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Skema jawapan biologi

MARKING SCHEME : PAPER THREE TRIAL BIOLOGY 2008 Question 1 : 1(a) Score Explanation Able to record all readings of lengths of air column correctly. Initial = 6.4 cm 3 P = 5.7 cm Q = 6.0 cm R = 6.2 cm 2 Able to record any three lengths. 1 Able to record any two lengths. 0 No response or wrong response 1(b)(i) Score Explanation Able to state two correct observations based on following criteria. C1 levels of vigorous activity C2 The lengths of air column. Sample Answer:(either 2): 1. For activity level P the length of air column after treatment with KOH is 5.7 cm 2 . For activity level R the length of air column after treatment with KOH is 6.2 cm Able to state one correct observation and one inaccurate response. Able to state one correct observation or two inaccurate response or idea. No response or wrong response (response like hypothesis) 1(b) (ii) Score Explanation Able to state two reasonable inferences for the observation. Sample answer: 1. More carbon dioxide is absorbed by KOH because activity P is more vigorous. 2. Less carbon dioxide is absorbed by KOH because activity R is less vigorous. Able to state one correct inference and one inaccurate inference. Able to state one correct inference or two inaccurate inference or idea. No response or wrong response (inference like hypothesis)

2 1 0

2 1 0

Peperiksaan Percubaan Biologi SPM 2008 Panitia Biologi Negeri Perlis

Skema jawapan biologi

1(c) Score Explanation Able to state all the variables and the method to handle variable correctly () for each variable and method Manipulated Variable: Levels of vigorous activity () Method to handle: The athlete is asked to perform different levels of vigorous activity ()

Responding Variable: The length of air column after treatment with KOH/ the percentage of carbon dioxide released. () 3 Method to handle: Measure and record the lengths of air column using ruler. / calculate the percentage of carbon dioxide released using formulae:

Percentage of carbon dioxide = change in length of air column X 100% Initial length of air column ()
Controlled variable : duration for athlete to perform the activities/ the same athlete. () Method to handle: fix the duration for each activity/ ask the same athlete perform all activities. () Able to get 6 Able to get 4 5 Able to get 2 3 No response or wrong response 1(d) Score Explanation Able to state the hypothesis correctly based on the following criteria: V1 State the level of vigorous activity. V2 State the length of air column / percentage of carbon dioxide. R - State the relationship between V1 and V2. As the level of vigorous activity increases, the length of air column decreases. // As the level of vigorous activity increases the percentage of carbon dioxide increases. Able to state the hypothesis but less accurate. Able to state the idea of the hypothesis No response or wrong response

2 1 0

2 1 0

Peperiksaan Percubaan Biologi SPM 2008 Panitia Biologi Negeri Perlis

Skema jawapan biologi

1(e)(i) Score Explanation Able to construct a table and record the result of the experiment with the following criteria: State all three levels of vigorous activities. () Transfer all data correctly. () Calculate the percentage of carbon dioxide with unit. (%) () If without unit (x).

- Title with correct unit Tajuk dengan unit yang betul - Initial length and final length of air column Panjang awal dan panjang akhir turus udara

- Change in the length of column Perubahan panjang turus udara - Percentage of carbon dioxide released Peratus karbon dioksida yang dibebaskan
Levels of vigorous activity P Q R Length of air column / cm Initial Final 6.4 5.7 6.4 6.0 6.4 6.2 Change in the length of air column / cm 0.7 0.4 0.2 Percentage of carbon dioxide released / % 10.94/ 11.0 6.25/ 6.3 3.13/ 3.1

2 1 0

Able to construct a table and record any two criteria Able to construct a table and record any one criteria No response or wrong response

Peperiksaan Percubaan Biologi SPM 2008 Panitia Biologi Negeri Perlis

Skema jawapan biologi

1(e)(ii) Score Explanation Able to draw a bar chart of percentage of carbon dioxide released against the level of vigorous activity. Axes (A) both axis are labeled with units, uniform scales, independent variable on horizontal axis. () Point (P) All points are correctly plotted. () Shape (S) All bars are correctly drawn ().

2 1 0

Graph with any two criteria. Graph with any one criteria. No response or wrong response. 1(f)


Explanation Able to explain the relationship between the level of vigorous activity and the percentage of carbon dioxide released correctly. When the level of vigorous activity increases the percentage of carbon dioxide increases due to the increase in the rate of respiration. Able to explain briefly the relationship between the level of vigorous activity and the percentage of carbon dioxide released Able to explain the idea the relationship between the level of vigorous activity and the percentage of carbon dioxide released No response or wrong response

2 1 0

Peperiksaan Percubaan Biologi SPM 2008 Panitia Biologi Negeri Perlis

Skema jawapan biologi

1(g) Score Explanation Able to state the definition of exhaled air correctly, based on the following criteria. C1 the content of carbon dioxide C2 the effect on length of air column after treatment with KOH. C3 influence by vigorous activity Exhaled air is air that contains carbon dioxide that will cause the length of air column to decrease after treatment with KOH solution Able to state the definition of transpiration based one of the two criteria. Able to state the idea of exhaled air. No response or wrong response 1(h) Score Explanation Able to predict correctly and explain the prediction based on the following item: C1 the length of air column. C2 duration of activity C3 rate of respiration The length of air column is less than 5.7 cm because the longer the time taken to perform the activity the more carbon dioxide is released due to the increase in the rate of respiration. 2 1 0 Able to predict based on any two criteria. Able to predict based on any one criteria. No response or wrong response

2 1 0

1(i) Score Explanation Able to classify the levels of vigorous activity and the rate of respiration.

Levels of vigorous activity Tahap kecergasan aktiviti P Q R

Rate of respiration Kadar respirasi High Medium Low

Able to classify all the levels of vigorous activity and the rate of respiration correctly. 2 1 0 Able to classify two of the levels of vigorous activity correctly. Able to classify one of the levels of vigorous activity correctly. No response or wrong response

Peperiksaan Percubaan Biologi SPM 2008 Panitia Biologi Negeri Perlis

Skema jawapan biologi

Question 2 :
Aspect Aim/objective Sample Answer To investigate the effect of different quantities of water intake on urine output. Remarks

Problem statement KB061201 Hypothesis

Do different quantities of water intake affect the volume of urine output?

3 marks

The more the volume of water intake, the larger the volume of urine output. Variables Manipulative variable: quantity of water intake Responding variable: quantity of urine output Fixed variable: types of drink

3 marks

Only two correct variables Only one correct variable Apparatus and materials KB061205 Materials : mineral water Apparatus : drinking cup, containers for collecting urine and measuring cylinders. All present 3 marks 1 materials and 2 app 2 marks 1 mark B

Technique used Procedure KB061204

Measure and record the volume of urine collected with a measuring cylinder. 1. Four students of same gender, age and size are selected as the respondents.- KP,KF 2. The respondents are not allowed to consume any food or drinks 3 hours before the experiment.- KP,KF 3. The respondents are instructed to empty their bladders before the beginning of the experiment.- KP 4. During the experiment the respondents are asked to drink 100ml, 300ml, 500ml and 700ml respectively.- KMV 5. A stop watch is started immediately after consuming the water.- KP 6. At the interval of half an hour, until two hours , the respondents will empty their bladder and collect the urine sample.- RRV 7. Measuring cylinders are used to measure the volume of urine collected.- KRV 8. After each sampling the urine sample are discarded into the toilet bowl.- KP 9. The results are tabulated.- KP 10. Make sure all urine collected is measured.- KC
KP Step 1,2,3,5,8,9 (any 4) KMV Step 4 KRV Step 6,7 KF Step 1,2 KC Step 10

8 - 9P 3 m 6 - 7P 2 m 3 - 5P 1 m 3 marks

Peperiksaan Percubaan Biologi SPM 2008 Panitia Biologi Negeri Perlis

Skema jawapan biologi

Presentation of data

Able to draw a complete table to record the relevant data base on the 3 criteria: Volume of water intake Volume of urine released 3 The units in ml or cm Sample Answer

Volume of water intake (ml) 100 Volume of urine produced (ml) Total volume (ml) 300 500 700 B


The larger the volume of water intake, the larger the volume of urine output. Hypothesis accepted. Able to state correctly 8 9 aspects (correct) - 3 marks 6 7 aspects (correct) - 2 marks 3 5 aspects (corect) - 1 mark <3 - 0 mark Able to state correctly: presentation of data and technique.

Planning KB061203

3 marks


2 marks 2 correct - 2 marks 1 correct - 1 mark


Peperiksaan Percubaan Biologi SPM 2008 Panitia Biologi Negeri Perlis

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