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Daily Double Plan

Name: Mary Beth Lynn Subject/Time: 8th Reading/Social Studies Date: 1/22/13

Overview Essential Question: Why was the murder of Emmett Till a pivotal moment for the civil rights movement? Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards. Benchmark 1B3a: Preview reading materials, make predictions, and relate reading to information from other sources. Objective(s) SWBAT: -analyze the significance of individual actions on historical events Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: civil rights, civil rights movement, lynching, historical context, segregation, racism, Chicago Modifications/ Accommodations *per specific IEPs - extra time on tasks, explicit instructions (written & verbal), graphic organizers to assist with planning Materials & Technology computer, Elmo, handouts Homework read/analyze the document

Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing? Do Now (3-5 minutes): 5 MINS SET TIMER FOR 5 MINS IMMEDIATELY UPON ENTRY IN CLASS NARRATE/CIRCULATE IMMEDIATELY Say, Start your Do Now, interpret the objectives, review the agenda, and What are the Students Doing? -submitting homework at a Level 0 -completing Do Now & Quiz at a Level 0

Daily Double Plan

sit silently until you hear the timer go off. Place your Do Now in the center of your table when you are done. CIRCULATE/USE BMC AT 2 MINS - Collect homework (put LATE on any papers submitted after 2) How do you think the Emmett Till murder case impacted the world? Explain.

I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): 7 MINS Check for Understanding: CC Review Incentive Program Points (1 min) - SHOW CHART Review Objectives/Agenda (2 mins) *Teaching Points (2 mins)/CHART: -Analyzing the significance of people is similar to analyzing a document -Ask yourself the following questions: *Who is the document about? *What is the document about? (sequence of events) *What is the purpose of the document? *Are there any other people present in the story? If so, who? *How did these people impact the overall meaning of the document? give specific examples *What significance did they have on event? Say, Before we analyze the first person, what impact do you think the Emmett Till murder case had on the world overall? REVIEW DO NOW (2 mins) We Do/Guided Practice: 10 MINS Check for Understanding: CC Say, Today we are going to break down the events of the Emmett Till documentary by reading a few documents. Then, Im going to model for you how to analyze the impact a person has on an event. Table Managers, please distribute the handout titled, Document 1 - Black Boy from Chicago. - PAUSE - You are to follow along at a Level 0 while I read aloud and interact with the text.

-engaging in learning by tracking speaker

Daily Double Plan

READ ALOUD WHILE INTERACTING W/ TEXT (on Elmo) (5 mins) ANSWER QUESTIONS ALOUD (ON ANALYSIS FORM) (5 mins) *Who is the document about? *What is the document about? (sequence of events) *What is the purpose of the document? *Are there any other people present in the story? If so, who? *How did these people impact the overall meaning of the document? give specific examples #3 You Do Independent Practice: 10 MINS Say, Now that you have seen me analyze a document, you are going to do one with your table groups. You will take the next five minutes and read the next document titled, Mamie Till-Mobley Goes Public. Table Managers, please distribute them now and then get started at a Level 0. SET TIMER FOR 5 MINS/NARRATE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR/CIRCULATE Say, Now take 4 minutes with your table groups and analyze the document together by answering the questions on the back. This should be done at a Level 2. SET TIMER FOR 4 MINS/NARRATE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR/CIRCULATE Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: 3 MINS Can more than one person have an impact on a historical event? How so? Explain. Closing/Preview for next lesson: Say, For homework tonight, you are to read and analyze the document titled, Mose Wright Stands Up. CFU Agenda Do Now Review of Incentive Program (show letters & how to earn points) The story of Emmett Till Exit Ticket -completing exit ticket at a Level 0 -completing work independently and at a Level 0

-collecting materials and standing behind chairs in one minute, at a Level 0 -lining up for exit at a Level 0 -exiting classroom at a Level 0

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