El Limite Es El Cielo

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Instituto Tecnolgico Superior Consejo Provincial 12 Promocin Asistencia de Gerencia.

Jeanneth Enriquez


1. A NEW START FOR MAX.- Max Price was a happy man, he loved his wife, Angela and two children, Stephen and Juliet. They had many good friends and kind neighbours; the family was a happy family. One day lost his job, the bad news came in a letter was short and clear. Max became very worried. Ask what shall I do now? Angela said I dont know, Max. She was very worried too. The letter send best wishes, he said I want a job. Ive got a wife and family. Angela said everything will be all right.

Every morning, Max looked a new job. Every afternoon, he came home without one. One day see a announcement. Friendship Services International. They need new people, men and women. And all ages, too. He is excited, Ill be there at seven oclock.

At nine oclock, he had an interview with three men. What was your last job? asked Mr. Lelais, the personal manager. I sold furniture, said Max. We dont need furniture salesmen here. Said Mr. Creep. But Ill learn a new job. Max quickly. Ill work hard. Mr. Hightower said. We need new men and hard workers. Be here tomorrow at eight-thirty. You are now working for FSI.

2. A NEW START FOR MAX.- Max went to his new job. His office was on the ground floor. Many new people started work that day. One of them was Frank Steadman. He became Maxs friend. Their office was large and busy, but everybody was very friendly. Max and Frank liked everybody, and they did their work well. So the two men were very happy, every lunchtime, they had drinks and sandwiches with their new friends.

Max and Frank often took their wives and children to the parties. Max now had a good salary. So he and Angela bought lots of new furniture for their flat. Are a family happy again.

Max y Frank received lots of letters, wanted FSI products, had no names. They only had numbers and letter. Each day, they opened hundreds of these orders. They put the orders into groups, come from all over the world. Some were very big. They work very hard.

Silvia Pramo

Instituto Tecnolgico Superior Consejo Provincial 12 Promocin Asistencia de Gerencia.

Jeanneth Enriquez
3. THE FIFTH FLOOR.- Max and Frank now worked on the fifth floor, one day looked down on the street, remembered their friends on the ground floor. The salary are better. Max now goes buy a new house. But I like it here Angela said, and a the children too. All our friends live here. And the children go to school here. And our flat is lovely now. But Frank and his wife did not move. We like our flat, said Frank all our friends are near us. And the children like their school. No I shall not move Max. They received orders to FSI, and priced them, but they still did not understand. Now their boss was Mr. M Hightower. His office was on the tenth floor. He came down every day at five oclock and spoke to Max and Frank. Your work is excellent, gentlemen.

4. HIGHER AND HIGHER.- The tenth floor office was large and comfortable. Theres too much work up here. This is FSI. Its a good company. We must work hard.

Hello Max! Youre early tonight. Im cooking your favourite meal. Im sorry, Angela said Max. I must go out again in a few minutes. Ive got an important business dinner. I dont see you a lot these days. And the children dont see you at all. Oh. Max, thought Angela to herself. You are becoming a different man And the children dont know you now. You are a stranger in our home.

Max and Frank talked to the dinner guests. They came from all over the world. They were rich. They ate and drank a lot. Ive read your letters to FSI, Ive seen your orders. Question a one American. For example, you ordered three hundred S6Tss. But what is S6T? I dont understand them. The American laughed. Youll learn one day, but not now.

5. AN IMPORTANT MAN.- Max now is an important man, he work on the fifteenth floor have every modern office machine. Im rising higher in FSI. And I have a beautiful secretary, she is called Donna. She liked Max and Max liked her. They did a lot of work together. Often worked late. They went to restaurants after work.

One evening, Max telephoned Angela from a restaurant. Hello, Angela darling. She said. Where are you? Were waiting for you, Its nine oclock. Im in the office. But Max, Its Stephens birthday. Hes waiting for you. I forgot. Im sorry Angela. Ill see him

Silvia Pramo

Instituto Tecnolgico Superior Consejo Provincial 12 Promocin Asistencia de Gerencia.

Jeanneth Enriquez
tomorrow. Your work is more important to you than your home. Angela was angry. Max did not see his son the next day.

Max and Donna dont understand the orders, Theyre secret things she said. Then she smiled. But you can find out. How can I find out? You can become a Director of the company, said Donna. He was surprise. How can you help me?

6. BAD NEWS, GOOD NEWS.- A few months later. He went to his first board meeting. Twentieth floor. Now Max was very busy. He always arrived home very late. One evening, he was very tired. But Angela and the children were not there. Max looked in all the rooms. There was nobody. Then he found a letter. It was on the bed. Suddenly he felt sad, Suddenly he knew. Yes, it was from Angela. Now Max Had no family. He was sad and lonely. So he travelled. Soon Max was very popular with the other Directors.

7. THE SKYS THE LIMIT!.- Now Max was the Chairman of FSI, he was at the top the Star Building. Max remembered his wife, Angela, and his children, Stephen and Juliet, never came back. He had no friends. He was alone, He was unhappy. Every evening, Max wrote a letter. To my darling Angela. I need you. I love you, please bring children One morning he found a large book on his desk. He looked details in the catalogue. He was now frightened. Oh! No. Im selling missiles, guns, bombs

1. I wake up at 5:00 A.M. 2. I get up at 5:05, do wake my son. 3. I make the breakfast and prepare lunch break that is going to carries. 4. I see that this presented either. At 5:35 comes autobus for go a the school. 5. At 5:40 AMI take my breakfast. 6. At 5:50 AM take a shower.

Silvia Pramo

Instituto Tecnolgico Superior Consejo Provincial 12 Promocin Asistencia de Gerencia.

Jeanneth Enriquez
INGLES 7. At 6:00 AM I wear my uniform 8. At 6:50 AM I take bus go to my job 9. At 8:00 AM Im working in the office 10. At 13:00 take lunch with my friends 11. At 13:55 brush my teeth 12. At 14:00 back a the office 13. At 16:30 I take autobus, go to my house 14. At 17:45 I come house 15. At 18:00 I review homework my son 16. At 18:40 We take the dinner 17. At 19:10 we look T.V 18. At 19:40 I see my son, if this slept. 19. At 19:50 I go to sleep.

Silvia Pramo

Instituto Tecnolgico Superior Consejo Provincial 12 Promocin Asistencia de Gerencia.

Jeanneth Enriquez

Silvia Pramo

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