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Feb 1st Notes REL 304 Carl Jung depth psychologist; celebrates and endorses religion Introduced/ founded

ded Analytical Psychology o Freud wanted to generalize o Jung wanted to specify (then AP arose from this idea) He also wanted to build a health psychology, not a negative approach such as Freudian thought was He assumed he had two personalities o Rational, conscious o Mystic, strange His lifes work was more to discover himself than others, then near death says that this is what all people should do.

Basic principles of Jungian Theory 1. Two personalities the structure of the individual mind is comprised of both a conscious and an unconscious personality a. The division of these two sides is what causes mental problems b. These parts a constantly in contact with one another (between both parts) c. Does not apply to the Fruedian Id, Ego and SuperEgo. d. Freud would insinuate these two halfs are one and the same. Jung argues that they are two separate things 2. Collective Unconscious a deep layer of the unconscious that retains and transmits the common psychological inheritance of humankind a. Inside of the unconscious there is a Personal Unconscious and a Collective Unconscious. b. Freud would argue that the unconscious contains the negative thoughts c. Jung would argue that the unconscious contains the best of you, including the collective wisdom of the human race 3. Archetypes structural elements in the collective unconscious that give form to humankinds recurring symbols and mythological motifs. 4. Dreams Natural meaningful, symbol-based messages sent from the unconscious to the conscious mind. 5. Individuation the process of attaining psychic wholeness; the integration of conscious and unconscious thought. a. The transformation for rationality and cold logic to a two part persona with Process of Individuation: Conscious/Unconscious >>> Conscious (Self)Unconscious The Seven Main Jungian Archetypes 1. The persona is essentially an exterior mask, the image you present to the world in your walking life. It is your conscious public presentation of self.

2. The shadow is the repressed aspects of yourself, the part that wants to do all the things you dont allow yourself to do 3. The anima/Animus is the female and male aspects of yourself. Everyone possesses both feminine and masculine qualities. The anima is the mans image of woman. The animus is the counterpart of the anima, the masculine unconscious element in women. 4. The wise old man is equated with your unconscious gifts. He is the helper and may appear as king, medicine man, teacher or father. 5. The great mother is the nurturer, the archetype of infinite capacity for helping and protecting. 6. The Divine child is your true self in its purest form. It not only symbolizes your innocence, your sense of vulnerability and your sense of helplessness 7. The trickster plays jokes to keep you from taking yourself too seriously. He can be the model of deception, illusion or cunning. Symbols vs. Signs symbols hold meaning, signs have direction. - Cross is a symbol. - Archetypes are symbols Jungs Theory of Religion: 1. Religion is a natural and normal function of the human mind 2. Religion is psychologically true 3. Religion is a positive factor of psychological value 4. Religion is the process of Individuation 5. Religious symbols are archetypal symbols with the power to bring personal transformation 6. Religions are culturally organized and institutionalized myths, doctrines, and rituals that symbolize (and facilitate) that process.

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