is transmitted one byte after another. 22 Data transfer through a serial port is faster than that of a parallel port. 23 Each 0 and 1 in the binary numbering system is called a bit. 24 Bites are combined into groups of eight called Bytes. 25 --- are combined into groups of eight called Bytes. 26 Data and instructions are represented electronically with a binary, or two-state numbering system. 27 ASCII, EBCDIC and Unicode are binary coding schemes. [Type text] True System Unit True True PAD True PAD True True Option A True True True True True Bites True True False Monitor False False Laptop False Laptop False False Option B False False False False False Meter False False Unicode None of these Option C Option D Desktop Desktop None of these Tablet PCs Keyboard None of these True System Unit True False Laptop True Tablet PCs True False Answer True True False True True Bites True True

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ASCII, EBCDIC and Unicode are example of Application Software`s. --- is a 16-bit code designed to support international language like Chinese Japanese. Unicode is a 16-bit code designed to support international language like Chinese Japanese. The system board is also known as the main board or motherboard. The --- is also known as the main board or motherboard. The --- connects all system components and allows input and output device to communicate with the system unit. The System Board connects all system components and allows input and output device to communicate with the system unit. In a microcomputer system, the control processing unit (CPU) or processor is contained on a single chip called the microprocessor. In a microcomputer system, the control processing unit (CPU) or processor is contained on a single chip called the --Microprocessor has two basic components. The type of Microprocessor chip are --- type of signal created by our voice. A bytes is the unit most computer use to represent a character such as a letter, number or typographic symbol. A chip is a tiny piece of silicon with electronic circuits which is attached to the circuit board inside the computer. ALU performs two types of operations, Arithmetic and logical. ALU performs two types of operations, Central [Type text] True Unicode True True Desktop Board System Board True True Slot Control Unit CISC Chip Digital True True True True False ASCII False False System Board Monitor False False Port Arithmetic Logic Unit RISC Chip Analog False False False False Microprocessor. Output Unit SMPS Chip Hybrid None of these Both A & B Both A & B None of these Display Board Mouse None of these None of these EBCDIC None of these False Unicode True True System Board System Board True True Microprocessor. Both A & B Both A & B Analog True True True False

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 and circular. ALU performs two types of operations, --CMOS chip contain essential information is required every time the computer system is turned on. ROM stands for ROM means Read Only Memory RAM stands for RAM means Random Access Memory. RAM, ROM and COMS are three types of memory chip A port is a socked for external device to connect to the system unit. A --- is a socked for external device to connect to the system unit. Cables are used to connect exterior devices to the system unit via the ports. Microprocessor is often called a input Device. Capacity of a storage device is usually measured in terms of Meter. The external memory of the computer is present on the Motherboard in the form of Slots. Desktop, notebook, tablet PC and handheld are four types of software. The container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system is known is the The smallest unit in a digital system is a The TCP/IP connects all system components and allows input and output device to communicate with the system unit. The --- tells the rest of the computer how to carry [Type text] Arithmetic and Logical True Ring Only Memory True Read Access Memory True True Port RAM True True True True True ArithmeticLogic Unit Byte True ALU Central and Circular False Ring Oval Memory False Raw Access Memory False False False ROM False False False False False Primary Storage Unit Word False System Unit Central Processing Unit Bit System Unit Character Port All of these Arial and Linear None of these Arithmetic and Logical True Read Only Memory True Random Access Memory True True True Port True False False False False System Unit Bit False Control Unit

Read Only Memory Raw Arithmetic Memory

None of these Random Access Memory

Control Unit


62 63 out a program`s instructions. These chips are specifically designed to handle the processing requirements related to displaying and manipulating 3-D images. Graphics coprocessors chips are specifically designed to handle the processing requirements related to displaying and manipulating 3-D images. --- is a set hardware and software standards. Plug and Play is a set hardware and software standards. --- ports connect special types of music instruments to sound cards. A Joystick is a socket for external devices connect to the system unit. Graphics coprocessors True Control Unit Processors False ArithmeticLogic Unit Processors CISC Chips Graphics coprocessors True

64 65 66 67

CPU True BUS True

Cache False USB False

Plug and Play CPU


Plug and Play True MIDI False

Connective, Wireless Revolution And Communications

Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Question LAN means LAN means Local Area Network. The physical layout of wires and device the connect the network`s nodes is called the network`s --If you connect computers together to communicate and exchange information, the result is called a (n) --A (n) --- is a thin strand of glass that transmits pulsating beams of light as speeds that approach 100 Gbps. A (n) --- network all device are connected to a [Type text] Option A Line Area Network True Topology Network Twisted Cable Bus Option B Local Area Network False Biology Internet Coaxial Cable Star Option C Linear Area Network Technology Internet Telephone Cable Ring Option D Library Area Network None of these All of these Fiber-Optic Cable Mesh Answer Local Area Network True Topology Network Fiber-Optic Cable Star

7 8 9 10 11 device called a hub and communicate through it. A device that connects to a network without the use of cable is said to be Modems convert data from a CD a hard disk. Which of the following is a type of protocol ? A protocol define the rules for passing information between two or more computers. A (n) --- is a of rules for how information and messages are sent over the Internet. What is E-commerce? Distributed True ASCIL True Protocol Wireless False RAM False ISP Centralized TCP/IP Open source DBA Wireless False TCP/IP True Protocol


13 14 15 Sr. No

What is full form E-commerce? Information sent over the Internet is divided into small pieces called ------ provides a fast, efficient alternative to traditional mail by sending and receiving electronic documents. Question

Online setting purchasing account handling etc. English Commerce. Packets E-mail Option A

Subject commerce stream.

Electronic Commerce. PPPs Network Option B

HTML hypertext markup language Electronic equipment to deal with commercial problems. Electric Commerce. E-mail forms E-Shopping Option C


All of these

Online setting purchasing account handling etc. English Commerce. Packets E-mail Answer

Element Commerce. Messages None of these Option D




---- supports direct, live electronic communication between two or more friends or buddies. Computers ---- is the process of sharing data, programs and information between two or more computers. Electronic Commerce means buying and selling goods electronically.

Instant Member Data

Instant Messaging Backup

Instant Mail

None of these

Instant Messaging Communication


None of these




[Type text]

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Sr. No 34 35 Network means buying and selling goods electronically. Connectivity is a concept related to using computer network to link people and resources. ---- is a concept related to using computer network to link people and resources. ---- are electronic system that transmit data from one location to another. Communication System is electronic system that transmits data from one location to another. Telephone lines use twisted pair cables. Telephone lines uses ---- cables. Following are the types of Modems except. Modem stands for modulator and demodulator. ---- stands for modulator and demodulator. ---- is the name of the process of converting from digital to analog. ---- is the name of the process of converting from analog to analog. Modulation is the name of the process of converting from digital to analog. Demodulation is the name of the process of converting from digital to analog. Demodulation is the name of the process of converting from analog to digital. Question Modulation is the name of the process of converting from analog to digital. Bps stands for True True Data Communicati on System True True Coaxial External True CPU Modulation Modulation True True True Option A True Bits per second persecond False False Information Communicatio n Software False False Fiber-Optic Internal False RAM Demodulation Demodulation False False False Option B False Bit per section Bandwidth per second None of these Option C Option D Linking Computer System Connectivity None of these False True Connectivity Communication System True True Twisted PDA True Modem Modulation Demodulation True False True Answer False Bits per second

Twisted Wireless Modem Conversion Conversion

None of these PDA None of these None of these None of these

[Type text]

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ---- use existing television cables to provide highspeed connection as fast as a T1 or DSL connection at a lower cost. Bandwidth measure capacity communication channel. ---- Measure capacity communication channel. ---- Also known as vice grade and low bandwidth which is used for standard telephone communication. Voice band also known as vice grade and low bandwidth which is used for standard telephone communication. ---- is the bandwidth used in special leased lines to connect minicomputer and mainframes as well as to transmit data over long distances. Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called an ---Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called an IP Address IP Address means DNS Stands for Node in a computer network which shares resources with other nodes is called as ------- network system control and coordinate the activities of all computers and other devices on a network. MAN means Cable modems True Modem Voice band True Low band IP Address True Internal Process address. Domain Name Server. Server NIC Satellite False Width Voice record False High band IM Address False Internet Protocol address. Digital Name Server. Client NOS Internal Protocol address. Dynamic Name Server. Hub LAN None of these None of these None of these None of these Medium band IS Address None of these None of these Bandwidth Volume band None of these None of these WWW None of these Cable modems True Bandwidth Voice band True Medium band IP Address True Internal Protocol address. Domain Name Server. Server NOS


Sr. No 49

Question MAN means Metropolitan Area Network. [Type text]

Metropolitan Area Network Option A True

Master Area Network Option B False

Metropolitan Art Network Option C

None of these

Metropolitan Area Network Answer True

Option D

50 51 52 53 54 55 MAN means Mobile Area Network. WAN means WAN means Wide Area Network. WAN means World Area Network. ---- describes how a network is arranged and how resources are coordinated and shared. Network Architecture describes how a network is arranged and how resources are coordinated and shared. In a ---- a number of small computer or peripheral devices are linked to a central unit. In a Star Network, a number of small computer or peripheral devices are linked to a central unit. Topology includes all of the following types EXCEPT. Hierarchical Network is also called as ---Hierarchical Network is also called as Hybrid Network. ---- consists of several computers linked to a central host computers, just like a star network. Following are the categories of bandwidth, EXCEPT. ---- are private network within an organization. An Internet is private network within an organization. An Extranet is a private network that connects more than one organization. A firewall is a security system designed to protect an organization`s network against external threats. True Wire Area Network. True True IP Address True False Wireless Area Network. False False Network Architecture False Wire Art Network. Wide Area Network. False Wide Area Network. True False Network Architecture True

Network Arrangement

None of these

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

Star Network True Stare Ring Network True Hybrid Network Voice band Internet True True

Bus Network False Bus Hybrid Network False Ring Network Line band Internet False False

Ring Network

None of these

Star Network True

Ring Hi Network

Circle None of these

Circle Hybrid Network True

Bus Network Medium band Topology

None of these Broad band None of these

Hybrid Network Line band Internet True True

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Multimedia & Web
Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Question System software includes all of the following except? ---- is background software that helps the computer manages its own internet resources. Keyboard is background software that helps the computer manages its own internet resources. Type of software that can be described as enduser software. Every computer must have an operating system. Word processing, electronic spreadsheets, database managers, and graphics programs are all grouped under the title. A PAD is a small portable computer? Monitor is removable storage media. A main frame is a type of computer system that is more powerful than a typical mini system. Super Computer is the largest, fastest, and more expensive computer. ---- are the largest, fastest, and more expensive computer. Which of these facilities is provided by an operating system? ---- is a small portable computer? Floppy disks are removable storage media Keyboard is removable storage devices. Windows Vista is an example of [Type text] Option A Operating System System Software True Dos True Browsing Programs True True True True Laptop Use Interface Super Computer True True Operating System Option B Device Drivers Information False Application Software False Operating System False False False False PDA Surfing PDA False False Graphical User Interface Calculator Spelling Checker Main Farm Super Computer Browsing None of these System Software Application Software Operation Software Data and Information Option C Utilities Objects Option D Internet None of these Answer Internet System Software False Application Software True Application Software True False True True Super Computer Use Interface PDA True False Operating System

Application Software

Basic Tools

17 Microsoft Office 2007 is an example of Operating System. 18 A complete computer system is made up of user, Procedures, Hardware, Software and data. 19 Another name for the keyboard, mouse, monitor, and system unit is Sr. No Question 20 Another name for software is 21 The term Programs is another name for which part of the information system. 22 Data that is stored in RAM True True Solid ware Option A Procedure Software Is nonvolatile Permanent CPU Midrange Computer A Desktop Computer RAM Input Device Web True True Programs False False Software Option B Data Procedure Is only there while the power is an Temporary Keyboard Personal Digital Assistants A Notebook Computer CD Memory Network False False Hardware Data Objects Hardware Option C Programs Programs Remain only a few minutes after the power is turned off Flash Hard Disk Mainframe Computer Personal Digital Assistants Floppy Output Device DVD Firmware Option D Information Information False True Hardware Answer Programs Information

Is permanent and Is only there only lost in power while the power failure is an Smart Monitor Laptop Computer All of these Hard Disk Printer Internet Temporary Hard Disk Midrange Computer A Desktop Computer RAM Memory Internet True False Programs

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Random Access Memory (RAM) is ---- type of memory. Which of following is a storage device? Minicomputer are also known as Which of the following would not considered portable Computer? Which of the following is the primary memory? Which of the following components are used to store data? The largest network in the world is called the --Programs consist of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. Hardware consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. ---- consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. [Type text]

33 Two important components of the system unit are the microprocessor and memory. 34 Modems convert data from a CD to a hard disk. 35 Connectivity allows sharing of information Worldwide. 36 All of the following are the type of microcomputers EXCEPT : 37 ---- translate data and programs that human can understand into a from that the computer can process. 38 ---- disk use laser technology Sr. No Question 39 ---- translate data and programs that human can understand into a 40 Output Devices translate data and programs that human can understand into a 41 Input Devices translate data and programs that human can understand into a from that the computer can process. 42 Optical disk use laser technology 43 ---- locates and eliminates unnecessary file fragments and rearranges files and unused disk space to optimize computer operations. 44 ---- specify rules or guidelines for computer operation. 45 Which of the following is an Operating System? 46 47 48 49 50 Utilities are also known as service programs. Utilities, devices drivers, and language translators are all part of system software. The operating system provides the user interface, control the computer resources, and runs programs. Temporary storage is also known as RAM ---- is unprocessed facts . [Type text] True True True Desktop Input Device Floppy Option A Input Device True True False False False Notebook Utilities Hard Option B Utilities False False Super Computer Output Device Concentric Option C Output Device Tablet PC None of these Optical Option D None of these True False False Super Computer Input Device Optical Answer Output Device True True True Disk Defragmenter Procedures All of these True True True True Data

True False Disk Files Defragmenter Compression Procedures Windows Vista True True True True Information Data Windows 2000 False False False False Data

Uninstall Programs Information Windows XP

Disk Cleanup Hardware All of these


None of these

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Processing data creates ---Processing data creates Memory. A ---- computer is another name for a notebook computer. CD means CD means Compact Disk. CD means Control Disk. DVD means Information True PDA Control Disk True True Digital Versatile Disk True True True True Option A True True Operating System End Users True True True True Data False Laptop Center Disk False False Diagonal Versatile Disk False False False False Option B False False Adobe Photoshop Microsoft False False False False Internet Connectivity Computer Specialists None of these Service Providers Option C Option D Programs Midrange Compact disk None of these None of these None of these Information False Laptop Compact disk True False Digital Versatile Disk True True True False Answer False True Operating System Computer Specialists True False False False

Digital Volume

None of these

DVD means Digital Versatile Disk. Processing data create Information. A Laptop computer is another name for a notebook computer. 61 Norton Antivirus can be described as end-user Software. Sr. No Question 62 Application Software can be described as enduser Software. 63 Microsoft word is background software that helps the computer manages it`s own internal resources. 64 Every computer must have an ---65 66 67 68 69 Procedures are typing documented in manuals written by Word processing, electronic spreadsheets, database manages, and graphics programs are all grouped under the title Application Software. Word processing, electronic spreadsheets, database manages, and graphics programs are all grouped under the title Application Software A Desktop Computer is a small portable computer. A laptop is a type of computer system that is more powerful than a typical super computer. [Type text]

70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Which of the following is an example of connectivity. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Macintosh OS are all example of The system component that controls and main computers data in order to produce information is Called the An Information system has five parts : People Procedures, Software, Hardware and Data. Another name for Software is Programs. Another name for Software is Hardware. A CD is an example of an (n) The most common input devices are the keyboard, The most common input devices are the Monitor and Plotters. The most common input devices are the Monitor and Printers. Many experts are predicting that this revolution is expected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology. Many experts are predicting that Wireless revolution is expected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology. Internet is the largest network in the world. Two important components of the system unit are the FTP and TCP/IP Floppy disk use laser technology. Procedures specify rules or guidelines for computer operations. Utilities are also known as Applications Software Following are the parts of System Software. [Type text] Internet Applications Software Monitor True True True Output Device True True True FTP True Power Card Operating System Keyboard False False False Optical Disk False False False Telnet False World Wide Web Wireless Floppy Disk Browsers Mouse Data Shareware Microprocessor Internet Operating System Microprocessor True True False Optical Disk True False True Wireless True

Floppy Disk

Hard Disk

82 83 84 85 86 87

True True True True True Utilities

False False False False False Device Language None of these

True False False True False Language

88 89 Data is unprocessed facts and Processing data creates Information. The equipments the processes that data to create Information is called Hardware. True True Drivers False False Translators Translators True True

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