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SMT. SUJATA RANI* *Lectuerer of H.Sc, K.R. Girls (P.G) College, Mathura (U.P.) ABSTRACT The above article shows that there is a great need of peace for working women in the family. Though how much she is advanced, but she is continuously degrading. In this article we have presented the problems which women are undergoing. The ignorance from their family members, the domination by their husbands on them, the suspicious thinking due to their late coming from office and mainly the hurt to the ego of husband due to their better income, status and job. Satisfaction includes, Satisfaction with their husbands, Satisfaction with their family, Satisfaction with their children and Daily Work. The main thing is about understanding the women. Nobody understands the mental and physical stress on women and the work load on her. If the income would have been more , then they dont have to go for service for well leading of the family and their satisfaction would have been more. In THE HINDU IDEAL, Dr. Radhakrishnan wrote emphasis the individual and the social aspects of the institution of marriage. Man is not a tyrant not is women a slave ,but both are servants of a higher ideal to which their individual inclinations are to be subordinated. Sensual love is sublimated into self forgetful devotion. To quote Dr. Radhakrishnan again the general Hindu view of women is an exalted one. It regards the women as the helpmate of man in all his work. Swami Vivekananda held that since soul has no sex, why should women be regarded as inferior to men ? Actually the whole drama of the life is played around the husband and his relations. Even though a man is well educated and dressed in western clothes, has a look of modernity and even advocates womens emancipation. In his relations with his wife, he is still like a traditional husband withage old orthodox attitudes towards his wife. He may be a staunch exponent of equality of women with that of a man but at home he enjoys domination over his wife who has to meekly obey him without questioning. He is not able to accept his wife arguing the truth. He likes his wifes earning but it defiles his ego to accept the fact that his wife can efficiently handle the mans job at her office. He enjoys to see her as weak, docile and always dependent on him. The problem, become more difficult when the earning of the women is higher than the husbands complex by manifesting it in actions that express exaggerated superiority over her. (as Chakraborty quoted) This breeds over oppressive conditions for the women who is neither able to give up nor face this oppression day in and day out. Thus working women face a serious problem when their salary is more that that of her husband. Aware of the mans ego and the stereo typed notions of a women being less than a man , women take extra care of their husbands feelings, never express their superiority and deliberately a low self image and low posture. But the husbands are always conscious of the fact and this aggereavates the position of women. RESTRICTION ON MOVEMENT The findings of Urmila Patel (Urmila Patel n.5, pp. 221) show that in some cases the freedom of movement of the working women is also restricted. She also allowed only to go to the place of work.

If she is late by an half an hour, she is answerabled. She is not allowed to go elsewhere alone. If she wants to go, she is accompanied by younger sister-in-law or someone else . Some women express that if they have to work late in the office, they are misunderstood by their husband or the in-laws. She is badly rebuked and big fuss is made of it. They are humanly treated, tortured and even beaten. Women feel hurt by such humiliating actions of their husbands towards them especially when their integrity is questioned. The Delhi study reports that though in most of the cases women earned as much as their husbands but they did not enjoy the quality of status within the family in this regard women in India, Country paper observes: Even when womens income sustains the household, she is considered as a supplementary earner. This is in contrast to the many research findings which highlight the crucial role they play in their familys economy and their well-being. The emplicaton of this on womens status are far reaching. Women are willing to take up any job to support the family. Without women wager, many families would live below the subsistence level. The majority of women contribute upto 50% of the family income yet, familial attitudes and social norms have relegated women to the status of supplementary earner. PERSONAL SATISFACTION It is very difficult to measure the level of satisfaction with life among the working women because the satisfaction level in one area may influence the behaviour in other area. In this study, level of satisfaction in the area of relationship which is considered to be important is divided into 5 categories they are as follows :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Income of the family. Relationship to husband. Relationship to family. Relationship to children. Daily work

1. Income of the family :- Large number of women that they worked because of economic pressures . Had they been satisfied with their family income , possibly most of them might not have gone to work outside the four walls of the homes. This is contrary to the findings of Nye, who reported that no-significant differences were found among employment categories with respect to satisfaction. 2. Relationship to husband :- A significant difference is seen between the working and non working women in regard to satisfaction with their husbands the non working wives were better satisfied than working wives with their husbands. Similar findings have been reported by Nye and LockeMackepring. 3. Satisfaction with family :- Their was high satisfaction with their families were found but their was no significant difference between the working women and non working women. 4. Satisfaction with children :- In this area there is no significant difference between working and non working mother. There is conformity with Nye who found no significant difference between working and non working women as far as satisfaction with children is concerned. 5. Satisfaction with Daily Work :- A significant difference was found between the working and non working women in regard to their satisfaction with daily work .Those who were not employed were better satisfied. The result of this study is contrary to the results of the study conducted by Nye who found that the employed women were more satisfied with their work than the non working women. So, from the above observations we can say that women is one of the most important pillar of the family. And if she is a working women than their are rarely some areas in which she is satisfied with her life.

To conclude this we can say that there is no significant difference between the working women and non working women regarding the impact of Marital Relations and Personal Satisfaction. Numerous examples have been read and and the problems regarding Marital relations and personal satisfaction have also been discussed but the fact is how one can help in finding RESPECT , HONOUR AND DIGNITY for the working women in eyes of her family. Behined every successful man there is a women. Man has to understand the women. So, there is a major need for man to give up his ego and stop differentiating between man and woman. This is the only solution to it and everybody should respect womens education because education is the only way to get a well developed, well behaved, socialized and advanced family since family constitutes the well developed society. There is difference between the Strength and Power. You can succeed by developing the strength to serve , not by cultivating the power of dominance.

Working women in India- C.P Rai vol II p.444. Urmila Patel, no.5, p.221. Women in India C.P. Rai-vol II 691. Women in India, country paper , ministry of social womens welfare, New Delhi , April 1985, p.63. Working women in India C.P. Rai p. 38-39 vol I. NYE F.IVAN, Personal Satisfaction, The Employed Women in America. pp.324-325. Working Women in India C.P.Rai P.38-39 vol I. NYE , F.IVAN, po.cit ; pp.324-325. *********

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