Cypress Falls Key Club May 2013 Newsletter

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Caring: Our Way of Life.

May 2013 Volume 1 Issue 1


I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; To build by home, school, and community; To serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

In this issue!
Officer Positions .......... 2 Meet the Board! ......... 3 DCON News ................4 ELIMINATE .................... 5 Officers Articles .......... 5

QUOTE OF THE MONTH MONTHmo Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
-Mohammed Ali Contact us!
Cypress Falls Key Club (Group) @CypressFallsKeyClub

For all those people that have busy fall semesters, summer is a great time to get in your hours!

So You Want to Be an


Being an officer in Key Club is an honor and privilege not given to many people. Its a lot of fun being an officer (and you get to wear a different colored shirt than everyone else), but there are some things you need to know before you consider applying for an officer position. OFFICER EXPECTATIONS An officer must be present at all member meetings and officer meetings UNLESS you have discussed your absence with one of the board members (ideally, the president). Officer meetings are every Monday. You are only allowed two absences per semester. Also An officer must take charge of one event every month. The officer must also attend the event and be at least ten minutes early. You also must never EVER abandon your event unless an emergency arises. An officer must be current with their hours and have good standing within the club. An officer must be able to write at least one Key Kid per month and turn them in on time. These are 400+ word articles with pictures attached to them. Theyre really easy to do, and theyre usually about a Key Club event. -An office must attend 2 PCMs per semester. PCMs are fantastically fun events that the LTG puts on and you get to know other Key Clubs in our division! An officer must check the Key Club Officers FB page regularly for updates. An officer must be an awesome person. Seriously. Youre representing our Key Club wherever you go, and Cypress Falls Key Club is pretty awesome.


character building


-Class Reps-two from each class (8) -Governors Project (1) -District Project (1) -Historians (1 Head Historian, 4 Regular Historians) -Builders Club Board (1 Head Builder, 4 Regular Builder) -Fundraiser (1) *If you find a position that you like, start thinking about how to prepare for the interviews during the summer. Also, we take event attendance into mind, so if you want to become an officer and youre in town this summer, go to events!

Cypress Falls KEY CLUB newsletter

Meet the Board!

The Key Club board is made up of five different positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor. Were all really awesome people and cannot wait to serve yall next year! Heres a brief introduction of us, and dont hesitate to contact us with questions, comments, or really anything!

President: Amy Jiang10

Hi (amazing) Cy-Falls Key Clubbers! My name is Amy Jiang and I am your Key Club President for the 2013-14 school year. My favorite color is yellow, I own way too many dresses, and I am the most competitive person I know. I have a tendency to laugh uncontrollably and you will realize quickly that my favorite font is Century Gothic. I love Key Club and everything that it stands for. To all of you, thank you for being the most exquisite and important part of Key Club. Service.



Vice President: Blake Jones12

Hello, my name is Blake Jones and I am the Vice President for Cypress Falls Key Club. I stand out from the crowd in the most literal sense of the phrase with my tall stature. In my spare time, I like to beat Michael Jordan in basketball, sing the shark song really loudly (ask me what it is if you dont know), beat everyone at Quiz Bowl (except for Hannah), and be extremely obnoxious. My Favorite color is blue.


Secretary: Emily Salgado11

Hello, I am Emily Salgado and I am the new secretary! I love watching movies, listening to music, and sleeping in my free time. My favorite color is blue! Aside from Key Club, I am also involved in SPAA and tennis. I love volunteering and getting to help others, it's the best feeling in the world!


Treasurer: Mohammed Syed11

Sup everybody. My name is Mohammad Syed, and Im currently a junior at Cypress Falls High School. Ill be serving as this years Treasurer for the club. Aside from living my life as a money man, Im an avid fan of Harry Potter (I can identify every quote from all 7 books), and I love film making and directing. My favorite color is chartreuse. Anyways, enough about me. If you have any questions or merely want to chat, just add me on Facebook or email me. Its our choices, Harry, that shows who we truly are far more than our abilities Albus Dumbledore


Editor: Hannah Norem12

Hey guys! My name is Hannah Norem, and Im so excited to be editor this year! Besides Key Club, I am head brass leader in the Cypress Falls Golden Eagle Marching Band, a PAL, a Girl Scout, and my favorite color is electric indigo! In the little free time I have, I enjoy using lots of exclamation points, playing lacrosse, refreshing my Twitter feed, listening to classical music, watching Arrested Development, pretending to be a hipster, and beating the entire world at everything because Im really, really competitive (and a Q UIZ B O WL C HAMP). Feel free to add me on Facebook and email me anything at all- especially your love of Key Club.





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DCON Domination!
The 2013 Texas-Oklahoma District Convention (T-O DCON) was held on April 47 at the Sheraton in Dallas, TX. DCON is a time to get to know more than 1000 Key Clubbers from all over Texas and Oklahoma, and to celebrate the years accomplishments. Cypress Falls Key Club members played a huge role in the success of this event. Cypress Falls very own Roshni C handwa ni, rising senior, was the Convention Liason for this DCON, and she was responsible for planning the four day long event. Chandwani also was endorsed by the Texas-Oklahoma District to run for Key Club International Trustee at the International Convention in July. Elected to T-O District Board positions were rising junior T ashrim a Hossa in and rising senior Ga bi B radsha w. Hossain will be the District editor, overseeing over three hundred clubs newsletters just like this one, while Bradshaw will be Division 3Ns lieutenant governor, presiding over clubs in Cy-Fair and Katy. Cypress Falls also dominated in the awards section of DCON, taking home lots of trophies. T ashrim a Hossa in spoke on what Key Club meant to her in front of the whole convention to earn third place in the oratory competition. Tashrima also won an award for having the best newsletters in the entire T-O District. Moha mm ed Syed won first place for the best club video. Louis Ki rkley won a patch for Distinguished Website ( B lak e Jones and Ha nnah Nore m both captured places on the winning Quiz Bowl team, which took the win back for Team Texas. Sa chit Sa ksena won first place and a patch in the District Project category for his hard work to ELIMINATE neonatal and maternal tetanus. The club also won a patch for participation in the Governors Project (the B.R.O. Project) for the past school year. Finally, the Cypress Falls Key Club was ranked fourth in the entire Texas-Oklahoma District based on past performance on monthly reports and senior Maryam Arjomandi won a one thousand dollar scholarship from Key Club. After hearing my name being called by the Kiwanis judges, I felt blessed and relieved. Although I didn't have confidence about receiving it, I knew I deserved the scholarship for all of the service I had done with Key Club, said Arjomandi on winning her scholarship. Maryam will use her scholarship toward books and fees at UT-Austin next year.

2013-2014 T-O District Board

Luke Broussard
Governor Email:

Usman Hyder

District Secretary Email:

Isaiah ValleQuinones

District Treasurer Email:

Tashrima Hossain

District Editor Email:

Division 3N Lieutenant Governor

Gabi Bradshaw

Tashrima Hossain campaigning for District Editor

The winning T-O Quiz Bowl Team

DCON 2014 is just around the corner! Its never too early to begin saving up for it. Save up money from summer jobs/chores and DCON will be a part of your future!

Haunted Mansion-themed DCON

Roshni Chandwani, Convention Liason

Volunteering Impacts Us All

Ive been in Key Club since freshman year and I still love being in it. Aside from the hours volunteering for the community, I have made some really great friends. The club has been there for me inside and out. I have worked with many amazing people and do amazing things that I will never regret. I remember one event where I got on stage and dance off with people not only from Cy-Falls Key Club but also from Cy-Springs High school Key Club. We were doing the Macarena. It was really fun. People even clapped for me at the end. There was another time in the Cypress Grace Care Center where I dance to entertain the elders. I even got my friend to dance with me. We were doing the YMCA dance. It is so nice to see the elders smiling faces. I talked to one of the elders and he told me about life. He said, Remember, the only reason to live is to be happy. That touched my heart. Key Club brings me joy and laughter. If it wasnt for those events, I would be wasting my time on the internet. Key Club is one of the best clubs in the school. Many people are in it, many people enjoy it, and it is one of the most varied groups in the school. You can come in expect to meet a certain people but then end up with a large group of people who are supportive and unique in their own ways. I think the reason why I joined Key Club was because my friends recommended it. They said it was a fun group where we get to socialize with fun and interesting people. This club has helped me make some really great friends. I used to be so shy and awkward that I could never talk to people. I still am, but it is really nice to wave to people in the hallway and say hi. I am a junior now, and I dont have a lot of time to hang out with my friends. I believe Key Club is one way to hang out with my friends. When we go to events, we help other people together, we act crazy together, and we just smile and laugh together. Cypress Falls Key Club is one of the best clubs in the school and I would not trade anything to not be in it. greatest ways you can make a difference. It is important to volunteer in your community because it is a way to take care of your neighborhood. As a member of the Cypress Falls Key Club, I am given many incredible opportunities to volunteer. One of my favorite volunteering events, the K2 Academys Parents Night Out, has created such a significant effect on me that I believe I will remember my time volunteering for the rest of my life. K2 Academys Parents Night Out is an event where the parents of special needs children will drop off their kids at K2 Academy (a local kids gymnasium) and allow the kids to play with the equipment and volunteers. This is a really fun event where volunteers have the opportunity to really make a difference in a childs life. My very first parents night out is one of my favorites. Upon arriving, the other volunteers and I were given instructions on how to care for the children. Once we had finished going over procedures, the kids started to arrive. Each child was to be assigned to one to three volunteers, depending on how many kids showed up. As more and more children arrived, the gymnasium began to fill with the sound of running feet and laughter. When the little boy I and two other volunteers were assigned to finally showed up, he was so excited to play that he ran off before we could even learn his name. After we were finally able to catch up to him, we began an evening filled with some of the most fun activities Ive experienced in a long time. We re-enacted an epic battle scene from the Avengers, built a castle out of play mats, and colored pictures of each other. All the while we were becoming closer and closer friends. When we settled down for snack time, we could see that he was starting to think of us more as friends, and not just babysitters. He told us his name was Grant, he was six years old, and he would start kindergarten the following year. But one of the most touching moments of the evening was when I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he replied, I want to be like you, I want to come here and play with the other kids and have fun. When the next parents night out was scheduled, I immediately signed up to volunteer. I couldnt wait to see Grant again. Volunteering is not only a way to care for your community; its also a way to build connections. Volunteering brings people together and strengthens our society. Its a way to improve our environment and make the world a better place to live in.


With only $1.80, you could save a mother and child from getting tetanus! Key Club and the Kiwanis are teaming up with UNICEF to end this preventable disease that afflicts many in third-world countries. To find out more ways you can help, visit

I WANNA BE LIKE YOU Matthew Stone, Publicity

Giving back to the community is one of the

Cypress Falls Key Club

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