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It was a wet evening of 1973, when I decided to go to Bhuwali sanitorium near Nainital, where
Mahant Rajendra Bharati was convalescing. I was touched by the warm reception which was given to
me by Mahantji's family. After the emotional reumion was over, I sat down in a seculded corner, to
regain my composure. And, the image of 'Kainchi Ashram' and 'Neem Karoli Baba' flashed across my
mind ege again and again. I decided to establish mental contact with the Baba. So I concentrated all my
thoughts on him. In a short while, I succeeded in getting the information from the Baba through mental
message that the time of his "Maha Prayana" had finally come. The Ashram would become desolate,
this was his prime concern. In, December, the aggrieved disciple of 'Neem Karoli Baba' informed me of
his 'Maha Prayan' (the demise). The temple and the Ashram, stood as the symbol of his memorable
presence. A man can not grieve forever the passing of a loved one, because the life has to run its natural
course. So I detached myself from the sadness of the atmosphere, and started chalking out my future

I gently freed myself from the emotional ties of Mahantji's family and took a train to Bombay.
I stayed with S.K.Bindra of "Bindra Productions" in Bombay. Mr. Bindra was delighted at my arrival,
because at that time he was going through serious financial, crisis which had affected his physical well
bring. He had become bankrupt because his picture had flopped, and his friends and relatives refused to
give him assistance in the face of the unexpected adversity. More over, some Sindhis from
Ahemadabad, with the help of a peer were tormenting him through ghosts and ghouls.

I wasted no time, and that very night I succeeded in liberating him from the clutches of evil
spirits. The relief from the mental agony gradually drove away the misfortunes. Once again, he started
getting job offers, which improved his financial status. I felt suffocated by the crowd which used to
assemble at Bindra's place, so I shifted to Barrister Bhatia's place - Justice of the high court. I stayed
for a couple of days there, and then decided to move out of Bombay and go the Junagrah. Mr. Bakshi
helped me, in getting the tickets for Junagarh. On the pretext of going for a stroll I came out of Bindra's
house, and started for the Railway station. At the station, Sudarshan Bakshi waited for me with the
ticket and some fruits. Clad only in a silk cloth, without any proper luggage, I boarded the train bound
for Veeramgaon. In the early hours of the morning, the train reached Veeramgaon from where I was to
catch the train for Jungarh. I got off the train and braving the chill of the wintry morning and walked
towards the small group of porters sitting around a make shift bonfire for warmth. The warmth of the
fire gave me immense relief, and I continued to sit there till, the direct train for Junagarh came on the

The train reached Junagarh at night fall. At the station. I met a saint who was also on the look
out for a shelter for the night. So together we knocked the door of various temples and 'Maths'
(monastery) with the hope of finding some place to spend the night. Junagarh a famous religions spot
of yesteryears, turned out to be a great disillusionment to us. Junagarh, at present in no longer a
hospitable place for sadhus and saints, because hypocrites and charlatans have ruined its reputation. It
has become the 'joint' of shrewd, pretensious men in ochre robes, who in the name of religion, are
extorting money from the naive god fearing public.

Tired, cold and hungry I continued to walk on the road in search of some resting place.
Suddenly, a sadhu's with long locks spootted me, and offered me shelter in his hut for the night. He was
a saint of the Vaishav sect. He took me to his hut, where a Dhuni was burning, and three sadhus were
busy in cooking the food. I ate the food which was offered to me with great warmth and hospitality.
Shortly afterwards, Mauni Baba a well known renunciant from Junagarh came. He had a flowing
snowy beard and locks, and looked young, and energetic, despite his advancing age. I was taken aback,
when without preamble he flung himself at my feet, and started sobbing. The other sadhus who were
present in the room probably know him, but to me he was a total stranger. His eyes and his body,
manifested the traits of an adept yogi. Since he had avowed to keep silent he was known as 'Mauni'
(one who observes silence). For a couple of minutes he sat still, only gazing at me, then broke into
'eloquent gestures' to communicate with other sadhus. He first touched below his naval with his hand
and then moved the same hand in a circular motion upwards signifying a moving 'Chakra'. Along with
other Mahatamas I could also decipher his gesticulations. He took out a pencil and jotted down a
message on a piece of paper which ran thus "Dear saints he is a yogi and dwells in the 'kundilini : He is
an "adwait". He has been blessed by the great masters. His name is 'Kapil Adwaits' and he has recieved
the sublime company of the 'Param Siddha' Haribaba and Baba Gorakhnath. He has adopted the
spiritual path. I wish to express my sincere respects for him". His signature was scrawled at the end of
the note".

After everyone had gone to sleep, Mauni Baba broke his silence and spoke to me. He
acquainted me with "Spiritual light" and the electric vibrations which emanated from 'thought
processes'. He stayed with me till midnight and then returned to his cave. I was the only one who was
awake in the hut. While I sat in silence trying to locate something in the distant hills, a sudden brilliant
light illuminated the entire hut. The wondrous light had formed a circle on the floor of the hut, The
wondrous light had formed a circle on the floor of the hut, and in the midst of the circle stood a young
boy with the celestial halo. For a few moments, I stood trans fixed to the ground, and when the
realization downed upon me that a divine entity stood before, I ran towards him and threw myself at his
feet. One can well imagine the grandeur of that celestial moment. With his huge arms he helped me to
my feet and said "Keep moving on your, path the time has come now". The divine boy vanished after
ultering the blessing and with him faded the brilliant light that had flooded the hut. I was over
whelmed, when I beheld 'Lord Dattreya's in the form of a young boy. The sudden happening, left me
dumb founded and I felt as though I was day dreaming. This unexpected divine visitation, perhaps was
the fruit of the 'Karmas' of my previous birth. Baba Gopal Das rose from his bed, for he had also seen
the fading light fo the divine spectable.

At that moment we heard a voice saying "Kapil let us go, it is already morning", We ran
outside towards the direction of the sound, but there was no one, only the resonance of the voice. We
looked at each other in utter astonishment, and stood in silence. Shortly afterwards, I picked up my 'silk
coverlet', paid respects to Baba Gopal Das and left the place.

When I reached 'Gorakh Dhuni' the sun was already high in the sky and was peeping
through the mountains. I sat down in front of the Dhuni and became a silent spectator of the devotees
who were returning from 'Amba's temple and 'Dattreya's Charan Paduka'. A group of young boys and
girls came to me and requested me to answer some of the questions related to 'yoga'. They were keenly
interested in 'yoga' I answered their questions to satisfy their curiosity. I also advised them to go to
Swami Muktanad who was an authority on 'Yoga' and would give the required guidance. I applied the
dhunis tikka on my forhead and started on my onward journey.

MAJNU BABA : A little further, on my way I came across a distraught looking young
boy, who appeared to be searching something in the yonder mountains. As soon as I reached closer to
him, he stopped me, and restrained me from going any further. And then, he drew three lines on the
road and said "Beware, do not attempt to cross these lines". There were many travellers on the road at
that time, and even they were not allowed to cross the lines. This led to a chaotic situation. The
incoming and outgoing rush of the travellers came to a sudden halt. Every one thought that the boy was
surely mad, for he was behaving in a crazy manner. But no one dared to cross the lines. Out of the
crowd two 'Naga Sadhu' boldly ventured towards the lines and when they tried to cross the lines, they
yelled out in, agony because their feet were badly burnt by the lines. This incident terrified the on
lookers and with folded hands they bowed to the boy and sought his forgiveness. The boy approached
me and said "Do you know Baba what I was searching in these mountains? I was looking for the Girnar
caves, which is suppose to inhabit the Siddhas. But unfortunately, neither I am able to locate a cave nor
a siddha.

I continued to look at him in mute silence. I was sure, that he was not a mad person, but some
one else. He appeared to me quite mysterious, and what further baffled me was that out of so many
travellers he had come to me for help. I started moving once again towards Gorakh Dhuni and gestured
to the distraught looking boy to follow me. When I came near the three formidable line, I picked up a
little mud, muttered some mantras and threw in between the lines. With the help of manstras I
successfully crased them. The boy who was watching me carefully, ran towards me and said "Now, I
will follow you, and then later on you can follow me". I picked up my way carefully upwards, and the
boy also began to follow me. The climb was a little rough because I had to meander my way through
the rocks and boulders. So I sat down for a short while on a rock and pondered over the boy and the
recent incident. The boy when he came closer, also sat down next to me. when I tried to read his face
he broke into a smile and said "Why do you want to be in a hurry, leave everything to 'time'. In due
course, you will learn everything".

I again started to climb the mountain. This mountain peak is in between 'Gorakh Dhuni' and
'Datta Charan'. An unknown force was pulling me towards a definite direction, and very soon I found
myself standing infront of the mouth of a cave. The boy who had followed me squealed with delight
and said " I have found it Bapu, I have found it". Since the cave was very huge I prevented the boy
from entering it alone. While we sat outside the cave pondering our next move, I suddenly grew very
hungry, the boy also echoed my thoughts when he said " Sir, I am feeling very hungry". It was not very
late, still, we became hungry. Perhaps it was the place which had awakened the hunger pangs within us.
We were hungry, but no food was available in that area. I told the boy to wait for me out side and
entered the cave. Inside, the cave was divided into two parts, but no one could be seen. Very soon, two
coconuts came tumbling towards me. I picked up the coconuts and thanked the unknown power for
helping us at the time of our needs. When I was about to move out of the cave, I felt, as though some
one was trying to snatch one coconut out of my hand. So, I relaxed the grip over the coconuts. As soon
as I did so, an invisible hand wrenched a coconut away, and a voice said, "One is enough for you two.
You can leave the other one for me. Majnu Baba is your companion, take good care of him. I will make
my appearance on the third day. Now, you two can go back". I came out of the cave immediately
without bothering to find out the identity of the person who had spoken to me. I handed the coconut the
boy. He took out a sharp knife from his girdle and said " Do you know why I carry this sharp knife? I
had vowed that if I failed in getting the 'Darshan' of the Siddha's, I would sacrifice myself before the
goddess 'Bhagwati'. I have particularly sought your assistance because I was aware that you had the
power to erase the 'three lines', and will take me to the siddhas. I was merely testing you by drawing the
three lines".

We ate the coconut in silence, and , after we had eaten we walked down the mountains
towards the direction of 'Charan Paduka'. In Charan Paduka we spent the night in the premises of a Jain
Temple. The boy was rather mysterious, but I did not try to find out his true identity. In the middle of
the night he got up and went away to some unknown place. He returned rather late in the morning,
laden with things like bananas, torch, a sheet and a 'Kamandal'. It was around 10 o'clock in the
morning we started on our strange expedition. On our way, in the dense dark forest, we came across a
huge lake. It was a perfect place to break our long hazardous walk. We sat down near the lake for a
short time, had a snack of the bananas and then again proceeded on our journey. I was not familiar with
the place, but the ease with which the boy was walking showed his familiarity with the wild
surroundings. We moved rather quickly because we did not want to get lost in the darkness of the
night. Strangely enough, we felt very thirsty during our journey, inspite of drinking all the water from
the Kamandal. Our stomachs were simply bursting with water, but our throats were parched dry. An
unknown phenomenon had affected us. We became restless with the unbearable thirst, but, did not stop
any where in search of water. Probably, the boy was determined to reach his destination before the
night fall. so, undeterred, we continued our walk, and very soon we came across an old woman dressed
in black. When I tried to touch her feet, she reacted sharply and did not allow me to do so. Neverthless,
she said "Do'nt try to touch me, if you are thirsty you better follow me". An-d, we, followed the old
woman to her hut.

I found her quite weird. Nevertheless I could guess, that she was a 'Yogini' belonging
to a 'Vamachar' sect. When we reached her hut, an odd scenario greeted us. Numerous variety of
snakes, birds and other reptiles were moving around freely. There were few pitchers under the tree
which contained milk, jaggery water or snakes. The woman gave us water from a clean pitcher. After
drinking the water, the boy suddenly started laughing in a hysterical manner. The startled woman
looked at him fearfully, and forbade him to laugh any more. This, further incited the boy and he started
clapping excitedly. When I found the situation a little out of control, I signalled to the boy to calm
down. And then I requested the woman to direct us to a nearby place where we could find shelter for
the night. She took us under an ancient looking massive 'Buniyan' tree, which was quite close to a
rivulet. An uncanny feeling, almost like a tremor ran through my body when I went closer to the tree.
My instinct told me to look upwards, and as I did so, I found myself staring into the eyes of a gigantic
'Python'. The instant my eyes stared at it, it recoiled and turned its head away. The Python's reaction
evidently frightened the woman, and boy the burst into a fresh peal of laughter. I somehow could not
comprehend the cause of the unnatural occurences. The woman, apparently in control of herself by
now, said. "This tree has been mysterious since times immemorial. A long time ago, a Baba tried to do
his penance under this tree, but he did not stay for long because the python forced him to abandon the
spot. And his disciple also met the similar fate. Agnozing cries and sighs often emit from this tree,
therefore I would advise you to come back to my place for the night. I politely refused the old woman's
hospitality, and decided to stay under the mysterious haunted tree. First, I did the 'Parikrama' of the tree
three times and cordoned it with my powers. Secondly I sent tthe boy to collect some bamboo sticks
which were lying in a heap on the river bed. Finally, I also collected some dry twigs and prepared the
'Dhuni' and also directed the boy to draw a circle for his security. while he drew the circle he
commented thus" The old woman will be able to make the circle ineffective with the help of her Siddis,
because during the night of the 'Amasvasava', (last day of the dark fort night) she, becomes very
powerful. The Python, is her Guru, and together they go on a rampage during this night. I still wonder,
Why do they have the affinity with the dark night? I am Malang, the same disciple who was forced to
abandon the tree shelter a long time ago. The old woman, perhaps, found my face quite familiar, and
this explains her nervous, curious glances". I too drew a circle within the circle with water, and told the
boy to stay within it. And so, we began our vigil and waited for the unforseen to happen.

I prayed to the "divine mother" of "Kalichaur" for protection, and also discharged the electric
currents of my thoughts all over the place. Thus satisfied with the security arrangements I waited in
silence. Suddenly there was an abrupt lightning in the sky, which fell on the Bamboo sticks which had
formed a cancopy over our heads. The 'divine mother' had answered my silent prayer and sealed the
loop holes, which had escaped my attention. Lastly, I shielded myself and the boy, and awaited for the
on slaught. A sudden whirl wind from the south rose and wildly shook the trees, but the perpetrator of
these acts could not be seen any where.

The boy gave further insight into these super natural acts. He said "Her chief targets are the
'Sadhakas' and she with the help of her Guru harasses the 'sadhus' and often kills them. At night the
python assumes the human shape and performs the 'Kapalik' rites. Once in a year, on the 'Mahaprayana'
day he gives a human sacrifice. Long ago, I had managed to escape from the vile clutches of the
kapalika. And I am greatful to Ganda Baba for the timely help. Since that moment, I had vowed to
destroy these 'Kapalika'. My 'Majaar' is in Delhi, for everyone, I had died millennium ago. But I still
want to fulfill the vow which I had taken centuries ago, and finally, I am going to achieve my

A series of lighted lamps moving horizontally and approaching us gradually, caught our
attention. Infact, 'the moving lamps' were none other than snakes which were tied to each other with
threads. The old woman who was walking being them, had the threads in her hands, she seemed to be
controlling them like the horses of a chariot. She was carrying a 'Trishul' in her hands and her back
dress was smeared with blood. She threw the 'Trishul' towards the boy, but the moment it touched the
magical ring, it turned red hot and was burnt to ashes. Infuriated at this, the old woman conjured up
some wild buffaloes, but even they could not tress pass the formidable circle. This further increased her
ire, and this time she launched another attack with her snakes and buffaloes. When she was about to
cross the circle with all her might, a lion came roaring from the east and pounced upon the throng of
buffaloes. This scared the menacing buffaloes, and they ran helter and shelter. When she discovered her
defeat to be imminent, she wanted to pick up the Trishul, but an unknown force wrenched it from her
hands and started beating her with it. The woman began to implore her 'Guru' for help but the guru was
helpless because he was already under the influence of my power. I picked up some ashes from the
'Dhuni' and threw over the snakes. Consequently the snakes were also burnt to ashes. The unknown,
invisible force threw the old woman under the 'Banyan' tree. There after, a flame emanated and
consumed the tree. The python also fell on the ground and was eventually consumed by the resultant
fire. The mute lion was a witness to the spiritual war between the Tamasik and 'Satwick'. I was
standing there like a watchman. The place was littered with the after math of the devastation. The
chirping of the birds heralded the dawn and, after making the circle ineffectual I went to the lion,
lighted a lamp and did its 'Aarti' as a mark of thanks giving, the lion roared and went back from whence
it had come. We also, prepared ourselves for our return journey. The place presented an ugly sight, and
the foul smell made it worse.

The boy picked up the half dead woman and took her to her hut, We gave her some water to
drink and I brought some herbs from the forest, mixed it with water and gave it to her. The drink some
what revived the old woman. There was a singificant change of heart in her, which became evident
when she destroyed all the former articles which were part and parcel of the 'Kapalik' rites. Stricken
with remorse, and fully purged she was a contradiction to her former self.
Before departing from the place I sought the old woman's forgiveness, and she forgave me
readily. I was rather satiated with this place, so I decided to go the railway station and leave 'Junagarh'
as soon as possible. At the platform I tried to take some rest, because physical and mental tension had
made me tired, but sleep eluded me.

GANDA BABA : I could not sleep despite my weariness, because a beggar who was
covered with filth, aroused my curiosity. He sat near a garbage dump without any sign of disgust.
Moreover from time to time he ate the cowdung with great relish. Outwardly the sight was abnoxious,
but I was sure that an extra ordinary personality was behind this deception. So I took out some water,
charged it with 'Sankalp' and threw it over the dirty looking old man. The old man, at first, reacted by
hurling absuses at me, but by and by he relented and came over to me. Hespoke to me in a
philosophical manner, which convinced me that he was an elevated soul hiding behind the filth and the
garbage. The old man said "Fate of (kal) is synonymous with motion and change. Man is like a moving
vehicle, it can come to a stop anywhere, and at any time. Majnu had waited for your coming for long,
and finally, he found you. I hope, everything must have get over without any difficulty. It was very
necessary to destroy the evil 'Python'. They had tainted the Girnar forest by their evil activities for
thousands of years, the salvation of the forest was possible only through you. I too have waited for you
for long, and now I have decided to go with you to Bombay".

The money I had was only sufficient for one ticket. But since we wanted to go to Bombay, we
bought two tickets for Surendranagar and boarded the train. At Surendranagar station ' Baba ' arranged
tickets for our journey till Bombay. And in this manner, by evening we were in Bombay. Mr.Bindra
was simply ecstatic at our unexpected arrival. Ganda Baba occupied the guest room where I was
always lodged. He was filled with childish delight at the comfort of the foam mattresses. He said
"Kapil : I would like to stay in this room. You know : through you I have to do some mutual exchange
with Bindra you must tell Bindra to cater to my needs. Foam is a modern invention, let me also enjoy
its comforts". In the evening, I summoned Bakshi and shifted to his place.

After staying for a couple of days in 'Bombay; suddenly one day the Baba decided to pack up
his things and leave. But my unexpected arrival on the scene forstalled all his plans. Totally
exasperated, he threw his bag and spoke in mock anger " How did you know that I was planning to
leave? Any how, I am happy that there is some one who cares for me. One day, he exhibited an odd
behaviour. He drank the liquour from almost two dozen bottles and ate the entire mutton that was
cooked that day. In the morning, he threw out everything in the lane which was outside the house. The
food was simply unaffected by the digestive system. Bindra was aghast at this and in a highly perturbed
mood he broke down before the Baba. The Baba consoled him and waved aside all his fears by blessing
him and wishing him a prosperous future. He said, "Why do you worry so much? Neither do I drink nor
eat. I did so, only to please you. But I did not retain anything, and threw out everthing from my system.
Since you have cleared the mess yourself you must have found the food intact. Infact, this action will
restore your lost prosperity to you.

Now we would like to proceed to Delhi, so please arrange two tickets for us. Mr.Bindra
complied with our wishes and bought two tickets in the air conditioned coach. We reached Delhi
comfortably, and from the station we straight away went to Baba Veer Giri's place.

At Baba Veer Giri's place, Ganda Baba assumed all the responsibilities of the daily chores. He
used to cook the food and feed us. And he also washed my clothes. I wanted to serve him, but he would
not allow me to do so. One day the Baba expressed him keen desire to participate in the 'Kumbh Mela'
at Haridwar. He made a prophetic statement when he said, "Kapil let us also go to the 'Kumbh Mela'.
We will be needed there". So we travelled to Haridwar in Mr. Harbhajan Singh' Soni's car and his
family also came along with us.

Ganda Baba, always behaved in a jovial manner at the Kumbh. He used to

be always smiling. The significant event of the 'Mela' the 'Syahi Esnan' finally arrived; Every one was
dressed up in the befitting manner. 'Rath'(chariot) and 'Palaki'(palanquin) were decorated with gold and
silver. The procession of the 'Naga Sadhu' was also ready for the eventful march. The Nagas were not
very confident whether they will be able to stand the merciless heat during the long walk . At this
critical moment 'Ganda Baba' made his appearance on the scene and said "So, Pilot you have also
decided to join the march. But the sun is truly not very co-operative, Let us do something to ease the
discomfort of the sadhus 'I nodded my head in affirmation. He further said, "You will always remember
this' He lifted his hands towards the sky and in a cajoling voice said" come, come, come :. And wonder
struck I saw the miracle occur in the form of three pieces of clouds in the sky, which gradually formed
into a conopy over the 'Kumbh Mela'. Bright sunlight was everywhere except for the 'Kumbh Mela'
which was under the shade of the clouds. Ganda 'Baba' did not wait there any longer, he picked up his
things and disappeared. This dramatic change in the sky created confusion in the procession, they
started looking eagerly for the Mahatama who had helped them and given them respite from the
blazing sun. The only regret of the people was this that an elevated soul had gone away unrecognized
and unrevered.

I could not stay any longer in the Mela, for a strange despondency had decended on me. I had
come quite close to 'Ganda Baba', and felt his absence quite keenly. Therefore, I returned to Delhi.

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