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International Master Course Chronicle Diagnosis and Treatment and Orthodontic, Orthopedic Myofunctional with Myofunctional Systems and

Devices Research Company Seen through Amalgamated Hybrid Technique

C.D.O.E. Arturo Alvarado Rossano Professor and Specialist in Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry UNAM Diplomat in Maxillary Orthopedics in the Faculty School Advanced Studies Iztacala National Autonomous University of Mexico President of the Mexican Association of Orthopedics Craniofacial and Orthodontics AC.

Background: Through this letter we want to make a memory-style, chronicle the development of the International Keynote I had the opportunity to teach on 23 September this year in Ecuador Quito City based in the College Auditorium Dentists Pichincha to the invitation as a professor of the course and thanks to the great organization of Professor Fausto Vargas Muoz and Professor Susana Castillo Arboleda, beautiful marriage and directors of the Company Dental Vargas Arboleda exclusive representative of Myofunctional Research Company of Australia in Ecuador and whose director and founder Dr. Chris Farrell for a first International Honorary Member of the Mexican Association of Craneofacial Orthopedics and Orthodontics AC (AMOCOAC) I have the honor of chairing, and support this event having been endorsed by the College of Dentists, with the dignified Pichincha represented by its President Dr. Marco Gonzlez. Introduction: Being 8.30 in the morning opened the event where Professor Fausto Vargas thanked the attendees and the College of Dentistry for their support to come into her official site and give their support to the course. With a warm and emotional welcome message to the undersigned by the teacher Vargas, initiated activities and our intent to share with the Ecuadorean brothers anniversary celebrations of 100 years of the National Autonomous University of Mexico for which admiringly and respect for our Alma Mater of Mexico offered to hear and see a video where he presented a portrait of the UNAM and the music and lyrics of the anthem of our top home university studies, other emotional act and end the club's college UNAM, Goya, Goya! Cachun-Cachun-Ra-Ra! Cachun-Cachun-Ra-Ra! Goya! University!.

This aroused a great brotherhood among the participants and gave the preamble to take care the attention of the minds and hearts turn, achieving a wonderful group dynamic from the start and interact with attendees Ecuadorian colleagues, who were always attentive, friendly and great interest in the above until the end of the course. By the way we finished just after 19:00 pm most of the time schedule for decommissioning. Course Development and Theme: A large audience of fellow dentists in different cities of Quito and Ecuador motivated us to deliver the course with an address outside colloquial protocol in order to present the clinical evidence and the results of our investigations of eight years in the use and management Appliance Systems and MRC Myofunctional seen through our hybrid technique Amalgamated not only in private practice in university education, but theory and clinical practice in the Faculty of Dentistry, UNAM and the Diplomat we teach in Mexico for the Mexican College Stomatology Institutional Dentistry as well as Seminar Courses Degree in Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry, UNAM for three years, our undergraduate students in the last year of Dental Surgeon's career are using these devices in peripheral clinics Faculty and specifically the following; Infant Trainer in two presentations soft and rigid; T4K, Soft and Rigid, T4A, Soft and Rigid; T4CII and TMJ to TMJ dysfunction.

Attendees were quite interested in presenting clinical evidence of some patients in my private practice with the equipment already mentioned as well; The T4B Trainer for patients using braces, Myobrace System, MBS, initial training prior to use of MB with insert Dynamicore known as nylon and MBN to completion of orthodontic treatment and / or correction without braces for patients with certain rotations and dental crowding. Several MRC devices have also been used in Ecuador for three years by some colleagues and apparatus including bruxism and joint dysfunction of the ATM as Bruxogard, T4F, T4U, TMJ and TMD, physiological dysfunction related to sleep apnea and joint problems with the TMJ-MVB. The presentation of clinic cases treated since 2007 with the number of intercepts, i3 for the treatment of maxillary hypoplasia in class III (first patient treated in Latin America with this device) and a particular case tried in four months and 10 minutes ( with active plate Artureitor Type III, and later Chip Carving interceptive i3) aroused great interest. The cases treated from 2009 with the intercepted i2 date for maxillo-

mandibular defects and class II dentofacial Division 1 and Division 2 and in some classes I, allowed to demonstrate a practical view of treatment, especially when we mention the importance of combination in cases referred to the "selective grinding in the primary dentition as proposed by Dr. Pedro Planas Casanovas in his Philosophy and Technique of Occlusal Neuro Rehabilitation (RNO) for the release of occlusal interferences and as a preventive and interceptive treatment in primary dentition and mixed. Mentioned and protective devices for sports like Powrgard, 4 Braces Powgard and fabric protector and functional regulator known as Lingua lingual. The basic importance of the agenda focused on the rationale for the use and clinical applications of MRC Systems and devices supported by our personal vision of the diagnosis and treatment with the experience gained in the academy and the profession through 28 years as an orthodontist and 24 of orthopedic through reading, studying, learning and practicing the various philosophies and techniques through written works of great masters of Orthodontics of the late nineteenth and twentieth century, which led us to conceive of a philosophy and technique and which we have called since 1995 when the first introduced internationally in Havana, Cuba "Amalgamated Hybrid Technique" and the hybrid apparatus known as "Artureitors." The above concepts are based on five fundamental principles, Scientific, Professional, Social, Economic and Humanistic and its genesis and development has been studied by him through the writings of great teachers and learning several times live and loud teachers of modern and contemporary masters of the wisdom of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Orthopedics world which have mostly been placed in a box which shows always honor with pride and as a tribute to them in our courses and conferences share with you dear readers in this story.

Materials and Methods: Clinical Cases: A selected case series was presented at this time for this important international course, having been intended primarily to treat malocclusions habits and Class I, II and III, maxillary hypoplasia, open bite, deep bite, bitten on horizontal, anterior and posterior cross bite Preventive and interceptive at the Trainer System, Infant, T4K, T4A and interceptive, i2 and i3.

1. Infant Trainer; indicated in patients 3 to 5 years on both soft and rigid versions.

2. Female patient with open bite which was treated with T4K on both soft and rigid versions for 18 months having been closed bite. She was subsequently treated with fixed appliances to complete a case.

3. Female patient with retrognathia and maxillary protrusion treated with T4B and brackets. Correction of lip and tongue habits that prevent mandibular development. Correction time, at 12 months. Note the dramatic change in Class II Division 1 to Class I. It was possible to act at the beginning of menarche.

4. Study models of class II female patient with anterior crowding, overbite marked horizontal transverse compression of the dental arches T4A treated for 2 years.

5. Clinical results in the use of Soft T4A for the first two years. Important to note the progress achieved by the Trainer mandibular transverse expansion, centered midline, horizontal overbite and crowding almost ready; patient with anterior incisive guide and lateral movements in group function.

6. Male patient, 11 years old, Class I malocclusion with maxillary protrusion, transverse compression of the arcades, postural dysfunctions, respiratory, swallowing; phoniatric, chewing, biting deep, horizontal overbite, deep bite.

7. In a first step we put our equipment hybrids, PATA, PPI, CII, HLW-KLM, BIT-PLN (active plates with flat track Artureitor Type Hints for Class II, Arc-Klamnt Hawley Bite Plane and added an Anterior) with the objectives of expander treatment of the jaws, feed orthopedic mandibular vertical development of the alveolar processes and extrusion of premolars and molars to correct deep bite; pre retract the maxilla and the incisors as well as breaking the projection of the tongue and buccinators muscle pressure . Time to first phase of treatment 1 year.

8. Twelve months after starting treatment the result of the proposed first phase the patient was obtained almost entirely but had yet to alignment and transverse expansion and correction of the midline incisive guide as well as he had suffered trauma to the central top right which is performed endodontic treatment and composite coronary reconstruction.

9. To end a case without using fixed appliances with brackets placed a year of starting treatment apparatus dynamics Myobrace Nylon rope (MB Number 5, with Dynamicore) and edentulous for dental alignment for a year, taking the final results highly successful not only in the consolidation of the final occlusion but in the control of language habits, lip pressure and buccinators. Note the balance achieved with the Myobrace dental.

October 2008

February 2009

February 2009 Selective Cut

10. 5 years old male patient with hypoplasia maxillary anterior cross bite and deep, history of maxillary hypoplasia and prognathism in the family by her paternal grandmother and father, allergic rhinitis, spurs on his feet both in body and poor posture of the head, occlusal interference and lack of lateral mandibular movements, lack of anterior guidance.

October 2008

February 2009

February 2009

11. Was installed and cemented with glass ionomer an active plate screw type III Artureitor Bertoni dimensional spring-Type Dentaurum league as support for facial mask (it was not necessary to use it) and occlusal acrylic, wire springs served .036 separator and stimulatory function of the upper lip Screen Type Frankel, The activation of the screw was in the front having been scouring every 8 days by feeding the primary teeth of pre maxilla at four months. 12. Installation began in October 2008 and February 2009 removed the device and at the same appointment in 10 minutes with a strawberry-shaped wagon wheel was a selective cut teeth following the technique of Dr. Pedro Planas with RNO (Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation) that were causing interference to the consolidation of functional dental closure. 13. i3 interceptive was installed to further enhance growth and redirect pre maxillary mandibular position taking control and monitoring of the patient every month. Conclusions: Others are satisfactory for the writer, being able to share with colleagues Ecuadorian our academic and professional experiences during the development of the international course. The motivation to return is already planted and hopefully not the first nor the last time that we share these moments with you. The

opportunity provided by Groves and Myofunctional Vargas Dental Research Company through the invitation of the Vargas Family and Sandra Pineda of MRC with the support of Dr. Chris Farrell and certainly the support of the College of Dentists, Pichincha shows the great value of these events and even more so when you make profit but to spread from academia, science, technology, culture and more as we live on 24 September. We hope that this material can serve as informative and inducement to use and clinical management for preventive treatment, interceptive and corrective even without using brackets, with a vision Myofunctional orthopedic and orthodontic as we tried to teach the course and in this article. Best regards from Mexico City and we will be happy to be in constant contact with all of you for which you can write me

30, September, Mxico City, 2010.

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