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Name: Jessica Johnson


Date/Project Day:

Key Lesson Elements Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards: Objective(s): Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: Modifications/ Accommodations: Technology and Materials:

What is the Teacher Doing? Do Now (3-5 minutes): Entrance: -Everyone standing up straight and tall. -Artists, when we enter the art room we enter at a level zero. - Find your seat quickly and silently and be at a ready position. - Hands are folded, voices are off. -The ladies are entering the room ate level zero and they are finding their seats quickly and silently. -Not on task- everyone stand up behind their seat. -Thank you __ for doing it the first time. - __ I appreciate you wee on track the first time. -I can see that table __ is ready their hands are folded, their voices are off. -I am looking for tables and individuals who are showing me they are ready to receive their ticket. Tickets: -When I see you are at a ready position I will give you your ticket. -Remember, just like athletes need to warm up before a race we as artists need to warm up and stretch our brains creatively. So use this time wisely for your free draws. -We warm up with our free draws. -Great job at a level zero. -Great picture from your imagination __. -I have been noticing that we have been improving. -Remember if you are someone who is talking during our do first time you will be skipped or loose your ticket. -Remember during our "do first" time we are at a level zero. -I will be looking for all pencils in the basket when I count down. -Pencils in the basket, voices off, bodies straight and tall, and hands folded. -10, all voices off by zero, 9.... 5, all pencils in the baskets, 4..... 0. -Let's end on track and on time today for our compliment and our brush today. -When our transitions are tight we have much more time to be successful. -I see __ has turned their body to face the board. - __ is listening silently with their hands folded. SWBAT & Lesson Agenda

What are the Students Doing? Entrance: -Ss come in and sit down at a ready position. -Ss voices are off. -Ss sit silently while waiting to receive their tickets. Tickets: -Ss are sitting silently, hands folded, voices off, eyes on the teacher. -Ss are seated at a level zero with hands folded they will receive their entrance ticket. They will write their name and room number on and front and free draw on the back. -Ss work silently on tickets during do first time. -Ss talking during do first loose their ticket.

Students will meet the Objectives by:

Materials Out: -New papers or project papers from the previous class will be handed out during the "do first". -I'm looking for artists that I can trust to be my helper. -Remember if I give you a job and you are talking I fire you and give your job to someone else. Drawing: -Helpers pass out: paper, hand-outs, and drawing supplies if needed. Painting: -Paint -I trust __ to be my helper and to put our supplies in the middle of our tables. - Paint brushes only on our paints. -Bucket of water is put on the table by student helper. -I will hand out brushes. -When you get your brush you may begin at a level zero. I will let you know when it is ok to start at a level one. -Table __ is starting their painting at a level 0. -We've started working independently at a level zero, we may now start working at a level one whisper, when were at a whisper talk only the people at our table can hear us. I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): -Star student recognition: -Last time __ was my star student. -I will be looking for more star students today. Check for Understanding: Break it down is check for understanding. We Do Guided Practice: Break it down: Painting: Check for Understanding:

-S helpers will help hand out supplies at a level zero. -If a helper is talking they loose their job. -Ss will continue to work on their tickets at a level zero. -Ss talking during do first will loose their ticket.

-Ss will be at a level zero during I do portion. -Ss will raise their hands to answer questions asked. -Ss will answer questions if their table stick is pulled. -Ss are silent when others are talking. Break it down: -Ss will answer @ bat questions to review the steps for the day. -Ss will remain at a level zero unless they are raising their hand and called on.

You Do Independent Practice: Positive Framing: -Put eyes on me, 10... 9, voices off by zero, ... 4, all pencils in the basket, 3, all voices off, bodies straight and tall...0. -What a great whisper talk I hear. -Very nice focus. -Great job table __. -We have 15 minutes to work today. -Very nice job __ folding your hands. -You can show me you are ready by looking just like __. Just like table __. -I noticed __ taking there time and putting careful details into their work. I can tell they are taking their time. -Students we have ten more minutes of class today, so use your time wisely so that you can finish today. -I noticed __ giving some positive feedback to a member at their table. -Artists we have 5 minutes to work today. -I see __ is focused, I can see they've been taking their time and getting a lot accomplished. -Give yourself 3 more minutes to finish your papers today. -I'm seeing focused artists. Drawing: -I'm seeing careful drawing from __. They are drawing lightly in case they want to change something. -__ is respectfully asking other people at their table for a supply. Painting:

-Ss are working at a level 1. -Supplies are in the middle. -Ss are sharing and speaking respectfully with the other people at their table. Drawing: Painting: -Ss are using 1 color at a time. -Ss are touching their paintbrushes to the side of the brush to get rid of excess water. Group BMC: Individual BMC:

You Do Independent Practice: Positive Framing: -Put eyes on me, 10... 9, voices off by zero, ... 4, all pencils in the basket, 3, all voices off, bodies straight and tall...0. -What a great whisper talk I hear. -Very nice focus. -Great job table __. -We have 15 minutes to work today. -Very nice job __ folding your hands. -You can show me you are ready by looking just like __. Just like table __. -I noticed __ taking there time and putting careful details into their work. I can tell they are taking their time. -Students we have ten more minutes of class today, so use your time wisely so that you can finish today. -I noticed __ giving some positive feedback to a member at their table. -Artists we have 5 minutes to work today. -I see __ is focused, I can see they've been taking their time and getting a lot accomplished. -Give yourself 3 more minutes to finish your papers today. -I'm seeing focused artists. Drawing: -I'm seeing careful drawing from __. They are drawing lightly in case they want to change something. -__ is respectfully asking other people at their table for a supply. Painting: -I'm noticing creative uses of our colors. -I see bright colors on __'s paper. -I see artists from table __ using our paint brushes carefully. -I see __ is touching their brush to the side of the bucket to get the water off of their brush. Group BMC: -Switch to yellow -__ what noise level are we supposed to be. What level are we actually? -You owe me 5 minutes of silent art I will tell you when our silent art has begun. -Count time down. -__ what a nice job you are doing. -Table __ what a nice job we are doing following the directions sitting a a level zero. -I NOTICE some people talking under their breath. -Keep counting down. -Almost half way there to earning our green light. -Since we are doing such a great job, the last 3 minutes of silent art you owe me once we start working. -OR continue to count down the remaining time if not ready. DO NOT hand out supplies during silent art time. Individual BMC: -__ stand up from your seat take two steps back. -Stand up and go to the back of the room. -Have a seat, I need you at a level zero. -Have a seat, you need to be at a level zero. -Go back and try it with your voice off. -__ stand up, push your chair in. -__ stand up, you owe me your ticket. Check for Understanding: Using students as examples: -I see __ is drawing their design lightly on their papers.

-Ss are working at a level 1. -Supplies are in the middle. -Ss are sharing and speaking respectfully with the other people at their table. Drawing: Painting: -Ss are using 1 color at a time. -Ss are touching their paintbrushes to the side of the brush to get rid of excess water. Group BMC: Individual BMC:

Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment:

-Ss will be assessed on the objective for the project work day. Grading scale: 10- Completed objective neatly in time allotted. Objective is clearly evident in work. 9- Could have been neater in completion of project. Objective was evident in work. 8- Completed neatly. A portion of the objective is missing from the final product. 7- A portion of the objective is missing and project could have been neater. 6- Started neatly. Student did not finish a large portion of the assignment. 4- Student did not finish a large portion of the assignment and there were behavior measures taken. Student prevented them self from getting work accomplished. 2- Student came to class. Student did not accomplish any work or was sent out of class.

Closing/Preview for next lesson: -Last minute to put your finishing details in your papers. -Clap -Artists it is time for us to begin our clean up. Lets make sure we are cleaning up quickly and quietly so we can earn our brush and our compliment. -My helpers may begin collecting our supplies once I begin my countdown. -During countdown: -I see table __ quickly and gently putting their papers in a pile in thx enter of their table. -I noticed table __ is finished. They are waiting for their supplies to be picked up with their hands folded, sitting straight and tall. -10... 0. Materials In/Clean Up: Drawing: -Hand-outs: have student pick them up and organize them so they go the same way. -Papers: have student pick papers up and put them table 1-7. Painting: -Brushes in the water bucket, hands folded by zero. -10.... -Hands are folded at table __. -Hands are folded voices are off. Very nice job table number __. -...0. -Buckets and brushes collected from table by helpers during clean up countdown. -Paint will be brought up by a student helper to dry on vent. -Listen carefully to hear how we get our wipes. -I am looking for tables who are showing me they are ready to receive their wipes. -We will pick our papers up with two hands, they will put their work in the drying rack at a level zero, and I will give them a wipe. -Let's see who can demonstrate that for us. -__ is walking the paper over to me at the drying rack, they are holding their paper with two hands, notice how they are at a level zero, they are putting their papers on the rack, and getting their wipe. -Listen then repeat, hands first then the table. -Let's see a table that is ready to bring me their paper. -When you are finished it is your job to get your wipe in the trash can by zero. -I see __ is finished using their wipe because it is in the trash can and they are sitting in their seat at a level zero, and their hands are folded. -10...0. -Let's see if I can find tables that are ready to line up. Cutting with scraps: -Students collect supplies. -Pick a scrap helper. Let them know they don't move until you say so. -When get to 7 in countdown, narrate about helper and have them start picking up. -I have a scrap helper coming around to each table. I know we are going to be careful cleaning up so they are safe while they do their job. -One scrap helper for floor, one for tables. Line up: -Table __. -Thank you Table -0__ for pushing in our chairs. -I know I can trust table __ to be model students! -Looking forward, tucking in our shirts. -They are getting up quickly and silently, pushing in their chairs, they are dropping their ticket in the bucket, and standing silently in line. -Tables that are sitting are at a level zero. -Let me check to see if we are off the wall. -Wonderful job getting in line at a level zero. -Artists I'm looking everyone standing straight and tall, eyes forward ,and voices off. -Lets show our teacher we are ready. Compliment and brush: -Let's see if we are on time and on track today to receive our compliment and brush. -We are on green light so we earned our compliment and our brush. -Our compliment today is __. -Read. -We will deliver that after school today. -I'm looking for my star students. Star Students: -Someone who had a fabulous day and followed directions the first time, __. -Someone who I know I could trust today, __. -Someone else who's choices I was impressed with today was __. -One of our star students today is ___. To put our brush in our bucket.

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