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Study Guide The Cold War Stalin: heavy industry, military, command economy o Dies March 1953 o Struggle

e for power Khrushchev (1955): peasant, not very smart, very good politically o Most liberal, people person, closest to western o 20th Party Congress: destalinize Russia Very radical statement Better wages, freedom to intellectuals, thaw Cold War Military and bureaucracy angry, wants to stage a coup o Cuban Missile Crisis: miscalculation o Bad economic policies o Removed from power 1964 o Power struggle again Alexi Kosygin (premier, political leader) vs. Leonid Brezhnev (party leader) o Brezhnev: more conservative, wins Brezhnev: limits intellectuals, dissidents o Many critics: refuseniks, Russiens, author Solhenitsyn o Solhenitsyn: Gulag archipelago, samizdal publications (copied and circulated in homes or streets), books get smuggled to west Soviets deport him, settles in Vermont until he returns to Russia o Sakharov (H-bomb): scientific community, questioned communism, detained, wife sent away, labeled, sent to internal exile, Gorki o Wins military expansion, but tries to warm relations with US Detente: relaxation, warming of relations o 1972: Nixon to Moscow Nixon a staunch anti-communist HUAC member, allowed him to make entry, played triangle diplomacy o Triangle diplomacy: US, USSR, China (we thought China and USSR were friends; false) Play USSR off Chinese for friendship, both want relations with US SALT: Strategic Arms limitation Talks, becomes treaties, reduce missiles, warheads o Ends 1979 when USSR invades Afghanistan 1980/1984: refuse to go to Olympics in each other

The Fall of USSR Economy faltering in 60s, crisis level 80s o Central planning and heavy industry inefficient, no incentive to produce more for the people

Older generations beginning to die; replaced with Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev: 1985-1991, symbolizes change o Glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) o Unilateral arms limits, talks to Reagan, cuts missiles, warheads o Attempts to bring end to Cold War o Bureaucracy and military aghast at this Withdraws from Afghanistan Military and communists are upset Pulls Soviet support out of Communist states Gorbachev: more popular in Washington than at home o People wanted change to impact quicker o More liberal and opening o Military and bureaucracy want to slow down process, against him Nomenklatura: those who have power (members of the party Boris Yeltsin: replaces Gorbachev o Mayor of Moscow, reformer o President of Russian Republic (big) Gorbachev: pushes Glasnost (leads to nationalism, ethnic unrest, some ethnicities dont want to be Russian) 1990: Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia: independence o Gorbachev sends Soviet troops People want to get rid of Gorbachev: in summer home, coup is staged, o His troops protect him, siege in Moscow o Yeltsin saves the coup, Gorbachev done Sept 1991: Soviet republics declare independence Gorbachev tries to make Commonwealth of Indep States (confederation) o Make something like the USSR: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus o Doesnt last long

Capitalism makes impacts: o Majority of people have trouble adjusting; must stick to rules and be efficient o Some people did well, became billionaires, mid-level economy o Have to retrain some workers Oil helps Russia grow back into a better economy Nuclear weapons: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan o US negotiates with nations, all controlled by Russia o New inventories, some get lost, intellectuals go to highest bidder NATO: protect against the Soviets Partnership for Peace: concept-connection between Russia, NATO, as Russia isnt a member Impact of Islam: south of Russia, want freedom


o Azerbaijan Slavs are Islam Chechnya: border of Georgia, Russia o Wanted indep, but Russians said no, Kazakhstan is tired of giving land up o Guerilla warfare against Russia Azerbaijan (Islam) vs. Armenia (Christian) o Nagorno Karabagh South Ossetia: area within Georgia, did not want to be Georgia, wanted to be Russia, Russians war with Georgians, Russians win Ethnic violence

Vladimir Putin o Current president, previously prime minister, ex-KGB o Limit two terms for president, then must give it up o Medvev takes over while Putin is PM o Putins puppet, tries to break strings, but cant o Putin changes constitution so he can be president again o Resources, oil can make Russia a world power, better technology, new resources o New Czar?

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