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Sly Fox

Volume 89, Issue 10 November 10, 2008 Review on page 4

For liberal and conservative Beer Review:

reactions to the elections, go
Minds at Mines see page 11
Lion Brewery Stout
see page 4

Advancing oil and gas The keys to

through “squishy” sounds entrepreneurship
Tim Weilert make inferences as to how we can a project where they pumped into Jake Rezac “The problem is the person won’t
Content Manager make that activity better.” an oil field and measured the oc- give up – a person thinks they’ll
Content Manager
When Dr. Duncan decided to currence of earth quakes in relation change things by doing the same
“This is my fourth lecture in 30 start his own passive seismic to their pumping.” This experiment, “To be an entrepreneur, you thing in the same way.” Later in
hours,” said Dr. Peter M. Duncan company, Micro Seismic Inc., he re- and similar endeavors, led to a few must be willing to take on a new his talk, he returned to the subject
as he spoke on campus last week searched what little had been done patents relating to passive seismic venture and accept full responsibil- of risk taking. “You need to have,
during a lecture hosted by the in the field. As he read journals from data collection and procedures. ity for the outcome,” JP O’Brien as an entrepreneur… high risk
Society of Exploration Geophysi- the SEG and others in the industry, However, nothing happened in the said last Tuesday to a room full of tolerance.”
cists (SEG). Duncan, who earned he found an interesting editorial from oil industry for nearly 20 years. Colorado School of Mines’ (CSM) After discussing the traits of en-
a Ph.D. in Geophysics from the over a decade ago. “In this case, a Dr. Duncan presented several students and faculty, as well as trepreneurs, O’Brien talked about
University of Toronto, once acted geophysicist named Peter Ed- other case studies relating passive people from the community. “I’ve his factors of success. These in-
as the President of the SEG, and wards, who worked at Exxon, had seismic technology to oil fields. He been successful because my clude “Vision, passion, leadership,
came to Mines as part of the SEG’s written in and expressed an opinion explored the current state of the risk-taking has been based on innovation, communication and
distinguished lecture tour. He came that geophysicists were missing the technology and future challenges. knowledge.” O’Brien is the Execu- resilience.” He focused particularly
to speak about the use of passive opportunity to apply some of the His main focus was that passive tive in Residence in the Division of on passion, “I like to look to people
seismic technology as it relates to passive seismic seismic needs Economics and Business at CSM who like to set goals and have
the oil and gas industry. technologies to to be better and the CEO of SageFire, Inc., passion behind them.”
For the non-geophysicist reader, oil and gas ex- We listen to all the integrated into which, according to their website, These factors of success hav-
passive seismic technology is sim- ploration,” said the engineering “Provides financial management ing been discussed, O’Brien
ply listening to low-frequency move- Duncan, “The “squishy” sounds that are world, further solutions and services to help moved on to the pitfalls which are
ments and seismic events (such as editors of the improving the entrepreneurs and small business common among entrepreneurial
journal in 1992
emitted. interpretation
earth quakes) via geophones and owners get the most from their ventures. Most important among
other sensors. The data collected said Edwards of the raw data businesses.” His lecture, called these is what O’Brien called “The
from passive seismic can then was full of bunk. They believed there provided. Also, he mentioned that “The Spirit of Entrepreneurship,” valley of despair.” This is the time
be used to determine a plethora was no hope for passive seismic this data could be used for a variety focused on what it means to be in a venture when revenue of a
of geological features, such as applications for the oil and gas of applications within the oil and an entrepreneur, as well as the company is well below what the
underground oil sources and rock business. We are very conservative gas industry. Finding missed op- common mistakes which go along entrepreneurs are expecting – it’s
structures. It is different than active and take a long time to accept new portunities and untapped reserves, with entrepreneurship, and how to an occurrence which happens to
seismic, a process which involves technologies.” estimating permeability, and deter- avoid them. all ventures, according to O’Brien.
invasive wave-production and can A brief history of passive seismic mining faulting direction were all He began his lecture, to which However, given enough time and
lead to environmental concerns applications followed. One example areas that could be improved via about fifty people eagerly listened, effort, a good venture will come
and problems. “Passive seismic was particularly apt and had a Colo- passive seismic. asking what they thought it meant out of the rut. “This feeling [as-
is to conventional seismic what a rado connection: Rocky Flats. “In Dr. Duncan challenged the pro- to be entrepreneur. Answers sociated with the valley of despair]
stethoscope is to an ultrasound,” April of 1962, they drilled a well and fessors and students present as ranged from “Somebody that affects you so deeply at your
said Duncan, “We listen to all the began to pump millions of barrels of he closed. “The textbook on inter- starts something on their own” to core… I can’t say anything but
“squishy” sounds that are emitted waste water,” said Duncan, “Within preting the ‘squishy’ sounds we’re “Someone who is self-employed.” to tell you it’s okay… you need to
while we’re interacting with a reser- a very short time, the area began to hearing with this stethoscope hasn’t O’Brien commented that it comes recognize when you’re in the valley
voir. We correlate those sounds to experience earthquakes. Immedi- been written yet, that’s up to you from a French word which means of despair, and it’s not the end of
the engineering activity and try to ately, the USGS and Chevron began guys.” “To undertake.” To undertake a the world.”
venture, O’Brien intoned, as well O’Brien ended his lecture
as to undertake risk. According by discussing different types
to O’Brien, the of entrepre-
best question “I think it’s very difficult neurs. These
he has asked include entre-
his clients has for a company that has preneurs, who
been “What
are we going
a requirement to make measure cess in terms

to undertake money... to make social o f re v e n u e ;

together?” intrapreneurs,
He contin- change.” who measure
ued, present- success on
ing the listeners with a list of eleven organizational change and social
traits, and asked them to rate each entrepreneurs, who measure their
trait as being positive or negative success in terms of social change.
for entrepreneurship. These traits In regards to the latter, O’Brien
ranged from being motivated to said, “I think it’s very difficult for a
achieve to being a compulsive company that has a requirement
gambler. He also asked them to to make money for its investors to
rate themselves on each of these make social change.”
traits. To sum up, he mentioned that
Then, the group went over someone once asked him, “Do
their thoughts on the traits. Some you see the world simply as op-
of his responses were surpris- portunity after opportunity?” This,
ing, challenging the commonly along with the factors of success
thought of traits of entrepreneurs. he mentioned, which he thinks he
For example, O’Brien gave the possesses, makes him a good
opinion that high risk taking was entrepreneur – someone who
a negative trait. He said that “Un- has started three of his own busi-
dertaking certain responsibility for nesses. He asked to listeners to try
an outcome” was important, but to think of the world this way, and
taking too high of risks was bad. in doing that, they might become
A traditional form of Indian art, rangoli, at the Diwali celebration at bree waltman / oredigger
On this topic, he also said that entrepreneurs too.
CSM last Monday. For the story and more pictures, see

News - 2 Features - 6 sports - 9 opinion - 10 satire - 9

~world headlines ~geek of the week ~women’s basketball ~duffy’s corner ~“cats” with cats
~scientific discoveries ~restaurant review ~women’s volleyball ~letters to the editor ~cereal convention
Page 2 n e w s November 10, 2008

Abdullah Ahmed, Assistant Business Manager

USA/Indiana: A new research may shatter the half-
life concept! A team of scientists at Purdue University
has conducted an experiment to measure the half-life of
certain elements. During the experiment, a fall in half-life
decay was recorded at the same time when a solar flare
was in progress. The scientists suggest that the x-rays Middle East/Jerusalem: A 12,000-year-old
emitted by the sun can cause variation in the decay of shaman has been resurrected. Archeologists
certain isotopes. If true, old theories must be revised at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have
or replaced. More experiments are now scheduled. excavated one of the oldest known graves of
shamans. The shaman was a woman, almost
5 feet tall, and with deformities in the legs that
likely prevented her from walking easily. The
skeleton was surrounded with bones of animals,
such as cow tails and eagle bones, and a foot
of a human being was also buried in the site.

Australia: Frogs can tap dance! Ac-

England/London: Peanut can cure peanut allergy.
cording to a paper published by Swedish
English scientists have studied nearly 9,000 distributed
and Australian scientists, frogs and toads
questionnaires to families with kids. The results showed
tap their toe fingers to attract food. The
that infants that were exposed to peanuts—in the form
paper explains that it is the beat, not the
of peanut butter—at an early stage were much less likely
motion of the toes, that draws the in-
to develop peanut allergy. The study suggests that early
sects. Further, it was observed that toads
exposure to peanuts can prepare the immune system to
and frogs use this technique to hypno-
be more tolerant, and inherently avoid developing allergy.
tize their prey for easier consumption.

Oredigger Staff
Sara Post

Lily Giddings
Headlines from around the world
Emily Trudell, Staff Writer
Managing Editor

Zach Boerner Barack Obama was elected category three hurricane with wind acterized by political turmoil and who watch television shows con-
Copy Editor the next president of the United speeds of 115 miles per hour by violence for years. taining sexual content are more
States of America after a landslide Friday. Secretary of State Condo- likely to get pregnant or to im-
Josh Elliott
Business Manager victory over rival John McCain. The collapse of the College La leezza Rice conceded that a pregnate a peer.
Congress worked to pass its Promesse Evangelique, a school peace deal between Israel and The Chinese production prob-
Amanda Graninger second stimulus package, promis- in the town of Petionville, Haiti Palestine is unlikely to occur by lem of melamine content in food
Design Editor ing at least $61 billion toward im- injured at least 100 students be- the end of this year. The White products has spread to eggs.
proving the depressed economy. tween the ages of 10 and 20, and House has announced that peace The dangerous chemical, which
Ryan Browne A study done by the Cancer killed over 50. It was reported in Israel is considered to be a long causes irritation to the skin and
Webmaster Research Center in Seattle, that the school collapsed due term goal. eyes, as well as renal failure, has
Cericia Martinez Washington, found that women to the weak construction of the A study conducted by the also been found in baby formula
Asst. Design Editor for Layout with a history of migraines have building. RAND Corporation showed that and meat products.
a lower risk for developing breast The death toll from the North teens
Tiffany Turner cancer, especially types of cancer Ossetian suicide bombing in
Asst. Design Editor for Style that are hormone related. Vladikavkaz, Russia, was
The Black Hills of South Dakota reported to be 12 peo-

Abdullah Ahmed were pounded with four feet of
Asst. Business Manager for ple, in addition to
Sales and Marketing snow and 50 mile per hour winds. over 40 injuries.
The storm blocked highways The area has
Mike Stone and interstates, trapping motor- been char-
Fool’s Gold Content Manager ists, and left thousands without

Jason Fish President-elect Barack Obama
Content Manager selected Rahm Emanuel as
his White House Chief of Staff.
Jake Rezac
Content Manager Emanuel is a fellow Democrat
from Illinois who was elected to
Tim Weilert the House in 2002.
Content Manager

T h e n a t i o n o f Ve n e z u e l a
launched its first satellite into
Matthew Pusard space from a launch pad in China.
Content Manager The telecommunications satellite
David Frossard is expected to be used for trans-
Faculty Advisor mitting medical and education
information, and will not be used

for commercial needs.
Three arrests were made in the
town of Villach, Austria, in relation
to the theft of the “Prince of Bur-
ma” ruby, which is estimated to
be worth over $4.1 million. The

gem was stolen in August from
a German jewelry dealer.
Tropical storm Paloma intensi-
fied as it bombarded the Cayman
Islands with rain, growing into a

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
November 10, 2008 n e w s Page 3

Bringing diversity to Mines When nanoparticles

are gellin’
Amanda Rock demographics, so why try to fix an as much as men to receive the

Courtesy wikimedia
Staff Writer already well-oiled machine? same recognition. The bias in the
But, Rankin said, “The argument selection process for jobs creates
Are Newton’s Laws the most that bringing women in is a bad problems for women. “I think one of
important things for a physicist
to know? According to Patricia
thing doesn’t really make sense.”
After all, the most innovative and
the hard things for us to accept…
our selection process is not going to Assembling
productive environments are those get us the best and the brightest,”
nanoparticles without oxides
Rankin, not at all. Rankin is the as-
sociate vice chancellor for faculty with people from all different demo- said Rankin.
diversity and development at the graphics and backgrounds. “If you Some new interview styles are
University of Colorado at Boulder have a team that thinks all the same designed to eliminate the bias that Benjamin M. Weilert making composites.” These com-
and a physicist herself. The ques- way they are less likely to find errors comes along with face-to-face in- Staff Writer posite aerogels now develop new
tion Rankin posed during her pre- in their designs,” Rankin explained. terviews. These “Blind interviews” properties such as insulation and
sentation to the Colorado School A variety of opinions stimulates are sometimes used in musical The quest to achieve smaller conductivity.
of Mines faculty was “Why does creative thinking. auditions, where an interviewee and lighter devices has pushed Yet, oxides (like silica) can some-
diversity matter, and how can we “Another argument is that wom- will perform behind a curtain so forward research on nanotechnol- times be troublesome, and alter-
increase it?” en just don’t want to be scientists the interviewer cannot determine ogy. In particular, one aspect of natives need to be found. “We
So why has the scientific work- or engineers…it’s a variant on the race or gender. Studies on blind nanotechnology is assembly of want to look towards non-oxides.”
force not diversified? Even after nature versus nurture argument,” interviews reveal that about 50% of nanoparticles. However, when researching what
decades of feminism and women’s said Rankin, “But if you look at the selected applicants are women, The problem with nanoparticles other people have done, little is
rights the number of women in what men and women want in a whereas traditional interviews can is that they are far too small to found. “There’s not a whole lot,”
science and engineering fields is career, there aren’t any obvious result in male-female ratios of three be assembled by human hands. remarked Brock.
comparatively small to that of men. differences.” to one. Stephanie L. Brock, of Wayne State The reasoning behind moving
South Korea, for example, has one- A better reason for the lack of So what is Rankin’s advice for University’s Department of Chemis- beyond oxides is due in part to the
sixth the population, but graduates diversity is the perception of women young women in science and en- try, gave a lecture last Friday exam- ability to engineer different proper-
the same number of women as the and their performance as profes- gineering? “Women need to learn ining a solution: Sol-Gel methods for ties. Brock explained that, “You can
United States. sionals. According to Rankin, “If to network, think strategically and assembly of nanoparticles. make them at different sizes and
Traditional arguments for the a woman is successful, it is more long-term and negotiate.” Rankin “If you are interested in solid they have different luminescence
lack of female presence in the sci- likely to be attributed to luck rather also said to be assertive and take state devices, and you are making properties, different luminescence
ences include such old reasoning than skill… but if she fails, it is at- credit for your skills. “Our students your nanoparticles from the bottom- colors.” With these different colors,
as “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” as tributed to lack of skill, but bad luck will compete in an increasingly up, you’re making them in solution. a veritable rainbow (literally) of gels
Rankin put it. The case states that for a guy.” diverse world and need to work Then, at some point you have to can be formed.
physics and other science fields A study in Sweden showed with people from a wide range of get them out of solution, you have The process of producing the
are doing just fine with the current that women had to achieve twice backgrounds.” to integrate them with each other nanoparticles is separated into two
and into solid state devices,” Brock functions, “We’re going to make our

Reflections on the scientific method explained. “We want a method of

self-assembly that’s going to allow
us to link the particles together.”
particles, and then we’re going to
assemble them,” said Brock. She
detailed the reliance of the proper-
researchers do not provide convinc- man’s signature theories is the well- One process involves hydrolysis ties of the gels on certain properties.
Sophie Hancock
ing lines of evidence to support their known “Snowball Earth Theory,” followed by condensation of the “It’s really going to depend on the
Staff Writer product until a silicon oxide gel is density,” said Brock. Luckily, the
hypotheses and models. presented in various papers since
Strong, challenging debate and A cornerstone of Hamilton’s the early 1990s. To many climatic produced in methanol. However, xerogel produced by leaving the
provocative geological questioning lecture was the proposal that there researchers, global glaciation is a to be useful, the gel must be dried. sample out has a different density
were hallmarks of Professor Warren were no semi-rigid Archaean litho- fairly controversial hypothesis and Unfortunately, one cannot leave the than the aerogel, so multiple proper-
Hamilton’s recent CSM campus spheric plates, as required by Plate still debated. Despite the data/ gel out on the laboratory bench, as ties may be obtained.
lecture. Professor Hamilton is a Tectonic theory, earlier than two bil- technical ambiguities in such a it will lose its structure and turn into Other property experiments
nationally prominent scientist and lion years before present. Key parts topic, Hoffman is credited with what is called a xerogel. involved the basic elements of the
Distinguished Senior Scientist for of Hamilton’s proposed pre 2-billion posing many stimulating questions, Brock talked about her group’s gels. “We were interested in whether
the Department of Geophysics years (2 Ga) early earth model are forcing the research community to method of drying, “If you really want you could improve properties by
at the Colorado School of Mines based on widely accepted theory think carefully about the robustness to retain this kind of structure while altering the shape of the building
(CSM), and well known for his con- and do not represent a significant of alternative ideas and models. you dry it, then there are a variety of block.” When other building blocks,
troversial view of plate tectonics. challenge to this. Examples include Iterative self-review is positive and ways of doing it, but the one way such as rods, were used, the
Hamilton presented theories on the fact that the Archaean (>2.5 Ga) necessary, and over time, advance- that we’ve adopted is really to use strength of the gels improved.
the geodynamics of early earth and crust and mantle being hotter, and ment is made. supercritical fluid extraction.” In the final analysis, the gels pro-
the timing of the onset of modern therefore having significantly higher Successfully challenging how we When the gel is dried in this fash- duced were highly adaptable and
plate tectonics that are strikingly heat flows in the past; the implica- look at a given subject is perhaps ion, the product is called an aerogel useful for a multitude of purposes.
different to many current Precam- tion being that we cannot assume the most important contribution any due to the presence of air pockets Brock mentioned the simplicity
brian (>545 million years ago or Ma) that recent plate tectonics as we researcher or group can hope to retaining the original structure. “This of the production, “We just make
processes. see it in the Phanerozoic (since 545 make, and perhaps also the most is a great architecture for silica,” said the gel and we basically turn it into
As part of the Van Tuyl series, Ma) has always existed. Early Earth difficult to achieve. Engrained per- Brock. The properties of the aerogel whatever we want.” With a wide
Hamilton posed a series of direct tectonic models need to couple ceptions and biases are significant are somewhat limited, but can be variety of applications, these gels
statements intended to challenge Archaean crustal pressure-temper- aspects to overcome if balanced, adjusted. Brock clarified, “You can could lead technology into even
aspects of recent tectonic research, ature conditions with mechanisms original concepts and new ideas start to change the properties by smaller realms.
particularly that focusing on un- of higher heat flow. are to be produced. It is difficult to
derstanding the evolution of the Important geochemical rock type keep in mind that many research
Earth’s mantle and internal structure variations also need to be taken ac- outputs are still ultimately just theo-
during early parts of its history. The count of in proposed models. Highly ries – “Best fit” interpretations from
central question of the talk, “When contrasting rocks are observed limited datasets. Dogma is a com-
did Plate Tectonics begin?” has far- – but how can these be derived mon problem in science; that is, the
reaching geological implications and from similar basaltic parent materi- acceptance of an idea or guiding
has been investigated intensively, als and under what upper mantle principal taken to be an absolute
particularly in recent years. As a conditions? The underlying question truth, regardless of proof. The
measure of its significance, in 2006, continues to be debated: When did scientific process requires theories
the Geological Society of America the modern style of plate tectonics to be supported by cited, verifiable
dedicated their Penrose Conference still in operation today, initiate? evidence.
to the subject, under this precise For large scale processes such Well framed questions are highly
title question. as plate tectonics, being able to effective in advancing scientific
Hamilton himself billed the lec- consider the big picture is truly cru- thought. Where systems are highly
ture as “180 degrees from current cial. A solid technical background complex, the first challenge is to
thinking.” His questioning presenta- is fundamental, but an open mind break the problem down into ele-
tion style throughout implied a keen and intellectual courage are also ments where it is possible to simplify
sense of his focus on needing to dig needed when carefully scaling up part of the problem to consider in
down to the underlying assump- local or regional observations by isolation whilst still learning about
tions when utilizing and building orders of magnitude. Forming tenta- the whole system.
on other’s work. To some, these tive answers to such big questions Hamilton set out to challenge
challenges will be appreciated as a requires bold ideas. “Megathinking” what he considers to be unsup-
salient reminder of the need to keep is a term coined to describe the geo- ported, widely accepted dogma.
scientists “honest” in their objectivity science thinking needed. Standing Without such scrutiny, many mythi-
when appraising data, especially on the bounds of what is known cal beliefs would still be accepted as
when drawing on the work from and understood, any researcher “fact.” Hamilton set out his personal
other disciplines where there may has a high chance of being at least theory, but was somewhat hypo-
be significant constraints to cross- partially incorrect. critical with his approach, providing
application of the data. To others, Paul Hoffman is an excellent, insufficient supporting evidence and
his comments will be more accusa- positive example of how influential not fully addressing questions from
tory that the research community is scientists can utilize an unconven- the audience. Some researchers
insufficiently critical when utilizing tional theory that they develop to present clearly felt that Hamilton
the cross-disciplinary outputs of further the thinking of the whole went beyond constructive question-
others work and that in other cases, scientific community. One of Hoff- ing of the work of others.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 4 l i f e s t y l e November 10, 2008

Mines Little Theater: Sly Fox Music Review

Pleasure engineers, police officers and alleged rape
Lily Giddings
their ill-gotten gains.
The plan backfires, however,
Sly’s name so that his estate is not
given to the court as a result of his
That They May Know You,
Managing Editor
Students at the Colorado School
when Sly’s greed gets the best of
him in the matter of Mr. Truckle’s wife.
The play ends with Sly being
Haste the Day
of Mines have a wide variety of talents Able unwisely proclaims the beauty acquitted of the charges and faking Stephen Bartels
in science and mathematical fields. of Truckle’s wife, played by Amanda his own death to see the faces of his Staff Writer
However, many students have well Clark, whom Sly immediately de- “friends” as the will is read and they Haste the Day premiered seven not quite have the
hidden artistic abilities that can only clares he must have. A plan is then discover themselves to have been years ago as a Christian Metalcore appeal and popularity that Ryan
be expressed through extracur- hatched to cause Truckle to pimp conned. Finally, Able, who has been band with their self-released album, had, he does possess ability in
ricular activities such as Mines Little out his own wife as well as to cause named the legal sole and only heir to That They May Know You. The his own right. He has a wider vo-
Theater. Crouch to disinherit his own son. Sly’s estate, attempts to double cross band got its name from the last cal range and a superb ability to
Directed by Paul Johnson with Enter Captain Crouch, played by his benefactor, which backfires since verse of the hymn “It is Well With switch from guttural screaming to
assistance from Wendy Brost, the Ron Deiotte. He discovers Able at Sly is too wily a fox to leave anything My Soul.” That could be considered harmonizing vocals then back to
first production of the year, Sly Fox, his father’s office and demands an to do with his gold to chance. a statement for their legacy of out- melodic screaming. Haste the Day
explanation. By way of explanation, The play is enriched by thoroughly right Christian lyrics. On November also re-recorded their song “Au-
was a smashing success for the
14, they released their fourth studio tumn” from their first album, That
group. On opening night, Metals Hall Able invites the Captain to Sly’s home amusing characters, including the
album, Dreamer, on Solid State They May Know You. This song
held a large, eager audience. The to lay in wait for Crouch to come and incorrigible Ms. Fancy, played by Kate
Records. showcases Keech’s harmony abil-
performance was exceptional and announce the change in his will. The Reinking, a self-proclaimed “pleasure The band suffers from one pri- ity and the softer side of his vocals.
well received. plan backfires when the Captain engineer,” the clumsy police officers, mary shortfall. In 2005, lead vocalist “Autumn” is a shorter recording and
The play is set in San Francisco in overhears Sly’s attempt to seduce played by Jordan Foss, Mary Snooks Jimmy Ryan left the band to get not quite as good as the original, but
the 1800’s and focuses on the antics Truckle’s pious and innocent wife. and Keegan Whistler, who arrest Sly married and start the band Trench- still reflects Ryan’s vocals from the
of a talented conman, Foxwell Sly (or Hilarity ensues as the Captain calls and Able, and the witty judge/under- es. Stephen Keech has since taken original version.
Sly), played by Nick Lubbers, and in the police and both Able and Sly taker, played by Steve Daniel, who his place and has yet to reach Ryan’s Haste the Day has continued
his assistant, Simon Able (known as are arrested under the charge of rape acquits Sly of the rape charges. level, though his performance on their legacy of outright, blatantly
Able), played by Will Spaeth. Other and assistance to rape. Overall, it was a very well ex- Dreamer is a step up from their last Christian lyrics. On “Babylon,” the
characters in the play include those As the men are in prison, the other ecuted play and the actors are to be album, Pressure the Hinges. An- song opens, “Foresee the day of the
characters organize a story to clear commended. other part has been missing-guitars. Lord / The Heavens blacken above
being conned by Sly and Able: the
Burning Bridges set the level high them / The day will bring no light /
lawyer Craven, played by JP La-
with songs like “Substance,” “Blue for I will shake the heavens / Raise
couture, old man Crouch, played 42” and “American Love.” Once the flag on the hilltop / for now we
by Thomas Baeck, and accoun- Jason Barnes left, there was a march to Babylon.” This is a prime
tant Mr. Truckle, played by Thorn gaping hole that has yet to be filled. example of how metalcore Christian
Svendsen. The old days of smashing guitars bands have addressed more difficult
The con consists of Sly acting and amazing vocals seem to have subjects than the lyrics of standard
the part of a wealthy, aged, sick passed away into the memories of contemporary Christian bands.
man who borrows from his friends longtime Haste the Day fans. Looking at the album as a
under the promise of repayment That said, there are some posi- whole, Haste the Day has kept
by naming them the sole and only tive aspects for this album. Haste the strengths from Pressure the
heir to his will. Meanwhile, Sly’s the Day has always had smashing Hinges, and progressed in some
so-called friends are waiting for drum action, brought to you by areas. Unfortunately, they still have
Devin Chaulk. He continues the not returned to the caliber that they
his demise so that they can collect
trend throughout this album with possessed while Jimmy Ryan was
on their investment. Able and Sly a great drum base and a fast beat lead singer.
plot between themselves to wring BREE WALTMAN / OREDIGGER throughout. Track Picks:
every penny from Sly’s hypocritical Last Will and Testament. The characters await the official reading Now, as much as Keech does “68,” Porcelain” and “Haunting”
friends and then make away with of Sly’s will, each expecting to be named the sole and only heir.

Beer Review
Lion Brewery Stout
an impressive chocolatey, cara-
Akira Rattenbury
melized malt odor, which is not
Staff Writer
domineering nor trying to sell you
Mufasa’s choicest, The King of more than you want.
the Pride, Aslan’s breath—if lions The roasted, toasted, burnt
liked beer, I imagine they would (insert similar adjective here) smell
enjoy this beer, espe- comes out immediately on
cially if they liked slight- first taste. It’s so smooth
ly bitter, chocolatey and creamy you’ll feel just
stouts. This is not the like Old Greg in no time.
stoutest of stouts, but Other tasters, however,
it definitely is smooth comment on its “slight
and delicious. bitter in the middle”
The brew is im- taste on first sip.
ported from Cey- “It tastes like cof-
lon, Sri Lanka fee… a lot of bitter
with a happy- in the middle with
making 8% ABV. almost a sour,
The bottle touts a bitter taste,”
“Quality Awards” commented
label and the Alex Brown, fol-
p ro m i n e n t a c - lowing a hearty
colades and en- s i p . P r u n e y,
dorsement of the coffee mocha
“Beer Hunter” characterize
himself, Mr. Mi- the taste. The
chael Jackson. finish is crisp,
If you’re thinking with stout-like
“Thriller” or an- oiliness and
drogynous jerry chocolate pun-
curls, you should ishment, which
instead imagine meet the sens-
a pasty English- es immediately,
man known for leaving the pal-
his taste in beers. ate clean and
He likes this beer wanting more.
a lot. The lion is a
The stout pours sharp contrast
a thick 3 to 4 finger to a drier, fla-
tan-colored head vorless Guin-
of frothy goodness ness and is a
above a dark brown true stout to re-
syrupy beer. It packs AKIRA RATTENBURY / OREDIGGER vere.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
November 10, 2008 l i f e s t y l e Page 5

See Movies Benjamin M. Weilert, Staff Writer
Music Review
Black Sun, Ra.
Spencer Nelson
In the span of about 100 years, movies have been categorized due to their content. Sometimes this can be
Staff Writer
difficult, and can lead to the emergence of new genres, but, most of the time, movies can be portioned off into
subsets based on common themes and motifs. Since this trend of categorizing movies has gone on for so long, The story of a group of musicians
it was only a matter of time before the movies became self-aware. The term “self-aware” (a phrase I coined my- who have overcome obstacles and songs are too bad. Re-
self), is used to describe a movie that acknowledges what genre it is in and uses this to poke fun at the genre. difficulties to achieve their dream petitive and generic, but still catchy
Ironically enough, these three Must See Movies were all released last year, which just goes to show the state of of becoming “Rock legends” has and fast. However, listening to more
the movie industry at the time. been told far too many times. It is an than one is a monotonous experi-
interesting story, but generic never- ence. One unique aspect of the
1. Enchanted (2007) theless. However, it still happens to album is the distinct Middle Eastern
For decades, Disney has been cashing in on the “Princess” movie market. Such titles as Snow White (1937), a select few. Perhaps these stories sound found on many of the tracks.
Cinderella (1950) and Sleeping Beauty (1959) tell the story of a damsel in distress and the Prince Charming who inspired Ra as they overcame their As a result, some of the guitar riffs
comes to save her. Enchanted takes this concept and pokes fun at it while at the same time falling into it. This own difficulties with changing band are different than those typically
movie starts out as a classically animated story where Giselle (portrayed by Amy Adams), who sings of true love’s members and record labels over the found in mainstream rock. However,
kiss, falls in love with Prince Edward (James Marsden) at first sight. Enchanted then shifts into the real course of a decade. The feel-good they are simply repeated too often.
world when Prince Edward’s evil stepmother, Queen Narissa (Susan Sarandon) sends Giselle to story would end with Ra producing One song, “I Believe Again,” breaks
the real life New York. It’s in this backdrop where the absurd customs of cleaning animals, epic, inspiring music that would last away from this sound with a good
spontaneous singing and utter naiveté are brought to life. At the close, Enchanted for generations. Unfortunately, that mix of a strong piano and heavy gui-
relies on its storybook ending to jab at the “happily ever after” genre. is not the case. Much like the sto- tars. Another plus is a considerably
ries, Ra’s latest album is interesting, good use of harmonized vocals.
2. Shoot ‘em Up (2007) but generic. The lead singer, Sahaj Ticotin, is a
Action movies have a notorious tendency to be light on plot and heavy on Ra’s third studio album, Black strong vocalist who holds the world
explosions. The entirety of the genre relies on high octane action sequences in Sun, might have been a moderate record for holding the longest single
order to make bank. Shoot ‘em Up is no exception. There’s just enough plot to hit about 10 years ago at the birth note recorded. He demonstrates
incur multiple gunfights and creative ways to weaponize carrots, but not much past of the nu-metal genre. However, this ability incredibly on the third
that. Clive Owen plays a man by the name of Smith who happens to get caught up in since Korn and Disturbed and the track, “The First Step,” where he
a national conspiracy involving babies raised for their inherent medical properties. In order to endless spin-off bands filled out holds one note for 24 seconds. All
protect one of the babies, Smith calls on the services of Donna Quintano (Moncia Bellucci) as the genre, there is little room left of the members of Ra are skilled in
they run from Hertz (Paul Giamatti), a hitman in charge of cleaning up the mess. Throughout the film, for originality. Black Sun begins their musical ability and possess
Shoot ‘em Up adheres to the action movie stereotype of the hero always hitting his mark (while the bad guys with a promising Latin guitar riff that a solid sound as a band. Despite
constantly miss), corny lines and ridiculous setups. However, it is able to do this while at the same time making quickly fades to grinding, crunchy this talent and songs that sound
fun of the whole genre by being as campy as possible. guitars. The heavy guitars carry a good at first listen, the album as
3. Planet Terror (2007) catchy, simple riff that is enjoyable a whole fails to hold interest and
Half of the double feature, Grindhouse/Planet Terror takes horror/zombie/survival/B movies and shows them until it becomes monotonous. In all, quickly becomes boring. Although
for what they really are. Trouble begins when a biological weapon is released that turns people into pus-filled, the opening track, “Broken Hearted Ra desperately wants to be differ-
flesh-eating zombies. Humanity’s only hope lies in an unlikely band of survivors which include a stripper, a me- Soul,” is decent, but it is nice to ent, and made a good effort, they
chanic and a doctor. The violence is intense at times, but also strangely amusing. After one of the stripper’s legs move on from the continual repeti- still fall securely in the nu-metal/hard
goes missing, the only logical replacement is an enormous gun. What would be considered terrible 70’s cinema tion of the same riffs. This relief is rock genre.
is purposely made in order to imitate the old style (even to the point of “accidentally” missing a reel), thereby not found anywhere on the rest of For the rest of the
falling into and parodying the genre at the same time. the album.
Taken individually, none of the
review, go online to
For Homework – See Kill Bill (2003/4)

Concert Review:Danielson at the Hi-Dive

Tim Weilert Ian Cooke, a Denver cellist and for a good show. Catchy hooks and show. To celebrate the release of the
Content Manager songwriter, started the evening with flowing guitar riffs kept the music group’s recently released retrospec-
an amazing set. Not only was his upbeat. tive album, Danielson focused on
Music can be one of the truest instrumental performance nearly Finally, it was time for Danielson. playing their best material from the
forms of self-expression. A prolific flawless, but his smooth voice hit Taking the stage in matching pilot’s last ten years.
songwriter has the ability to convey every note. Cooke used a variety uniforms, the seven members of Playing through songs such
thoughts and emotions through of looping effects to create multiple Danielson filled the tiny stage at the as “Idiot Boksen” and “Flip
song. Love, compassion, hope and harmonies with himself, a real treat Hi-Dive. “This song is a clap-along,” Flop Flim Flam,” Smith and
healing were just a few of the driv- for the ears. At the end of his set, the said Daniel Smith on multiple occa- company performed
ing factors that led Daniel Smith to crowd called sions through- with intensity and sin-
begin his musical experiment known f o r m o r e In fact, there were clap-alongs, out the show. cerity. Danielson end-
as Danielson. Smith, whose strong songs and he In fact, there ed their set with “Five
Christian roots and incredible per- extended his snap-alongs and sing-alongs; w e re c l a p - Stars and Two Thumbs
sonal story act as the backdrop for set, some- alongs, snap- Up” before performing
his songs, performed a stunning set thing I have
all of which got the audience alongs and two more songs as
at the Hi-Dive last Saturday. never seen
involved and made the set sing-alongs; all of which
an encore (including
“Did I Step On Your
The Hi-Dive has really started to happen with
grow on me. After seeing Ra Ra Riot an opening enjoyable. got the audi- Trumpet,” one of my
there several weeks ago, I’ve begun act. ence involved personal favorite Dan-
to appreciate the cozy atmosphere, Up next was Cryptacize, an indie- and made the set enjoyable. Rather ielson tunes). For their
free water and excellent sound mix- pop band from the Asthmatic Kitty than trying to decode Smith’s reli- performance, I give
ing. The entire night felt like a com- record label. Their simple sound and gious undertones and unique fal- Danielson’s Denver tour
fortable gathering of old friends. comically small instruments made setto, I sat back and enjoyed the stop five stars and two thumbs up.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 6 f e a t u r e s November 10, 2008

Alyssa Volk
Staff Writer
Geek Weekpeeves?
...Garett Jennison, Senior: Mechanical Engineering
Stupid questions and stupid why. And Noah replied “Everyone What do you hope to do with throughout high school. The tuxedo
[Oredigger] Do you consider people. And yes, there are stupid knows that even adders can multiply your degree? was definitely the tip of the iceberg,
yourself a geek? people at Mines. with a log table.” Eventually, I want to work at a though. I also do a little bit of jug-
Yes, I definitely consider myself a What is your favorite movie? Why did you choose to attend nuclear power plant or as an engi- gling. My dad taught me and I can
geek. A lot of my hobbies are really Movie line? Mines? neer designing nuclear reactors. even do one mildly cool trick. I can
geeky, such as video games and My two favorite movies would I’m originally from Johnstown, What is your favorite gadget, hold all three balls in one hand and
programming. Right now, I’m really have to be Airplane and Monty Py- which is just a little cow town south electronic, or piece of technol- just toss them and start going. I even
into Fallout 3. It’s an RPG game that thon and the Holy Grail. My favorite of Greeley, Colorado. I wanted to ogy? once learned to juggle basketballs
just came out. I played it a lot over movie line is “Don’t call me Shirley.” be an engineer and I thought CSM I’d have to say my TI-36 X cal- when I was in my PA class.
the weekend and procrastinated on The quote is from the movie Airplane would be a lot better choice than culator is my favorite. Real men If you could have any super-
a take-home final that is kicking my and is a parody of a drama. There is CSU or even CU. use 36 X calculators. I also have a hero power, what would it be
ass right now. this scene with Leslie Nielsen and a What is the geekiest thing slide rule that I really like; those are and why?
What is the geekiest thing couple of people in a plane. Both of you’ve seen at this school? pretty cool. I would love to have x-ray vision
you own? the pilots pass out and there’s only My reflection. But I’ve also seen Do you have any geeky tal- so that I could cheat at poker.
I have a duct tape tuxedo and one passenger on the plane who kids at Mines that make me feel ents? Tell me something about
wore it during my junior year of high has any chance of landing the plane. normal, which never happened in I’ve made a bunch of shit out of yourself that very few people
school. My fiancé, who was my A guy says, “If you don’t land this elementary school or even high duct tape all know.
girlfriend at the time, would never plane, everyone is going to die.” The school. I really like Simon and
wear a duct tape dress, though. guy responds by saying “Surely you What do you think of brown- Garfunkel music. But
So I had to wear it before we got must be joking.” The first guy says, nosing at Mines? my favorite song is
together. I sent in a picture to the “Don’t call me Shirley.” It’s classic I could write a book on it. I Star Star by The Roll-
duct tape contest and the contest and a lot of people know exactly wouldn’t have the GPA that I have ing Stones.
people posted it online. It was white, what it means. now if I didn’t know how to brown-
with the duct tape duck logo on it. What’s your favorite geek joke nose. To be good at brown-nosing,
I figured I’d have a better chance or pick-up line? you have to make friends with your
of winning the contest if my tuxedo I don’t know if you’re religious professors. It’s definitely saved my
had the logo on it. I apparently was or know anything about Noah’s ass in a couple classes and there’s
wrong. Ark. But after Noah finally landed no way I deserved some of those
Do you have any nick- the ark, he told all of the animals to A’s that I got.
names? go multiply. All of the animals went What activities or clubs are
Moose. I went to the American off to do so, except for the snakes. you involved in?
Legion Boys State Conference for The snakes went up to Noah and Right now, I’m involved with
government leadership. All of the said, “Noah, we have a problem.” SWE, or the Society of Women
guys on my floor nicknamed me Noah asked what the problem was. Engineers. My fiancé is really good
Moose and it just kind of stuck. The snakes said “We’re adders, friends with some of the people who
Do you have any phobias? and so we can’t multiply.” To that, are members. I decided I wanted
I’m really worried about people Noah replied “I’ll tell you what to do. to join for the networking purposes
touching my eyes. I don’t even like You see that tree over there?” The and I also really like the SWE spon-
people kissing my eyes. It cracks snakes nodded yes. “I want you to sor, Candy. I’m also involved in Tau
my fiancé up. go cut down that tree and make a Beta Pi, which is an academic honor
Do you have any pet table out of it.” The snakes asked fraternity.

Restaurant Reviews
Indian Restaurants
Bombay Clay Oven What a contrast – the Bombay Clay Oven
to Little India. There is no competition.
Cherry Creek North,  The Bombay’s chef Marshall might not
165 Steele St. sound Indian, but he is, and the superior Indian Desserts to die for
and cocktails. Here, a review Denver,CO 80206 food at his restaurant bears this out.
Sophie Hancock The potato vada is a kind of spicy dumpling Happy Hornet
of a selection of world culinary (303) 377-4454
Staff Writer in taramind sauce, a new but delicious dish 76 Broadway
styles, especially for the Oredig- to me, so it comes highly recommended. An Denver, CO 80402
excellent chicken tikka masala was served by
On September 24, some ger Readers. people who instantly feel like friends. I urge you (303) 777-7676
of Denver’s top eating and The restaurants are scored to try it for yourselves. http://www.hornetrestaurant.
drinking establishments came on a five star rating prices are $$ The Bombay Clay Oven advert says Den- com/
ver’s best Indian cuisine – my survey is not
together to showcase their scored within three ranges: complete, but I am prepared to bet that they
dishes at the Westword Menu $ - under $15, $$ - $15-30; are not lying.

Affair. The event was hosted and $$$ - over $30 per person, Little India Restaurant Perhaps the “buffet” style and the multi-site $-$$
in the Fillmore Auditorium on for two courses without drinks. 330 E. 6th Ave. restaurant business set-up should have been
warning enough. The hornet is run by a couple who pour
Clarkson and attended by over So whether it is a birthday, Denver, CO 80203 I had received some comments before love into all their modern favorites at bargain
40 Denver businesses. a visit from the parents or just (303) 871-9777 going that Little India was a good restaurant, prices for such quality food.
but it falls far short of expectations of the taste There was an impressive queue of
With a backdrop of chan- a chance to have a change of Also sites at S. Downing St
buds of someone used to eating in “The Balti guests keen to sample the mac-n-cheese,
deliers and mellow jazz, hun- scene from Golden, you will and Champa St, Denver, CO Triangle” area of Birmingham, England. although they offer Creole, Cuban, Mexican
dreds of diners road-tested know where to head for a veri- Of the three dishes I sampled, one was de- foods and even British fish and chips.
For delivery, call (303) 534- cent (chicken), one was average (lamb) and one For a mere $5, you can have Jose’s
the signature dishes, drinks table feast. was downright poor (curried vegetables). At homemade Bread Pudding a la mode,
8646 best, this can be described as a “bog-standard” served with warm caramel. I can close my
restaurant, indistinctive and lacking flair. It is no eyes and still remember how good it was.

Old versus New Steakhouse way to experience Indian cuisine.

D Bar Desserts
$$ 1475 E. 17th Ave.
Buckhorn Exchange Denver’s oldest restaurant certainly caught
Denver, CO 80218
100 Osage St. my attention. “What exactly is this?” I asked.
”Buffalo tongue” was the reply. Glad I heard European Influenced Cuisine (303) 861-4710  
Denver, CO 80204 that after trying it, although buffalo tongue is
Gaetano’s This is genuine Italian food, true Italian and
(303) 534-9505 surprisingly tender, like the most delicate stew- not American Italian.
ing steak you can imagine. 3760 Tejon St. com/ Menu highlights include the garlic Italian
The setting is uniquely historical, with the Denver, CO 80211 sausage in a tomato sauce, a sharing platter of
roof garden, climate-controlled outdoor dining (303) 455-9852 antipasti, meatballs and eggplant parmigiana.
area making an unusual venue for a date. The restaurant’s origins as a long standing
It will be no surprise that meat is the forte
family restaurant shine through and for those
$$$ of this restaurant. Elk, quail and game hen of drinking age, the waiting staff are bound to $$
were amongst other meats like alligator and offer you a house-distilled Limoncello to finish
rattlesnake. And do not forget the Rocky off your meal. It is like stepping back off the After munching my way through a
Mountain oysters. These delicacies do come
at a price however.
$$ boat to Sicily. crunchy parfait of dark chocolate and cream,
I was sold. I was also not surprised to find
out that resident chef Keegan Gerhard is
The food of Las Brisas comes from exotic also something of a celebrity on the cook-
Las Brisas ing circuit.
Farraddays’ Steak The food was excellent, but you cannot shores – Spain, Mexico and coastal South
escape the corporate feel of the casino set-
6787 S. Clinton St. America, so there is plenty of choice. In a nod towards childhood, Gerhard
401 Main St. ting – so do not be tempted to blow your Englewood, CO 80112 There were margaritas, dips and seafood also offers a “cake and a shake,” or milk
Black Hawk, CO 80422 and cookies alongside serious puddings
tuition and only spend your money eating at (303) 792-3212 done to perfection. Crusted Salmon, Mahi
for grownups with a sweet tooth. The liquid
(303) 998-7704 Farraddays’. Mahi Salteado and Shrimp Scampi were all too
center chocolate cake is divine. In particular, the Angus beef cuts and tempting. A couple of dishes not to be missed
include paella, the warm creamy enchiladas de The restaurant also serves main meals,
seafood were superb quality, fresh and cooked
marinaras, or the asado style (BBQ) meats. but I did not let that distract me from the
well. Service was also great, so combined with
Alongside the food comes that Latin sense real business!
an eye watering menu there is really nothing I
can criticize other than its over smooth chain $$ of party vibe, completing a wonderful dining
For more reviews go to
$$$ ambience. experience.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
n -
November 10, 2008 f e a t u r e s Page 7

Benjamin Johnson
Staff Writer
[Oredigger] What is your fa-
vorite sport?
Geek Week
attractive to me.
Do you workout?
what we did was put a big hole in the
center of the plywood and we just put
this pole down the center and when
...Nick Brawand, Sophomore: Physics
once worked out with Terry Taylor; I’m had not been riding mine for very long
[Brawand] I don’t like sports, but What is your favorite exer- we would crank it back it was sup- not sure if he was a pro bodybuilder, so I wasn’t very advanced in riding
gymnastics is pretty cool. Bobsled- cise? posed to stop us. We also had this but during the offseason, he would yet. That thing was fast.
ding looks like a cool sport, I want to I really like dumbbell flat bench- anchor; it was really heavy and thick, wake up around two in the morning What type of motorcycle did
do that. I would like to do a dog sled press, that’s a really good one. I kinda but we didn’t have a very hot welder, and eat a pie. I did not do that myself you own?
race where you go out for two days take pride in my squats. There are so four of us guys are hauling’ down but the guy was huge so I figured pie It was an FZR 600, Yamaha 1995,
and freeze your butt off; I don’t know plenty of guys who squat more than this hill and of course this metal brake must have some type of beneficial you see them around, they are pretty
why because I don’t like the cold and me but I really like to maintain good won’t stop us so we say throw over bodybuilding effects to it. cheap.
I don’t even like dogs that much. form on the squats. I like dead lifting the anchor and the chain holding the If you were able to solve any What kind of music do you
Did you play sports in high too; I just wish I was better at it. The anchor broke and we just ate it in the problem in the world, what would like?
school? funniest exercise to watch is the one ditch. That was the best automobile it be? I really like 80’s music and I like
I played soccer, if I got any fatter where they hang this rope around I ever owned. My wife always thinks we are classical music a lot too.
I would have made a good goalie, their heads and are trying to work Where is the best place to having problems, so I would like to What is your favorite band?
I could just stand there and block their necks. hang out on campus? fix those. I don’t even know what I Journey. I like the song “Don’t
everything. The only exercise I got in What do you want to do after In your Physics lecture room, am doing wrong most of the time; Stop Believing.” I don’t like them as
high school was the thumb exercise graduating? that’s the best place. Does anyone they put CAPA problems to shame much anymore, but that was the
playing GameCube and getting up to Have kids, definitely. I want to really hang out on Mines’ campus? because the ones when you don’t song I liked for the longest time.
go to the fridge for a soda. have a house and kids, and go to The hot tub in the Rec Center is the know the problem are the hardest What is the best part of being
What are your favorite activi- church every Saturday and have two only place I actually hang out. ones to fix. at Mines?
ties? golden retrievers and have a white What do you like to do in your What is the riskiest thing you I enjoy Mines because I
Eating pie and working out. I really picket fence. free-time? have ever done? feel I get a superior ed-
like playing Metal Gear Solid 4 and Why did you come to Mines? Other than spending Friday nights I owned a motorcycle so I had a ucation compared
MGS1, that one’s a good game too. I heard it was one of the best alone in a dark room playing WoW lot of fun on that thing. I drove like to other schools in
I also like playing drums. engineering schools in Colorado, so and discussing magic cards, I really a grandma so I don’t how risky Colorado.
Do you have a girlfriend? that’s why I came here. like working out. Eating pie, I really that was. The actual most risky What is the
No, I’m married whether the What is your favorite type of like pie. I like spending time with my time worst part of be-
rest of the world wants to admit it automobile? wife and spending time with other ing at Mines?
or not. Raven R1, those are cool. As for people. Generally I know you are not I just don’t
What aspect of her is the most a car, I have a 1997 Dodge Dynasty, supposed to let people know your like the
attractive to you? its blue, it has a V6 in it, and it’s like good deeds, but to answer honestly, I CAPA.
I have to be careful on this one. a big couch and the thing hauls (that really like to go down Urban Peak and
The woman just has a really good thing is such a piece of junk). The serve there, it is definitely one of the
heart, she really does love the Lord coolest one ever was this trike me most rewarding experiences.
her God with all her heart and mind and my buddies welded together. We What is your favorite type of
and soul. It’s really good to be with basically chopped up two bicycles pie? w a s
someone who is as excited to love and welded that all together and put I don’t have a favorite pie, I just when I drove my
God like I am. She also cares for the a piece of plywood over the triangle. like them all. I like apple pie, rhubarb friend’s Yamaha
less fortunate and takes care of my We put could put 4 guys on that pie, pecan pie, blueberry pie, my wife R1 motorcycle be-
little brother and kind of acts like a trike and the whole idea to stopping makes this banana cream pie and cause it was not
mother around him, that’s just really was, we didn’t have any brakes, so pumpkin pie is really, really good. I actually mine and I

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w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 8 f e a t u r e s November 10, 2008

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Chuck Stone

Club Spotlight: Patrick Beseda You can do more than you think. The childhood memory, “I would play by

Linux Users Group

Staff Writer students here have a lot of potential myself and hear my music, but when
It’s no secret that, among phys- to grow into.” Stone hopes he may I got into the whole orchestra, your
ics professors, Dr. Chuck Stone is be able to settle down here at Mines, mind opens up and you realize that
a student favorite. A relatively new “If you’ve got the greatest job in the music is bigger than the sum of the
Michael Rose corporations which use and sell
faculty member, Dr. Stone teaches world, which would be taste test- individual parts.”
Staff Writer proprietary software.
Physics I here at the Colorado School ing Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, but Stone’s future plans at CSM
On November 10, members of
of Mines (CSM). Stone, who has a you’ve got a jerk on your right and a include teaching new courses and
“The Linux Users Group meets the Linux User Group will be taking
Ph.D. from UCLA, is also a mentor jerk on your left, you’re not going to outreach programs. He would like
bi-monthly to discuss Linux, wheth- a field trip to Sun Microsystems’
for a CSM101 section. His lectures last.” He said that he’d like to “Be- to develop a course that teaches
er that be helping a user with their testing campus in Denver, where
and studio sessions are, according come part of the fabric of the Golden the physics of sound and music.
c o m p u t e r, Members can present what- v a r i o u s to one freshman, “Kind of fun, and community” and really give back to In addition, he hopes to get the
listening to technolo-
pretty easy to relate to.” Another the community. When asked about opportunity to develop a science
what local ever it is that they are person- gies used
student who took his course last his favorite aspect of CSM, he simply education outreach program. With
company by Sun will
semester remarked, “Being a notori- responded, “The people. The solid current students reaching out to
speakers ally interested in or suggest be show- ously difficult class, it’s nice to have leadership here really encourages me younger peers, he hopes to generate
have to say cased, in-
a teacher that makes it a little easier to do the best that I can.” interest in the sciences and CSM at
about their topics to be discussed on the cluding ro- to get through.” Aside from teaching, Stone has an early age. Dr. Stone also hopes to
use of Li- botic arms
group’s website. Conversing with Dr. Stone re- some remarkable hobbies and develop a Research Experience for
nux in the to man-
veals an enthusiastic, honest and interests. “You’ve got to balance Undergraduates program that would
workplace age tape
slightly eccentric professor. However, the three A’s. Academics, the arts allow undergraduates to participate
or sharing new things a member drive arrays, RFID tags, improved
through these eccentricities - his and athletics.” During his summers in research with top-level researchers
has found,” according to Linux network stacks and innovative
oddly direct questions, seemingly off, Stone enjoys trail running, road working on cutting-edge problems.
User Group (LUG) club president new enterprise-grade network
off-topic stories and thought-pro- biking and “Ultra-long distance hik- According to Stone, “We’re all
Samuel Goodwin. The LUG meets switches.
voking statements - shines a certain ing.” His longest hike comes in at ambassadors for the Colorado
every two weeks to bring people The LUG also hosts its own
wisdom, backed by knowledge and 2700 miles - nearly the length of the School of Mines. If someone sees
together who share an interest events. Earlier this semester, the
experience. United States! a Mines student upside-down in
in Linux. LUG held a LAN gaming party in
Regarding students at Mines, Dr. Dr. Stone also has a passion a bush, they will think of all Mines
Club activities include such the CTLM. Members played Star-
Stone said, “I’ve come to learn that for music. Beethoven is one of his students that way. So keep that in
things as presentations on GnuPG, Craft, Unreal Tournament, Defense
students don’t realize their potential. favorite composers. He describes a mind.”

Ask Mabel
a popular open source key man- of the Ancients and Rock Band,
agement system, cross-compiling staying up late into the morning
for other processor architectures hours and eating pizza.
and many other Linux-related “Students should join the LUG
topics. Members can present if they’re curious about Linux or
whatever it is that they are person- super-experienced or anywhere in
ally interested in or suggest topics between. Everyone benefits from Dear Mabel, the vaccine.
to be discussed on the group’s sharing information and talking I hear it’s flu season again. So, what are the symptoms of
website and to people What can I do to keep from get- influenza? A sudden onset of high
rate topics
“Everyone benefits from who also ting the flu? And don’t tell me to fever (101-102), body aches like
b a s e d o n sharing information and talk- e n j o y L i - get the shot, because the last time you’ve been slammed by a truck,
interest. nux,” says I had a flu shot, I got really sick! sore throat, headache and cough.
A few ing to people who also enjoy Goodwin, Signed, You won’t want to get out of bed to
weeks ago, “Students Flu-phobe Phil come to see us at the SHC. You cer-
System 76 Linux.” can get in- Dear Flu-phobe, tainly won’t feel up to sitting in class.
President volved by Of course I’m going to tell you to And, if you have a chronic illness like do get the flu, here’s what you do:
Carl Richell traveled to the Colo- signing up for the mailing list at get a flu shot if you haven’t already! diabetes or asthma, the flu puts you Come to the SHC for an evalua-
rado School of Mines campus from The influenza vaccine protects you at risk for complications that could tion. We need to make sure you don’t
their Denver headquarters to talk to man/listinfo/lug and attending our against Influenza A and B, both of land you in the hospital. have strep throat or pneumonia, and
the LUG. System 76 is a computer meetings.” which will make you sick as a dog Many people consider any illness we have a rapid test to determine
manufacturing firm that exclusively Meetings are held every two and swearing that you’ll never again “The flu.” Flu is not the common cold. whether or not you truly have influ-
uses Ubuntu as the Linux distribu- weeks in the Mac lab in the base- forego your flu shot! It is not gastroenteritis, though we enza.
tion on the machines they sell, ment of the CTLM Computer The Centers for Disease Control commonly call that “Stomach flu.” If we see you within 48 hours of the
and use open source in their day- Commons building at 7 PM on formulate the yearly vaccine on mod- The flu shot will not prevent you from onset of your illness, and it is “True flu,”
to-day operations. For over two Mondays. Anyone is free to at- els that predict which three strains getting sick with these ailments. then you can get a prescription for an
hours, the LUG received an inside tend. Members don’t have to be will be the most prevalent this year. It If you are adamant about not get- anti-flu medication to help lessen the
look into the world of open source Computer Science majors to enjoy changes annually, and on occasion ting the flu shot, here’s what you can severity of your symptoms.
business as well as the struggles to Linux. All are welcome to join the (like last year) the flu types chosen do to avoid catching someone else’s Rest, drink plenty of fluids and
survive in a world filled with mega- Linux User Group. for the vaccine do not match up to flu germs (or avoid giving someone take Tylenol or ibuprofen for you body
what actually visits the community. else your germs!): aches and fever.
It’s frustrating to get influenza after Wash your hands. A lot. With soap Expect to miss a lot of class. You
receiving the vaccine, but as a rule, and water or Purell. won’t feel like going and it’s not fair
your symptoms will be a bit milder. Cover your sneezes and coughs. to expose your classmates or the
The vaccine is made up of inactive Then throw away the Kleenex and general public to your germs.
virus. That means you cannot get wash your hands. Have I convinced you yet to come
influenza from the shot itself. Read Keep your immune system strong to the SHC for your free flu shot? If
that line again. If you get “true flu” by getting plenty of sleep and good not, and you need more research-
immediately after your flu shot, then food. based explanations, go to the experts
you were exposed to it before you got If, in spite of your best efforts you at .

Faculty Spotlight: Terry Bridgman

Bridgman is the faculty advisor MATH458, Abstract Algebra, last
One of Downtown Golden’s Autumn Triesch for Kappa Mu Epsilon, a chapter of semester.
anchor stores, offering ... Staff Writer the Honorary Mathematics Society. Bridgman is currently a PhD
North Carolinan math and com- He is currently teaching Linear student as well as a professor. He
puter science professor Terry Algebra and Introduction to Real has collaborated with Dr. Willy Her-
* Homegrown Customer Bridgman has always had an in- Analysis. eman for the Oct. 3 MACS collo-
* Convenient Shopping
Service terest for math. “I never changed “I try to start all of my classes quium about symbolic computation
* Great Prices majors when I was in college. I with a good thought or laugh. and lax pairs of two-dimensional
* A Fundamental Love
* A Huge Selection have always enjoyed math, though Hopefully, that is a reflection of the nonlinear partial difference equa-
for the Golden fact that I enjoy what I do and the tions. “I have begun some research
* Innovativeness I have at times considered different
Community! aspects of math,” said Bridgman. class enjoys what I do as well,” efforts,” said Bridgman.
He graduated from Furman said Bridgman. Outside research and teaching,
University with an undergraduate Bridgman was rated a 3.5/5 for Bridgman enjoys the arts and the
“Downtown Golden - Where the West Shops” degree in math and a minor in overall quality on www.ratemypro- outdoors.
computer science. He continued to, with raving reviews “I [like] cycling, gardening and
13th & Washington graduate school at the University of on how he is always in a good art. I do a variety of projects such
North Carolina. Bridgman moved mood and will make you laugh as pottery and drawing. I never get
Golden during class. to do all of this as often as I would
to Colorado in 1994 and has been
(303) 279-3373 teaching at the Colorado School of “He makes boring material fun like,” said Bridgman.
Credit Cards Accepted is our specialty! and explains interesting mate- “I [would] like to try and learn the
Mines since 2001.
“It’s the largest concentration of rial as well. If you get the chance, guitar and try my hand at acting.
geeks in Colorado, so I feel pretty take any class with him and it will Those are just some of my unusual
Proud to support
to support CSMCSM!
Athletics! comfortable around them,” said be the highlight of your academic interests on my ‘to-do’ list,” said
Bridgman. day, everyday,” said a review of Bridgman.

36 w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
November 10, 2008 s p o r t s Page 9

CSM volleyball “digs” deep

Women’s volleyball hoping for improvement
That record is not surprising, October 6. Quite an accomplish- After the match, head
Keegan Hammond since yesterday, Kaity Edmiston coach Jamie Skadeland,
ment, ladies!
Staff Writer (junior) was named to ESPN The Prior to the game’s start, the who is in her first season
Magazine’s third team academic players honored their favorite coaching, attributed the
Your lady Orediggers volleyball all-district team. Elizabeth Serra- professors for professor apprecia- loss to a “Lack of block-
team entered Friday’s tournament Hsu (sophomore) made sure that tion night. Game one started with ing and no defense. We
with an impressive 12-5 record in her teammate wasn’t the only a Regis Ranger serve with junior were ranked number one
Rocky Mountain Athletic Confer- one to receive accolades and, Tara Schwein answering back in blocking before this
ence (RMAC) play. Yet, on Novem- with a smashing kill for an Oredig- game, we need to work on
as the ladies Game ger first point. With Mines leading that.” She complimented
prepare to 10 to 5, Regis called a timeout. the Ranger team saying
head one started with
a Regis Many skilled volleys ensued, that “Regis didn’t have any
off to however CSM couldn’t seem errors and we had a ton;
Ranger serve with junior Tara Schwein to get everything flowing in the it is what it is. We need to
right direction and the Rang- work on playing our game,
com- answering back with a smashing kill for ers won the first game of the when we do this, we win.
pete match 25-23. We played tense, nervous
in the re- an Oredigger first point. Hard hits from Regis and a and had unforced errors. This tool and find it within to win. We
gional tourna- lack of CSM blocks plagued game isn’t like us.” When asked about put up a good fight, but we need
ment (November 14, ber 3, was two. The keys to Regis’ success how she believes this game will to do better.”
15 and 16), they encountered a named the RMAC Offensive Play- in this game appeared to be hard T h e O re d i g g e r s w i l l h a v e
minor tangle in the net Friday in er of the Week. This tribute was a line drives and well placed brought this motivation
the second-to-last regular season follow up to her October 20 RMAC tips. The Orediggers
Sopho- to their match with
game against Regis University. Offensive Player of the Week battled hard, but M e t ro S t a t e
and August lost the second
more Kirstie Bunting also on Saturday
2 9 th R M A C November
game 25-20. In had the honor of being named the RMAC 8 and then
game three, the
Player of the
Week accom-
intensity could defensive player of the week October 6. head to Uni-
be cut by a knife. versity of Ne-
plishments. Regis started with braska-Kearney
Sophomore the serve, but was robbed November 14-16 for
Kirstie Bun- of the point when Serra-Hsu an- the regional tournament. They
ting also had swered back with a kill. This sent affect future ones and the team’s don’t call us Diggers for nothing,
the honor of both teams into a point to point mental state, Skadeland noted so dig deep ladies, and go show
being named battle with perfectly placed sets, that “Mentally we need to step that tournament what the ace
the RMAC de- knee bruising digs and bullet line up and think, we need to be pre- record you’ve earned really looks
fensive player serves. Regis pulled ahead and pared, and hopefully the girls will like. We wish you luck!
of the week won 25-21. use this as a motivational

Get to know the women’s basketball team


Elise Goggin ger thought that the team looked Coach Rowley, a Mesa State Alum,
Staff Writer good, but as any coach will tell you, seems to fit right in at CSM and
there is always room for improve- says she “Loves the coaching staff
Lightning strikes and the court ment. Coach Kruger believes that and the girls are awesome.” Along
lights get dim, supreme competition the team’s “Decision making and with Coach Rowley, former player,
is about to begin, above the rim” mental toughness have got to get Ashley Iverson, has also moved in
(Space Jam lyrics). better when we’re tired.” Also, she as a coaching assistant to help with
Well, maybe they can’t quite get commented that, overall, the team the posts.
above the rim, but the Colorado needs to “Do things the right way That covers the coaches, but
School of Mines (CSM) women’s and put ourselves in a position to what about the players? Most of the
basketball team is definitely ready win every game.” This Friday and fans out there know that it is always
for some extreme competition. The Saturday, the team will get a chance more fun to watch a game if you
team had their first exhibition game to show their coach that they are know someone playing. Therefore,
last Tuesday against Lamar Com- ready to do this when they take on the women’s team would like to in-
munity College and they definitely Wayne State and Northern State formally introduce themselves to the
came ready to play. The girls pushed here at home. student body. Below, to the left, the
the ball and showed a strong transi- This year, the women’s bas- team members are listed with their
tion game while managing to hold ketball team has welcomed a new number, name, year, position and
their opponents to two field goals face to the coaching line-up with one quirky fact about themselves. (303) 278-9999
in the first half. Coach Paula Krue- the addition of Brittany Rowley. Have fun getting to know them! 600 12th Street Suite 120, Golden (12th & Jackson)
Number Name Year Position Random Fact
5 Peanut Eickleman Senior Point Guard “Chocolate is my second love”
10 Steph Fogle Freshman Point Guard “I am the Master of Disaster” We Deliver! $10 minimum order
15 Emily Dalton Junior Forward “I go to Cold Stone three times a week”
Limited delivery area
22 Angie Charchalis Freshman Guard “I don’t like peanut butter”
10% Discount with Student ID
23 Laura Brigham Sophomore Guard “I wear a side ponytail and tie-died shirts”
24 Julie Marshall Senior Guard “I wish I had a magical power”
Everyday lunch special:
30 Rachel Herbert Freshman Center “I’m terrified of mustard”
31 Kait Soehner Junior Guard “I graduated with eight kids in my high school class”
2 Slices of Cheese pizza & soda
33 Kelsey Crist Junior Forward “I love grilled cheese” $5.00 (includes tax)
Katie Carty
Brecca Gaffney
“I love Ben and Jerry’s Half-Baked ice cream”
“I love to snowboard, but I’m not allowed to”
Come Join us for
44 Savannah Junior Center “I have never watched Star Wars and never will” HAPPY HOUR
50 Stevie Hagemeister
Ashley Iverson
Assistant Coach
Guard “Elise Goggin is my favorite reporter”
“I love laundry”
3 to 7 pm
Coach Rowley Assistant Coach “I like ice cream” Mon-Fri
Coach Krueger Head Coach “I have six, no, seven tattoos”

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 10 o p i n i o n November 10, 2008

Marijuana has no place at Mines

LB Williams able true-to-life example. to aspire to. Real potheads are
Duffy’s Corner
A fundamental shift...?
Studies show that marijuana just video game-playing fools with
Guest Columnist
has a half-life of 28 days. For all no girlfriends. No one would have
Approximately 265 people at- you once-in-a-while tokers, do you filmed Seth Rogan and crew just
tended the MAC Movie Night think you don’t do your engineer- sitting on their couches at home Kevin Duffy The Hispanic trend could prove
presentation of Pineapple Express ing homework high? If you have getting fat with their munchies. If Opinion Columnist even more distressing because
this past Thursday evening. With smoked recently, you do. The THC they hadn’t found a Hollywood out- The Democrat’s stunning take- conservatives rely on this group
attendance “Definitely in the higher that gets you high stays in your let for their high, they’d be just like over clearly means an ideologically as an essential component of
region,” according to Movie Night system and builds up with repeated all the other pothead losers in the new direction for America’s policy their “Values voters” and because
chair Kate Reinking, what does use. You may not feel high the next world proving “stupid is as stupid in the coming years. What remains census data suggests this demo-
this say about the CSM student day, but the effects are with you. It does” and getting nowhere in life. unclear is how long these coming graphic will only increase in popula-
body? Is our campus mental- will skew your calculations, short Admittedly, the majority of things years will last. tion over the years to come.
ity on par with America’s growing your safety factors and will eventu- are harmless in marginal quanti- For the better part of the past six Estimates of the portion of His-
trend towards accepting recre- ally affect your grades. ties. Studies do show that one decades, America could arguably panics whom consider themselves
ational marijuana use as a harm- At the Colorado School of glass of wine a day can prevent be described as a center-right na- Catholic range from 70% to 90%,
less pastime? Does our campus Mines, we’re preparing ourselves a heart attack. Studies also show tion with periodic jaunts to the left. with Protestant and other Christian
go along with the sentiment that for bright futures, and for them, that cocaine is not good for any- The election of President Obama affiliations filling out the rest of the
trouble with weed only comes we need clear minds. We will build one in any quantity. What we all and the 111th Congress may sug- population. Religious Hispanics
when you deal in large quantities? infrastructure the public will depend need is a reality check. Too much gest a new trend in American have often followed suit with many
I can only hope that isn’t true. upon and make critical decisions alcohol can cause cirrhosis, bar political leanings towards a more in the Evangelical right and put
Pineapple Express is a new film that will affect our jobs, our own fights, beer guts and car ac- permanent shift in that direction. social issues such as abortion and
from usually stoned comedian lives and the lives of others. I was cidents. Too much studying can Thus, the jarring question facing gay marriage on the forefront of
Seth Rogan and crew. The film encouraged when I heard that the make you socially inept. Too much conservatives after this crush- their political concerns.
glorifies marijuana use and frol- MAC Movie Chair had prefaced of anything is usually a bad thing. ing defeat is whether the results There is no indication that His-
ics in the stupidity and slap-stick Pineapple Express on Thursday We all need to “Check ourselves from last Tuesday simply indicate panics care any less about these
adventures packed within pothead night’s CSM showing with a dis- before we wreck ourselves” or another jaunt or whether it repre- issues today, but there is evidence
culture. Honestly, I was quite dis- claimer. With pot so prevalent in possibly harm anyone else. All sents a much more fundamental that the failing economy and recent
turbed when I saw the movie being mainstream media today, it was things have their time and place. movement. fire-and-brimstone rhetoric about
promoted on campus by MAC last great to know that the intention was It’s all about the path we choose While America has enjoyed illegal immigration has pushed them
week. We do not need to advo- to show the movie for entertain- in life. Though some things will political leadership from both par- to sway political allegiance. Also,
cate getting high, especially at our ment value only and not to promote never have a place on my life’s ties, recent history shows a clear with the growth rate of the Hispanic
university! At minimum, marijuana marijuana use on our campus. timeline, I am no angel and I do rejection of politicians whom act population being over three times
has no place in engineering. While The shameless promotion of like to party. I’m not trying to spoil and govern too heavily on the basis the growth rate of the U.S. popula-
I understand that pot holds a clas- pot by American media needs to your fun, but I do urge you to look of liberal dogma. The quintessential tion in general, a wholesale change
sic place at universities, it’s seen be put in a Hollywood perspective. ahead in your life, and to concretely example of this is President Clin- of political allegiance would be a
as a harmless way to relax and A movie captures a period in time: visualize your goals in a “Setting ton’s first two years in office. devastating loss for Republicans.
rebel at a critical stage in young the best of times or the worst of context.” Where you are going, When the country elected Clin- The doom-and-gloom news
lives. That’s fine at Liberal Arts col- times. Marijuana-themed movies who you will be and how that will ton in 1992, they also ushered in of the past election does have a
leges where they study Keats and propagate the idea that marijuana influence others should come into Democratic majorities in both the bright spot for conservatives, if
psychology, but not here at Mines. is harmless and nothing but caper- play when you make choices today. U.S. House and Senate. Taking this only a solitary one. Constitutional
Come on, people! Marijuana is not driven fun. This is definitely not the In our academic careers, we make as a mandate for liberal policies, bans on gay marriage passed in
a harmless drug. It might not be as case. Real life is more dangerous daily choices to do our homework both branches adopted a strong three states. California, Arizona
physically and mentally dangerous and has real consequences. All the instead of wasting time in WoW. We bent toward the left with attempts at and Florida all passed bans, bring-
as other drugs, but pot does lower high-speed chases in real life are spend our summers at engineer- universal healthcare, gun ownership ing the total number of states with
sperm count, induces stupidity and never as minimally destructive as ing internships instead of hanging restrictions and the infamous “Don’t similar bans up to 30. In the heat of
laziness, impairs decision-making ruining a drive-through and some at the local pool and working in ask, don’t tell” policy. an election that swept Democrats
abilities and kills brain cells (which lawn ornaments. Cops aren’t as a pizza shop. Making intelligent The American people responded and their progressive agendas into
never regenerate). The last three dumb as they are portrayed in pot decisions in your private/personal by voting in Republican majorities to power, voters in a blue state, a red
are critical factors in Mines gradu- movies; people do get sent to jail. life are important as well. How do both chambers, establishing a more state and a swing state all issued
ates’ futures. Underestimating the I wish to give Mines’ minds the you spend your free time? You tempered, push-and-pull balance their verdict on societal virtues.
lasting effects of pot can lead to benefit of the doubt and believe that don’t always have to be bettering between the executive and legisla- Some see this as an indication that
some sad and costly situations. none of you aspire to be lazy noth- yourself, but you don’t have to be tive powers. Similar situations have voters still hold many conservative
“Let’s get high and build a forty ings. Hopefully you see that the getting high. If you are chilling with played out in 1968 with the “Silent principles and voted for the Demo-
million dollar space craft and crash slap-stick fun in Pineapple Express friends on a Friday night, do you majority” election of President Nixon crats more as a referendum on the
land it into Mars because we is really exaggerated comedy to really need to get high to do it? I and the 1980 Reagan Revolution. Bush administration rather than the
screwed up our unit conversions” is be enjoyed on a surface-level only. hope not, both for your sake and Each instance uniquely putting the prospects of left-leaning policies.
one totally irresponsible and avoid- The scenes portrayed are nothing that of the next Mars Lander. breaks on the nation’s preceding Regardless, the news is not

Cultural Diversities:
liberal tendencies. good for the GOP. Even if the
The historical account should country remains a center-right
not provide any solace to conser- nation on the basis of traditional
vatives. While this election certainly values, independents may be tired
could be a continuation of the past of voting solely on this basis. Con-
trend, there is striking evidence to servatives must not forget these

Americans’s hospitality suggest otherwise, most notably

in the demographic breakdown of
social issues since they are critical
to maintaining societal cohesion.
the results. Rather, they must be included in the
Georges Ngonyani always during the end
The New York Times reported complete package of issues voters
of the week, various
Staff Writer that voters under 30 years of age are caring about today, including
people have been
and Hispanics went for Obama by the strong philosophy of economic
Let me begin by saying that asking me of what
66% and 67%, respectively. Com- conservatism.
“The eye is a better witness than is my plan during
pare this to the roughly 55% that No intellectually honest person
the ear.” The reason I give for this the weekend and
supported Kerry from both groups, can say with certainty whether the
judgment is due to the fact that then suggesting
and the 50% from both groups that election is yet another chapter in
I can now disprove some of the to me a couple of
went for Gore. America’s temporary excursions to
information that came to my ear be- things that I could
The trend is clearly alarming and the left or a more profound change
fore coming to US. In my opinion, do during that par-
one that cannot continue if the GOP in the ideological fabric of the coun-
Americans are viewed differently in ticular weekend.
wishes to reclaim dominance. While try. Conservatives would be wise to
other countries than the reality is. In This, to me, shows
youth typically trend towards liberal take a pessimistic view of the op-
Tanzania, most people view Ameri- that they are aware
candidates, there is a very real fear tions. Sitting and waiting for another
cans as the busiest people in the that a person new to this
that many will continue this trend as ’94-esque takeover almost assures
world to the extent that they don’t place might not know what place
they age, rejecting the conservative it will not happen again. They must
have time to chat, share ideas or to do or where to go, therefore, here with
message. Potentially even more im- fight like the party depends on it as,
give a welcome to other people. they think of what one can do so food, in Tanza-
portant than the message, though, in fact, it does. If not, the disturbing
My presence here has given as not to get bore. nia, they would last without it, and
is its delivery. trends in this election could signal a
me quite a different outlook. I None can deny the fact that if the participants wanted to have
Obama utilized an array of cur- new era of progressive policy that
am, therefore, going to describe Americans like feeding other peo- food, then contribution would
rent technologies that connect to most Americans would be wise to
Americans as I see them. They are ple; it looks amazing for someone be inevitable. If you visit different
younger voters whereas the McCa- reject.
smiling people, they always show preparing a meeting to then offer offices at Campus, there will be
in camp was largely bereft of such Editorials Policy
a friendly smile, they are ready to food for the participants, free of candy, muffins, cinnamon buns or
novelty. The unfortunate downside
help-every time I have been in need charge. Try to think of how many coffee-is this not hospitable? The Oredigger is a designated public forum. Edi-
is that the lack of effective commu- tors have the authority to make all content deci-
of help, when I stop someone to emails you receive that would invite Let me finalize this article by sions without censorship or advance approval
nication with new technology also
ask, one would help me. Others you for an event, then be told that telling the Tanzanians that, it is and may edit submitted pieces for length so long
served to erode the message of as the original meaning of the piece is unchanged.
have been giving me a ride to there will be free lunch! To me, this true that Americans are busy with Opinions contained within the Opinion Section do
Republicans as well. That is to say,
where I want to go. Some people, is nothing than hospitality. In Tan- work, but it isn’t true that one not necessarily reflect those of Colorado School
young voters took the technological of Mines or The Oredigger. The Oredigger does
once they find me stranded, they zania, people can invite you to have cannot stop working and talk to not accept submissions without identification and
rift as evidence of a party discon-
would ask me whether I need food in their homes, but not in meet- you. They always show a sense of will consider all requests for anonymity in publica-
nect with their generations needs tion on a case-by-case basis. Submissions less
help. Americans think of others; ings. In events such as those taking hospitality. than 300 words will receive preference.
and desires.
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
November 10, 2008 o p i n i o n Page 11

Political real speak:

Election aftermath
Matthew Pusard
Content Manager
On November 4, 2008, Barack
of failing to report gifts received from
VECO Corporation. If he is elected,
Stevens would likely either resign his
seat or be expelled from the senate
Lawsuits over Gay Marriage
Ban in California
Same-sex marriages were banned
Minds at Mines
Obama became the country’s Pres-
ident-elect, beating John McCain by
a projected electoral count of 365 to
due to his felony conviction. If this
is the case, former Vice-Presidential
candidate Sarah Palin may try running
by constitutional amendments in three
states on Tuesday: Florida, Arizona
and California. However, California
Election Results
Roby Brost
1731. But while Obama’s win was for his spot in a special election6. was the only state officially recogniz- Staff Writer
the big story of the night, a bunch of The last contested race appears ing those unions at the time, allowing
side stories may very well dictate how to be headed for a runoff. Incumbent 18,000 marriages since the state As the countdown to Election Day drew near, campaign ads for can-
the first few years of his term will go. Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia) gar- Supreme Court ruled in favor of the didates as well as campaign ads discrediting the other candidate grew
Here are the lesser-known stories to nered 49.8% of the votes in his race unions earlier in the year12. The cam- from a garden-variety occurrence to a full scale problem of propagation.
look out for: against his opponent Jim Martin, who paign around this ban, Proposition This past Tuesday, November 4, those campaign ads ceased. The waiting
3 Senate races to be received 46.8%7. However, Georgia 8, was divisive with over $74 million was over. The time had come for the nation to make a decision regarding
decided state law requires a candidate to spent by both sides of the debate, one of the most important questions of the next four years: who is best
The Democratic Party had a suc- receive 50% of the vote to win, so a making it the most expensive social- suited to lead this country? The nation chose Senator Barack Obama as
cessful day on November 4, picking runoff will be conducted on December issues campaign in U.S. history. the President-Elect, but what did Mines students have to say?
up 6 senate seats to give them a 51+ 28. Martin has already invited Obama Opponents of the ban have filed
seat majority for the first time since to campaign on his behalf while Mc- three lawsuits challenging the amend-
19922. Since 2006, the Democrats Cain, who won Georgia in the presi- ment13. They are contesting that this “I’m not a Democrat, but I believe that Barack
and Republicans had 49 senators dential election, will be campaigning change to the constitution should Obama is a good choice for the nation. He’s a
each with two independents cau- for Chambliss9. have been processed through the smart man and even though I wasn’t thrilled with
cusing with the Democratic Party. Joe Lieberman to be Legislature, not by voter approval14. the results of the election, I was still proud that we
The official tally as of Saturday is 55 punished? It is also unclear what will happen to were able to make history in 2008. I think that a lot
Democratic senators, 40 Republicans, The Democrats could gain control the same-sex marriages performed of people were inspired, and that there a lot more
2 Independents and three undecided of a filibuster-proof 60 senate seats before the ban, so this initiative may people who are happy and excited about this
in the states of Minnesota, Alaska if they win all 3 undecided senate be tied up in the courts for quite choice. That is always a good thing, when people
and Georgia. races. But this total also depends on some time. are excited about a choice they have a better at-
Minnesota’s senate races will be the two independents who caucus titude. They are proud.”
going to a recount as the incumbent, with the party. Senator Lieberman (I- 12 electoral votes have yet to be Paul Szuhay
Norm Coleman (R-Minnesota), holds Connecticut) was a long-time Demo- decided yet (although Missouri is likely
a 221 vote lead over his challenger, crat, even running as Al Gore’s vice to go to McCain and Nebraska’s sec-
comedian Al Franken3. 2.4 million presidential pick in 2000 before losing ond district has been called by a few
votes were cast in their election, his democratic primary in Connecticut organizations for Obama15), but the
and Minnesota state law mandates in 2006. Lieberman then ran, and President-elect has already started to “I think that to some degree, this was really a
a recount with the race closer than won, as an independent in that Senate set up shop. Obama’s team has set race of the vice presidential nominees. But I still
.5% of the votes. The official recount race and has been caucusing with the up the website to help think that it’s really neat that our country is able to
will start on November 17. The two Democrats. people “Better understand the transi- elect a black president, it’s a real sign of progress.
campaigns are currently jockeying However, Lieberman was critical tion process and the decisions being I’m kind of disappointed because his rhetoric is
for position in court, battling over the of Obama during the presidential made as part of it”16. The site outlines kind of socialist and I don’t care for that, but
validity of certain votes such as late- race and he publicly supported John Obama’s agenda and allows people to if that’s what the country wants then we’ll
arriving absentee ballots. McCain10. Lieberman was even share their story and their ideas about deal with that.”
Meanwhile, incumbent senator rumored to be considered as Mc- the country. It also shows an emphasis Andrew Bosela
Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), the longest- Cain’s vice presidential running mate. on Obama’s desire to expand existing
serving Republican senator in history, In the aftermath of the election, and service programs in this country and
holds a 3,353 vote lead over chal- with a majority secured in the senate, create new ones, such as Class-
lenger Mark Begich, the mayor of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid room Corps, Health Corps, Clean
Anchorage, with thousands of votes has been considering reprimands Energy Corps and Veterans Corps.
yet uncounted4. The tightness of this for Lieberman’s lack of support for It also contains a claim that students “I think that Obama is a good choice. I think that
race was a surprise to pollsters, who Obama, including stripping him of the performing 100 hours of community it’s very exciting that as a country we’ve finally come
had Begich up by double digits going chairmanship of the Homeland Secu- service will receive a “Tax credit ensur- so far that we can be equal and elect a minority. I
into election day5. The reason for this rity Committee. In turn, Lieberman is ing that the first $4,000 of their college know that the loser always is congratulatory, but
large lead for the challenger in a pri- keeping his options open in regards education is completely free”17. I hope that people that voted Republican can
marily Republican state was the felony to caucusing with the Republicans overcome their loss, because the Democratic
conviction of Stevens on seven counts 11 http://www.startri-
6 Party did, for like eight years!”
1 12 Steph Carr
2 13
7 TheLaw/story?id=6194048&page=1
3 http://www.twincities. 14 h t t p : / / w w w. l a w. c o m / j s p / a r-
8 ticle.jsp?id=1202425831874&rss=newswire
4 15 h t t p : / / w w w. k e t v. c o m /
9 news/17934557/detail.html?rss=oma&psp=news
tent/article/2008/11/05/AR2008110503876.html ontent&task=view&id=3251&Itemid=103 16 “I was really excited about the majority of
5 http://www.fivethir- 10 the election outcomes. I was excited that Mar-

Letters to the Editor

t y e i g h t . c o m / s e a rc h / l a b e l / s e n a t e % 2 0 p o l l s nm/20081107/pl_nm/us_usa_election_lieberman_2
key, and not Musgrave, won, [and] that Udall,
and not Schaffer, won. And amendment 48
[did not pass]. I’m happy that Obama won,
mostly because of environmental issues,
but also because I really have problems
with anti-abortion measures. From a social
I know our club sports program is awesome and it deserves credit, but how about some of our actual var- perspective, I think that Obama is a good
sity sports getting some ink. The volleyball team is having an amazing year and so is the football team, yet not choice, because he tends to be a lot more
much has been written about them. Last year the baseball team went to the RMAC tournament and won it’s first liberal and I think his healthcare plan will
post-season game in almost 20 years and again nothing was written. I and pretty much all student athletes are enable more people to have access to
getting sick and tired of hearing about how our club teams are doing when our varsity teams are performing at such a healthcare.”
high level. It’s one thing to write about club teams when the varsity squads aren’t performing, but another when they are. Kathryn Chinn
Thanks, Nick Walker

Dear Editors: I want to thank the Oredigger staff for publishing an oustanding campus newspaper. Students
are the reason this institution exists, and I am always delighted to have opportunities to interact with our student
body. I enjoyed the opportunity to attend the ASCSM meeting on October 23, and I appreciate the professional
coverage of that meeting by Oredigger reporter Patrick Beseda. I do want to clarify the enrollment plans men-
tioned in that article. The School’s Strategic Plan, adopted by the Board in 2004, targeted total enrollment goals “I think that Obama was the right choice
(undergraduate and graduate) of around 6,000 by 2014. I believe that’s the number I mentioned that evening, because of his stronger foreign policy and his
but it’s possible that I may have misspoken. In either case, the goal that was articulated in the 2004 Strategic better position on the environment.”
Plan is 6,000 students. I should also note that, at President Scoggins’ request, a faculty committee has been Dirk Slottow
examining the Strategic Plan’s goals and I understand the committee will present an update at an upcoming
Board meeting. I would also like to elaborate on my statements concerning liberal arts majors at Mines. Our mis-
sion, by Colorado statute, is specialized, focusing on engineering and science fields. We don’t have the statutory
flexibility of the state’s larger, more comprehensive universities to offer a broad range of degree options. Still, we
are wholeheartedly committed to our liberal arts programs, which provide our students with the knowledge and
perspective necessary to succeed as global engineers. Again, I applaud your work in helping create an informed
campus community, and thank you for this opportunity to clarify my remarks to ASCSM.
Best regards, Michael Nyikos Chairman, Board of Trustees

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 12 s a t i r e November 10, 2008

Mines Little Theater to produce “Cats” Mines cereal convention

Spring musical to use actual cats in new show Expert panel disaster
Benjamin M. Weilert about cereal.
was so controversial because the that he blended right into the Cameron Frisby
Large Woodland Creature After spending three hours
council decided to cast the entire scene.” Cap’n Crunch Fan
musical with 7-foot tall genetically Despite being incredibly am- debating the proper method of eat-
With the fall productions of Sly
Forget large organized con- ing Lucky Charms (marshmallows
Fox and Halfway Up the Tree com- engineered cats. “We figured that it bitious, Mines Little Theater is
ventions about management, oil first or last), a foolhardy student
ing to a close, Mines Little Theater wouldn’t be any harder to get cats optimistic. A statement from the
reserves and cutting-edge technol- asked Trix the Rabbit a question.
(MLT) has turned its attention to to learn lines, songs and choreog- council gave assurance to its
ogy; Mines hosted the prestigious “Trix, why don’t you just go to King
the matter of the spring musical. raphy once we’d figured out how members, “Since the people we
Cereal-Con this past Thursday. Soopers and buy the cereal instead
As is the custom around this time to get engineers to do it,” said lead would normally cast in the musi-
With representatives from large of trying to steal it from little kids?”
of year, MLT has announced the choreographer, Dan Soff. cal will have had their roles filled
cereal tycoons like General Mills, Needless to say, our fuzzy friend
name of the musical to be cast at The idea of using genetically by monster cats, we’ll have them
the latest conference to hit the was not pleased, but his response
the beginning of next semester. engineered animals is not new work on tech for the production,
Mines Campus let the engineering was simple and elegant. He shot
So, what’s in store for spring to the members of MLT. Through building the set, running the lights
department flex its marshmallow- the student in the face.
2009? Suggestions for the musical an ambitious doctorate thesis, and cleaning up any messes. Lord
manufacturing muscles. However, Excited at a chance to prove
have been sent in by members of bio-engineering student and lover knows that they’ll also have to
the largest event was the outra- themselves, Public Safety leapt
the group and include such nomi- of the theater, known only by the break up cat fights, since these
geously popular mascot panel. into action. Unfortunately, writing
nations as The Phantom of the name, Macavity, created a 7-foot 7-foot tall felines are all drama
Celebrities such as Count too many traffic violations had
Opera and Tomfoolery, a revue of tall ground squirrel to act in last queens.” Show dates for Cats are
Chocula, Trix the Rabbit, Lucky dulled their skills and they too
songs by Tom Lehrer. However, the spring’s production of Anything slated for the weekends of April 10
the Lucky Charms Leprechaun, were shot.
MLT council decided on a rather Goes! Macavity commented on his and April 17.
Captain Crunch, the Cornflakes The killing spree only ended
controversial musical for their next creation,
rooster, Buzz the Cheerios bee when Captain Crunch summoned
production. “ T h e
and Chip the Cookie Crisp dog his huge ship and crushed the un-
In a decision that passed by best part
willingly gave of their free time to ruly rabbit. Next year, Mines will not
a slight majority, the MLT council about
answer common misconceptions be hosting the Cereal-Con.
has announced that the spring [ t h e
production shall be the Andrew ground
Lloyd Webber musical, Cats. This squir-

has some of the members of the rel] was
group concerned. “I have enough that the
trouble learning my lines, the songs audience
and the choreography. Now they’re couldn’t
adding on the fact that I’ll be in a tell that
cat suit! I’m not going to stand for he wasn’t

4 9 6
this,” remarked concerned thes- human.
pian, Gus Nottacat. His act-
ing skills
8 7 1
Fortunately, Gus can rest easy
as he won’t have to be in a cat were so
suit. The decision to put on “Cats” superb
Squirrel. “Anything goes” isn’t an exaggeration.
5 1 4

A dark dilemma
7 5
4 3 6 2
7 4
Health at Mines depletes 9 3 2
5 2 4
Janeen Neri bathroom! We seriously watched another committee member, Dr.
Health Nut one room for 24 straight hours David Dellman (Assistant Co-

1 9 6
and they never came out! Turns Chair of the Physics Department)
Mines students’ vitamin D out they weren’t in there, but we may have further delayed the
levels are becoming a rising still informed Student Health.” process.
Puzzle by
concern at the Student Health Student Health soon sprang Despite a slow start, the task
Center (SHC). Said nurse Nancy into action. “I can’t believe we’ve force went to work. The student
Goodman, “At first we didn’t

let this grow under our noses,” team pored over old journals for
realize it was a problem because said Goodman, “It’s inexcusable.” weeks before finding a promising
the students with the worst prob- Accordingly, the SHC began of- solution. Said Surrey, “There’s
lems don’t want to come to the fering free vitamins to anyone with this guy in our field, Dr. William.
health center. They’re like little a student ID. Unfortunately, this He basically pioneered this idea
cave bats!” tactic had a fatal flaw. of sending food and even, theo-
Unlike cave bats, however, hu- “No way am I going [to the retically, people from one place to
man beings need some sunlight
in order to produce the crucial
S H C ] ! ” d e c l a re d s o p h o m o re
Lizzy Bailey, “It’s practically miles
another in the form of signals. So
anyway, we’re thinking of beam-
7 3 8 9 5 2 6 1 4
vitamin D, proven to ward off
depression, cancer, bone loss
away! I’m taking 21 credits this
semester. I don’t have that kind
ing the vitamins to these stu-
dents’ computer screens, maybe
5 6 1 7 3 4 8 9 2
and vampires. It seems that many
Mines students simply don’t see
of time!”
This kind of response has
embedding them in chocolate so
they’ll actually eat them.”
9 4 2 8 6 1 5 7 3
the light of day. “I first noticed,”
said freshman Nick Glynwallen,
led the administration to ex-
plore other strategies. Dr. James
The method still has some
issues that need to be worked
1 2 3 5 4 7 9 8 6
who brought the problem to the
attention of the SHC, “when some
Keenanough, a chemistry pro-
fessor and a member of the
out. “Um, the main thing is that,
right now, we need to start with
4 7 6 2 8 9 3 5 1
of the others never seemed to be
finished with their homework. The
Vitamin D task force, explained,
“At first, we thought of offering
something really big because, it
shrinks in transit for some reason,
8 5 9 3 1 6 4 2 7
whiteboard on their door always
said ‘Doing homework, scram,
a ‘sunlight seminar’ and requir-
ing freshman to take it. This met
and when you’re talking vitamins,
that’s pretty hard to get, pretty
3 8 7 4 2 5 1 6 9
you slacker freak.’ So my friends
and I decided to take tur ns
with resistance from the Society
of Caucasian Male Engineers for
expensive,” Surrey admitted.
Dr. Dellman still considers this
2 1 5 6 9 3 7 4 8
watching their doors.”
Much to the boys’ astonish-
being discriminatory toward the
pale-skinned, so we decided to
research to be “the most promis-
ing idea yet. When student health
6 9 4 1 7 8 2 3 5
ment, several of their test sub- drop that plan.” Disagreements Puzzle by
is the issue, no solution is too
jects “Never even went to the between Dr. Keenanough and extreme.”
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t

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