Current Status of Fuzzy System Applications in Power Systems

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Current Status of Fuzzy System Applications in Power Systems

Takashi Hiyama* Kevin Tomsovic**

*Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan **School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2752, USA

ABSTRACT During the last ten years, fuzzy system applications have received increasing attention in manufacturing industries, heavy industries, transportation systems, water supply systems. The applications are mainly for controllers, however, there also exist many other areas such as prediction, diagnosis, optimization, and planning. In power systems, many applications have been proposed, however, most of them are still under investigation or in the development stage. Fuzzy systems have been increasingly used to develop more efficient schemes for the power system operation, planning, control, and management. This paper presents the current status of fuzzy system applications to power systems and future considerations of fuzzy system applications.

emphasis has been put on the combined usage of fuzzy systems and other new technologies such as neural networks/genetic algorithm for further improvement of the fuzzy logic based approaches.

2. APPLICATIONS OF FUZZY SYSTEM TO POWER SYSTEMS Fuzzy system applications are classified into the areas as shown in Table 1. Many applications have been proposed in literatures in those areas to demonstrate the advantages of fuzzy systems over conventional systems. The actual implementation of fuzzy systems is also increasing towards better and more reliable solutions for problems in power systems. Table 2 shows the examples of actual implementation of fuzzy systems in Japan.



Table 1.

Area of Fuzzy System Applications

In recent several years, fuzzy system applications have received increasing attentions in various area of power systems such as operation, planning, control, and management. A number of research papers indicate the applicability of fuzzy systems to power systems for wider operating conditions and uncertainties. While most of these systems are still under investigation, however, there already exist several practical implementations of fuzzy systems. In conventional schemes, power system operation, planning, control, and management are based on strict mathematical models to find solutions, however, power systems have many uncertainties in practice. Namely, those mathematical models provide only for specific situations of the power systems under respective assumptions. With these assumptions, the solutions of power systems problems are not trivial. Therefore, there exist some limitations for the mathematical model based schemes. In order to overcome these limitations, applications of new intelligent technologies such as fuzzy systems, neural networks, and genetic algorithms have been investigated in different areas of power systems for reliable and high quality power supply at low cost. In addition, recent research works indicate that more

Power System Planning Long and Midterm Scheduling Unit Commitment Dynamic Security Assessment Load Forecasting Power System Control Diagnosis State Estimation and Stability Evaluation Decision-making Support Systems Table 2. 1991 1993 1994 1997 Examples of Implementations

Fault Recovering Support System (Touhoku Electric Power Co. & Hitachi) AVQC Fuzzy Expert Control System (Touhoku Electric Power Co.) Fuzzy Reasoning Based Voltage Control System (Chubu Electric Power & Hitachi) Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizer (Prototype) (Kyushu Electric Power & Kumamoto University)

The purpose of the fuzzy system applications is classified into several categories as shown in Table 3.

Table 3.

Objectives of Fuzzy System Applications

Power System Control: Improvement of Control Performance and Robustness Expression of Non-linearities Implementation of Experts Experience Multi-objective Coordination Planning: Expression of Uncertainties Achievement of Flexible and Robust Planning Multi-objective Coordination Operation: Expression of Uncertainties Expression of Experience Based Rules Expression of Probability Reduction of Computation Time Load Forecasting: Improvement of Accuracy

Table 4 illustrates a fuzzy decision table for the PSS, where a positive control signal is for the deceleration control, and a negative control signal is for the acceleration control.



2.1 Power System Control In a conventional controller, what is modeled is the system or process being controlled, whereas in a fuzzy logic controller, the focus is on the human operator's behavior. In the first case, the system is modeled analytically by a set of differential equations from which the control parameters are adjusted to satisfy the controller specification. In the fuzzy logic controller, these adjustments are handled by a fuzzy rule-based expert system. After choosing proper variables as input and output of the fuzzy controller, it is required to decide on the linguistic variables. These variables transform the numerical values of the input of the fuzzy controller, to fuzzy quantities. The number of these linguistic variables specifies the quality of the control which can be achieved by using the fuzzy logic controller. As the number of the linguistic variables increases, the computational time and required memory increase. Therefore, a compromise between the quality of control and computational time is needed to choose the number of linguistic variables. When considering a power system stabilizer (PSS), seven linguistic labels, such as PL (positive large), PM (positive medium), PS (positive small), Z (zero), NS (negative small), NM (negative medium), NL (negative large), are may be used each one of the speed deviation X, the acceleration Y, of the study generator and the stabilizing signal U from the PSS to achieve good performance. These labels are defined by using membership function as shown in Fig. 1.

There are totally 49 fuzzy control rules such as: Rule i: If the speed deviation X is PS and the acceleration Y is PM then the PSS output U is PM. Rule j: If the speed deviation X is PM and the acceleration Y is PM then the PSS output U is PL. From the fuzzy decision table and the membership functions, the stabilizing signal U is determined as illustrated in Fig. 2.

Rule i : If X = PS and Y =PM, then U = PM.


Rule j : If X = PM and Y = PM, then U = PL. Output Fuzzy Set

Correlation Minimum

Fig. 2.

Determination of Stabilizing Signal


The specific features of the fuzzy logic power system stabilizers is its robustness as it provides a wider stable region even for the fixed fuzzy control parameters. Application of fuzzy logic controllers has been proposed mainly for power system stabilizers for the generator excitation control, and a prototype of a personal computer based fuzzy logic PSS has been in service on Unit 2 at the Hitotsuse Hydro Power Station in the Kyushu Electric Power System since June of 1997. The prototype was been replaced by a fuzzy logic PSS manufactured by Toshiba Corporation in May 1999. Many other applications have been also proposed as shown in Table 5, and some of them have already implemented.

Fig. 1. Membership Functions

Table 5.

Applications of Fuzzy Logic Controller

Damping Control of Oscillations: Control of Generator including PSS Control of FACTS Devices Voltage and Reactive Power Control: Load Frequency Control/Automatic Generation Control: Others:

objectives as constraints is carefully defined. For the purpose of this discussion, the fuzzy decision problem requires: - Formulation of the objectives and constraints as a membership function which represents the degree each objective is satisfied on a scale of [0,1] . - Definition of the overall satisfaction with a decision as dependent on an appropriate aggregate function of all objectives. The function typically selects the minimum (maximum) among the objectives but other operators from the triangular norm (co-norm) class may be appropriate. For example, the minimum operator would ensure that attention is focused on the least satisfied objective while in contrast, the product operator rewards large improvements in specific objectives. - Establishing the goal for each objective by performing a single objective optimization. This determines the best performance possible for each objective. The worst case for each objective can be found from these intermediate solutions. Consider, for example, optimal power flow. Objectives should include low cost, minimal control adjustments, low emission of pollutants or large security margins. Physical constraints must include as a minimum: generator and load bus voltage levels, line flow limits and reserve margins. In practice, none of these constraints or objectives are well-defined. Clearly, a compromise is needed among these various considerations in order to achieve an acceptable solution. Fuzzy mathematics provides a mathematical framework for these considerations. The applications in this category are an attempt to model such compromises. Power system application areas that have employed fuzzy optimization techniques include: Table 7. Fuzzy Optimization Related Applications Contingency Analysis Distribution Planning Generator Maintenance Scheduling Optimal Power Flow Computations Reactive Power/Voltage Control State Estimation Security Assessment Unit Commitment

2.2 Power System Decision-Making and Optimization The broadest class of problems within power system planning and operation is decision-making and optimization, which includes transmission planning, security analysis, optimal power flow, state estimation, and unit commitment, among others. These general areas have received great attention in the research community with some notable successes; however, most utilities still rely more heavily on experts than on sophisticated optimization algorithms. The problem arises from attempting to fit practical problems into rigid models of the system that can be optimized. This results in reduction in information either in the form of simplified constraints or objectives. The simplifications of the system model and subjectivity of the objectives may often be represented as uncertainties in the fuzzy model. Examples of problems with such fuzziness is shown in Table 6. Table 6. Examples of Constraints/Objectives with Fuzziness. Acceptable Security Risk Assessment of Customer Satisfaction Economic Objectives Environmental Objectives Equipment Loading Limits Normal Operational Limits Power Quality Objectives Security Objectives Stability Limits One approach, a traditional approach, to multiple objective problems is to assign weights to the individual objectives. The difficulty in determining weights a priori usually renders this approach ineffective. Another slightly more effective approach is to select one objective as a primary and assign acceptable minimum and maximum values to the remaining objectives. These secondary objectives are then treated as constraints. The drawback of this approach is that feasible solutions may not exist. Furthermore, Pareto optimality is not guaranteed. In goal programming, all objectives are treated as constraints after assigning each a specific numerical goal level [29]. The fuzzy logic approach views all objectives and constraints equally. The general development of the fuzzy mathematical programming problem can be found in [27, 28]. The structure is similar to the goal programming approach; however, the methodology for formulating the

2.3 Diagnosis Reliable power system operation depends on properly functioning and maintained equipment. Yet, understanding of the failure mechanisms and expected lifetimes of equipment is often approximate at best. With competition in the industry, utilities have begun to focus more attention on the costs and importance of diagnostic and maintenance practices as evidenced, for

example, by the interest in reliability centered maintenance (RCM). As diagnosis and maintenance tend to be experience based skills, many research efforts have focused on expert system developments, see e.g. [54, 55]. A large number of these systems have been quite successful and are in regular use, e.g., [56]. Imprecision is inherent to any complex diagnostic problem. Rarely is there a single observation or measurement which definitively indicates impending failure. Experience with a piece of equipment or diagnostic technique is necessary to overcome this imprecision and perform effective diagnosis. In the power system, this uncertainty arises from variations in aging mechanisms, incomplete understanding of different stresses (electrical, chemical and temperature), incomplete data on system stresses and the limited measurements available for incipient failures. Thus, many of the diagnostic expert systems developed within power systems model uncertainty in the reasoning process. Modeling uncertainty in expert systems focuses on representations which are meaningful to experts, allows propagation of uncertainties along extended chains of reasoning, and eases implementation of large knowledge bases. Fuzzy logic is often an effective approach for these problems. For example, consider a transformer diagnostics problem where dissolved gas concentrations in the cooling oil indicate possible faults. A relevant observation may be: A high level of hydrogen in the insulating oil of a transformer often indicates arcing The two uncertainties to be modeled here are the terms often and high, which are most easily represented as a fuzzy measure and fuzzy set, respectively. Formal mathematical methods have been developed for manipulating the numerical values associated with such uncertainty. Equipment diagnostics tend to be a particularly attractive area for fuzzy set applications since developing precise numerical models for failure modes is rarely practical.



Application to Power System Control [1] Y. Y. Hsu and C. S. Cheng, Design of Fuzzy Power System Stabilizers for Multi-machine Power Systems, IEE Proc., Pt. C, Vol. 137, No. 3, 233(1990) [2] T. Hiyama and T. Sameshima, "Fuzzy Logic Control Scheme for On-line Stabilization of Multi-machine Power System", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 39, 181(1991). [3] M. A. M. Hassan, O. P. Malik and G. S. Hope, A Fuzzy Logic Based Stabilizer for a Synchronous Machine, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 3, No. 3, 407(1991). [4] M. A. M. Hassan and O. P. Malik, Implementation and Laboratiry Test Results for a Fuzzy Logic Based Self-Tuned Power System Stabilizer, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 8, No. 2, 221(1993). [5] C. S. Chang, Y. C. Liang and S. Biangovan, Fuzzy Logic Control of Static VAR Sources for Enhancing Transient Stability of Interconnected Power Systems, Proceedings of Expert System Applications to Power Systems(ESAP93), 399(1993). [6] M. Nezerian, G. Anderson and K. Tomsovic, Power System Damping Control Design with Fuzzy Logic, Proceedings of ESAP93, 406(1993). [7] T. Hiyama, S. Oniki and H. Nagashima, "Experimental Studies on Micro-computer Based Fuzzy Logic Stabilizer", Proceedings of the 2nd International Forum on Application of Neural Network to Power Systems(ANNPS), 212(1993). [8] T. Minakawa, et. al., "Limiting the Movement of Transformer Taps to Control Voltage and Reactive Power", Proceedings of the 11th Power Systems Computation Conference(PSCC), 989(1993) [9] A. R. Hasan, T. S. Martis and A. H. M. Sadral Ula, Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy Controller Based Automatic Voltage Regulator for a Synchronous Generator, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 9, No. 3, 550(1994) [10] T. Hiyama, "Real Time Control of Micro-machine System Using Micro-computer Based Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizer", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 9, No. 4(1994). [11] T. Hiyama, "Robustness of Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizers Applied to Multimachine Power System", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 9, No. 3, 451(1994). [12] T. Hiyama, M. Kugimiya and H. Satoh, "Advanced PID Type Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizer", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 9, No. 3, 514(1994). [13] T. Hiyama, M. Mishiro, H. Kihara and T. H. Ortmeyer, Coordinated Fuzzy Logic Control for Series Capacitor Modules and PSS to Enhance Stability of Power System, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 10, 1098(1995). [14] T. Hiyama, M. Mishiro, H. Kihara and T. H. Ortmeyer, Fuzzy Logic Switching of Thyristor Controlled Braking Register Considering Coordination with SVC, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 10, 2020(1995).

3. COORDINATION WITH NEURAL NETWORKS In the fuzzy systems applications in power systems, coordinated implementations of neural networks or genetic algorithm have been also proposed by many researchers especially for the tuning of fuzzy control parameters and also in the load forecasting area.

4. CONCLUSION This paper presents the current status of fuzzy system applications to power systems and also future considerations of fuzzy system applications. This paper also presents a list of publications related to the fuzzy system applications.

[15] T. H. Ortmeyer and T. Hiyama, "Frequency Response Characteristics of the Fuzzy Polar Power System Stabilizer", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 10, No. 2, 333(1995). [16] K. A. El-Metwally and O. P. Malik, Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizers, IEE Proc, Pt. C, Vol. 143, No. 3, 263(1996). [17] H. A. Toliyat, J. Sadeh and R. Ghazi, "Design of Augmented Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizers to Enhance Power System Stability", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 11, No. 1, 97(1996). [18] Y. Kitauchi and H. Taniguchi, "Experimental Verification of Fuzzy Excitation Control System for Multi-Machine Power System", IEEE PES 1996 Summer Meeting Paper 96SM754-4EC(1996). [19] T. Hiyama, S. Oniki and H. Nagashima, "Evaluation of Advanced Fuzzy Logic PSS on Analog Network Simulator and Actual Installation on Hydro Generators", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 11, No. 1, 125(1996). [20] K. A. El-Metwally, G. C. Hancock, and O. P. Malik, "Implementation of a Fuzzy Logic PSS Using a Micro-controller and Experimental Test Results", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 11, No. 1, 91(1996). [21] A. Hariri and O. P. Malik, A Fuzzy Logic Based Power System Stabilizer with Learning Ability, IEEE PES 1996 Winter Meeting Paper 96SM034-9EC(1996). [22] T. Hiyama, K. Miyazaki and H. Satoh, "A Fuzzy Logic Excitation System for Stability Enhancement of Power Systems with Multi-mode Oscillations", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 11, No. 2, 449(.1996). [23] T. Hiyama and Y. Ueki, "Fuzzy Logic Excitation and Speed Governing Control System for Stability Enhancement of Power Systems", Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, 32(1996). [24] T. Hiyama, Y. Ueki and H. Andou, "Integrated Fuzzy Logic Generator Controller for Stability Enhancement", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 12, No. 4, 400(1997). [25] T. Hiyama, T. Miyake, T. Kita and H. Andou, "Evaluation of integrated fuzzy logic generator controller on analog simulator", Trans. IEE of Japan, Vol. 118-B, No. 1, 37(1998). [26]T. Hiyama, T. Kita, T. Miyake and H. Andou, "Experimental studies of three-dimensional fuzzy logic power system stabilizer on damping of low-frequency global mode of oscillation", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 102, No. 1, 103(1999).

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