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Annotated bibliography

This handbook provides basic guidance for supervisors and doctoral programme directors. Particularly those new to supervision may find it useful to explore other resources. This bibliography points to some useful references that are available either through the LS E library (LS E class marks are provided) or via the internet. 1. Practical guides for supervisors/examiners Delamont, Sara, Atkinson, Paul and Parry, Odette (2004), S upervising the PhD: A Guide to S uccess, Buckingham: Open University Press (LB2386 D33): a practical handbook for both the novice and the experienced supervisor Tinkler, Penny and Jackson, Carolyn (2004), The Doctoral Examination Process: A Handbook for S tudents, Examiners and S upervisors, Buckingham: Open University Press (LB2371.6.G7 T58): covers, among other things, What is the viva and how can students prepare for it? What should supervisors consider when selecting PhD examiners? How should examiners assess a doctoral thesis and conduct the viva?

2. Key websites Vitae ( a national organisation championing the personal, professional and career development of doctoral researchers and research staff in higher education institutions and research institutes. Resources include What do researchers want to do? The career intentions of doctoral graduates (2012) (PDF at ES RC (Economic and Social Research Council) postgraduates site ( AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) postgraduates site ( EPS RC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) postgraduates site ( RCUK (Research Councils UK) ( oversight body for research councils and formerly drove the skills agenda; the period of ring-fenced funding as requited by RCUK has now come to an end QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) Code of Practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in HE: Postgraduate Research Programmes page ( NPC (National Postgraduate Committee) ( charity providing a voice for postgraduate students HM Treasury ( holds the Roberts Review final report, SET for success, April 2002 (PDF available at

3. Guides and practical advice for doctoral students Booth, C.W., Colomb, G.G and Williams, J.M . (2008), The Craft of Research (3rd edition), Chicago (Q180.55.M 4 B72): covers, among other things, turning a topic or question into a research problem organising a draft a readers perspective

Caro, Sarah (2009), How to Publish your PhD: A Practical Guide for the Humanities and S ocial S ciences, Sage (Z286.S37 C29) Dunleavy, Patrick (2003), Authoring a PhD: How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation. Hampshire: Palgrave M acM illan (LB2369 D92): a comprehensive treatment of authoring a PhD, from the earliest conceptualising stages through to completion and publication M atthiesen, Jane Kirsten (2009), How to S urvive Your Doctorate: What Others Dont Tell You (LB2386 M 44) M urray, Rowena (2002), How to Write a Thesis, Buckingham: Open University Press (LB2369 M 98): guides PhD students through planning, structure, the writing process, dealing with deadlines and revising M urray, Rowena (2003), How to S urvive Your Viva, Buckingham: Open University Press (LB2395 M 98): case studies, planning tools, examples of questions and strategies for answering them Phillips, Estelle and Pugh, Derek S. (2000), How To Get A PhD: A Handbook for S tudents and their S upervisors, Buckingham: Open University Press (LB2391.G7 P55): conveys an understanding of the process of doing a doctorate, with material on researching, technology, publishing, teaching, supervision, time management and communicating with supervisors.

4. Recent research into the PhD experience at national level in different countries UK: Postgraduate Research Experience Survey ( website includes most recent national level report from cross-institutional survey of PhD experience; LSE last participated in 2009 and will do so again in 2013; there was a 2011 survey Zhao, C-M , Golde, C.M . and M cCormick, A. (2005), USA: M ore than a Signature: How Advisor Choice and Advisor Behavior Affect Doctoral Student Satisfaction ( Australia: The Pedagogy of Good PhD Supervision: A National Cross-Disciplinary Investigation of PhD Supervision (2004) (


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