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Its all started four years ago, the first time I met him.

It started at the new caf shop in the town. Flashback Ya~~! Jiae~~! the noisiest student in the class approach me as soon as the teacher walk out of the class. In another words, that noisy student is my friend, best friend. Maybe my only friend. Lets go to this new caf she said in high spirit, her eyes sparkling waiting for my answer. Its not that I'm an anti-social or what. Its just that, I'm really hard to please and to believe in someone. I do talk to others but not close enough to called friends. To be honest, only Yura can handle my shorttempered attitude. No,shiro I cut her off with cold straight forward answer. Well, as you can expected from Yura, she can't take no for an answer. you can see that both of us have strong personalities in the different way. Sometimes, things just went so crazy for us. I pack all my thing into my bag, note book, pencil case, homework bla bla bla and zipped the bag all up. Suddenly, from my back, a hand grabbed my bag. Yura~~! Give me back my bag~~!!!! I scream from the top of my lung. I told you, we both are crazy. I knew what shes up to, she try to make me chase her until we both arrive at the caf. Lucky her that I got my homework in the bag, or else I would just let her go and bring my bag tomorrow at school. What taking you so long her face seem displeased. She leaned back against the wall. Her arm are folded. Who told you to run? I say as I walked pass her and go inside the caf. Jiae-ya~~ gomawo she grabbed my hand and lead me to the table that near the windows. What do you want to drink? My treat~ she apply a big grin on her face. eeehhhhh~~~ I look her with unbelievable face. Since when you are this nice? She rolled her eyes and smile sneakily. Like normal, ice mocha with lot of whip cream Arraso yo~~

Yura is right, maybe I should come here after all. I really like the design in here. Its white and clean. Since the caf just open, not many people know this place yet. It has those quiet atmospheres. I close my eyes for a while and appreciate this silent moment for a while. I can hear Yura silently pull out her chair and sit down. I open my eye slowly and saw her staring at me deeply. What? I said uncomfortably. How long has it been already? she said in low tone. Been what? I ask curiously. Our friendship she asks while looking out from the windows. 4 years to be frank. I can't believe time fly so fast when I'm with you. I still remember how awkward we both used to be Haha.. she let out a small chuckle. You know what, you are hard to please at that time. Luckily your friend here is the most patience one. Yeah.. Yeah.. Go on, brag about yourself.. I folded my arm across my chest. It is ashamed to acknowledge it, but Yura is the most patience person I met. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, she always stay by side quietly and waiting for me to cool down until I'm in the mood to talk to her. Until now, I never see her being angry or sad. She always keeps everything to herself. Well, lets not talk about her since this story supposed mainly about me.

Excuse me, but this is your order miss our eyes meet together for a second. A sudden electric shock hit me. His eye I dont know what to say. That was the first time I become so speechless. The first time I met him. Lee ChanHee. Love at first sight. Maybe its hard for someone out there to believe what I'm saying right now, but when the first time I meet him, I knew his the one for me. Oh, yes thank you said Yura. Why do you order 3 drinks? I received my ice mocha with lot of whip cream and Yura order herself an ice blended cappuccino. And then left a mysterious drink, ice Americano. Owh, that one. Its for Oppa You invite him? I ask in shock expression. yeah.. whats wrong..? you should told me beforehand owh yeah, forgot to mention about him. Bang Yongguk, my biological brother. (I know they have different family name and generational name but lets pretend they both are family). And yeah, hes dating my bestfriend here. Why~ she put up a sly smirk on her face and acting all innocent. *Aishh~~ this girl* Whatever. I'm too tired to handle your silliness right now I rolled my eyes while smirk lightly. OppaNo wassoe (you here)(informal) Yura stand up quickly after saw Oppa make his way into the caf. Ya..! How could you use informal to me when Yura are extremely happy, like now, she love to use banmar(informal way to talk). Oh Oppa said with a shock expression as the moment he saw me. Maybe he didnt expect me to be here. I raised one of my eyebrows. I gave him what look. Ani, its nothing he pulls one of the chair beside Yura and sit next to her. He swiftly put his hand around Yuras shoulder. Yura really like this kinda skinship. Since, action speaks louder than words. Er-hem I let out a small cough. Please get yourself a room I said in annoying tone. I knew this would happened if 3 of us hanging out together. Not that I hate my own brother or what, it just feel awkward since they both start to date each other. *That Yura..!* I pull out my phone from my bag and wondering aimlessly in internet.

Oh god, you guys do look perfect together a waitress said while put a slice of blue-berry cheese cake on the table. this is on house, were giving out free cheesecake for couple. oh, I'm almost forget, this is for you miss she take out a small piece of paper from her apron pocket.

*assa!* I'm celebrating this moment in my head. At last, God knew what I wish for. I take a long sip of my drinks with a happy face. Ya..! Why you smiling all by yourself Yura frown her eyes. off to blind date I stand up while grabbing all my thing. Then, I walked away from that place. bhwo..?! I heard Oppa scream. ya..! Pathetic Oppa your lil sis is no longer a little girl. I dont really meant the blind date part, it just that I want to see my Oppa frustrated face.

Where is he? I reached the destination as I was told to. But the main part is, that hes not here. Fool me to listen to those words. Should notice it was a fake one. * No Pabo Ji-Ae* Aaaiiishhh.. mentally cursed myself for getting tricked by some faggot note. I take a seat at the nearest bench around the park. I took out my phone and doodle some dead stick figure with a bloody full of blood. Ouch, what a nasty drawing you drew there an anonymous voice, but I knew whose it belong. Lee Chan Hee. The voice that make me fall in love with him. I gave what look since I was so pissed off. I live by the motto ; if you hate waiting for people, dont make them waiting for you. Thats why, Im never make somebody wait for me. Afterall, I hate waiting for people.

(he was doing this to me but my expression still on piss mood) Whats wrong with that face? You shouldnt frown so much or you will get wrinkles in early age those smile, can melt anything in the world. Look, I'm sorry I'm a little bit late my face suddenly become softer after heard his apologizes. because I got you these. World favourite food ICE-CREAM!!! he said in high spirit. Well, I can't help but to laugh at his cuteness. so, which one do you want? Vanilla or strawberry?

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