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Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic

Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

Iulian Danciu
West University of Timisoara MAGS

May 23, 2013

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Lie Groups Actions Examples Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems Examples Linear Momentum Angular Momentum U(n) acts on Cn

2 3 4 5 6

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Lie Group Actions

This section present a brief review of the theory of Lie groups actions on a manilfold. Denition 1.1 Let M be a manifold and G be a Lie group. A left action of G on M is a smooth mapping : G M M such that 1) (e, m) = m, e G, () m M , 2) (g , (h, m)) = (gh, m), () g , h G and m M , where e denotes the identity of G. We will often use the notation g m := (g , m) := g (m).

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems


Lie Groups Actions Examples Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems Examples Linear Momentum Angular Momentum U(n) acts on Cn

2 3 4 5 6

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems



Example 1.1 An example of left action of a Lie group G on itself is given by left translation Lg : G G, h gh. We saw that an example ol left action of a Lie group G on itself is given by left translation Lg . Similarly, the right translation Rg : G G, h hg dene a right action. The inner automorphism Adg Ig : G G given by Ig := Rg 1 Lg denes a left action of G on itself called conjugation.

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Lie Algebra
Let g be the Lie algebra of G, that is the tangent space on G at the identity element, endowed with bracket [, ] induced via left invariant vector elds. The dual of the Lie algebra is denoted by g . For each g and l g , we sometimes use the following notation: < l , >:= l ( ) Being a vector space the Jacobi identity is veried: [u , [v , w ]] + [v , [w , u ]] + [w , [u , v ]] = 0. (2.1)

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Exponential Map and Innitesimal Action

We will denote exponential map with exp and it is dened to be a function from g to G: exp : g G. Every g induces a vector eld X on X usually called the innitesimal action, which is dened by: X (x ) := d dt exp(t ) x .
t =0

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation

For g and g G the Ad-operation is dened as follows Ad = d dt g exp(t ) g 1 ,
t =0

which can be interpreted as a map from g to itself, and is convenient to denote it by Adg ( ) = g g 1 . Its adjoint, Ad g : g g is given by < Ad g (l ), >=< l , Adg ( ) >, where l g and g.

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Symplectic Notions

Denition 5.1 A symplectic manifold is a pair (M , ), where M is a manifold and is a closed nondegenerate two form on M, that is, d = 0. Since is a differential two-form, hence skew-symmetric, the dimension of M is always even. Let (X , ) be a symplectic manifold. A group action of G - sometimes called G-action - is called symplectic if the symplectic form is invariant under each pullback: g = , for allg G . (5.1)

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Moment Map - Symplectic Case

A moment map for a symplectic G-action, with Lie group G on X , is a smooth map : X g such that the following properties hold. i) < d (x )v , >= x (X (x ), v ) for all x X , v Tx X and g where X is the innitesimal action of . ii) (g (x )) = Ad g 1 (s ) holds for all x X and g G .

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Hamiltonian System

Denition 5.2 A Hamiltonian dynamical system is a triple (M , , H ), where (M , ) is a symplectic manifold and H C (M ) is the Hamiltonian function of the system. To each Hamiltonian system we can associate a Hamiltonian vector eld XH TM , dened by the identity iXH = dH . (5.2)

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Denition 5.3 The action of G on (X , ) is called Hamiltonian if it is symplectic and there exists a moment map : X g for it. Denition 5.4 Let g be a Lie algebra acting canonically on the manifold M. Suppose that ofr any g the vector eld M is Hamiltonian, with function H C (M ) such that M = XM . The map : M g is dened by the relation H (m) =< (m), > for all g and m M, is called momentum map of the g-action.

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Linear Momentum
Now we will discuss about 1-particle system, with conguration space X = R3 . Let R3 act on X by translations, i.e., : R3 X X is given by x , q1 , q2 , q3 , p1 , p2 , p3 = q1 + x , q2 + x , q3 + x , p1 , p2 , p3

The innitesimal generator corresponding to g = R3 is: X (q1 , q2 , q3 ) = = = d dt d dt (t , (q1 , q2 , q3 ))

t =0

(6.1) (6.2) (6.3)

(q1 + t , q2 + t , q3 + t )
t =0

(, , ) Tq1 ,q2 ,q3 R3 .

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Linear Momentum

Lie Groups Actions Examples Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems Examples Linear Momentum Angular Momentum U(n) acts on Cn

2 3 4 5 6

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Linear Momentum

Linear Momentum
On the other hand, by denition of the canonical symplectic structure, any candidate H has a Hamiltonian vector eld given by XH (qj , pj ) = Then, XH = X implies that H ( ) H ( ) = and = 0, , 1 j 3. pj qj Solving these equations we get:

H ( ) H ( ) , pj qj

H ( )(qj , pj ) =
j =1

pj i.e. J (qj , pj ) =
j =1


This expression is called the linear momentum of the 1-particle system.

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Angular Momentum

Lie Groups Actions Examples Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems Examples Linear Momentum Angular Momentum U(n) acts on Cn

2 3 4 5 6

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Angular Momentum

Angular Momentum

Let SO(3) act on the conguration space X = R3 by (A, q ) := Aq . The Lie algebra so(3) of SO(3) may be identied with R3 as follows. We dene the vector space isomorphism: R3 so(3) called the hat map, by 0 v3 v2 = v3 0 v1 . v = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) v v2 v1 0 Note that w = v w. v

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Angular Momentum

Angular Moment

The innitesimal generator corresponding to g = so(3) is: X (q , p) = = = d (exp(t )q , exp(t )p) dt t =0 ( p , q ) ( q , p ) . (6.5) (6.6) (6.7)

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

Angular Momentum

Angular Moment
As in the previous example, to nd the momentum map, we solve H ( ) H ( ) = q and = p. p q A solution is given by H ( ) = ( q ) p = ( q ) p = (q p) , so that J (q , p ) = q p . (6.9) (6.8)

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

U(n) acts on Cn

Lie Groups Actions Examples Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems Examples Linear Momentum Angular Momentum U(n) acts on Cn

2 3 4 5 6

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

U(n) acts on Cn

U(n) acts on Cn
Let U(n) act on the space X = Cn by (A, z ) := Az . The Lie algebra for U(n) is: u(n) = {A L (C n , C n ) :< Ax , y >= < x , Ay >}. (6.10)

The rst step is to nd out the innitesimal generator corresponding to g = o(n). X (q , p) = d dt (exp(t )z )
t =0

(6.11) (6.12)

= z Cn .

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

U(n) acts on Cn

U(n) acts on Cn
We want to check that iM = dz H , for all g. where H (z ) = 1 < z , z > . 2 (6.13) (6.14) (6.15) (6.16)
West University of Timisoara

dz H w

= = = =

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

1 1 < w , z > + < z , z > 2 2 1 1 < w , z > < z , w > 2 2 1 1 < z , w > < w , z > 2 2 1 1 < z , w > + < z ,w > 2 2 1 < z , w > < z ,w > 2


Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

U(n) acts on Cn

U(n) acts on Cn

ix = (M (z ), w ) = Im < z , w > So the moment map < J , >=

1 2

< z , z >

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

Lie Groups Actions Lie Algebra Exponential Map and Ininitesimal Action Adjoint and Coadjoint Representation Symplectic Notions. Hamiltonian Systems

U(n) acts on Cn


Jerrold E. Marsden., Tudor S. Rat iu, Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry, Springer - Verlag, New - York, 1994.

Iulian Danciu Momentum Maps in Symplectic Geometry

West University of Timisoara

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