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(Levy zooo)
Thought the course oI the zoth Century and
the early stages oI the zst Century, the lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LCBT) community oI
Australia has seen social change and political
reIorm gain them the respect and recognition oI
wider Australian society. Lespite this, steadIast
ideological viewpoints and policies have restricted
this community and acted as a roadblock towards this community and acted as a roadblock towards
its main goal: normalcy (Anderson zooo, p. 86).
Many perceive the days oI viliIication, persecution
and loneliness as relatively dead, and a culture oI
tolerance towards to LCBT community is relatively
dominant (\illett zooo, p. x). However, minority
Iactions still dwell in an anti-LCBT mindset, and many believe that while we live in an age where our
Prime Minister believes marriage to be steeped in tradition and must be between a man and a woman
(Sydney Morning Herald o ]une), true progress cannot be attained.
Satellite CaIe, known aIIectionately as 'Satellite' to locals, remains one oI the most beloved
establishments in the inner western Sydney suburb oI ewtown. The caIe is considered particularly
imbued in progressive ideology, and it directly makes itselI known as an inclusive establishment
(Satellite CaIe zoz). Amongst locals Satellite is thought to be a hub oI LCBT acceptance and activity.
Though the owner, Ash Houghton, and the majority oI Satellite's staII is homosexual, patronage is not
speciIied nor discriminated. As a result oI this, the caIe is a perIect example oI the growth oI Australian
perceptions oI the LCBT community and the way these ideas have maniIested in physical Iorm.
Satellite oI Love

One oI the main discussion points Ior the LCBT community in Australia, and the wider Australian
community as a whole, is the legalisation oI same-sex marriage. \hile it is true that the social structure
oI marriage and the idea oI homosexuality have both existed alongside each other, the combination oI
the two had not been tabled until the last ,o years or so. \ith a general progression towards new
modes oI thought, traditional practices began to lose their potency (Cross jjz, p. z), and the emer-
gence oI a new vocal LCBT community sought to transIorm the powerIul institution oI marriage.
However, when one considers this notion with a more holistic approach, it is not hard to observe a
slight paradox in this attitude. By employ-ing the modernist mindset oI progress, the LCBT community slight paradox in this attitude. By employ-ing the modernist mindset oI progress, the LCBT community
oI Australia wish to be accepted into a traditional construct. onetheless, as Francis Bacon suggests,
the adaptation oI a tradi-tion to maniIest new understandings oI it is a quality that is inherently useIul
(Cross jjz, p. z).
\hen we consider the struggle oI the Australian LCBT community in relation to the utilisation
oI Satellite as an art space, somewhat similar notions come into play. By turning the caIe into somewhat
oI an art gallery, the space creates an avenue not only to consume and re-Ilect in the most primal sense
(through Iood), but in a more intellectual sense as well. The caIe is very passionate in this sense, and
takes pride in its support and presentation oI artists work (Satellite CaIe zoz). By presenting Satellite
as not only a caIe, but also an art gallery, it is trans-Iormed Irom what was initially considered unspec-
tacular, to something that would generally be labelled as aesthetically pleasing. By constantly presenting tacular, to something that would generally be labelled as aesthetically pleasing. By constantly presenting
the caIe as an art gallery, Satellite does not turn its back on its tradition premises that is located, but it
works in tandem with it to progress as a caIe. This achievement mirrors an end goal that the Australian
LCBT com-munity seek to reach, a synthesis oI moral progression and traditional constructs.
Satellite are sure not to let any patrons (current or prospective) down. This idea oI progress links itselI
to modernist notions oI the acceptance oI change and Ilux, and the potential Ior it to lead to an
improved selI or world (Cascoigne zooz, p. o). It is this reoccurring synthesis between modernity and

themselves between the growth oI the humble Inner \est establishment and the wider LCBT commu-
nity. In Iact, Satellite could almost be considered a condensed physical version oI the wider Australian
community in general. Over the course oI this essay, ideas linking themselves to the production oI a
contemporary identity oI the mod-ern day LCBT community oI Australia have been mapped out, as
well the impression and in-Iluence a traditional Australia has had on it.

AAP. zooo, 'Cillard against gay marriage', Sydncy Morning Hcra/d, o ]une, viewed 6 May zo,
Anderson, L\. zooo, 'Queer activism: past, present and prospect', in ]. Argus & S. Cox, eds, _uccr in
tbc :Ist ccntury, Cay and Lesbian \elIare Association Inc (CL\A), Fortitude Valley, QLL,
pp. , z.
French, R. & Lavis, K., 'Twenty years out', OutRagc, March jjo, p. 8.
Cascoigne, ]. zooz, Cascoigne, ]. zooz, Tbc En/igbtcnmcnt and tbc origins of Eurocan Hustra/ia, Cambridge \niversity
Press, Port Melbourne, Vic, pp. -6.
Ciddens, A. jj, Modcrnity and sc/f-idcntity sc/f and socicty in tbc /atc modcrn agc, StanIord
\niversity Press, StanIord, CA.
Cillen, P. and Chosh, L. zoo6, Co/onia/ism and modcrnity, \S\ Press, Kensington, S\, p. .
Cross, L. jjz, 'Tradition under stress' in Tbc ast in ruins tradition and tbc critiquc of modcrnity,
\niversity oI Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA, pp. zo-o.
Hobsbawm, L. jj, 'Introduction: inventing traditions' in L. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger (eds), Hobsbawm, L. jj, 'Introduction: inventing traditions' in L. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger (eds), Tbc
inzcntion of tradition, Cambridge \niversity Press, Cambridge, Lngland, pp. -.
Kant, I. ;8, 'An answer to the question: what is Lnlightenment:", in Berlinische Monatss-chriIt,
Lecember, vol. IV, pp. 8-j.
Levy, B. zooo, 'Literature', in ]. Argus & S. Cox, eds, _uccr in tbc :Ist ccntury, Cay and Lesbian \el
Iare Association Inc (CL\A), Fortitude Valley, QLL, pp. , z.
Marriage Act j6 (Cth)
Marriage Amendment Act zoo (Cth) Marriage Amendment Act zoo (Cth)
Satellite CaIe zoz, H/out Satc//itc, Sydney, S\, viewed j May zo,
Satellite CaIe zoz, Hrts and czcnts, Sydney, S\, viewed May zo,
\illett, C. zooo, Lizing out /oud a bistory of gay and /cs/ian actizism in Hustra/ia, st edn., Allen &
\nwin, St. Leonards, S\.
\right, R. H sbort bistory of rogrcss, Text Publishing Melbourne, pp. -z8.
Figure :
Satellite CaIe zoz, Satellite CaIe zoz, Satc//itc, viewed z ]une zo, <http://www.satellitenewtown.com/wp-
Figure z:
Powerhouse Museum zoz, I88 oo:o6ooo, viewed z ]une zo,

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