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Prince G. Success

THE MISSING LINK IN TODAYS CHRISTIANITY Copyright 2011 by Prince G. Success. All rights reserved under international copyright law. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical reviews, magazines and articles. ALL SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS ARE FROM THE KING JAMES VERSION OF THE HOLY BIBLE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED.


Printed in the Republic of Ghana


I dedicate this book to my father, Rev. Francis Sattey, of blessed memory, who brought me up in the way of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, Dad.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the beginning GOD, this was how Moses began Genesis chapter one; thus my ultimate thanks go to the Alpha and Omega, whose name is the Almighty God, Who gave me the strength and wisdom to bring this book to pass. Thanks a lot, my Father Who is in Heaven. My second thank-you goes to Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Donkor, the Founder of the All Nations Full Gospel Churches International, and the President and Founder of the All Nations University. I can simply say, You are a wonderful dad. Thanks to Dr. (Mrs.) Lynn Darkwah, the Vice-President for Students Affairs of All Nations University for her love. Mum, I say, thanks for everything. I am highly grateful. I couldnt have forgotten Rev. Dr. John Futagbi, a former lecturer of All Nations University. He was also a great source of inspiration to me Rev. Dr. thank you very much. Rev. David Stiles-Ocran and Rev. Simon Degbe, I have not forgotten about those days. May God bless you for everything, in words and in deeds that you said to me and did for me. I have not forgotten them thanks a lot! How can I forget Mr. Justin Asafo? His love towards God and His (Gods) people is great. May he never lack anything good! Thank you, my dear. Members and executives of the Prayer and Evangelism Ministry, I must appreciate you for your brotherly love towards me it has taken me this far: you are really Christians. Thanks. Mr. Ishmael Sam, an alumnus of All Nations University stood by me when the storms of life were at their peaks. Ish, as I passionately call him, is more than a friend; he is a brother. Ish thanks for all your love and care. I am so grateful. I would want to say a big THANK-YOU to the following very-important personalities at All Nations University: Pastor Erkenwald C. Apuri (the Chaplain), Pastor Adriana Ion, Professor Rajmohan Moses, Mr. Samuel Aboagye Danso, Dr. Rajan John, the Head of Department for Computer Science and Computer Engineering (All Nations University), Miss Evelyn Anane, Miss Gem A. Hepsi, Rev. Kingsley Kwame Sarpong, Miss Stella Wobidike, Miss Janet Sambo, Miss Amananaghan Tombra-Favour, Miss Fiadzoe Aku Esther, Miss Itoro Ata, Miss Monica Adjei, Miss Imoh Umana, Mr. Onome Elvis Enakenu, Mr. Richard Acquaye, Mr. Maiomona Afonso, Mr. Austin Osabiku, Miss Evangeline Ekeyi Ekpereka, Mr. Daniel Addo, Mr. Kofi Morgan and Miss Pamela Oduro. They have been a blessing in my life, and I really appreciate their love. I love them all! These distinguished personalities too have aided in various ways for this book to see the light of day: Mr. Edward Kofi Owusu, the Acting Regional Commander of Ghana Immigration Service (Upper-West Region of Ghana), Mr. Eugene Apau (Custom, Excise and Preventive Services), Elder Stephen Serwornu (Church of Pentecost, Axim), Madam Hannah Kwaw (a business tycoon at Elubo), Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Dogbey.

There is one important person I cannot forget to say a big thank-you to. This person is you, the reader! Dear, without you this material would have been a white elephant; thanks for your patronage. I am highly grateful, my dear.

1. What is this Missing Link? 2. Are you sure you are saved? 3. Watching what we watch, read and hear 4. Flee fornication 5. Watch your words 6. Be careful of the friends you have and those you want to choose 7. Watch your actions 8. Dont joke with your dreams and visions 9. Seek Christian Counseling/Advice 10. What is the meaning of your name? 11. Be careful when signing documents 12. The mystery concerning the Christians prosperity 13. Behaviour in the church 14. Watch these things too


2 Timothy 4:5

BUT BEWARE [human beings]



Matthew 10:17



Once upon a time, a new convert of a church, who was a barber, was highly blessed by God. His business began to flourish the people in his community did not go to any place for their haircut, but in this believers barbering salon. Even people from other states (regions) traveled to have their haircut in this blessed child of Gods salon. As the case would be, he employed more hands to assist him in the business. Even this did not help matters since there was always a long queue in front of his small salon. The only solution at hand was for him to get a bigger salon. He decided that if he should get that facility, he would furnish it with all modern equipments which would facilitate the best haircut for his customers. He also had plans of fixing a giant television to the right corner of the wouldbe modern salon; so that his customers would watch interesting movies whilst they wait for their turn to come. He got a bigger facility in town. He implemented his plans: he fully furnished it with all modern haircut equipments, darkened the louvers, and erected a giant signboard outside the salon. Do you think that many more customers would come to the salon to patronize its services? Did you say, Yes? Anyway, the answer is no. Nobody patronized the salons services again. He and his employees would come to work early in the morning and close at 12am (midnight), and nobody would come to the salon. What is the problem? My enemies are at it again, he thought. Because of this, he bega n to fast and pray! Ironically, the more he fasted, the more the situation worsened not only did no customer come, but his employees began to resign one after the other because they had become fed up with the situation. This barber, been so frustrated, went to see his pastor. He told the man of God his problems. After he had finished speaking, the Holy Spirit prompted the pastor to go with him to his salon. When they got there, guess what happened: the Holy Spirit again directed the pastor to read the giant signboard in front of the salon. The signboard read, WE CUT HEAD HERE! COME AND HAVE YOUR HEAD CUT! WE ARE THE LICENSED EXPERTS! WE CHARGE THE LOWEST FEE FOR EVERY HEAD CUT! BRING YOUR SONS TO HAVE THEIR HEADS CUT! COME ONE, COME ALL TO HAVE YOUR HEADS CUT. So when the pastor read this, he called this barber to scrutinize what was on his own sign board. When he gave it a perusal, he burst into uncontrollable tears, and said, I have not been very watchful. God, thank you for this revelation; pastor, God bless you.

The pastor advised him to remove that signboard immediately, and replace it with a different one that depicted the work he was doing, saying that this was the reason why the business, which was hitherto flourishing, had come to a halt! The pastor did add that it was not the activities of the devil and his cohorts, but his carelessness! When he changed the signboard and made series of advertisements, many people flocked his salon to have their haircut! Praying, fasting, going to church, among other religious activities have become a commonplace in the life of the average Christian. We, Christians, believe that there are demonic powers that fight against us day and night; hence as for fasting and prayers, they are the blood that flows through us! We all do our best to, at least, fast once every week to make sure that we combat these evil powers and their activities, so as to escape the temptations of the devil. Dont get me wrong I am not implying that fasting and prayers are not good. On the contrary, I vigorously fast and pray! What I am driving at is the fact that there is a missing link in todays Christianity that has made many believers to fall into various temptations. What is this missing link in todays Christianity? Is it prayer or fasting? Certainly not! From the above, we can attest to the fact that the average Christian is a praying entity. So what then is this missing link if it is not prayer and fasting? one may ask. WATCH YE and pray, lest ye enter into temptation Mark 14:38 Watchfulness is the missing link in todays Christianity. The average Christian does not know how to be watchful in his daily life. Thus, the devil and his cohorts, knowing of our ignorance, are using that gap created our negligence to cause much evil in the body of Christ. Nobody can be greater than his master. Jesus Christ, the Master of all masters, King of all kings and the Lord of all lords, is saying to us that prayer alone cannot solve our problems, but combining it with watchfulness. It is at this stage of watchfulness that we would be able to effectively combat the plans of the enemy and his activities! We need to be very watchful. How many Christians havent we heard that they had fallen into various avoidable temptations? Was it that they were not fasting and praying? The obvious answer is no! Apparently, most of them fell just after they had said, Amen! to a prayer they had prayed. They fell because they were not watchful. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth TAKE HEED LEST HE FALL. 1 Corinthians 10:12 From the above biblical excerpt, one would affirm that Apostle Paul was warning Christians against complacency. Thus, he said that anyone who thinks he is standing should be very careful

(watchful) if not he would fall. You would bear with me, through the description of the believer Apostle Paul made, that he (that believer in the quotation) is one who believes in himself, and hence thinks that nothing can pull him down. Thus, the apostle cautioned, Buddy, dont be too sure of yourself, but just be on the look out (be watchful), if not you are assured of falling. Too many Christian are too sure of themselves that they forgo watchfulness. The devil, knowing this, is cashing in on them by messing up their lives; and when they fall, they scream, Oh, God, why me? Why did You allow this to come upon me? Why are they blaming God for something that could have been avoided, only if they were watchful? Watchfulness is a sine qua non (a necessary condition) to effective Christianity, without which our Christian life would be a fiasco! Christianity is a work it is a continuous activity not a stagnant event! We need to work out our salvation which Jesus Christ has given unto us (Philippians 2:12). Being careful (watchful) is a work and not an event!

Eight Major Reasons Why We Should Be Watchful

1. Watching is the first weapon the Lord Jesus Christ recommended against temptations. WATCH ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. Mark 14:38 2. When we are watchful we would become the beloved children of God. The reason is every obedient child is his parents pet. Obedience to Gods commandment of watchfulness would make us His beloved children. The reason is He wants us to be watchful in all our ways. This is what the Lord says, ...This is the one I esteem [Gods beloved child: Gods pet]: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and TREMBLES AT MY WORD [ a vital portion of Gods word is WATCHFULNESS]. Isaiah 66:1 2 NIV 3. Through watchfulness we would outsmart the devil and his cohorts. The reason is, they know that every Christian prays, but not all of us watch; thus, if we watch (and of course, pray), their activities would be null and void. Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11 4. The world is a dicey place; hence we need carefulness (watchfulness) to dwell therein.

But WATCH THOU IN ALL THINGS 2 Timothy 4:5 5. The Lord Jesus Christ would come any moment from now, hence we need to be watchful if we want to make Heaven. TAKE YE HEED, WATCH and pray: for ye know not when the time is. Mark 13:33 6. We are pronounced blessed if we are watchful: Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when He cometh shall find WATCHING... Luke 12:37 7. There is a gross deception in this world, and hence the Lord Jesus Christ cautions us to be watchful so that we would not be victims to it. Jesus answered: Watch out that no man deceives you. Matthew 24:4 NIV 8. Watchfulness is a divine, paramount commandment to the whole body of Christ (Christians): And what I [Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God] say unto you I say unto all, WATCH. Mark 13:37

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