E 1 e 2 Switching Module

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Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

In service Course for

(1 Week)



Electronic Switching Faculty

(ISO 9001: 2000 Certified)

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Chapter 1 Digital Switching


A Digital switching system, in general, is one in which signals are switched in digital form. These signals may represent speech or data. The digital signals of several speech samples are time multiplexed on a common media before being switched through the system. To connect any two subscribers, it is necessary to interconnect the time-slots of the two speech samples which may be on same or different PCM highways. The digitalised speech samples are switched in two modes, viz., Time Switching and Space Switching. This Time Division Multiplex Digital Switching System is popularly known as Digital Switching System.


In this handout, general principles of time and space switching are discussed. A practical digital switch, comprising of both time and space stages, is also explained. Time and Space Switching Generally, a digital switching system several time division multiplexed (PCM) samples. These PCM samples are conveyed on PCM highways (the common path over which many channels can pass with separation achieved by time division.). Switching of calls in this environment , requires placing digital samples from one time-slot of a PCM multiplex in the same or different timeslot of another PAM multiplex. For example, PCM samples appearing in TS6 of I/C PCM HWY1 are transferred to TS18 of O/G PCM HWY2, via the digital switch, as shown in Fig1.

2.0 2.1



The interconnection of time-slots, i.e., switching of digital signals can be achieved using two different modes of operation. These modes are: i. Space Switching ii. Time switching Usually, a combination of both the modes is used.

2.2.1 In the space-switching mode, corresponding time-slots of I/C and O/G PCM highways are interconnected. A sample, in a given time-slot, TSi of an I/C HWY, say HWY1, is switched to same time-slot, TSi of an O/G HWY, SAY HWY2. Obviously there is no delay in switching of the sample from one highway to another highway since the sample transfer takes place in the same time-slot of the PCM frame. 2.2.2 Time Switching, on the other hand, involves the interconnection of different time-slots on the incoming and outgoing highways by re-assigning the channel sequence. For example, a time-slot TSx of an I/C Highway can be connected to a different time-slot., TSy, of the outgoing highway. In other words, a time switch is, basically, a time-slot changer.


Digital Space Switching


3.1.1 The Digital Space Switch consists of several input highways, X1, X2,...Xn and several output highways, Y1, Y2,.............Ym, inter connected by a cross point matrix of n rows and m columns. The individual cross point consists of electronic AND gates. The operation of an appropriate cross point connects any channel, a , of I/C PCM highway to the same channel, a, of O/G PCM highway, during each appropriate time-slot which occurs once per frame as shown in Fig 2. During other time-slots, the same cross point may be used to connect other channels. This cross point matrix works as a normal space divided matrix with full availability between incoming and outgoing highways during each time-slot. 3.1.2 Each cross point column, associated with one O/G highway, is assigned a column of control memory. The control memory has as many words as there are time-slot per frame in the PCM signal. In practice, this number could range from 32 to 1024. Each cross point in the column is assigned a binary address, so that only one cross point per column is closed during each time-slot. The binary addresses are stored in the control memory, in the order of time-slots. The word size of the control memory is x bits, so that 2x = n, where n is the number of cross points in each column.

3.1.3 A new word is read from the control memory during each time-slot, in a Cyclic order. Each word is read during its corresponding time-slot, i.e., Word 0 (corresponding to TSO), followed by word 1 (corresponding to TS1) and so on. The word contents are contained on the vertical address lines for the

duration of the time-slot. Thus the cross point corresponding to the address, is operated during a particular time-slot. This cross point operates every time the particular time-slot appears at the inlet. in successive frames. normally, a call may last for around a million frames. As the next time-slot follows, the control memory is also advanced by one step, so that during each new time-slot new corresponding words are read from the various control memory columns. This results in operation of a completely different set of cross points being activated in different columns. Depending upon the number of time-slots in one frame, this time division action increases the utilisation of cross point 32 to 1024 times compared with that of conventional space-divided switch matrix. 3.2 Illustration

3.2.1 Consider the transfer of a sample arriving in TS7 of I/C HWY X1 to O/G HWY Y3. Since this is a space switch, there will be no reordering of time i.e., the sample will be transferred without any time delay, via the appropriate cross point. In other words, the objective is to connect TS7 of HWY X1 and TS7 of HWY Y3. 3.2.2 The central control (CC) selects the control memory column corresponding output highway Y3. In this column, the memory location corresponding to the TS7 is chosen. The address of the cross point is written in this location, i.e., 1, in binary, is written in location 7, as shown in fig 2.This cross point remains operated for the duration of the time-slot TS7, in each successive frame till the call lasts. For disconnection of call, the CC erases the contents of the control memory locations, corresponding to the concerned time-slots. The AND gates, therefore, are disabled and transfer of samples is halted. 3.3 Practical Space Switch

3.3.1 In a practical switch, the digital bits are transmitted in parallel rather than serially, through the switching matrix. 3.3.2 In a serial 32 time-slot PCM multiplex, 2048 Kb/s are carried on a single wire sequentially, i.e., all the bits of the various time-slots follow one another. This single wire stream of bits, when fed to Serial to Parallel Converter is converted into 8-wire parallel output. For example, all 8 bits corresponding to TS3 serial input are available simultaneously on eight output wires (one bit on each output wire), during just one bit period, as shown in fig.3. This parallel output on the eight wires is fed to the switching matrix. It can be seen that during one full time-slot period, only one bit is carried on the each output line, whereas 8 bits are carried on the input line during this period. Therefore, bit rate on individual output wires, is reduced to 1/8th of input bit rate=2048/8=256Kb/s

3.3.3 Due to reduced bit rate in parallel mode, the cross point is required to be operated only for 1/8th of the time required for serial working. It can, thus, be shared by eight times more channels, i.e.,32 x 8 = 256 channels, in the same frame. 3.3.4 However, since the eight bits of one TS are carried on eight wires, each

cross point have eight switches to interconnect eight input wires to eight output wires. Each cross point (all the eight switches ) will remain operated now for the duration of one bit only, i.e., only for 488 ns (1/8th of the TS period of 3.9 s)

Fig 3 Serial parallel converter

3.3.5 For example to connect 40 PCM I/C highways, a matrix of 40x 40 = 1600 cross points each having a single switch, is required in serial mode working. Whereas in parallel mode working, a matrix of (40/8 x 40/8) = 25 cross point is sufficient. As eight switches are required at each cross point 25 x 8 = 200 switches only are required. Thus, there is a reduction of the matrix by 1/8th in parallel mode working , hence reduction in size and cost of the switching matrix. 4.0 4.1 Digital Time Switch Principle

4.1.1 A Digital Time Switch consists of two memories, viz., a speech or buffer memory to store the samples till destination time-slots arrive, and a control or connection or address memory to control the writing and reading of the samples in the buffer memory and directing them on to the appropriate timeslots. 4.1.2 Speech memory has as many storage locations as the number of time-slots in input PCM, e.g., 32 locations for 32 channel PCM system. 4.1.3 The writing/reading operation in the speech memory are controlled by the Control Memory. It has same number of memory locations as for speech memory, i.e., 32 locations for 32 channel PCM system. Each location contains

the address of one of the speech memory locations where the channel sample is either written or read during a time-slot. These addresses are written in the control memory of the CC of the exchange, depending upon the connection objective. 4.1.4 A Time-Slot Counter which usually is a synchronous binary counter, is used to count the time-slots from 0 to 31, as they occur. At the end of each frame, It gets reset and the counting starts again. It is used to control the timing for writing/reading of the samples in the speech memory. 4.2 Illustration

4.2.1 Consider the objective that TS4 of incoming PCM is to be connected to TS6 of outgoing PCM. In other words, the sample arriving in TS4 on the I/C PCM has to be delayed by 6 - 4 = 2 time-slots, till the destination time-slot, viz., TS6 appears in the O/G PCM. The required delay is given to the samples by storing it in the speech memory. The I/C PCM samples are written cyclically i.e. sequentially time-slot wise , in the speech memory locations. Thus, the sample in TS4 will be written in location 4, as shown in fig.4. 4.2.2 The reading of the sample is controlled by the Control Memory. The Control Memory location corresponding to output time-slot TS6, is 6. In this location, the CC writes the input time-slot number, viz.,4, in binary. These contents give the read address for the speech memory, i.e., it indicates the speech memory locations from which the sample is to be read out, during read cycle. When the time-slot TS6 arrives, the control memory location 6 is read. Its content addresses the location 4 of the speech memory in the read mode and sample is read on to the O/G PCM. In every frame, whenever time-slot 4 comes a new sample will be written in location 4. This will be read when TS6 occurs. This process is repeated till the call lasts. 4.2.3 For disconnection of the call, the CC erases the contents of the control memory location to halt further transfer of samples. 4.3 Time switch can operate in two modes, viz., i. Output associated control ii. Input associated control

4.3.1 Output associated control In this mode of working, 2 samples of I/C PCM are written cyclically in the speech memory locations in the order of time-slots of I/C PCM, i.e., TS1 is written in location 1, TS2 is written in location 2, and so on, as discussed in the example of Sec.4.2. The contents of speech memory are read on output PCM in the order specified by control memory. Each location of control memory is rigidly associated with the corresponding time-slot of the O/G PCM and contains the address of the TS of incoming PCM to be connected to. The control memory is always read

cyclically, in synchronism with the occurrences of the time-slot. The entire process of writing and reading is repeated in every frame, till the call is disconnected.

FIG 4 OUTPUT ASSOCIATED CONTROL SWITCH It may be noticed that the writing in the speech memory is sequential and independent of the control memory, while reading is controlled by the control memory, i.e., there is a sequential writing but controlled reading. 4.3.2 Input associated control Here, the samples of I/C PCM are written in a controlled way, i.e., in the order specified by control memory, and read sequentially. Each location of control memory is rigidly associated with the corresponding TS of I/C PCM and contains the address of TS of O/G PCM to be connected to. The previous example with the same connection objective of connecting TS4 of I/C PCM to TS6 of O/G PCM may be considered for its restoration. The location 4 of the control memory is associated with incoming PCM TS4. Hence, it should contain the address of the location where the contents of TS4 of I/C PCM are to be written in speech memory. A CC writes the number of the destination TS, viz., 6 in this case, in location 4 of the control memory. The contents of TS4 are therefore, written in location of speech memory, as shown in fig5.

The contents of speech memory are read in the O/G PCM in a sequential way, i.e., location 1 is read during TS1, location 2 is read during TS2, and so on. In this case, the contents of location 6 will appear in the output PCM at TS6. Thus the input PCM TS4 is switched to output PCM TS6. In this switch, there is sequential reading but controlled writing.



Time Delay Switching

4.4.1 The writing and reading, of all time-slots in a frame, has to be completed within one frame time period (before the start of the next frame). A TS of incoming PCM may, therefore, get delayed by a time period ranging from 1 TS to 31 TS periods, before being transmitted on outgoing PCM. For example, consider a case when TS6 of incoming PCM is to be switched to TS5 in outgoing PCM. In this case switching can be completed in two consecutive frames only, i.e., 121 microseconds for a 32 channel PCM system. However, this delay is imperceptible to human beings.


Non-Blocking feature of a Time Switch

4.5.1 In a Time Switch, there are as many memory locations in the control and speech memories as there are time-slots in the incoming and outgoing PCM highways, i.e., corresponding to each time-slot in incoming highway, there is a

definite memory location available in the speech and control memories. Similarly, corresponding to each time-slot in the outgoing highway there is a definite memory location available in the control and speech memories. This way, corresponding to free incoming and outgoing time-slots, there is always a free path available to interconnect them. In other words, there is no blocking in a time switch. 5.0 5.1 Two Dimentional Switching Though the electronic cross points are not so expensive, the cost of accessing and selecting them from external pins in a Space Switch, becomes prohibitive as the switch size increases. Similarly, the memory location requirements rapidly go up as a Time Switch is expanded, making it uneconomical. Hence, it becomes necessary to employ a number of stages, using small switches as building blocks to build a large network. This would result in necessity of changing both the time-slot and highway in such a network. Hence, the network, usually, employs both types of switches viz., space switch and time switch, and. therefore, is known as two dimentional network. These networks can have various combinations of the two types of switches and are denoted as TS, STS, TSST,etc. Though to ensure full availability, it may be desirable to use only T stages. However, the networks having the architecture of TT, TTT, TTTT, etc., are uneconomical, considering the acceptability of tolerable limits of blocking, in a practical network. Similarly, a two-stage two-dimentional network, TS or ST, is basically suitable for very low capacity networks only. The most commonly used architecture has three stages, viz., STS or TST. However, in certain cases, their derivatives, viz., TSST, TSSST, etc., may also be used. An STS network has relatively simpler control requirements and hence, is still being favoured for low capacity networks, viz., PBX exchanges. As the blocking depends mainly on the outer stages, which are space stages, it becomes unsuitable for high capacity systems. A TST network has lesser blocking constraints as the outer stages are time stages which are essentially non-blocking and the space stage is relatively smaller. It is, therefore, most cost-effective for networks handling high traffic, However, for still higher traffic handling capacity networks, e.g., tandem exchanges, it may be desirable to use TSST or TSSST architecture. The choice of a particular architecture is dependent on other factors also, viz., implementation complexity, modularity, testability, expandability, etc. As a large number of factors favour TST structure, it is most widely used 5.2 TST Network 5.2.1 As the name suggests, in a TST network, there are two time stages separated by a space stage. The former carry out the function of time-slot changing, whereas the latter performs highway jumping. Let us consider a network having n input and n output PCM highways. Each of the input and output time stages will have n time switches and the space stage will consist of an n x n cross point matrix. The speech memory as well as the control memory

of each time switch and each column of a control memory of the space switch will have m locations, corresponding to m time-slots in each PCM. Thus, it is possible to connect any TS in I/C PCM to any TS in O/G PCM. In the case of a local exchange, the network will be of folded type, i.e., the O/G PCM highways, via a suitable hybrid. Whereas, for a transit exchange, the network will be non-folded, having complete isolation of I/C and O/G PCM highways. However, a practical local exchange will have a combination of both types of networks. 5.2.2 For the sake of explanation, let us assume that there are only four I/C and O/G PCM highways in the network. Hence, there will be only four time switches in each of the T-stages and the space switch will consist of 4x4 matrix. let us consider an objective of connecting two subscribers through this switching network of local exchange, assuming that the CC assigns TS4 on HWY0 to the calling party and TS6 on HWY3 to the called party The speech samples of the calling party have to be carried from TS4 of I/C HWY 0 and to TS6 of O/G HWY3 and those of the called party from TS6 of I/C HWY 3 to TS4 of O/G HWY 0 , with the help of the network. The cc establishes the path, through the network in three steps. To introduce greater flexibility, it uses an intermediate time-slot, Tsx, which is also known as internal time-slot. The three switching steps for transfer of speech sample of the calling party to the called party are as under: Step 1 Input Time Stage (IT) TS4 HWY0 to TSx HWY0 Step 2 Space stage (S) Tsx HWY0 to Tsx HWY3 Step 3 Output Time Stage (OT) Tsx HWY3 to TS6 HWY3 As the message can be conveyed only in one direction through this path, another independent path, to carry the massage in the other direction is also established by the CC, to complete the connection. Assuming the internal time-slots to be TS10 and TS11, the connection may be established as shown in fig 6.


5.2.3 Let us now consider the detailed switching procedure making some more assumptions for the sake of simplicity. Though practical time switches can handle 256 time-slots in parallel mode, let us assume serial working and that there are only 32 time-slots in each PCM. Accordingly, the speech and control memories in time switches and control memory columns in space switch, will contain 32 locations each. To establish the connection, the CC searches for free internal time-slots. Let us assume that the first available time-slots are TS10 and TS11, as before. To reduce the complexity of control, the first time stage is designed as output-controlled switch, whereas the second time stage is input-controlled.


For transfer of speech samples from the calling party to the called party of previous example, CC orders writing of various addresses in location 10 of control memories of IT-10, OT-3 and column 3 of CM-S of corresponding to


O/G highway, HWY3. Thus, 4 corresponding to I/C TS4 is written in CM-IT0, 6 corresponding to O/G TS6 is written in CM-OT-3 and 0 corresponding to I/C HWY 0 is written in column 3 of CM-S, as shown in fig. 7. As the first time switch is output-controlled, the writing is done sequentially. Hence, a sample, arriving in TS4 of I/C HWY 0, is stored in location 4 of SM-IT-0. It is readout on internal HWY 0 during TS10 as per the control address sent by CM-IT-0. In the space switch, during this internal TS10, the cross point 0 in column 3 is enabled, as per the control address sent by column 3 of CM-S, thus, transferring the sample to HWY3. The second time stage is input controlled and hence, the sample, arriving in TS10, is stored in location 6 of SM-OT-3, as per the address sent by the CM-OT-3. This sample is finally, readout during TS6 of the next frame, thus, achieving the connection objective. Similarly, the speech samples in the other direction, i.e., from the called party to the calling party, are transferred using internal TS11. As soon as the call is over, the CC erases the contents in memory locations 10 and 11 of all the concerned switches, to stop further transfer of message. These locations and time-slots are, then, avialable to handle next call.


CHAPTER 2 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRONIC EXCHANGES 1. Introduction The prime purpose of an exchange is to provide a temporary path for simultaneous. bi-directional transmission of speech between (i) Subscriber lines connected to same exchange (local switching) (ii) Subscriber lines and trunks to other exchange(outgoing trunk call) (iii) Subscriber lines and trunks from other exchanges(incoming trunk calls) (iv) Pairs of trunks towards different exchanges (transit switching) These are also called the switching functions of an exchange and are implemented through the equipment called the switching network. An exchange, which can setup just the first three types of connections., is called a Subscriber or Local Exchange. If an exchange can setup only the fourth type of connections, it is called a Transit or Tandem Exchange. The other distinguished functions of an exchange are i) ii) iii) Exchange of information with the external environment (Subscriber lines or other exchanges) i.e. signaling. Processing the signaling information and controlling the operation of signaling network, i.e. control, and Charging and billing

All these functions can be provided more efficiently using computer controlled electronic exchange, than by the conventional electromechanical exchanges. This handout describes the basic principals of SPC exchanges and explains how the exchange functions are achieved. 2. Stored Program Controlled Exchange: In electromechanical switching, the various functions of the exchange reachieved by the operation and release of relays and switch (rotary or crossbar) contacts, under the direction of a Control Sub-System. These contacts are hard - wired in a predetermined way. The exchange dependent data, such as, subscribers class of service, translation and routing, combination signaling characteristics, are achieved by hard-ware and logic, by a of relay sets, grouping of same type of lines, strapping on Main or Intermediate Distribution Frame or translation fields, etc. When the data is to be modified, for introduction of a new service, or change in services already available to a subscriber, the hardware change ranging from inconvenient to near impossible, are involved.


In an SPC exchange, a processor similar to a general purpose computer, is used to control the functions of the exchange. All the control functions. represented by a series of various instructions, are stored in the memory. Therefore the processor memories hold all exchange-dependent data. such as subscriber date, translation tables, routing and charging information and call records. For each call processing step. e.g. for taking a decision according to class of service, the stored data is referred to, Hence, this concept of switching. The memories are modifiable and the control program can always be rewritten if the behavior or the use of system is to be modified. This imparts and enormous flexibility in overall working of the exchange. Digital computers have the capability of handling many tens of thousands of instructions every second, Hence, in addition to controlling the switching functions the same processor can handle other functions also. The immediate effect of holding both the control program and the exchange data, in easily alterable memories, is that the administration can become much more responsive to subscriber requirements. both in terms of introducing new services and modifying general services, or in responding to the demands of individual subscriber. For example, to restore service on payment of an overdue bill or to permit change from a dial instrument to a multi frequency sender, simply the appropriate entries in the subscriber data-file are to be amended. This can be done by typing- in simple instructions from a teletypewriter or visual display unit. The ability of the administration to respond rapidly and effectively to subscriber requirements is likely to become increasingly important in the future. The modifications and changes in services which were previously impossible be achieved very simply in SPC exchange, by modifying the stored data suitably. In some cased, subscribers can also be given the facility to modify their own data entries for supplementary services, such as on-demand call transfer, short code, ( abbreviated ) dialing, etc. The use of a central processor, also makes possible the connection of local and remote terminals to carry out man-machine dialogue with each exchange. Thus, the maintenance and administrative operations of all the SPC exchanges in a network can be performed from a single centralised place. The processor sends the information on the performance of the network, such as, traffic flow, billing information, faults, to the centre, which carries out remedial measures with the help of commands. similarly, other modifications in services can also be carried out from the remote centre. This allows a better control on the overall performance of the network. As the processor is capable of performing operations at a very high speed, it has got sufficient time to run routine test programs to detect faults, automatically. Hence, there is no need to carry out time consuming manual routine tests. In an SPC exchange, all control equipment can be replaced by a single processor. The processor must, therefore, be quite powerful, typically, it must

process hundreds of calls per second, in addition to performing other administrative and maintenance tasks. However, totally centralised control has drawbacks. The software for such a central processor will be voluminous, complex, and difficult to develop reliably. Moreover, it is not a good arrangement from the point of view of system security, as the entire system will collapse with the failure of the processor. These difficulties can be overcome by decentralising the control. Some routine functions, such as scanning, signal distributing, marking, which are independent of call processing, can be delegated to auxiliary or peripheral processors. These peripheral units, each with specialised function, are often themselves controlled by a small stored programs processors, thus reducing the size and complexity at central control level. Since, they have to handle only one function, their programs are less voluminous and far less subjected to change than those at central. Therefore, the associated program memory need not be modifiable ( generally, semiconductors ROM's are used). 3. Block Schematic of SPC Exchange Despite the many difference between the electronic switching systems, and all over the world there is a general similarity between most of the systems in terms of their functional subdivisions. In its simplest from. an SPC exchange consists of five main sub-systems, as shown in fig. i. ii. iii. Terminal equipment, provides on individual basis for each subscriber line and for inter exchange trunk. Switching network, may be space- division or time-division, unidirectional or bi-directional. Switching processor, consisting mainly of processors and memories. Switching peripherals ( Scanner, Distributor and Marker ), are Interface Circuits between control system terminal equipment and switching network Signaling interfaces depending on type of signaling used, and Data Processing Peripherals ( Tele - typewriters, Printers, etc. ) for man machine dialogue for operation and maintenance of the exchange.

v. vi.


Fig. FUNCTIONAL SUBDIVISIONS OF AN SPC EXCHANGE 3.1 Terminal Equipment. In this equipment, line, trunk, and service circuits are terminated, for detection, signaling, speech transmission, and supervision of calls. The Line

Circuits carry out the traditional functions of supervising and providing battery feed to each subscriber line. The Trunk Circuits are used on outgoing, incoming and transit calls for battery feed and supervision. Service Circuits perform specific functions, like, transmission and reception of decadic dial pulses or MF signals, which may be economically handled by a specialised common pool of circuits. In contrast to electromechanical circuits, the Trunk and Service circuits in SPC exchanges, are considerably simpler because functions, like counting, pulsing, timing charging, etc,... are delegated to stored program. 3.2 Switching Network. In an electronic exchange, the switching network is one of the largest subsystem in terms of size of the equipment. Its main functions are i. ii. Switching, i.e., setting up temporary connection between two or more exchange terminations, and Transmission of speech and signals between these terminations, with reliable accuracy.

There are two types of electronic switching system. viz. Space division and Time Division. 3.2.1 Space Division switching System. In a space Division Switching system, a continuous physical path is set up between input and output terminations. This path is separate for each connection and is held for the entire duration of the call. Path for different connections is independent of each other. Once a continuous path has been established., Signals are interchanged between the two terminations. Such a switching network can employ either metallic or electronic cross-points. Presently, usage of metallic cross-points, viz., reed relay, mini-cross bar derivative switches, etc......., is favored. They have the advantage of compatibility with the existing line and trunk signaling conditions in the network. 3.2.2 Time Division Switching System. In Time Division Switching, a number of connections (calls) share the same path on time division sharing basis. The path is not separate for each connection, rather, is shared sequentially for a fraction of a time by different calls. This process is repeated periodically at a suitable high rate. The repetition rate is 8 Khz, i.e. once every 125 microseconds for transmitting speech on telephone network, without any appreciable distortion. These samples are time multiplexed with staggered samples of other speech channels, to enable sharing of one path by many calls. The Time Division Switching was initially accomplished by Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Switching. However, it still could not overcome the performance limitations of signal distortion noise, cross-talk etc. With the advent of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), the PAM signals were converted into a digital format overcoming the limitations of analog and PAM signals. PCM signals are


suitable for both transmission and switching. The PCM switching is popularly called Digital Switching. 3.2.3 Compatibility with Existing Network In this area, the application of electronic techniques has encountered the greatest difficulty. To appreciate the reasons, let us consider the basic requirements of a conventional switching network. i. High OFF resistance and low ON resistance. ii. iii. iv. v. Sufficient power handling capacity for transmitting ringing battery feed etc..., on subscriber lines. current,

Good frequency response (300-3400 Khz ) Bi-directional path (preferable) D.C. signaling path to work with existing junction equipment preferable) vi. Economy vii. Easy to control. viii. Low power consumption, and ix. Immunity to extraneous noise, voltage surges. The present day electronic devices cannot meet all these requirements adequately. It is seen that requirement iii,v, vi and vii only, can easily be met by electronic devices. These considerations show that substitutions of the analog mode of electromechanical switching network by fully electronic equipment is not, straight way practical. The main virtue of the existing electromechanical devices is their immunity to extraneous noise voltage surge, etc., which are frequently experienced in a telephone network. Moreover, metal contact switches offer little restriction on the voltages and currents to be carried. In the existing network and subscriber handsets, typically, 80 volt peak to peak ringing current is required to be transmitted on the line. This is difficult, if not impractical, for electronic switches to handle. Therefore, to avail of the advantages of the electronic exchanges, either of the two following alternatives may be adopted. i. Deploy a new range of peripherals/ equipments, suited to the characteristics of the electronic switching devices, on one hand, and requirements of telephone network on the other hand. i.e. employ Time Division Switching systems, or Continue to use metal contact switches, while other sub-systems may be changed to electronic. i.e. semi-electronic type of exchanges rather than fully electronic exchanges, to employ Space Division Switching Systems.



Switching Processor The switching processor is a special purpose real time computer, designed and optimised for dedicated applications of processing telephone calls. It has to perform certain real time functions (which have to be performed at the time of occurrence and cannot be deferred), such as, reception of dialed digits, and sending of digits in case of transit exchange. The block schematic of a


switching processor, consisting of central control programme store is shown in fig.2. To Switching Network

Central control Processor

Programme Store Translation Store Data Store

Fig.2 Switching Processor Central Control (CC) is a high speed data processing unit, which controls the operation of the switching network. In Programme store, sets of instructions. called programmes, are stored. The programmes are interpreted and executed by the central control. Data Store provides for the temporary storage of transient data, required in processing telephone calls, such as digits dialed by the subscriber, busy / idle states of lines and trunks etc. Translation Store contains information regarding lines. e.g. category of calling and called line. routing code, charging information, etc. Data Stores is temporary memory, whereas Translation and Programme Stores are of semi-permanent type. The information in the Semi-permanent memories does not change during the processing of the call, but the information in Data Store changes continuously with origination and termination of each call. 3.4 Switching Peripheral Equipment The time intervals, in which the processor operates, is in the order of microseconds, while the components in the telephone switching section operate in milliseconds ( if the switching network is of the analog type). The equipment, known as the switching peripheral, is the interface between these two equipments working at different speeds. The interface equipment acts as speed buffer, as well as, enables conversion of digital logic signals from the processor to the appropriate electrical signals to operate relays and crosspoints, etc. Scanners, Signal distributors and Marker fall under this category of devices. 3.4.1 Scanner Its purpose is to detect and inform CC of all significant events / signals on subscriber lines and trunks. connected to the exchange. These signals may either be continuous or discrete. The equipments at which the events / signals must be detected are equally diverse.


i. ii.

Terminal equipment for subscriber lines and inter-exchange trunks and. Common equipment such as DTMF (Dual - Tone Multi Frequency ) or MFC digit receivers and inter-exchange signaling senders / receivers connected to the lines and trunks.

In view of this wide diversity in the types of lines. trunks and signaling, the scanning rate, i.e. the frequency at which scan points are read, depends upon the maximum rate at which events / signals may occur. For example, on a subscriber line, with decadic pules signaling with 1:2 make -break ratio, the necessary precision, required for pulse detection, is of the order of ten milliseconds, while other continuos signals ( clear, off hook, etc.) on the same line are usually several hundred mili-seconds long and the same high precision is not required. To detect new calls, while complying with the dial tone connection specifications, each line must be scanned about every 300 milliseconds. It means that in a 40,000 lines exchange ( normal size electronic exchange ) 5000 orders are to be issued every 300 milliseconds, assuming that eight lines are scanned simultaneously. 3.4.2 Marker Marker performs physical setup and release of paths through the switching network, under the control of CC. A path is physically operated only when it has been reserved in the central control memory. Similarly, paths are physically released before being cleared in memory, to keep the memory information updated vis-a-vis switching network, Depending upon whether is switching is Time division or Space division, marker either writes information in the control memory of time and space stages. (Time Division Switching), or physical operates the cross - points (Space Division Switching) 3.4.3. Distributor It is a buffer between high - speed - low - power CC and relatively slowspeed-high-power signaling terminal circuits. A signal distributor operates or releases electrically latching relays in trunks and service circuits, under the direction of central control. 3.4.4 Bus System Various switching peripherals are connected to the central processor by means of a common system. A bus is a group of wires on which data and commands pulses are transmitted between the various sub- units of a switching processor or between switching processor and switching peripherals. The device to be activated is addressed by sending its address on the address bus. The common bus system avoids the costly mesh type of interconnection among various devices.


3.4.5 Line Interface Circuits To enable an electronic exchange to function with the existing outdoor telephone network, certain interfaces are required between the network and the electronic exchange. 3.4.6 Analogue Subscriber Line Interface The functions of a Subscriber Line Interface, for each two wire line, are often known by the acronym : BORSHT


: : : : : :

Battery feed Overload protection Ringing Supervision of loop status Hybrid Connection to test equipment

All these functions cannot be performed directly by the electronic circuits and, therefore, suitable interfaces are required. 3.4.7 Transmission Interface Transmission interface between analogue trunks and digital trunks (individual or multiplexed) such as, A/D and D/A converters, are known as CODEC, These may be provided on a per-line and per-trunk basis or on the basis of one per 30 speech channels. 3.5 Signaling Interfaces A typical telephone network may have various exchange systems (Manual, Strowger, Cross bar, electronic) each having different signaling schemes. In such an environment, an exchange must accommodate several different signaling codes. 3.5.1 Signaling Initially, all signaling between automatic exchanges was decadic i.e. telephone numbers were transmitted as trains of 1to 10 pulses, each train representing one digit. To increase the speed at which the calls could be set up, and to improve the reliability of signaling, compelled sequence multi frequency signaling system was then introduced. In this system, each signal is transmitted as a combination of 2 out of a group of say 5 or 6 frequencies. In both decadic and multi frequency methods, the signals for each call are sent over a channel directly associated with the inter-exchange speech transmission circuit used for that call. This is termed as channel associated signaling. Recently, a different technique has been developed, known as common channel signaling. In this technique, all the signaling information for a number of calls is sent over a signaling link independent of the inter-exchange speech circuits. Higher transmission rate can be utilised to enable exchange of much larger amount of information. This results in faster call setup, introduction of new services, e.g.., abbreviated dialing, and more retrials ultimately accomplishing higher call completion rate, Moreover, it can provided an

efficient means of collecting information and transmitting orders for network management and traffic engineering. 3.6 Data Processing Peripherals. Following basic categories of Data Processing Peripherals are used in operation and maintenance of exchange. i. Man - machine dialogue terminals, like Tele-typewriter (TTY) and Visual Display Units (VDU), are used to enter operator commands and to give out low-volume date concerning the operation of the switching system. These terminals may be local i.e. within a few tense of meters of the exchange, or remotely located. These peripherals have been adopted in the switching Systems for their ease and flexibility of operation. Special purpose peripheral equipment is, sometimes employed for carrying out repeated functions, such as, subscriber line testing, where speed is more important than flexibility. High speed large capacity data storage peripherals ( Magnetic Tape Drives, magnetic Disc Unit) are used for loading software in the processor memory. Maintenance peripherals, such as, Alarm Annunciators and Special Consoles, are used primarily to indicate that automatic maintenance procedure have failed and manual attention is necessary.





Conclusion The electronic exchanges work on the principle of Stored Program Control. All the call processing functions are performed on the basis of pre-designed programme which is stored in the memory of the Central Processor. Though the initially designed Electronic Exchanges had single centralised processor. the control is being decentralised, providing dedicated micro - processor controlled sub- systems for improved efficiency and security of the system. This modular architecture also aids future expansions.



1. What is ISDN ? (1) The ISDN is an abbreviation of Integrated Services Digital Network. The current communications networks vary with the type of service, such as telephone network, telex network, and digital data transmission network. On the other hand, the ISDN is an integrated network for various types of communications services handling digitized voice (telephone) and non voice (data) information. (2) Fig.1 shows the current network configuration with individual networks, such as telephone network and a data network existing independently, and telephone sets, data terminals, etc. connected individually to each network (Current Telephone : Individual access to multiplex networks)

Fig. 1 The Current Network Configuration


Fig.2 shows individual networks that will be fully integrated in the future.


Fig. 2 Integrated Networks in the Future


ISDN Definition The CCITT defines the ISDN as follows : (1) A complete, terminal-to-terminal digital network. Fig.3 shows the endto-end digital connectivity.

Fig. 3 End-to-End Digital Connectivity (2) A network that provides both telephone and non-telephone services in the same network. Fig.4 shows the voice and non-voice services in the same network.


Fig. 4 Voice and Non-Voice Service in the Same Network (Example) (3) (4) A network based on a digital telephone network. A network that utilizes Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) for signaling between switching systems. Fig. 5 shows the signaling connection between Switching Systems.

Fig. 5 The Signaling Connection between Switching Systems



A network offers standard user network interface. Fig.6 shows the standard user network interface.

Fig. 6 Standard User Network Interface


ISDN Services (1) A wide range of services (a) The ISDN provides the following functions, as shown in Fig.7. Packet switching service Circuit switching service Leased circuit service Fig. 7 A Wide Range of Services

Circuit switching service includes both telephone and data circuit switching.



As shown in the figure, ISDN can interface with various terminals, such as a telephone set, FAX, Video terminal or personal computer to provide a wide range of services. The ISDN concept can be summarized by two statements : ISDN offers a variety of services, such as telephone, data and image transmission through one network. ISDN handles all information digitally. Fig.8 shows the user-



Standard user-network interface. terminal/network interface.

Fig. 8 User-Terminal/Network Interface (a) The subscriber line is connected with an NT (Network Termination) installed at the customer premises. (b) Various terminals are connected to the NT. These terminals can include digital telephones, multi media terminal, digital facsimile machines, personal computers, etc. as shown in the figure.


(c) The NT and terminals are connected by S or T interface (S/T interface), as recommended by the CCITT. Up to 8 terminals are connected to one S/T interface. The NT and terminals are connected using an 8-pin connector, which is also recommended by the CCITT. (d) As shown in this figure, the personal computer uses the RS232C interface that is different from the ISDN S/T interfaces, so a TA (Terminal Adapter) is provided to adapt the RS232C interface for use with the ISDN interfaces. Fig. 9 shows operation of various terminals in the home.

Fig. 9 Operation of Various Terminals in the Home (a) Each terminal is connected to the NT through S/T interface which, in turn, is connected to the switching system through the subscriber line. At the upper left of the figure a person is using a television telephone called a Video Phone, at the lower left, a person is watching a picture on a Videotext terminal. At the upper right of the figure, a person is operating a personal computer, which requires the use of a TA to convert the




computers RS232C interface to the S/T interfaces used by ISDN. At the lower right, a person is doing catalog shopping using a Videotex terminal. (3) Home Shopping and Home Banking Fig.10 shows home shopping and home banking services. Fig.10 shows a typical service made possible by ISDN. It shows something is being ordered to a department store, and then delivered. Fig. 10

Home Shopping and Home Banking Service The goods are ordered using the Videotex terminal, and an instruction is output to the bank to transfer the amount of the bill from your account. The department store delivers the ordered goods.



Home Medical System Fig.11 shows home medical system. Fig.11 shows another service provided by ISDN : the receiving

of medical care at home. Fig. 11 Home Medical System The upper left shows the measuring of blood pressure, with the result shown on the videotex screen both at home and at a medical facility (show at the bottom right of the figure). The lower left shows a consultation for medication using a TV telephone.

4. 4.1

User Network Interface ISDN User Network Interface Configuration (1) Fig.12 shows the interface between the user and the network. Telephone service makes use of two wires for the subscriber line between the switching system and customers premises. These same two wires can be used by ISDN to receive ISDN services.



An NT (Network Termination) is installed at the subscribers home

and connected to the subscriber line. Fig. 12 The Interface between the User (3) The Interface between the NT and the ISDN exchange (switching system) is called U interface. This interface has not been defined in the CCITT Recommendations because circumstances are different in each country. The point between the NT and the on-premises terminals is called the S or T reference point. The ISDN user/network interface refers to these S/T points, and is defined in the CCITT Recommendations. The S/T interface uses four wires, two for sending and two for receiving. Since U interface uses two wires, the NT provides a twowire/four-wire conversion function. CCITT recommends the use of AMI (Alternative Mark Inversion) code at the S/T point. AMI code is a bipolar waveform.





As shown in the figure, the ISDN Terminal provides S/T interface that follows the CCITT Recommendations, and can be connected directly to the NT. Since the personal computer and the analog FAX utilize a different interface from S/T interface, they require protocol conversion by a TA (Terminal Adapter).


Service Access Points (Reference Points) (1) In the existing telephone network, a point at which a service is provided for a user, that is, a service access point is located at a rossete between the users telephone set and the subscriber line. Since the ISDN provides various types of service other than telephone service through a plural number of terminals, various service access points are provided. Thus, service access points would have to be defined corresponding to the ISDN Services. (2) Fig. 13 shows the user-network interface reference points which is based on the CCITT reference model and identifies the important reference points of the model.

Fig. 13 User-Network Interface Reference Points (3) The following describes the user-access points and the function of each for basic user-network interface. (a) Network Termination (NT) :


The NT can be split into NT1 and NT2. NT1 and NT2 are terminating equipment for the network. In this case, NT1 provides the Layer 1 functions, such as circuit termination, timing and supply of electricity, while NT2 provides the layer 2 functions, such as protocol, control and concentration functions.

(b) Terminal Equipment (TE) : The TE can be split into TE1 and TE2. TE1 is an ISDN terminal which is connected to ISDN via the S/T interface. TE2 is a non-ISDN terminal which is connected to ISDN via a Terminal Adapter (TA) such as personal computer or analog FAX as described in Fig. 12.

(c) Terminal Adapter (TA) : A TA is a physical device which is connected to a non-ISDN terminal (TE2) to permit access to ISDN.

(d) S-Interface : A 4-wire physical interface used for a single customer termination between a TA and NT2 or between TE1 and NT2.

(e) T-Interface : A 4-wire physical interface between NT1 and NT2.

(f) R-Interface : A physical interface used for single customer terminator between TE2 and TA.

(g) U-Interface : The subscriber line is called U-Interface and utilizes 2-wires.



ISDN User Network Interface Points (1) Requirements of User-Network Interface For us to utilize integrated services including voice and non-voice communications and the use of some new media, such as facsimile in offices and home, the following features must be provided for usernetwork interfaces : (a) Different services for each call A switching mode (packet switched/circuit switched function) can be selected. Data transmission speed can be selected.

(b) (c) (2)

Plural number of terminals can be concurrently connected. The portability of terminals can be ensured.

Basic Structure of User-Network Interface. The basic conditions for structuring the user-network interface that satisfy the preceding requirements can be summarized into the following three points : (a) Multi services Common use of various services telephone/non telephone and existing/new services. As shown in Fig.12, ISDN termianls, personal computers, FAX machines, etc. are connected to S/T points to offer various services.


Multi points Up to eight (8) terminals can be connected to one (1) NT as well as point to point connection.

Fig.14 shows the multi points connection. Fig. 14 Multi Points Connection




Terminals can be carried from place to place and connected to different sockets for use, just as home electrical appliances can be carried around and plugged into AC outlets.


Channel Classification Various channels can be used to transmit information between a terminal and the switching system. These include B, D and H channels. Each channel has a different bit rate and information carrying attributes. (a) B-channel The B-channel carries user information such as voice and packet data at a rate of 64 kbps. However, the Bchannel does not carry signaling information. D-channel The D-channel interface carries mainly signaling information such as originating or terminating subscriber number, call origination and disconnect signals for circuit switching and packet switched user data at 16 kbps or 64 kbps. The D-channel also permits multiple logical channels to be established for use in packet communications.



H-channel The H-channel carries high-speed user information such as high-speed facsimile, video, high-speed data, etc. H channels do not carry signaling information for circuit switching by the ISDN. Table 1 outlines these three channel types and characteristics.



Table 1 : Channel Types and Characteristics Channel Type B Bit Rate 64 kbps D 16 kbps 64 kbps H H0 : 384 kbps H11 : 1536 kbps H12 : 1920 kbps Function To carry user information Circuit switchingmode packet switching mode and

To carry signaling information for circuit switching To carry high-speed packet data such as facsimile and video An H channel does not carry signaling information for circuit switching by the ISDN

Note :

H0 : 64K X 6 = 384 kbps H11 : 64K X 24 = 1536 kbps H12 : 64K X 30 = 1920 kbps


Typical Interface Structures (a) Basic Interface This interface is primarily for home use. The basic interface is set at a transmission speed of 144 kbps. This provides two (2) 64 kbps B-channels for user information exchange and a 16 kbps D-channel for signaling and control. The interface is thus referred to as 2B+D. Fig.15 shows the basic interface structure.

Fig. 15 Basic Interface Structure



Primary Group Interface These interface are primarily for business use. The primary group interface for ATT system consists of a 1.544 Mbps line. This line can thus provide up to 23 Bchannels at 64 kbps and a single D-channel at 64 kbps. In Europe and other countries using CEPT system standards, the primary group is 2.048 Mbps and the interface is 30B-channels and single 64 kbps D-channel. This line is used for PABX etc. Fig.16 shows the primary group interface structure.

Fig. 16 Primary Group Interface Structure

(c) Table 2 shows the typical user network interface structure.



COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING SYSTEM No. 7 (CCS#7) 1. Introduction Communication networks generally connect two subscriber terminating equipment units together via several line sections and switches for message exchange (e.g. speech, data, text or images). Control information has to be transferred between the exchanges for call control and for the use of facilities. In analog communication networks, channel-associated signaling systems have so far been used to carry the control information. Fault free operation is guaranteed with the channel-associated signaling systems in analog communication networks, but the systems do not meet requirements in digital, processor-controlled communication network. Such networks offer a considerably larger scope of performance as compared with the analog communication networks due, for instance, to a number of new services and facilities. The amount and variety of the information to be transferred is accordingly larger. The information can no longer be economically transported by the conventional channel-associated signaling systems. For this reason, a new, efficient signaling system is required in digital, processor-controlled communication networks. The CCITT has, therefore, specified the common channel signalling system no.7 (CCS-7). CCS-7 is optimised for application in digital networks. It is characterised by the following main features : internationally standardized (national variations possible). suitable for the national, international and intercontinental network level. suitable for various communication services such as telephony, text services, data services digital network (ISDN). high performance and flexibility along with a future-oriented concept which well meet new requirements. high reliability for message transfer. processor-friendly structure of messages (signal units of multiples of 8 bits). signalling on separate signalling links; the bit rate of the circuits is, therefore, exclusively for communication. signalling links always available, even during existing calls. use of the signalling links for transferring user data also.


used on various transmission media - cable (copper, optical fiber) - radio relay - satellite (up to 2 satellite links) use of the transfer rate of 64 Kbit/s typical in digital networks. used also for lower bit rates and for analog signalling links if necessary. automatic supervision and control of the signalling network.
2. 2.1 CC#7 Signalling terminology Signalling Network

In contrast to channel-associated signalling, which has been standard practice until now, in CCS7 the signalling messages are sent via separate signalling links (See Fig. 1). One signalling link can convey the signalling messages for many circuits The CCS7 signalling links connect signalling points (SPs) in a communication network. The signalling points and the signalling links form an independent signalling network which is overlaid over the circuit network.

Fig 1. Signalling via a Common Channel Signalling link 2.2. Signalling Points (SP)

A distinction is made between signalling points (SP) and signalling transfer points (STP).


The SPs are the sources (originating points) and the sinks (destination points) of signalling traffic. In a communication network these are primarily the exchanges. The STPs switch signalling messages received to another STP or to a SP on the basis of the destination address. No call processing of the signalling messages occurs in a STP. A STP can be integrated in a SP (e.g. in an exchange) or can form a node of its own in the signalling network. One or more levels of STPs are possible in a signalling network, according to the size of the network. All SPs in the signalling network are identified by means of a code within the framework of a corresponding numbering plan and, therefore, can be directly addressed in a signalling message. 2.3. Signalling links A signalling link consists of a signalling data link (two data channels operating together in opposite directions at the same date rate) and its transfer control functions. A channel of an existing transmission link (e.g. a PCM30 link) is used as the signalling data link. Generally, more than one signalling link exists between two SPs in order to provide redundancy. In the case of failure of a signalling link, functions of the CCS7 ensure that the signalling traffic is rerouted to fault-free alternative routes. The routing of the signalling links between two SPs can differ. All the signalling links between two SPs are combined in a signalling link set. 2.4. Signalling Modes

Two different signalling modes can be used in the signalling networks for CCS7, viz. associated mode and quasi-associated mode. In the associated mode of signalling, the signalling link is routed together with the circuit group belonging to the link. In other words, the signalling link is directly connected to SPs which are also the terminal points of the circuit group (See Fig.2). This mode of signalling is recommended when the capacity of the traffic relation between the SPs A and B is heavily utilized. Fig. 2 Associated Mode of Signalling In the quasi-associated mode of signalling, the signalling link and the speech

circuit group run along different routes, the circuit group connecting the SP A directly with the SP B. For this mode, the signalling for the circuit group is carried out via one or more defined STPs (See Fig. 3.3). This signalling mode


is favourable for traffic relations with low capacity utilization, as the same

signalling link can be used for several destinations. Fig. 3 Quasi-associated mode

2.5 Signalling Routes The route defined for the signalling between an originating point and a destination point is called the signalling route. The signalling traffic between two SPs can be distributed over several different signalling routes. All signalling routes between two SPs are combined in a signalling route set. 2.6 Network Structure The signalling network can be designed in different ways because of the two signalling modes. It can constructed either with uniform mode of signalling (associated or quasi-associated) or with a mixed mode (associated and quasiassociated). The worldwide signalling network is divided into two levels that are functionally independent of each other; an international level with an international network and a national level with many national networks. Each network has its own numbering plans for the SPs. 3. Planning Aspects Economic, operational and organizational aspects must be considered in the planning of the signalling network for CCS7. An administration should also have discussions with the other administrations at an early stage before CCS7 is introduced in order to make decisions, for example, on the following points :


(a) Signalling network - mode of signalling - selection of the STPs - signalling type (en block or overlap) - assignment of the addresses to SPs. (b) Signalling data links, e.g. 64 kbit/s digital or 4.8 kbit/s analog (c) Safety requirements - load sharing between signalling links - diverting the signalling traffic to alternative routes in event of faults. - error correction (d) Adjacent traffic relations The signalling functions in CCS7 are distributed among the following parts : - message transfer part (MTP) - function specific user parts (UP) The MTP represents a user-neutral means of transport for messages between the users. The term user is applied here for all functional units which use the transport capability of the MTP. Each user part encompasses the functions, protocols and coding for the signalling via CCS7 for a specific user type (e.g. telephone service, data service, ISDN). In this way, the user parts control the set-up and release of circuit connections, the processing of facilities as well as administration and maintenance functions for the circuits. The functions of the MTP and the UP of CCS7 are divided into 4 levels. Levels to 3 are allotted to the MTP while the UPs form level 4 .


Fig. 4 Functional Levels of CCS7 The message transfer part (MTP) is used in CCS7 by all user parts (UPs) as a transport system for message exchange. Messages to be transferred from one UP to another are given to the MTP (See Fig.5). The MTP ensures that the messages reach the addressed UP in the correct order without information loss, duplication or sequence alteration and without any bit errors. 4. Functional Levels Fig. 5 Message exchange between two Signalling Points with CCS7

4.1 Level I (Signalling Data Link) defines the physical, electrical and functional characteristics of a signalling data link and the access units. Level 1 represents the bearer for a signalling link. In a digital network, 64-kbit/s channels are generally used as signalling data links. In addition, analog channels (preferablywith a bit rate of 4.8 kbit/s) can also be used via modems as a signalling data


link. 4.2 Level 2 (Signalling Link) defines the functions and procedures for a correct exchange of user messages via a signalling link. The following functions must be carried out at level 2 : - delimitation of the signal units by flags. - elimination of superfluous flags. - error detection using check bits. - error correction by re-transmitting signal units. - error rate monitoring on the signalling data link. - restoration of fault-free operation, for example, after disruption of the signalling data link. 4.3 Level 3 (Signalling Network) defines the inter-working of the individual signalling links. A distinction is made between the two following functional areas : - message handling, i.e. directing the messages to the desired signalling line, or to the correct UP. - signalling network management, i.e. control of the message traffic, for example, by means of changeover of signalling links if a fault is detected and changeback to normal operation after the fault is corrected. The various functions of level 3 operate with one another, with functions of other levels and with corresponding functions of other signalling of other SPs. 5. CCS#5 Signalling messages Common terms 5.1 Signal Units (SU) The MTP transport messages in the form of SUs of varying length. A SU is formed by the functions of level 2. In addition to the message it also contains control information for the message exchange. There are three different types of SUs : - Message Signal Units (MSU). - Link Status Signal Units (LSSU). - Fill-in Signal Units (FISU). Using MSUs the MTP transfers user messages, that is, messages from UPs (level 4) and messages from the signalling network management (level 3). The structure of the three types of message units is shown in Fig.6.


The LSSUs contain information for the operation of the signalling link (e.g. of the alignment). The FISUs are used to maintain the acknowledgement cycle when no user messages are to be sent in one of the two directions of the signalling link. 5.2 Protocol Information Bits Flag (F) : (8 bits) The SUs are of varying length. In order to clearly separate them from one another, each SU begins and ends with a flag. The closing flat of one SUs is usually also the opening flag of the next SU. However, in the event of overloading of the signalling link, several consecutive flags can be sent. The flag is also used for the purpose of alignment. The bit pattern of a flg is 01111110. 5.3 Backward Sequence Number (BSN) : (7 bits) The BSN is used as an acknowledgement carrier within the context of error control. It contains the forward sequence number (FSN) of a SU in the opposite direction whose reception is being acknowledged. A series of SUs can also be acknowledged with one BSN. 5.4 Backward Indicator Bit (BIB) : (1 bit) The BIB is needed during general error correction. With this bit, faulty SUs are requested to be retransmitted for error correction.

Fig. 6 Format of Various Signal Units

5.5 Forward Sequence Number (FSN) : (7 bits) A FSN is assigned consecutively to each SU to be transmitted. On the receive side, it is used for supervision of the correct order for the SUs and for safeguarding against transmission errors. The numbers 0 to 127 are available for the FSN.


5.6 Forward Indicator Bit (FIB) : (1 bit) The FIB is needed during general error correction. It indicates whether a SU is being sent for the first time or whether it is being retransmitted. 5.7 Length Indicator (LI) : (6 bits) The LI is used to differentiate between the three SUs. It gives the number of octets between the check-bit (CK) field and the LI field. The LI field contains different values according to the type of SU; it is 0 for FISU, 1 or 2 for LISU and is greater than 2 for MSU. The maximum value in the length indicator fields is 63 even if the signalling information field (SIF) contains more than 63 octets. 5.8 Check bits (CK) : (16 bits) The CKs are formed on the transmission side from the contents of the SU and are added to the SUs as redundancy. On the receive side, the MTP can determine with the CKs whether the SU was transferred without any errors. The SUs acknowledged as either positive or faulty on the basis of the check. 5.9 Fields specific to MSUs : 5.9.1 Service Information Octet (SIO) : (8 bits) It contains the Service Indicator (SI, 4 bits) and Subservice field (SSF, 4 bits) whose last 2 bits are Network Indicator (NI). An SI is assigned to each user of the MTP. It informs the MTP which UP has sent the message and which UP is to receive it. Four SI bits can define 16 UPs (3-SCCP, 4-TUP, 5-ISUP, 6-DATAUP, 8-MTP test, etc.). The NI indicates whether the traffic is international (00,01) or national (10,11). In CCS7 a SP can belong to both national and international network at the same time. So SSF field indicate where the SP belongs. 5.9.2 Signalling Information Fields (SIF) : (2 to 272 octets) It contains the actual user message. The user message also includes the address (routing label, 40 bits) of the destination to which the message is to be transferred. The maximum length of the user message is 62 octets for national and 272 octets for international networks (one octet = 8 bits). The format and coding of the user message are separately defined for each UP. 5.10 Fields Specific to LSSUs 5.10.1 Status Field (SF) : (1 to 2 octets) It contains status indications for the alignment of the transmit and receive directions. It has 1 or 2 octets, out of which only 3 bits of first octet are defined by CCITT, indicating out (000), normal (001), Emergency (010) alignments, out-of-service (011), Local processor outage (100) status, etc. 5.10.2 Addressing of the SUs (in SIF)


A code is assigned to each SP in the signalling network according to a numbering plan. The MTP uses the code for message routing. The destination of a SU is specified in a routing label. The routing label is a component of every user message and is transported in the SIF. The routing label in a MSU

consists of the following (See Fig. 7). Fig. 7 Routing Label of a Message Signal Unit 5.10.3 Destination Point Code (DPC) : (14 bits) identifies the SP to which this message is to be transferred. 5.10.4 Originating Point Code (OPC) : (14 bits) specifies the SP from which the message originates. The coding of OPC and DPC is pure binary and using 14 bits linear encoding, it is possible to identify 16,384 exchanges. The number of exchanges in DOT network having CCS7 capability are expected to be within this limit. 5.10.5 Signalling Link Selection (SLS) field : (4 bits) The contents of the SLS field determine the signaling route (identifying a particular signalling link within s link set or link sets) along which the message is to be transmitted. In this way, the SLS field is used for load sharing on the signalling links between two SPs. The SIO contains additional address information. Using the SI, the destination MTP identifies the UP for which the message is intended. The NI, for example, enables a message to be identified as being for national or international traffic. LSSUs and FISUs require no routing label as they are only exchanged between level 2 of adjacent MTPs. The message sent from a user to the MTP for transmission contains : the user information, the routing label, the SI, the NI and a LI. The processing of a user message to be transmitted in the MTP begins in level 3 (See Fig.8). The MTP is responsible for (a) transmitting, (b) receiving SUs, (c) for correcting transmission errors, (d) for the signalling network management, and (e) for the alignment. Its functions are spread over the functional levels 1, 2 and 3.


5.11 The message routing (level 3) determines the signalling link on which the user message is to be transmitted. To do this, it analyzes the DPC and the SLS field in the routing label of the user message, and then transfers the message to the appropriate signalling link (level 2). 5.12 The transmission control (level 2) assigns the next FSN and the FIB to the user message. In addition, it includes the BSN and the BIB as an acknowledgement for the last received MSU. The transmission control simultaneously enters the part of the MSU formed so far in the transmission and retransmission buffers. All MSUs to be transmitted are stored in the retransmission buffer until their fault-free reception is acknowledged by the receive side. Only then are they deleted. 5.13 The check bit and flag generator (level 2) generates CKs for safeguarding against transmission errors for the MUS and sets the flag for separating the SUs. In order that any section of code identical to the flag (01111110) occurring by chance is not mistaken for the flag, the user messages are monitored before the flag is added to see if five consecutive ones (1) appear in the message. A zero (0) is automatically inserted after five consecutive 1s. On the receive side, the zero following the five 1s is then automatically removed and the user message thereby regains its original coding.

The check-bit and flag generator transfers a complete MSU to level 1. In level 1, the MSU is sent on the signalling data link. The bit stream along a signalling data link is received in level 1 and transferred to level 2. Flag detection (level 2) examines the received bit stream for flags. The bit sequence between two flags corresponds to one SU. The alignment detection (level 2) monitors the synchronism of transmit and receive sides with the bit pattern of the flags.


Fig. 8 Distribution of Functions in Message Transfer Part

Using the CKs transmitted, error detection (level 2) checks whether the SU was correctly received. A fault-free SU is transferred to the receive control, while a faulty SU is discarded. The reception of a faulty SU is reported to error rate monitoring, in order to keep a continuous check on the error rate on the receive side of the signalling link. If a specified error rate is exceeded, this is reported to the signalling link status control by error rate monitoring. The signalling link status control then takes the signalling link out of service and sends a report to level 3. 5.14 The receive control (level 2) checks whether the transferred SU contains the expected FSN and the expected FIB. If this is the case and if it is a MSU, the receive control transfers the user message to level 3 and causes the


reception of the MSU to be positively acknowledged. If the FSN of the transferred MSU does not agree with that expected, the receive control detects a transmission error and causes this and all subsequent MSU to be retransmitted (see subheading "Correction of Transmission Errors"). 5.15 The message discrimination (level 3) accepts the correctly received user message. It first determines whether the user message is to be delivered to one of the immediately connected UPs or to be transferred to the another signalling link (quasi-associated message). This pre selection is achieved in the message discrimination by evaluation of the DPC. A user message which only passes through a SP (STP) is transferred by the message discrimination to the message routing, where it is treated as a user message to be transmitted. If a received user message is intended for one of the connected UPs (SP), it is transferred to message distribution (level 3). The message distribution evaluates the SIO, thereby determining the UP concerned, and delivers the user message there. 6. Signalling Network Management The signalling network management is a function of level 3. It controls the operation and the inter working of the individual signalling links in the signalling network. To this end, the signalling network management exchanges messages and control instructions with the signalling links of level 2, sends message to the UPs and works together with the signalling network management in adjacent SPs. For the inter working with other SPs the signalling network management uses the transport function of the MTP. Management messages are transferred in MSUs like user messages. For discrimination, the management messages have their own SI. The signalling network management contains 3 function blocks : (a) The signalling link management controls and monitors the individual signalling links. It receives the messages concerning the alignment and status of the individual signalling links, or concerning operating irregularities and effects any changes in status which may be necessary. In addition, the signalling link management controls the putting into service of signalling links, including initial alignment and automatic realignment of signalling links after failures or alignment losses due to persistent faults. If necessary, the signalling link management transfers messages to the signalling traffic management or receives instructions from there. (b) The signalling route mangement controls and monitors the operability of signalling routes. It exchanges messages with the signalling route management in the adjacent STPs for this purpose. The signalling route management receives, for example, messages concerning the failure or reavailability of signalling routes or the overloading of STPs. In cooperation with the signalling traffic management, it initiates the appropriate actions in


order to maintain the signalling operation to the signalling destinations involved. (c) The signalling traffic management controls the diversion of the signalling traffic from faulty signalling links or routes to fault-free signalling links or routes. It also controls the load distribution on the signalling links and routes. To achieve this, it can initiate the following actions : - changeover; on failure of a signalling link the signalling traffic management switches the signalling traffic from the failed signalling link to a fault-free signalling link. - changeback; when signalling link becomes available again after a fault has been corrected, the signalling traffic management reverse the effect of the changeover. - rerouting; when SP can no longer be reached on a normal route, the signalling traffic management diverts the signalling traffic to a predefined alternative route. When overloading occurs, the signalling traffic management sends messages to the users in its own SP in order that they reduce the load. The management also informs the adjacent SPs of the overloading in its own SP and requests them to also reduce the load. The signalling traffic management accomplishes its functions by - receiving messages from the signalling link and signalling route management. - sending control instructions to signalling link and signalling route management. - directly accessing the signalling links, e.g. during emergency alignment. - modifying the message routing on failure of signalling routes. - exchanging management messages with the signalling traffic management in adjacent SPs. As discussed earlier, level 4 functions, which include formatting of messages based on the applications, are allotted to UPs. Each UP provides the functions for using the MTP for a particular user type. Some of the UPs as currently specified by the CCITT are : - telephone user part (TUP) - integrated services digital network user part (ISDN-UP) - the signalling connection control part (SCCP) - the transaction capabilities application part (TCAP)


For Intelligent Network (IN) application, Intelligent Application Part (INAP) and TCAP are used. SCCP forms the interface between these UPs and MTP. Fig.9 shows the users of the MTP as well as their relationship to one another and to the MTP. CCS7 can be adapted to all requirements due to the modular structure. Expansion for future applications is also possible. Each CCS7 user can specify its own UP, for example, the mobile user part (MUP) is Siemen's own specification for the mobile telephone network C450.

Fig. 9 Message Transfer Part Users 7. MTP users 7.1. Telephone User Part (TUP)

Use of CCS7 for telephone call control signalling requires (i) application of TUP functions, in combination with (ii) application of an appropriate set of MTP functions. The TUP is one of level 4 users in CCS7. It is specified with the aim of providing the same features for telephone signalling as other telephone signalling systems. It exchanges signalling messages through MTP. Signalling messages contain information relating to call set up and conditions of speech path. The TUP message consists of SIF and a SIO. These signalling information are generated by the TUP of the originating exchange. The label is 40 bits long, comprises DPC, OPC and CIC. CIC indicates one of the speech circuit connecting the destination and originating points. Level 3 identifies the user to which a message belongs by SIO, which comprises a SI and SSF. For TUP SI value is 4. The SSF distinguishes the signalling message is for national or international network. 7.2 Integrated Services Digital Network User Part The ISDN-UP covers the signalling functions for the control of calls, for the processing of services and facilities and for the administration of circuits in


ISDN. The ISDN-UP has interface to the MTP and the SCCP for the transport of MSUs. The ISDN-UP can use SCCP functions for end-to-end signalling. CCITT SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 : INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK USER PART 7.2.1 Overview of the ISDN User Part The integrated services digital network user part (ISUP) is the protocol which provides the signalling functions required by CCITT No. 7 signalling to support basic bearer services and supplementary services for voice and nonvoice applications in an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). The ISUP is suited for application in dedicated telephone and circuit-switched data networks and in analogue and moved analogue/digital networks. In particular, the ISUP meets the requirements defined by the CCITT for worldwide International semiautomatic and automatic telephone and circuitswitched data traffic. The ISUP can be used for national and international applications. The signalling procedures, information elements and message type specified are for both applications. Coding space has been reserved to allow national administrations and recognized private operating agencies to introduce network specific signalling messages and elements of information within the protocol structure. The ISUP makes use of the services provided by the messages transfer part (MTP) (1) and, in some cases, by the signalling connection control part (SCCP0 of CCITT No.7 signalling for the transfer of information between ISDN user parts. 7.2.2 Services Supported by the ISDN User Part The ISUP protocol supports the basic bearer service; that is the establishment, supervision and release of 64 kbit/s circuit-switched network connections between customer line exchange terminations. In addition to the basic bearer service the ISUP is expected to support (in the 1988 Recommendations) the following supplementary services : Calling line identification (presentation and restriction). Call forwarding, Closed user group, Direct dialling-in, and User-to-user signalling.


8. 8.1

Call handling procedures General Procedures In general, the call set-up procedures for both voice and non-voice calls are similar and may use both en bloc and overlap (digit-by-digit) signalling. The basic call control procedures are divided into three phases: call set-up, data/conversation, and call clear down. Messages on the signalling link are used to establish and terminate the different phases of the call. Five basic connection types may be established : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Speech, 3.1 kHz audio, 64 kbit/s unrestricted, alternate speech/64 kbit/s unrestricted, or alternate 64 kbit/s unrestricted/speech.

In band tones and/or recorded announcements are returned to the caller on speech and 3.1 kHz connections to provide information on call progress. Calls originating from ISDN terminals may be supplied with more detailed callprogress information by means of additional messages in the access protocol (D-channel). 8.2. Signalling Procedures for Call Establishment and Clearing A brief description of voice or non-voice call-establishment and clearing procedures is given below : Figs.10 and 11 show the basic call-establishment and release procedures for a successful call together with the ISUP messages used. Para 3.14.5 details the structure of an ISDN message and lists the messages and parameters anmes. 8.3 Successful Call Set-up Procedures at the Originating Exchange When the originating exchange has received sufficient selection information (for example, digits from the calling user to route the call) selection of a free inter-exchange circuit takes place and an initial address message (IAM) is sent to the succeeding exchange. The selection of the route depends on the calleduser number, the type of connection required and the network signalling capability required. The IAM may contain all or part of the information necessary to determine the routing of the call; for example, digits, transmission medium requirement and forward call indicators, etc. If the IAM contains only part of the routing information, one or more subsequent address messages (SAM) are sent containing the remaining information.



Call Establishment Example


If the originating exchange receives a Call Progress Message (CPG), this indicates that no state change should occur. The information carried in the access transport parameter should be sent to the calling user if this is an ISDN terminal. If an answer message is received indicating that the required connection has been completed, the transmission path is connected through in the forward direction (if not already connected). The awaiting-answer timer is stopped. If the originating exchange is the controlling node, charging begins, if applicable. If, however, a connect message is received, which indicates a composite address complete and answer message, than the awaiting-address-complete timer is stopped, the transmission path is completed, and the call is regarded as being in the answer/data phase and charging commences. 8.4.1 Call Handling Action at an Intermediate Exchange An intermediate exchange, on receipt of an initial address message, analyses the called user number and the other information to determine the routing of the call. If the intermediate exchange can route the call by using the connection type specified in the transmission medium requirement parameter a free interexchange circuit is seized and an initial address message is sent to the succeeding exchange. Within a network, if the intermediate exchange cannot route the call by using just the connection type specified in the transmission medium requirement parameter, the exchange will also examine the user service information (if available) to determine if a suitable route can be selected. In this case, if a new connection type is provided, the transmission medium requirement parameter may be modified to a new connection type. For calls between different networks, the gateway exchange (for example, outgoing international switching centre) ensures that the transmission medium requirement parameter is set according to the service requested by the customer and this parameter is then carried unchanged within the International network. An intermediate exchange may modify signalling information received from the preceding exchange according to the capabilities used on the outgoing route. Signalling information that may be changed are the nature of connection indicator, end-to-end method indicator, the most significant digits in the called user number (these may be amended or omitted), and a change of the end-toend method used. Other signalling information is passed in transparently; for example, the access transport parameter, user service information, etc. Thorough connection of the transmission path is generally completed in both directions at an intermediate exchange immediately after the initial address message has been sent.


8.4.2 Call Handling Actions at the Destination Exchange On receipt of an initial address message, a number of checks are generally performed on the called user's line to determine if the call can be allowed; In the case of ISDN terminals, this includes compatibility and service making checks. In some cases, additional information may be needed to be obtained from the originating or controlling exchange; for example, calling line identity. Examination of the protocol control indicator shows whether end-to-end information is necessary before further processing of the call can take place. If so, one of the end-to-end signalling methods may be used; namely, SCCP, pass along, or information request and information messages. If the connection is allowed the destination exchange sets up a connection to the called user. 8.5 Some important messages

8.5.1 Sending of an Address Complete Message/Call Progress Message from the Destination Exchange An Address Complete Message (ACM) is sent from the destination exchange under one of the following conditions : (a) (b) (c) (d) As soon as it has been determined that the complete called-user number has been received, for example, where the called-user is a PSTN number; If tones or announcements are applied, for example, ringing tone; An alerting or call proceeding message is received from an ISDN terminal; or An indication is received from the called user (for example, from an ISPBX) that an in band tone is being connected. An awaiting answer indication (for example ring tone) is applied at the destination exchange on speech and 3.1 kHz calls on the transmission path to the calling user. If an ACM has been sent when the called user answers, the destination exchange connects through the transmission path and the ringing tone is removed (if applicable); an answer message is sent to the preceding exchange. In addition to the procedure detailed above, a call progress message (CPG) may also be sent, either before or after an ACM, indicating that an event has occurred during call set-up which should be relayed to the calling user. For example : (a) (b) An indication is received that the called user is being alerted, or A progress indication is received from the called user. Thorough connection of the transmission path is generally completed in the backward direction at the originating exchange immediately after the sending


of the initial address message, so that tones and announcements can be received by the calling user, if appropriate. When the originating exchange has sent the initial address message, an awaiting-address complete timer is started, in anticipation of a backward message, a number of responses are possible :

(a) If the originating exchange receives an address complete message, the awaiting-address-complete timer is stopped and an awaiting-answer timer is started. Ringing tone is applied at the destination exchange (if appropriate) and sent to the calling user.

8.5.2 Sending of an Connect/Answer Message from the Destination Exchange If a connect indication is the first response from an ISDN terminal and an ACM has not yet been returned, a connect message is sent to the originating exchange. The connect messages signifies both address complete and answer conditions.


8.5.3 Unsuccessful Call Set-up and Release Procedures If at any time during call set-up, the connection cannot be completed, a release message (containing a 'reason' indicating the cause of the call failure) is returned and the release procedure is then commenced. The release procedure is based on a two message, interchange (release, release complete) whereby the release message initiates release of the circuit-switched connection. The same procedure is used in the network irrespective of whether it is initiated by the calling user, the called user or the network. Charging is stopped upon receipt of the release message. 9. Signaling Connection Control Part 9.1 Introduction: The SCCP function is covered in ITU-T recommendations Q.711 to Q.714 and Q.716. The signalling connection control part provides additional functions to message transfer part for transfer of circuit related and non-circuit related signalling information and other type of information between exchanges and other specialized centrals in telecommunications network via SS#7 networks. The overall objective of SSCP is to provide means for:
A transfer capability for signalling data units with or without the use of logical signalling connections. A logical signalling connection between two SCCP users with the SS#7 network. Enhanced addressing capabilities. The following figure illustrates the SCCP position in the SS#7 hierarchy:

The functions of SCCP are used for handling transactions required by TCAP and also for transfer of circuit related and call related signalling information for ISDN UP with or without set up of end-to-end logical signalling connections.


The SCCP relies on the MTP to route the signalling information from one node to another node. For this, it interacts with the user parts and with the MTP. Primitives are used to convey information between the levels. Primitives are nothing but set of commands and their respective responses associated with the services requested of the SCCP. 9.2 SCCP and OSI model The SCCP enhances the services of MTP to provide the functional equivalent of Network layer (i.e. layer #3 of OSI model). The MTP and the SCCP together is also referred to as Network Service Part (NSP). 9.3 SCCP Addressing The addressing capability of MTP is limited to delivering the message to a node (identified by Network indicator and DPC) and to distribute it to a user using four bit service indicator (octet SIO ). SCCP supplements this capability by providing an addressing capability that uses DPC + SSN .The SSN is a local addressing information used by SCCP to identify each of the SCCP users at a node. SCCP provides enhanced addressing capability to MTP to enable it to address messages with Global Title (GT). A Global Title is an address that does not explicitly contain information usable for routing by MTP.

SCCP Addressing SCCP provides enhanced addressing capability to MTP to enable it to address messages with Global Title (GT). A Global Title is an address that does not explicitly contain information usable for routing by MTP.


Global Title The SS#7 signalling method identifies the destination and origination using signalling point codes. Since a signalling point code has only fourteen bits. It is too small to be uniquely addressed on a global scale. For this reason, signalling point codes are always combined with a Network indicator- which means that a code is only valid in one particular network. To facilitate unambiguous global addressing, a unique international address or sender information is necessary. The global address is known as The Global title and is sent in the SCCP message in SS#7 messages. Since, SPCs are only ever valid in individual networks, so called Global title translation must be performed at each relevant network gateway. The SCCP performs the Global title translation, whereby an internationally unique address (Global Title) is translated to an SPC and Network indicator in order to be transferred to the network border or to a destination if it is located in the same network. Global title translation is always used if no SPC for the destination is available at all. For example, the HLR is to be identified on the basis of the IMSI. SCCP Functional Units The services supported by SCCP are divided into two groups viz. Connection-oriented services and Connectionless services. The protocols used for providing these services are divided in four classes; two for connectionless services and two for connectionoriented services. Each protocol class defines which level of services SCCP to provide. The four protocol classes are described below: Connectionless services Class 0 Basic connectionless Class 1 Sequenced connectionless Connection oriented services Class 2 Basic connection oriented Class 3 Flow control connection oriented The first two classes 0 and 1, support the connectionless environment, for example, for use by TCAP. These are particularly suitable for frequent transmission of short messages. As an example, to check validity of the credit card, an interrogation message can sent to a data centre and reply received on the same route. The connectionless services are all that is used in todays networks. Classes 2 and 3 are used for connection-oriented services, for example by ISDNUP and, even though well-defined, are not used in todays network.


The SCCP is divided into four functional units: SCCP routing control (SCRC). SCCP connectionless control (SCLC). SCCP connection-oriented control. SCCP management control (SCMG).

SCCP Functional Units

10. Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) The TCAP recommendations are covered in ITU-T Q.771 to Q.775. The TCAP portion of the CCS#7 protocol is used to transfer non-circuit related information between two signalling points in the network. It is used to communicate between the SSP, SCP or other SSPs through an exchange of TCAP messages. There is no setup of speech/data channel connections. Non-circuit related information would be such things as data queries for services (1600) where there is not a physical end-to-end connection between the signalling points TCAP supports the exchange of non-circuit related data between applications across the SS7 network using the SCCP connectionless service. Queries and responses sent between SSPs and SCPs are carried in TCAP messages. For


example, an SSP sends a TCAP query to determine the routing number associated with a dialed 1600 number and to check the personal identification number (PIN) of a calling card user. In mobile networks (IS-41 and GSM), TCAP carries Mobile Application Part (MAP) messages sent between mobile switches and databases to support user authentication, equipment identification, and roaming.

Applications for the TCAP In mobile networks to report the location of a mobile network subscriber to the home exchanges. In credit card service to check the validity and to execute account transactions. Functions of TCAP TCAP supports real-time remote operations and is structured in two sublayers: i) Component sub-layer, dealing with individual actions called components. ii)Transaction sub-layer,dealing with the exchange of messages containing components The component sub-layer is above the transaction sub-layer. The TCAP layer interfaces directly with SCCP layer. A component consists of a request to invoke an operation. An invocation of the operation is identified by a Component ID. Components are passed individually between TCAP users.

The originating TC user may send several components to the component sub-layer before they are transmitted in a single message to the remote end. At the remote end each one is delivered individually to the destinating TC-user. Successive component exchanged between TC-users in order to perform an application constitute a dialogue. The component sub-layer allows several dialogues to run concurrently between two TC-users each being identified by a particular ID. TCAP serves all ( application specific0 ASEs in a node.To send a message an ASE passes a series of TC requests to TCAP and TCAP passes the message to SCCP. When a TCAP receives a message from its SCCP it passes the contents to the destination ASE in its node.


Component ASE1 TC-primitives TCAP messages TCAP-A N-primitives SCCP-A MTP-primitives MTP-A MSUs MTP-B SCCP-B MTP-primitives TCAP-B N-primitive ASE2 TC primitives

Messages and message paths


CHAPTER 5 INTELLIGENT NETWORK 5.1 Overview of Intelligent Network Architecture Over the last thirty years, one of the major changes in the implementation of Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs) has been the migration from analogue to digital switches. Coupled with this change has been the growth of intelligence in the switching nodes. From a customer's and network provider's point of view this has meant that new features could be offered and used. Since the feature handling functionality was resident in the switches, the way in which new features were introduced into the network was by introducing changes in all the switches. This was time consuming and fraught with risk of malfunction because of proprietary feature handling in the individual switches. To overcome these constraints the Intelligent Network architecture was evolved both as a network and service architecture. In the IN architecture, the service logic and service control functions are taken out of the individual switches and centralized in a special purpose computer. The interface between the switches and the central computer is standardised. The switches utilize the services of the specialized computer whenever a call involving a service feature is to be handled. The call is switched according to the advice received by the requesting switch from the computer. For normal call handling, the switches do not have to communicate with the central computer. 5.2 Objectives of the Intelligent Network The main objectives of the IN are the introduction and modification of new services in a manner which leads to substantial reduction in lead times and hence development costs, and to introduce more complex network functions. An objective of IN is also to allow the inclusion of the additional capabilities and flexibility to facilitate the provisioning of services independent of the underlying network's details. Service independence allows the service providers to define their own services independent of the basic call handling implementation of the network owner. The key needs that are driving the implementation of IN are : * Rapid Service Deployment Most business today require faster response from their suppliers, including telecommunication operators. By separating the service logic from the


underlying switch call processing software, IN enables operator to provide new services much more rapidly. * Reduced Deployment Risk Prior to IN, the risk associated with the deployment of new services was substantial. Major investments had to be made in developing the software for the services and then deploying them in all of the switches. With the service creation environment available, the IN services can be prototyped, tested and accessed by multiple switches simultaneously. The validated services can then be rolled out to other networks as well. * Cost Reduction Because the IN services are designed from the beginning to be reusable, many new services can be implemented by building on or modifying an existing service. Reusability reduces the overall cost of developing services. Also, IN is an architecture independent concept, i.e. it allows a network operator to choose suitable development hardware without having to redevelop a service in the event that the network configuration changes. * Customization Prior to IN, due to complexity of switch based feature handling software, the considerable time frame required for service development prevented the provider from easily going back to redefine the service after the customer started to use it. With IN, the process of modifying the service or customization of service for a specific customer is much less expensive and time consuming. The customization of services is further facilitated by the integration of advanced peripherals in the IN through standard interfaces. Facilities such as voice response system, customized announcements and text to speech converters lead to better call completion rate and user-friendliness of the services. 5.3 IN Architecture Building upon the discussion in the previous section, one can envisage that an IN would consist of the following nodes : Specialized computer system for holding service logic, feature control, service creation, customer data, and service management. Switching nodes for basic call handling. Specialized resources node.

The physical realization of the various nodes and the functions inherent in them is flexible. This accrues form the "open" nature of IN interfaces.


Let us now look at the nodes that are actually to be found in an IN implementation. The service logic is concentrated in a central node called the Service Control Point (SCP). The switch with basic call handling capability and modified call processing model for querying the SCP is referred to as the Service Switching Point (SSP). Intelligent Peripheral (IP) is also a central node and contains specialized resources required for IN service call handling. It connects the requested resource towards a SSP upon the advice of the SCP. Service Management Point (SMP) is the management node which manages services logic, customers data and traffic and billing data. The concept of SMP was introduced in order to prevent possible SCP malfunction due to on-the-fly service logic or customer data modification. These are first validated at the SMP and then updated at the SCP during lean traffic hours. The user interface to the SCP is thus via the SMP. All the nodes communicate via standard interfaces at which protocols have been defined by international standardization bodies. The distributed functional architecture, which is evident from the above discussion, and the underlying physical entities are best described in terms of layers or planes. The following sections are dedicated to the discussion of the physical and functional planes. 5.3.1 Physical Plane Service Switching Point (SSP) The SSP serves as an access point for IN services. All IN services calls must first be routed through the PSTN to the "nearest" SSP. The SSP identifies the incoming call as an IN service call by analysing the initial digits (comprising the "Service Key") dialled by the calling subscriber and launches a Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) query to the SCP after suspending further call processing. When a TCAP response is obtained from the SCP containing advice for further call processing, SSP resumes call processing. The interface between the SCP and the SSP is G.703 digital trunk. The MTR, SCCP, TCAP and INAP protocols of the CCS7 protocol stack are defined in this interface.


Service Control Point (SCP) The SCP is a fault-tolerant online computer system. It communicates with the SSPs and the IP for providing guidelines on handling IN service calls. The physical interface to the SSPs is G.703 digital trunk. It communicates with the IP via the requesting SSP for connecting specialized resources. SCP stores large amounts of data concerning the network, service logic, and the IN customers. For this, secondary storage and I/O devices are supported.

As has been commented before, the service programs and the data at the SCP are updated from the SMP. Service Management Point (SMP) The SMP, which is a computer system, is the front-end to the SCP and provides the user interface. It is sometimes referred to as the Service Management System (SMS). It updates the SCP with new data and programs (service logic) and collects statistics from it. The SMP also enables the service subscriber to control his own service parameters via a remote terminal connected through dial-up connection or X.25 PSPDN. This modification is filtered or validated by the network operator before replicating it on the SCP. The SMP may contain the service creation environment as well. In that case the new services are created and validated first on the SMP before downloading to the SCP. One SMP may be used to manage more than one SCPs. Intelligent Peripheral (IP) The IP provides enhanced services to all the SSPs in an IN under the control of the SCP. It is centralized since it is more economical for several users to share the specialized resources available in the IP which may be too expensive to replicate in all the SSPs. The following are examples of resources that may be provided by an IP: Voice response system Announcements Voice mail boxes Speech recognition system Text-to-speech converters The IP is switch based or is a specialized computer. It interfaces to the SSPs via ISDN Primary Rate Interface or G.703 interface at which ISUP, INAP, TCAP, SCCP and MTP protocols of the CCS7 protocol stack are defined. The IN architecture is depicted in Fig.1


Fig 1 IN Architecture

5.3.2 Distributed Functional Plane Functional model of IN contains nine functional entities (FE's) which are distributed over various physical entities (PE's) described in the previous section. A functional entity is a set of unique functions. Brief description of the FE's is given below : CCAF Call Control Agent Function, gives users access to the network. CCF Call Control Function provides the basic facility for connecting the transport (e.g. speech). It involves the basic switching function and trigger function for handling the criteria relating to the use of IN. SSF Service Switching Function is used to switch calls based on the advice of the SCF at the SCP. This function provides a service independent interface. SCF It contains the service logic components and advises the SSF at SSP on further call handling.


SDF Service Data Function contains the user related data and data internal to the network. SRF Specialized Resources Function covers all types of specialized resources other than the connection resources that are in the exchange (e.g. recorded announcements, tones, conference bridges, etc.). SCEF Service Creation Environment Function specifies, develops, tests and deploys the services on the network. SMAF Service Management Access Function provides an interface between service management function and the service manager who may be an operator. SMF Service Management Function enables a service to be deployed and used on IN. Fig. 2 depicts the distribution and interconnection of the various functional


Fig. 2 Distributed Functional Entities The distribution of functional entities over the physical entities and their interconnection is summarized in Table 1 and 2 below. It may be noted that all the physical entities may not be present in all INs as the choice of functional entities to be provisioned is entirely up to the service provider.


Table 1 Distribution of FE's over PE's Physical Entity SSP SCP SMP IP Possible Functional Entities CCF, SSF, CCAF SCF, SDF SCEF, SMF, SMAF SRF



Protocol INAP, TCAP, SCCP and MTP X.25 or Proprietary INAP, TCAP, SCCP and MTP ISUP, INAP, TCAP, SCCP and MTP ISUP and MTP


IN Services

The IN services proposed to be introduced in Indian network have been derived from ITU-T recommendations. Q.1211 (April 92). This document briefly gives the description of 25 services mentioned in Capability set no. 1 (CS1) of above mentioned ITU-T recommendations. CS1 basically deals with single ended services (which ITU-T calls as Type-A services). Single needed services apply to only one party in the call.

1 ABD Abbreviated dialing

The subscriber can register a short dialing code and use the same for access to any PSTN Number.

2 ACC Account Card Calling

A special telephone instrument is required. User dials an access code and gets acceptance tone. Then he dials a PIN (personal identification no.) code and dials the called no. The Exchange reads the account number from card. The Billing is debited to an account number (Telephone no.) as defined by the card. In another variation of the service, the account number can be given through DTMF telephone instrument.


The follow-on feature facilitates the subscriber to dial another number without disconnecting the call and without need to dial PIN and account number again.

3 AAB Automatic Alternative Billing

Call can be initiated by any user and any instrument. The call charges are billed in users account and that account need not be a calling or a called party. The user first dials access code. Receives an announcement to dial account code and PIN (which is given by management). The account code and PIN are validated to check its correctness and expired credit limit. On getting acceptance tone the user dials the called number. In another variation of the service, the called party may be billed based on his concurrence.

4 CD Call Distribution
This service allows subscribers to have I/C calls routed to different destinations according to allocation law specified by management (The Subscriber has multiple installations). Three types of laws exist : Uniform load distribution % Load distribution Priority list distribution In case of congestion or fault the alternative over flow is specified.

5 CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional

The subscriber can forward all incoming calls to a specified destination number. Optionally an alerting ring/reminder ring can be given to the forwarding subscriber whenever there is an incoming call.

6 CRD Call Rerouting Distribution Calls are rerouted as per conditions encountered, e.g. busy or no reply (time specified) or overload or call limiter. Then as per selected condition the call is rerouted to predefined choice, e.g. paper, vocal box, announcement or queue. i. Completion of calls to busy subscriber
The service cannot be fully implemented with CSI capability since the status of called party need to be known.


The calls are completed when subscriber who is busy becomes free. On getting busy tone user dials a code. The user disconnects. On called party becoming free, call is made by the exchange first to originating then to terminating subscriber (without any call attempt by the user).

ii.CON Conference Calling

The service cannot be fully implemented with CSI capability. In adding or dropping the parties concerned it is not possible to check the authenticity of the parties. This service requires a special transmission bridge to allow conversation among multiple subscribers.

CON-Add-ON-Conference Calling
User reserves the CON resources in advance indicating date, time of conference and duration. Controlled by user. In active phase of conference parties can be added, deleted, isolated again reattached or split the group of parties. User reserve the resource same as 8A. Each participant dials a special number at specific time (specified at the time of booking of conference) and reach the conference bridge.

CON-Meet-ME Conference calling meet me

iii.CCC Credit Card Calling

The Credit Card Calling service allows subscribers to place calls from any normal access interface to any destination number and have the cost of these calls charged to account specified by the CCC number. A special instrument is not required. The caller has to dial card number and PIN using DTMF instrument. Follow-on feature may be provided optionally.

iv. DCR Destination Call Routing

The call is routed to destination pertaining to following conditions : Time of day, day of week Area of call originating Calling identity of customer


Services attributes (non payment charges against subscriber) Priority Charge rates applicable for destination Proportional routing of traffic Optionally the subscribers can be provided with traffic details

v. FMD Follow me Diversion

A subscriber can remotely control the call forwarding capabilities. It can be done from any point in the network using a password. It is required if subscriber moves from place to place in a day. The service subscriber will pay for diverted portion of the call.

vi. FPH Free Phone

The called subscriber is charged for active phase of a call. For the calling user, no charging is done. The called subscriber can have multiple destinations and have DCR facility.

vii. MCI Malicious Call Indication

The subscriber requests the Administration to register his number for MCI. Administration registers the subscriber for MCI. The called subscriber (who has registered this service) invokes the service during the active phase of the call if he feels that the call is malicious. The call is logged in the network with calling and called party number and Date and time of invoking the service. Optionally, the network can log unanswered calls also. Optionally, the facility to HOLD the connection may be provided.

viii. MAS Mass Calling

It involves high volume of traffic. Calls can be routed to one or multiple destinations depending on geographical location or time of day. Mainly used in Televoting. The network operator allots a service number. The user dials this number to register his vote. The user is played an announcement and asked to give his choice.


At the end of the service, the network operator provides the call details and the count on various preferences. After the service the same number can be reallocated to another subscriber. Calls made to this MAS number may be charged differently.

ix.OCS Originating Call Screening

This helps subscriber to screen outgoing call as per day and time.

The screening list may be managed by subscriber.

The restriction of screening list may be override by PIN or password. Three call cases are possible :
Call screened and allowed Call screened and rejected Call passed by using override option

x.PRM Premium Rate

The local call is charged at a higher (premium) rate.

This service is used by service providers for value added information services, e.g. jobs, fortune, forecast, etc. The revenue is shared between network operator and service provider. The network operator allots a specific number to service provider, which can be reached from any point in the network. The provision exists for multiple site provider, in order to achieve minimum expenditure on actual call. xi.SEC Security Screening This capability allows security screening to be performed in the network before an end user gains access to subscribers network, systems or application. It detects the invalid access attempts : how many, over what time period, by whom and from where.
It provides an added layer of security.

xii.SCF Selected Call Forwarding (Busy/Dont answer)

This facility is used for a group of 5 to 10 subscribers. A list of SCF is prepared by a subscriber.

The list contains the choices as per conditions and calling subscribers of the group.


A call from outside the group is forwarded to default telephone number.

The variation in SCF list can be done as per time of the day.

xiii.SPL Split Charging

It allows service subscriber to share the call charges with calling party on per call basis.

xiv.SOT - Televoting
It is used to survey the public opinion by different agencies. The network operator allocates a single telephone number to surveyor. Each time user makes a call he can get access to televoting. An announcement asks him to input further choice digits as per preference. As the user presses the digits the choice counter is incremented. After voting is ceased the service subscriber is supplied the results.

xv.TCS Terminating Call Screening

The incoming calls are screened as per screening list. Calls are allowed as per list and time of the day.

xvi.UAN Universal Access Number

National number is published by the subscriber. The subscriber may specify the incoming calls to be routed to number of different destinations based on geographical locations of caller.

xvii.UPT Universal Personal Telecommunications

A universal number is defined. Whenever subscriber changes the destination, he inputs that number from telephone. When a call comes, UPT number is translated to actual number. This number can be accessed across various multiple networks, e.g. mobile and fixed. It can be accessed from any user network access.

xviii.UDR User Defined Routing

The user is allowed to define the routing of outgoing calls through different network such as private, public, virtual or mixed network. As per time of the day, for example the call is routed to either public or private network whichever is cheaper.


For example, outstation calls can have different routes at different times of the day.

xix.VPN Virtual Private Network

A private network is built using public network resources. A virtual PABX is created using different switches. A PNP (private numbering plan) can be incorporated on those numbers. Facilities such as CT, CH, dialed restrictions and other supplementary services can be provided within the network. Each line or user is assigned a class of service and specific rights in the network. To access the VPN from outside by one of VPN user, he is required to dial a password.

Screening feature can be used to put restriction on outgoing and incoming calls.
Call charges are assigned to VPN service subscriber.

Additional Account Codes are assigned to service subscriber to analyse the costline wise.



The IN services can be broadly divided into three categories for charging purposes : No charging for calling user Charging of calling user as per local call Charging of calling user at higher rates

5.1 No charging for calling user : FPH, VCC and VPN services fall under this category. Level 160 is free at present and is proposed to be allotted to such services. Local exchanges need to analyse only 160 and route the call to SSP. This level has to be created as charge free. New services of this type can be introduced in future without any requirement of further modification in local exchanges. 5.2 Charging of calling user as per local call : UN (local) falls under this category. Level 190 is free at present and is proposed to be allotted to such services. Local exchanges need to analyse only 190 and route the call to SSP. This level has to be created as local charge. New services of this type can be introduced in future without any requirement of further modification in local exchanges.

5.3 Charging of calling user at higher rates : PRM and UN (long distance) falls under this category. Since the charging is at higher rate it is proposed that prefix 0 may be used to have barring facility. Level 090 may be used for such purpose. Local exchange will analyse 090 and route the call to SSP. This level has to be created as charge on junction pulses. New services of this type can be introduced in future without any requirement of further modification in local exchanges.

The access code of various IN services as proposed is as follows :

No charging for calling user :

FPH VCC Password change for VCC VPN 1600 1601 1602 1603

Charging of calling user as per local call :

UN (local) Televoting 1901 1902

Charging of calling user at higher rates :

PRM UN (Long distance) 0900 0901

CDOT IN System First system(SCP) was deployed at Kolkata in December 1998 and subsequently at Bangalore, Ahemedabad and Lucknow. The capacity of CDOT-IN system is 1 Lakh BHCA and 10 Lakh VCC data. Number of CDoT SSP (MBM or SBM) is 200 nos. The services supported are Virtual Card Calling VCC(ITC). Account Card Calling ACC. Free Phone Service FPH. Premium Rate Number PRM. Virtual Private Network VPN. Televoting VOT.


CDoT IN Architecture

SCP Overlay Solution INAP SSP (CDoT SBM MBM)




Present traffic status in CDoT IN systems

Kolkata Bangalore Lucknow Ahmedabad

1.25 lakh 1.2 Lakh 1.15 Lakh 0.85 Lakh

IT card data
0.89 Million 0.95 Million 0.76 Million 0.83 Million

Limitations of CDoT IN System

Following are the limitations of CDOT-IN systems:

Low and fixed SCP and SSP BHCA capacity. Non-upgradable and scalable. Low VCC Data capacity. Limited resources for Announcement, DTMF, etc. SSP functionality of switches not utilised. Network based charging. Additional services not available. Limited Charging categories.


Alcatel IN System The salient features of Alcatel IN systems are: SCP capacity of 4 Lakhs BHCA which can grow upto 12 Lakhs BHCA. 50 Lakhs VCC Data storage capacity. Integrated solution utilising the SSP capabilities of large capacity digital switches. More features on IN services and management options. SCP based charging. Can be upgraded in terms of capacity and additional IN services. Separate IP for independent resource management. Types of IN Platform procured by BSNL from M/s. Alcatel General Purpose IN Platform (GPIN). SCP located at Kolkata, Lucknow, Ahmedabad and Bangalore catering to East, North, West and South zone Circles respectively. Mass Calling IN Platform (MCIN). SCP located at Hyderabad catering to Whole of India.

Alcatel IN Architecture



LE (E-10B, CDoT)








IN Services provided by Alcatel IN Platform The services provided by Alcatel IN Platform are:
Account Card Calling (ACC). Free Phone (FPH). Universal Access Number (UAN). Virtual Private Number (VPN). Televoting (VOT). Premium Rate (PRM ). Virtual Card Calling (VCC). Universal Personal Number (UPN). - NEW Number Portability (NP). NEW

Virtual Card Calling (VCC) This service is similar to the ACC. Here subscriber has to dial 16-digit card number to place a valid call. Cards of fixed amount will be sold. The card number will be invalid after expiry of the amount or validation period. This account cannot be renewed.
No detailed bill will be provided to the s ubscriber.


Exchange System
Metering will be there against the VCC account.

No metering will be there on the Calling Telephone Number

Call Placement using VCC card

Dial 1602 345. You will be prompted to dial your card number. You will be prompted the balance amount in the account followed by request to dial the destination number. A VCC Call: 1602 345<A><10 digit card No.> <A><Destination No.>

VCC Features
The features of VCC are as follows:

Multiple Language Choices- New Profile Concept Credit Limit- New

o Minimum Credit to use the service o Minimum credit to make a call o Real Time Credit Supervision o Warning Tone- New
Follow On Calls

o Called Party On Hook o Called Party No Reply o Called Party Busy


Black List- New Predefined Promotional Number- New National/International Call Restriction Call log Payphone restrictions- New 16 digit secret number will be used

Free Phone (FPH) Service Here the concept of reverse charging is applied with additional features. The service subscriber will have one logical number against more than one PSTN no. distributed all over the network. He can have his own routing plan using Time Dependent Routing, Origin Dependent Routing facilities.

PSTN system

Called party will pay for the call (Local or STD)

Calling party will not be charged. No metering on the calling number

FPH Access In other words, this service allows users to make calls to a free
phone number for which the called party has agreed to pay for

the complete cost of the call. Access code: 1600 345 Free phone number: XXXX (4 digits) Access can be from any Telephone and it will not be charged. Dial 1600 345 XXXX


1600 345 9999




No access charge

SAC and SK for services at Kolkata

Sl. No. 1 Service Name SAC SK Sl. No. Service Name SAC SK

























1902424 (Local charge) 1603424 (no charge)



The Prepaid service is a user-friendly and low-cost service that provides a large set of useful features. It provides access to the service from anywhere in the operator's network and thus offers a leading mobility solution where mobile subscription remains expensive for the users. The aim of this service is to give the pre-paid experience to our fixed line customers. This would also enable BSNL to reduce the bad debts. FLPP (Fixed Line Pre-Paid) Services is being provided through the IN platforms at Kolkata (SCP_code 345)& Ahmedabad(SCP_ code 233). The two IN platforms have a total capacity for handling 8 million FLPP Accounts (4 million/platform) & 96 million recharge coupons. A centralized Voucher Database Management System (VOMS - where voucher information resides) has been installed at Kolkata, which shall be accessible, by the IN Platforms at Ahmedabad & Kolkata on MPLS VPN links for the purpose of Voucher management/recharging the Accounts. There is IP connectivity between Kolkata VOMs & Ahmedabad SCP for recharge vouchers. In case if the IP link between Kolkata VOMs and Ahmedabd SCP goes down, then recharge of voucher shall get affected. However there are two IP links between the two SCPs, if one goes down the other shall still be in operation for recharge activities.


FLPP Service enables a subscriber to make calls from a prepaid account, which is linked, to his telephone number. Unlike the ITC Service, where the authentication is done through a 16-digit PIN (which may not be user friendly), the authentication of FLPP is implicitly linked to his CLI & the user is therefore not required to dial the Account number/ PIN for authentication. It shall be possible to use FLPP service from fixed and WLL networks. The various features of FLPP Service are:

Conversion of fixed line to Pre Paid Easy de-linking when prepaid not required on any number Authentication of FLPP linked to your CLI No need to dial Account number/ PIN every time you make a Easy availability STD/ISD Facility



Any time recharge facility On Line balance enquiry

Follow on feature on no reply, busy and called party release to dial another number for subscribers other than PCO. Recharge as much as you want to spend Keep recharging and no problem of bills Free Level 1 service like 100, 101, 102 etc. available.

Free Level 1 IN services which are free to end-customers like Free Phone etc. are available


There are three types of FLPP Accounts to be offered to BSNL Customers. Please check which type of account you have purchased. 1) UNIVERSAL PCO FLPP Account - offering only Prepaid Services (for Local +STD+ISD) : This Account will be provided to PCO owners only. The prepaid account will be directly linked to the PCOs telephone line. The customer line shall be suitably configured from the local exchange so that you can dial the destination number by lifting the phone. customer. Home metering shall be provided so that you can charge your Remote login facility is provided only to attach/detach line.

PIN option can be enabled for fraud control purpose only. PIN is not mandatory to access menu, PIN can be enabled only to prevent fraud from direct line. 1284#. Menu management shall be provided through access code of Only PCO line can be attached to FLPP account. Only one call possible at a time.

3) General FLPP Account - offering both Prepaid & Postpaid services : This service can be provided to all wire-line customers other than PCOs i.e. to both residential as well as commercial customers. The customer has the option of making both prepaid calls through his FLPP account as well as postpaid calls.


The customer is required to dial 1805 345 followed by destination number for making prepaid calls. Postpaid calls can be made directly. No configuration required to be done at the local exchange for the telephone line. Remote login facility is available. Redial & Follow-on facilities are available.

PIN is not mandatory to access menu, PIN can be enabled only to prevent fraud from direct line. One FLPP account can be attached to only one CLI at a time and one CLI can be attached to single FLPP account at a time. Eight simultaneous calls possible from one Account at a time. One FLPP account can be attached to only one CLI at a time and one CLI can be attached to single FLPP account. 4) General FLPP Account offering only Prepaid services : This service can be provided to all wire-line customers, WLL other than PCOs i.e. to both residential as well as commercial customers. Account. The customer can make only prepaid calls through his FLPP

The customer line will be configured from the exchange. The customer dials the desired number directly and the call is charged to his FLPP account. Remote login facility is available. Redial & Follow-on facilities are available.

If PIN option is enabled for control purpose it will be mandatory to dial the PIN every time after dialing the destination no. (PIN is not mandatory to access menu, PIN can be enabled only to prevent fraud from direct line). One FLPP account can be attached to only one CLI at a time and one CLI can be attached to single FLPP account at a time. Eight simultaneous calls possible from one Account at a time.

The service user has first to subscribe to the service selecting a particular commercial profile corresponding to a given initial credit. Account(s) shall be pre-created in bulk in SCP/SMP with random PINS and printed packs (containing account card, FLPP form and user guide) of account numbers of different profiles shall be made available in market. The service will be provisioned in Local Exchange (LE). At the time of registration the line shall be given the special category in local exchange also in SCP the account shall be registered automatically with the CLI of line from which the


registration has been done. Some service parameters also need to be initialized, which shall be done at the time of subscription or during the first call. In case of change of fixed line number, all the registration information will be transferred to the new number. The account shall be activated with the first call. After the user account activation, the user can make calls until the available credit is used or until the expiry of the activity period.

There are three ways to access the FLPP service. (i) Direct Access : In case of direct access the user directly dials the destination number. The user account is retrieved from the user calling line identity. The user CLI is attached to the account at the subscription time. Remote access : When the service is required to be accessed through some other line to which the account is not attached, the destination number is requested to the user via user interaction. Account & PIN authentication is also done through user interaction. Express access : In case of express access the account is first attached to the remote line and then the destination numbers are dialed directly.



HOW TO USE THE SERVICE : GETTING ACTIVATED You have purchased a FLPP Account card. Follow the instructions given on the Account Card. Submit the Application form at BSNL office supplied along with the FLPP account card for configuration of your line. Your telephone line shall be configured for FLPP Account by BSNL. Your Account will get activated with the first outgoing call. After the account activation, you can make calls until the available credit is used or until the expiry of the activity period. DIALING PROCEDURE: First time use Dial 1284 from PCO or pure prepaid or use Remote access as defined below to attach your line (CLI) to your account. Direct access - Dial destination number directly. Authentication is automatic. You can make calls only from the telephone number whose CLI has been attached to the account. Your telephone line is configured at the local exchange for this purpose. Remote access - FLPP account can be used from any telephone line. To use this service dial 1806 345, after which you will be prompted for Account number followed by PIN


followed by destination number followed by hash or dial 9 followed by hash to access main menu. Dial service number 4 to attach your line, dial 1 to continue. Express access - Dial 1805 345 followed by destination number. No need to dial account number & PIN authentication. For this purpose attach your telephone line to the account using the menu management feature. RECHARGING YOUR BSNL FIXED LINE PRE-PAID ACCOUN T CARD : The balance in your account card keeps reducing as you make calls. Once your prepaid account is exhausted or its validity period is over, you need to get your account recharged. To recharge your account scratch the recharge coupon and obtain the 16 digits code. Dial 1805 345 1284 from postpaid + prepaid or just 1284 from pure prepaid. (Assuming that your account is already attached with a Phone line) You will hear the announcement Please dial the destination number followed by hash or 9 followed by hash to access the main menu Dial 9 followed by hash. You will hear the announcement Please dial the service option, for help on service option dial 5 Dial 2 You will hear the announcement Please dial the recharge coupon secret code digits followed by hash. Dial the 16 digits recharge code followed by hash (#) You will get your balance announcement. Verify that your credit has increased by the recharge value. MENU MANAGEMEN T : You can change your PIN, enable/disable PIN, attach or detach your CLI, select languages, know your credit in the Account, recharge your account etc. You can access the menu in two ways: Line configured in the Local Exchange: You need to dial 1284# to access the menu. Line not configured in the Local Exchange: In this case to access the menu you will have to dial the remote login code 1806 345 for menu management. The menu is operated by dialing service option for various purposes as follows. For language modification dial 0 For Pin Management dial 1 (1 to Change the PIN and 2 to enable or disable PIN) For Recharge dial 2 To know your account balance, dial 3. For account attachment/detachment dial 4 For Help dial 5 For Remote access enable/disable dial 6


For redial dial 7.

LIFE CYCLE OF FLPP ACCOUNT : A prepaid account shall have following states: (a). Valid : Pre-paid account is called in valid state when it has been created in the SCP and account is ready for activation. The account will be in this state before activation & before expiry period. Account shall be activated at the time of first outgoing call till the expiry date is not reached. (b). Active : This has been nomenclatured as validity period. The account is called in 'Activated' state at the first outgoing call. In this state, the service user can make outgoing calls and receive incoming calls. (c). Inactive : The account state changes into inactive state at the end date of activity period which depends upon previous voucher profile. The user shall be able to recharge his account during the inactivity period. After successful recharge, the account shall revert in active state. In Inactive state, outgoing call shall not be allowed except emergency, helpline and recharge numbers. It shall be possible to define the reclaim or not to reclaim the balance money in account profile at the time of recharge from inactive state. Announcement giving details for last date of recharging with reclaim of balance money shall be provided. This has been nomenclatured as Grace Period. (d). Recharge suspended: If the maximum number of bad recharging attempts, which shall be configurable with MML commands (presently 3), is reached, the account shall be placed in suspended state for recharging. The service user shall be able to access the help desk to unset the Recharge suspended flag. However, the service user shall be allowed to still make outgoing calls according to his main state (active, inactive). It shall be possible to define through MML commands, the maximum number of bad recharging attempts. (e). Blocked: Service provider shall be able to place account in blocked state with MML command. The service users in blocked state shall be barred from making calls or recharging their accounts. However, the service user shall be allowed to access the help desk to unlock the account. (f). Expired: The account shall be placed in expired state when user has not recharged in allowed period. The user shall not be allowed to recharge further and will not get any service. Warning messages shall be provided for end of activity period, end of inactivity period, threshold credit


The language in which the service user shall receive announcements shall be selected at the time of first call or a default Language shall be attached to the account profile. Ex changes from where FLPP services are to be provided: FLPP service may be provided from exchanges as mentioned in guideline issued from NM cell/Broadband cell. Direct access for PCO-Prepaid and General Prepaid services shall be available through OCB 283 only; till validation with other technology switches is completed and instructions are issued to this effect. Express access and remote dialing features shall be available from all of the remaining exchanges on overlay mode.

Routing of calls : NM cell has issued instructions. However it may also be noted that, For call coming from E-10B, 1805 345 (in East & North zone) and 1805 233 (in South & West zone) to be prefixed in higher level exchange (OCB-283, AXE-10, 5-ESS or EWSD etc.) because of inability of E-10B to send more than 16 digits on trunks. Printing of Account Coupons & Recharge Coupons Account Coupons : Plastic Based Account coupons shall be issued by BSNL, as the account num ber shall be required to be used for a longer duration. Recharge Coupons : Paper based Recharge Coupons shall be issued by BSNL, as these are required only for one-time recharge.




1. General : Use of telecom services is no longer the vanity of urban aristocrats but is an essential need of the common human being both in the urban and rural areas. However telephone population density in rural areas and some of the remote urban areas do not justify economically, provision of a modern telephone exchange which will provide all the modern services like ISDN (PRA/BRA) and other value added services to the customers in these areas. 2. The possible solutions could be :

1. Providing copper pair to extend these subscribers to main local exchange. This will be expensive and a constant source of trouble and interruption. 2. Providing a small exchange in remote area and connect this to main exchange through junctions with R2MF or CCS#7 signaling. This again may be relatively uneconomical and also perhaps may not be able to provide all the facilities to the customer particularly if it is with R2MF signaling. 3. Shifting the subscriber access interface it self nearer to the subscriber. The subscriber access interface may be of two types viz. interface specific to a switching system or interface capable of accommodating with any switching system. The later choice would be the best choice to extend best telephone services to all users.

3. Present Trend : The present trend is to provide an access interface of appropriate capacity nearer to a group of user may be a industrial house or a big building or a rural area and connect them to main exchange through suitable signaling interface. There are definite advantages in such mode of working as the entire maintenance and operation will be distributed among two agencies viz. Access providers and service providers. While the access providers will take care of physical maintenance of subs lines and testing etc. The service providers will fully concentrate in carrying out operation and maintenance in the exchange to ensure fault free service to customer and provide various value added services also to the customer.

4. Basic features of a Subscriber Access interface The main functions of a subscriber access interface are :-


(a) BORSCHT function (b) Concentration (c) Analogue to digital code conversion (d) Extending subscriber signals like off-hook, on-hook, digits etc. to exchange control units with appropriate method of signaling.

All the modern switching system has subscriber access interface which can be located within exchange or remotely located also but each system has its own method of signaling between remote interface and exchange. So while serving a group of remote subscribers the administration has to manage an interface which can work with a main switch available nearer to that group of subscriber. That is the access interface has to be very much vendor specific.

5. 5.2

Evolution of common type of Access interface

There has been a continuous process of finding a suitable signaling procedure between access interface and local exchange to interchange signaling for providing different modern facilities to user. The signaling must be using a message protocol to cater to wide variety of services. A two layer simplified derivative of OSI i.e. the V 5.2 protocol was defined by ITUT and this provides the solution for the signaling between AN and LE in a totally vendor independent way. V 5.2 Interface and V 5.2 Protocol V. 5.2 INTERFACE V 5.2 interface consists of 1 to 16 2 Mbps PCM links between a access network and a local exchange which carries signaling information between access network and local exchange in V 5.2 protocol. Access network may support analogue subs and ISDN basic and primary rate subscribers and can convert the signaling in V5.2 protocol which in turn is transported to LE. The LE interprets the signaling and processes the call. There can be various types of access network giving the subscriber access over copper, fibre or wireless loop. Thus there are three distinct entities for remotely located subscriber getting access to a modern local exchange providing many facilities. The functions in brief of the three entities are given in the table below:-


ACCESS NETWORK Subscriber termination Mtce. of subs. lines Testing of subs. line BORSCHT function



Carrying signaling information in Interprets the V 5.2 signaling V 5.2 Protocols Consisting of : information Control Protocol Link control protocol PSTN or ISDN protocol Protection protocol BCC protocol Provide services Managing data base Call handling & charging etc.

V 5.2 ENTITIES 1. PCM T/S : Time slots 15, 16 & 31 of the PCM links can be used as physical communication channels for carrying protocols Other time slots of all PCM links (max.16) are used as bearer channels under the control of BCC protocol. 2.Communication Path (C-Path) The layer 2 data link carrying any V 5.2 protocols eg. control, link contn PSTN, ISDN, protection protocols, BCC (bearer chl. connection) protocols etc. 3.Logical communication channel (C- channel) A 64 kbps slot on a V 5.2 interface defined by MML to carry the communication paths. 4.Physical communication channel A 64 Kbps Time slot on a V 5.2 interface which is assigned to carry logical CChannels. Physical C-Channels may not be used as bearer channels. 5.Primary Link Those PCM among the PCMs of the V 5.2 interface whose time slot 16 carries a C-Path for the prote4ction protocol and on V 5.2 interface whose time slot 16 carries a C-path for the protection protocol and on V 5.2 initialization also carried the C-path for control protocol, link control protocol and BCC protocol. Time slot 16 can also carry other C-path also


Secondary link


The 2 Mbps PCM link among the PCMs of V 5.2 interface whose TS 16 carries C path for protection protocol and on initialization of V 5.2 acts as the standby C channel for control protocol, link control protocol and BCC protocol and any other C-paths initially carried by TS 16 of Primary link Advantages of Deploying AN Saving of long copper loop thus swing cost both on material and maintenance. Remotely located subscribers also enjoy the facilities of new tech. switches. Access and services are decentralised and services are managed at LE for subscriber of different AN. Both AN & LE are vendor independent. Billing and CDR can be generated at local exchange whereby avoiding pilferage likely to be there in small exchanges serving subs at remote areas. Internet access and IN facilities can be extended to AN subscriber. Database management and administration related to subs are managed centrally. V5.2 Protocol What is protocol ? A set of very well defined physical connections, messages and procedures defined across an open interface to support a set of features. This enables end equipments from different vendors and technologies to inter-work and enjoy more services. The V 5.2 protocol - Layer 1 ; Electrical and physical definition of the link. - Layer 2: Data link layer protocol - Layer 3: Signaling, resource management and housekeeping protocols PSTN protocol Control protocol Link Control protocol Bearer Channel Control protocol Protection Protocol ISDN protocol system management for all the relevant protocols.


Layer 1 of V5 protocol Layer 2 of V 5 protocol Also called as Data link layer protocol (LAPV5). Primary function is to ensure error free delivery of messages from one end to another over the signaling channel of the physical layer (Layer 1). Each of the Layer 3 protocols needs to exchange information with its peer on the other side of the interface. The layer 3 requests LAPV5 for transfer of information in form of primitives. The LAPV5 ensures error free transfer of information on the E1 link. The LAPV5 sends information to its peer as frames. The format of frames and procedures used are standardized. Prime functionality is to transfer data from one end to other. Comprises of E1 links using Common Channel Signaling (CCS). 32 timeslots of 64 kbps each : 2.048 kbps. Time slots 0 is for clock and synchronization bits. Time slots 16 is for carrying signaling traffic (signaling channel). Time slots 1-14 and 17-30 is for bearer traffic (bearer channel). Time slots 15 and 31 could either be used as signaling channel or bearer channel. As part of a V5.2 interface, there may be 1 to 16 E 1 links (depending on traffic requirements). These E 1 links must conform to ITU-T G.703 for Electrical and Physical interface definition. Any errors on these links are intimated to higher layers on either side.


C e n tre fo r D eve lopm e n t o f T e lem a tics

L A P V 5 -p rim itive s a n d fram e s

La yer 3

La yer 3

LA P V 5


LA P V 5

L a ye r 1


La yer 1

w w w .c do t.c om

C -D O T P ro p rie ta ry

LAP V5 On a physical interface there may be more than 1 Data Links coexisting, each identified by a DLC. * Data link Connection identifier (DLC) is a specific identifier or address of a data link protocol entity. Within each data link operation there may be two types of frames: * Unnumbered Frames * Numbered Frames Each Data Link may be operating in * Acknowledged Frame more * Unacknowledged Frame mode. Any end may send frames in Unacknowledged Frame mode. * Guaranteed delivery is not ensured. * The Data link is considered down. * For guaranteed delivery of Layer 3 messages, data link needs to be established or Acknowledged frame operation is to be set up. * set up by exchanging special Unnumbered frames (SABME an DUA) between the two ends. * Layer 3 information sent as 1 frames.


* Each 1 frame is numbered by sending entity and acknowledged by the peer entity. * More than 1 frame can be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement using the concept of windowing. * I Frames are acknowledged using other 1 frames or one of RR, RNR frames. * A data link can be brought down by using unnumbered frame (DISC, UA). LAPV5 is a variant of LAPD (Q, 921), the ISDN layer 2 protocol.

C e n tre fo r D e v e lo p m e n t o f T e le m a tic s

T h e V 5 p r o to c o l e n titie s
PSTN D A T A L TS16 Layer 1 I N K S H a n d le s a ll s u b s c rib e r p o r ts CC H a n d le s V 5 in te rfa c e H a n d le s a ll V 5 tim e s lo ts H a n d le s a ll V 5 lin k s H a n d le s p ro te c tio n a m o n g s t V 5 lin k s
C -D O T P ro p rie ta ry



w w w .c d o t.c o m

V 5.2 protocol (PSTN) This is a stimulus protocol. It Interprets line signaling from subscriber and passes on to LE as Layer 3 messages. Operations relating to the path set-up, release of path, call collision, form the functions of the PSTN protocol at AN. It handles access specific parameters e.g. recognition time of analogue signals. Autonomously handle time critical responses to subscriber e.g. ring trip. Message definitions exist for ESTABLISH, ESTABLISH ACK, SIGNAL, SIGNAL ACK, DISCONNECT, DISCONNECT COMPLETE, STATUS, STATUS ENQUIRY, PROTOCOL PARAMETER.


Centre for Development of Telematics

Call Flow-Setup phase

AN AN Subscriber Off-hook Call origination LE V5 INTERFACE ESTABLISH ESTABLISH ACK ALLOCATION ALLOCATION COMPLETE Inband dial tone SIGNAL Digits SIGNAL ACK SIGNAL SIGNAL ACK Inband ring back tone Conversation phase www.cdot.com C-DOT Proprietary Call routing Answer National PSTN


Call Flow- Release phase

AN Subscriber AN V5 INTERFACE LE National PSTN




V5.2 protocol (BCC)

Bearer Channel Control protocol Procedures defined for Handling of timeslots on the E 1 links. Allocation of voice time slots on links as per LE request.

- De - allocation of voice time slots on Links as per LE requests.

Audit of E1 timeslots supported between LE and AN.

- If there is an error in the message received from LE , BCC sends back

PROTOCOL_ERROR message with the appropriate error cause.

- In case there is any fault in switching timeslots in AN, an ANFAULT

message is sent to LE

Centre for Development of Telematics

BCC messages

De-allocation Process


C-DOT Proprietary

V5.2 protocol (LCP)


Link Control protocol Symmetric protocol for handling E1 links of the V5 interface. Procedures defined for monitoring of faults on E 1 links. In case of fault the link may be blocked by either end. On fault recovery at any end, unblocking of the link is requested by that end. Unblocking can happen only if both ends accept. For each link, blocking and unblocking procedures are defined Each link on the interface is numbered and identified by Link identification procedures. Procedures are defined for Recovery from errors in transmission of message on the interface -

V5.2 protocol (PP)

Protection Protocol To improve reliability of the communication paths on V 5 interfaces, protection procedures are defined. These introduce redundancy of the signaling channel by defining a standby signaling path. 2 E 1 out of the max. 16, are identified as Primary and Secondary links. Each of the Layer 3 protocols uses a data link or communication path over TS 16 of one of these E 1 link. At start-up establishment of all communication paths is initiated on both these links,. The links on which all come up first is called : The Active Link. The other link is standby link. Protection protocol uses a data link on Active as well as standby link to monitor status of these links. Procedures are defined for the switch over of communication paths to standby link in case of failure of the Active link.(Switch-over COM, Switch-over REQ, Switch-over REJECT, Switch-over ACK, OS Switchover COM)


If there is an error in the message received from LE, PP sends back PROTOCOL_ERROR message with the appropriate error cause.

Hence signaling path is always maintained between the two ends of the interface.

V5.2 protocol (CP)

Control protocol Also a symmetric protocol. Comprises of two components.

* Port Control protocol: Handling Port status and maintaining consistency between the status of ports at LE and AN. * Common Control Protocol: Maintains interface status and identity and operation modes. Procedures are defined for Recovery from errors in transmission of messages on the interface. V 5.2 Protocol (CP) : Port Control * Procedures are defined for Blocking of the ports on

* Hardware faults (non-deferred) * Operator request (deferred/non- deferred) * LE command (always non- deferred) Un-blocking of the ports on

* Operator request * LE request Non-deferred blocking refers to the fact that ports are blocked without waiting for acceptance from the other end, Deferred blocking means that ports are blocked only after acceptance from other end. Unlocking of ports is done only after acceptance from other end.


AN mgmt

AN CP Port operational


LE mgmt


Block_req Block_req_ack Block_ind

Block_req Block_ind

Success case

Block_response success unblock_req

Port blocked

unblock_req unblock_req_ack

unblock_req Block_ind

unblock_response FAILURE

Block_ind Port blocked

Failure case

V 5.2 Protocol (CP) Common Control

Common Control Protocol Procedures are defined for Verify variant id and interface id during interface start-up. * Each interface is identified by an interface identity. * Every interface works on a well defined set of data which is preset at both ends of the interface * This set of data is identified by variant id. Restart of PSTN protocol during interface start up. * PSTN protocol entity is intimated about interface start-up such that all subscriber ports can be returned to NULL state. Accelerated blocking and unblocking a of ports during interface start-up such that subscriber ports status are consistent at LE and AN. Re-provisioning : Variant data can be changed while the interface is running.

Interface Related Data

Interface ID Variant ID Starting L3 address:Port numbers to be used between LE and AN. Maximum Number of ports


System Start-up Procedure


Start-interface OOS START-UP Establishing 5+1 data-links

Request for variant and interface id Variant and interface id Request for variant and interface Variant andid interface id


Number of links (1:16) Link configuration Logical and Physical link numbers Primary and Secondary link

V5.2 protocol (System Management).

System Management for all the relevant protocols Defines procedures for Inter-working and control of all the 5 V 5 protocol


Co-ordinates the procedures for interface start-up and bringing down.

Comon Control Protocol Procedures are defined for


Centre for Development of Telematics

System Start-up Procedure


Restart_request Restart_complete Restart_complete
Unblock_all_relevant_ports Unblock_all_relevant_ports_accepted Unblock_all_relevant_ports_completed Unblock_all_relevant_ports_completed Block indications for all un-relevant ports


C-DOT Proprietary

V 5.2 Applications 1 DLC Digital Loop Carrier

This last mile is a constant source of interruption, distortions, noise and all the troubles. As against copper fiber is one of the cheapest and most reliable media for reliable transport of voice, data, graphics and picture etc. and also carrying signaling information. Subs loop to the exchange is the weakest link and is the source of all problems , as it is a copper pair. In order to increase the efficiency and reliability the copper pair is gradually being replaced by radio (WLL) or fibre (FILL). The DLC concept attempts to take the fiber upto the subs premises. Multiplexing techniques of fiber is used to connect concentrated subs in different pockets to get access to a local exchange over multiplexed fiber optic links. DLC is an intelligent transmission platform used to combine many voice and data channels over existing copper fiber or wireless transmission facilities. It provides integration of leased and switched services on local loop. Fig. 1 indicates difference between conventional copper cable network and DLC access network.


Primary Cable MDF


Joints Joints Secondary cable Pillar DP Conventional Networks Joints DP

V 5.2 Exch





Fig.1 DLC Network


Brief description of DLC on Fibre

DLC basically consists of one central office terminal (COT) located in the main local exchange and 1 to 4 remote terminals (RT) near subscriber premises. The RTs may be put near a exchange which has exhausted full capacity. Old exchanges are also being replaced by RTs because of the subscriber connected to RT can enjoy all the facilities of modern local exchange to which the RT is connected. Over V 5.2 link
V 5.2 interface

Fibre links RT Exchange C O T Subs



Fig 2. DLC Network


COT interfaces local exchange and optical line. Signals from exchange are coded and converted in form of optical signal for forwarding to RT and vise versa power for COT is derived from exchange battery. COT can support:POTS 64 kbps E 1 ISDN Basic & Primary rate Pay phone with 16 KHz metering pulse

RT interfaces the subscriber lines and optical fibre line. RT is housed in a cabinet with facility to terminate optical fibre cable, AC mains, Subs lines and provision of back up batteries and cooling arrangement. One RT can be equipped for max. 470 channels. There can be max. four RTs associated with one COT. The COT and four RTs are usually connected on a STM-1 (SDH) ring. using 2 fibre media. COT in turn is connected to exchange on V 5.2 link.. The COT consists of channel banks and STM 1 multiplexer. It also provides various user interfaces to the exchange. The RT or AT consists of channel banks and STM 1 multiplexer. It Provides various complementary user interfaces to the subscriber as per exchange side interfaces. Each channel bank caters to 240 channels. Number of channels required can be increased in multiple of 30. COT has provision for a management terminal for operation & maintenance and configuration modifications.This is refered to as LCT PC Each RT can cater to 16 PCMs with ADM and hence can provide access to max 480 subscribers. Besides POTS & ISDN lines the DLC can provide 2mbps leased lines also. In future the DLCs may provide N x 64 kbps services, internet access etc.


Network Topology for DLC Exchange

V 5.2

(Max. 16 EI)




RT Subs





Fig. 3


7.2 AN RAX The 256 port C-DOT rural exchanges from C-DOT are presently being converted into AN RAX by adding additional H/W and S/W for V 5.2 interfacing and generating 2 E1 links to be used for V 5.2 interface.

Provides front end termination for PSTN subscribers Supports maximum of 248 PSTN subscribers Connected to Local Exchange (LE) over one or two E1 links using standard V5.2 Protocol as per ITU-T specifications G.964 & G.965 and ETSI specifications 300-324 & 300-347. Provides First/Second Level of remoting Provides a transparent link between subscriber and Local Exchange Provides Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) on 2 ports of LCC card Provides 16KHz Metering Pulse and Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) on 2 ports of each CCM card Provides Reversal on all 8 ports of CCM card Provides Man Machine Interface (MMI) using VT-100 dumb terminal Password Protection Requires no air-conditioning Low Power Consumption Line Testing can be performed locally Transparently supports all subscribers feature as supported by Local Exchange (LE) For any feature related enhancements, the S/W changes are to be done on Local Exchange (LE) only Consists of two controller cards AN RAX Controller Card (ARC Card) AN RAX Interface Card (ARI Card) ARC card supports 2 E1 links toward Local Exchange Both the cards form a security block alongwith respective SPC cards Redundancy in Controller Cards 8 port LCC/CCM cards for Subscriber Interface RTC card for testing of subscriber ports




First Level of Remoting Connected to LE through Proprietory Protocol In standalone mode it performs

First/Second Level of Remoting Connected to LE through Standard V5 protocol In standalone mode it only



corDECT WLL This is basically a exchange providing cordless technology for subs access and can be connected to a major local exchange through R2MF link or V 5.2 interfacing. This is very much suitable for providing access to a cluster of users in a densely populated area where copper or fibre can not be easily extended. A block schematic of the system is given below:-

HS V 5.2 Exch E1 D I U E1 BSD Base Station Distributor CBS Compact Base Station DIU Dect Interface Unit Fiber radio or copper B S D Fig.5 C B S






1. GENERAL C-DOT DSS MAX is a universal digital switch which can be configured for different applications as local, transit, or integrated local and transit switch. High traffic/load handling capacity upto 8,00,000 BHCA with termination capacity of 40,000 Lines as Local Exchange or 15,000 trunks as Trunk Automatic Exchange, the C-DOT DSS family is ideally placed to meet the different requirements of any integrated digital network.

2. BASIC GROWTH/BUILDING MODULES C-DOT DSS MAX exchanges can be configured using four basic modules (Fig. 2.1) a. Base Module b. Central Module c. Administrative Module Input Output Module d.

The Base Module (BM) is the basic growth unit of the system. It interfaces the external world to the switch. The interfaces may be subscriber lines, analogue and digital trunks, CCM and PBX lines. Each Base Module can interface upto 2024 terminations. The number of Base Modules directly corresponds to the exchange size. It carries out majority of call processing functions and, in a small-exchange application, it also carries out operation and maintenance functions with the help of the Input Output Module. In Single Base Module (SBM) exchange configuration, the Base Module acts as an independent switching system and provides connections to 1500 lines and 128 trunks. In such a configuration, the Base Module directly interfaces with the Input Output Module for bulk data storage, operations and maintenance functions. Clock and synchronisation is provided by a source within the Base Module. It is a very useful application for small urban and rural environments. With minimum modifications in hardware through only one type of card, a Base. Module can be remotely located as a Remote Switch Unit (RSU), parented to the main exchange using PCM links. Central Module (CM) consists of a message switch and a space switch to provide inter-module communication and perform voice and data switching between Base Modules. It provides control message communication between any two Base Modules, and between Base Modules and Administrative


Module for operation and maintenance functions. It also provides clock and synchronisation on a centralised basis.

Administrative Module (AM) performs system-level resource allocation and processing function on a centralised basis. It performs all the memory and time intensive call processing support functions and also administration and maintenance functions. It communicates with the Base Module via the Central Module. It supports the Input Output Module for providing man- machine interface. It also supports the Alarm Display Panel for the audio-visual indication of faults in the system. Input Output Module (IOM) is a powerful duplex computer system that interfaces various secondary storage devices like disk drives, cartridge tape drive and floppy drive. It supports printers and upto 8 serial ports for video display units which are used for man- machine communication interface. All the bulk data processing and storage is done in


this module. Thus, a C-DOT DSS exchange, depending upon its size and application, consists of Base Modules (maximum 32), Central Module, Administrative Module, Input Output Module and Alarm Display Panel. The Base Modules can be remotely located or co-located depending on the requirement. 3. REMOTE SWITCH UNIT

Remote Switch Unit (RSU) is an integral part of C-DOT DSS architecture. In order to realise a RSU, the normal BM can be modified for remoting with the host exchange via 2 Mbps digital links. The number of 2 Mbps links between the Main Exchange and RSU is primarily determined by the traffic. A maximum 16 PCMs can be provided between a RSU & Main exchange. Analog and Digital trunk interfaces are also implemented in RSU to support direct parenting of small exchanges from RSU itself instead of parenting it to the main exchange which will ultimately save the media required from main exchange. As far as call processing is concerned, RSU is an autonomous exchange capable of local-call completion. Operation and maintenance functions are handled by the host exchange. In the event of failure of PCM links, RSU goes into standalone mode of operation. In case it is not possible to process a call request due to unavailability of links to the host, the subscriber is connected to appropriate tone or announcement. During standalone mode of operation, the local and Incoming terminating calls in RSU are switched and the metering information of all the RSU subscribers is stored in the RSU. It is sent to the host whenever the PCM links are available again. Only the even numbered BMs can be configured as RSU i.e. a maximum 16 RSUs are possible in C-DOT DSS MAX-XL and 8 RSUs in MAX-L. 4. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALLING NO. 7 AND ISDN

Common Channel Signalling is pre-requisite to provide any value added service in the network e.g. Intelligent Network Services, ISDN services. Due to intelligent protocol implementation in conformance to ITU-T specifications and with the implementation of CCS7 signalling in C-DOT DSS, it has been made possible to provide the value added services. Also it is possible to configure the C-DOT DSS as TAX with multiple nodes, connected on CCS7 signalling. ISDN Services are the most widely used carriers to transport bulk volume of data. With the increasing use of Internet Access, the use of ISDN interface is likely to go up as it provides the reliable access to the user at the rate of 64/128 Kbps. In addition to reliable data connection at higher rate, it integrates computer and Telephone on the single access. In C-DOT DSS, the implementation is through add-on modules to provide the services in the beginning itself or retrofit as and when required. This facilitates the network administrator to upgrade the already commissioned exchanges in future.



REDUNDANCY To meet the stringent availability requirements, C-DOT DSS employs 'hot standby' technique for all processor complexes so that in the event of the failure of any one security-block, not more than 8 subscribers will be affected. Hardware cross-links between processors have been planned in such a way that even the failure of two dissimilar processors will not affect system performance. Also, wherever there is no duplication of hardware units, multiple units are provided to work in a load-sharing mode. In the event of failure of one of the units, other units will share its load preventing disruption of service. In case of certain service circuits, n+1 configuration is used for maintaining reliability.



Various hardware units such as controller complexes and message switches have been standardised for multiple applications. This interchangeability is an important feature of the system hardware that helps in reducing inventories and increasing system availability. Some of these standardised units are 2. Module Control Unit

Module Control Unit is a 16-bit or 32-bit microprocessor complex with associated memory unit. The same unit can be used as the Base Processor Unit in the Base Module or as the Space Switch Controller in the Central Module or as the Administrative Processor Unit in the Administrative Module.


Interface Controller

This is an 8-bit microprocessor based unit with a time-switching network that can be used to control either terminal interface in the Terminal Unit or service circuit interface in the Time Switch Unit. In both the cases, its function is to assign time-slots on the 128- channel link between the terminals (subscribers, trunks, etc.) and the module time switch. 4. Message Switch

Message Switch is implemented as a 32-bit message switch controller which provides upto 38 HDLC/ADLC links for message communication between controllers. In the Base Module, the message switch can also be implemented as a 16-bit message switch controller and a message switch device card. In such an implementation, the controller provides upto 22 HDLC/ADLC links with the help of the device card. 6. OPTIMISATION In C-DOT DSS, distribution and centralisation of functions have been optimised. There are local functions which are entrusted to the growth units, i.e., the Base Modules, for local switching and interfacing. These functions use resources whose requirement is directly linked with the number of lines and trunks equipped. These functions are


1. 2. 3. 4.

Terminal Interfacing - interfacing lines, analog and digital trunks, CCM, PBX and remote digital lines. Circuit Switching - switching within the Base Module. Call Processing - majority of call processing functions. Concentration - for providing upto 2024 subscribers on 512 time-slots. On the other hand, the functions that are shared globally over the switch are provided by a central facility which may either be the Central Module or the Administrative Module. These functions are -

a) b)

Inter-module Communication Inter-BM and BM-AM communication via the Central Module. Message Switching Inter-BM and BM-AM control-message communication via the Central Message Switch in the Central Module.

c) d)


Resource Allocation Done by the Administrative Module. THE C-DOT DSS FAMILY Operations and Maintenance Bulk data storage by the Input Output Module and man-machine interface provided by the Administrative Module via the Input Output Module. Services Announcements and conference circuits. This approach is also followed while introducing new services and facilities in order to utilise them most optimally.



In the following sections, the hardware architecture of each constituent module is described. 8. BASE MODULE (BM) Base Module (BM) is the basic building block of C-DOT DSS MAX. It interfaces the subscribers, trunks and special circuits. The subscribers may be individual or grouped PBX lines, analog or digital lines. The trunks may be Two Wire Physical, E&M Four Wire, E&M Two Wire, Digital CAS or CCS. The basic functions of a Base Module are 1. 2. 3. 4. Analog to digital conversion of all signals on analog lines and trunks Interface to digital trunks and digital subscribers Switching the calls between terminals connected to the same Base Module Communication with the Administrative Module via the Central Module for administrative and maintenance functions and also for majority of inter-BM switching (i.e. call processing) functions Provision of special circuits for call processing support e.g. digital tones, announcements, MF/DTMF senders/receivers




Provision for local switching and metering in stand alone mode of Remote Switch Unit as well as in case of Single Base Module Exchange (SBM-RAX) For these functions, the Base Module hardware is spread over different types of units. HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE Analog Terminal Unit - to interface analog lines/trunks, and providing special circuits as conference, announcements and terminal tester. Digital Terminal Unit - for interfacing digital trunks i.e. 2Mbps E1/PCM links Signalling Unit Module - to support SS7 protocol handlers and some call processing functions for CCS7 calls. SDN Terminal Unit - to support termination of BRI/PRI interfaces I and implementation of lower layers of DSS1 signalling protocol. Time Switch Unit - for voice and message switching and provision of service circuits. Base Processor Unit - for control message communication and call processing functions. Analog Terminal Unit (ATU) Figure 3.1 The Analog Terminal Unit (ATU) is used for interfacing 128 analog terminations which may be lines or trunks. It consists of terminal cards which may be a combination of Line Circuit Cards (LCC), CCB with Metering (CCM) cards, Two Wire Trunk (TWT) cards, E&M Two wire (EMT) Trunk cards and E&M Four wire (EMF) trunk cards, depending upon the module configuration. Also, provision has been made to equip Conference (CNF) card to support six party conference, Announcement (ANN) to support 15 user friendly announcement messages, and Terminal Test Controller (TTC) for testing of analog terminations. Power Supply Unit (PSU-I) provides logical voltages and ringing current in the ATU.

9. (a) (b) (c )

d) e) f)



Analog Subscriber Line Cards Two variants of subscriber line cards as LCC or CCM with interfaces upto 8 subscribers, provide basic BORSCHT functions for each line. Analog to digital conversion is done by per-channel CODEC according to A-law of Pulse Code Modulation. Each CCM card has the provision of battery reversal for all the 8 lines with the last two lines having provision to generate 16 KHz metering pulses to be sent to subscriber's metering equipment. The 8-bit digital (voice) output of four LCCs is multiplexed to form a 32- channel, 2 Mbps PCM link - also called a terminal group (TG). Since a Terminal Unit has a maximum of 16 terminal cards, there are four such terminal groups. The signalling information is separated by a scan/drive logic circuit and is sent to the signalling processor on four different scan/drive signals. The LCC/CCM also provides test access


relay to isolate the exchange side and line side to test it separately by using the Terminal Test Controller (TTC). 2. Analog Trunk Cards Analog trunk cards interface analog inter-exchange trunks which may be of three types as TWT, EMT and EMF. These interfaces are similar to Subscriber Line Card, with only difference that the interfaces are designed to scan/drive events on the trunks as per predefined signalling requirement. 3. Signalling Processor (SP) Card Signalling Processor (SP) processes the signalling information received from the terminal cards. This signalling information consists of scan/drive functions like origination detection, answer detection, digit reception, reversal detection, etc. The validated events are reported to Terminal Interface Controller for further processing to relieve itself from real-time intensive functions. Based on the information received from the Terminal Interface Controller, it also drives the event on the selected terminal through scan/drive signals. 4. Terminal Interface Controller (TIC) Card Terminal Interface Controller (TIC) controls the four terminal groups (TG) of 32 channels, and multiplex them to form a duplicated 128channel, 8 Mbps link towards the Time Switch (TS). For signalling information of 128- channels, it communicates with Signalling Processor (SP) to receive/send the signalling event on analog terminations. It also uses one of the 64 kbps channel out of 128 channels towards Time Switch, to communicate with Base Processor Unit (BPU). In concentration mode, three other Terminal Units share this 128-channel link towards the Time Switch to have 4:1 concentration. Terminal Interface Controller is built around 8-bit microprocessor with associated memory and interface and it is duplicated for redundancy.



Special Service Cards A Terminal Unit has some special service cards such as Conference (CNF) Card to provide six party conference. Speech samples from five parties are added by inbuilt logic and sent to the sixth party to achieve conferencing. Terminal Test Controller (TTC) Card is used to test analog terminal interfaces via the test access relays on the terminal cards. Announcement Controller (ANN) Card provides 15 announcements on broadcast basis. Only one service card of each type is equipped in a Base Module with provision of fixed slot for TTC and variable slots for CNF/ANNC. Announcement and Conference Cards are equipped in Terminal Unit through S/W MMC command. Two slots are occupied by each card i.e. 16 channels for each card are used out of 128 channels available on a Bus between a TU & TS.



Digital Terminal Unit (DTU) Digital Terminal Unit (DTU) is used exclusively to interface digital trunks. One set of Digital Trunk Synchronization (DTS) card alongwith the Digital Trunk Controller (DTC) card is used to provide one E-1 interface. Each interface occupies one TG of 32 channels and four such interfaces share 4 TGs in a Digital Terminal Unit. The functions performed by TIC and SP in Analog Terminal Unit, are collectively performed by the Terminal Unit Controller (TUC) in the Digital Terminal Unit. The scan functions are - HDB3 to NRZ code conversion, frame alignment and reconstitution of the received frame. The drive functions include insertion of frame alignment pattern and alignment information. Each interface can be configured as CAS or CCS interface. SS7 Signalling Unit Module (SUM) Any one of the ATU or DTU in a BM can be replaced by SUM frame to support CCS7 signalling. Only one such unit is equipped in the exchange irrespective of its configuration or capacity.



ISDN - Terminal Unit (ISTU) One of the four ATUs/DTUs in a BM can be replaced by ISTU to provide BRI/PRI interfaces in C-DOT DSS. The only constraint is that ISTU has to be principal TU i.e. directly connected to TSU on 8 Mbps PCM link. The ATU/DTU cannot be used in concentration with ISTU. By equipping one ISTU in the exchange, a max. of 256 B channels are available to the administrator which can be configured as BRI, PRI or any mix as per site requirement. Depending on the requirement of number of ISDN-Interfaces, one or more ISTUs can be integrated in CDOT DSS, either in one BM or distributed across different BMs.


Time Switch Unit (TSU) Time Switch Unit (TSU) implements three basic functions as time switching within the Base Module, routing of control-messages within the Base Module and across Base Modules and support services like MF/DTMF circuits, answering circuits, tones, etc. These functions are performed by three different functional units, integrated as time switch unit in a single frame (refer Fig. 3.2).



Service Unit (SU) Service Unit is integrated around three different cards as Tone Generator with Answering Circuit (TGA), Service Circuit Interface Controller (SCIC). and MF/DTMF Controller (MFC) Card. MF/DTMF circuits (senders/receivers) are implemented by using single-chip, 4channel Digital Signal Processors (DSPs). Two MFC cards are grouped to form a terminal group. Upto four MFC Cards can be equipped. The TGA and two groups of MFCs, form three terminal groups towards the Service Circuits Interface (SCI). Service Circuit Interface multiplexes these three TGs together with another terminal group from the Base Message Switch (BMS) to form a 128-channel, 8Mbps link under the control of Service Circuits Interface Controller (SCIC) and sends it towards the Time Switch.



Base Message Switch (BMS) Base Message Switch (BMS) routes the control messages within the Base Module, across different Base Modules, and also Administrative Module via the Central Module. It is implemented around two different cards as Message Switch Controller (MSC) with six direct HDLC-links and the Message Switch Device (MSD) Card implementing 16 switched HDLC links. As a unit, total 22 HDLC channels are implemented for communication with the Base Processor, Time Switch Controller, Service Circuits Interface Controller, Terminal Interface Controller within the BM and the four CMS complexes in CM. It acts as a message transfer point between the Base Processor and these controllers. It receives messages from the Base Processor and transmits them towards the appropriate controllers.

Note : To support 8,00,000 BHCA, MSC and MSD cards are replaced by a High performance Message Switch (HMS) with high speed, 32 bit microprocessor (MC 68040). It implements 38 HDLC links with flexibility of programming individual link for a speed upto 750 kbps. 3. Time Switch (TS) The Time Switch complex is implemented using three different functional cards as multiplexer/demultiplexer (TSM), time switch (TSS) and time switch controller (TSC). The Time Switch complex receives the following PCM links and performs time- switching on them for switching within the Base Module : Four 128-channel multiplexed links from four different Terminal Units which may be any combination of. ATU, DTU, #7SU and ISTU. One 128-channel multiplexed BUS from the Service Circuits Interface Controller (SCIC) in the Time Switch Unit. Three 128-channel links to support onboard three party conference circuits (3 x 128).

(a) ( b) ( c)

It multiplexes above 128-channel links to form a dual 512-channel, 4 Mbps multiplexed bus towards the Central Module. The individual buses are called Bus0 and Bus1. Besides this, it also provides network switched path for message communication between Base Modules, between Base Module and Administrative Module, and between Base Module and Central Module.


Base Processor Unit (BPU) Base Processor Unit (BPU) is the master controller in the Base Module. It is implemented as a duplicated controller with memory units. These duplicated sub-units are realised in the form of the following cards :


Base Processor Controller (BPC) Card Base Memory Extender (BME) Card BPC controls time-switching within the Base Module via the Base Message Switch and the Time Switch Controller. It communicates with the Administrative Processor via Base Message Switch for operations and maintenance functions. In a SBM configuration, BPC directly interfaces with the Alarm Display Panel and the Input Output Module. To support 8,00,000 BHCA, the BPC card is replaced by High performance Processor Card (HPC). It is pin to pin compatible for hardware and also for software so that they are interchangeable at any site to meet specific traffic requirement. Figure 3.3 summarises the various units and sub-units of the Base Module. 16. CENTRAL MODULE (CM) Central Module (CM) is responsible for space switching of inter-Base Module calls, communication between Base Modules and the Administrative Module, clock distribution and network synchronisation. For these functions, Central Module has a Space Switch, Space Switch Controller and a Central Message Switch. CM provides connectivity to 16 BMs if it is CM-L and 32 BMs if it is CMXL. Each BM interfaces with CM via two 512-channel parallel buses as BUS-0 and BUS-1, each operating at 4 Mbps. These buses carry voice information of 512 terminations of the Base Module towards CM. In the reverse direction, after space switching has been done in the Space Switch under the control of Space Switch Controller (SSC), the same buses carry the switched voice information for 512 terminations towards BM. Thus, in a 32 Base Module configuration, there are 64 parallel buses carrying the voice information from Base Modules to the Central Module, and also the switched information in the reverse direction. Space Switch (SS) and Space Switch Controller (SSC) In order to take care of the large number of interface signals, the switch portion of CM is divided into three stages viz. MUX stage, Switch stage and DEMUX stage. The MUX and DEMUX stages are implemented on single card to provide the Base Module to Central Module interface in each direction. Interfacing and switching are controlled by SSC which provides control signals for the MUX/DEMUX cards and the Space Switch Switch cards. Interconnection between MUX/DEMUX cards and the Space Switch is shown in Figure 3.4. MUX/DEMUX Cards extract the information from time-slots 0 and 1 of Bus0 and Bus1 from the Base Modules. These time-slots carry control message from each Base Module and these messages are sent to the Central Message Switch (CMS). The CMS sends these messages to the Space Switch Controller (SSC) on a 128 kbps link to control space switching based upon this information.


Four 512-channel buses from four BMs are multiplexed to form a 2048- channel, 16 Mbps multiplexed BUS which is sent to both copies of the Space Switch Switch Card. Space switching of these 2048 channels is done based upon the switching information received by Space Switch Controller (SSC) from CMS. Clock Distribution CM provides the central clock for distribution to the Base Modules. The 8MHz clock may be locally generated at the Central Clock (CCK) card in case of CM-XL and of Space Switch Clock (SCK) card in case of CM-L by using high stability VCXO crystal or may be derived from an external reference clock using the Network Synchronisation Controller (NSC) card in case of CM-XL and Network Synchronisation Equipment (NSE) in case CM-L under the control of SSC. In the event of failure of external reference or duplex failure of the NSC cards/NSE, the local clock is fed in the holdover mode, synchronised to last reference value. In any arrangement, the local or external clock is distributed via Central Bus Extender (CBX) cards in case of CM-XL. The CBX card provides an interface between SSC and SSU. SSC makes any switch card access through CBX. CBX also handles any power supply errors in SSU and BTU. Each CCK-CBXNSC complex form a security block i.e. CBX0 cannot be used with CCK1. Thus there is a copy 0 complex and a copy 1 complex. The CBX also synchronises all SSC accesses to SSU with the 16 MHz clock as well as BTU. Fig. 3.5 depicts the clock distribution in C-DOT DSS with CM-XL.






18. Central Message Switch (CMS) Central Message Switch (CMS) complex is the central message transfer point of the switch. It is implemented as four different message switches, working in load-sharing mode. Each message switch is a high performance message routing block, implemented by using high speed 32 bit microprocessor MC 68040 in case of CM-XL and 16 bit microprocessor MC 68000 in case of CM L. This card supports 38 HDLC links in case of CM-XL with flexibility of programming individual HDLC links upto 750 kbps. All Central Message Switches (CMS1,2,3&4) are used for routing of messages across the Base Modules. On the other hand only CMS1 and CMS2 interface with the Administrative Module for routing control message between Base Processors and Administrative Processor. This communication is used to access office data for routing inter- module calls and administration and maintenance functions. Fig. 3.6 depicts the Central Message Switch in C-DOT DSS. 19. ADMINISTRATIVE MODULE (AM) Administrative Module (AM) consists of a duplicated 16/32-bit controller called the Administrative Processor (APC). It communicates with Base Processors via the Central Message Switch for control messages and with the duplicated Input Output Processors in the Input Output Module for interfacing peripheral devices Administrative processor is responsible for global routing, translation, resource allocation and all other functions that are provided centrally in C-DOT DSS MAX. The implementation of AM is similar to Base Processor Complex of BM, using the same hardware configuration. As explained earlier, HPC instead of BPC is used to support 8,00,000 BHCA. 20. INPUT OUTPUT MODULE (IOM) Input Output Module (IOM) consists of duplicated Input Output Processor (IOP). The Input Output Processor (IOP) is a general purpose computer with UNIX Operating System. It is used as the front end processor in C-DOT DSS. It handles all the input and output functions in C-DOT DSS. The IOP is connected to AP/BP via HDLC links. During normal operation, two IOPs interconnected by a HDLC link, operate in a duplex configuration. Working as front end processor, it provides initial code down load to the subsystems, man machine interface and data storage for billing and other administrative information. Refer Fig. 3.7 for IOP connectivity in the system and IOP-VH architecture.




IOP-VH Hardware Architecture The IOP-VH is value engineered high performance IOP, designed using a single card. The IOP CPU uses MC 68040 (25 MHz) processor on the VHC card. It has 16 MB (expandable to 32 MB) onboard DRAM and 512 KB EPROM. All active IOP processes reside in the dynamic RAM. Also the data being transferred through HDLC links, secondary storage devices and terminals, use the dynamic RAM. The IOP as a module is duplicated to provide redundancy for cartridge and disk drives as well as serial communication terminals and printers. The system has provision for 7 HDLC channels. Two of these are used to connect the IOP to both the copies of AP/BP. The third link is for connection with mate IOP when the two are working in synchronisation i.e. duplex IOP configuration. The rest four links are spare at present but may be used towards the four CMSs in future. Eight of RS-232C Serial Links (through ASIO ports) are also implemented for connecting operator terminals and printer to the IOP in addition to two ports as Console and Host. The monitor based operations are performed only from the Console and the same is true in case of login to root account. The operations like initial bootup, software link loading etc. could be performed only from the Console. One X.25 port is implemented for 64Kbps full duplex link to communicate with Centralise Billing/Telecom Management Network Centre. In addition, one 10 Mbps Ethernet port is also implemented in the IOP-VH which has AUI or Coaxial interface support at physical level to allow networking of user terminals in future. A SCSI-2 controller with integrated DMA and SCSI cores is used for interfacing the disk drive and cartridge tape drive.

Note : Presently the two ports, namely X.25 and ETHERNET are not supported in current UNIX release. 21.1 IOP-VH Peripherals

Input Output Processor (IOP-VH) supports three standard SCSI-2 interfaces, on VHC card, one each for Winchester Drive, Cartridge Tape Drive and one as spare. Here, it may be noted that only the peripherals with SCSI-2 interface can be used in IOP-VH. 21.2 Front Panel Display The CPU Reset and Abort switches are provided along with lock and key, adjacent to the switches. Run and Halt LEDs for the CPU status indication is also extended on the front panel. A Reset LED is provided along with RESET switch and glows when the CPU is reset by pressing RESET switch on the front panel. Power I/P LED is provided to indicate the presence of I/P power on the front panel. .



NETWORK SYNCHRONIZATION IN C-DOT DSS All the three modes of operation of Network Synchronization are implemented in C-DOT DSS. These are:


Locked Mode: When one or more primary reference clocks are available, NSC/ NSE enters into locked mode by selecting one of the available network clocks according to fixed priority and synchronises to it. Holdover Mode : When NSC/NSE loses the network clock to which it was locked and when no other network clocks are available, it enters the holdover mode in which it synchronises to the last reference value. Free Run Mode : When none of the network reference clocks are available and no locking to external reference has taken place before. In this mode system works on its local clock.



In C-DOT DSS MAX, Network Synchronisation Controller (NSC) Card synchronises the local clock of the exchange with the network clock. It gets input clocks from digital trunks connected to higher level or same level exchanges. It has an on-board clock source. It gives a network synchronised clock and SYNC signals to the duplicated Central Clock (CCK). The CCK is controlled by the SSC through CBX. The clock card generates its own clock and can be configured to select between the local clock and two copies of NSC clock. Each clock card distributes 16 MHz clock and 8 kHz SYNC to self SSU and 16 MHz clock to all Bus Termination Units (BTUs) which receive switched data buses from all the BMs connected to CM. In case of SBM-RAX and MAX-L exchanges, the function of NSC card is achieved by external add-on synchronization equipment C-DOT-NSE. In this mode of operation, the system works on external clock, received from C-DOT NSE instead of using its own clock. However in exceptional case of failure of both the clock sources from C-DOT-NSE, the system has provision to switch over to its own clock. A brief description of implementation of Network Synchronization in C-DOT DSS using NSC card along with its functional block is explained below. 23. Function of NSC Card The NSC card forms the interface between DTS (Digital Trunk Sync.) and the CCKs (Central Clock Cards). It receives the 2.048 MHz reference input clock from DTS and converts it into a 16.384 MHz clock using a PLL (Phase Locked Loop). This clock is fed to both


copies of CCKs. It also generates a sync signal (8 kHz) and feeds it to the CCKs for further distribution to all the BMs. There is a Time-of-Day (TOD) block which generates the real time clock for the system. It takes the input from DTS card (a one hertz clock) and embeds this in the 8 kHz sync. The NSC has an On Board Micro Processor (OBMP) to take care of the PLL functions, diagnostics, communication with SSC 24. Duplication and Security block The NSC card is duplicated and its access is similar to CBX cards. The NSC and CBX form a security block as there is only one device enable for each NSC-CBX pair. The 2.048 MHz clock and 8 kHz sync signal are exchanged between the two copies of NSC. Clock selection is done before the PLL block. If all the inputs to the NSCs fail, it runs in the holdover mode. If the inputs are not restored till the end of the holdover period, (duration of the holdover period is defined in the Parameteric Specifications), the NSCs go into the "free-run" mode. The NSCs work in mutual synchronisation as the PLLs track each other. 25. REMOTE SWITCHING UNIT (RSU) In case of a Remote Switch Unit (RSU) the Time Switch Switch (TSS) cards in BM are replaced by Enhanced Time Switch (ETS) cards. This card implements different functions like HDB3 to NRZ conversion, clock extraction, time-slot interchange on PCM links to/from the host exchange, digital trunk interface, fault handling on digital trunks etc. In case of a remotely located BM (RSU), the corresponding MUX/DEMUX cards in BTU in CM in BUS-0 and BUS-1, are replaced by Enhanced Switch MUX (ESM) Cards in CM-XL and ESL cards in CM-L. The functions of the cards are HDB3 to NRZ conversion, digital trunk interface, multiplexing/ demultiplexing of 4 Mbps bit streams from/to a normal BM and a RSU. The interconnections between RSU and Central Module are shown in Figure 3.8. ALARM DISPLAY PANEL Alarm Display Panel (ADP) is a microprocessor based hardware unit which is attached to the BP (in SBM configuration) or AP (in MBM configuration) via HDLC links for providing audio-visual indication of system faults. It is a three card implementation. A matrix of LEDs is provided to indicate the maintenance status of the switch units and their level of initialisation. A seven-segment display shows the count of lines and trunks currently faulty. Keys are provided for manual acknowledgment, initiating self test and selective audio disable.




Chapter 9 CCS#7 Implementation in C-DOT 1 SUM PACKAGING The Signalling Unit Module (SUM) frame houses the following type of cards. The number of cards is indicated in the parentheses. Signalling Handler Module (SHM) cards (max. 4 or 8) Base Memory Extender (BME) cards (2, duplicated) Central Processor Unit (SU7) cards (2, duplicated) Terminal Unit Controller (TUC) card (2, duplicated) Terminal Unit Interface (TUI) card (2,duplicated) Loader (CUL) Cards (2). Not required in case of HPC CPU. Power Supply Unit (PSU II) cards (2 in each plane, duplicated) Mother Board (split into three sections)* * The motherboard is split into three sections. The two side sections receive thePSU cards (2 each) and the central section receives all the control cards and interface cards. The arrangement of cards in the SUM frame is depicted in Fig. 1 and listed in Table 1. To equip SUM in a MAX switch in a principal or concentration TU position, the following procedure is to be followed. a. In a working switch, if all principal TUs are already equipped and 7SU is to be equipped in a principal TU position, unequip a non-SUM type TU frame from the BM. Else, unequip a concentration TU frame Follow the standard procedure for deleting routes/subscribers, TGPs, cards, etc., and unequip the frame. Use the command UNEQ-FRAME with the following parameters: MOD-NO = BM number of the home BM. RACK-NO = 1/2/3 FRAME-NO = 1/2/3/4/5/6, depending on the frame to be unequipped With this, the status of the corresponding TIC/TUC will become UNEQUIPPED. b. Pull out the TU frame if SUM is to be put in a principal TU position, i.e. in rack number 1. Note: In a working switch with available TU frame positions, or in a switch being installed, the above two steps should be skipped. c. Insert SUM frame in place of the ATU/DTU removed, or in a free TU frame position or in a separate cabinet. d. Complete all the physical connections of the SUM with the TSU.


e. Replace the four 2A filter boxes on the busbars by 4A, 2mH filter boxes. The standalone cabinet should be fitted with four filter boxes of 4A, 2mH type. Connect the power supply to the SUM frame from the filter boxes f. Check that the SUM jumper-ID is 5E (in copy0) and 5F (in copy1) on the frame, as shown (there are 8 jumpers each on both copies for this). 7SU Copy0 7SU Copy1 W1 *==* [close] W13 * * W2 * * [open] W14 * * W3 * * W15 * * W4 * * W16 * * W5 * * W17 * * W6 *==* W18 *==* W7 * * W19 * * W8 *==* W20 *==*

The TUC jumper setting will be according to the position where the 7SU is put. Principal TU 1st Conc TU 2nd Conc TU 3rd Conc TU W9 &W11 *==* * * *==* * * W10&W12 *==* *==* * * * * The TUI jumper setting will be as per the position of the SUM. Note: If the SUM is not being equipped for the first time, the above steps should be skipped. g. Equip the SUM frame using the command EQUIP-FRAME with the following parameters: MOD-NO = BM number RACK-NO = 1/2/3 FRAME-NO = 1/2/3/4/5/6, depending on the frame to be equipped TIC-ID = TIC ID of the frame to be equipped e.g. TI09-0/1 or TI10-0/1, etc. FRM-TYPE = SU

This command will do the following: . Check if the home BM is equipped . Check if the corresponding frame is unequipped . Download read only data in SSC, APC, all the BMs, including the homeBM . Update the unit status and card status for SUM with the Central Configuration Manager (CCM). . Update equipage information of 7SU in the home BPC . Check if TIC is OOS-OPR . Update the existence of SUM in SSC and APC If the frame was previously unequipped and this is the only frame equipped as SUM frame in the switch, this command will be honoured, otherwise rejected. (This can be confirmed after checking the database at the IOP. The data at IOP is created for SUM. BM Configuration Manager (BMCM) in the home BPC then marks the status of TIC as OOS-OPR.) All further requests to EQUIP-FRAME should be rejected henceforth. The report of the 7SU equipage is sent after the above procedure. The alarms for the 7SU are allowed henceforth. h. Equip PHCs in the slots in which SHM cards are physically present. Use the command EQUIP-TRML-CARD with the following parameters: HW-TYP = PHC VER-NO = 1 CARD-SLT = BM-rack-frame-slot, where


slot=7/8/9/10 and 17/18/19/20, depending on the slot position of the PHC. [At least one PHC must be equipped in any of the slots to provide the C.85 channel towards the home BM, and hence enable SUM initialization.] (This equips the SHM card/s in the SUM. The command will be rejected if SUM is not already equipped in the switch.) Initialize SUM. i. Use the command PUT-SWU-INS with the following parameters : MOD-NO = Home BM Number UNIT-ID = TUC ID of the 7SU, i.e. the value given for the parameter TIC=ID in EQUIP-FRAME. The command will be rejected if the home BM goes down or equipage of C.85 (PHC) terminal with home BM is not available. With the corresponding TIC becoming INS-ACT, the SUM gets a path to the APC and code load request from it is now entertained at the APC. A critical alarm will now be raised for SUM on the ADP. After successful code, patch & data loading, SUM establishes ETE with APC, IOP & home BPC. The alarm mentioned above is now cleared from the Alarm Display Panel and a Load Pass Report is displayed on the OOD terminal and also printed on the printer. Check: If on equipping the first SHM card and putting the TUC in service, SUM initialization does not start, may be the PHC terminals are not in services (INS-NRM). After SUM comes up and module status is shown as IN SERVICE in DISPLSYS-ALL command, the retrofit of the SUM is complete. Now create CCS7 data by following the procedures given in Annexes I and II. UNEQUIPPING SUM IN A WORKING SWITCH The procedure for unequiping SUM in a working switch is given below: a. Delete all Signalling Point Codes, Signalling Route Sets, Signalling Links and related data. b. Force out all terminal (SHM) cards in the SUM frame by using the command FRC-TRM-OOS with the following parameters: TML-TYPE = PHC TEN = bm-rack-frame-slot-trml, where slot = 7/8/9/10 or 17/18/19/20 and trml = 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 Note: Each PHC has 8 terminals in 2 terminal complexes of 4 terminals each. Forcing out one or more terminals in a terminal complex forces out all 4 terminals in that complex. The terminal-complex containing the C.85 terminal(s) towards the home BM can be forced out only when all other terminal complexes in the frame are OOS-OPR.


c. Unequip all the SHM cards in the SUM frame.Use the command UNEQTRML-CARD with CARD-SLT = bm-rack-frame-slot, where slot = 7/8/9/10,17/18/19/20. d. Force out the TUCs of the SUM frame. Use the command FRC-SWU-OOS with the following parameters: MOD-NO = Home BM number UNIT-ID = TUC ID of the SUM. e. Unequip 7SU. Use the UNEQ-FRAME command with the following parameters: MOD-NO = BMx (the home BM) RACK-NO = 1/2 FRAME-NO = 1/2/3/4/5/6 All the BMs, SSC and AP are informed that SUM no longer resides in the exchange. All subsequent commands for EQUIP-FRAME henceforth are allowed on this frame. All the CCS7 related commands henceforth should be rejected until SUM is equipped again. UTILISATION OF UNUSED TIME-SLOTS The SUM can be equipped in any frame position, as well as in any concentration position. In the home BM, if all four TUs are equipped, the SUM can be in a separate cabinet, in a concentration position with a principal TU. Similarly, the SUM can be in the principal TU position, and a TU frame in concentration position can use the unused time-slots. It is also possible to concentrate these unused timeslots and use them for subscriber lines or trunks. The parameters for the commands discussed above will get changed depending on the placement of the SUM. The unused time-slots can be used by equipping terminal cards using EQUIP-TRML-CARD command with appropriate TIC IDs. Presently, the PHCs in 7SU utilize up to 32 time-slots allotted by BPC. With HPC 7SU utilizes 64 time slots for 64 PHC terminals. The terminal IDs (8..15, 24..31, 40..47, 56..63) get mapped to the time-slots allotted by BP at the time of connection. While establishing a #7 or C.85 link, it is desirable that a time-slot is available whenever a connection is to be made, without any contention and re-attempt. Hence, 32 time-slots are to be kept reserved for SUM. The TU sharing the 128 timeslots with the SUM should be equipped such a way that its requirement is restricted to 96 timeslots. Concentration with a DTU: The SUM can be put behind a DTU with the DTU in the primary position. With minor changes in DTU backplane, it also can be used inconcentration position behind SUM. Here, 3 PCMs can be equipped by which 96 time-slots will get nailed up to TUC. The remaining 32 (with BPC cards, with HPC 64 time slots will be used by SUM) will be meant for SUM whenever a CCS7 or C.85 link is required to be set up.


Concentration with a ATU: After initialization of SUM (and setting up of CCS7 and C.85 links according to initial configuration), all the remaining time-slots can be utilized by the ATUs, in concentration mode. However, if more time-slots are required by 7SU later on, and if they are not available, trunks will have to be deleted through operator commands to make time-slots available. CCS7 Data Creation for PSTN/ISDN Application For creating data is order to realize the connectivity shown in Fig. .1, the following commands are executed in the order given below. 1. CRE-SPC (Create Signaling Point Code) [SIG-NW] = NW - NAT SPC-LST = 1000 (Signaling point code of node A). 2. CRE-CGS (Create Circuit Group Set) CGS-NUM = 1 (CGS number) CGS-NAME = CCS71 (CGS name) SELF-PC = 1000 (Self point code of the node A) DEST-PC = 1001 (Destination point code, of node B). [SIG-NW] = NW-NAT [USR-PART] = ISUP 3. CRE-TGP (Create Trunk Group) TGP-NUM = 1 (Trunk group number) TGP-NAME = CCS71 (Trunk group name) TGP-STA = BW (TGP Status = Bothway) LIN-SIG = DIG-CCS (Line Signalling = Digital CCS) REG-SIG = CCITT-R7 (Register Signalling = CCITT No. 7) [CGS-NUM] = 1 (CGS number) [CGS-NAME] = NONE (CGS name = None, i.e. not specified) [RNK-DGT] = 4 (Rank of digit) TGP-TYPE = ORD (TGP type = ordinary) [DGT-SZFD] = 1 (minimum Digit Seize Forward) AC-STA = 2WP (Two Wire Protocol) [SIG-INF] = ISUP-CRG-CHB (ISUP Charging Methods = Charge Band) [#7 TEN] = BMNO-FRAMENO-RACKNO-SLOTNO-PCMNOCKTNO #7 Terminal Equipment Numbers, e.g., if only one PCM is included in the circuit group then #7 TEN numbering will be as follows : X-X-X-X-1-2 TO X-X-X-X-1-32, where 1 is the PCM id and X-X-X-X is the DTK slot no. Depending on the PCM id the voice circuits of the trunk group are given CIC numbers. The CIC numbers at the remote and should be same for the particular PCM otherwise the voice circuits will be blocked. Rest of the parameters are given default values. Also, see the notes at the end for a discussion of important TGP-related parameters.


4. CRE-LSB (Create Link Set Bundle) LSB-NUM = 1 (Link set bundle number) [CGS-NUM] = 1 (CGS number) [CGS-NAME] = NONE (CGS name) [STP-USER] = NONE (Signaling Transfer Point user = None, since the exchange is not a STP) [DEST-PCS] = NONE (Destination point codes = None; same reason as above) LM-MTHD = BASIC (Link management method = BASIC. For a LSB, once the LM method is defined, then all the link sets will have the same method). MX-MSGSZ = DATA272 (Maximum MSU size = 272 octets) 5. CRE-LS (Create Link Set) LS-NUM = 1 (Link set number) LSB-NUM = 1 (LSB number in which this LS will exist) [MNAC-LN] = 2 (Minimum active Links threshold for alarm) [MXAV-LN] = 2 (Maximum available links thresholds for alarm) [MNAV-LN] = 2 (Minimum available links threshold for alarm) PC-LST = 1001 (Point code of the destination) EC-OPTN = BASIC (Error correction option = Basic) [MXMS-RB] = 127 (Maximum no. of MSUs in retransmission buffer) [MX-OCTET-RTB] = 4095 (Maximum no. of octets in retransmission buffer). LOG-LNK = 0&1 (Logical link identity in the LS. The logical link ids should be same for the corresponding time slot at the remote end also.) [DAT-LNK] = X-X-X-X-16 & X-X-X-X-17 (TENs corresponding to #7 signalling links. The TEN X-X-X-X-16 and hence time slot 15th will have logical link id as 0). 6. CRE-SRS (Create Signaling Route Set) SRS-NUM = 1 (Signaling route set number) DPC = 1001 (Destination point code) [SIG-NW] = NW-NAT PR1-RT-TBL = 1 (High priority route table) [PR2-RT-TBL] = NONE (If low priority route code is not to be given) Rest of the parameters are given the default value. After each command, appropriate display commands should be used to confirm the data created. Also, see notes at the end for description of some important parameters.

1. TGP Related Parameters . TGP-STA (TGP status) should always be bothway (BW). SIG-INF (Signalling Information) parameter controls the charge method to be used for this TGP at TAX and nature of address indication for STD/ISD calls. The parameters are described as follows.

ISUP-CRG-CHB: If SIG-INF is set to ISUP-CRG-CHB, Charging will be done according to charge Band message coming from remote end, when the exchange is acting as a local exchange and expecting charging information from TAX. Charge Band contains a Band number corresponding to which a charge rate association should be there. This Band is used by exchange to refer to the charge rate number and, then charging is done according to that charge rate. Charge rate number - Charge Band association is done by command MOD-CHB-CRG. Similarly if the exchange is TAX then the charge rate number being used in the outgoing route should have a Band number attached to it. For the route calls this band number will be sent back to local exchange. Charge band is to be used only when the full link between local exchange and TAX supports CCS7. ISUP-CRG-CHU: This method of charging is just like charging in case of MF trunks using charging pulses. For each unit to be charged, here a charge message is sent by TAX to local exchange. In this case association of charge band with charge rate number will not make any difference. According to the charge rate on outgoing route, TAX will generate periodic charge message and local exchange will do the charging accordingly. ACCS-CD-NPFX: Access Code Not Prefixed. This parameter is used for access code suppression in case of STD/ISD calls in out going trunks. It also sets the NATURE OF ADDRESS for called party as National Significant or International number. This parameter setting will be required for other technology exchange like EWSD who follow E.163 & 164 book the type of nature of address handling implementation. If this parameter is not set then calls will repeatedly fail with CDR showing the reason as "ADDRESS INCOMPLETE". So while creating CCS7 trunk please ensure nature of address at other end. If this parameter is not set then "0"/"00" will be sent to remote end with nature of address for called subscriber as National Significant/International number. PCM-ID field in NO7 TEN NO7-TEN contains six field arranged in the format BM NO-RACK NO-FRAME NO-SLOT NO-PCM ID-CIRCUIT NO. PCM-ID field allots a unique number (called CIC number) to the TENs of TGP, i.e. with PCM-ID = 1 (1-1-2-7-1-2 to 32) the TENs, 1-1-2-7-2 to 32 will have CIC numbers starting from 1 to 31. Similarly for PCM id - 2 CIC numbers will start from 32 onwards. It has to be ensured that a particular circuit should have same CIC number at both the ends. TGP-CAT: Always give a unique number to "TGP-CAT" parameter for CCS7 tgps. It should not be given to any other non-CCS7 trunk groups. Subscriber Charge: For CCS7 TGPs modify subscriber charge characteristic for calling category =CCS7 tgp cat, called category = subscriber category. For these two categories "non-metered' charge rate number (with "metering info" as "charged") should be used only if "charge band" method of charge is being used on CCS7 trunks. 2. CRE-LS Related Parameters LOG-LNK: Logical link id should be same at both the end or nodes. For example if TEN (DAT-LNK) 1-1-2-7-17 is given logical link id as 0 at CDOT end then the same time slot or PCM circuit should be made logical signaling link 0 at other end also.

3. CRE-SRS Related Parameters PRI-RT-TBL should contain the link set (LS) number going towards the destination specified in the DPC parameter.


Chapter - 10
Alcatel 1000 E10 is the digital switching system developed by Alcatel CIT. Multi-application, Alcatel 1000 E10 could be used for the entire range of switch from the smallest local exchanges to the largest transit gateway switches. It adapts to every type of habitat, from dense urban environment, to sparse!) populated areas, and to every type of climate, from polar regions to the hot and humid climates of Equatorial Africa and the tropics. Alcatel 1000 E10 provides all modern communication services : Basic Telephony ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), Centrex, digital cellular radiotelephony and all the Intelligent Network applications


General functional architecture

The Alcatel E10 system is located at the heart of the telecommunication networks concerned. It is made up of three independent functional units : the "Subscriber Access Subsystem" which carries connection of analogue and digital subscriber lines, out

"Connection and Control" which carries out connections and processing of calls, "Operation and Maintenance" which is responsible for all functions needed by the network operating authority. are

Each functional unit is equipped with softwares which appropriate for handling the functions for which it is responsible.




Time base (BT) The BT ensures times distribution for LR and PCM to provide the synchronisation, and also for working out the exchange clock. Time distribution is tripled. Time generation can be either autonomous or slaved to an external rhythm with a view to synchronise the system with the network.


Host switching matrix (SMX) The SMX is a square connection matrix with a single time stage, T, duplicated in full, which enables up to 2048 matrix links (LR) to be connected. A matrix link LR is an internal PCM, with 16 bits per channel (32 Channels) The MCX is controlled by the COM function (matrix switch controller) to ensure the: set up and breakdown of the connections by access to the matrix command memory. This access is used to write at the output T.S. address the incoming T.S. address defense of the connections. Security of the connections in order to assure a good data switching.


PCM controller (URM) The URM provides the interface between external PCMs and the OCB283. These PCM come from either: a remote subscriber digital access unit (CSN) or from a remote electronic satellite concentrator CSE, another switching centre, on channel-associated signalling or CCITT No. 7, the digital recorded announcement equipment.


Auxiliary equipment manager (ETA)

The ETA supports: the tone generators (GT), the frequency receiving and generation (RGF) devices, conference circuits (CCF), - the exchange clock. 1.2.5 CCS7 protocol handler (PUPE) and CCS7 controller (PC): CCITT No. 7 protocol processing


For connection of 64 kbit/s signalling channels, semi-permanent connections are established via the connection matrix, to the PUPE which processes the CCITT No. 7 protocol. More precisely, the PUPE function carries out the following : - "signalling channel" Level 2 processing, - the "message routing" function (part of Level 3). The PC carries out: - the "network management" function (part of Level 3), PUPE defence,


- various observation tasks which are not directly linked to CCITT No. 7. Call handler (MR)

The MR is the breaking off of communications.

responsible for the establishment


The call handler takes the decisions necessary for processing of communications in terms of the signalling received, after consultation of the subscriber and analysis database manager (TR) if necessary. The call handler processes new calls and hanging-up operations, releases equipment, commands switching on and switching off etc.
1.2.7 Subscriber and analysis database manager (TR) (TRANSLATOR) The TR function carries out management of the analyses, subscribers and circuit groups database. The TR supplies the call handler, on request from it, with subscribers and circuits characteristics necessary for establishing and breaking off communications. The TR also ensures match between the dialling received and the addresses of circuit groups or subscribers (pre-analysis, analysis, translation functions). 1.2.8 Call charging and traffic Measurement (TX) The TX function carries out charging for communications. TX is responsible for: calculating the amount to be charged for each communication, keeping the charge account of each subscriber served by the switching centre, supplying the necessary information for drawing up detailed billing, on line to the OM.



In addition, TX carries out tasks of observation of (circuits and subscribers observation). Matrix system handler (GX) The GX function is responsible for processing and for defence of connections on receipt of: requests for connection or disconnection coming from call handler (MR) or message distributor functions (MQ), connection faults signalled by the matrix switch controller function (COM).


In addition, the GX carries out monitoring of certain links of the connection central subsystem (access links LA and links internal to the host switching matrix LCXE), periodically or on request from certain links. Communication multiplex One to five communication multiplexes are used to transmit messages from one station to another. This transfer of messages is carried out by only one type of medium, the TOKEN RING, with a unique protocol which is processed in accordance with IEEE 802.5 Standard. Single Multiplex (COMPACT configuration): - it is then referred to as the Interstation Multiplex (MIS). More than one specialist Multiplex : 1 Interstation Multiplex (MIS) for interchanges between the command functions, or between the command functions and operation and maintenance software,


from 1 to 4 Station Access Multiplexes (MASs) for interchanges between the connection functions (URM, COM, ETA, PURE) and the command functions. Operation and maintenance function (OM) The functions of the operation and maintenance subsystem are carried out by the operation and maintenance software (OM). The operating authority accesses all hardware and software equipment of the Alcatel 1000 E10 system via computer terminals belonging to the operation and maintenance subsystem : consoles, magnetic media, intelligent terminal. These functions can be grouped into 2 categories : - operation of the telephone application,


operation and maintenance of the system.

In addition, the operation and maintenance subsystem carries out: loading of softwares and of data for connection and command and for the subscriber digital access units, temporary backup of detailed billing information, centralisation of alarm data coming from connection and control stations, via alarm rings, central defence of the system.

Finally, the operation and maintenance subsystem permits twoway communication with operation and maintenance networks, at regional or national level




Main Control Station

Auxiliary Equipment Control Station


: : :

Trunk Control Station

Matrix Control Station Maintenance Station Synchronization and Time Base Station




The digital satellite exchange (CSN) is an entity for connection of subscribers which is capable of serving analogue subscribers and digital subscribers simultaneously. The CSN is a connection unit designed to adapt to a wide variety of geographical situations. It can either be local (CSNL) or remote (CSND) in relation to the connecting exchange. The CSN is broken down into two parts: the digital control unit (UCN) and the Digital Concentrator Modules (CN). It is the digital control unit which can be local or remote in relation to the connecting exchange. Concentrators on which subscribers are connected can be local (CNL) or remote (CNE) in relation to that control unit. Two distribution levels exist which gives very great flexibility with regard to geographical location.




The Local Digital Concentrator (CNL) are connected up to the Connection Network with the aid of 2 to 4 Internal Network Lines (LRI). All the TS16 of these LRI are used for carrying High Level Data Link Control (HDLC) signalling. This signalling permits 2-way communication between the concentrators and the Digital Control Unit. The TSO cannot be used for carrying speech channels. The Distant Digital Concentrator (CNE) are connected up to the Connection Network via the Distant Digital Concentrator Modules Interface (ICNE), with the aid of from 1 to 4 PCM connections. The TS16 carry the HDLC signalling and the TSO cannot be used for carrying speech channels. A maximum of 42 LRI can be used for connecting concentrators to the connection network. The maximum number of Local Digital Concentrator (CNL) which can be connected to the Connection Network is 19. This is because of the maximum number of racks, which is 4. In this case the 42 LRI are divided up on the 19 CNL in terms of the traffic. The maximum number of Remote Digital Concentrator which can be connected up to the Connection Network is 20. With CNE and CNL equipped the maximum number of CN is 20. CNE can be equipped with from one to four PCM connections. The ICNE allows a maximum of 42 PCM connections, divided up on a maximum of CNE, to be connected.



Chapter 11
INTRODUCTION No telephone exchange can work in isolation in telecommunication network. In order to provide facility of communication between subscribers connected to different telephone exchanges, the exchanges are inter-connected through junctions. Local exchanges are either directly connected to one another or through tandem exchanges. All the local exchanges are connected to TAX which connect exchanges of different cities. TAXs are interconnected as per hirarchy and traffic needs to different cities or countrys gateway to other countries. Such Interconnection of exchanges makes the overall NETWORK of telecommunications. The routing of traffic in the network is achieved by management of JUNCTIONS which are called CIRCUITS. In this chapter we will understand the management of Circuit groups in OCB-283 . CIRCUIT GROUP MANAGEMENT The inter-exchange JUNCTIONS also called terminal CIRCUITS originate & terminate in OCB-283 exchange in the form of CHANNELS or Time Slots of 32 channel 2.048 MBPS PCMs. A terminal circuit is an equipment of a trunk connection module of Trunk Control Station (SMT). The software , called PCM controller- URM (multiplex connection unit software ) is implemented on the hardware station SMT. The SMT hardware is of two types -SMT1G & SMT2G.The SMT 1G has 8 modules each handling 4 PCMs thus giving a total of 32 PCMs per station. The SMT 2G has 8 modules each handling 16 PCMs giving a total of 128 PCMs per station. These modules are of two types MRM & MRS . MRM handles Junctions from other exchanges & MRS handle links from the Distant subscriber connection units of the same exchange, such as CSND, CSED. A junction PCM carrying terminal circuits can be directly connected to a another Digital exchange. But they have to be converted to analogue form for connecting them to an analogue exchange as shown in the figure below.

OCB 283










TERMINAL CIRCUITS AND CIRCUIT GROUPS. A terminal circuit t is identified by an address comprising of :its location in the exchange i.e. I) UR NUMBER :- It is the functional designation of the hardware module to which the circuit belongs . In OCB-283 this number begins from 223 to 64 II) PCM NUMBER 0 to 3 for module of SMT1G & 0 to 15 for module of SMT2G III) CHANNEL NUMBER (1 TO 30) Together this address is written or identified as AFCT:AFCT=UR#-PCM#-CHANNEL #

1234 63 64 223 224 256

CSN 1~63

















Each PCM which is connected on the SMT has got a corresponding LR (Internal Voice carrying digital Link) towards the switching matrix. Accordingly the corresponding TS on this LR link has the same speech or data which travels from or to outside the exchange on the circuit.This time slot on LR link is called AFVT which is defined as AFVT=UR#-LR#-TS#



Generally a number of circuits are provided between the two exchanges. these circuits have common characteristics, like signalling, testing parameters etc. for this purpose, a circuit group is formed, which is identified by a name and circuits are assigned to this circuit group. A circuit group may contain a number of sub groups. An O/G circuit group may contain 15 sub groups and I/C circuit group may contain 16 sub groups. A sub group is a set of circuits having same UR number and consecutive functional address. A sub group may consist of a maximum of 120 circuits.



Subgroup 1 Subgroup 2


Subgroup 3



Two exchanges can either be connected through a both way circuit group or separate outgoing and incoming circuit groups. The circuits are not only physically connected from one exchange to another exchange they are also created in the software of the exchange. Where required, the PCM is converted to analogue circuits before connecting them to analogue exchange. After physical connection, the circuit group is created by man machine command, which enter data in the various files used at the time of analysis.

Command FSCCR is used to create a circuit group. The various parameters are as under: @FSCCR: @NFSC= ,INDT=, INDE= ,SG= , ,GENR= ,ACE= CTA= ,AFCT= ,INDR= ,INDG=

,AEAC= ,LOI= ,GABC= ,PS= ,CIC= ,CSC= ;

The parameters in BOLD are compulsory, others are optional.



The meaning and possible values of the above parameters are explained below.
1 2 NFSC GENR Name of the circuit group. It can be written in a maximum of 5 alpha numerical characters e.g. OBYD1, IBPLD etc. Indicates whether the circuit group is out going, incoming, or both way etc. =S (outgoing) =E (incoming ) =M (both way) =TD (data transmission circuit group with signaling. Functional address of the terminal circuit included in the circuit group. e.g. AFCT=216-1-1<20+218-3-1<30: Digits to be regenerated and added in front of received dialing on incoming circuits. e.g. INDR=643. Maximum digit can be regenerated. Circuit group identifier. e.g. INDS=413 a maximum of 8 digits. Additional circuit group identifier, used for charging and detailed billing on the incoming calls (e.g. PABX. INDT= maximum 8 digits Digits to be sent for circuit testing. e.g. INDE=9999 etc a maximum of 8 digits. Access code to be sent in front of the testing number. Authorisation for systematic testing on circuit group. =Yes (authorised . Default value) =No (Not authorised) Free circuit search law =03 Circuit testing outline =Pn 4 Wire long distance trunk test (1n15) =Nn 2 Wire local circuit test (1n15) =Sn Circuit fast testing (1n15) =Rn Simplified R2 circuit test (1n) Signaling code. The signaling used are as below =L1E2 MF(R2) - E&M signaling =L1E3 Decadic - E&M signaling =L2E2 MF(R2) - 2W signaling =L3E2 MF(R2)- 3 W signaling =L3E3 decadic - 3 W signaling =L4E3 decadic - 2W signaling with dial tone on incoming ccts e.g. junctions from manual boards =L6E2 MF(R2) Indian PCM signaling =L6E3 Decadic - Indian PCM signaling =L7E2 MF(R2) - digital to digital (PCM) =L7E3 Decadic - digital to digital (PCM ) =L10E7 - CCITT no.7 signaling The category of the circuit group. A number of values are there as para . These are explained as under. A SIGNALLING VARIANT CATEGORIES - value of CTA gives signaling characteristics for particular type of signaling code. 1. CTA values of MF(R2) signaling (LnE2) CTA =VSG1 MF(R2) compelled =VSG2 MF(R2) semi-compelled =VSG3 MF(R2) compelled without A7, A8, A9

3 4


5 6 7 8 9


1 0 1 1


1 2


1 3



1 4



MF(R2) semi-compelled without A7, A8, A9 2 CTA values for decadic signaling (LnE3) CTA =VSG0 decadic dialling for all LnE3 except for L7E3 =VSG2 decadic dialing for L7E3 3 CTA values for CCITT No.7 signaling (L10E7) CTA =VSG0 standard CCITT No.7 signaling (implicit value) B CIRCUIT GROUP FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS These categories are given to perform specific type of functions on the circuit group. The various CTA values and their functions are as under. CTA =RTT Transmission of charging pulse in backward direction =TR Pure transit operation authorised in R2 signaling. The category TR is necessary on the incoming circuit group and out going routing (ACH) =TKO Trunk offering authorisation on incoming circuit group. =AUB Noise measurement authorisation =FMP Manual hold possible C O/G CALL RESTRICTION - These categories are given to incoming circuit groups for restricting access to certain types of calls. CTA =SR0 All types of calls allowed =SR1 Local and special services allowed, NSD& ISD barred =SR2 Local calls allowed, special services, NSD, ISD barred =SR3 Local, special services and NSD allowed. ISD barred. =SR4 All out going calls barred =SR5 Local, special services, ISD allowed, NSD barred =SR6 NSD & ISD allowed, Local and special services barred =SR7 to 15 Spare at present D ROUTING AND CHARGING CATEGORIRE The incoming circuit groups can be assigned with routing and charging categories to differentially route and charge the calls from different sources. There are two types of routing and charging categories. - First level routing and charging index category given as CTA=ATn (1n32). These can be extended to 64 by using DF2 e.g. CTA=DF2 + ATn (1n32) - Second level routing and charging index category given as CTA=ZGn (1n64) Signaling point number . This is a unique number allotted to each exchange in the network . The number is called as DPC or OPC for exchange of messages in CCITT #7 signaling. PS=116383 Circuit Identification Code. It is used to identify the particular speech circuit



5 1 6 CSC

for which the message is being sent in CCITT #7 format. CIC=4095 Continuity check operation for CCITT #7 circuit group CSC = 0 =1 =2 =3


The other commands used for circuit group management is described below (Appendix 1 to 3) a b c d e f FSCAD FSCRE FSCIN FSCIL FSCMO FSCSU Addition of circuit / circuits in already existing circuit group. Withdrawal of circuit / circuits from a circuit group. Interrogation of circuit group. Listing of circuit group. circuit group characteristics modification Circuit group deletion


The junctions or circuits between two exchanges can be tested only in Outgoing direction. The following is the concept of circuit testing in OCB 283 exchange

Circuit TS






The following types of circuit/ circuit groups are possible. 1. ON DEMAND TESTOF INDIVIDUAL CIRCUIT 2. SYSTEMATIC TEST ON ALL CIRCUITS OF A CIRCUIT GROP


The first type of test is to test a Specific circuit or list of circuits addressed by functional address of circuit. Its command & parameters are as follows. The results are given immediately. @ CIRDEM: @ AFCT=UR#-PCM#-CH#+UR#-PCM#-CH#< UR#-PCM#-CH+............., REP=.. ; where AFCT is functional address of circuits to be tested. & REP is the repetition of test The second type of test performs testing of all circuits of Circuit group or list of circuit groups in a systematic manner & gives the result at a deferred time. @CIRACT : @ NFSC=..................+......................+......................+ ............; Other commands useful for circuit group testing & management are as follows COMMAND CTIN ETTIL CIRMAN CIRFIN PARAMETER AFCT NFSC,ED, STTUS AFCT,TRON, FILM AFCT PURPOSE Interrogation of status of ckt Interrogation of status of ckts in a particular status. To feed a specific tone to an incoming ckt. To stop feeding of tones


For installing circuit groups with CCITT #7 signaling between two exchange which are called SIGNALLING POINTS PS, it is necessary to first create, signaling data link, signaling link set, signaling Combined link set and signaling analysis. After these creation, circuit group, routing and analysis are created as explained already. The following is the conceptual diagram of CCS working.
Traffic Circuits

OCB 283 EXCHANGE Sub A (310xxxx)

Signalling Data link


Sub B (643xxxx)

An example of complete operation of establishing CCS#7 junctions is given below.



Signaling data link creation.

Creation of Individual Signaling data link.:-

@LDCR: @ SRV=........, ILS= ..........,TYLD=.......,AFCTE= ........;

ILS Identity of signaling link in 5 alpha numerical characters (For example in case of an out going route to BOMBAY level 325 exchange it can be OB325 ) TYLD =1 =2 AFCTE National network Local network


The channel which is assigned to carry CCITT Signaling messages for traffic circuits.


Creation of Signaling link set or Group:-

@FSMCR: @NFSM= ..,ILS= .... ,PS= .....,LAW= ..,COC=....,RANC=....,TSV=.....;SRV=.... Where NFSM PS LAW COC RANC TSV Name of signaling link set in 5 alphanumeric Signaling point number, unique for exchange Traffic distribution law Signaling channel number Rank of signaling channel in the set PUPE number


Creating Signaling route or CONMBIBED LINK SET.

@ASMCR: @ASM=..,NFSM=......,LAW=....,RANF=....; Where ASM RANF Signaling route number Rank of FSM in the route


Creation of CCITT #7 signaling analysis

@ANSCR: @PS= ........,ASMN=......;


Commissioning of link into service.


@NFSM= ......,COC=....,ETCS=ACTI+NBLO + NINH ; This completes the creation of signaling link. Now we can create circuit groups with CCITT #7 signaling and followed by routing and analysis. 2) CREATION OF CIRCUIT GROUP FOR VOICE: @FSCCR: @NFSC=......,AFCT=..........+........ , GENR=M , SG=L10E7, PS= ....., CIC=1<30, CSC= ...; Where L10E7 indicates CCITT #7 signaling CIC CSC 3) 4) Cct identification code Continuity check option validation. CREATION OF ROUTING CREATION OF ANALYSIS

As per example 2. As per example 2. After this when the subscriber dials the call for the other exchange, he gets it. The signaling messages for this calls are sent over the signaling channel setup EXAMPLE 2 Creation of circuit group, routing and analysis for out going call In this case, we have to first create circuit groups, routing and analysis. The circuit groups may be either both way or separate out going and incoming.

Examples of Out going Incoming & Both way Circuit groups with reference to A.
i) Creation of circuit group at exchange A.

@FSCCR: @NFSC=OE643,GENR=S,SG=L1E2,AFCT=216-11<30,GABC=R1,INDE=8888; ii) Creation of routing at exchange A @ACHCR: @ACH=50,NFSC=OE643,TYPE=1,RPCE=4,RCR=6,DIS=C; iii) Creation of analysis at exchange A. @INDCR: @IND=643,TRAD=1,ACHN=50-1<64,PTXN=28-1<64,RDC=7;


With these creations, when subscriber A dials the number of exchange B (643xxxx) the call will be put through on a circuit. But when subscriber of B dials the number of exchange A, its call has to come on an Incoming circuit group.. Hence, it is required, either to create incoming circuit group at exchange A or alternately instead of creating out going circuit group, we can create a BOTHWAY circuit group between exchange A and B. Also since routing and analysis for the LOCAL PREFIX of A exists at exchange A, these are not required to be created again & again. SEQUENCE OF COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALLING CIRCUIT GROUP, ROUTING & ANALYSIS










When the system analyses the digits dialled by the subscriber, it finally gets the identity of the circuit group (NFSC). When this record in FIFSC file is read, it is indicated by SG=L10E7 that the circuit group has COMMON CHANNEL signalling. This file also gives PS number. From this PS number the system further analyses in UTC files to get signalling data link number over which message is to be sent as shown in the diagrams .See Fig on last page.













Chart explaining concept of signaling point # PS , signaling route ASM , signaling circuit group FSM & signaling channels COC in common channel signaling working




Routing a call to modified number

We know that it is some times necessary to re-route a call to the number other than the dialled one. For example when subscriber dials 198 the call is often routed to some other number (such as 310198). Now, we will see, what is required to do this. 1. Creation of routing. @ACHCR: @ACH=80,TYPE=6,NAR=310198,CAR=PRE1,RCR=3; 2. Creation of analysis @INDCR: @IND=198,TRAD=1,ACHN=80-1<64,PTXN=30-1<64,RDC=3;




Over the last few years there has been a tremendous change in the world of telecommunications. This has happened mainly due to opening up of the telecom market for multiple operators or service providers, which have brought the monopolies to an end. The existing telecom operators are facing fierce competition in the market and even then they have to survive. In order to achieve this, operators are trying to build cost-effective businesses on the one hand and create new business models and generate new revenue streams on the other hand. The convergence of fixed and mobile networks and integration of voice and non-voice services are becoming their todays targets. This approach would lower down operational cost and allow greater flexibilities for service innovation and shorter time-to-market. The increasing service requirements from end users call for innovative applications / multimedia services, high flexibility of service access, high bandwidth, high quality of service etc. Apparently, the operators need to remaing competitive and the end-users demand for increased service requirements are together pushing the development of NGN all over the world. 1. A CONCEPT TO LIGHT THE WAY Next Generation Network NGN i.e. the Next Generation Network refers to the convergence of different telecom services i.e. voice, data and video over a unified packet network utilising Internet Protocol (IP). NGN can be thought of as a packet-based network where the packet switching and transport elements (e.g. routers, switches and gateways ) are logically and physically separated from the service/ call control intelligence. This control intelligence is used to support all types of services over the packet-based transport network including everything from the basic voice telephony services to data, video, multimedia, advanced broadband. 2. MAJOR DRIVING FORCE BEHIND NGN: EXPECTATIONS OF TODAYS CUSTOMER : Individualization of communication: In the future, individualization will be the rule. Whether the customer is at home, in the office or on the move he wants to be addressed by the same number. That is, the identifier should be user dependent not service dependent. Customization of services: Todays customer wants to invoke the add-on services locally, rather than having to subscribe to equivalent services in the network as in the traditional telephony today.


Other than this, for activating various facilities he/she doesnt want to remember different star codes. Instead, they want an intuitive graphical user interface. Of course, this situation requires a more sophisticated user device and a more intelligent network. Generalized mobility: Generalized mobility means that the service will be usable wherever the terminal and the person happen to be. Generalized mobility covers terminal mobility, user mobility and service mobility. Terminal mobility: Terminal mobility is the ability of a user terminal to continue to access the network when the terminal moves. User mobility: User mobility is the ability for a user to continue to access network services under the same user identity when the user moves. This includes the ability for a user to access network services from different terminals under the same user identity. Service mobility: Service mobility is the ability for a user to access the same services regardless of where the user is. Multiplicity of terminal:

Users want to have access to a maximum number of services without having to burden themselves with too many different terminals. The multiplication of more or less universal terminals is a strong trend, which requires adaptation of todays diversified networks into a single converged network. Overlapping of professional & private domain:

In todays high tech environment, the traditional limits of the fields of leisure and work are getting blurred. Home terminals are required to be connected to the companys network so that the employee may work at home by logging onto his intranet. On the other hand, the same employee wants to control his domestic appliances e.g. microwave ovens, washing machines etc. from his place of work. Finally, it means that almost everything can be networked. The consequence for the NGN is that tens of billions of communicating objects will have to be addressable and the data flow varying from a few bps for remote control to several Mbps for multimedia with equally diverse real time constraints will need to be transferred. 4. FEATURES OF NGN : Packet-based network:

Traffic is broken into small packets that are sent individually to their destination. The route that each packet takes to its destination is determined at each network node on packet by packet basis. IP (INTERNET PROTOCOL) : IP is a packet based protocol. As routing decision is taken on packet by packet basis different packets may take

different routes from the origin to destination. This may lead to the possibility of out of sequence receiving of packets at the other end. To combat these shortcomings other protocols have been developed in conjunction with IP to ensure that the packets are delivered to their ultimate destination in the correct sequence and without loss. These are known as transport layer protocols and TCP is the one, which is currently being used for internet service. A packet of data is equipped with an IP header, which contains information about the originator and the destination address. Routers use this information in the header to route the packets. Routers can contain a range of different interfaces: Ethernet, Frame relay, ATM etc. Logical AND is performed between destination address and IP mask (string of ones followed by string of 0s) and the result is matched with the address in the routing table and the corresponding interface is selected. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a network layer protocol for packetswitched internetworks. It is designated as the successor of IPv4, the current version of the Internet Protocol, for general use on the Internet. The main improvement brought by IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is the increase in the number of addresses available for networked devices, allowing, for example, each mobile phone and mobile electronic device to have its own address. IPv4 supports 232 (about 4.3 billion) addresses, which is inadequate for giving even one address to every living person, let alone supporting embedded and portable devices. IPv6, however, supports 2128 addresses; this is approximately 51028 addresses for each of the roughly 6.5 billion people alive today. Very High-Speed Network from access to core:

The user friendliness of real time services requires the transfer of large volumes of data (music, moving, pictures etc.) in a very short time. For this reason, the networks need to provide very high speed channels from end to end to prevent any bottlenecks.The technologies needed will be optical at the core. In case of BSNL MPLS edge routers and core-routes constitute the core network.The access technology will be broadband access. Network providing generalized mobility:

The generalization of mobility together with the diversity of terminals and access available to the customers require that the control part of the network acquires a set of technical data before call setup. It will have - To localize systematically the terminal or the user to find out which access network they are connected to. - To identify the characteristics of the terminal (PC, Mobile, PDA etc.). - To identify the access (wired/wireless) in order to ensure the coherence between the customer request and the terminal access pair.


Unified and Universal Networks:

NGN network is universal i.e. able to supply any service and unified i.e. constructed from a single transport layer and with a single control. Centralized Control:

In conventional telephone systems, as far as the basic service is concerned, which means setting up a connection between the calling and called party, control is distributed over all the local and transit exchanges. Consequently when services need to be modified, all the exchanges are effected. For more complex services (ITC, FPH etc.), these difficulties are partly overcome by using centralized control which are independent of the switches and which interact with them using standardized interface. The complexity of services offered to NGN customers will be much greater than that of telephone networks. So, the service specific software needs to be exported to centralized platforms outside the network. Open Interfaces :

With open interfaces, services and networks can be designed from blocks produced by various manufacturers and software editors with the guarantee that everything will work together. This type of interface enables to have a 3rd party as service provider. That is, unbundling of access and transport network (in wide sense) leaving the customer free to choose like transport layer of one network operator and service layer of another operator, so that he can seek the best value for the money. 5 ARCHITECTURE of NGN: The architecture of Next Generation Network is shown below. It is a horizontally layered network architecture instead of the present vertically separated networks for each service. It uses packet-based transport for all services (including voice). The access, switching, transport, control and service functions which are integrated in todays switches are separated into individual network layers, which inter-work via interfaces based on open standards. The most significant aspect is the separation of call control from switching and transport functions. Access Network

As the core network evolves into a multi-service backbone network, access network needs to support a multi-service environment at high data rates. It should be possible to provide access using the existing technologies and networks such as PSTN, ISDN, ATM. IP etc. In addition, technologies like Digital Subscriber Loop (DSL), Ethernet, Wireless and FTTx will be used for providing access to NGN.


Figure 1 Architecture of NGN

Media Gateway (MGW) The transport and switching functions are handled by Media Gateway (MGW), which adapts voice and other media to the packet transport network and provide a path for transporting the content for any type of service. MGW supports access interfaces for Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and the Packet Switched Public Data Network (PSPDN), Cellular Mobile, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Replay (FR), Internet etc. and provides an Inter-working Function (IWF) between them and packet core network. The access type is transparent to the media gateway.

Soft-Switch The intelligence for call control resides in a separate element called a Soft-Switch ((also known as Media Gateway Controller), which is the heart of the next generation network. It provides signaling, call control and feature delivery using open standards. In the soft-switch, call control and bearer control are separated. Soft-switch can receive signaling information from existing narrow-band circuit-switched networks through signaling gateway. Based on the signaling information received, the soft-switch sends appropriate commands for call establishment, release etc., to the Media Gateway. It supports accounting function in addition to call control functions.

Application Servers These servers are responsible for provisioning of different services and shall be based on open standards to allow the use of servers from multiple vendors. These servers provide flexibility in the NGN for deploying diverse services and creation of new services specific to a service provider.



PROTOCOLS OF NGN: Between Media Gateways (MGs) and Media Gateway Controllers (MGCs) the protocol used is Megaco/H.248. The purpose of this protocol is to provide communications for call control and call signaling. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Used for communication between two MGCs and between a SIP enabled user terminal and MGC. For transporting CCS7 signaling information within NGN three protocols are used combined under SIGTRAN architecture SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) MTP2 User Adaptation (M2UA) andMTP3 User Adaptation (M3UA) The Packetized bearer traffic (voice, data and video) uses the IP Real Time Protocol (RTP).

Figure 2 Protocols of NGN

Application Server Application specific Application Server

SIP, Parlay, Jain SIP-T Media Gateway Controller Signaling Gateway H.248/Megaco Media Gateway PSTN/ End users RTP Media Gateway PSTN/ End users Media Gateway Controller Signaling Gateway



NGN Applications The Key to Competitive Differentiation

A driving force behind the adoption of next generation communication platform has been their ability to allow operators to quickly and cost-effectively deploy a variety of revenue-generating applications, all from a single architectural source. Utilization of an open-source Java-based Applications Creation environment makes this high degree of flexibility possible.

Thanks to this design philosophy, Operators can create compelling bundles of best-in-class messaging and communications services ranging from basic call answering to forward looking applications like Multimedia Messaging (MMS) and presence enabled solutions. To further facilitate the user experience, the next generation communication platform should also provide a web interface for subscribers to add and modify their preferences and features on a self-serve basis. This capability increases usage by consumers, improves customer loyalty, and also reduces service provider operating costs through fewer routine service calls. Ultimately though, it comes down to the applications. Whether native on the platform or sourced from a 3rd party, applications are key to the Operator differentiating their service offering. Some of the most highly desirable applications today include: Voice Telephony NGNs will likely need to support various existing voice telephony services (e.g., Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, 3-Way Calling, various AIN features, various Centrex features, and various CLASS features). Note, however, that NGNs are not trying to duplicate each and every traditional voice telephony service currently offered. Rather, they will likely attempt to support only a small percentage of these traditional services, with an initial focus on the most marketable voice telephony features and the features required from a regulatory perspective. Data (Connectivity) Services Allows for the real-time establishment of connectivity between endpoints, along with various value-added features (e.g., bandwidth-on-demand, connection reliability/resilient Switched Virtual Connections [SVCs], and bandwidth management/call admission control). Multimedia Services Allows multiple parties to interact using voice, video, and/or data. This allows customers to converse with each other while displaying visual information. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Voice VPNs improve the inter location networking capabilities of businesses by allowing large, geographically dispersed organizations to combine their existing private networks with portions of the PSTN, thus providing subscribers with uniform dialing capabilities. Data VPNs provide added security and networking features that allow customers to use a shared IP network as a VPN. Public Network Computing (PNC) Provides public network-based computing services for business consumers. For example, the public network provider could provide generic processing and storage capabilities (e.g., to host a web page, store/maintain/backup data files, or run a computing application). The public network provider would charge users for the raw processing and storage used, but would have no knowledge of the specific content/application. Unified Messaging Supports the delivery of voice mail, email, fax, and pages through common interfaces. Through such interfaces, users will access, as well as be notified of, various message types (voice mail, email, fax , etc.), independent of the means of access (i.e., wire line or mobile phone, computer, or wireless data device). E-Commerce Allows consumers to purchase goods and services electronically over the network. This could include processing the transactions, verifying payment information, providing security, and possibly trading (i.e., matching buyers and sellers who negotiate trades for goods or services). Home banking and home shopping fall into this category of services.

Call Center Services A subscriber could place a call to a call center agent by clicking on a Web page. The call could be routed to an appropriate agent, who could be located anywhere, even at home (i.e., virtual call centers). Voice calls and e-mail messages could be queued uniformly for the agents. Agents would have electronic access to customer, catalog, stock, and ordering information, which could be transmitted back and forth between the customer and the agent. Interactive gaming Offers consumers a way to meet online and establish interactive gaming sessions (e.g., video games). Home Manager With the advent of in-home networking and intelligent appliances, these services could monitor and control home security systems, energy systems, home entertainment systems, and other home appliances.


CHAPTER - 13 NGN Implementation in BSNL

Migration Strategies: Two types of migration scenarios could be foreseen based either on a replacement or on an overlay strategy: (i) Replacement strategy It consists of replacing traditional PSTN equipment by next generation equipment. This can be done either in the core of the network in order to provide further capacity and to enable a better utilisation of the network resources, or at the edges of the network, in order to provide advanced services to the customer. (ii) Overlay Strategy With an overlay strategy, the NGN network will integrate current circuit-switched and packet-switched technologies. The modern packet-based overlay network will provide advanced services whilst the circuit switched PSTN network will continue to provide basic telephony services. Both networks are interconnected via gateways as required by specific types of services (e.g. VoIP call originated from an IP phone and terminated on the PSTN, or Internet data traffic originated from the PSTN). When the overlay network eventually becomes capable of providing sufficient QoS, all traffic could be diverted from the circuit switched PSTN to the packet-switched overlay network. Migration Strategy of BSNL : The strategy adopted by BSNL would be the overlay one as it has a huge base of circuit switched network that will coexist with packet switched network for a considerable period of time.The migration steps would be as follows : Introduce IP in Transit network at Level-1 TAX locations (IP TAX Project) Class 4 NGN Extend IP network to Level-2 TAXs and large scale implementation in Access Network. Class 5 NGN Develop MPLS core at Circle and LDCA Level. Offer Voice and Multimedia services to Broadband Subscribers using DSL, Optical Ethernet technologies. IP Tax Project : 1st step towards NGN The name given to this project has been IP Tax Project and is class4 NGN. A block schematic is as shown below :


App. Server

Media Server

SIP Signaling Server


IP End Points

Enterprise Gateway

Signaling Gateway SS7 ISDN



BSNLs Core Network

Network Gateway

Other Providers Core Network Management, OSS, BSS,


Trunking Gateway
IP End Points


Access Gateway

Home Gateway

Application Server

Media Gateway Controller

Signaling Gateway Media Gateway

PSTN/ End users


Terminologies of IP Tax : Media Gateway : The media gateway (MG) supports packetized voice and the interface to whatever medium the voice is to be transported on. The MG performs the task of packetizing voice and providing connections from switched circuits (TDM) to packetized circuits (IP, Frame Relay, or ATM). The MG does not necessarily reside at a subscriber premise, but interfaces to equipment located at the subscriber premise. The MG is responsible for media conversion, resource allocation and resource management, and event notifications. It is responsible for reporting events to the media gateway controller (MGC) within its zone. Following functions are performed by Media Gateway: Media Conversion The MG must be able to provide conversion from TDM circuit-switched connections to ATM, IP, or Frame Relay connections. This includes the packetization of the voice itself. Media processing includes transcoding, conferencing, interactive voice recognition, and other audio resource functions. Resource Allocation Resource allocation includes the reservation and release of all resources. It is important to understand that although the MG is responsible for resource allocation and management, it does so under the direction of the MGC. The MGC holds the ultimate responsibility of defining what resources are to be allocated for a call. The MG is capable of providing either point-to-point connections or point-to-multipoint connections (such as in a conference call). The MG must also support voice, data, video, and facsimile. Event Notification The MG must also maintain the state of all resources and report the state to the MGC. If a particular resource fails, the MG reports the failure to the MGC. The MGC maintains a state table for all resources within the MGs in its zone. Softswitch (Media gateway controller) : The MGC is responsible for controlling all the MGs within its zone. As previously mentioned in the description of the MG, the MGC performs a number of call control functions that are typically found in the call control portion of a legacy switch. This includes determining and controlling signals used on specific circuits, such as ringing and busy tones. The MGC also determines the QoS required for any one connection at the MG. In short, the call handling is performed at the MGC, rather than at the MG itself. This enables carriers to deploy less expensive equipment at the edge of their networks. Signaling gateways : The IETF defines the signaling gateway (SG) as being the bridge to the PSTN. It supports STP functions to the network. The SG should be capable of providing conversions between SS7 addresses (point codes) and IP addresses. One method of address resolution utilizes the point code of an incoming message from the PSTN, along with the circuit identification code (CIC), to determine the appropriate IP address of the receiving MG. If a message is TCAP, the address resolution is provided using the point

code and subsystem number. Using IP in signaling networks rather than TDM point-topoint connections has a number of advantages. One of the most significant advantages is a more efficient (and less expensive) use of bandwidth. With TDM circuits, a lot of ancillary equipment is required to maintain the circuit. With IP networks, the equipment is much less expensive. The addressing in IP signaling networks provides far more flexibility than in conventional SS7 networks. All entities in the SS7 environment are addressed through the use of point codes. The point code administrator in each country issues point codes. When a carrier uses an IP network, the entities in the IP network are addressed by IP addresses rather than point codes. This requires the use of an SG to resolve the addresses from the SS7 network to the addresses in the IP network. The routing is based usually on a destination point code and, in the case of ISUP messages. When a database requires additional servers to increase capacity, an additional point code is not required (as is the case in conventional SS7 networks). The new server can be added using IP addressing, and the routing assignments can be made in the SG to ensure load sharing and subsystem management. One of the biggest advantages to launching services in IP networks is the flexibility provided to the carrier. Carriers can develop their own applications deployed on carrier-grade servers. Already many carriers have begun developing creative new services themselves, rather than depending on vendors. This factor alone will greatly enhance the concept of IP networking and provide great benefits to new carriers looking to differentiate themselves from the competition. Of course, as is the case with traditional signaling networks, the signaling network should be deployed first, providing an infrastructure that will enable the carrier to expand into new markets quickly and launch exciting new services to address the needs of their customers. Announcement server : Announcement server is within the IP domain itself and contains all the announcements reqired for various purposes. As a second step towards NGN We will go for class 5 NGN which consists of the following additional components : Application Server (or Feature Server): Provides service logic and execution of user (or customer) services that are not directly hosted on Softswitch. Due to open architecture and standards it can be a third party product. Access Gateway : Performs the functions of Media conversion , Codec Negotiation and termination of line side interfaces like phones, devices and PBXs.



Setting up Two Soft Switches at New Delhi and Chennai and Signalling Gateways at New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkotta and Bangalore. Providing Trunk Media Gateways (TMGs) at 21 Level-1 locations. Providing one Announcement Servers in each IP domain . Billing interface to Centralized Billing Server . NMS at New Delhi.

NGN Services NGN supports both real time conversational communications and non-real time communications. This includes, the end to end (user to user) delivery of communications utilising more than one media. Non-real time services may be supported using one or many media streams or using other delivery protocols not directly related to multimedia sessions. Real-time Conversational Voice services (interoperable with the existing publicswitched telephone network (PSTN) and with mobile networks). Messaging services such as IM, SMS, MMS, etc. Instant messaging (IM) : A type of communications service that enables the user to create a kind of private chat room with another individual in order to communicate in real time, as in PSTN subscriber is sending and receiving voice here subscriber will send and receive text based information. Typically, the IM system alerts the user whenever somebody on his private list is online, the user can then initiate a chat session with that particular individual. Push to talk over NGN (PoN) same as normal Push to talk service but supporting different access transport functions Point-to-Point interactive multimedia services, e.g. interactive real-time voice, real-time text, real-time video (e.g. IP videotelephony, total conversation, voice telephony with text using , white boarding etc. Content delivery services: Delivery of video and other media streams to users, Music and Video on Demand, (Digital) TV Channel Distribution, financial information distribution, professional and medical image distribution. Broadcast/Multicast Services. These types of services enable the optimization of network resources by using broadcast/multicast mechanisms for the delivery of content streams to multiple users and groups. Examples of such services are as follows: replays of scoring plays at sporting events to persons at the events or those unable to attend the event; concerts or other streaming audio or video programming, reporting of alert conditions for emergency community notification services; advertising of movie trailers in an area around the theater that is showing the movie. Hosted and transit services for enterprises (IP Centrex, etc.)

Information services, such as cinema ticket information, motorway traffic status, advanced push services, etc. Presence and general notification services: This will provide presence information i.e. status, location etc. to other users or services.

Other services The list of services in this section primarily addresses various data services common to packet data networks and provided by an NGN. Virtual Private Network (VPN) services: Multi-point controlled and secured communication services for the exchange of single or multimedia streams among restricted group of service endpoints and making usage of shared transport stratum resources. Note: VPN functionalities could be also act as service enabler for support of applications and user services. Data communication services: such as data file transfer, electronic mailbox and web browsing Online applications (online sales for consumers, e-commerce, online procurement for commercials) Sensor Network services: these services provide a user with information about a certain item (e.g., merchandise) upon the users request. This can be realized by attaching an identifier to the item, accumulating the historical information of the item through the NGN and retrieving the accumulated information through the NGN. For example, the history of a piece of vegetable (e.g., harvest date, region of cultivation, name of the farmer, etc.) can be precisely recorded by using this identifier. This identifier could be realized in various ways, for example by an RFID chip (a small Integrated Circuit chip which can store information and can communicate using radio-wave), which can be attached to most of items. Over-the-Network (OTN) Device Management Device Management (DM) provides a mechanism for service providers and third parties (e.g., enterprise network operators) to configure devices on behalf of the user or to evaluate the status of devices. DM relies on a network connection between a management server and an user terminal. It can monitor the device can check for different alarms and with software programs.



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