Annals of The ICRP: Published On Behalf of The International Commission On Radiological Protection

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Annals of the ICRP

Published on behalf of the International Commission on Radiological Protection

Aims and Scope The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) is the primary body in protection against ionising radiation. ICRP is a registered charity and is thus an independent non-governmental organisation created by the 1928 International Congress of Radiology to advance for the public benet the science of radiological protection. The ICRP provides recommendations and guidance on protection against the risks associated with ionishing radiation, from articial sources widely used in medicine, general industry and nuclear enterprises, and from naturally occurring sources. These reports and recommendations are published four times each year on behalf of the ICRP as the journal Annals of the ICRP. Each issue provides in-depth coverage of a specic subject area. Subscribers to the journal receive each new report as soon as it appears so that they are kept up to date on the latest developments in this important eld. While many subscribers prefer to acquire a complete set of ICRP reports and recommendations, single issues of the journal are also available separately for those individuals and organizations needing a single report covering their own eld of interest. Please order through your bookseller, subscription agent, or direct from the publisher. ICRP is composed of a Main Commission and ve standing Committees on: radiation eects, doses from radiation exposure, protection in medicine, the application of ICRP recommendations, and protection of the environment, all served by a small Scientic Secretariat. The Main Commission consists of twelve members and a Chairman. Committees typically comprise 1520 members. Biologists and medical doctors dominate the current membership; physicists are also well represented. ICRP uses Working Parties to develop ideas and Task Groups to prepare its reports. A Task Group is usually chaired by an ICRP Committee member and usually contains a majority of specialists from outside ICRP. Thus, ICRP is an independent international network of specialists in various elds of radiological protection. At any one time, about one hundred eminent scientists are actively involved in the work of ICRP. The Task Groups are assigned the responsibility for drafting documents on various subjects, which are reviewed and nally approved by the Main Commission. These documents are then published as the Annals of the ICRP.

International Commission on Radiological Protection

Chairman: Dr. L.-E. Holm, Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI), SE-171 16 Stockholm, Sweden Vice-Chairman: Dr. R. Cox, Health Protection Agency, Didcot, UK Scientic Secretary: Dr. J. Valentin, ICRP, SE-171 16 Stockholm, Sweden; e-mail:

Members of the Main Commission of the ICRP

J.D. Boice Jr, Rockville, MD, USA R.H. Clarke, Hampshire, UK (Emeritus) C. Cousins, Cambridge, UK lez, Vienna, Austria A.J. Gonza J. Lee, Seoul, Korea B. Lindell, Stockholm, Sweden (Emeritus) Y. Sasaki, Tokyo, Japan C.B. Meinhold, Brookhaven, N. Shandala, Moscow, Russia MD, USA (Emeritus) W.K. Sinclair, Escondido, CA, USA (Emeritus) F.A. Mettler Jr., Albuquerque, C. Streer, Essen, Germany NM, USA (Emeritus) A. Sugier, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France Z. Pan, Beijing, China R.J. Pentreath, Cornwall, UK R.J. Preston, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

This report was drafted by the following Task Group

Full members R.M. Alexakhin, Obninsk, Russia (to 2005) C. Cousins, Cambridge, UK (from 2005) lez, Buenos Aires, Argentina A.J. Gonza H. Menzel, Geneva, Switzerland (2004-) R.J. Pentreath, Cornwall, UK (from 2003) N. Shandala, Moscow, Russia (from 2005) Corresponding members P. Burns, Yallambie, VA J. Cooper, Chilton, UK B.C. Winkler, Centurion, South Africa (z 2003) J.D. Boice Jr., Rockville, MD R. Cox, Chilton, UK L.-E. Holm, Stockholm, Sweden F.A. Mettler Jr., Albuquerque, NM (to 2005) R.J. Preston, Research Triangle Park, NC (from 2005) C. Streer, Essen, Germany J. Valentin, Stockholm, Sweden (Scientic Secretary) R.H. Clarke, Hampshire, UK (to 2005) G.J. Dicus, Poolesville, MD (z 2005) J.-K. Lee, Seoul, R. Korea (from 2005) Z.Q. Pan, Beijing, P.R. China Y. Sasaki, Tokyo, Japan A. Sugier, Paris, France (from 2003)

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