JCL Editing Notes

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How to search for JCL jobs on the mainframe: 1. Start a webconnect/Hummingbird session to the mainframe. 2.

When the screen with the horse appears type NVAS or NVASDEV 3. The next screen will prompt for the mainframe user and password. 4. The next screen will have the list of applications. Select TSO5 by either typing TSO5 on the command line or entering the equivalent number. a. TSO5 Production b. TSO9 - Development 5. At ready prompt type ISPF (enter twice on DEV) 6. Next type 3.14 (search utility) 7. Type in the names for the search string not in quotes. 8. Type SYSP.CHGMAN.PROD.JCL.FULL(DW*) for the data set name in single quotes.
The result will show all the occurrences of the string. Sometimes one can tell from the result, other times one must look at the source code 9. When list of files appears type s * on the command line and hit enter to flag all the records for search. 10. Next type end to commence the search which will return all the source code where the seach string was found in all the files.

To view the source code for a JCL job in CHGMAN: 1. Do steps 1 5 from above. 2. Type 3 (utility 3. Type 4 (dslist) Enter Dsname Level without quotes SYSP.CHGMAN.PROD.JCL.FULL (hit enter key) Tab to the SYSP.CHGMAN.PROD.JCL.FULL and type b prior to the string (hit enter key) F jobname <enter> For test the DSN is SYSP.CHGMAN.TEST.JCL.FULL Type b next to job and the source code will appear Now to search for a string within the source code on the command line type f followed by the string in single quotes since you may want to search for multiple words. Example: f insert into Look for insert, update, delete, and mload

If you want to find all occurances of a string in the JCL source code then instead of typing b before the job name, type e to go into edit mode (which is safe in production since we are still in read only mode). Next at the command line type x all to indicate that search for all occurances. Now type: x search string al l on the command line to show all lines found in the job for the search string. To go back to the full source code listing, type res on the command line which resets the screen. To go to a particular line number type: L followed by the line number.

To Upload a file to ISPF on mainframe 1. Type =6 at the command line to get to the ISPF Command Shell 2. Next select file transfer menu -> SEND FILE TO HOST Hostname: full path of file in single quotes Eg: 'UAECO.JCL.NSBI(DW207L)' Scheme: TSO_Text Local file name: browse to local directory on PC. Leave the Dataset name blank Click the SEND button

To Download a file from mainframe to local PC 1. Type =6 at the command line to get to the ISPF Command Shell 2. Scheme: TSO_Text 3. Hostname: full path of file in single quotes Eg: SYS6.CHGMAN.PROD.JCL.FULL(DW327X) 4. Next select file transfer menu -> receive from to get files to local computer Hostname: full path of file in single quotes Eg: SYS6.CHGMAN.PROD.JCL.FULL(DW327X) Scheme: TSO_Text Local file name: browse to local directory on PC. Click the RECEIVE button

To Copy the contents of a JCL job to a new job: 1. COPY the file from within the ISPF editor if package is frozen a. In CHGMAN open the JCL job in browse mode and copy the path of the file shown at the top of the browse screen. b. Exit CHGMAN to ISPF and go to 3 (utilities) and then 4 (Dslist) c. Specify the full path found in step a on the Dsname Level and V as the option to view the file.

d. On command line type create path (jobname) and on the first line type c9999 to specify to copy 9999 lines to the new file specified on the command line. 2. COPY the file from within CHGMAN if package is not frozen: a. Open the file in Edit mode in CHGMAN b. On command line type create path (jobname) and on the first line type c9999 to specify to copy 9999 lines to the new file specified on the command line.

To run an job in ISPF and see the job results 1. Open the job in edit mode and on the command line enter Sub to submit the job to the system. 2. To see the output type =s.H and look for the job name and jobid (that was displayed on the screen when the job was submitted. 3. Put the letter S before the job name found and hit <enter> to view the job log. 4. JCL errors:


5. To check the status of a running job to see which step it is running go into SDSF and display the jobs running: From ISPF type S;DA , put a ? before the job of interest and when the job steps are listed put an S before the step to view the log at that step.

Items to change when moving JCL job to CHGMAN in QA/Prod: File should be loaded into CHGMAN using production parameters. 1. Request DBAs to add job as new database user with privileges on the databases accessed in the job. 2. Put member in sysp.comments.master(jobname). P.COMMENTS
Set up the contact information in NVASDEV, Product Launch Point (PLP) - > COMMENTS i. Add Comment files for each Job with following key parameters: ii. JOB name: The name of the JCL Job (Example; DW207D) iii. SYSTEM NUMBER: iv. ON-CALL LIST: The AP GROUP which will get notified when job abends (Example; APPDEVD5 which has AP member(s) Wumi Champion and PSS on-call group DATAWARE). v. ABEND: Instruction when job abends. (Example; NEXT BUSINESS DAY) vi. PLOG SEVERITY: Severity Number where lower the number means higher severity. Note that Code 3 means an AP alert is issued immediately and the HPSM incident is created as High Priority. Code 6 causes the AP alert to be issued next duty hours which is defined as 9:05am and the incident is created as Low Priority. Be aware open high priority incidents are reviewed each morning by IT management. vii. DESCRIPTION: Short one description of Job. (Ex; ETL OF RAIL_EQUIPMENT_DIM FOR NSBI TN). viii. PGMR: Always code this as ON CALL PROGRAMMER


CHGMAN: DBCPROD.LOGIN.SCRIPT(JCL_JOBNAME) (replace JCL_JOBNAME with actual jobname 4. Change database/view/table name(s) from test to production database names. Example; METRIC Databases, TEST Databases: TMAC to PMAC 5. In Job Card (first 2 lines of JCL script) ISPF (development/test environment): SCHENV=D109, MSGCLASS=H CHGMAN (production): SCHENV=P105, MSGCLASS=W 6. Change TSTBTEQ to DBCBTEQ in BEGINLOG and regular BTEQ steps. 7. Change Export file names prefix from user racf name to job name. Example: DSN=UAECO.DW207M.EXPORT.XX to DSN=DW.DW207M.EXPORT.XX

Making changes to a Job in Production Create a new Package: 1. First create a new package to store the JCL job. P.CM (to enter changeman) 1 (build) 1 (create new package only once) Option : L (long method) Package Title: NSBI TN DIMENSION/FACT TABLE FOR RAIL CONNECTION (example title) APPLICATION: DWHS (if the job starts with DW and NSBI if the Job starts with NB) REQUESTERS NAME: enter own name REQUESTERS PHONE: enter own phone number WORK REQUEST ID: leave blank and edit with Incident request number for promoting to prod. DEPARTMENT: IT PACKAGE LEVEL: 1 (simple) PACKAGE TYPE: PLANNED PACKAGE TIME SPAN: PERM (next screen) SCHEDULER => Manual 2. Once package is created in Changeman , next move job from PDS to package using Build Options Select 1 (Build ) on the primary option menu of Changeman Select 6 (Stage) to stage new jobs Enter Option 1 (Dev Stage components from development libraries) and Enter Package ID Now on the Stage screen Enter the ISPF library fields: o Project: PDS first component, usually RACF. Example: UAECO o Group: PDS second component, usually JCL o Type: PDS third path component. Example NSBI o Member: JCL job name. Example; NB002L o Add job to Package: 1. Checkout from production the job into stage a. Option 1 - Build

b. Option 5 to checkout c. 1: Base/Prom Checkout from baseline d. Component name is Jobname, Library Type is JCL, source library is 0 (production), checkout to S (stage). ENTER and job will be added to package With Job now in Package: Edit Package and Promote to test environment to run job: Next select CHGMAN option 6 (Stage), 2 (package process package components). Edit the job in CHGMAN and promote to TEST and QA Audit and Freeze package Create change request for promotion to production Have package approved by the 3 levels (Penny, Mark and then self) to promote package into production.

Over-writing files in Changeman Package 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. P.cm (to enter changeman) 1 (build) 6 (stage) and enter the package name 1(Dev) If adding a new job to the package. 2 (package) and this brings up list of jobs in package a. Put E next to the job that you wish to edit and over-write the contents b. On command line delete current contents of file: DEL ALL NX c. On command line enter copy command to copy from JCL library: COPY d. Erase the value in the Name field and fill in the DSN location components: (UAECO, JCL, NSBI) e. Package now shows new contents so hit PF3 (F3) key to exit which brings up the report showing the deleted and inserted (new lines copied from JCL job). f. Hit PF3 to exit and hit enter to accept the report to be deleted. This will bring you back to the screen with the list of jobs in the package and you can repeat steps a e to overwrite the remaining JCL jobs with new code in the PDS library.

Editing JCL JOBS in ISPF 1. Command line commands: X all : exclude all rows except those found in next command Res : resets the screen to show all the rows F string all : find all occurances of a string. Logoff : logs off the system R : put R before jobname and system will prompt for new job name

2. Commands on the line of code (type before the line number) I99 : creates 99 blank lines from where the cursor is located D99 : deletes the next 99 lines COLS : puts a column format header line with column numbers XX : by putting xx on one line and another XX on a subsequent line,

Adding GDGs and linking to Jobs (forms 601-603) or ONLY Adding JOBs (Just Form 602): 1. Enter Chgman (p.cm) 2. Select option 1 (build) 3. Select option 3 (Custom) 4. Specify the Package ID and hit Enter to continue 5. Each time you edit (E) one of the forms 601, 602 and 603 you need to Edit, Submit and Approve. If the form is currently approved and you want to make changes then you need to R- Reject and then start the Edit/Submit/Approve Sequence for each form. 6. To test if the job has permissions and is recognized by system. When in ISPF type Option 6 (command) and then type LU jobname which will either state job not found or show information about the job permissions. FORM 601: Add/Update GDG Base Add/Upd Production GDG Base name Number of Versions Test QA Prod A, ,DW.DW207D.RAILBLK.XX_______________, ,10_,,10_,,30_ A, ,DW.DW207E.TRAIN.XX_________________, ,10_,,10_,,30_ A, ,DW.DW207F.TRN.XX________ FORM 602,Add/Del Batch Job RACF Add Del '''',,A, '''',,A, '''',,A, '''',,A, Batch Job ID ,DW207D, ,DW207E, ,DW207F, ,DW207G, Oncall Notify in DEVL ,N, ,N, ,N, ,N, 10_,,10_,,30_

Note: For QA in DEVL should be set to N so that no one is notified And for Production in DEVL set to Y so notification occurs. If any change needs to be made to an entry in form 602, the entry must be rejected, deleted (submit/approve) and then added (submit/approve). FORM 603,Add/Upd Dataset Profiles RACF Add Upd A A A Other Other Dev Creating Job Job Prd Dataset Name Or Profile Job ID ID Acc D TS1.DW.DW207E.TRAIN.XX*___________,,DW207E__,,________,_, D QA1.DW.DW207E.TRAIN.XX*_____________DW207E__,,________,_, P DW.DW207E.TRAIN.XX*_________________DW207E__,,________,_,

Adding Zeke Events and Scheduling

1. Adding Events instructions screen shot:

Event Master Definition

To create a new event for a job, simply copy an existing jobs event and edit it. A) Go into ZEKE (P.ZEKE) after entering ISPF B) Enter 1 (Event) on the command line to lookup an existing Jobs event C) Enter the Job name next to the Job Name: field and hit enter. The list of events will appear on Event master Dictionary screen. D) Browse one of the Events listed by putting the letter B before the Event number and hitting Enter. The Event Master Definition screen will now show with all the event details. Copy this events details by typing COPYALL on the Command line. This will create a new event number shown in the upper right corner old event number new event number. Next exit this screen by hitting PF3. E) To edit the new event type the letter E before the new event number listed in the Event master Dictionary screen and change the Event Name, Job and Member (set Job and Member to the new Job name). After making these changes hit the ENTER key and the updates will be saved so that the event is now associated with the correct Jobname.

F) The EVENT will run in TEST if the PDS value is set to CHGMANT and in QA if set to CHGMANQ. G) To run the job on request (ZEKE scheduler will not add to schedule at 6am each day) put the word REQUEST in the OCCURS option in the second screen of Event master Dictionary screen. H) To set predecessor conditions the job page to the third page of the Event master Dictionary screen and put in EOJ (job waits till this job successfully finishes today) or WEOJ (job only waits till this job successfully finishes if this specified job was in todays schedule). If the status of the job zeke schedule view shows the WHEN conditions to have ansteric (*) before the EOJ/WEOJ then the condition has been satisfied, when WEOJ is preceeded by pound sign (#) then this means the job is not in the schedule, so the condition is met by default. To Schedule the new event for a job, start at the ASG-Zeke Primary Menu A) Type 2 (schedule View) on the OPTION line B) Type the Job Name next to the Job Name field , type 3 (Add function, select Event Records TO ADD to Schedule , on the Command Line and hit ENTER. C) Now on the ADD Event Record Selection Criteria screen,
change the Hold value from N to Y so that the job does not execute immediately, Enter the Job Name next to the

Job Name field and hit ENTER. D) Now on the Schedule View Event Add List screen, type the
letter S before the Event number and hit ENTER. The Sched Info column changes from blank to today.

E) The Job can be run manually from the Schedule View

screen by typing RUN before the Event number in the Schedule View screen as a LINE command.

To run the new event for a job, start at the ASG-Zeke Primary Menu A) Type 2 (schedule View) on the OPTION line B) Type the Job Name next to the Job Name field and enter 1 (schedule view) on Command line C) The Schedule View screen will appear with the scheduled event listed and its current status. D) To run the scheduled event TAB to the event line and enter RUN before the Event No.. To get the list of Primary Commands Enter ? To View JOB logs 1. Log into mainframe and select XPTR (production) or XPTRDEV (development) 2. Log into XPTR with RACF login

3. In Job Search Criteria screen tab to Job name and Enter Job name (suffix of means wildcard). Tab to Start time/Date to enter time and date and then hit enter to see the job log files. 4. If one Job is found then all the job details will display, otherwise the jobs will be listed and one must type B before the job of interest and hit return to open the log file for this job execution. To edit the JCL job in ASG-Zeke to test a feature but not save back to CHGMAN A) B) C) D) In zeke type JCLR on the line cmd Type ZOOM Type e infront of the JCL , make the changes and then type SAVE on the command Exit out of JCLR and type RUN on the zeke line command. If job shows success then before entering JCLR pull the source code and hold it by typing REBH and then follow by the JCLR and ZO commands.

Changing the teradata password You can change your Teradata password to another value by running the following SQL in SQL Assistant: Modify user CPSRB as password = nnnnnnnn Where nnnnnnnn is any password combining alpha, numeric and special characters but not beginning with a number. It also may not contain any special characters except # and $ I suggest changing your Teradata passwords to match your network password the next time your network password expires. Then they will all expire in sync every 45 days from then on. Please continue using your network password and LDAP authentication for all network connected Teradata work such as thru SQL Assistant and only use your Teradata password for mainframe channel connected batch work.


Adding Zeke Comments for ZEKE Events 1. Log into ISPF and type the command 3.3 [Move/Copy Utility] 2. Skip all the lines until the line where it says From Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set: 3. Enter the DataSet name against the Name prompt: E.g SYSP.COMMENTS.MASTER(DW207J) 4. Under Option enter C for Copy data set or member(s) 5. Upon hitting the RETURN key, you get the screen where you name the new name 6. Against the prompt Name under the Block titled To Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set: Enter the new Name such as SYSP.COMMENTS.MASTER(NBGN0045) 7. New comment file can be edited either of following methods: a. At ISPF Primary option menu enter p.comments i. Type UPDATE on red command line ii. Type comment file/jobname on red line next to comment name and hit enter iii. Make changes to the job name, system number, description and other fields if necessary , hit enter and PF3 to save. b. At ISPF Primary option menu enter 2 (Edit) i. On the Edit Entry Panel go to the section titled Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file: ii. Enter the Name of the Data Set you created in step 6 SYSP.COMMENTS.MASTER(NBGN0045) iii. Enter CHANGE DW207J NBGN0045 and hit RETURN iv. Hit the PF6 key to repeat the last operation so that all instances of DW207J now reflects NBGN0045. v. Change the Description to reflect the comments for the said file. vi. Hit PF3 to EXIT vii. You have now created a NEW Comments File associated with the process created in Step 6 which is NBGN0045.



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