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the patient's faiher Thisconversation is between ;s the"Patient andChrisHaga.Mr.

Haga Directo/'fof HCAownedDoctors Access inquired as to whyany HosprtalPatient's father information wasshaaed withmedicaid medical prohibited thesharing of whenfather expressly parties. info with third Mr. Hagarefused to any questions. answer these parent's . lredacted] indicates eithther orpatient's

4 messaoes

patient Regarding Iredactedl......

Ifedacled] To christopher Mr.ChrsHaga,

Thu,Feb14,2013 at 12:53 PM

An actualnotice likethe oneattached was provided, in-person, to EricNewman during an outpatient visiton 12h912A12. this cofiuersation wagaudiorecorded. I verbaly expressed to Ericthat,"l havea Notice of non-consent ofconsent andor revocation to sharemedical nformation in writing is thatsomething withthirdpartyinsurers and medicaid. I got something I needto giveto youof to George outthere?| am notcenaln whatwassigned in Augusta. Wantto makesureno medical niormation is shared witha thirdoadvins!reror medicaid." Eric savs. "OK'. llredacted] So that is going say,"l am the person thatneeds to be billed. to affect thatoutcome. Whodo I givethatio?" Eric,"Augusta wouldneeda copycedainly because thereis JNIS andthereis Doctor's Hospital by bothofthemandthereis SmithhereandJMS." and hewasireated "ls thisJMShere? Do youworkfor JMS? l.edacted], Eric,"l am under Jl\4S. I workactually for theJoseph Stillburncenters notfor Smithhospital..." "CanI givethisto youguysand get it up to JMS?" ldacted], Efic,"Yessir.I will be up in Augusta tomorrow willfly backtonight and I willdropit off at the office lomorrow.' thatwillbe great. can I borrow a pen?Whatwasyournameagain?" Eric,"Eric' lredactedl, Newman-" Iredacted],"Eric 4th,2012. Saidrevocation applies li should be notedthatthis revocation is operative ab intioDecember to any andali parties related to the medical eventregarding burnpatient iredactedl.

was provided by medic.aid andspeaks to actualandwillful fraudespecially on the partof Theevldence below one EricNewman:
rclr Providr Nam. Fron Dos ToDos claimType slatus P@*sed Datoanoud ailbd azAln013 Paid 575.00 517.73 $75.00 S1773 A2k4AA13 O2|01EA13 O2n4n\ft $75.00 $1773 $225.00 $5711 $25o.OO$6747

ER|C E 20r 30230363d NeWMAN 2013032053203NE!WAN ER|C E

01/161201301/16/2013 PROFESSTONAL CLAlirSPAID pAlD 12t191201212/1912012 PROFESSTONAL CLATMS

12112201212t1212012 PAIO 2O13O32053200NEWMANER|C PRAF9SSONAL CLAIMS ABt)Z 1?J461201212rce12012 PA|D 2013032059093ltASgqN S.M. PROFESSTONAL CLATMS 2o13o32053205CARlERrCHARDJ tuaano1212n6t2ap PRaFESSIONAL CLALMS PAID 2013023035364HASSAN S.M ABUZ 121A51201212A512A12 PROFESSTONAL CLAMS PA|D 2013018052935CART1E RTCHARD J 1ra5t2a1212t0at2A12 PROFESSIONAL CLAMS PA|D 2013013052346BELLMARCYN12A5t2A12t20512A12 PROFESSTONAL PA|D CLATMS 2013013052963fIASSAN S t\,1 AgUZ 12h5t20121210512012 PROFESSTONAL CIA|MSDENTED 2oi3011052383 HASSAN S lM. AgUZ 12h5t2a12121a512012 PROFESSTONAL CLATMS oEN|Eo 12/051201212h512012 2013011052337CARTrEi|CHAROJ PROFESSTONAL CLATMS oEN|Eo

0204/2013 $6,771,001r.20915 01121/2013 0356,00$13267

0112112013 S950.00615340 0112112013 l23S.0o A112112013 $233.00 a1E1l2a16 00 $353 S0o0 i !0oO $000

AlsonotethatCourtney was informed on 12119112 thal no medlcdinformation is to be shared withanythird partyor medicaid. Alsodocumented is the conversation I hadwithyou,lvr Haga, In gaidconversation dated 1Zg2A12,wewalked downthe hospital hallso that mydfive/s license couldbe examined. I allowed the you to holdandexamine the lD but notio makecopis citinglD theftconcems. Youappeared satisfied withthe lD thenaskedmeto signa fofm.I indicted that he hadaiready signed thistofm. Yo!,(Mr.Haga) said,"Youmademanystrike-throughts to theformyousigned." I said,"l did notagree wrthall oithe terms/ conditions on the formso I struck through Yourequested thata formwithout them." stfikes be signed by me.I thenindicate lwill notsignthisform.Youthenask me,"Doeslredcted] havemedicaid?" I respond, "No'.You(Mr. Haga) thenindicated maybe eligible for medicaid. I indicated, "l am lredactedl responsible for all of lredacted]'s obligations. Medicaid is notan option. In fact,medicaid wouldbe a noral dilemma forme." Didyou(Mr. Haga), director of patient access for the hospital, fail to convey to medical staffthatMedjcaid i6 not an option?lf not,thenwhy is medical staffcurentlybilling Medicaid? Documentation regarding thisconversation andall related statements of non-consent will be putintoan affidavit. P easerespond to thisemailto let me knowyou received it, Mr. Haga Iredactedl revocation of consent000'l.TlF

lredactedl com haga@hcahealthcare To christopher Mr.Haga, mYemail? Haveyou received Iredacted]

Pl\4 19, 2013 at 1:06 Tue, Feb


com> <Christopher'Haga@hcahealthcare chritopher" To: lredacted]

19, 2013 at TuE, Feb 2:46 PM


toyou the otherday l have youre mail. I apologize as I thoughtI hadresponded I did receive Mr. lredactedl sothat we havea record to be scanned your attachment to our company forwarded Haga chfistophef Director Patient Access of Augusia Hospital Doctors Phone706451-6085 cell 706-533-6948 Fax706-651-6015 infonation oT.CONFIDENflAL with it may.containqRIuILEGED Tiis ena andany liles transm/.1(ed oI the rcclplent you are not.the.intended unJ i"iy t" ,"ud 6, u"ed only by the intendsi iecipient. tf that in eftof and emdil you have recqived-this ptaase be advised that emaitol any of its attachments, files allached ot any this email printing, ot or copying i;iii use, ai'ssenination, disttibition, foNading, purye it and a ptease immediately in error, lhis amail received proiiait"a. r'you have iiiiiiv aoa notity the senderby reply email o, conlact ihe sen'ler at the number listed' iti"nieits

l-!.orn:lfedactedl 19, 20131:07PN4 February Sent: Tuesday, Haga Chris Toi patient . . J-rjeCti Fe: Regarding lredacted]

at 2:58PA'4 Tue,Feb19,2013 com Haga@hcahealthcare To:Chrsiopher tu4r. Haga, youforrespondlng. Thank olcaseaTswel thesequestions: ' I gavehimon 12119/13? withthe document provlde the "office'at the hospital i. D d EricNewman was Dr.Richadcadie. Howdid Dr.cartiecometo billmedicaid rnedicaid to stadbilling 2 Thei rstperson 'uninsufed . \rrhen / self-pay mystatus was I.,edaotedl

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