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Kenya: The Politics of Sex and Money

May 8, 2013 // 37
By Munene Kilongi Im an educated fool with money on my mind Gangstas Paradise, Coolio The gorgeous females stroll across the city streets in figure-hugging jeans, bums bopping to some slow rhythm, as their tiny tops, and welcoming micro minis expose pert cleavages. Older women shoot disapproving stares. As lusty masculine eyes follow their every move in voyeuristic anonymity. Walking in pairs or groups, they giggle and make fun of other ladies who do not conform to their fashion sense. In the citys vibrant nightclubs, notably the notorious, Electric Avenue in Nairobis Westlands district, near-naked gals are dancing seductively outside a club, two chicks are smooching while fondling each others boobs, anothers bare derriere peeps out of a sexy micro-mini, as some dude at the parking lot nearby bumps and grinds a lap top (small-bodied gal) in his car. These scenes are increasingly becoming the main identifiers for the sexually liberated Nairobi gal. East and Central Africas commercial capital, Nairobi, is a place of peculiar contradictions. We are a deeply conservative society of born again Christians who are supposed to be living a rather Puritanical lifestyle. But in this country of hardworking people, and well educated women, a natural mystic is stirring up something thats left most people baffled. The empowered woman has brushed aside the conservatives narrow way of thinking and shes now busy shaping her world in her own image. Sending detractors in a huff as the hypocritical mainstream media concocts images of hell and damnation against the so-called hook-up culture. These days its not unusual to see gorgeous and educated girls getting into one-night

stands with strangers and women are boldly doing the picking. This Russian roulette game now has names like Chips funga, (take away potato fries and chicken popular as a late night snack) when a guy picks a girl, and sausage funga, (takeaway sausage) if its a woman picking up a guy. Legs are spreading wide faster than the governments lies these days. While the conservative old men are busy evangelizing against this new sin, they also cant take their eyes of f the panoramic view of natures gift which seem to sprout like flowers on every street corner. Under the cover of darkness they prowl like leopards. They know these young girls exist only in their immediate world. They will seduce these pretty young things and in between sips of Jameson and J&B rare, let their wallets do the talking while jacking up the young gals on tequila and black ice. So it should not surprise a visitor to this bustling city when a gorgeous young girl, ripe as a fresh tomato, shrieks in glee as her man enters the club. Hi, babie! she shouts as she runs straight into the arms of a wrinkled old man with grey hairs. Dating your ancestors is accepted here. But this open rebellion against social norms is among others being fuelled by a serious viral infection affecting Nairobi gals called money fever. A strange disease indeed, but when you understand a rich man is a handsome man you get the drift why its cure is a handsome man from any age group. Its why I was astounded some months back by the national outcry when a young entrepreneur set up a Facebook page: Campus Divas for Rich men (FB brought down the page). But tens of copy cat pages abound. The young entrepreneur noticed beautiful, educated, but dumb girls were willing to do anything to touch wealth, and the demand from loaded men was overwhelming. Men with money to burn are into orgies, escort girls, group sex and some other fantastic things that a female body can offer. Lets not blame these poor guys; they are simply overwhelmed. Nairobi gals prefer guys in steady relationships, married men or single and loaded. Its why the men in this demographic seem like kids in a candy shop. But as insurance, the typical Nairobi gal has a clutch of boyfriends; one who pays her house rent, another for her trendy clothes and hair, another who takes her to exotic hideouts. Still in the end youll hear her bitterly complaining. All men are players. One of her five boyfriends has played her.

Its why this sexual revolution feels hollow. The mystic of the sex act has lost meaning; its no longer shocking, because its now performed everywhere, inside cars to street corners. No previous generation has been so well informed, unexcited, and detached towards this sacred act. We now have jaded 20 year olds complaining about men and relationships in the numerous morning talk shows as if they are 45 year veterans. Real love is becoming a rare commodity. Divorce rates are high among the young and educated. These days theres no romance and most men are not willing to go the romance way because they say the typical Nairobi gal is a slut. A slut is a woman who behaves like a man. When this young ladies look up to their role models, the professional woman making waves in the media and industry, they find shes a serial bed-hopper. Busy in an adulterous world called mpango wa kando (married men and women with a side dish). Recently an advert showing a married woman being advised by fellow women to use a condom with her mpango while her husband is on a trip has caused a storm. The hypocrites that masquerade as church leaders are coming out from their rabbit holes and into our living room screens shouting against condom use. Ironically, The HIV infection rate among married couples, rich men and gals is way above the national average. The government is seriously worried. Now, men are idiots. With the rise of the new middle class, these newly minted idiots have been busy causing inflation in the dating markets in their quest to validate their new found virility and masculinity. They now use money as a tool to hook up with women which has seen ordinary blokes with modest means pushed out of the market. Once a lady sexually submits to this idiot because she likes/loves him, the idiot then dips into his pockets and hands out something like Kshs 10,000 in the morning. When a simple natural act of love can make a lot of money pop out like this, the innocent young lady gets an idea. And todays idea is that all men are ATM machines. This woman now defines success by the designer labels on the clothes she wears, the car she drives, her picket fence neighborhood, the company she keeps, and whatever they do as part of that company. Lets cut some flak for the Nairobi man. Society has consistently ignored the boy-child for decades as it concentrated on the girl-child. Now the new man is turning out to be an irresponsible oaf. Although I also think that the problem with todays kids is that their parents are idiots too.

No one has taken the burden of mentoring young men. Instead society whispers in their ears that they are now men , that they got to learn, and yet no one cis there to teach them how to be men. A woman cant teach a boy to be a man, equally, how do we expect a man who was not taught, to teach his son. Now this young wounded lions are turning into beasts; killers, wife batterers, absentee fathers, criminals for hire, hopeless drunkards. In fact for this majority group, alcohol is their girlfriend. Unless this boy-child is restored back to his place in society, we are at the tipping point. Today, this new man is interested in instant sex and disappears the moment a woman says she needs some cash to buy something. Men are suspicious of any woman who wants a relationship because he has gotten used to f*cking as many women as possible without the icky feeling of attachment. This young lions have nothing to lose; they have no money and spend their days at jobless corners in the teeming housing estates. People say they are lazy, man is naturally programmed to be lazy, but hes much happier when kept busy. The young lions fondle cheap alcohol, kiss drugs, and flirt with crime. Drugs are sold in every street corner. Governments love when people drink alcohol and take drugs, their thinking capacity gets blunted. Every day police collect protection fees from hundreds of pubs and street drug dealers. They dont care about us. The government doesnt care, and society doesnt give a hoot. So this angry and disenchanted underclass of jobless youth is not just a time bomb but a revolution waiting to happen. I pity women because most of their problems are not of their own making. They are victims of a carefully choreographed illusion orchestrated by the system to make them as stupid as most men think they are. In fact most guys in Nairobi would rather the government allow the Nairobi gal to walk naked because there is an absence of clothing in whatever they wear. Television is mainly geared towards brainwashing women and the beautiful Nairobi gals are incited to start chasing their elusive dreams on the advise from this dumb box. They are slaves of TV. Its addictive. It enters your head, through words, images, and sounds that reconfigure our thoughts and influence our behavior. Its why they are called programs. Mind programming. A peek into womens magazines is a journey of entertaining blather. Theres never a word about science. Its all about physical appearance, fashion, gossip and celebrities. Whos fat, thin, pretty, who are the new stars, what are the old stars doing? Womens magazines are the sanctification

of trivia. They are devoid of intelligent thought. The system is busy dragging gals into a fake world where they will wallow forever. So they brainwash women with programs like, the Bachelorette, Who wants to Marry a Millionaire, Sex and the City a popular womens TV show thats all about career women with expensive shoes who complain about men, but are obsessed with getting Mr Right. Young ladies are being taught through subtle pornography that masquerades as Hip Hop videos, reality shows, and soap operas, that the more her clothes slide off her body, the more flesh exposed, the more she will have a chance to live a life of glamour when Mr Rich finally lands with his loaded wallet. We have become an instant coffee generation. People no longer want to wait patiently to get the fruits of their hard labour. Everyone is trying to take a short cut. Patience is no longer a virtue. Young men too are becoming gigolos and hunting for the ever-increasing sugar mummies. But this sad state of affairs in this wonderfully peculiar nation has got deep roots. Some 50 years ago we got our independence. But the first president, Jomo Kenyatta a rapacious land grabber set off a chain of events when he acquired fabulous wealth in a rather short time. His tribal cronies also got to dip their dirty fingers into the national wealth at the expense of majority of Kenyans including the Mau Mau freedom fighters. When he passed away on in 1978, the baton went to a born-again Christian called, Daniel Moi, who followed his nyayo (footsteps) and soon became the high priest of kleptocracy and looting of the countrys resources. In 2002, our messiah Mwai Kibaki came to power in a ballot revolution that united this country into a nation. We were the worlds most optimistic people according to an international poll. But Kibaki turned out to be a hopeless tribalist, and his government became the most corrupt in our history. In spite of this, the economy still took off to miraculous heights. It why I love our tourism slogan Magical Kenya. During Kibakis presidency, the decades of corruption, tribalism, and the endemic lack of leadership and moral values came into full bloom. His economic revival which focused on a trickle-down economic theory that helps the rich get richer and blames the poor for their own travails set us off on dangerous grounds. Its when people see others making easy money while they cant make a decent shilling that has driven many into acts of desperation.

Ostentatious wealth rubs shoulders with shameless poverty. One day a guy is dead broke, the next, through political or tribal connections hes a millionaire. Billionaires are popping up everywhere either through entrepreneurial zeal or corruption. Half of the countrys budget is lost through corruption. And since there has been no political attempt to forge a national culture, the crooks among us are rubbing off their filthy culture on us. We are now behaving like the dirty old moneyed men masquerading as leaders. Most men and increasingly women, are slowly equating the Kenyan dream to short cuts to fabulous wealth through corruption and sexual vice. We only care about making money, yet it doesnt have a soul. In fact, free money is paid back in blood. It has the power to divide families, marriages and societies. We are attracted to things that bring us trauma. And so like demented souls, the demons in our society stalk us every minute towards a realizable dream and nightmare. It seems we have chosen the nightmare. Something is rhythmically banging inside our heads whispering get rich! Or die trying! Just like our teachers taught us in school. In recent elections we voted for change and chose drug dealers, fraudsters, conmen, and petty thieves as our leaders. We salute some blood thirsty maggots and pray and worship them. The ignorance of the educated masses is a blot on our future prosperity. They have brought change by simply turning the letter O upside down. We have a new president and his deputy who won in a funked election. Now we have broken the record books. Kenya is the first country in the world to elect suspects facing charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court. This is in regards to their alleged role in funding murderous militias during the 2008 post-election violence. On an ongoing tour in London, our national shame was broadcast to the world in a screaming headline by the Daily Telegraph: Kenya: Criminal President Invited to UK. Its in these times that being a Kenyan is a shame and it depicts the depths of rot in our society. Every generation has its agenda. In Kenya we chose the 50-year old corrupt status quo. Different monkeys same forest. Change is about occasional stirring the soup, we forgot and all the scum has thickened on top. I can apportion blame for our corrupted minds on our education system which annually churns out educated automatons that can remember everything except everything else. This education system is a mass government brainwashing machine and it wont change. The government

doesnt want us to expand our Consciousness because if we realize we are powerful souls that create our reality (not them), it will take away their powers to enslave us. It will take away the powers of politicians giving us handouts. The owners of our country dont want that. They dont want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking or smart enough to know how badly their system has been f***ing us all this 50 years. They will give us mass media, sports, entertainment, and the mass amusement park called TV. Once you get hooked to this you have little time to think and thats where they start controlling our thinking. And so every election year you will never know the difference in political opinion between the illiterate villager and the university professor because they all fall for the same lie. School taught us that that life was only about working hard, getting a job, marrying, having children, and saving for old age. Thats why we will never embody our unique and unlimited potential because we are all following identical life paths. We marry to please others, or to conform with society though we dont know how to love, and most importantly, we die without having a clue to the meaning of the cycle of life. Our small kids wake up at 4:00 am to go to school. Our reading culture is crushed under the weight of academic indoctrination that sees these young kids sleep as late as 10pm. Once we are in such a situation, reading for pleasure is discouraged, our source of light is extinguished, and enlightment is left to the noisy authorities. Its why most people think authority is truth while books will show you that truth is the authority. In many ways, women stand out as the key to stirring off the scum in the soup and overthrowing and bringing in social and political change. But then they wont, they are too busy gossiping, shopping, and playing endless jealousy games to even care. Governments love fools havent you noticed our newly elected MPs think we are fools? The Nairobi gal is sadly living in her own world while the country is raped. There something hidden deep inside this gal though. Shes more interested on a long-term commitment but first she insists the men must be fixed. The men on the other hand feel the new woman has lost the intrinsic feminine instinct to nurture, harmonize and align things in a womanly fashion. And so you will see a good-looking guy seated next to a beautiful lady. Both are interested in each other. The woman looks at the man and tells herself player the man looks at the lady high maintenance then both stand up and head in different directions to look for cheap thrills. With dating becoming a challenge, illusions are overcrowding our minds. We have forgotten that our struggle has been against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of darkness. Money has

been their tactic to keep us busy in its search. The wise men said whatever you are searching for is searching for you. And we are not chasing this money for nothing; we have seen its power. Over the years we have killed each other over resources, elections, stupid tribal ideologies, got into illicit sex, family wars all over money. What we are really looking for is not money but its by-product: Power. We want power to dominate others. Thats why our society is absolutely corrupt.

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37 commentsPost your own or leave a trackback: Trackback URL

May 11, 2013 at 2:08 pm


Well stated, this is Kenya we never understand what humanity is about.



May 11, 2013 at 2:28 pm

Its a good read but you lost objectivity when you got to politics


Gabriel Mwangi (@GabuKaratu)

May 14, 2013 at 5:17 pm

I agree. also too long


May 14, 2013 at 9:33 pm

You idiot, yo part of the problem. The article is complaining about the culture of instant gratification and yo comment is it is too long? Yo confessing u missed da whole point in da first place


May 12, 2013 at 12:22 pm

Who will save these souls and how? The harvest is big but the labourers are few



Mwazz Jeff
May 12, 2013 at 3:52 pm



May 15, 2013 at 9:18 am

The did NOT mention their tribal side AT ALL


May 15, 2013 at 9:19 am

The writer* did NOT mention their tribal side AT ALL


May 12, 2013 at 9:36 pm

Great article! Just subscribed to your future posts



Ole Koisaba Rianto

May 13, 2013 at 5:12 am

Well said.



May 13, 2013 at 6:55 am

Interesting postbut I am having a hard time reading through the typos. More specifically, the use of this instead of these while referencing plural things. I know its nit-picky, but when you choose to write a critical post, its better to make sure that there are no distractions in understanding and evaluating your points. Thanksand like I said, very interesting post!


May 14, 2013 at 9:48 am

For someone whos nit-picky with grammar, please ensure that you get it right yourself. It should be Its better rather than Its better


Javan Onguru (@OnguruMeister)

May 14, 2013 at 7:39 pm

What irony. Im having a hard time understanding what you mean by typos when you complain about typos. Its better that you remove the log in your eye first.



Mbugua Kevin
May 13, 2013 at 12:07 pm

The sad reality of our decaying society, Say what you need to say but Kenya needs autocratic leadership back. The likes of Mussolini(sp) and Stalin to steer the country back to the course we were intended to chart from the get go.



Wamuhu Wanjohi
May 13, 2013 at 8:26 pm

Well said,but theres one thing you did not add. There are some Nairobi gals of this generation who are willling to change Narobi and Kenya as a country, I am one of them eventhough I am not a Christian. Therefore putting all the eggs in one basket is demeaning to some Nairobi gals.



Angie Kagume
May 14, 2013 at 10:45 am

I couldnt agree more. Those who think that personal values can be detached from political values are mistaken. Its all related. When you talk to people and start realising that most people have no moral compass then you realise just how influenced they are by media, politics and the shallow existence of bar talk. I am now following your blog. This is is how we begin wake up mass consciousness.



May 14, 2013 at 10:55 am

When the bible says it, (2nd Timothy 3:12-14) its not interesting or popular. But when someone else says it, we notice. The things that surprise people today wouldnt come as a shock if we simply read the bible. Then we would know/ have the proper response to moral decline


May 14, 2013 at 7:06 pm

Good observation Ngaruiya but, when the churches refuses to change with the rapidly evolving society, youth see it as archaic. Look at condom use for example, Catholic priests not allowed to marry, women not allowed to become priests. The church is rapidly losing its reach as it is completely stuck in the past and refuses to accept that society is rapidly changing.


May 15, 2013 at 10:55 am

The gospel of the bible doesnt change to suit anyoneit has remained the same all through. What the church need to do is preach the gospel of grace not condemnation thats why youth fear going to churches


charles mugendi (@the_chalo)

May 14, 2013 at 11:30 am

Saddest bit is we read, share and move on with life. The cowards we have become offer procrastination friday night bar chats and a well stretched index finger as the alternative to action in unity.



May 14, 2013 at 12:56 pm

A sad but incitefully true article.This is a lost and moraly decadent generation that needs JESUS



May 14, 2013 at 4:30 pm

This is far by one of the saddest kenyan eye openers iv read in a whilewe must all rise as kenyans and change this demise that is eroding our society.may the God Lord help us all.



May 14, 2013 at 5:36 pm

This is the sort of Kenya we have battled for since independence but if I track down the your claims above of the typical Nairobi Girl, then what youve stated is all but trueNairobi Girls sway their hips up and down with the tag no money no love, no money no hubby, no money no sex and all we have to do is to tolerate them in clubs with pints and later have them as one night stand lovers. This and all was depicted in the pre-Biblical doctrine that this but with time will happen!



May 14, 2013 at 5:38 pm

I loved it. So creatively done.. people should read this



muchi_that guy
May 14, 2013 at 6:26 pm

fantastic piece of workwhat we should realize though all people are immoral to some degree,its pure animal instinct.what makes us different as people is the degree that our environments and societies allow us to actually explore our immorality.most people develop characteristics meant to keep them away from conflict with their environments. again,fantastic piece of work



May 14, 2013 at 6:29 pm

A great synopsis of the real culture of Kenyan relationships and how they interact with materialism, gangsta wanna bes, promiscuousity and gold digging!



May 14, 2013 at 10:01 pm

This is revolutionary thinking that needs nurturing. If well nurtured, the author of this article can be a great speaker or writer. The transition from men as ATM machines to the poor jobless men is really really poor. In fact, it is nonexistent. If you had stayed on topic and addressed the rot among Nairobi gals, this would have been so sound. But all the same keep trying.



May 14, 2013 at 11:19 pm

Goddamn this article way too long awesome no like long articles . ha ha ha



pmiiro (@pmiiro)
May 14, 2013 at 11:29 pm

Good read, good topic, good analysis



May 15, 2013 at 12:29 am

The article generalises Nairobi girls though, there are some descent girls out there waiting for some young men looking for wives.



May 15, 2013 at 9:14 am

This artical is loong but its so sad that its true Most men and increasingly women, are slowly equating the Kenyan dream to short cuts to fabulous wealth through corruption and sexual vice



May 15, 2013 at 9:24 am

Great article, I have never been able to finish long articles but this made me stick to the end. am forever going to read more.its sad though,how our society is decaying and our morals going even further down, as we want quick fixes to everything, quick money, quick sex and we have sacrificed true fulfilment for empty and temporary pleasures. In return we are a broken society and we dont even realize it. Amazing piece here



Papa Paripa
May 15, 2013 at 9:33 am

Started well but drifted into myopic political views. #unfortunate



May 15, 2013 at 10:28 am

great piece but you kind of lose me in the politics bit.Digress much??Maybe its just me



May 15, 2013 at 10:59 am

God save us all!



May 15, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Dating your ancestors is accepted everywhere i must say. na si uko na mafeelings. go to thailand then kenya wont seem so bad



May 15, 2013 at 2:52 pm

I recently attended a forum on the crisis in Mali, and realised how misinformed I was about the situation there. This is the sad reality for millions of Kenyans out there who do not have access to the internet and all this information. We should look at ways of getting mass consciousness to everyone, from Nairobi tp remote villages in Mandera.


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