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Five (5) Element Pagodas, Stupas, Steles, Gravestones, Three-Element Gravestones

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FIVE-TIER PAGODA, FIVE-ELEMENT STUPA FIVE-WHEELED RELIQUARY, FIVE-LAYERED STELE Funerary Monuments, Often Containing Relics of the Buddha Reliquaries & Memorials, Often Containing Relics of the Buddha Funeral Urns, Gravestones, Buddhist Votive Objects Three-Element Stele, Hkyinto Stupas, Sekid, Kasatba See Ishidr for Stone Lanterns See Dsojin for Protective Stone Markers See Stones Top Menu for overview of all categories

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Funerary Urns for Priest Meiken and Others Excavated at Saihoji Site. Nanbokucho Era, 1336 - 1392 AD Photo taken at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Museum in Kamakura NOTE: This page relies heavily on the wonderful research of the Japanese Architecture & Art Net User System (JAANUS ). A visit to their online dictionary is highly recommended. Much of their research on stone lanterns is reproduced below, with their permission. Thank you JAANUS. I would also like to thank Dr. Gabi Greve , a longtime Japan resident, for her assistance, research, and advise. This page is also accompanied by a Photo Tour of various gravestone styles.

INTRODUCTION. Gorint (Gorinto) literally means five-ring or five-wheel pagoda. Also called Gorin , Gorinsekit , Hkait , Gorintba , or Gogedatsurin . There are many English translations of gorint, including five-tier tomb, five-element stele, five-wheel pagoda, five-ring tower or five-tier grave marker. Whatever you may call, it is made of five pieces of stone and serves as a grave marker or cenotaph erected for the repose of the departed, one that in olden days contained a relic of the Buddha (hair, fingernail, bone, etc.) Although many older examples are found in Kyoto and Nara, those made during the Kamakura Period are the most beautiful, say experts on Gorint. The height ranges from one to four meters. Considered indigenous to Japan and not found in other countries. Most of the existing Gorint in Kamakura were made in the late Kamakura Period. Says JAANUS : Each piece in the five-story pagoda (Sanskrit = stupa) corresponds to one of five elements. The bottom story is square and corresponds to the earth ring (Japanese = Chirin ). Next is the spherical water ring (Japanese = Suirin ), surmounted by the triangular ring of fire (Japanese = Karin ). Above this is a reclining half-moon shape (Japanese = Frin ), representing the wind, and topmost is the gem-shaped ring of space (Japanese = Krin ).

3 Element Stele 3 Monkeys 4 Bosatsu 4 Celestial Emblems



Five (5) Element Pagodas, Stupas, Steles, Gravestones, Three-Element Gravestones

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4 Heavenly Kings 5 (Number Five) 5 Elements 5 Tathagata 5 Tier Pagoda 5 Wisdom Kings 6 Jizo 6 Kannon 6 Realms 6 Nara Schools 7 Lucky Gods 7 Nara Temples 8 Legions 8 Zodiac Patrons 10 Kings of Hell 12 Devas 12 Generals 12 Zodiac Animals 13 Butsu (Funerals) 28 Legions 28 Constellations 30 Buddha of Month 30 Kami of Month 33 Kannon About the Author Agyo Aizen Amano Jyaku Amida Nyorai Apsaras Arakan (Rakan) Arhat (Rakan) Ashuku Nyorai Asuka Era Art Tour Asura (Ashura) Baku (Eats Dreams) Bamboo Benzaiten (Benten) Bibliography Big Buddha Birushana Nyorai Bishamon-ten Bodhisattva Bonbori Artwork Bosatsu Group Bosatsu of Mercy Bosatsu on Clouds Buddha (Historical) Buddha Group Buddha Statues Busshi (Sculptors) Calligraphy Celestial Emblems Celestial Maidens Children Patrons Classifying Color Red Confucius Contact Us Daibutsu Daijizaiten Daikoku-ten Dainichi Nyorai Daruma (Zen) Datsueba (Hell Hag) Deva (Tenbu) Donations Dosojin Dragon Drapery (Robes) Early Buddhism

It is believed that the Gorint was first adopted in the mid-Heian period by the Esoteric Buddhist sects of Shingon and Tendai . In Shingon Buddhism it embodies Dainichi Nyorai, the cosmic Buddha. Dainichi is the main deity of reverence among Shingon adherents, and the topmost piece of the fiveelement pagoda -- the space ring -- corresponds to Dainichi (see below diagram). The Gorint also symbolized the Buddha and his teachings, the five directions of space (four cardinal directions and the zenith), the five major episodes in the life of the Historical Buddha, the five Buddha of the current cycle (Skt. = Kalpa), the five elements, and a host of other groupings of five objects or ideas. Each story of the pagoda is usually inscribed with the Sanskrit character for the element represented. After the Heian period, Gorint were often used as funerary monuments or reliquaries. Most Gorint are two to three meters high; the tallest example, at Iwashimizu Hachimang , is six meters high. Large examples are made of stone (Gorinsekit ), while smaller ones are sometimes made from wood (Itagorintba ), or clay (Nendogorintba ), or metal (Kandr ). These smaller stupas are used as votive offerings, and are often hand crafted by those who present them to the temple. The oldest known is the Chsonji Gorint at Chsonji Temple, dated 1169. It can be seen at Chsonji Shakuson-in in Iwate Prefecture. Sometimes parts of a Gorint are used for decoration in a garden, and the spherical water ring and the trapezoidal fire ring sometimes serve as a handwash basin (Chuzubachi ). An example of this type can be seen at Katsura Riky in Kyoto (Momoyama Period, 1568-1615). Sometimes a small-scale Gorint made from a single block of stone (Issekikokusei Gorint ) is also used in private gardens. <end quote from JAANUS >


Five (5) Element Pagodas, Stupas, Steles, Gravestones, Three-Element Gravestones

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Japan Ebisu Eight Legions En no Gyoja Estores Family Tree Footprints of Buddha Fox (Inari) Fudo (Fudou) Myoo Fugen Bosatsu Fujin (Wind God) Fukurokuju Gakko & Nikko Gardens Gigeiten Godai Nyorai Goddess of Mercy Goddesses Gongen Gravestones Hachi Bushu Hachiman Hands (Mudra) Hell (10 Judges) Hell Hag (Datsueba) Hell Scrolls Henge Hikyu (Lion Beast) Holy Mountains Ho-o (Phoenix) Hotei Idaten Inari (Fox) Ishanaten Ishidoro (Ishidourou) Jikokuten Jizo Bosatsu Jocho Busshi Juni Shi Juni Shinsho Juni Ten Junrei (Pilgrimage) Jurojin Juuzenji Jyaki or Tentoki Kaikei Busshi Kankiten Kannon Bosatsu Kappa Kariteimo (Kishibojin) Karura Karyoubinga Kendatsuba Kichijouten Kitchen Gods Kishibojin (Kariteimo) Kitsune (Oinari) Kokuzo Bosatsu Koujin (Kojin) Komokuten Korean Buddhism Koushin Lanterns (Stone) Links Making Statues Mandara (Mandala) Maneki Neko Marishiten (Marici) Miroku Bosatsu Monju Bosatsu Monkeys

Above chart adapted from Ishidan J-Site

NOTES ON ABOVE CHART. Below text courtesy JAANUS .

Chirin . Literally earth ring, and the base piece of the lantern. Also called Dairin . It is often shaped like a cube with a lotus flower bottom. In this may be carved a hole for holding water for hand washing (example Raigji ). Suirin . Literally water ring, the spherical second story of the five-story pagoda. The suirin of a five-story stone pagoda (gorin sekit ) may also be used as a water basin (mitatemono chzubachi ), specifically for teppatsugata chzubachi . -- Gachirin, the Moon or Moon Disc Also called Gatsurin or Getsurin. A perfectly round circle meant to represent the full moon, a frequently used symbol in Buddhist painting and sculpture. It represents the Buddhas knowledge and virtue which are considered perfect and all-encompassing. It also symbolizes the aspirations of sentient beings to attain Buddhahood. In the Kongkai Mandara of Esoteric Buddhism, for example, each of the nine divinities is shown seated in the circle of a full moon. The Gachirin is also the chief attribute of Gakk (Gekk) Bosatsu, who is often shown in statues and paintings wearing a headpiece representing the moon or holding a circular form in the palm of his hand. <end JAANUS quote>

Deities of the Five Elements GROUP ONE -- Esoteric Buddhism

SANSKRIT Vairocana Space/Center/Zenith Akshobhya Air / Wind / East JAPANESE Dainichi Nyorai Space/Center/Zenith Ashuku Nyorai Air / Wind / East


Five (5) Element Pagodas, Stupas, Steles, Gravestones, Three-Element Gravestones

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Moon Lodges Mother Goddess Mudra (Hands) Myoken (Pole Star) Myo-o Nara Era Art Tour Newsletter Sign Up Nijuhachi Bushu Nikko & Gakko Ninpinin Nio Protectors Nyorai Group Objects & Symbols Onigawara Phoenix (Ho-o) Pilgrimage Guide Pottery Protective Stones Raigo Triad Raijin (Thunder God) Rakan (Arhat) Red Clothing Reincarnation Robes (Drapery) Rock Gardens Sanbo Kojin Sanno Gongen Sarutahiko Sculptors (Busshi) Seishi Bosatsu Sendan Kendatsuba Seven Lucky Gods Shachi, Shachihoko Shaka Nyorai Shape Shifters Shichifukujin Shijin (Shishin) Shinra Myoujin Shinto Clergy Shinto Concepts Shinto Kami Shinto Main Menu Shinto Sects Shinto Shrines Shishi (Lion) Shitenno Shoki Shomen Kongo Shotoku Taishi Shrines Shugendo Siddhartha Six States Star Deities Stone Gardens Stone Graves Stone Lanterns Stones (Top Menu) Suijin (Water Kami) Symbols & Objects Tamonten Taishakuten Tanuki Temples Temple Lodging Tenbu Group Tengu Tennin & Tennyo Tentoki or Jyaki Terminology Tibetan Carpets

Ratnasambhava Fire / South Amitabha Water / West Amoghasiddhi Earth / North

Hsh Nyorai Fire / South Amida Nyorai Water / West Fukjju Nyorai Earth / North


These Five Buddhas are known as the Five Jina, or the Five Tathagata, or the Godai Nyorai, a grouping especially important to the Shingon Sect. In artwork, the five appear most frequently on the mandalas of Japans Esoteric Buddhist sects. In ancient India, stupas were thought to be derived from funerary tumuli and only later to have become commemorative monuments specific to Buddhism, yet it appears that the images of the Jinas were only added late to the directional sides of stupas. For esoteric sects, these Five Jinas represent the essential symbols of the Law (Dharma), and were subsequently identified with all the groups of five objects or ideas, such as the five historical Buddhas, the five senses, the five aggregates, the five cardinal points, the five virtues, the five sins, etc. <source Flammarion Iconographic Guide, p. 125> . FIVE ELEMENTS, CHINA. In China, the theory of five elements (or energies) began with a different set of concepts. Called wu hsing () in Chinese, the theorys first celebrated exponent was Tsou Yen (350 - 270 BC). The five energies were symbolized as (1) wood, which as fuel gives rise to (2) fire, which creates ash and gives rise to (3) earth, which in its mines contains (4) metal, which (as on the surface of a metal mirror) attracts dew and so gives rise to (5) water, and this in turn nourishes (1) wood. This is called hsiang sheng (), or the mutually arising order of the forces. These forces were also arranged in the order of mutual conquest () -- likewise read hsiang sheng, but sheng is a different ideogram -- in which (1) wood, in the form of a plow, overcomes (2) earth, which, by damming and constraint, conquers (3) water which, by quenching, overcomes (4) fire which, by melting, liquifies (5) metal, which, in turn, cuts (1) wood. <quoted from TAO, The Watercourse Way by Alan Watts> The five elements also correspond to the five parts of the body: hips (yellow), navel (white), heart (red), between the eyebrows (dark, black, or blue), and the top of the skull (bright). <source Flammarion Iconographic Guide, p. 311).

Deities of the Four Elements GROUP TWO -- Esoteric Buddhism

Their Sanskrit seeds sometimes appear on the four directional sides of the stele. SHINT Fjin God of Wind Kajin God of Fire Suijin God of Water Chijin God of Earth BUDDHIST Ften God of Wind Katen God of Fire Suiten God of Water Chiten God of Earth

These four are known as the Shish Kong , literally Four Vajra Rulers of the Four Elements, which are earth, water, fire, wind. Also known as the Four Diamond Protectors. They are mentioned in the Dainichi-ky Sutra as gods of the SE, SW, NW, NE. The Japanese version does


Five (5) Element Pagodas, Stupas, Steles, Gravestones, Three-Element Gravestones

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Tibet Photos Tibetan Tanka Transmigration Ungyo Unkei Busshi Water Basin Weapons Wheel of Life Yakushi Nyorai Yasha (Yaksha) Zao Gongen Zen (Daruma) Zen Art Tour Zodiac Calendar Zochoten

not fully conform to the Dainichi-ky Sutra. Gilt bronze Hkyint three-tier stele, discovered in excavations at Oku no In (; near Kyasan Monestary; see Ishidr page) during the late Meiji Era. The Sanskrit seed words for each of the Four Diamond Protectors (of the Kongkai Mandala, or Diamond World Mandala; see NOTES below) are engraved on the four directional sides of the stele. The foundation stone is engraved with a memorial message that is dated 1287 AD.

NOTES ON GROUP TWO. In the Diamond World Mandala (Kongkai Mandala ) of Shingon Buddhism, one finds mention of Four Diamond Protectors . These four are also known as the Four Great Shint Gods (Shi no kami ). According to Dr. Gabi Greve , each of the four has a female counterpart, a sort of heavenly princess (KI, ). The JIN reading signifies a deity of Japanese origin and Shint associations, while the TEN reading refers to deities of Indian origin and Buddhist associations. The term TEN is translated in English as DEVA, and the above four deities are members of the 12 Deva Guardians of Buddhist tradition. In a purely Japanese context, the Shint (JIN) names may also be read in a third different way. For example, Suijin may be read as Mizu no Kamisama , and Kajin may be read as Hi no Kamisama .

Gravestones at Koyasan. Photo by Dr. Gavi Greve Along the approach to Kb Daishi's mausoleum at Kyasan are some thousands of tombstones, including those of historically important figures, such as Oda Nobunaga and Takeda Shingen, both feudal warlords from the Sengoku Period (1467-1568). The tallest tombstone is 10 meters high, and marks the grave built for the wife of Tokugawa Hidetada (1579-1632), the second Tokugawa shogun. See Ishidoro page for more on Koyasan (Kongobuji).

HKY-INT (Hokyointo, Hokyo-into)

Three-Element Stele. Text Courtesy Tadahiro Kondo . If Gorint translates as five-element stele, then Hky-int should be called a three-element stele, representing, from the bottom, the earth, water and fire. In the middle is a square cube, and on each surface, an image of the Buddha is often engraved. Like Gorint, this was erected mostly


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as a cenotaph and partly as a tomb. Generally, all stones of the Hky-int are squarely cut and the overall structure consists of the footing, body, umbrella and ornamental top. An-y-in Temple has the oldest one in the Kanto area behind its main hall. <end quote by Tadahiro Kondo >

HKY-INT Three-Tier Stupa (Text courtesy JAANUS )

A type of pagoda (Skt. = Stupa) originally made as a repository for copies of the Hky-in Darani Sutra . In the Heian period hkyint (hokyointo) were made of gilt bronze or wood, but by the Kamakura period these pagodas were usually made of stone and used as funerary markers. The distinctive rectangular shape of the hkyint has a low, rectangular foundation, kiso , surmounted by a square body, tshin , which often bears an image of the Buddha or a Sanskrit syllable. The top story or umbrella (kasa ) is a stepped pyramid with wing-like decoration at the four corners. Above this an inverted bowl shape (fukubachi ) supports a ring of lotus petals (ukebana ). Nine rings (kurin ) form the shaft (srin ), which supports another lotus petal ring and finally, a jewelshaped form called a hju sits atop the structure. The parts from the fukubachi to the hju are all circular, the other members of the hkyint are square. The podium itself is sometimes decorated with a foliated form (kzama ) that resembles a side view of a molding, while the lower half resembles the outline of a bowl. The body of the pagoda has either carvings of the Buddha on each side or Sanskrit letters. However, undecorated pagoda bodies also exist, and the stepped coping may have moldings carved on the undersides. Examples: 1259 AD, Nara Arisatoch ; Enfukuji Hkyint , Linji Hkyint 1265, Kyoto, 1293 Nara. <end quote JAANUS >

Sekid (Sekido)
Literally stone flag. A type of stone pagoda with a hexagonal or octagonal base, a banner-shaped shaft (dshin ), a niche, a coping stone shaped like a roof and one or more onion-shaped decorative jewels (hju ) on top. Some sekid have no base so that section is inserted directly into the ground. Sanskrit letters and/or Buddhist images are carved on each side of the shaft. Some sekid have octagonal or hexagonal shafts. Many have only a shaft and roof. Sometimes they resemble stone lanterns without a light box. According to some scholars, sekid probably evolved from kasatba (see entry below). The oldest extant date from the Kamakura period (1185-1333), but many were made in the late 14th century and after. <Source: JAANUS >

Hju (Hoju)
Also pronounced hshu. A sacred gem. Usually a ball or tear-drop shape object that is sacred to Buddhism. It is believed to have the power to expel evil, cleanse corruption, and fulfill wishes. (Related term is nyoihju .) The term giboshi or gibshu () is often used to refer to the hju shape reproduced as an architectural decoration. This shape is used on the top of a pagoda (srin ), on the top of a pyramidal roof (hgyzukuri ) of a Buddhist hall (end ), on a stone lantern (ishidr ), or on the sculptured head of railing pillars. Houju-shaped pillar heads are called hjugashira (); pillars topped with a hju are called hjubashira or giboshibashira ; and railings with this type of pillar are called giboshikran . The hju on pagodas and Buddhist halls are usually made of bronze and often decorated with flame designs. The hju with flames rising from it is called kaenhju . When used as a decoration for a lantern, the tip of the ball may be sharply pointed or gently rounded depending on the date of the lantern's production, and may be supported by a lotus-petal form (ukebana ). Generally, the earlier hju have more gentle points and are rounder in form. The tip becomes more sharply pointed and the form more square-shaped in the Momoyama period (last quarter of the 16th century). A hju with a lotus petal base is found as an attribute (jimotsu ) of Buddhist figures such as Jiz Bosatsu and Kokz Bosatsu and Kichijten, as seen on the 9th-century Jiz Bosatsu at Kryji Temple in Kyoto. <Source: JAANUS >


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Also called kasasotba . A memorial or grave stone. The most common has a square shaft (tshin ) placed on a roughly hewed base stone. A pyramidal-like coping stone (kasa ) at the top suggests a roof. On top of the coping or between the coping and top ornament is an jewel shape (hju ) or bowl shape. Example: Rymonji 1335, in Nara. Inscriptions in Sanskrit letters may be carved into the shaft, or Buddhist dieties may be rendered in low relief on the upper part. The upper part is called butsugan kasatba and may have solid stone wheels set vertically within the shaft so that the devout can turn the stone while reciting invocatory prayers. An example of this type is found at Akagi Jinja , 1490, in Gunma Prefecture. It has Six Jiz (Roku Jiz ) figures carved into it. <Source: JAANUS >


Not inclusive. See above text for more words and definitions. Japanese Hiragana English Gorint (Five-Tier Pagoda or Stupa). See above for details. Kasatba (Memorial or Grave Stone). See above for details. Sekid (Stone Flag). See above for details and image. Hky-int (Three-Tier Pagoda). See above for details.


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Description courtesy JAANUS

Tshoku (Funeral Lanterns) Mitatemono Chzubachi. Literally re-used-object water basins. A type of water basin (chzubachi ) made from a stone which previously had served a different function. Typically parts from old stone pagodas (sekit ), temple foundation stones (garanseki ) or stone bridges are used. Also called riymono chzubachi or "functional object water basins," they are used for both tsukubai and hachimae-no-ishigumi . Common mitatemono chzubachi types include the kesagata or "surplice shape" which uses the central part of a treasure pagoda (ht ); water basins like wakutamagata made from a section of a fivering pagoda; the umegae or "plum branch" from the lid of an old tomb; the kasagata or "umbrella shape" made from the stone of a stone pagoda, and the shihbutsu . Mitatemono chzubachi are contrasted with natural stone water basins, shizenseki chzubachi . Toushin. The framework of a pagoda (t ), excluding the roof (yane ) and eaves (noki ). The term also applies to the body of stone pagodas, excluding the roof and base. Sekidougata Ishidourou. A type of stone lantern (ishidr ). Shaped like a Buddhist memorial (sekid ), it has a hexagonal or octagonal base with a faceted pillar on it. On top of the pillar is the fire box, topped with canopy and sacred jewel, common to most stone lanterns. The special characteristic of the sekidougata ishidourou are the Six Buddhas carved in relief on each face of the fire box. Originally derived from the sekid, a monument displaying Buddhist relief carvings, it is thought that the fire hole was carved out to adapt the monument to function as a lantern.

Description courtesy JAANUS Description courtesy JAANUS


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Five-Tier Pagoda at Kofukuji Temple in Nara Photo by Bernhard Scheid. See Bernhards Pagoda Photo Tour Here

Pagoda Chart. From Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, 1983

People who die leaving no one to attend to their grave; a spirit with no link (, en) to the living; wandering spirits; the unknown dead; forgotten souls. Some Japanese fear a time will come when no one will be left to attend to the family grave or remember to honor the departed family member with visits and gifts. In Japanese terms, this is the fear of becoming a muen botoke (a spirit with no link to the living; a dead person without living relatives). In order to dispel the fear of becoming a muen botoke, some living Japanese people go to Isshin Temple in Osaka (Pure Land tradition). This temple still practices the littleknown kotsubotoke method -- the practice of pulverizing the cremated bones of departed humans and using the bone powder to construct Buddhist images. Some people are attracted to this idea, and at Isshin Temple, they will their bones for this purpose.



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Photo Tour of Gorint (this site) Dsojin (Protective Stone Markers; this site) Magaibutsu (Buddhist Images Carved on Cliffs; this site) Sekibutsu (Free-standing Buddhist Images Carved in Stone; this site) Ishidoro, Japanese Stone Lanterns (this site) JAANUS . Outside site. Japanese Architecture & Art Net User System. Highly recommended. Japanese-language links to Dsojin Stone Markers. Numerous nationwide photo tours. Buddhism: Flammarion Iconographic Guides, by Louis Frederic, Printed in France, ISBN 2-08013558-9, First published 1995. A highly illustrated volume, with special significance to those studying Japanese Buddhist iconography. Includes many of the myths and legends of mainland Asia as well, but its special strength is in its coverage of the Japanese tradition. Hundreds of accompanying images/photos, both B&W and color. A useful addition to your research bookshelf. Jewel in the Ashes: Buddha Relics and Power in Early Medieval Japan . . By Brian D. Ruppert. Harvard University Asia Center (July 1, 2000). ISBN-10: 0674002458. Focused on relic worship in medieval Japan. Copious reference notes, this work is aimed at scholars. It includes a very useful glossary of terms. Highly recommended. Photo Galleries (Outside Sites) KOYASAN, , KONGOBUJI TEMPLE Stone gravestones and lanterns at Koyasan Takes a while to load, but the many photos give you a good impression of the walk in the woods along the path to the Hall of Lanterns and Oku no In at Koyasan Monestary. GETTING HOLY IN WAKAYAMA Japan Times Story (Dec. 10, 2004) by Mariko Yasumoto

Copyright 1995 - 2010. Mark Schumacher. Email Mark. All stories and photos, unless specified otherwise, by Schumacher. | make a donation


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