Du Mca 2011 Test-Ii Part A (Mathematic) 1. Find The Equation Whose Roots Are 9 10

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DU MCA 2011 TEST-II Total Questions : 20

Part A
1. Find the equation whose roots are n th powers of
the roots of the equation:

2 cos 1 0 x x + =
2.Find the eigenvalues and the corresponding
eigenvectors of the matrix :

2 3
2 5

Also find a non-singular matrix P such that

is a diagonal matrix.
3. By considering the function f defined by
( ) ( 2) , [1, 2] f x x In x x =
show that the equation (1 1n ) 2 x x + = is satisfied by
at least one value of x lying between 1 and 2.
4. Find the line, on which the points of inflexion of
the curve,
2 2
( ) ( ) y x a x b = lie.
5. Find the length of the loop of the curve :

2 3.
x t y t t = =
6. Let a function f be defined as :
( ) (2 3). f x x x =
Is it continuous in [2, 3] ? Is it uniformly continuous
is [2, 3] ? Justify your answer.
7. Let
2 2
2 2
, when 0
( )
0, when ( , ) (0, 0)
x y
x y
f x x y
x y

= +

Prove or disprove :
(0, 0) (0, 0).
xy yx
f f =
8. Show that the functions
e sin x and cos
e x
are linearly independent. Form the differential
equation having these functions as independent
9. Solve the differential equation :

. xy dx zx dy y dz = +
10.Identify the curve

2 2
4 8 21 0 x y x y + =
Also find its centre, foci and asymptotes.
11. Find the eccentricity and length of the latus
rectum of the conic :

2 2cos

Also sketch its graph.
12. Forces act through the angular points of a
ABC , perpendicular to the opposite sides and are
proportional to the cosines of the corresponding
angles. Show that their resultant, R, is proportional
to :
1 8cos cos cos . A B C
13. If X and Y are independent binomial variates,
| |
\ .
| |
\ .
respectively, show that :

( 3)
P X Y + = =
14. Is div ( ) f g
equal to g
. curl . f f
curl g
Prove or disprove.
Part B
(Computer Science)
15. Write a program segment to find sum of every
third element of an array of size n (starting index 0),
. . e g for the array A: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, the sum would be 1 + 4 + 7+ 10 = 22.
16. Simplify the Boolean function ;
( , , ) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f x y z x yz x yx x y z x y z = + + +
17. How many different Boolean functions of 3
variables are there ? Justify (Assume that each
variable takes values from the set {0,1} and
function values are also drawn from the st {0,1})
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18. What will be output of the following C code ?
void main ( ) {
int i;
for (i=0; i <=5; i++);
getch( );
19. What will be output of the following C code ?
extern int a:
void main( ) {
int a=5;
int a=10;
print(%d, a++);
printf(%d, a);
getch( );
int a = 20;

Part C
(Communication Skills)
20. Read the passage below and answer the
questions that follow ;
What is a scientists social duty towards this new
word that he is creating ? This question is not easy
or simple. The pure man of science is concerned
with the advancement of knowledge, and in his
professional moments he takes it for granted that the
advancement of knowledge is desirable. But
inevitably he finds himself casting his pearls before
swine. Men who do not understand his scientific
work can utilize the knowledge that he provides.
The new techniques to which it gives rise often
have totally unexpected effects. The men who
decide what use shall be made of the new
techniques are not necessarily possessed of any
exceptional degree of wisdom. They are mainly
politicians whose professional skill consists in
knowing how to play upon the emotions of the
masses. The emotions which easily sway masses are
very seldom the best of which the individuals
composing the masses are capable. And so the
scientist finds that he has unintentionally placed
new powers in the hands of reckless men. He may
easily come to doubt in moments of depression or
overwork, whether the world would not be a
happier place if science did not exist. He knows that
science gives power and that the power which it
gives could be used to increase human welfare; but
he knows also that very often it is used, not so, but
in the opposite direction.
(i) Why is the knowledge that a scientist provides
often misused ?
(ii) Comment on the statement : the power
which it (science) gives could be used to
increase human welfare, but he knows that very
often it is used, not so, but in the opposite

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