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nMVmam[H$V CmwJ -j_Vmerb {dmnrR> *

[wU{ odm[rR>


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

gZ 2010

[arjm od^mJ,
[wU{ odm[rR>>, [wU{-411007

_m. narjm {Z`H$ d H$m`H$mi

A.H$. Zmd



S>m. g. am. XmVmZo

gQ>|. 1995 Vo \o$~w. 2000


lr. _m. Jmo. qeXo

\o$~w. 2000 Vo gQ>|. 2000


lr. _m. em. {\$aJo

AmQ>mo. 2000 Vo OyZ 2009


grE (S>m.) {e. _mo. Am[hao

Owb, 2009 nmgyZ

gH$nZm$ :

grE (S>m.) {e. _mo. Am[hao

narjm {Z`H$,
nwUo {dmnrR>, nwUo-411007.
_wH$ :

S>m. _m. b. OmYd

nwUo {dmnrR>, nwUo-411007.
_wU-Wi :

nwUo {dmnrR>> _wUmb`, nwUo {dmnrR>>, nwUo-411007.

[1000-8-2010 (1148)(1)]



[> H$.


[arjm od^mJmodf`r _mohVr



g[yVVm H$mbmdYr




[arjm H|$modf`r




[arjm Am`m{OZ




ododY [arjm`m [arjm-AOm]m]V




oVr` df H$bm d dmoU` [arj{`m gmV d





odm[rR> b{Ir [arj{g ]g`mgX^mV


W_, oVr` d VVr` df ]r.Egr. d ]r.Egr. gJUH$em g[V `m dfm`m CmrUV{`m _mUm]m]V


JwUmMm $[mVnaV gmo`H$sH$ammMm V$m (60, 80 d 100 [H$s)




[`mdaUOmJVr gX^mV



10. Q>_ ES>/AVJV [arj{`m Cma[oH$m]m]V



11. A``Z Aj_Vm (Learning Disability) odm`mZm [arjmg] Y mV ode{f gdbVr



12. ode{f [arjmg]Yr



13. odm[rR> [arjm`m H$m_m`m AoZdm`V{]m]V



14. [arjm oZH$mbmgX^mVrb _hdmM{ A`mX{e



15. H|$r` _y`_m[Z H$[ `m{OZm



16. [wZ_y`mH$Z d \{$aV[mgUr



17. [arjm JaH$ma H$aU{ H$m`dmhr]m]V



18. A`mX{e H$. 182 - [na[H$ H$. 123/2008



19. A`mX{e H$. 104A - [na[H$ H$. 178/2008



20. [W_ df H$bm, dmoU`, odkmZ,





Cma[oH$mMr N>m`mnH$V V X{`m]m]V

[arjm _hmodmb`mH$S>{ dJ H$a`m]m]V

21. gH{$VWimda _mohVr C[bYV{]m]V.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

[wU{ odm[rR>
[arjm od^mJmodf`r _mohVr
{dmnrR>mZo Wm{nV Ho$bo`m {Za{Zam`m nXdr, nX`wma A`mgH$_m`m narjm Ko`mMo, `mMo {ZH$mb
Omhra H$a`mMo d CmrU {dm`mZm nX{dH$m, nXdr _mUno Xo`mMo H$m_ m_w`mZo {dmnrR> narjm {d^mJmV
MmbVo. `m_wio narjm {d^mJ hm {dmnrR>mMm H|$q~X/nmR>rMm H$Um _mZbm OmVmo. {dmnrR>mMr {ddmgmhVm hr
narjm {d^mJm`m H$m_H$mOmda Adb~yZ AgVo. Aem H$mao narjm {d^mJ hm {dmnrR> emgZmMr _hdmMr
^y{_H$m ~OmdVmo. narjm {d^mJmMo gnyU H$m_ ho _hmam> {dmnrR>o H$m`Xm, 1994 _Yrb VaVwXr d `mAZwfJmZo
Ho$bobo n[a{Z`_, A{Y{Z`_ Am{U {d{dY {Z`_m`m AYrZ amhZ MmbVo.
narjm {d^mJmMr aMZm Am{U H$m`nVr
narjm {d^mJm`m H$m_mMr `mr d d$n bjmV KoD$Z, narjm {d^mJm`m H$m_m`m gmo`rgmR>r, narjm
{d^mJmMo H$m`mZw$n (on functional basis) VrZ {d^mJ H$a`mV Ambobo AmhoV
1) narjmnyd H$m_o
2. `j narjoMr d narjm {ZH$mbmMr H$m_o
3. narjmoma H$m_o.
(1) narjmnyd H$m_o
narjmnyd H$m_m_`o m_w`mZo _hmam> {dmnrR>o H$m`Xm, 1994, H$b_ 71 Ad`o, narjoMr H$m`H$ _n{H$m,
H$b_ 32(5)(E) Zwgma mpZH$, narjH$, _mS>aQo >a `m`m {Z`w`m H$aUo, H$b_ 32(8) Zwgma d[a> n`dj
o H$m`m
{Z`w`m, narjoMo AXmOnH$ V`ma H$aUo, XjVm g{_Vr`m {Z`w`m, H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$nm`m gMmbH$mMr
{Z`w$s H$aUo, gd narjmMo doimnH$ V`ma H$aUo, H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$nmMo {R>H$mU {ZpMV H$aUo, {dm`mMr
~R>H$`dWm H$aUo, _hm{dmb` d {dmnrR> ej{UH$ {d^mJ `mZm narjm Am`moOZmgmR>r CMb aH$_m Xo`m~m~VMr
H$m`dmhr H$aUo, gd narjm H|$mZm narjm Am`moOZmgmR>r bmJUm`m Cman{H$m Am{U BVa gm{h` nwa{dUo,
mpZH$mH$Sy>Z Zn{H$mMr JmonZr` nm{H$Q>o drH$maUo, Zn{H$mMr N>nmB H$$Z KoUo, Zn{H$mMr grb~X
nm{H$Q>o g~{YV narjm H|$mZm nmohmoM{dUo, B`mXr H$m_mMm g_mdoe hmoVmo.
(2) `j narjoMr d narjm {ZH$mbmMr H$m_o
`m {d^mJmV m_w`mZo narjm AO drH$maUo, Zo_{bQ>, g_ar d {dm`mMr doeno _hm{dmb`mZm
nmR>{dUo, m`{jH$ narjogmR>r g_d`H$mMr g^m Am`mo{OV H$aUo, narjm nma nS>`mZVa gd narjm H|$md$Z
Cman{H$m Jmoim H$aUo, `m H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$nmMo {R>H$mUr nmohmoM`m H$aUo, XjVm nWH$mZo JaH$mamg~Yr
gmXa Ho$bobo Ahdmb drH$maUo, m`{jH$ narjm`m JwU`mm `m `m {df`mMo A`j/narjH$mH$Sy>Z drH$maUo,

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Cman{H$mMr VnmgUr H$$Z KoUo, `m VnmgyZ Pm`mZVa {df`{Zhm` JwU H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$nmH$Sy>Z
grS>r_`o KoUo Am{U {ZH$mb Omhra H$a`mg~Y rMr gJUH$s` {H$`m H$$Z KoUo Am{U {ZH$mbg~{ YV _hm{dmb`o/
gWmZm nmohmoM{dUo, _m. Hw$bnVr, {dmnrR> AZwXmZ Am`moJ d am` gaH$ma `mZm doimodoir bmJUmar gmp`H$s
d narjmg~YrMr BVa _m{hVr nwa{dUo, Aer H$m_o MmbVmV.
(3) narjmoma H$m_o
JwUnS>VmiUr d nwZ_y`mH$ZmgmR>r _hm{dmb`/{dm`mH$Sy>Z Ambobo AO drH$maUo, Cman{H$mMr
JwUnS>VmiUr d nwZ_y`mH$Z H$$Z KoD$Z `mg~YrMm {ZH$mb _hm{dmb`/{dm`mZm nmR>{dUo, Cman{H$mMr
N>m`m{H$V V CnbY H$$Z XoUo, nXdr, nX{dH$m, _mUn A`mgH$_, B`mXtMo _mUn {_i`mgmR>r
{dm`mZr Ho$bobo AO drH$maUo, `m gdmMr _mUno V`ma H$$Z KoD$Z `mMo dmQ>n H$aUo, narjm/H|$r`
_y`_mnZ H$nm`m {R>H$mUmd$Z mV Pmbo`m Cman{H$m drH$maUo d `mMo OVZ H$aUo, X`_ JwUnHo$
XoUo, Q>mg{H$Q>, aH$ g{Q>{\$Ho$Q> XoUo, {dm`mZr Ho$bobo narjm JaH$ma VgoM {ejH$ d {ejHo$Va godH$mH$Sy>Z
KS>bo `m _mXm~m~V`m (bgog) H$aUmMr XIb KoD$Z nwT>rb H$m`dmhr H$aUo, JwUnS>VmiUr d nwZ_y `mH$ZmZVa
gwYm[aV JwUnHo$ XoUo, B`mXr H$m_o `m {d^mJmV MmbVmV.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

g[yVVm H$mbmdYr
[na[H$ H$. 376/1993
odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>im`m oZU`mZwgma gd g]oYVm`m _mohVrgmR>r H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, H$m{U`mhr
odmemI{Vrb odm`mZ{ `mMr ejoUH$ g[yVVm H{$`mZVa R>{db{br g{ (Q>g) g[yVVm H{$`mZVa `m `m
odmemI{`m Zmdmg_m{a Xeodb{`m H$mbmdYrgmR>r dY (Valid) R>aod`mV `{V Amh{. odmemIm d dY H$mbmdYr
`mMm V$m Imbrb_mU{


H$bm, bobVH$bm d `m{JOrdr H$bm
_mZg, ZrVr d g_mOodkmZ

dY H$mbmdYr
6 df}
6 df}
6 df}
3 df}
3 df}
3 df}
6 df}
6 df}
6 df}

gd gb _hmodmb`mM{ _m. mMm` d _m. gMmbH$, _m`VmmV gWm `mZm odZVr H$s, `m [na[H$mVrb
Ame` gd odmWu d m`m[H$ `m`m ZOa{g AmUmdm.

JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007.

Om.H$. gr.]r./1531,
oXZmH$ 27.11.1993.

ghr/- XXX


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

[na[H$ H$. 165/1996
gX^ [na[H$ H$. 17/1996, oXZmH$ 22.1.1996
odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>imZ{ K{Vb{`m oZU`mZwgma gd g]oYVmZm H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, g[yVV{gX^mVrb
[na[H$ H$. 376/1993, oX. 27.11.1993 _`{ ]Xb H$a`mV Amb{bm Zmhr. gm{]V [na[H$ H$. 376/1993
Mr V [wZM _mohVrgmR>r [mR>odbr Amh{. gXa [na[H$mMr A_b]OmdUr gZ 1996-97 `m ejoUH$ dfm[mgyZ
H$a`mV `{Bb.
[wT>{ Ag{hr H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, odm`mZm `m oZU`mMr [wae
{ m _mUmV _mohVr hm{`mgmR>r _hmodmb`mZr,
_m`VmmV gWmZr d od^mJmZr `m`m _mohVr[H$mV gXa _mohVr N>m[yZ odm`m`m d{im{d{ir oZXeZmg
AmUmdr d `m gX^mV [> gyMZm odm`mZm X{`mV `m`mV.
_m. mMm`, gd gb _hmodmb`{ d _m. gMmbH$, _m`VmmV gWm AmoU _m. od^mJ_wI, ejoUH$
od^mJ, [wU{ odm[rR> `mZm odZVr H$s, `m [na[H$mVrb Ame` gd odmWu, m`m[H$m`m ZOa{g AmUyZ mdm.

JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007.

Om.H$. gr]rE/494,
oXZmH$ 27 _{/3 OyZ 1996.

ghr/- XXX

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

[na[H$ H$. 373/1999
odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>im`m K{Vb{`m oZU`mZwgma gd g]o YVmZm H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, odm`mZr ejoUH$
g[yVVm H{$`mZVa R>{db{br g{ (Q>g) g[yVVm H{$`mZVa oH$Vr H$mbmdYrgmR>r dY R>aod`mV `mdrV `mg]Yr
[na[H$ H$. 376/93 d [na[H$ H$. 165/96 `mZwgma A_b]OmdUr H$a`mV `mdr.
[wT>{ Ag{hr H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, ejoUH$ df 1996-97 [ydu `mZr d{e K{Vb{bm Amh{ Aem gd odm`mMr
ejoUH$ g{ darb [na[H$m`m _`mX{_mU{ dY _mZ`mV `mdrV. hUO{M 1996-97 [ydu`m odm`mMr g{
1996-97 h{ [W_ df _mZyZ `m `m odmemI{Zwgma dY _mZ`mV `mdrV.
[wT>{ Ag{hr H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, [na[H$ 376 _`{ `m odmemImMm Cb{I Zmhr, `m ndmemImH$naVm
Imbrb[_mU{ dY H$mbmdYr ejoUH$ df 1999-2000 d{emM{ [ohb{ df _mZyZ R>aod`mV `mdm
1) odkmZ odmemIm - 6 df{
2) AmfYoZ_mUem odmemIm - 3 df{
3) emarnaH$ oejUem odmemIm -6 df{
4) hm{o_Am{[Wr odmemIm - 3 df{
_m. od^mJ_wI, odm[rR od^mJ, [wU{-7, >_m. mMm`, gd gb _hmodmb`{ d _m. gMmbH$, gd
_m`VmmV gWm, `mZm odZVr H$s, darb [na[H$mMm Amm` gd g]o YV oejH$ d odmWu `m`m ZOa{g AmUyZ
JU{eoIS>, [wU-{ 411007.
Om.H$. gr]r/5584,
oXZmH$ 16.11.1999.

ghr/- XXX

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

gX^ [na[H$ H$. 376/1993, oX. 27.11.93.
[na[H$ H$. 165/1996, oX. 03.06.96.
[na[H$ H$. 373/1999, oX. 16.11.99.
C[am{$ odf`mgX^mV ndm[rR AoYH$ma _S>imZ{ K{Vb{`m oZU`mZwgma H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, [na[H$ H$.
376/1993 _`{ Z_yX H{${ b{b{ dH$, Ao^`moH$s d Am`wdX} , `m odmemImMm g[yVV M
{ m H$mbmdYr VrZ dfmEd{ Or
ghm df} Agm g_O`mV `mdm.
Am[Umg odZVr H$s, gXa [mMm Ame` gd g]o YVm`m ZOa{g AmUyZ mdm.
Am[bm odmgy,
JU{eoIS>, [wU-{ 411007.
Om.H$. gr]r/1529,
oXZmH$ 7.3.2000.

ghr/- XXX

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

gd odmemImVJV (odkmZ d emarnaH$ oejUem odmemIm`oVna$)
ejoUH$ df 1996-97, 1997-98 d [ydu`m [wZ[arjm`mZm
(Repeater Students) [whm [arj{g ]g`mg ode{f ]m] hUyZ
gYr o_i`m]m]V...
[na[H$ H$. 373/2004
1. `m [na[H$mma{ gd g]o YVmZm odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>imZ{ K{Vb{`m oZU`mZwgma H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, ejoUH$
df 1996-97 d 1997-98 Vg{M `m[ydu d{e K{Vb{`m gd odmemImVJV (odkmZ d emarnaH$ nejUem
odmemIm`oVna$) g[yVV m H$aUm`m [wZ[arjm`mZm (Repeater Students ) `m[ydu`m [na[H$ H$.
13/2004 Ad`{ Eo[b /_{ 2004 [`V [arj{g ]g`mg e{dQ>Mr gYr oXb{br hm{Vr. `m gX^mV [wT>{ H$iod`mV
`{V{ H$s, Aem [wZ[arjm`mZm AmQ>m{]a/ Zm{h|]a 2004 AmoU _mM/Enb 2005 [`V hm{Um`m [arj{g
]g`mg [wZM AoV_ gYr ode{f ]m] hUyZ X{`mV `{V Amh{. (`mMr _mnhVr [arjm/g_d`/1031,
oX. 25.8.2004 Ad`{ `m[yduM H$iod`mV Amb{br Amh{.)
2. `m gX^mV [wT>{ Ag{hr H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, _mM/Eob 2005 `m e{dQ>`m gYrZVa AZwmrU odm`mZm V{ `m
dJmV (Class) AZwmrU hm{Vrb `m dJmV g[yU odf`mM{ `mZr (b{Ir, [m`ojH$, B.) g[moXV H{$b{b{ H$m_
(Performance) a g_O`mV `{Bb d `mZm [whm `mM dJmV Z`mZ{ [d{e `mdm bmJ{b. hUO{M,
Eo[b 2005 _`{ hm{Um`m [arj{V Om{ [wZ[arjmWu odmWu AZwmrU hm{Bb
, `m odm`mg `m d{ib
{ m ApVdmV
Agb{`m A`mgH$_mg [whm Z`mZ{ d{e (Rejoining of Fresh / New Syllabus Course) `mdm
bmJ{b. Vg{M, `m [wZd{em[mgyZ [wT>{ [whm Z`mZ{ g[yVVm dY H$mbmdYr _m{O`mV `{Bb. Ag{ [wZd{emWu
_Oya d{ej_V{_`{ Ya`mV `{D$ Z`{V.
3. gd odm`mZm g[yVV ]{ m]V `m[ydu oZJo_V H{$b{b{ [na[H$ H$. 376$/1993, 373/ 1999 _`{ H{$b{b{ oZ`_
bmJy amhVrb. (gm{]V gXa [na[H${ dnaV gX^mgmR>r Om{S>`mV Ambr Amh{V.) `m g[yVVm [na[H$mZwgma
odmemImoZhm` Z_yX H{$b{bm dY H$mbmdYr g[w Q>mV Am`mZVa darb H$. 2 AZwgma g]o YV odm`mg d{e
`mdm bmJ{b.
[wU{ ndm[rR> d [wU{ odm[rR>m`m gd gbZ _hmodmb`mM{ [mMm` `mZm odZVr H$s, gXa [na[H$mMm Ame` gd
g]o YVm`m, [m`m[H$ d odmWu `m`m oZXeZmg AmUyZ mdm.

gm{]V [na[H$ H$. 376/1993 d 373/1999.

JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007.
Om. H$. gr]rE /5824,
oXZmH$ 1/16 AmQ>m]{ a, 2004.

ghr/- XXX


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Ao^`moH$s odmemI{AVJV g[yVVm H{$`mZVa ghm dfm[{jm OmV
H$mbmdYr Pmb{`m [wZ[arjm`mZm (Repeater Students) [wZ[arj{g
]g`mg ode{f ]m] hUyZ _m`Vm X{`m]m]V.
[na[H$ H$. 116/2007
odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>imZ{ K{Vb{`m oZU`mZwgma Am[Umg H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, Ao^`moH$s odmemI{AV JV
g[yVV m H{$`mZVa ghm dfm[j
{ m OmV H$mbmdYr Pmb{`m [wZ[arjm`mZm (Repeater Students) 2003 `m
A`mgH$_mVrb g_H$j odf` K{D$Z _mM/Eob 2008 [`V hm{Um`m [arj{g ]g`mg AoV_ gYr ode{f ]m]
hUyZ X{`mV `{V Amh{.
Vg{M, `m[wT>{ Agmhr R>amd H$a`mV `{Vm{ H$s, _mM/Eob 2008 `m e{dQ>`m gYrZVa AZwmrU Pmb{`m
odm`mZm V{ `m dJmV (Class) AZwmrU hm{Vrb `m dJm`m g[yU odf`mM{ `mZr (b{Ir, m`ojH$) B.
g[moXV H{$b{b{ H$m_ (Performance) a g_O`mV `{Bb
d `mZm `mM dJmV `m d{ig{ ApVdmV Agb{`m
A`mgH$_mg [whm Z`mZ{ d{e (Rejoining as fresh/new syllabus course) `mdm bmJ{b.
Vg{M [wZd{em[mgyZ [wT>{ [whm Z`mZ{ g[yVVm dY H$mbmdYr _m{O`mV `{Bb.
[wU{ odm[rR>mM{ gd gb _hmodmb`mM{ mMm` `mZm odZVr H$s, gXa [na[H$mMm Ame` gd g]oYV
m`m[H$ d odmWu `m`m oZXeZmg AmUyZ mdm.

JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007,

gX^ H$ CBE / 2353,
oXZmH$ 12.06.2007.

ghr/- XXX

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

g[yVVm H$mbmdYr d AZwmrU odm`m`m [arj{]m]V....

1. C[am{$ odf`mgX^mV ejoUH$ od^mJm`m [na[H$ H$. 373/2004, oX. 16.10.2004 bm AZwg$Z odm[rR>
[arjm od^mJm`m [ H$. [arjm /OZ./251, oX. 10 Owb, 2006 Ad`{ ejoUH$ df 2000-2001 _`{
`m odm`mZr `m dfmg d{e K{Vbm hm{Vm, `m dfm`m [arj{`m AZwmrU odf`mZm [wZ[arjmWu (Repeater
Students) hUyZ ]g`mg `mZm _mM/Eob 2007 `m [arjm gm[`V e{dQ>Mr gYr X{`mV Ambr hm{Vr
Ag{ H$iod`mV Amb{ hm{V{. `mgX^mV [wT>{ H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, `m [arj{ZVahr Am[ Ag{ odmWv g]oYV
dfm`m [arj{g AZwmrU AgVrb Va Aem gd odmemIm`m odm`mZm (Ao^`moH$s odmemIm dJiVm)
AmVm g]nYV dfm`m AZwmrU odf`m`m [arj{g ]gVm `{Uma Zmhr. Aem odm`mM{ AZwmrU odf`m`m
[arj{M{ [arjm-AO drH$m$ Z`{V. Aem odm`mZm AZwmrU AgUm`m g]oYV dfmg [whm Z`mZ{ d{e
K{D$Z g[yVVm H$amdr bmJ{b.
2. Ao^`moH$s odmemI{`m Ow`m A`mgH$_m`m gd [wZ[arjm`mZm (Repeater Students) `m`m
AZwmrU odf`m`m [arj{Mr e{dQ>Mr gYr hUyZ _mM/Eo[b/_{ 2008 `m [arjm gm[`VM ]gVm `{Bb.
`mZVa `mZm g]oYV dfm`m AZwmrU odf`m`m [arj{g ]gVm `{Uma Zmhr.
3. g[yVVm H$mbmdYr oZ`_mZwgma AmfYoZ_mUem AmoU hm{o_Am{[Wr odmemIm`oVna$ BVa odmemImV
ejoUH$ df 2001-2002 _`{ d{e K{D$Z g[yVV m H{$b{`m gd [arjm`m [wZ[arjm`mZm (Repeater
Students) V{ `m dfm`m odf`m`m/odf`m`m [arj{g Am[ AZwmrU Amh{V, `m AZwmrU odf`m`m
[arj{g e{dQ>Mr gYr hUyZ _mM/Eob/_{ 2008`m [arjm gm[`VM ]gVm `{Bb
, `mMr H$[`m Zm|X `mdr.
Aem [wZ[arjm`mZm _mM/Eo[b/_{ 2008 `m [arj{ZV a [whm g]o YV odf`m`m AZwmrU odf`mZm ]gVm
`{Uma Zmhr. `mZm `m g]oYV dfmg Z`mZ{ d{e K{D$Z g[yVVm H$amdr bmJ{b.
4. AmfYoZ_mUem AmoU hm{o_Am{[W v odmemIm`m ododY A`mgH$_mZm ejoUH$ df 2003-2004 _`{
d{e K{D$Z g[yVVm H{$b{`m gd [arjm`m [wZ[arjm`mZm (Repeater Students) V{ `m dfm`m
odf`m`m/ odf`m`m [arj{g Am[ AZwmrU Amh{V, `m AZwmrU odf`m`m [arj{g e{dQ>Mr gYr hUyZ
_mM/Eo[b/_{ 2007 `m g]nYV odf`m`m AZwmrU odf`mZm ]gVm `{Bb, `mMr H$[`m Zm{X `mdr. Aem
[wZ[arjm`mZm _mM/Eob / _{ 2007 `m [arj{ZV a [whm g]o KV odf`m`m AZwmrU odf`mZm ]gVm `{Uma
Zmhr. `mZm `m g]oYV dfmg Z`mZ{ d{e K{D$Z g[yVVm H$amdr bmJ{b.
`m Xm{Z odmemIm`m ejoUH$ df 2002-03 AmoU `m[ydu`m [wZ[arjm`mZm AmVm g]oYV dfm`m
AZwmrU odf`m`m [arj{g [arjmg ]gVm `{Uma Zmhr. Aem odm`mM{ AZwmrU odf`m`m [arjmM{ AO
drH$m$ Z`{V. Aem odm`mZm AZwmrU$AgUm`m g]oYV dfmg [whm Z`mZ{ d{e K{D$Z g[yVVm H$amdr

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

4. odm[rR> ejoUH$ od^mJ [na[H$ H$.376/1993, oX. 27.11.1993, 373/1999, oX.16.11.1999,
[ H$. gr.]r./1529, oX.7.3.2000 _`{ Z_yX H{$`m_mU{ H$bm d bobVH$bm, _mZg, ZrVr d g_mOodkmZ,
odYr, dH$, Ao^`moH$s, Am`wd}X, dmoU`, oejUem, `dWm[Z, odkmZ, emarnaH$ oejUem `m
odmemImMm dY g[yVVm H$mbmdYr ghm df} Amh{ AmoU AmfYoZ_mUem (\$m_gr) d hm{o_Am{[Wr `m
odmemImMm dY g[yVV m H$mbmdYr VrZ df} Amh{. odm`mZm `m dY g[yVV m H$mbmdYr_`{ g]o YV dfmg
CmrU hm{U{ Amd`H$ Amh{. `m_wi{ AmVm Xadfu [wZ[arjm`mMm (Repeater Students) [arjm-AO
drH$maVmZm Vm{/Vr dY g[yVVm H$mbmdYr_`{ Amh{, h{ H$Q>mjmZ{ V[mgmd{. dY g[yVVm H$mbmdYr_Yrb
AZwmrU odm`mMM{ [arjm-AO drH$m$Z V{ odm[rR>mH$S>{ [mR>dmd{V. `{WZy [wT>g{
w m Xadfu g]o YV odmemI{Mm
ghm AWdm VrZ df} dY g[yVVm H$mbmdYr _m{O`mV `mdm.
darb oZ`_mMr _mohVr gd odm`mZm AmoU BVa gd g]oYVmZm X{`mV `mdr, hr odZVr.

JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007,

gX^ H$ [arjm/H$j-3/151,
oXZmH$ 12 Owb 2007.

Am[bm oddmgy,
ghr/- XXX


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

gX^ [ H$. : [arjm/H$j-3/OZab/157, oX. 3 Owb, 2008
1. CnamoV {df`mgX^mV ej{UH$ {d^mJm`m n[anH$ H$. 373/2004, {X. 16.10.2004 bm AZwg$Z
{dmnrR> narjm {d^mJm`m n H$. narjm/H$j-3/151, {X. 12 Owb, 2007 Ad`o ej{UH$ df
2001-2002 _`o `m {dm`mZr `m dfmg doe KoVbm hmoVm. `m dfm`m narjo`m AZwmrU
{df`mZm nwZnarjmWu (Repeater Students) hUyZ ~g`mg `mZm _mM/E{b, 2008 `m narjm
gmn`V eodQ>Mr gYr Xo`mV Ambr hmoVr, Ago H$i{d`mV Ambo hmoVo. `m gX^mV nwT>o H$i{d`mV `oVo
H$s, `m narjoZVahr Amn Ago {dmWu g~{YV dfm`m narjog AZwmrU AgVrb Va Aem gd
{dmemIm`m {dm`mZm AmVm g~{YV dfm`m AZwmrU {df`m`m narjog ~gVm `oUma Zmhr. Aem
{dm`mMo AZwmrU {df`m`m narjoMo narjm-AO drH$m$ Z`oV. Aem {dm`mZm AZwmrU AgUm`m
g~{YV dfmg nwhm Z`mZo doe KoD$Z gnyVVm H$amdr bmJob.
2. A{^`m{H$s {dmemIo`m Ow`m A`mgH$_m`m gd nwZnarjm`mZm (Repeater Students) `m`m
AZwmrU {df`m`m narjog ~g`mMr eodQ>Mr gYr hUyZ _mM/E{b/_o, 2008 `m narjmgmn`V
hmoVr. AmVm `mZm g~{YV dfm`m AZwmrU {df`m`m narjog ~gVm `oUma Zmhr. Aem {dm`mZm
AZwmrU AgUm`m g~{YV dfmg nwhm Z`mZo doe KoD$Z gnyVVm H$amdr bmJob.
3. gnyVV m H$mbmdYr {Z`_mZwgma AmfY{Z_mUem Am{U hmo{_AmonW r {dmemIm`{V[a$ BVa {dmemIm_`o
ej{UH$ df 2002-2003 _`o doe KoD$Z gnyVVm Ho$bo`m gd narjm`m nwZnarjm`mZm
(Repeater Students) Vo `m dfm`m {df`m`m/{df`m`m narjog Amn AZwmrU AmhoV, `m
AZwmrU {df`m`m narjog eodQ>Mr gYr hUyZ _mM/E{b/_o, 2009 `m narjm gmn`VM ~gVm
`oBb, `mMr H$n`m Zm|X `mdr. Aem nwZnarjm`mZm _mM/E{b/_o 2009 `m narjoZVa nwhm g~{YV
{df`m`m AZwmrU {df`mZm ~gVm `oUma Zmhr. `mZm `m g~{YV dfmg Z`mZo doe KoD$Z gnyVVm
H$amdr bmJob.
4. AmfY{Z_mUem Am{U hmo{_AmonWr {dmemIm`m {d{dY A`mgH$_mZm ej{UH$ df 2005-2006
_`o doe KoD$Z gnyVVm Ho$bo`m gd narjm`m nwZnarjm`mZm (Repeater Students) Vo `m
dfm`m {df`m`m/{df`m`m narjog Amn AZwmrU AmhoV, `m AZwmrU {df`m`m narjog eodQ>Mr
gYr hUyZ _mM/E{b/_o, 2009 `m narjm gmn`VM ~gVm `oBb, `mMr H$n`m Zm|X `mdr. Aem
nwZnarjm`mZm _mM/E{b/_o, 2009 `m narjoZVa nwhm g~{YV {df`m`m AZwmrU {df`mZm ~gVm
`oUma Zmhr. `mZm `m g~{YV dfmg Z`mZo doe KoD$Z gnyVVm H$amdr bmJob.
`m XmoZ {dmemIm_`o ej{UH$ df 2004-05 Am{U `mnydu doe KoD$Z gnyVVm Ho$bo`m {dm`mZm
nwZnarjmWu hUyZ AmVm g~{YV dfm`m AZwmrU {df`m`m narjog ~gVm `oUma Zmhr. Aem {dm`mMo
AZwmrU {df`m`m narjoMo narjm-AO drH$m$ Z`oV. Aem {dm`mZm AZwmrU AgUm`m g~{YV
dfmg nwhm Z`mZo doe KoD$Z gnyVVm H$amdr bmJob.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

5. {dmnrR> ej{UH$ {d^mJ, n[anH$ H$. 376/1993, {X. 27.11.1993, 373/1999, {X. 16.11.1999,
n H$. gr.~r./1529, {X. 7.3.2000 _`o Z_yX Ho$`m_mUo H$bm d b{bV H$bm, _mZg, ZrVr
d g_mO{dkmZ, {dYr, dH$, A{^`m{H$s, Am`wdX} , dm{U`, {ejUem `m {dmemImMm dY gnyVV m
H$mbmdYr ghm df} Amho Am{U AmfY{Z_mUem (\$m_gr) d hmo{_AmonWr `m {dmemImMm dY gnyVVm
H$mbmdYr VrZ df} Amho. {dm`mZm `m dY gnyVVm H$mbmdYr_`o g~{YV dfmg CmrU hmoUo Amd`H$
Amho. `m_wio AmVm Xadfu nwZnarjm`mMm (Repeater Students) narjm-AO drH$maVmZm Vmo/Vr
dY gnyVVm H$mbmdYr_`o Amho, ho H$Q>mjmZo Vnmgmdo. dY gnyVVm H$mbmdYr_Yrb AZwmrU
{dm`mMoM narjm-AO drH$m$Z Vo {dmnrR>mH$S>o nmR>dmdoV. `oWyZ nwT>ogwm Xadfu g~{YV {dmemIoMm
ghm AWdm VrZ df} dY gnyVVm H$mbmdYr _moO`mV `mdm.
darb {Z`_mMr _m{hVr gd {dm`mZm Am{U BVa gd g~{YVmZm Xo`mV `mdr, hr {dZVr.
Amnbm {ddmgy,
ghr/- XXX


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

gnyVVm H$mbmdYr d AZwmrU {dm`m~m~V
gX^ n$ H$./narjm/g_d`H$/68, {X. 2.7.2010
{dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>imZo gnyVVogX^mV doimodoir KoVbo`m {ZU`m_mUo darb gX^u` n[anH$md`o
gd g~{ YVmZm doimodi
o r H$i{d`mV Ambobo Amho. darb gd n[anH$mMm EH${V {dMma H$Z gd g~{ YVmZm
A{YH$`m _m[hVrgmR>r H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, H$moU`mhr {dmemIoVrb {dm`mZo `mMr ej{UH$ gnyVVm
Ho$`mZVa R>odbobr go (Q>g) gnyVVm Ho$`mZVa `m `m {dmemIo`m Zmdmg_moa Xe{dbo`m H$mbmdYrgmR>r
dY (Validity) R>a{d`mV Ambr AmhoV. {dmemIm d dY H$mbmdYr `mMm V$m Imbrb_mUo :


dY gnyVVm H$mbmdYr


H$bm, b{bVH$bm d `moJOrdr H$bm

_mZg, ZrVr d g_mO{dkmZ
em[aarH$ {ejUem
hmo{_AmonW r



gnyVV m H$mbmdYr _moOVmZm gwdmVrbm doe KoVbobo ej{UH$ df gmoS>y Z nwT>rb ghm df} _moOmd`mMr
AmhoV. CXm. AmfY{Z_mU Am{U hmo{_AmonWr {dmemIm`{V[a$ BVa {dmemImV ej{UH$ df} 2004-05
_`o doe KoD$Z gnyVVm Ho$bo`m gd narjm`m nwZnarjmWuZm, (Repeater Student) Vo `m dfm`m
{df`m`m/{df`m`m narjog Amn AZwmrU AmhoV, `m AZwmrU {df`m`m narjog eodQ>Mr gYr hUyZ
E{b/_o, 2011 `m narjm gmn`VM ~gVm `oBb. Aem nwZnarjmWvZm E{b/_o, 2011 `m narjoZVa
nwhm g~{YV {df`m`m AZwmrU {df`mZm ~gVm `oUma Zmhr. `mZm `m g~{YV dfmg Z`mZo doe KoD$Z
gnyVVm H$amdr bmJob. darb_mUo gnyVVm H$mbmdYrZVa AZwmrU Agbo`m nwZnarjmWu {dm`mMo
(Repeater Student) narjm AO dmH$m Z`oV.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

AmfY{Z_mUem Am{U hmo{_AmonW r {dmemIo`m {d{dY A`mgH$_mZm ej{UH$ df 2007-2008
_`o doe KoD$Z gnyVVm Ho$bo`m gd narjm`m nwZnarjmWvZm (Repeater Students) Vo `m dfm`m
{df`m`m/{df`m`m narjog Amn AZwmrU AmhoV, `m AZwmrU {df`m`m narjog eodQ>Mr gYr hUyZ
E{b/_o, 2011 `m narjm gmn`VM ~gVm `oBb, `mMr H$n`m Zm|X `mdr. Aem nwZnarjmWvZm E{b/
_o, 2011 `m narjoZVa nwhm g~{YV {df`m`m AZwmrU {df`mZm ~gVm `oUma Zmhr. `mZm `m g~{YV
dfmg Z`mZo doe KoD$Z gnyVVm H$amdr bmJob.
{dm`mZm da Z_yX Ho$bo`m dY gnyVVm H$mbmdYr_`o g~{YV dfmg CmrU hmoUo Amd`H$ Amho.
`m_wio AmVm Xadfu nwZnarjmWvMm (Repeater Students) narjm AO drH$maVmZm Vmo/Vr dY gnyVVm
H$mbmdYr_`o Amho, ho H$Q>mjmZo Vnmgmdo. dY gnyVVm H$mbmdYr_Yrb AZwmrU {dm`mMoM narjm AO
drH$m$Z Vo {dmnrR>mH$S>o nmR>dmdoV. `oWZy nwT>o gwm Xadfu g~{ YV {dmemIoMm ghm (06) AWdm VrZ (03)
df} dY gnyVVm H$mbmdYr _moO`mV `mdm d `mZwgma narjm AO drH$mamdoV.
gd gb _hm{dmb`mMo mMm` d gMmbH$, _m`Vmm gWm Am{U {d^mJ_wI, {dmnrR>mVrb
gd ej{UH$ {d^mJ `mZm {dZVr H$s, `m nmVrb Ame` gd {dmWu, m`mnH$ d g~{ YVm`m ZOaog AmUmdm.
Amnbm {dmgy,
ghr/- XXX
(S>m. {e. _mo. Am{hao)
narjm {Z`H$.
gX^ ej{UH$ {d^mJ n[anH$ H$. 376/1993, [X. 27/11/1993
165/1996, [X. 3/6/1996, 373/1999, [X. 16/11/1999
Om. H$. gr~r/1529, [X. 7/3/2000, 373/2004, Om.H$.gr~rE/5824, [X. 1/16/10/2004


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

[arjm H|$modf`r
[na[H$ H$. : 303, oX. 8/9/2008
darb {df`mg AZwg$Z AmnUmg H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, nwUo {dmnrR>mZo `m _hm{dmb`mZm H$bm,
b{bVH$bm d `moJOrdrH$bm, _mZg, ZrVr d g_mO{dkmZ, dm{U`, {dkmZ, {ejUem, AmfY{Z_mUem,
`dWmnZ, {dYr d A{^`m{H$s, B`mXr {dmemImVrb A`mgH$_mgmR>r Z`mZo _m`Vm {Xbobr Amho, Aem
_hm{dmb`mZm Z`mZo narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_i`mgmR>r narjm n[anH$ H$. 303, {X. 8.9.2008 Ad`o
{dmnrR>mg AO H$aUo A{Zdm` Amho. gXa narjm n[anH$ H$. 303 {dmnrR>m`m gHo$VWimda
( Link to students helpline and Examination info) CnbY H$$Z
Xo`mV Ambo Amho.
gn[apWVrV Z`mZo gw$ Pmbo`m _hm{dmb`mZm, _hm{dmb` H$_mH$ d narjm H|$ H$_mH$ ho
H$m`mb`rZ H$m_m`m gmo`rgmR>r VmnwaVo Xo`mV Ambobo AmhoV. `m_wio Aem _hm{dmb`mZm/gWmZm narjm
H|$ _Oya H$a`mV Ambobo Amho, Ago JhrV Y$ Z`o.
`m~m~V nwT>o AmnUmg H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, Amn`m _hm{dmb`/gWog narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm
{_i`mgmR>r darb Z_yX narjm n[anH$ H$_mH$ 303 _mUo {d{hV Z_w`mVrb AO H$aUo A{Zdm` Ag`mZo
`mZwgma Amd`H$ Vr H$m`dmhr H$amdr, hr {dZVr.
Amnbm {ddmgy
ghr/- XXX
(narjm g_d`)


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

nwUo {dmnrR>
narjm n[anH$ H$_mH$ 303/2008
narjm Am`moOZm`m H$m`nVrMm EHy$UM AmT>mdm Ko`mMr ~m~ {dmnrR>m`m {dMmamYrZ hmoVr. `m~m~V
{dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>imZo KoVbo`m {ZU`mZwgma, Imbrb_mUo H$i{d`mV `oV Amho
(A) _hm{dmb`mg {dmnrR> narjmMo H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_i{d`mgmR>r VgoM g`m narjm H|$ hUyZ
_m`Vm Agbo`m _hm{dmb`mgmR>r Imbrb ~m~r Amd`H$ AmhoV
1. g`m _m`Vm Agbo`m narjm H|$m_`o VgoM Z`m narjm H|$mgmR>r {dmnrR>_m` {ejH$
^mar mMm` hUyZ Zo_UyH$ Ho$bobr AgUo Amd`H$ Amho.
2. _hm{dmb`m_`o EHy$U godVo Agbo`m {ejH$mnH $s {H$_mZ 25% {ejH$ {dmnrR> _m`VmmV
AgUo Amd`H$ Amho. `mM_mUo {Z`_mZwgma (Staffing Pattern) {ejHo$Va H$_Mm`mMr
{Z`w$s Ho$bobr Agmdr.
3. AVJV d[a> n`dj
o H$ (Internal Senior Supervisor) hUyZ Zo_UyH$ H$a`mV Ambo`m {ejH$mg
d[a> _hm{dmb`m_`o/_m`VmmV gWo_`o {eH${d`mMm {H$_mZ 5 df} AZw^d d {dmnrR>mMr
_m`Vm AgUo Amd`H$ Amho.
4. _hm{dmb`m_`o narjmWu {dmWu-g`o`m bmH$EdT>o (30 Vo 40 {dmWu {V bmH$)
{H$_mZ {ejH$ AgmdoV.
5. AmJQ> 2005 ZVa `m _hm{dmb`mZm {dmnrR> narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm Xo`mV Ambobr
Amho, Aem gd _hm{dmb`mMr narjm H|$mgmR>r bmJUm`m nm`m^yV gw{dYm AmhoV AWdm
ZmhrV `mgmR>r VnmgUr H$a`mV `oUma Amho.
Z`mZo ApVdmV Ambo`m _hm{dmb`mZm {dmnrR> narjmMo H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_idm`Mr
Ag`mg `mZr gmo~V OmoS>bo `m n[a{e> "A'_Yrb {d{hV Z_w`m_`o AO H$aUo Amd`H$ Amho.
(gmo~V n[a{e> "A')
_mM/E{b_`o hmoUm`m narjmgmR>r H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_i`mgmR>r `mAmYr`m dfm`m
AmJQ>n`V Am{U AmQ>mo~a/Zmoh|~a_`o hmoUm`m narjmgmR>r H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_i`mgmR>r
E{bnydu narjm {d^mJm_`o AO gmXa H$aUo Amd`H$ Amho.
_hm{dmb`mZr gmXa Ho$bo`m AOmVrb _m{hVrZwgma d {dmnrR>mZo Z_yX Ho$bo`m {ZH$fmMr
n[anyVVm H$aUm`m _hm{dmb`mZm narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm Xo`mgmR>r {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z g{_Vr
Zo_`mV `oBb d g{_Vr`m Ahdmbmda narjm H|$m~m~VMm A{V_ {ZU` Ko`mV `oBb.
6. {Vdfu narjog ~gUm`m {H$_mZ {dmWu-g`oMm {ZH$f nyU H$aUm`m _hm{dmb`m_`oM
{dmnrR>m`m narjmMo Am`moOZ H$a`mV `oBb.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

_hm{dmb`m_`o nXdr narjm ({dZmewH$) H|$ gw$ H$a`mg _m`Vm Xo`mgmR>r {H$_mZ 120
{dmWu Amd`H$ AmhoV.
nXdr narjogmR>r gewH$ narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm XoVmZm {H$_mZ 50 {dmWu AgUo Amd`H$
Amho. CXm. Imbr Z_yX Ho$`mZwgma narjm H|$ ewH$ AmH$ma`mV `oBb.
1) nXdr narjm H|$ gw$ H$a`mgmR>r {H$_mZ {dmWu-g`m ({dZmewH$) . 120
2) ewH$mgh Amd`H$ {H$_mZ {dmWu-g`m
. 50
3) Amd`H$ AgUm`m {dmWu-g`oVrb V\$mdV
. 70
4) {V{dmWu narjm H|$ ewH$ _hm{dmb`mZo narjm H|$ hUyZ md`mMo . 100
EHy$U ewH$ = . 70100= .7,000
VgoM, nX`wma narjm H|$ (ewH$m{edm`) gw$ H$a`mgmR>r {H$_mZ {dmWu-g`m 60 BVH$s
AgUo Amd`H$ Amho d ewH$mg{hV narjm H|$ gw$ H$a`mgmR>r {H$_mZ {dmWu-g`m 30
BVH$s Amd`H$ Amho. gewH$ nX`wma narjm H|$ gw$ H$a`mgmR>r {V{dmWu .150/EdT>o ewH$ Amho.
(~) `m _hm{dmb`m_`o/_m`VmmV gWm_`o {dmnrR> narjmMo Am`moOZ H$a`mV `oV Amho, Aem
gd _hm{dmb`mZr/_m`VmmV gWmZr EH$m {ejH$mMr {dmnrR> narjm H$mbmdYrgmR>r {deof d[a>
n`dojH$ (Custodian) hUyZ Zo_UyH$ H$aUo Amd`H$ Amho.
{dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z narjm Zn{H$m drH$m$Z d nwT>o `m~m~VMr gd H$m`dmhr H$a`mgmR>r VgoM
{dmnrR> narjm {d^mJmg H$mhr _m{hVr hdr Ag`mg Vr {deof d[a> n`dojH$ `mZr nwadmdr.
_hm{dmb`m`m mMm`mZr/_m`VmmV gWo`m gMmbH$mZr {deof d[a> n`dojH$ hUyZ Zo_UyH$
H$a`mV Ambo`m {ejH$mMm Vnerb Imbrb Z_w`mV narjm {Z`H$, narjm {d^mJ, nwUo {dmnrR>,
nwUo-411007 `mZm narjm gw$ hmo`mnydu {H$_mZ 15 {Xdgmnydu gmXa H$amdm
1. Zmd
2. nmm (A) H$m`mb`rZ
(~) {ZdmgWmZ
3. XadZr (A) H$m`mb`rZ
(~) {Zdmg
(H$) ^_UdZr H$_mH$
4. e-mail address :
{deof d[a> n`dojH$mZo H$amd`mMr H$m_o
i) Zn{H$m drH$maUo d `mMr nmoMnmdVr XoUo.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

nwUo {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z Ambo`m Zn{H$m narjm H|$mVrb {df` d {dmWu-g`oZwgma
AmhoV H$m Vo Vnmgmdo d Zg`mg {dmnrR>mer gnH$ gmYUo.
iii) narjoMm `oH$ nona gw$ hmo`mnydu AYm Vmg Zn{H$mMr nm{H$Q>o d[a> n`dojH$mZm
gwnyV H$amdrV.
_hm{dmb`mMr g`m dmT>`mZo gd _hm{dmb`mVrb Zn{H$m H$m`mb`rZ doio_`oM
nmohmoM{dUo {dmnrR>mg e` hmoV Zg`mZo doi nS>`mg H$m`mb`rZ doioZVahr {deof
d[a> n`dojH$ `mZr {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z Ambo`m Zn{H$m drH$mam`mV. "{deof d[a>
n`dojH$mg'(Custodian), d[a> n`dojH$m_mUo _mZYZ Xo` Amho.
H${Z> n`dojH$m`m (Junior Supervisor) Zo_UwH$sMo {ZH$f
1. {dmnrR>m`m narjmgmR>r H${Z> n`dojH$m`m Zo_UyH$m g~{YV narjm H|$m`m mMm`mZr
2. H${Z> n`dojH$m`m dVUwH$sMr, {dmgmhVoMr ImVaO_m mMm`mZr H$amdr.
3. e`Vmo, H${Z> n`dojH$ hUyZ _hm{dmb`mVrb {ejH$mMr Zo_UyH$ H$a`mV `mdr. nwaogm
{ejH$dJ Zg`mg, dJ-3 _Yrb {ejHo$Va H$_Mm`mMr Zo_UyH$ H$a`mV `mdr. ZdrZ
_hm{dmb`m_`o dJ-3 _Yrb {ejHo$Va H$_Mm`mMr Zo_UyH$ H$amd`mMr Pm`mg AWdm
_hm{dmb`m~mhoarb `$sMr Zo_UyH$ H$amd`mMr Pm`mg, Vr `$s {H$_mZ nXdrYa Agmdr.
AVJV d[a> d ~{hW d[a> n`dj
o H$m`m (Internal and External Senior Supervisor) Zo_UwH$sMo {ZH$f.
1. d[a> n`dojH$ hUyZ Zo_UyH$ H$aVmZm mYm`mZo {ejH$mMr Zo_UyH$ H$amdr.
d[a> n`dj
o H$ hUyZ Zo_UyH$ hmo`mgmR>r d[a> _hm{dmb`m_`o {eH${d`mMm qH$dm emgH$s`
H$m_H$mOmMm {H$_mZ 5 dfmMm AZw^d AgUo Amd`H$ Amho. emgH$s` H$m_H$mOmMm AZw^d
AgUmam {ejHo$Va H$_Mmar {H$_mZ dJ-2 _Yrb Agmdm.
2. d[a> n`dojH$ hUyZ Zo_UyH$ H$a`mV `md`m`m {ejH$mg {dmnrR>mMr _m`Vm AgUo
Amd`H$ Amho.
d[a> _hm{dmb`rZ {ejH$mg, nwUo {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z EH$mnojm OmV Zo_UyH$no EH$mM H$mbmdYrgmR>r
m Pm`mg d `m_mUo W_ mV Pmbo`m Zo_UyH$nmZwgma Oa Vmo {ejH$ H$m`aV Agob Va
Vr O~m~Xmar nma nmSy>Z `mZVa BVa Zo_UyH$nmVrb O~m~Xmar mMm`m`m g_VrZo {dmnrR>mZo
{ZpMV Ho$bo`m mYm`H$_mZwgma {ejH$mZo nma nmS>mdr d `m~m~VMm Ahdmb narjm g_d`
{d^mJmg gmXa H$amdm.
{dmnrR>m`m narjm {ZH$mon d {eV~ dmVmdaUmV nma nmS>`m~m~V d _hm{dmb`mVrb
1. {dmnrR> narjmMo Am`moOZ {ZH$mon d `dpWV dmVmdaUmV nma nmS>`mMr O~m~Xmar g~{YV
_hm{dmb`mMr Amho. `mH$[aVm Amd`H$VoZwgma nmobrg ~Xmo~V ZOrH$`m nmobrg MmH$sH$Sy>Z






narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

CnbY H$$Z Ko`mV `mdm. _hm{dmb`m_`o nmobrg ~Xmo~VmMr O~m~Xmar hr g~{YV
_hm{dmb`mMr amhrb.
2. {dmnrR> narjm gwa{jVnUo nma nmS>Uo hr _hm{dmb`mMr O~m~Xmar AgyZ `mg AZwg$Z
AVJV gwajm`UoMr `dWm g~{YV _hm{dmb`mZr H$amdr. Amd`H$VoZwgma _hm{dmb`mZr
AVJV XjVm g{_Vr Zo_mdr.
gXa n[anH$mV Z_yX Ho$bobm Ame` gd g~{YV {ejH$, {ejHo$Va godH$ d BVa g~{YVm`m {ZXeZmg
AmUyZ `mZwgma A_b~OmdUr H$a`mV `mdr, hr {dZVr.

_m. em. {\$aJo

narjm {Z`H$.

JUoeqIS>, nwUo-411007.
gX^ narjm-g_d`/1111
{XZmH$ 8 gQ>|~a 2008


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

n[a{eQ> "A'
nwUo {dmnrR> gb{V _hm{dmb`/_m`VmmV gWo_`o nwUo {dmnrR>m`m narjmMo H|$ gw$ H$a`m~m~V`m
AOmMm {d{hV Z_wZm
gb _hm{dmb`m`m/_m`VmmV gWo`m boQ>ahoS>da Imbrb _OHy$a Q>mBn Ho$bobm Agmdm.
_m. narjm {Z`H$,
nwUo {dmnrR>,
nwU-o 411007.

.................. _hm{dmb`m_`o/_m`VmmV gWo_`o

nwUo {dmnrR>m`m narjmMo Am`moOZ H$a`mgmR>r (narjm H|$)
gw$ H$a`mgmR>r {dMma H$a`m~m~V...

ej{UH$ df ............. _Yrb W_mYmVrb/{Vr`mYmVrb {dmnrR>m`m narjmgmR>r Am_`m gb
_hm{dmb`m_`o/_m`VmmV gWo_`o narjm H|$ gw$ H$a`mgmR>r gmo~V OmoS>bo`m {d{hV Z_w`m_`o AO
H$arV Amho. VgoM mMm`mZr/gMmbH$mZr gmXa H$amd`mMo {d{hV Z_w`mVrb h_rn gmo~V OmoS>bo Amho.
gXa Vn{ebmMm {dMma H$$Z Am_`m _hm{dmb`m_`o/gWo_`o {dmnrR>mMo narjm H|$ gw$ H$amdo,
hr {dZVr.
gWoMm {eH$m
Wi :
{XZmH$ :


ghr d {eH$m

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

(A) `m

gWoMo _hm{dmb`/_m`VmmV gWm Amho, `mMr _m{hVr

_hm{dmb`mMo/gWoMo Zmd d nmm
_hm{dmb`m`m/gWo`m A`jmMo Zmd d nmm
_hm{dmb`m`m/gWo`m g{MdmMo Zmd d nmm
XadZr H$m`mb`
(~) _hm{dmb`m`m mMm`mMr/_m`VmmV gWo`m gMmbH$mMr _m{hVr
1. mMm`mMo/gMmbH$mMo Zmd d KaMm nmm
2. XadZr H$_mH$- H$m`mb`
^_UdZr (Mobile No.)
3. mMm`m`m/gMmbH$m`m Zo_UwH$sMm H$ma
4. {dmnrR>mMr mMm`/gMmbH$ hUyZ Zo_UwH$sg _m`Vm Amho/Zmhr.
Ag`mg gXa nmMr gmjm{H$V V
5. _hm{dmb`mg nwUo {dmnrR>mMo gbrH$aU {_im`mMm {XZmH$ d H$_mH$ (gXa nmMr gmjm{H$V V)
6. H$moU`m ej{UH$ dfmnmgyZ _hm{dmb`/gWm gw$ Pmbo Vo df
(H$) _hm{dmb`mVrb/_m`VmmV gWoVrb {ejH$ d {ejHo$Va godH$mMr _m{hVr
1. _hm{dmb`mVrb EHy$U {ejH$mMr `mXr Imbrb Vn{ebmgh OmoS>mdr

{ejH$mMo Zmd


d[a> _hm{dmb`m_Yrb {dmnrR>mMr _m`Vm

{eH${d`mMm AZw^d
Amho/Zmhr Ag`mg
nmMr gmjm{H$V V

2. _hm{dmb`mVrb {ejHo$Va godH$mMm Vnerb





(S>) _hm{dmb`m_`o/_m`Vmm gWo_`o, nwUo {dmnrR>m`m am~{d`m OmUm`m A`mgH$_mMm Vnerb


A`mgH$_mMo Zmd

doe KoVbo`m {dm`mMr



narjogmR>r `mMo AO
{dmnrR>mH$S>o XmIb H$amd`mMo
AmhoV, Vr {dmWu-g`m

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

(B) Amn`m _hm{dmb`m`m Odi`m n[agamVrb BVa _hm{dmbm_`o nwUo {dmnrR>mMo narjm H|$
Ag`mg `m _hm{dmb`mMo Zmd, nmm d Amn`m _hm{dmb`mnmgyZMo AVa
(B) _hm{dmb`mVrb nm`m^yV gw{dYm
1. _hm{dmb`mMr dVMr B_maV Amho AWdm Zmhr
2. EHy$U dJmMr g`m d `mVrb AmgZg`m{Zhm` Vnerb
3. {n`m`m nm`mMr `dWm
4. dN>VmJhmMr `dWm
5. {dmnrR> narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_im`mg {dmnrR>m`m narjmMo Am`moOZ {ZH$mon dmVmdaUmV
nma nmS>`mgmR>r bmJUm`m Amd`H$ gwajm `UoMm Vnerb
6. {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z mV hmoUmao JmonZr` gm{h` gwa{jVar`m R>od`mgmR>rMr `mo` Vr `dWm
(\$) BVa H$mhr Vnerb Z_yX H$amd`mMm Ag`mg

mMm`mMr/gMmbH$mMr ghr
mMm`mMo/gMmbH$mMo Zmd
{XZmH$ :

Wi :


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

mMm`mZr/gMmbH$mZr gmXa H$amd`m`m h_rnmMm {d{hV Z_wZm (gb _hm{dmb`m`m/_m`VmmV
gWo`m boQ>ahoS>da)
_r, ..................................................... mMm`/gMmbH$ ................................
....................................................................................... _hm{dmb`/gWm
Imbrb ~m~tMr h_r XoVmo H$s
1. {dmnrR>m`m {ZH$mon d {eV~ dmVmdaUmV nma nmS>`mgmR>r bmJUmar gwajm`dWm _hm{dmb`/
gWm CnbY H$$Z XoBb.
2. narjm Am`moOZmgmR>r {dmnrR>mZo KmbyZ {Xbo`m gd {Z`_mMo Am{U gyMZmMo `mo` Vo nmbZ Ho$bo
3. {dmnrR> narjm_`o H$moU`mhr H$maMo JaH$ma hmoUma ZmhrV `m~m~VMr `mo` Vr gd H$miOr
Ko`mV `oBb.




narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

_hm{dmb`mg/gWog {dmnrR> narjmMo H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_i`m~m~V.

gX^ narjm n[anH$ H$_mH$ :1051, {X. 13.07.2010
darb {df`mg AZwgZ AmnUmg H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, nwUo {dmnrR>mZo `m _hm{dmb`mZm Z`mZo _m`Vm
[Xbobr Amho VgoM `m _hm{dmb`mZm Z{dZ A`mgH$_mg _m`Vm {_imbobr Amho Aem gd _hm{dmb`mZr
gwYm[aV narjm nH$ H$_mH$ 124 [XZmH$ 09.07.2010 (`mnyduMo narjm n[anH$ H$_mH$ 303 [XZmH$
08.09.2008) Zwgma {dmnrR>mg AO H$aUo A{Zdm` Amho. gXa narjm n[anH$ {dmnrR>m`m (
Link : Important circulars for colleges) `m gHo$VWimda CnbY H$Z Xo`mV Ambo Amho.
g n[apWVrV Z`mZo gw Pmbo`m _hm{dmb`mZm _hm{dmb` H$_mH$ d narjm H|$ H$_mH$ ho H$m`mb`rZ
H$m_m`m gmo`rgmR>r VmnwaVo Xo`mV Ambobo AmhoV. `m_wio Aem _hm{dmb`mZr/gWmZr narjm H|$ _Oya
H$a`mV Ambobo Amho Ago J[hV Y Z`o.
`m~m~V nwT>o AmnUmg H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, Amn`m _hm{dmb`/gWog narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm
{_i`mgmR>r darb gwYm[aV n[anH$m_`o Z_yX Ho$bo`m {d[hV Z_w`m_`o AO H$aUo A{Zdm` Ag`mZo
`mZwgma Amd`H$ Vr H$m`dmhr H$amdr hr {dZVr.
Amnbm {ddmgy
S>m. {e. _mo. Am[hao
narjm {Z`H$


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

narjm H|$ _Owar~m~V gwYm[aV n[anH$ H$_mH$ : 124

gX^ narjm n[anH$ H$_mH$ :303, {X. 08.09.2008
narjm Am`moOZm`m H$m`nVrMm EHy$UM AmT>mdm Ko`mMr ~m~ {dmnrR>m`m {dMmamYrZ hmoVr. `m~m~V
{dmnrR> _S>imZo KoVbo`m {ZU`mZwgma, n[anH$ H$. 303 [XZmH$ 08.09.2008 _Yrb A (1) _`o gwYmaUm
H$Z Imbrb_mUo H$i{d`mV `oV Amho.
(A) _hm{dmb`mg {dmnrR> narjmMo H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_i{d`mgmR>r VgoM g`m narjm H|$
hUyZ _m`Vm Agbo`m _hm{dmb`mgmR>r Imbrb ~m~r Amd`H$ AmhoV.

g`m _m`Vm Agbo`m narjm H|$m_`o VgoM Z`m narjm H|$mgmR>r {dmnrR>_m` mMm` AWdm
[H$_mZ 5 df} AZw^d Agbobm {dmnrR> _m`Vmm {ejH$ ^mar mMm` hUyZ Zo_UyH$ Ho$bobr AgUo
Amd`H$ Amho.
AVJV d[a> n`dj
o H$ hUyZ Zo_UyH$ H$a`mV Ambo`m {ejH$mg d[a> _hm{dmb`m_`o/_m`Vmm
gWo_`o {eH${d`mMm [H$_mZ nmM df} AZw^d d {dmnrR>mMr _m`Vm AgUo Amd`H$ Amho. VgoM
g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mV/gWoV Ago {ejH$ CnbY Zg`mg A` _hm{dmb`/gWo`m {ejH$mMr
_hm{dmb`mZo/gWoZo {Z`w$s H$aUo Amd`H$ Amho. *(narjm _S>i g^m [XZmH$ 22.06.2010)


_hm{dmb`m_`o EHy$U godVo Agbo`m {ejH$mnH $s [H$_mZ 25% {ejH$ {dmnrR> _m`Vmm AgUo
Amd`H$ Amho. `mM_mUo {Z`_mZwgma (Staffing Pattern) {ejHo$Va H$_Mm`mMr {Z`w$s Ho$bobr


AVJV d[a> n`dj

o H$ (Internal Senior Supervisor) hUyZ Zo_UyH$$ H$a`mV Ambo`m {ejH$mg
d[a> _hm{dmb`m_`o/_m`Vmm gWo_`o {eH${d`mMm [H$_mZ 5 df} AZw^d d {dmnrR>mMr
_m`Vm AgUo Amd`H$ Amho.


_hm{dmb`m_`o narjmWu {dmWu g`o`m bmH$EdT>o (30 Vo 40 {dmWr {V bmH$) [H$_mZ

{ejH$ AgmdoV.


AmJQ> 2005 ZVa `m _hm{dmb`mZm {dmnrR> narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm Xo`mV Ambobr Amho,
Aem gd _hm{dmb`mMr narjm H|$mgmR>r bmJUm`m nm`m^yV gw{dYm AmhoV AWdm ZmhrV `mgmR>r
VnmgUr H$a`mV `oUma Amho.
Z`mZo ApVdmV Ambo`m _hm{dmb`mZm {dmnrR> narjmMo H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_idm`Mr Ag`mg
`mZr gmo~V OmoS>bo `m n[a{e> "A' _Yrb {d[hV Z_w`m_`o AO H$aUo Amd`H$ Amho.
(gmo~V n[a{e> "A')

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

_mM/E{b _`o hmoUm`m narjmgmR>r H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_i`mgmR>r `m AmYr`m dfm`m AmJQ>
n`V Am{U AmQ>m~o a/Zmoh|~a _`o hmoUm`m narjmgmR>r H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm {_i`mgmR>r E{b nydu
narjm {d^mJm_`o AO gmXa H$aUo Amd`H$ Amho.
_hm{dmb`mZr gmXa Ho$bo`m AOmVrb _m[hVrZwgma d {dmnrR>mZo Z_yX Ho$bo`m {ZH$fmMr n[anyVV m
H$aUm`m _hm{dmb`mZm narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm Xo`mgmR>r {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z g{_Vr Zo_`mV `oBb

d g{_Vr`m Ahdmbmda narjm H|$m~m~VMm A{V_ {ZU` Ko`mV `oBb


{Vdfu narjog ~gUm`m [H$_mZ {dmWr g`oMm {ZH$f nyU H$aUm`m _hm{dmb`m_`oM {dmnrR>m`m
narjmMo Am`moOZ H$a`mV `oBb
_hm{dmb`m_`o nXdr narjm ({dZmewH$) H|$ gw H$a`mg _m`Vm Xo`mgmR>r [H$_mZ 120 {dmWr
Amd`H$ AmhoV.
nXdr narjogmR>r gewH$ narjm H|$ hUyZ _m`Vm XoVmZm [H$_mZ 50 {dmWu AgUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
(CXm.) Imbr Z_yX Ho$`m_mUo narjm H|$ ewH$ AmH$ma`mV `oBb
1) nXdr narjm H|$ gw H$a`mgmR>r bmJUmar [H$_mZ
{dmWu g`m ({dZmewH$)
2) ewH$mgh Amd`H$ [H$_mZ {dmWug`m
3) Amd`H$ AgUm`m {dmWu g`oVrb V\$mdV
4) {V{dmWu narjm H|$ ewH$
. 100
_hm{dmb`mZo narjm H|$ hUyZ md`mMo
EHy$U ewH$ = . 70 x 100 = . 7000/VgoM nX`wma narjm H|$ (ewH$m{edm`) gw H$a`mgmR>r [H$_mZ {dmWug`m 60 BVH$s
AgUo Amd`H$ Amho d ewH$mghrV narjm H|$ gw H$a`mgmR>r [H$_mZ {dmWug`m 30 BVH$s
Amd`H$ Amho. gewH$ nX`wma narjmH|$ gw H$a`mgmR>r {V{dmWu . 150/- EdT>o ewH$ Amho.

(~) `m _hm{dmb`m_`o/_m`Vmm gWm_`o {dmnrR> narjmMo Am`moOZ H$a`mV `oV Amho Aem
gd _hm{dmb`mZr/_m`Vmm gWmZr EH$m {ejH$mMr {dmnrR> narjm H$mbmdYrgmR>r {deof
d[a> n`dj
o H$ (Custodian) hUyZ Zo_UyH$ H$aUo Amd`H$ Amho.
{dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z narjm Zn{H$m drH$m$Z d nwT>o `m~m~VMr gd H$m`dmhr H$a`mgmR>r VgoM {dmnrR>
narjm {d^mJmg H$mhr _m[hVr hdr Ag`mg Vr {deof d[a> n`dj
o H$ `mZr nwadmdr. _hm{dmb`m`m
mMm`mZr/_m`Vmm gWo`m gMmbH$mZr {deof d[a> n`dj
o H$ hUyZ Zo_UyH$ H$a`mV Ambo`m {ejH$mMm
Vnerb Imbrb Z_w`mV narjm {Z`H$, narjm {d^mJ, nwUo {dmnrR>, nwU-o 411 007 `mZm narjm gw
hmo`mnydu [H$_mZ 15 [Xdgmndy u gmXa H$amdm.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m





A) H$m`mb`rZ
~) {Zdmg WmZ



A) H$m`mb`rZ
~) {Zdmg
H$) ^_UdZr H$_mH$


E-mail address :

{deof d[a> n`dj

o H$mZo H$amd`mMr H$m_o.

Zn{H$m drH$maUo d `mMr nmoMnmdVr XoU.o


nwUo {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z Ambo`m Zn{H$m narjm H|$mVrb {df` d {dmWr g`oZgw ma AmhoV H$m Vo
Vnmgmdo d Zg`mg {dmnrR>mer gnH$ gmYUo.


narjoMm `oH$ nona gw hmo`mnydu AYm Vmg Zn{H$mMr nm[H$Q>o d[a> n`dj
o H$mZm gwnXy H$amdrV.

_hm{dmb`mMr g`m dmT>`mZo gd _hm{dmb`mVrb Zn{H$m H$m`mb`rZ doi_o `oM nmohmoM{dUo {dmnrR>mg
e` hmoV Zg`mZo doi nS>`mg H$m`mb`rZ doiZo V ahr {deof d[a> n`dj
o H$ `mZr {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z Ambo`m
Zn{H$m drH$mam`mV. "{deof d[a> n`dj
o H$mg' (Custodian ), d[a> n`dj
o H$m_mUo _mZYZ Xo` Amho.
(H$) H${Z> n`dj
o H$m`m (Junior Supervisor) Zo_UwH$sMo {ZH$f

{dmnrR>m`m narjmgmR>r H${Z> n`dj

o H$m`m Zo_UwH$m g~{ YV narjm H|$m`m mMm`mZr H$am`mV.


H${Z> n`dj
o H$m`m dVUHw $sMr, {dmgmhVMo r ImVaO_m mMm`mZr H$amdr.


e`Vmo H${Z> n`dj

o H$ hUyZ _hm{dmb`mVrb {ejH$mMr Zo_UyH$ H$a`mV `mdr nwago m {ejH$ dJ
Zg`mg, dJ-3 _Yrb {ejHo$Va H$_Mm`mMr Zo_UyH$ H$a`mV `mdr. ZdrZ _hm{dmb`m_`o dJ
3 _Yrb {ejHo$Va H$_Mm`mMr Zo_UyH$ H$amd`mMr Pm`mg AWdm _hm{dmb`m~mhoarb `$sMr
Zo_UyH$ H$amd`mMr Pm`mg, Vr `$s [H$_mZ nXdrYa Agmdr.

(S>) AVJV d[aR> d ~[h:W d[a> n`dj

o H$m`m (Internal and External Senior Supervisor)
Zo_UwH$sMo {ZH$f.

d[a> n`dj
o H$ hUyZ Zo_UyH$ H$aVmZm mYm`mZo {ejH$mMr Zo_UyH$ H$amdr.
d[a> n`dj
o H$ hUyZ Zo_UyH$ hmo`mgmR>r d[a> _hm{dmb`m_`o {eH${d`mMm [H$dm emgH$s`
H$m_H$mOmMm [H$_mZ 5 dfmMm AZw^d AgUo Amd`H$ Amho. emgH$s` H$m_H$mOmMm AZw^d
AgUmam {ejHo$Va H$_Mmar [H$_mZ dJ-2 _Yrb Agmdm.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


d[a> n`dj
o H$ hUyZ Zo_UyH$$ H$a`mV `md`m`m {ejH$mg {dmnrR>mMr _m`Vm AgUo Amd`H$

(B) d[a> _hm{dmb`rZ {ejH$mg, nwUo {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z EH$mnojm OmV Zo_UyH$no EH$mM H$mbmdYrgmR>r
m Pm`mg d `m_mUo W_ m Pmbo`m Zo_UyH$ nmZwgma Oa Vmo {ejH$ H$m`aV Agob
Va Vr O~m~Xmar nma nmSy>Z `mZVa BVa Zo_UyH$$ nmVrb O~m~Xmar mMm`m`m g_VrZo
{dmnrR>mZo {ZpMV Ho$bo`m mYm`H$_mZwgma {ejH$mZo nma nmS>mdr d `m~m~VMm Ahdmb
narjm g_d` {d^mJmg gmXa H$amdm.
(B) {dmnrR>m`m narjm {ZH$mon d {eV~ dmVmdaUmV nma nmS>`m~m~V d _hm{dmb`mVrb
gwajm `dWo~m~V.

{dmnrR> narjmMo Am`moOZ {ZH$mon d `dpWV dmVmdaUmV nma nmS>`mMr O~m~Xmar g~{ YV
_hm{dmb`mMr Amho. `mH$[aVm Amd`H$VoZgw ma nmobrg ~Xmo~V ZOrH$`m nmobrg MmH$sH$Sy>Z
CnbY H$$Z Ko`mV `mdm. _hm{dmb`m_`o nmobrg ~Xmo~VmMr O~m~Xmar hr g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mMr


{dmnrR> narjm gwa{jVnUo nma nmS>Uo hr _hm{dmb`mMr O~m~Xmar AgwZ `mg AZwg$Z AVJV
gwajm`UoMr `dWm g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mZr H$amdr. Amd`H$VoZgw ma _hm{dmb`mZr AVJV
XjVm g{_Vr Zo_mdr.

gXa n[anH$mV Z_yX Ho$bobm Ame` gd g~{ YV {ejH$, {ejHo$Va godH$ d BVa g~{ YVm`m {ZXeZmg
AmUyZ `mZwgma A_b~OmdUr H$a`mV `mdr, hr {dZVr.

S>m. {e. _mo. Am[hao

narjm {Z`H$

JUoeqIS>, nwUo {dmnrR>

gX^ : narjm-g_d`/1049
[XZmH$ : 09 Owb, 2010


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

ododY [arjm`m [arjm-AOm]m]V

ododY [arjm]m]V gyMZm
[arjmMr H$m`H$_[oH$m gd g]oYVm[`V [m{hm{Mod`m`m d gd g]oYVmZm _mohVr hm{`m`m >rZ{
_hmodmb`{/_m`Vmm gWm Vg{M ejoUH$ od^mJmgh, odm[rR>m`m H$m`j{mVrb [wU{ eha, [wU{ oOhm,
Ah_XZJa d ZmoeH$ `m oR>H$mU`m _wI dV_mZ[mVZy Vg{M odm[rR>m`m gH${ VWimda (
[og H$a`mV `{V{.
gXa [na[H$m_`{ _hmodmb`mVrb / _m`VmmV gW{Vrb / od^mJmVrb odm`mZr [arjm-AO odZmodb]
ewH$ d odb] ewH$mgh odm[rR>mH$S>{ H{$hm d H$em [VrZ{ gmXa H$amd`mM{ Amh{V, Vg{M [arjm ewH$, g]o YV
[arj{`m VmaIm, oZH$mbm`m g^m` VmaIm B`mXrodf`H$ _hdmMr _mohVr Z{h_r[_mU{ X{`mV `{V.{ odm[rR>m`m
oZaoZam`m [arjm`m H$m_m_`{ gwgyVm d oeV AmU`m`m >rZ{ d `mM]am{]a odm[rR> [arjmM{ g[yU
d{im[H$ H$_rVH$_r H$mbmdYr_`{ H$em [VrZ{ ]godVm `{Bb `modf`r Jm^r`mZ{ odMma H$a`mV Ambm Amh{.
`m [na[H$m`m AZwfJ mZ{ Imbrb_mU{ H$mhr _hdm`m gyMZmhr H$a`mV `{V Amh{V d `mMr H$mQ>H{ $m{a[U{
A_b]OmdUr H$a`mV `mdr
1. g]oYV [oa[H$ Am[`m _hmodmb`mVrb / _m`Vmm gW{Vrb / od^mJmVrb gd g]oYVm`m d
ode{fH$$Z odm`m`m R>iH$[U{ d{irM oZXeZmg AmUyZ md{.
2. odm`mZm AoYH$Mr gm{` C[bY H$$Z X{`m`m >rZ{ odm[rR>mZ{ K{Vb{`m Ym{aUm_H$ oZU`mZwgma [arjmAO ^a`m`m odb] ewH$m`m _wXVrZVa [wT>rb 15 oXdgmV odm`mM{ [arjm-AO g]o YV _hmodmb`mM{
mMm`/ _m`Vmm gW{M{ gMmbH$/odm[rR>mM{ ejoUH$ od^mJ_wI ode{f odb] ewH$ . 1100/AmH$m$Z drH$m$ eH$Vrb. Aem H$ma{ drH$mab{b{ [arjm-AO ewH$mgohV, ode{f odb] ewH$m`m
_wXVrZVa VrZ oXdgmV odm[rR>mH$S>{ [mR>odU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
3. `mdgmo`H$ d A`mdgmo`H$ A`mgH$_m`m (Professional & Non-Professional Courses) [arjm-AOmgmR>r
odb] ewH$ . 110/- amhrb.
4. odohV _wXVrZVa _hmodmb` / _m`Vmm gWm / od^mJmZr [arjm-AO drH$m$ Z`{V dm [arjm-AO
drH$ma`mMr odm[rR>mg oe\$mag H$$ Z`{.
5. [oa[H$mV Z_yX H{$b{`m d{im[H$m_mU{M g]oYV odm`mM{ [arjm-AO [yU[U{ d `dpWVar`m ^$Z
6. [arjm-AO ^a`mMr AoV_ VmarI g[`mZVa gmV oXdgmV g]oYV _hmodmb`{ / _m`Vmm gWm /
od^mJmZr gd [arjm-AO, [na[H$mV Z_yX H{$b{`m H$m`[VrZwgma odm[rR>mH$S>{ gmXa H$amd`mM{ Amh{V.
7. odm[rR>m`m `dWm[Z _mohVr od^mJmH$Sy>Z (E_.Am`.gr.) d{im{di
{ r X{`mV `{Um`m gyMZmMr / _mJXeH$
VdmMr H$mQ>{H$m{a A_b]OmdUr H$a`mV `mdr.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

8. H$m{U`mhr [napWVrV odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>imZ{ _Oay H{$b{`m odmWu-g`{[j
{ m (Intake capacity) OmXm
[arjm-AO drH$m$ Z`{V d odm[rR>mH$S>{ [mR>dy Z`{V. _Oay odmWu-g`{[j
{ m H$m{U`mhr [nanWVrV OmXm
[arjm-AO [arjm od^mJmV drH$mab{ OmUma ZmhrV.
9. `m [arj{`m gX^mV [arj{g ]g`m`m gYrodf`r _wXV odohV H$a`mV Ambr Amh{ Vr _wXV g[w>mV
Amb{`m H$m{U`mhr g]oYV odm`mMm [arj{Mm AO drH$m$ Z`{ dm odm[rR>mH$S>{ [mR>od`mV `{D$ Z`{.
A`Wm _Oya j_V{[{jm AoYH$ [mR>>odb{`m dm [arj{g gYr ZgVmZm [mR>odb{`m [arjm-AOmMr gddr
O]m]Xmar g]oYV _hmodmb`/ _m`Vmm gWm / od^mJmda amhrb.
10. O{ odmWu odohV _wXVrV [arjm-AO gmXa H$aUma ZmhrV d `mM{ AO Am[UmH$Sy>Z odohV _wXVrV `{Uma
ZmhrV Aem odm`mZm [arj{bm ]gVm `{Uma Zmhr hr ]m] Am[`m _hmodmb` / _m`Vmm gWm /
ejoUH$ od^mJmVrb gd g]o YVm`m d ode{fH$$Z g]o YV odm`m`m R>iH$[U{ oZXeZmg AmUyZ mdr.
11. _hmam> odm[rR>{ H$m`Xm, 1994, H$b_ 32 (5) (J) Ad`{ [arjmg]Y rM{ H$m_ Am[Um gdmda ]YZH$maH$
Amh{, `mMr Am[Um gdmZm H$[Zm Amh{M.
odm[rRm`m gd [arjm`m Am`m{OZmM{ H$m_ hr Am[Um gdmMr d`o$H$ d gmoKH$ d$[mMr O]m]Xmar Amh{.
`m H$m_r Am[U d Am[b{ A`m[H$, A`m[H{$Va g{dH$, ghH$mar odm[rR>mg Z{h_r ghH$m` H$arV Amb{bm AmhmV
d [wT>{hr Am[U Am[b{ ghH$m` X{V amhmb Agm oddmg dmQ>Vm{.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


The external student should follow the instructions issued separately regarding filling of the examination
form. They should ensure before filling the examination forms that he/she offers subject/s for which
teaching is provided in the affiliated colleges for relevant degree course/s.


accepted upto Twenty days from the date of declaration of the result. However the examination
forms of such students only will also be accepted upto seven days with late charges of Rs.220/for Non-Professional courses and Rs.330/- for Professional courses after the expiry of the date of
filling of the examination form as mentioned above.



The examination forms may be accepted by the Principal / Director / Head of the University
Department concerned with special late fee of Rs. 1100/- upto fifteen days after the expiry of the
date of filling the examination form with late fee. Such examination forms should be submitted to
the University within three days after the expiry of date with special late fee.
Under no circumstances the examination forms will be accepted after the expiry of the last date
with late fee/charges.
If the last date of filling the examination forms falls on Holiday/Bank Holiday or any other holiday
decided later, the examination forms will be accepted on the next working day.


The Examination fees and other Fees/Charges has been increased by 10 % and made applicable from
the examinations to be held in the Second Half of the Year 2010.


Examination Fee for backlog paper :



A student who has a backlog of any Term/Semester/Part/Year except the course(s) in the Faculty
of Management, Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, Ayurved and Homoeopathy will have to pay
half of the examination fee upto 50% of course/s prescribed for that Term / Semester / Part / Year,
e.g. In case of number of course(s) / Paper(s) for Term / Semester / Part / Year is seven then,
50% fees will be charged up to four papers. However a student having backlog of more than
50% courses shall pay full fee prescribed for that examination. In case of backlog course(s) in
respect of examinations in the faculties of Management/ Engineering / Pharmacy /Medicine/ Ayurved
/ Homoeopathy a fee of Rs.210/- per head of passing of backlog Courses/Subject/Head is prescribed. However, the examination fee for backlog paper(s) should not be charged more than the
maximum fee prescribed for that particular examination.


A student having upto 50% backlog of under graduate term-end examination will have to pay
50% examination fee prescribed for that term-end examination. However, a student having backlog of more than 50% courses shall pay full fee prescribed for that term-end examination.

The fee for Project/ Dissertation, other than Ph.D. shall be Rs.260/- for Non-Professional course(s)
and Rs.390/- for Professional course(s). This shall be in addition to the examination fee prescribed for
the course(s) by the University.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


A charges for Statement of Marks, C.A.P. & Passing Certificate are as under:

Statement of marks
Passing Certificate

Rs. 65/Rs. 65/Rs. 65/-

Professional Remark
Rs. 105/Rs. 105/For each examination
Rs. 105/Those candidates who have paid this
charges previously need not pay again.


The printed Examination Forms will not be made available henceforth. The students concerned are
requested to download the Examination Form from University Website ( (Linked
to : Student Helpline & Examination Info. - Download Exam. Form) and pay Rs. 20/- & Rs. 30/- for
Non Professional and Professional Courses respectively alongwith examination fees.


Blind students are exempted from the payment of examination fee only.


All the title of the papers will appear in the examination programme. However the question paper will be
set only on those papers for which the teaching is provided in the affiliated colleges/recognised institutes/
University departments.


Post Graduate Departmental Examinations will be conducted by the Principals of affiliated Colleges
having P.G. centres/Heads of the University Departments and Director of Recognized Institutes in such
a way that, the marks of the Examinations and Departmental Courses are submitted to the University on
or before the commencement of the respective examinations. No relaxation will be given in this regard.


The Departmental Courses and Term End Examination should be arranged by the Colleges/Departments/Institutes in such a way so that it should not clash with the dates of the University examinations.


Rs.105/- for Non-Professional Courses & Rs.130/- for Professional courses will be charged for issuing
Duplicate Admit Cards to the students.


Rs.65/- for Non-Professional Courses & Rs.105/- for Professional courses will be charged to the
candidates for practical examination for out of turn.


The Examination fee of Rs.40/- for Professional courses and Rs.35/- for Non-Professional courses, per
credit except Performing Arts course, is prescribed wherever the credit system has been adopted for
the course. However, the Examination fee for Courses in Performing Arts, B.A./M.A. (Music, Dance,
Drama at Lalit Kala Kendra)(Gurukul System only) is Rs.60/- per credit is prescribed.


The Examination Fee for a)

Departmental Course(s) shall be Rs.60/- per course/Paper/Subject, out of which Rs.40/- per
course/Paper/Subject will be retained by the College/University Department/Institute for conduct
of examination(s) including payment of remuneration to paper setters and examiners,and Rs.20/per course/Paper/Subject, shall be remitted to the University, by Demand Draft alongwith Statement of Marks of examination of Departmental Course/Paper/Subject.


Internal Examination shall be Rs.10/- per course/Paper/Subject, out of which Rs.7/- shall be
retained by the College/Institute/University Department/School/Centre. Out of Rs. 7/-, Rs. 2/has to be paid to Examiner, Rs. 1.50/- to the Staff concerned with the examination work and Rs.
3.50/- be spent on stationery and photocopying (Xeroxing). The expenditure for conducting


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

internal examination shall be met from the amount retained by the College/Institute/University

Term End Examinations :

i) The Examination fee for the term-end examination is Rs. 210/- for Post Graduate, out of
which Rs. 130/- for conduct of Post Graduate term-end examination will be retained by the
College / Institute / University Department / Centre / School. The expenditure for conducting
the term-end examination including stationery, assessment and all other related items shall be
met by the College / Institute / University Department / Centre / School concerned from the
amount retained by them. The remaining amount of Rs. 80/- of Post Graduate term-end
examination shall be remitted to the University. The Term End marks should be submitted to
the University before commencement of the Examination.
ii) The Examination fee for the term-end examination is Rs. 210/- for Under Graduate, out of
which Rs. 155/- for conduct of Under Graduate term-end examination will be retained by the
College / Institute / Centre / School. The expenditure for conducting the term-end examination
including stationery, assessment and all other related items shall be met by the College / Institute / Centre / School concerned from the amount retained by them. The remaining amount of
Rs. 55/- of Under Graduate term-end examination shall be remitted to the University alongwith
the Term-End examination marks.


A Course in Environmental Awareness (Compulsory at the B.A., B.Com. and B.Sc. Degree
Level) : A fee of Rs.220/- per student be charged, out of which Rs.190/- shall be retained by the
College for the conduct of course and Rs.30/- shall be remitted to the University along with the
grade sheet.

The repeater students who have failed in the course of Environmental Awareness, having passed in all
other subjects, should fill up University Examination form and will have to pay Rs. 110/- in the college,
out of which Rs. 95/- will be retained by the college & the remaining amount of Rs. 15/- shall be
remitted to the University alongwith the grade sheet. In addition to this students will have to pay prescribed charges for statement of marks.



Those students who took admission in the Academic year 2003-2004 except Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences were eligible to appear for the Examination only upto March 2010. Hence such
students are not eligible to appear for the Examination hereinafter.


The repeater students who have taken admission in the academic year 2004-2005 are eligible to
appear for the examination only upto March / April, 2011 Session.


As per Letter No. CB/6636, dated 12.08.2008, the repeater students of this University are
allowed to appear for First M.B.B.S. Examination.

The students are not allowed :


To enter in the Examination Hall after half an hour of the Schedule time prescribed for the particular examination.


To leave the Examination Hall upto first 30 minutes of the Schedule time prescribed for the
particular examination.


To leave the Examination Hall during last 10 minutes of the Schedule time prescribed for the
particular examination.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


The students who have passed their University Theory Courses and yet to clear internal test, excluding B.Sc. & B.Sc. (Computer Science) will fill up the examination form with minimum fee of Rs.80/ to
ensure easy process of the declaration of the result.


M.A. (Part II) English Long Term Paper : The Examination fee for M.A. (Part II) English Long Term
Paper is Rs.10/- per paper, out of which Rs.7/- shall be retained by the college for conduct of said
examination including payment of remuneration to Paper-Setters and Examiners and Rs.3/- shall be
remitted to the University alongwith the Mark List.



Professional Course: means & includes

Course conducted in all Professional faculties, Engineering including Architecture, Print Administration, Pharmacy, Management, Computer, Town Planning, Applied Arts, Law, Education, Physical
Education, Applied Courses in Science such as Bio-Informatics, Bio-Technology, Health Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Electronics or such other courses designated by the university as
Applied Courses, or Professional Courses conducted in faculty of Medicine including Dentistry,
Nursing, Physiotherapy, Ayurved including Unani, Homoeopathy and such other Course(s) designated by the University/Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, State Government and
such other courses as may be designated to be so by the State Government, University Grants
Commission or Statutory Councils such as (AICTE, M.C.I., B.C.I., Nursing Council, C.C.I.M.,
C.C.H.M., Pharmacy Council, Council of Architecture) and any other Statutory Councils/Bodies, as Professional Course.


Non-Professional Course: means & includes

Course conducted in the faculties of Arts and Fine Arts (excluding Applied Arts), Mental Moral
and Social Sciences including Bachelor and Master's Degree in Social Work, Communication
and Journalism, Commerce, Science (excluding Applied and Computer Science Courses), Course
in Home Science, as Non-Professional Course.


The students should not carry Mobile Phone in the Examination hall. Carrying Mobile Phone
in the Examination hall will attract the Provisions of Ordinance No. 9 regarding Unfairmeans.


Change of centre at any examination will not be allowed.


Student is allowed to use 'Non-Programmable Calculator' in the Examination Hall.

Attention of the students is invited to (1) Ordinance No. 111 and (2) Ordinance 116 which are
reproduced below.
Ordinance No.111

The external examinations shall be conducted in such subjects as are announced by the Registrar in the
beginning of the academic year.
[Note: These will ordinarily be subjects for which tuition is provided for the internal students of this
University. No external examination will be held in subjects requiring practical work such as Geography,
Experimental Psychology and Statistics except in the subject of Archaeology at the M.A. examination, where
a candidate is required to carry out field work. Such a candidate shall submit, alongwith his application for
admission to the examination a certificate from his guide to the effect that he has done the prescribed field
work in the subject.]


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

N.B. As the information regarding subjects for which tuition is provided for the Internal students may
not be available in June/July External students should ascertain from the University office before they send in
their registration forms, whether or not a particular Subject/Subjects could be offered by them for the examination.
Ordinance No. 116
No student shall be allowed to keep terms for two different degree courses simultaneously in the same
academic year provided that the students shall be allowed to keep terms for one degree and one diploma or
one certificate course simultaneously in the same academic year and to appear for the examinations for the
said course in the same examination session of the University, provided further that no student shall be entitled
to claim any change in the University Examination Programme or any other concessions on the ground that
examinations of the said two courses are held at the same time or on any other grounds.
The above mentioned concessions shall not available for course included in Medical Faculty.
Important Instruction for Principal/Senior Supervisor
Appointment of Writer
The writer appointed to write answer papers of the blind, disable and learning disable or such other
examinee will be paid Rs.100/- per paper in respect of examinations upto and inclusive of graduation and
Rs.125/- in respect of post graduate examinations.
The Senior Supervisors are authorized, to make the appointment of a writer at an examination for a
candidate who, in their opinion, is unable to write answer-scripts on serious medical grounds, blind or disabled
and learning disabled. The writer to be appointed must not have passed the examination at which he is
appointed to work for the examination. The concerned writer should not be first relative with Examinee, i.e. Mother-Father, Sister-Brother, Paternal and Maternal Uncle. The concerned Examinee
must submit medical certificate from 'Registered Medical practitioner. The Senior Supervisor shall
make a separate seating arrangement for the candidate and the writer. The Senior Supervisor will recover the
prescribed fee of Rs.100/- per paper up to graduation and Rs.125/- per paper for Post-Graduate examination, from the candidate asking for the writer. The Principal or Senior Supervisor is permitted to collect the
writer fees at the prescribed rates mentioned above from the candidates concerned and disburse them to
writers appointed by them directly. No writer fee shall be collected from the blind candidates. The remuneration in respect of the writer provided to the blind candidate should be paid by the colleges from the factotum
Time to Handicapped Students/Blind Students/Learning Disable

For Handicapped and Learning Disable:

The Senior Supervisors are also authorized to sanction additional half an hour to handicapped and
learning disable students. However students will have to submit the medical certificate of civil surgeon.
The candidate application must be received through the Principal to the Senior Supervisor concerned.


Blind Students:
The Blind students will be given an additional one hour, i.e. over and above the prescribed time.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

VrZ d [mM dfu` odYr A`mgH$_mM{

[arjm-AO drH$ma`m]m]V
darb odf`m`m gX^mV _bm m Pmb{`m AmX{emZwgma Am[Umg H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, Am[`m _hmodmb`mVyZ
VrZ d [mM dfu` odYr A`mgH$_mgmR>r `m odm`mM{ ejoUH$ df 2006-07 _Yrb W_ g _Oaw rZVa W_
gm`m [arm{M{ AO H$mhr H$maUm_wi{ ^amd`mM{ amhZ J{b{b{ Amh{V, Aem odm`mZm oVr` gm]am{]a W_
gmMm [arjm-AO d VVr` g _Oya Pm`mZVa Mm`m gm`m [arjm-AOm]am{]a VVr` gmMm [arjm-AO
^a`mg [admZJr X{`mV `{V Amh{.
Vg{M `m[wT>{ Am[Umg Ag{hr H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, C[am{$ gdbV H$m`_d$[r X{`mV `{V Amh{. _m. mMm`
`mZm odZVr H$s, `mZr gXaMr ]m] g]oYV odmWu d oejH$ `m`m ZOa{g AmUZy mdr.
ghr/- XXX
(ejoUH$ od^mJ).

gX^ : H$. gr.]r.Eb./1024,

oXZmH$ : 23.11.2007.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

[arjm-AO ^$Z K{`m]m]V gyMZm

odm[rR>m`m ]hVme [arjm`m oZH$mbmMr H$m_{ gJUH$mda H$a`mV `{VmV. [arjmMr H$m_{ gJUH$mda H$arV
AgVmZm [arjm-AOmVrb A[yU Vg{M MwH$s`m _mohVr_wi{ ]`mM AS>MUr oZ_mU hm{VmV d `m_wi{ H$Yr-H$Yr
odm`m`m oZH$mbmV ododY H$maUmVd wQ>r amhVmV. odm`mZm o]ZMyH$ d d{id{ a oZH$mb o_imdm `m >rZ{ Imbrb
gyMZmM{ H$mQ>H{ $m{a [mbZ H$amd{.
(A) [arjm-AO
Eob/_{/AmQ>m]{ a/Zm{h|]a`m [arjmM{ AO odm`mH$Sy>Z _wXVrV ^$Z `md{V.
[arjm-AO ^a`mgmR>r odohV H{$b{`m _wXVr[`V Eob/_{/AmQ>m]{ a/Zm{h|]a_`{ Pmb{`m [arjmM{ oZH$mb
Omhra Z Pm`mg Aem d{ir Imbrb_mU{ H$m`[Vr Adbo]`mV `mdr
A) Z`mZ{ (Fresh) [arj{bm ]gUm`m hUO{M ]H$bmJ Zgb{`m odm`mM{ [arjm-AO AJm{Xa ^$Z
K{`mV `md{V.
]) _mM/Eob_`{ K{`mV Amb{`m ]r.E./]r.Egr./]r.H$m_./]r.Egr.(gJUH$em) [arjmZm ]gb{`m
odm`mZr `mM{ Eob/_{ M{ [arjm-AO AmQ>m]{ a/Zm{h|]a [arjmM{ oZH$mb Omhra Pmb{`m VmaI{[mgyZ
15 oXdgm`m AmV _hmodmb`m_m\$V odm[rR>mH$S>{ [mR>dmd{V.
W_ df d oVr` dfmM{ H$m`_ Zm|XUr H$_mH$ ([r.Ama.EZ.) d{Ji{ Ag`mg Xm{hr H$m`_ Zm|XUr H$_mH$
([r.Ama.EZ.) qH$dm 1995 [yduMm [r.Ama.EZ. d{Jim Ag`mg (Xm{hr [r.Ama.EZ.) `mMmhr C{I
[arjm-AOmV H$amdm.
H$) (W_ df/oVr` df) d (oVr` df/VVr` df) ]r.E./]r.Egr./]r.Egr.(gJUH$em)/]r.H$m_.
H$mp]Z{eZbm (EH$oV) ]gUm`m odm`mZr EH$M [arjm-AO ^amdm. Xm{Z d{Ji{ AO
^$ Z`{V.
(1) odm`mH$Sy>Z [arjm-AO gwdm` AjamV o]ZMyH$ d odohV _wXVrV ^$Z `md{V.
(2) AOmVrb `{H$ _wmdarb _mohVr [>[U{ `dpWV ^amdr.
(3) N>m[rb [arjm-AOm`m _OHw$amV ImS>mIm{S> H$$ Z`{.
(4) [wZ[arjm`mZ{ (aro[Q>a Q>Sw Q g ) odm[rR>m`m `m[ydu`m [arj{Mr JwU[oH{$Mr _moUV g` V
[arjm-AOm]am{]a Om{S>mdr.
(5) odm`mZ{ [arjm ewH$ d [arjm-AO _hmodmb`mV mdm.
(6) [arjm-AOmg_d{V Agb{`m gyMZmM{ [mZ odm`mZ{ H$mTy>Z `md{ d \$$ [arjm-AO d latest
JwU[oH{$Mr _moUV g` V _hmodmb`mH$S>{ mdr. (W_ dfmg ]gUm`m odm`mZr 12
dr Mr JwU[oH$m Om{S>y Z`{.)
(7) A[yUa r`m ^ab{b{ [arjm-AO odMmamV K{Vb{ OmUma ZmhrV.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

(8) _hmodmb`mZ{ [arjm-AO [mR>odVmZm `{H$ [arj{M{ [arjm-AO d Zmdm`m `mm d{Jd{J`m
[mR>dm`mV.CXm. `mdgmo`H$ (Vocational), [wZaoMV (Re-structured), oZ`o_V (Regular).
(9) [arj{`m >rZ{ _hdm`m Agb{`m gd A`mX{emMr _mohVr (CXm. 163, 134A, 149, B.)
odm`mZm _hmodmb`mZ{ d{im{di
{ r H$$Z mdr.
odmWu H$m{U`m A`mgH$_[Vrg (Pattern) [arj{g ]gV Amh{ V{ R>iH$ AjamV AOmda obohU{
A`V _hdmM{ Amh{. Am[`mH$S>{ A`mgH$_[Vr _m{R>m _mUmV d ododY H$ma`m Amh{V. [U
Imbr Wm{S>m _mUmV Z_yX H{$`m Amh{V. (e.g. : Regular, Vocational, 2004 Pattern, 1999 Pattern,
1985 Pattern, Regular to External, External to Regular, etc.)

(]) [arjm \$s

odm[rR>m`m [na[H$mZwgma [arjm-AOmda [arjm, JwU[oH$m, CmrU XmIbm, H|$r` _y`_m[Z H$[, B.
ewH$mMr Zm|X `dpWV H$amdr. `mV ImS>mIm{S> H$$ Z`{. (A) `{H$ dfmgmR>r gr.E.[r. \$s dV ^amdr
(W_/oVr`/VVr`). (]) JwU[oH{$gmR>r W_ df d oVr` dfmgmR>r dV \$s ^amdr.
(H$) H$mbO
{ Z]a - g|Q>a H$m{S> Z]a
{ d H|$ (g|Q>a) `mgmR>r oXb{`m H$m{S>`m Z]gZgw ma _hmodmb`mMm a]ar oe$m V`ma H$$Z `mdm d
Vm{ `{H$ AOmda [> CR>dmdm. (gbVm Z]a d{Jim Amh{. ejoUH$ od^mJmH$Sy>Z Amb{bm Z]a \$$
[`dhmamgmR>r Kmbmdm.)
(S>) H$mbO
{ am{b Z]a
[arjm-AOmda H$mbO
{ am{b Z]a d oS>phOZ obhmd{.
(B) odm`mM{ Zmd
(1) `{H$ odm`mZ{ dVM{ Zmd gwdm` AjamV d `mZm `m [VrZ{{ JwU[oH{$da/[_mU[mda
Amh{ `m_mU{ obhmd{ (BJO r d _amR>r Xm{ht_`{ obhmd{), ZmdmV ]Xb Ag`mg, [arjm-AOmgm{]V
`m{` `m H$mJX[mMr P{amg V Om{S>mdr. odm[rR> XVamda Vgm ]Xb `{`mgmR>r [arjm od^mJmer
dV g[H$ gmYmdm.
odm`mZ{ AmBM{ Zmd obohU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
(2) EH$gma`m ZmdmM{ Xm{Z odmWu Ag`mg `mZr [arjm-AOmda (A) AmOm{]mM{ Zmd, (]) H$mbO{ am{b
Z]a d VwH$S>r, AmoU (H$) KaMm [mm `dpWV obhmdm d dmjar H$amdr.
(3) [aX{er qH$dm [amVmVrb odm`mZr `mM{ Zmd `m`m [_mU[m`m [Vr_mU{ [arjm-AOmV obhmd{.
(4) [arjm-AOm_mU{ Zmd d BVa _mohVr AS>o_Q> H$mS>d a Ag{b, `mV ZVa ]Xb H{$bm OmUma Zmhr.
(\$) H$m`_ Zm|XUr H$_mH$ ([r.Ama.EZ.)
(1) odm`mZ{ gwdm` AjamV dVMm H$m`_ Zm|XUr H$_mH$ ([r.Ama.EZ.) e{dQ>`m BJO
r Ajamgh
`dpWV d o]ZMyH$ obhmdm.
(2) [arjm-AOmM{ J>{ ]mYVmZm JwU[oH{$darb [r.Ama.EZ. H$_mH$ `dpWV oXg`mgmR>r JwU[oH{$`m
ghr`m ]mOybm Q>J ]mYmdm.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

(J) odf`
(1) A`mgH$_mV oXb{`m JQ>m_mU{ (Group) odf`mMr oZdS> H$amdr.
(2) odm`mZ{ Am[U H$m{U`m odf`mZm ]gUma Amh{, `m odf`m`m [wT>{ ( ) Aer IyU H$amdr. [{eb
odf`mM{ Zmd [arjm-AOmV obhmd{.
(3) odm`mZ{ [arjm-AOmV obohb{b{ odf` _hmodmb`mV/odm[rR>mVrb ejoUH$ od^mJmV oeH$odb{
OmV Agb{ [mohO{V d `mg]Y rMr Imr odm`mZ{ H$$Z `mdr.
(4) [wZ[arjm`mZm [ydu V{ `m odf`m_`{ CmrU Amh{V `m odf`m`m [arj{g [aV ]gVm `{V Zmhr.
(5) W_ df ]r.E. A`mgH$_m_mU{ ghm b{Ir (Theory) odf`mMr oZdS> H$aVmZm (1) EZ.Eg.Eg., (2)
mT> oejU h{ odf` K{Vb{`m odm`mZr [arjm-AOm_`{ `m odf`mbm ( ) IyU H$amdr.
(6) [m{Q>g / B`mXr_`{ ^mJ K{Vb{`m odm`mZr [arjm-AOmV NSS/NCC/NPED/AED/
IUT bm ( ) IyU H$amdr.
(7) [wT>{ Z_yX H{$`m_mU{ odmWu H$m{U`m A`mgH$_mg (Course) ]gUma Amh{, `m_mU{ ( ) oQ>H$
H$amdr. Vg{M _hmodmb`mZ{ `m A`mgH$_mMm oe$m [arjm-AOmda _mamdm. CXm. oZ`o_V
(Regular), `mdgmo`H$ (Vocational), [wZaoMV (Re-structured).
(h) odf`gyQ> (EP{eZ)
(1) EbEb.]r. A`mgH$_mV 50 JwU o_im`mg odf`mg gyQ> (EP{eZ) o_iV{. hr gyQ> 6 dfm[`V dY
AgV{. ghm dfm[j
{ m [yduMr gyQ> (EP{eZ) a g_O`mV `{Bb
(2) `{H$ [arj{V odf` CmrU Ag`mg `m odf`mg gyQ> (EP{eZ) g]o YV A`mgH$_m`m oZ`_mZwgma
K{Vm `{V{ (EbEb.]r.`oVna$).
(`) Xwg`m odm[rR>mH$Sy>Z `{Uma{ odmWu
odm`mZ{ EImX{ df A` odm[rR>mV H{$b{ Ag{b Va Vgm C{I [arjm-AOmV H$amdm d odm[rR>m`m
oZ`_m_mU{ H$m{UV{ odf` CmrU hm{U{ Amd`H$ Amh{ `m_mU{ `m odm[rR>m`m [arj{g ]gmd{.
(b) E_.E./E_.H$m_./E_.Egr. gmV [arjm
(1) _hmodmb`{/ejoUH$ od^mJmH$Sy>Z EH$Xm Amb{`m gmV JwUm_`{ [arj{Mm oZH$mb Omhra Pm`mZVa
H$m{UVmhr \{$a]Xb H{$bm OmUma Zmhr.
(2) O{ odmWu odm[rR>mMr dmofH$ [arjm [mg AgVrb [aVw `mZm \$$ gmV [arjm md`mMr Amh{ Aem
odm`mZrgwm odm[rR>mMm [arjm-AO ^aU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
(3) `m odm`mMr Zmd{ gmV JwUV`m_`{ `{V ZmhrV Aem odm`mM{ JwU R>amdrH$ Z_w`m`m
JwUV`m_`{ ^$Z [mR>dmd{V.
(4) gmV JwU [mR>odVmZm odm`mM{ AmgZ H$_mH$ obohU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

(_) Zmdm`m `mm
[arj{M{ AO odm[rR>mH$S>{ [mR>odVmZm `m AOmgm{]V Zmdm`m `mm Imbr oX`m_mU{ d{J`m
[mR>dm`mV :
(1) [ydu [arj{g ]gyZ AZwmrU Pmb{b{ OwZ{ (aro[Q>a) d Zd{ (\${ e) (1) OwZm A`mgH$_, (2) ZdrZ
A`mgH$_, (3) `mdgmo`H$, (4) [wZaoMV Aem H$ma`m odm`m`m d{J`m `mm [mR>dm`mV.
(2) Eob, W_ df ]r.E. [arj{g O{ odmWu EH$Xm CmrU Pm`mZVa gmVdm OmXm odf` K{D$Z (AoS>eZb
gO{Q>) [arj{g ]gUma AgVrb Aem [arjm-AOmMm dV J>m d ZmdmMr `mXr mdr. Vg{M `{H$
[arjm-AOmda (F.Y.B.A. Appearing for the Additional Subject only) Ag{ erfH$ md{.
(3), EZ.Eg.Eg. d mT> oejU `m{OZm d ododY I{im_`{ oOhm AWdm am` [mVirda
mdr` o_iodb{`m odm`m`m Zmdm`m `mm [arj{_mU{ d{J`m H$$Z [arjm od^mJmg m`mV.
(4) [arj{_mU{ d{J`m H{$b{`m AOmMm 50 ([mg) Mm EH$ J>m Q>J Z{ ]mYmdm.
(5) A` [arj{gmR>r oXb{br `{H$ AoV_ VmarI odZmodb] d odb] ewH$mgh g[`mZVa bJ{MM gmV
oXdgmV darb_mU{ [arjm-AOmM{ J>{ H$$Z odm[rR>mH$S>{ [mR>odU{. _wXVrZVa Amb{b{ [arjm-AO
drH$mab{ OmUma ZmhrV.
(6) 'Class Improvement Scheme' (l{Ur gwYma `m{OZ{) Imbr [arjmZm [aV ]gUm`m odm`mZr 'Class
Improvement' gmR>rMm d{Jim [arjm-AO ^amdm. `mZr oZ`o_V odm`mgmR>rMm [arjm-AO ^$ Z`{.
l{Ur gwYmagmR>rM{ [arjm-AO dV `mXr H$$Z [mR>dmd{V.
(7) [arjm-AO [m{Q>mZ{ [mR>dy Z`{V. `j odm[rR> H$M{arV AmUyZ md{V. [arjm-AOmMr KS>r Kmby Z`{.
Vg{M AO MwaJibm OmUma Zmhr `mMr XjVm `mdr.
(Z) AS>o_Q> H$mS>
_hmodmb`mZm d{e[{ (ASo _Q> H$mS>) o_im`mda [arjm-AOmg_d{V [mR>odb{`m `mXr_mU{ d{e[{
(ASo _Q> H$mS>) Ambr Amh{V `mMr Imr H$$Z `mdr. MwH$y Z Xwg`m _hmodmb`mMr d{e [{ (AS>o_Q> H$mS>)
Ambr Ag`mg Vr odm[rR>mg dnaV [aV H$amdrV.
d{e[mV (AS>o_Q> H$mS>_ `{) Oa H$mhr XwVr Ag{b AWdm EImm odm`mZ{ [arjm-AO d{iV{ ^$Zgwm
`mM{ AS>o_Q> H$mS> Amb{ Zg`mg Aem d{ir dnaV odm[rR>mer g[H$ gmYmdm. XwVrgmR>r AS>o_Q> H$mS>mM
P{amg V AmoU XwVr]m]VMm AO 15 oXdgm`m AmV [mR>dmdm. `mgmR>r odm`mZm odm[rR>mV [mR>dy Z`{.
([) [arjmM{ oZH$mb Omhra Pm`mZVa `mg]Y mV H$mhr VH$mar/wQ>r Ag`mg `mM{ oZamH$aU H$a`mgmR>r [arjm
od^mJmH$S>{ g]o YV _hmodmb`mZ{ dnaV (EH$ _oh`m`m AmV) g[H$ gmYU{ Amd`H$ Amh{. Coeam Amb{`m
VH$marM{ oZdmaU H$aU{ H$mbmVamZ{ H$R>rU hm{V.{
da Z_yX H{$b{`m gyMZmMr H$mQ>H{ $m{a A_b]OmdUr H$$Z oZH$mbmM{ H$m_ `dpWV, d{id{ a d o]ZMyH$ H$a`mg
ghH$m` H$amd{, hr odZVr.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

ode{f gyMZm
_m. mMm`, gd gb _hmodmb`{/odm[rR> ejoUH$ od^mJ_wI/_wI, _m`Vmm ejoUH$ gWm `mZm
odZVr H$s, gm{]V Om{S>b{ `m [mV Z_yX H{$`m_mU{ gd [arjm-AO V[mgb{ Amh{V `m]b Imr H$$Z `m [mda
H$mbO{ M{ aoO>Q>ma/mMm`/od^mJ_wI `mZr ghr H$amdr. A`Wm, [arjm-AO odm[rR> H$m`mb`mV drH$mab{ OmUma
ZmhrV. `{H$ [arjm-AOmda _m. mMm`m`m ghr`m e{Omar [arjm-AO ^a`mMr VmarI d _hmodmb`mVrb
[arjm-AO ^$Z K{Um`m g]o YV H$_Mm`mMr dmjar/Ammja{ Amd`H$ Amh{V. `m [m`m (Appendix 'A') Vr
N>m[yZ `m`mV d [arjm-AO/Q>_- ES>M{ JwU [mR>odVmZm gm{]V Om{S>bb
{ { [ (Appendix 'A') [mR>dmd{.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

(Appendix 'A')

_hmodmb`mM{ Zmd/]ohW od^mJ

{ / gWm H$m{S> Z]a .....................
_m. Hw$bgoMd,
[wU{ odm[rR>,
JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007.

odf` Eob/AmQ>m{]a [arj{]m]V...

Am_Mr gWm/_hmodmb`mVrb/odm[rR> od^mJ `m_Yrb odm`mM{ [arjm-AO d ZmdmMr `mXr `m
[mgm{]V [mR>odV Amhm{V. odm`mZr [arjm-AOmV Imbrb ]m]tMr [yVVm H{$br Amh{
(1) gd odm`mZr AOmgm{]V [yduMr JwU[oH{$Mr g` V Om{S>br Amh{.
(2) oeH$od`m OmUm`m A`mgH$_m_mU{ odf` d odf` H$_mH$ (H$m{S> Z]a) g_m{a ( ) Aer IyU H{$br
(3) H$mb{O H$m{S> Z]a, H|$ (g|Q>a) H$m{S> Z]a `m{` Ag`mMr Imr H{$br Amh{.
(4) odm`mZr gwQ>b{b{ odf` (Exemption) `m{` H$ma{ obohb{ Amh{V.
(5) odm`mZr [arjm-AO \$s/JwU[oH$m \$s/CmrU _mU[ \$s/gr.E.[r. \$s ^abr Amh{.
(6) [arj{g ]gUm`m gd odm`mM{ AO odm[rR> H$M{arH$S>{ Z{_Zy oXb{`m _wXVrV [mR>odV Amhm{V. Am_Mr
gWm/_hmodmb`/odm[rR> od^mJ H$m`mb`mV H$m{U`mhr odm`mMm [arjm-AO amohbm Zmhr.


ghr /- ..........................................
_hmodmb`mM{ Zmd: .........................................................
_m`Vmm gWm : ................................................................................


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

odm`m`m [arjm-AOm]m]V `md`mMr H$miOr

( 1 ) H$mp]Z{eZ ]am{]a Ag`mMr Imr H$$Z darb aH$m`mV ( ) Aer oQ>H$ H$amdr.
( 2 ) H$mbO
{ d g|Q>a H$m{S> Z]a ]am{]a Ag`mM{ [mhZ aH$m`mV Z]a Q>mH$md{V A`Wm H$mbO
{ d g|Q>a H$m{S> Z]aMm
_m{R>m oe$m _mab{bm Agmdm.
( 3 ) SC/ST/OBC/DT/NT `m[H $s H$m{U`mhr H$Q>J{ arMm odmWu Ag`mg `mM aH$m`mV nQ>H$ H$amdr d Male/
Female `mM]am{]a nQ>H$ _mH$ H$amd{.
( 4 ) odmWu Fresh/Repeater [H$s H$m{UVm Amh{ h{ [mhZM ( ) _mH$ H$$Z `mdm.
( 5 ) odm`mZ{ \$m_da Zmd ^aVmZm W_ AmS>Zmd, dVM{ Zmd d doS>bmM{ Zmd Aem da oXb{`m Z_w`mV
BLOCK LETTERS _`{ ^amd{.
( 6 ) odmWu Repeater Ag`mg Previous Mark Statement d$Z PRN obhmdm d `mM Marksheet Mr
Xerox Om{S>mdr.
( 7 ) S.Y./T.Y.B.A. `m odm`mZr Special odf` K{V`mM{ \$m_da oXb{`m aH$m`m_`{ Subject Code No.
`dpWV [mhyZ obhmdm.
CXm. Marathi (02), Hindi (09), Eco (15) `m_mU{.
( 8 ) T.Y.B.Com. `m odm`mZr T.Y. Mm \$m_ ^aVmZm Special Subject Mm H$m{S> Z]a Kmbmdm.
CXm. Cost & Works (01), Busi. Entre. (06) `m_mU{. Vg{M T.Y.B.Sc. bm Special odf`mM{ Aja
CXm. (A) Mathematics, (B) Physics `m [VrZ{ [mhZ Aja Q>mH$md{.
( 9 ) odmWu [arj{g ]gV Agb{`m odf`mda oQ>H$ ( ) _mH$ H$$Z O{dT>{ odf` ^ab{b{ AgVrb V{dT>{M
odf` \$m_`m da oXb{`m aH$m`mV _m{OyZ AmH$S>mV obhmd{V.
(10) odmWu Vocational AWdm Restructure Mm Ag`mg \$m_da darb ]mOyg oQ>H$ ( ) _mH$ H$amdm d
`mgmR>r AgUmamM \$m_ ^amdm.
(11) T.Y.B.Sc. [arj{Mm [arjm-AO ^aVmZm `m_`{ Elective Subject Mm C{I `dpWV H$amdm.

darb gd Jm{>tMr [yVV m Pmbr Ag`mM{ _hmodmb` H$m`mb`mH$Sy>Z V[mgyZ K{D$ZM odm`mZ{ \$m_d a
dVMr ghr H$amdr d `mZVa H$mb{O Amo\$g_`{ \$m_ O_m H$amdm, Vg{M _hmodmb` H$m`mb`mZ{gwm \$m_
[yU[U{ o]ZMyH$ ^ab{bm Amh{ `mMr Imr H$$Z K{D$ZM mMm`m`m ghrMm oe$m _mamdm A`Wm [arjm-AO a
H$a`mV `{Bb. Vg{M AOm_`{ AgUm`m MwH$m]m]V odmWu d mMm` O]m]Xma amhVrb `mMr Zm|X `mdr.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

{d{dY AO gHo$VWimd$Z Ko`m~m~V

gX^ n H$. narjm/141, {X. 27.5.2009
{dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>imZo KoVbo`m {ZU`mZwgma AmnUmg H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, {dmnrR>m`m {d{dY
narjmMo narjm-AO, \o$aVnmgUr d nwZ_y `mH$Z AO, nXdr _mUn, B`mXr AO {dmnrR>m`m gH$o VWimda
( (examination information) `m _W`m_`o Downloadable examination forms `oWo
CnbY H$$Z Xo`mV Ambo AmhoV. gXaMo AO {dm`mZm S>mD$ZbmoS> H$$Z Ko`m~m~V _m{hVr Xo`mV `mdr.
AmVm ho AO {dmnrR>m`m H$meZ {d^mJmV {dH$sH$[aVm R>od`mV `oUma ZmhrV, `mMr H$n`m Zm|X `mdr.
{dmnrR>m`m gHo$VWimd$Z S>mD$ZbmoS> H$$Z KoVbo`m AOmMo ewH$ {dm`mH$Sy>Z Ko`mV `mdo d
narjm-AOmV Z_yX Ho$bo`m narjm ewH$m`m aH$m`mImbr {b{h`mV `mdo Am{U gd {dm`mMo narjm-AO
ewH$, narjm ewH$, B`mXtMm EH${V {S>_mS> S>mQ> H$mTy>Z Zoh_r`m nVrZo narjm-AO narjm {d^mJmV d
`mMm {S>_mS> S>mQ> {dm {d^mJmV gmXa H$amdm.
CnamoV Z_yX Ho$bo`m ZdrZ nVrMr gd {dm`mZm, {ejH$mZm, {ejHo$Va H$_Mm`mZm d BVa gd
g~{YVmZm _m{hVr mdr Am{U `m ZdrZ nVr_mUo H$m`dmhr `edr H$$Z {dmnrR>mg ghH$m` H$amdo, hr
Amnbm {ddmgy,
ghr/- XXX
(S>m. {e. _mo. Am[hao)
narjm {Z`H$.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

{d{dY AO gHo$VWimd$Z Ko`m~m~V

gX^ n[anH$ H$. 232, {X. 21.7.2009
{dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>imZo KoVbo`m {ZU`mZwgma gd g~{YVmZm H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s,
1. narjoV boI{ZH$ (writer) Zo_`mgmR>r "narjo`m H$m_mgmR>r _ohZVmZm Xa nwpVH$m' (Rates of Remuneration
for Examination Work) ^mJ-2 (1,4) "am`Q>g MmO}g'_Yrb VaVwXt{edm` d[a> n`dojH$mZr Aem
H$mao boI{ZH$ Zo_VmZm Imbrb VaVwXrhr {dMmamV `m`mV
A) g~{YV "boI{ZH$' ho narjm`m`m W_ Zm`mVrb (First Relative) hUOo AmB-dS>rb, ~hrU^mD$, MwbVo-MwbVr `mnH$s Zgmdm.
~) g~{YV narjm`mZo 'Registered Medical Practioner' Mo dH$s` _mUn gmXa H$aUo Amd`H$
2. A) {dmnrR>m`m narjm gw$ Pm`mZVa narjm`mg narjm hmb_`o n{h`m 30 {_{ZQ>mn`V narjog
~g`mg doe Xo`mV `mdm.
~) narjm gw$ Pm`mZVa n{h`m 30 {_{ZQ>mn`V, VgoM eodQ>Mr 10 {_{ZQ>o {ebH$ AgVmZm
H$moU`mhr narjm`mg narjm hmb_YyZ ~mhoa gmoSy> Z`o.
3. narjoV narjm`mZm Non-Programmable Calculator dmnaVm `oBb.
darb {ZU` {dmnrR>m`m gZ 2009 `m {Vr`mYmVrb narjmnmgyZ A_bmV `oBb.
S>m. {e. _mo. Am[hao
narjm {Z`H$.
gX^ narjm-g_d`/1068
{XZmH$ 21 Owb, 2009
V _m{hVrgmR>r d Amd`H$ `m H$m`dmhrgmR>r
1. _m. mMm`, gd gb _hm{dmb`o
2. _m. gMmbH$, gd _m`VmmV gWm
3. _m. narjm {Z`H$ `mMo dr` ghm`H$
4. CnHw$bg{Md, narjm 1, 2 d 3
5. gd ghm`H$ Hw$bg{Md, narjm {d^mJ
6. gd H$jm{YH$mar, narjm {d^mJ
7. H$jm{YH$mar, narjm {dm {d^mJ

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

oVr` df H$bm d dmoU` [arj{`m gmV d

odm[rR> b{Ir [arj{g ]g`mgX^mV...
W_ df H$bm d dmoU` [arj{`m gmV d odm[rR> b{Ir [arj{`m gX^mV [ gX^ H$. [arjm/
]r.E./]r.H$m_./892, oX. 19 Owb, 2005 [mR>od`mV Amb{ hm{V{. `mg AZwg$Z [wT>{ Am[Umg
H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s,`.]r.E. AmoU`.]r.H$m_.`m [arj{g O{ odmWu gmV (Q>_ ES>)
[arj{m{ JwU d odm[rR> b{Ir [arj{M{ `mg]oYV odf`mVrb CmrU JwU EH$oV[U{ Y$Zhr `mg]oYV
odf`mV 40 [{jm H$_r JwU o_idyZ AZwmrU Pmb{ Amh{V, Aem odm`mZr g]oYV odf`m`m odm[rR>
b{Ir [arj{g Vg{M gmV (Q>_ ES>) [arj{Mm [arjm-AO odnhV ewH$mgh ^aU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
E\$.dm`.]r.E. AmoU ]r.H$m_.gmR>r darb_mU{ H$m`[Vr _mJrb dfm_mU{M Amh{.
gXa VaVwXtMr A_b]OmdUr Q>`.]r.E. d ]r.H$m_. [arj{ghr AmJm_r AmQ>m{]a 2007 d
`m[wT>rb [arjm[mgyZ bmJy amhrb.
gmV (Q>_ ES>>) [arjm g]oYV _hmodmb`mZ{ Am`m{oOV H$$Z `mM{ JwU odm[rR>mZ{ oXb{`m
AmgZH$_mH$mda odm[rR>mH$S>{ b{Ir [arjm g[`m`m AJm{Xa [mR>odU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
Am[bm odmgy,
ghr/- x x x


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

W_ df ]r.Egr./]r.Egr. H$m`wQ>a gm`g (dmofH$ [arjm [V)

oVr` d VVr` df ]r.Egr./]r.Egr. H$m`wQ>a gm`g
ndkmZ odmemIm g [V `m dfm`m CmrUVM
{ { _mU (Standard of Passing ) `m]m]V...
[na[H$ H$. 10/2004
`m [na[H$mma{ g]o YVmZm odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>imZ{ K{Vb{`m oZU`mZwgma Ag{ H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, W_
df ]r.Egr. H$m`yQ>a gm`g [arj{H$naVm AVJV _y`_m[ZmMr [arjm 20 _mH$mMr K{`mV `{D$Z `m`mV dVar`m
CmrU hm{`mMr Amd`H$Vm Zmhr. odm[rR>mMr b{Ir [arjm 80 JwUmMr hm{D$Z `m`mV 32 JwU o_iodU{ Amd`H$
Amh{. EHy$U 100 [H$s 40 JwU o_idyZ CmrU hm{U{ Amd`H$ Amh{. W_ df ]r.Egr./]r.Egr. H$m`yQ>a gm`g `m
odf`mMr [m`ojH$ [arjm _hmodmb`mZr Am`m{oOV H$amd`mMr Amh{. AVJV JwU 20 [H$s md`mM{ AgyZ `mV
dVar`m CmrU hm{U{ Amd`H$ Zmhr. [m`ojH$ [arjm 80 JwUmMr AgyZ `mV 32 JwU o_iU{ Amd`H$ Amh{. EHy$U
100 [H$s 40 JwU o_idyZ CmrU hm{U{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
(A) nVr` df ]r.Egr./]r.Egr. H$m`yQ>a gm`g g [arjm ejoUH$ df 2003-2004 [mgyZ [wT>{ d
VVr` df ]r.Egr./]r.Egr. H$m`yQ>a gm`g g [arjm 2004-2005 [mgyZ [wT>{ hm{Um`m [arjmgmR>r
{ { _mU (Standard of Passing ) Imbrb_mU{ amhrb
odm[rR> [arj{V 40 [H$s 16 JwU Amd`H$ Amh{V. AVJV [arjm 10 JwUmMr hm{Bb
. EHy$U 50 [H$s 20
JwU o_idyZ CmrU hm{U{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
AVJV 10 JwUm`m [arj{gmR>r dVar`m CmrU hm{`mMr Amd`H$Vm Zmhr. Vg{M W_, oVr` d VVr`
df odkmZ AmoU gJUH$ odkmZm`m odm`mMr AVJV [arjm [whm K{Vbr OmUma Zmhr.
(]) oVr` df ]r.Egr. ]m`m{Q>{ZmbmOr `m A`mgH$_mMr g [VrMr [arjm 100 JwUmMr hm{Uma AgyZ
CmrUV{M{ _mU Imbrb_mU{ amhrb
odm[rR> [arjm 80 [H$s 32 JwU Amd`H$. AVJV [arjm 20 JwUmMr amhrb. EHy$U 100 [H$s 40 JwU
Amd`H$. AVJV JwUm`m [arj{V dVar`m CmrU hm{U{ Amd`H$ Zmhr.
(H$) odm[rR>mMr m`ojH$ [arjm oVr` dfmMr oVr` gm`m d{ir d VVr` dfmMr MVwW gm`m d{ir
Am`m{oOV H{$br AgyZ Vr 100 JwUmMr AgyZ `mM{ CmrUV{M{ [_mU Imbrb_mU{ amhrb
m`ojH$ [arjm 80 [H$s 32 JwU Amd`H$. AVJV hm{U{ Amd`H$ Zmhr. EHy$U 100 [H$s 40 JwU
o_idyZ CmrU Amd`H$ Amh{.
(S>) g [arjm 1 qH$dm 3 `m [arj{g ndmWu ]gbm Zg`mg `mg g 2 d 4`m [arj{g g 1 d 3 `m
amohb{`m ndf`mgh ]gVm `{Bb
[wU{ ndm[rR>m`m gd gbZ ghmodmb`mM{ [mMm` `mZm odZVr H$s, gXa [na[H$mMm Ame` gd g]o YVm`m,
m`m[H$ d odmWu `m`m oZXeZmg AmUyZ mdm.
JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007.
ghr/- x x x
Om. H. gr]rE/782
oXZmH$ 21.1.2004


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


Out of 60

Out of 80

Out of 100

Out of 60

Out of 80

Out of 100







narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


Out of 60

Out of 20

Out of 60

Out of 20





















































































narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

CIRCULAR NO. 286 / 2004

It is notified for the information of all concerned that the University Authorities have decided
to institute six months course entitled A Course in Environmental Awareness as enclosed in the
Appendix. (Syllabus, Evaluation Pattern and Guidelines for the conduct of the course are enclosed.)
The above decision will come into force from Academic Year 2004-2005.
The Head, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Pune, Pune-7 and the
Principals of all Affiliated Colleges are requested to bring the contents of this Circular to the notice
of all concerned teachers and students.

Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007.
Ref. No. CBS/4083,
Date : 15.7.2004

Sd/- XXX
for Director


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

(Compulsory at the B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. Degree Level)
Guidelines for the conduct of the course :
1. A Certificate Course in Environmental Awareness with duration of six months (40 lectures) has been
introduced from the academic year 2004-2005 at the second year of degree course (B.A., B.Com.
and B.Sc.) as a compulsory course.
2. The syllabus is prepared by the University.
3. A Fee of Rs. 200/- per student be charged to meet the expenditure on the conduct of the Course.
The utilization of Rs. 200/- shall be as follows :
(A) Rs. 50/- will be sent to the University of Pune.
(B) Rs. 5/- each to Principal, Co-ordinator and Assistant Co-ordinator per student.
4a. A Course Co-ordinator be appointed to organize teaching and evaluation.
4b. Co-ordinator will be appointed by the Principal.
5. Facultywise Assistant Co-ordinator shall be appointed in multifaculty colleges.
6. Qualifications of a Teacher :
University approved teacher (Lecturer) in any subject possessing substantial knowledge to teach
courses on environmental studies shall be eligible to teach the proposed course.
Principal of the College shall be authorized to decide the eligibility of the teacher. Based on published
work or expository articles or books written by the teacher on environmental studies or workshop/
refresher course/training programme on environmental studies attended by the teacher.
7. A candidate has to appear for this course in the IInd year/IInd terms of the degree course.
8. (A) This course can be cleared in the IIIrd year also if candidate remains absent or fails in this
course in the IInd year of degree course.
(B) The candidate will have to pass in the examination of A Course in Environmental Awareness
in order to obtain degree certificate from the University.
9. Appointment of Examiner : Principal shall appoint Chairman, an examiner, paper-setter, remuneration
for examination work shall be paid out of the fees mentioned above. The norms for payment shall be
as follows :
(A) MCQ Rs. 5/(B) Essay type question Rs. 5/(C) Field Work Rs. 10/- per candidate.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

10. A candidate has to pass in this paper in order to obtain degree certificate. If the candidate passes in all
subjects of degree course but fails in this paper, he will not obtain degree certificate.
11. This scheme will start from academic year 2004-2005 for second year students of degree course.
12. Examination : The evaluation along the pattern suggested below shall be organized by the Principal at
the College level. The grade sheet shall be submitted to the Controller of Examinations, University of
Pune before the end of the University Examinations of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. The grade shall refer on the
final mark statement of each student. The results of University examination of the student who fail
to get minimum C grade in this course shall be kept in reserve till the concerned students complete the
course and secure the required (minimum) grade.
(A) Multiple Choice Question : 50 marks
(B) Essay Type Questions : 25 marks
(C) Field Work : 25 marks
Total : 100 marks

Passing marks : 40 marks

Grade O : above 75, Grade A : 61 to 75, Grade B : 51 to 60, Grade C : 40 to 50

13. Administration Charges : Principal will be authorized for sufficient administration charges which will
include charges of the non-teaching staff, use of class rooms and other infrastructure of the college, etc.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

(Compulsory at the B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. Degree Level)
Circular No. 175 / 2005
Revised guidelines for the conduct of the course :
1. A Certificate Course in Environmental Awareness with duration of six months (40 lectures) has been
introduced from the academic year 2004-2005 at the second year of degree course (B.A., B.Com.
and B.Sc.) as a compulsory course.
2. The syllabus is prepared by the University.
3. A Fee of Rs. 200/- per student be charged to meet the expenditure on the conduct of the Course.
The utilization of Rs. 200/- shall be as follows :
(A) Rs. 20/- will be sent to the University of Pune with effect from Academic Year 2004-2005. The
money is to be sent to the University alongwith the Development Fund and Computer Fee.
(B) Rs. 5/- each to Principal, Co-ordinator and Assistant Co-ordinator per student.
(C) Administration Charges : Principal will be authorized for sufficient administration charges which
will include charges of the non-teaching staff, use of class rooms and other infrastructure of the
College, etc.
4. (a) A Course Co-ordinator be appointed to organize teaching and evaluation.
(b) Co-ordinator will be appointed by the Principal.
5. In multifaculty colleges, facultywise Assistant Co-ordinator shall be appointed by the Principal.
6. Qualifications of a Teacher :
University approved teacher (Lecturer) in any subject possessing substantial knowledge to teach,
courses on environmental studies shall be eligible to teach the proposed course.
Principal of the colleges shall be authorized to decide the eligibility of the teacher. Based on published
work or expository articles or books written by the teacher on environmental studies or workshop/
refresher course/training programme on environmental studies attended by the teacher.

Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007.
Ref. No. CBS/4062,
Date : 10.5.2005.

Sd/- XXX
for Director


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

"[`mdaUOmJVr' A`mgH$_ ndf`m`m AZwmrU odm`m`m

[arjm ewH$m]m]V.
odm[rR>m`m ejoUH$ od^mJmM{ [na[H$ H$. 175/2005, oX. 10.5.05 Ad`{ "[`mdaUOmJVr'
A`mgH$_mMr [arjm`.]r.E., ]r.H$m_., ]r.Egr. AmoU ]r.Egr.(gJUH$em) [arj{]am{]a K{Vbr
OmV Amh{M. `m [arj{gX^mV odm[rR>mZ{ K{Vb{`m oZU`mZwgma Am[Umg H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, [`mdaUOmJVr
(A Course in Environmental Awareness) `m odf`mV AZwmrU AmoU BVa gd odf`mV CmrU AgUm`m
odm`mH$Sy>Z ewH$ AmH$ma`m]m]V Imbrb_mU{ H$m`dmhr H$amdr.
O{ odmWu [`mdaUOmJVr (A Course in Environmental Awareness) `m odf`mV AZwmrU Amh{V [aVw BVa
gd odf`mV CmrU Amh{V, Aem aro[Q>a odm`mH$Sy>Z .100/- BVH{$ ewH$ _hmodmb`mZ{ AmH$mamd{. `m[H$s
`{H$s . 10/- odm[rR>mH$S>{ O_m H$amd{V. gXa odm`mM{ [arjm-AO ^$Z K{D$Z odm[rR>mH$S>{ _wXVrV
[mR>odU{ Amd`H$ Amh{V. odm`mMm \$$ odm[rR> [arjm-AO ^$Z da Z_yX H{$b{`m ewH$m`oVna$ BVa
H$m{UV{hr ewH$ Z drH$maVm `mMm AO odm[rR>mH$S>{ _wXVrV [mR>dmdm. Aem odm`mMr d{Jir `mXr H$$Z Vr
odm[rR>mg [mR>dmdr. darb_mU{ . 10/- gXa odm`mMr JwU`mXr odm[rR>mH$S>{ gmXa H$aVmZm O_m H$a`mV
JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007.
H$ [arjm/E_.H$m_./501,
oXZmH$ 11.08.2006.

Am[bm oddmgy,
ghr/- XXX



narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Q>_ ES/AVJV [arj{`m Cma[oH$m]m]V

H$mhr _hmodmb`{ ]r.E., ]r.H$m_. d ]r.Egr. d ]r.Egr. (gJUH$em) [arj{`m Q>_ ES>/
AVJV [arj{gmR>r odm[rR>mZ{ b{Ir [arj{H$naVm [mR>odb{`m Cma[oH{$Mm dm[a H$aVmV. Var gd
_hmodmb`mZm H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, `mZr g]o YV _hmodmb`mM{ Zmd d AZwH$ _mH$ N>m[b{`m Cma[oH$m
N>m[yZ K{D$Z `mMm dm[a darb [arj{H$naVm H$a`mV `mdm. Vg{M Q>_ ES>/AVJV [arj{`m d{ir H$mbO
{ `m
am{b Z]ag_m{a Cma[oH{$Mm AZwH$ _mH$ H$oZ> [`dj
{ H$m`m AhdmbmV obnhU{ Amd`H$ Amh{. oZH$mb Omhra
Pm`mda darb [arj{`m JwUm]m]V H$mhr wQ>r AmT>i`mg AZwH$ _mH$ N>m[b{`m Cma[oH$m, am{b Z]a
d Cma[oH{$Mm AZwH$_mH$ Agb{b{ H$oZ> [`d{jH$m`m AhdmbmMr _yi [V odm[rR>mV oZH$mb
Omhra Pm`mda EH$ _oh`m`m AmV gmXa H$aU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.

JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007.

[ H$. [arjm/H$j-3/762,
oXZmH$ 4.8.2007.

Am[bm oddmgy,
ghr/- XXX


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Q>_ ES>/AVJV narjo`m Cman{Ho$~m~V

gX^ n H$. narjm/H$j-3/295, {X. 20.8.2008

CnamoV {df`mgX^mV `m H$m`mb`m`m n H$. narjm/H$j-3/762 {X. 4 AmJQ> 2007 Zwgma AmnUmg
H$i{d`mV Ambo hmoVo H$s, ~r.E., ~r.H$m_., ~r.Egr. d ~r.Egr.(gJUH$) B`mXr narjm`m Q>_ ES>/AVJV
(Term End/Internal) narjogmR>r g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mMo Zmd d AZwH$ _mH$ N>mnbo`m Cman{H$m N>mnyZ `mMm dmna
darb narjmH$[aVm H$a`mV `mdm. VgoM Q>_ ES/AVJV narjo`m doir H$mboO`m amob Z~ag_moa Cman{Ho$Mm
AZwH$_mH$, H${Z> n`dojH$m`m AhdmbmV {b{hUo Amd`H$ Amho. {ZH$mb Omhra Pm`mda darb narjo`m
JwUm~m~V H$mhr wQ>r AmT>i`mg AZwH$_mH$ N>mnbo`m Cman{H$m, amob Z~a d Cman{Ho$Mm AZwH$_mH$ Agbo`m
H${Z> n`dojH$m`m AhdmbmMr _yi V {dmnrR>mV {ZH$mb Omhra Pm`mda VnmgUrgmR>r {d{hV _wXVr_`o gmXa
H$aUo Amd`H$ Amho.
`m gX^mV Ago AmT>iZy Ambo Amho H$s, H$mhr _hm{dmb`o da {ZX}e Ho$bo`m Q>_ ES>/AVJV narjogmR>r
{dmnrR>mZo boIr narjoH$[aVm nmR>{dbo`m Cman{Ho$Mm dmna H$aVmV. Var AmnUmg nwZ {dZVr H$a`mV `oVo H$s,
g~{YV _hm{dmb`mMo Zmd d AZwH$_mH$ N>mnbo`m Cman{H$mMmM dmna darb narjmgmR>r H$amdm, `mMr Zm|X
darb _m{hVr gd {dm`mZm d BVa gd g~{YV godH$mZm XoD$Z {ZH$mbmMr {H$`m gwb^VoZo nma nmS>`mg
ghH$m` H$amdo, hr {dZVr.
Amnbm {ddmgy,
ghr/- XXX



narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

A``Z Aj_Vm (Learning Disability) odm`mZm

[arjmg]YmV ode{f gdbVr
gX^ _hmam> emgZ oZU` C d VoejU od^mJ
[na[H `yEgOr/2004/(86/04) odoe 4,
oXZmH$ 7 AmJQ>, 2004
[arjm [na[H$ H$. 194/2006
C[am{$ odf`mgX^mV odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>imZ{ K{Vb{`m oZU`mZwgma gd g]oYVmZm `m [na[H$mma{
H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, Imbrb gdbVr [wU{ odm[rR>m`m H$m`j{ mVrb [m A``Z Aj_Vm (Learning Disability)
odm`mZm ejoUH$ df 2006-07 [mgyZ X{` amhVrb
1. A``Z Aj_V{M{ \$m`X{ K{`mgmR>r g]o YV odm`mZ{ ogphb gOZM{ _mU[ gmXa H$aU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
ogphb gOZM{M _mU[ AoYH$V _mZb{ OmBb.
2. A``Z Aj_V{M{ \$m`X{ o_i`mgmR>r g]o YV odm`mZ{ `m`m [arjm-AOm]am{]a dV AO (bmb aJ)
Om{S>U{ Amd`H$ Amh{. Aem odm`mMm [arjm-AO aJrV Ag`m_wi{ Vm{ Am{iIU{ gm{[{ hm{Bb.
3. i) A``Z Aj_Vm AgUm`m odm`mgmR>r K{`mV `{Um`m Vm|S>r [arjm g]oYV odf` m`m[H$mZr
KQ>H$ MmMUr`m d g [arjm`m d{ir K{`mV `mdr. `m JwUmMr Zm|X R>d{ Zy dfmMr gamgar H$mT>mdr AmoU
O{W{ bmJy Ag{b V{W{ m gamgar JwUm`m AmYma{ dJm}VroZoVr H$amdr.
ii) A``Z Aj_Vm Agb{`m gd odm`mZm b{Ir [arj{`m d{ir b{IoZH$ K{`mMr [admZJr X{`mV
`mdr. Vg{M `mZm `{H$ [arj{gmR>r oZYmnaV d{i{[{jm AYm Vmg OmXm d{i X{`mV `{V Amh{.
iii) A``Z Aj_Vm Agb{`m odm`mZ{ _mJUr H{$`mg `mg [arjm H|$ `m`m KamOdiM{ X{`mV
iv) A``Z Aj_Vm Agb{`m odm`mZm b{Ir [arj{V Amd`H$ V{W{ AmH$`m, ZH$me{, Amb{I, AmamIS>{
B. H$mT>`m[mgyZ gyQ> X{`mV `mdr. gXa mM{/C[mM{ JwU `mZr $[mVnaV H$$Z X{`mMr gwodYm
v) A``Z Aj_Vm Agb{`m AZwmrU odm`mZm CmrU hm{`mgmR>r OmVrVOmV EHy$U 20 gdbVrM{
JwU X{`mV `md{V. gXa gdbVrM{ H$_mb 20 JwU EH$mM odf`mV dm OmV odf`mV Amd`H$V{Zwgma
od^mJyZ oXb{ OmVrb.
vi) A``Z Aj_Vm Agb{`m odm`mZm [{qbJ`m d JoUVmVrb AmH$S>{_m{S>r`m (AmH$S>{ CbQ>gwbQ>
obohU{) `m MwH$m_`{ gdbV amhrb.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

`m odm`mZm dmofH$ [arj{V EH$ Vmgm`m [{[abm 25 Q>${ OmXm d{i (15 o_oZQ>){ Xm{Z Vmg qH$dm AoYH$
d{i{`m [{[abm OmVrVOmV 30 o_oZQ>{ OmV d{i X{`mV `mdm.
4. Aem odm`mM
{ ejoUH$ dfmV Xm{ZXm AVJV JwU V[mgUr (Internal Assessment) H$amdr d `mM{ gamgar
JwU odMmamV `md{V.
5. Aem odm`mMr Cma[oH$m aJrV Agmdr.
6. `{H$ ejoUH$ dfm`m gwdmVrg g]oYV _hmodmb`m`m mMm`mZr gd m`m[H$mMr ]R>H$ `mdr. `m
]R>H$s`m d{ir e`Vm{ _hmamQ> am` oS>gb{pg`m Agm{ogEeZ`m [XmoYH$m`mZm ]m{bod`mV `md{.
7. g]o YV mMm`mZr g]o YV odm`mMr A``Z Aj_V{]m]V emgH$s`/emgZ_m` dH$s` AoYH$m`m`m
_mU[mZwgma odmWu A``Z Aj_V{`m gdJmV Ag`mM{ _moUV H$amd{.
8. A``Z Aj_Vm Agb{`m odm`mZm A`md`H$ _mU[ g]o YV dH$s` AoYH$m`mZr EH$Xm oX`mZVa
_hmodmb`mZr Aem _mU[mMr dmadma _mJUr H$$ Z`{.
9. EImm A``Z Aj_Vm Agb{`m odm`mZ{ [arj{Mr Cma{ X{`mgmR>r gJUH$mMr (Computer) _mJUr
H{$`mg `mg gJUH$ [waod`mV `mdm.
_m. mMm`, gd gb _hmodmb`{, _m. gMmbH$, _m`Vmm gWm AmoU _m. od^mJ_wI, odm[rR>
[X`wma od^mJ `mZm odZVr H$s, `m [na[H$mMm Ame` gd g]o YVm`m oZXeZmg AmUmdm AmoU [Xdr/[X`wma
oejU K{Um`m gd [m A``Z Aj_Vm (Learning Disability) odm`mZm darb gm{`r/gdbVr o_iyZ Ag{
odmWuhr oejUm`m _w` dmhmV `{Vrb Ag{ [mhmd{.

gX^ [arjm/g_d`/776
oXZmH$ 20 _{, 2006

_m. em. o\$aJ{

[arjm oZ`H$.



narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

ode{f [arjmg]Yr
[na[H$ H$. 200/2001
gd g]o YVmZm `m [na[H$mma{ Ag{ H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, `m I{imSy>M
r amQ>r` [mVirdarb qH$dm Amoe`mB
H$sS>m [YmgmR>r AWdm Amobp[H$ [Y}gmR>r oZdS> hm{D$Z `m `m [mVirda O{ I{imSy> I{iVmV Aem odmWu
I{imSy> `m [arjmMm H$m`H$ _ hm gm_`m`m H$m`H$ _m`m ]am{]arZ{ `{V Ag{b Va Aem g]o YV odmWu I{imSy>M
d{Jir [arjm K{`mV `mdr Agm `m[ydu oZU` K{`mV Ambm Amh{. [aVw amQ>r` N>mg{Zm, amQ>r` g{dm `m{OZm,
dmXoddmX [Ym, dVd [Ym, ZmQ>, _yQ> H$m{Q>g d _m. `dWm[Z [nafX{Z{ d{im{di
{ r _m` H{$b{`m [Ym, amQ>r`
emarnaH$ H$m`j_Vm d [wU{ odm[rR>mM{ mT> oejU H$m`H$ _ `m [Ym_`{ ^mJ K{U`m odm`mMr g]o YV oZU`mZwgma
[ydu ode{f [arjm K{Vbr OmV Zg{. [aVw `m ]m]tda g]oYV odm`mZm g]oYV A`mX{emVrb VaVwXrZwgma H$mhr
AoYH$M{ JwU X{`mV `{VmV.
`m gd ]m]tMm odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>imZ{ gmJm{[mJ odMma H$$Z Agm oZU` K{Vbm Amh{ H$s, amQ>r`
[mVirdarb, Amoe`mB H$sS>m [YmgmR>r dm Amobp[H$ [Y}gmR>r oZdS> Pmb{`m odmWu I{imSy>`m [arj{Mm
H$m`H$ _ hm gm_`m`m H$m`H$ _m`m ]am{]arZ{ `{V Ag{b Va Aem I{imSy>M
r d{Jir [arjm K{`mV `mdr d `mZwgma
am`Var`, amQ>r` d AmVaamQ>r` Vamda amQ>r` N>mg{Zm, amQ>r` g{dm `m{OZm, dmXoddmX [Ym, dVd
[Ym, ZmQ>, _yQ> H$m{Q>g d _m. `dWm[Z [aofX{Z{ d{im{d{ir _m` H{$b{`m [Ym, amQ>r` emarnaH$ H$m`j_Vm d
[wU{ odm[rR>mM{ mT> oejU H$m`H$_ `m [Ym_`{ gh^mJr hm{Um`m odm`mM{ g]oYV H$m`H$_ [arj{`m
H$m`H$_m]am{]a `{V Ag{b Va Aem I{imSy>Mrhr d{Jir [arjm K{`mV `mdr.
_m. mMm`, gd gb _hmodmb`{ d _m. gMmbH$, _m`VmmV gWm AmoU od^mJ_wI, ejoUH$
od^mJ, [wU{ odm[rR> `mZm `m [na[H$mma{ Aer odZVr H$s, odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>im`m darb oZU`mZwgma [m
odm`mMr H$aU{ g]o YV H$mJX[mgnhV d Am[`m oe\$maergnhV odohV _wXVr[ydu odm[rR>mH$S>{ gmXa H$a`mV
`mdrV, H$s O{UH{ $$Z g]o YV H$aUmV `m{` Vr [wT>rb H$m`dmhr H$aU{ odm[rR>mg e` hm{Bb
. [wT>{ Aerhr odZVr
H$a`mV `{V Amh{ H$s, `m [na[H$mMm Ame` gd g]oYVm`m oZXeZmg AmUyZ mdm.
JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007
Om.H$. [arjm g_d`/2198
oXZmH$ 27 Owb 2001

_m. em. o\$aJ{

[arjm oZ`H$.



narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

{dmnrR> narjm`m H$m_m`m A{Zdm`Vo~m~V

gX^ n H$. narjm/g_d`/984, {X. 16.6.2003
Cnamo$ {df`mg~Yr AmnUmg H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, _hmam> {dmnrR> H$m`Xm 1994, H$b_ 32(5)(J)
Ad`o narjmg~YrMo H$m_ _hm{dmb`rZ {ejH$ d {ejHo$Va godH$mda ~YZH$maH$ Amho. H$mhr mpZH$,
narjH$, n`dj
o H$ B`mXr narjmMr H$m_o H$mhr doim H$aV ZmhrV AWdm Ag_WVm H$i{dVmV. `m~m~V {dmnrR>
A{YH$ma _S>imZo KoVbobo {ZU` gX^ H$_mH$ narjm/g_d`/2239, {X. 11 AmJQ> 2001 `m nmZo
AmnUmg H$i{dbo AmhoVM. `mM_mUo {dmnrR>mZo Am`mo{OV Ho$bo`m {d{dY narjmMo {ZH$mb _hmam> {dmnrR>
H$m`Xm, 1994, H$b_ 72 AZwgma R>amdrH$ _wXVrV Omhra H$aUo Amd`H$ Ag`mMo AmnUmg {d{XV AmhoM.
{dmnrR>mZo narjo`m H$m_mgmR>r {Z`wV Ho$bo`m {ejH$mZm H$mhr doiog H$mhr AndmXm_H$ n[apWVrV
narjoMo H$m_ H$a`mg nadmZJr XoUo g~{YV _hm{dmb`mZm e` hmoV Zg`mZo `mMm n[aUm_ narjm Am`moOZ
d Vg~Yr dmadma hmoVmo. gXaMr ~m~ {dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>im`m {dMmamYrZ hmoVr. `mg~Yr gd ~m~tMm
{dMma H$$Z, {dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>imZo KoVbo`m {ZU`mZwgma AmnUmg Imbrb_mUo H$i{d`mV `oV Amho
1. narjo`m H$m_mgmR>r mpZH$, {Z`m_H$, narjH$, d[a> n`dj
o H$, B`mXr H$ma`m {Z`w`m {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z
H$a`mV `oV AgVmV. H$mhr {ejH$m`m EH$mM doiog EH$mhZ OmV H$ma`m narjm{df`H$ H$m_mgmR>r
{Z`w`m Pm`m Ag`mg, Aem doiog Imbr Z_yX Ho$bo`m narjm{df`H$ H$m_m`m mYm`H$_mZwgma
g~{YV {ejH$mZr H$m_ H$amdo.
A) mpZH$ (Paper-setter) hUyZ Ho$bobr {Z`w$s
~) m`{jH$ narjogmR>r narjH$ hUyZ Ho$bobr {Z`w$s
H$) Cman{H$mMo _y`_mnZ H$a`mgmR>r narjH$/{Z`m_H$ hUyZ Ho$bobr {Z`w$s
S>) AVJV d[a> n`dojH$ hUyZ _hm{dmb`mZo Ho$bobr {Z`w$s
B) {deof d[a> n`dojH$ hUyZ Ho$bobr {Z`w$s
B) XjVm g{_Vrdarb A`j/gX` hUyZ Ho$bobr {Z`w$s
C) ~{hW d[a> n`dojH$ hUyZ Ho$bobr {Z`w$s
D$) H${Z> n`dojH$ hUyZ _hm{dmb`mZo Ho$bobr {Z`w$s.
_m. mMm`/_m. gMmbH$/_m. {dmnrR> ej{UH$ {d^mJ_wI `mZr darb mYm`H$_ bjmV KoD$Z
g~{YV {ejH$mZm {dmnrR> narjo`m H$m_mgmR>r nadmZJr mdr. g~{YV {ejH$mZr darb mYm`H$_
bjmV KoD$Z `m`m _hm{dmb`mMr/gWoMr/{dmnrR> {d^mJmMr nadmZJr KoD$Z narjoMo H$m_ H$amdo.
2. H${Z> n`dojH$ hUyZ {Z`w$ Ho$bobr `$s hr {H$_mZ {ejH$ qH$dm dJ-3 _Yrb godH$ AWdm nXdrYa
(nwUo {dmnrR>mMm narjmWu Zgbobr) Agmdr.
3. EImm `$sZo `mM gWo`m Xg`m _hm{dmb`mV ~{hW d[a> n`dojH$ hUyZ H$m_ drH$m$ Z`o.
4. EImm `$sMm OdiMm ZmVodmBH$ "Father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, grand-son, granddaughter, brother, sister, newphew, niece, grand-newphew, grand-niece, uncle, aunt, first cousin,


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

son-in-law, dauther-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law" (N.B. Son, daughter, brother or sister
will be understood to include also step-son, step-daughter, step-brother or step-sister, as the case
may be) narjobm ~gbm Agob Va `m `$sZo narjoMo H$m_ H$$ Z`o.

5. EH$m `$sZo EH$m doiog {dmnrR>mMo EH$M H$m_ H$amdo VgoM `m H$mbmdYrV {dmnrR>mMo BVa H$moUVohr
H$m_ drH$mabo Zg`mg~YrMo h_rn mdo.
6. EImm {ejH$mMr {Z`w$s {deof d[a> n`dojH$/d[a> n`dojH$/XjVm g{_Vr A`j dm gX` hUyZ
Ho$bobr Ag`mg gXa {Z`w$s`m nmMr V g~{YV _hm{dmb`mbm nmR>{d`mV `oBb.
7. {deof aOoda, {V{Z`w$sda, A`mg aOoda Agbo`m {ejH$mZo gdgmYmaUnUo {dmnrR>mMo H$m_ drH$m$
Z`o. naVw Aem H$mbmdYrV {ejH$ `m`mH$S>o H$m`aV AgVrb Aem `$s`m/gWo`m g_VrZo Ago
H$m_ drH$ma`mg haH$V Zmhr.
8. _hm{dmb`m~mhoarb {dmnrR> narjo`m doJdoJ`m H$m_mgmR>r EH$m _hm{dmb`mVrb EH$m doigo gmYmaU
30 Vo 40 Q>`mn`V {ejH$/{ejHo$Va godH$ {dmnrR> {Z`w$ H$arb.
9. EImm doiog H|$r` _y`_mnZm`m H$m_mMm H$mbmdYr dmT>`mg, g~{YV H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$nmMo
gMmbH$, `m {ejH$mg A{YH$`m H$mbmdYrMo n XoVrb d `m nmMr V g~{YV _hm{dmb`mMo
mMm` Am{U narjm {Z`H$ `mZm nmR>dVrb.
Var AmnUmg {dZVr H$s, darb {ZU`mMr XIb KoD$Z gXaMo {ZU` gd g~{YV {ejH$ d {ejHo$Va
godH$m`m {ZXeZmg AmUyZ mdoV. {dmnrR>m`m {Za{Zam`m narjmMo Am`moOZ hr AmnUm gdmMr d`{$H$
d gm{KH$ d$nmMr O~m~Xmar Amho. {dm`mMo ej{UH$ {hVajUmgmR>r AmnUm gdm`m ghH$m`mMr JaO
Amho. _bm {dmg Amho H$s, AmnU d Amnbo g~{YV {ejH$ d {ejHo$Va ghH$mar darb {ZU`mMr XIb
KoD$Z {dmnrR> narjo`m H$m_mV ghH$m` Mmby R>odVrb.
Amnbm {ddmgy,
_m. em. {\$aJo
narjm {Z`H$.
V _m{hVrgmR>r
narjm _S>imMo gd g_mZZr` gX`.
V _m{hVrgmR>r d H$m`dmhrgmR>r
1. CnHw$bg{Md (narjm 1 d 2)
2. narjm {d^mJmVrb gd ghm`H$ Hw$bg{Md
3. narjm {d~mJmVrb gd H$jm{YH$mar.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

[arj{`m oZH$mbmgX^mVrb _hdmM{ A`mX{e

Ow`m A`mX{emEd{ Or ZdrZ A`mX{e bmJy H$a`m]m]V
[na[H$ H$. 10/2003

This is in continuation of the Circular No.396 of 2002 issued by the University regarding Ordinance
Nos.1 to 10 relating the Conduct of Examinations. These Ordinances will come into force with effect from the
examinations commencing from March/April 2003 and onwards. It is notified for the information of all the
concerned that some existing Ordinances are as follows :
Existing Ordinance

Substituted by

Ordinance No.131

Ordinance No. 9

Ordinance No. 135

Ordinance No. 3

Ordinance No. 135 A

Ordinance No. 1

Ordinance No. 136

Ordinance No. 2

Ordinance Nos.137 & 138 A & B

Ordinance No. 4

Ordinance Nos. 140 & 147

Ordinance No. 7

Ordinance No. 166

Ordinance No. 6

Apart from these Ordinances, all other existing Ordinances shall continue to remain in force.

Ref. No. Law/2003/40

Date : 7th February, 2003

Sd/- xxx


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

A`mX{e H$. 1, 2, 3, 4 d 7
Ordinance 1 : Grace Marks for Passing in each of head of passing
( Theory / Practical / Oral/ Sessional ) (External/Internal)
The examinee shall be given the benefit of grace marks only for passing in each head of passing ( Theory/
Practical/Oral/Sessional) in External or Internal Examination as follows :
Head of Passing

Grace Marks upto

Upto 50
and 401 & above


Provided that benefit of such gracing marks given in different heads of passing shall not exceed 1% of
the aggregate marks in that examination.
Provided further that this gracing is concurrent with the rules and guidelines of professional statutory
bodies at the All India level such as AICTE, MCI, Bar Council, CCIM, CCIII, NCTE, UGC, etc.
Ordinance 2 : Grace Marks for getting Higher Class
A candidate who passes in all the subjects and heads of passing in the examination without
the benefit of either gracing or condonation rules and whose total number of marks falls short for securing
Second Class/Higher Second Class or First Class by marks not more 1% of the aggregate marks of that
examination or upto 10 marks, whichever is less, shall be given the required marks to get the next
higher class or grade as the case may be.
Provided that benefits of above mentioned grace marks shall not be given if the candidate fails
to secure necessary passing marks in the aggregate head of passing also, if prescribed in the examination
Provided further that benefits of above mentioned grace marks shall be given to the candidate for such
examination/s only for which provision of award of class has been prescribed.
Provided further that this gracing is concurrent with the rules and guidelines of professional statutory
bodies at the All India level such as AICTE, MCI, Bar Council, CCIM, CCIII, NCTE, etc.
Ordinance 3 : Grace Marks for getting distinction in the subject only
A candidate who passes in all the Subjects/Heads of passing in the examination without benefit of either
gracing or condonation rules and whose total number of marks in the subject/s falls short by not more than three
marks for getting distinction in the subject/s shall be given necessary grace marks upto three in maximum two
subjects, subject to maximum 1% of the total marks of that Head of Passing whichever is more, in a given
Provided that benefit of the above mentioned grace marks shall be given to the candidate only for such
examination/s for which provision for distinction in a subject has been prescribed.
Provided further that this gracing is concurrent with the rules and guidelines of professional statutory
bodies at the All India level such as AICTE, MCI, Bar Council, CCIM, CCIII, NCTE, etc.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Ordinance 4 : Condonation
If a candidate fails in only one head of passing, having passed in all other heads of passing, his/her
deficiency of marks in such head of passing may be condoned by not more than 1% of the aggregate marks of
the examination or 10% of the total number of marks of that head of passing in which he/she is failing whichever
is less. However, condonation, whether in one head of passing or aggregate head of passing be restricted
to maximum upto 10 marks only.
Condonation of deficiency of marks be shown in the Statement of Marks in the form of asteriks(#) and
Ordinance number.
Provided that this condonation of marks is concurrent with the rules and guidelines of
professional statutory bodies at the All India level such as AICTE, MCI, Bar Council, CCIM,
Note for Ordinances from 1 to 4 :
1. If a candidate fails in a head of passing, which is included in another head of passing, of the same
subject, he shall be entitled to the benefit of the condonation in both the heads, if necessary, subject
to the maximum limit of Condonation permissible.
2. If a deficiencey of marks is condoned, the class/grade in the examination concerned, of the candidate
shall be declared on the actual marks obtained by the candidate.
3. The benefit of not more than one Ordinance shall only be given for one examination of
one course.
4. The benefits of above mentioned Ordinances may be given to the candidates appearing in the
examination with backlog and/or exemption whenever such a exemption/system of backlog
has been provided.
5. The benefits under above mentioned Ordinances shall be given at the time of declaration of final
examinations only.
6. Final examination for the purposes of these Ordinances means and includes such examination/s
on the basis of marks on which class/grade is awarded.
Ordinance 7 : Amendement of Results :
(A) Due to errors
In any case where it is found that the result of an examination has been affected by errors, the
Controller of Examinations shall have power to amend such result, in such manner, as shall be in accordance
with the true position and to make such declaration as is necessary, with the necessary approval of
Vice-Chancellor/Board of Examinations, provided the errors are detected within 6 months from the date of
declaration of results. Errors detected thereafter, shall be placed before the Board of Examinations.
Error means :
(i) Error in computer/data entry, printing or programming and the like.
(ii) Clerical error, manual or machine, in totalling or entering of marks in ledger/register.
(iii) Error due to negligence or oversight of examiner or any other person concerned with evaluation,
moderation and result preparation.
(B) Due to fraud, malpractices, etc.
In any case where the result of an examination has been ascertained and published and it is found that
such result has been affected by any malpractices, fraud or any other improper conduct whereby an examinee
has benefited and that such examinee, has in the opinion of the Board of Examinations been party of privy to or
connived at such malpractice, fraud or improper conduct, the Board of Examinations shall have power, at any
time, notwithstanding the issue of the Certificate or the Award of a Prize or Scholarship, to amend the result of
such examinee and to make such declaration as the Board of Examinations considers necessary in that behalf.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


A`mX{e H$. 163


Grant of additional marks for extra-curricular activities.

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Ordinance, five additional marks may be granted
to candidate appearing for University examination of any degree, diploma or certificate, as an incentive,
for his particpation in any one or more of the following activities :
(a) National Cadet Corps,
(b) National Service Scheme,
(c) Inter-University/National/International Sport tournaments/debating/education/ dramatics/moot court
and such other competitions as approved by the Executive Council from time to time,
(d) National Physical efficiency drive,
(e) Adult Education Programme of Poona University.

The additional marks shall be added

(a) to any head/s of passing or to any subject/s, as case may be in the examination if the student has
failed in such head/s of passing/subject/s and if such additional marks enable the student to get
necessary passing marks; or
(b) to any subject if such additional marks enable the student to get benefits of exemption. Such additional
marks only as are required for examination, shall be given.
If after the grant of additional marks under clause (a) and (b) above, if there is any balance of
marks, it shall be added to the total number of marks of the examinations.
(c) to the total number of marks, secured by the candidate in the examination.
Provided that the additional marks shall not be taken into consideration for the purpose of
award of any prize, scholarshop, meritlist or for such other similar purposes.


The additional marks shall be granted to the candidate only for that examination during the course of which
the candidate has participated in the activities mentioned in Clause No.1.
Note : The candidate shall be eligible to get maximum five additional marks only once, for any of the
activities mentioned above, if performed by him any year and only for an examination of one course.

IIlustration : Candidate has taken admission for LL.B. and Diploma in Taxation Law Courses, simultaneously in the year 1987. He has participated in the Inter-University elocution competition in the year 1987. Such
a candidate shall be eligible to get benefits of the five marks on the basis of said elocution competition either for the
examination of LL.B. Course or for Diploma in Taxation Law for which he has taken admission in 1987.
(4) The additional marks shall be granted to the student subject to the conditions mentioned hereunder :
2(a) NCC : Candidate enrolled in NCC must have passed B and/or C certificate examination.
[ and/or candidate enrolled in NCC must have attended 75% parades out of total No. of parades and
one camp prescribed for NCC]
(b) NSS : Candidate enrolled in NSS must have completed 120 hours of effective work and attended the
necessary number of camps, as required under NSS Programme.
(c) National Physical Efficiency Drive : Candidate enrolled in National Physical Efficiency Drive must
have acquired three stars under the programme.
(d) Inter-University Tournaments/Competition : Candidate must have participated in the Inter-University
Tournaments/Competition as a Representative of this University.
1The Ordinance has come into force w.e.f. 20th May, 1988.
2Amendment has come into force w.e.f. the exams. to be held in the month of March/April 1991 onwards.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m




National/International Tournaments/Competition : Candidate must have participated as a representative

of State of Maharashtra/India.
(f) Adult Education Programme, Poona University : A candidate must have completed at least 200 clock
hours work to the satisfaction of the project in-charge and secured necessary certificate of the
A student shall submit an application before the date of commencement of his examination alongwith fee
of Rs.10/- for the grant of additional marks alongwith necessary original certificate or copies thereof
countersigned by the Principal of the College/Head of the Recognized Institution. No application received
after commencement of examination shall be entertained by the University.
If any difficulty arises in giving effect to provisions of this Ordinance, the Vice-Chancellor may
in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty concerned give his decision in such a particular case.
The decision of the Vice-Chancellor shall be final and binding in such matters.

Proforma for Grant of Certificate under Ordinance No. 163

This is to certify that Shri./Smt.
of University Department of
/ College Recognized Institution


was enrolled in NCC and has passed B and/or C certificate examination and /or was enrolled in
N.C.C. and has attended 75% parades out of total No. of parades and one camp prescribed for
was enrolled in NSS and have completed 120 hours of effective work and attended the necessary
number of camps as required under NSS programme.
was enrolled in National Phyical Efficiency Drive and has acquired three stars under the programme.
Participated in Inter-University Tournaments/Competition of
as a representative of the University of Poona.
participated in National/Inter-national Tournaments/Competitions of
as a representative of State of Maharashtra/India.
has joined Adult Education Programme of the University and completed 200 clock hours work
to the satisfaction of the Project In-Charge.

Shri./Smt.has participated/completed above mentioned

activity of during the year and is therefore entitled to grant of
additional marks under Ordinance No.163 of the University of Poona for the examination of
April/October for the course of .
Authority In-charge of the Activity :

Principal of the College/

Head of the Recognized Institution/
University Department.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

A`mX{e H$. 163 `m A_b]OmdUr]m]V.

1. A`mX{e 163 H$b_ 1 _`{ Z_yX H{$b{`m C[H$_m[H $s H$m{UVmhr EH$ AWdm AZ{H$ C[H$_ H$aUm`m odm`mg
`m ejoUH$ dfu gXa C[H$_ H{$bm Ag{b `m ejoUH$ dfmVrb [arj{gmR>r 5 OmXm JwUmMm \$m`Xm X{`
hm{Bb. Oa EImm odm`mZ{ gXa C[H$_ `{H$ ejoUH$ dfu H{$b{bm Ag{b Va `m odm`mg `{H$
ejoUH$ dfmVrb [arj{gmR>r 5 OmXm JwUmMm \$m`Xm X{` hm{Bb.
2. `m ejoUH$ dfmV odm`mZr EZ.Eg.Eg.M{ 120 Vmg d EZ.Eg.Eg. `m{OZ{`m oZ`_mZwgma H$g [yU
H{$b{ AgVrb Aem odm`mg `mM ejoUH$ dfmVrb [arj{gmR>r EZ.Eg.Eg.M{ 5 OmXm JwU X{` hm{Vrb.
`{H$ ejoUH$ dfm`m [arj{gmR>r EZ.Eg.Eg.`m 5 JwUmMm \$m`Xm o_i`mgmR>r odm`mZ{ `{H$ ejoUH$
dfu EZ.Eg.Eg.M{ 120 Vmg d EZ.Eg.Eg. `m{OZ{`m oZ`_mZwgma H$g [yU H$aU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
3. EImm [arj{gmR>r A`mX{e H$_mH$ 163 Imbr OmXm JwUmMm \$m`Xm EH$Xm o_im`mZVa [wZ[arjmWu (aro[Q>a)
odm`mZm `mM [arj{gmR>r gXa OmXm JwUmMm \$m`Xm o_iUma Zmhr.
4. A`mX{e 163 AZwgma oXb{ OmUma{ 5 OmXm JwU odmWu `m odf`mV AZwmrU Ag{b `m odf`mZm Oa gXa
JwUmMm \$m`Xm o_iyZ odmWu CmrU hm{V Ag{b Va Amd`H$V{Zwgma od^mJyZ X{Vm `{D$ eH$Vrb.
5. EImm odf`mV gyQ> (EP{eZ) o_iV Ag{b Va `m odf`mV gXaM{ 5 OmXm JwU Amd`H$V{Zwgma X{`
6. da H$b_ 3 d 4 _`{ Z_yX H{$`m_mU{ A`mX{e 163 AZwgma oXb{`m JwUmMm dm[a Pm`mZVa CdnaV JwU
`mM [arj{Vrb EHy$U JwUm_`{ o_iod`mV `{Vrb. CdnaV JwU [wT>rb dfu dm[aVm `{Uma ZmhrV.
7. EImXm odmWu gd odf`mV CmrU Ag{b Va gXaM{ 5 OmXm JwU `m odm`m`m `mM ejoUH$ dfm`m
[arj{`m EHy$U JwUm_`{ o_iodb{ OmVrb. EImXm odmWu gXa 5 OmXm JwUmMm \$m`Xm X{D$Zhr EImm
odf`mV CmrU hm{V Zg{b Va gXaM{ 5 OmXm JwU `m odm`m`m `mM ejoUH$ dfm`m [arj{`m EHy$U
JwUm_`{ o_iod`mV `{Vrb. H$m{U`mhr [napWVrV Ag{ 5 JwU [wT>rb dfu dm[aVm `{Uma ZmhrV.
8. _hmodmb`mZ{ A`mX{e 163 H$b_ 1 _`{ Z_yX H{$b{`m C[H$_m[H $s H$m{U`mhr EH$ AWdm AZ{H$ C[H$_m_`{
^mJ K{Vb{`m odm`mMr _mohVr d `mXr odohV Z_w`mV d `m{` `m ewH$mgh `{H$ dfu g]o YV odm`m`m
[arjm-AOm_`{ d AOmgm{]V g]oYV [arjm gw$ hm{`m[ydu [mR>odU{ Amd`H$ Amh{.
[arjm gw$ Pm`mZVa g]o YV odm`mMr _mohVr drH$mabr OmUma Zmhr d odMmamVhr K{Vbr OmUma Zmhr,
`mMr ode{fdmZ{ Zm|X `mdr. g]oYV _hmodmb`m`m \$$ mMm`mZrM _moUV H{$b{br `m gX^mVrb
_mohVr Jm Ya`mV `{Bb, `mMrhr Zm|X `mdr.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

A`mXoe H$. 163 Mm \$m`Xm XoUo~m~V.

gX^ n H$. narjm/~r.Egr./24, {X. 14.2.2009
AmnUmg H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, gZ 2009 `m W_mYmVrb boIr narjm {X. 24.3.2009 nmgyZ gw$
hmoV AmhoV.
{Vdfm_mUo Amn`m _hm{dmb`mVrb EZ.Eg.Eg./`m gX^mV {dmnrR> A`mXoe 163 Mm
\$m`Xm Oo {dmWu KoD$ BpN>VmV, Aem gd {dm`mMo ej{UH$ df 2008-2009 Mo EZ.Eg.Eg./`m _mUnmMr Poamg V, VgoM, gXa {dm`mMm H$m`_ Zm|XUr H$_mH$ d ~R>H$ H$_mH$ Aer
gd _m{hVr Agbobr `mXr d `m `oH$ {dm`m_mJo `mgmR>r Amd`H$ Agbobo ewH$ . 10/- _mUo OodT>o
nm {dmWu AgVrb VodT>mMm EH${V ewH$mMm {S>_mS> S>mQ> _m. Hw$bg{Md, nwUo {dmnrR>, nwUo-7 `m`m
Zmdo darb narjm gw$ hmo`mnyduM {dmnrR> H$m`mb`mV nmR>{d`mMr `dWm H$amdr. H$n`m {S>_mS> S>mQ> {dm
{d^mJmV O_m Ho$`mZVaM g~{YV {dm`mMr `mXr d A`mXoe 163 Mo \$m_ g~{YV narjm H$jmV O_m
H$amdoV. `mnwT>o Agohr H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, narjm gw$ Pm`mZVa H$moU`mhr {dm`mMm Aem \$m`mgmR>r
M{bV {Z`_mZwgma AO drH$mabm OmUma Zmhr, `mMr H$n`m Zm|X `mdr.
_m. C `m`mb`m`m AmXoemZwgma d {dmnrR> n[anH$ gX^ H$. narjm {Z`H$/27/2000,
{X. 26.5.2000 Zwgma {dm`mMo EZ.Eg.Eg./ g{Q>{\$Ho$Q> Mmby ej{UH$ dfmMo hUOo ej{UH$
df 2008-2009 Mo AgUo A`V Amd`H$ Amho. Ver g{Q>{\$Ho$Q>g ZgVrb Va A`mXoe 163 `m
5 JwUmMm \$m`Xm g~{YV {dm`mZm XoVm `oUma Zmhr, `mMr H$n`m Zm|X `mdr d gXa _m{hVr g~{YV
{dm`mZmXoIrb mdr.
A`mXoe H$. 163 Mo {d{hV Z_w`mVrb AO {dmemIm{Zhm`, H$m`_ Zm|XUr H$_mH$ d ~R>H$ H$_mH$
Agbobr `mXr d {dmemIm{Zhm` EH${V ewH$mMm {S>_mS> S>mQ> gmXa H$aUo Amd`H$ Amho.
Amnbm {ddmgy
_m. em. {\$aJo
narjm {Z`H$.

{deof gyMZm

narjm{Zhm` doJdoJ`m `mm d {dmemIm{Zhm` dV {S>_mS> S>mQ> nmR>{dUo JaOoMo Amho,

`mMr H$n`m Zm|X `mdr.
V _m{hVrgmR>r gd CnHw$bg{Md/ghm. Hw$bg{Md, narjm {d^mJ/{d^mJ_wI, _m{hVr d `dWmnZ
{d^mJ/H$jm{YH$mar, narjm {dm {d^mJ.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

MmJbr JwUdmm
A`mX{e H$. 140-E
CIRCULAR NO. 37 / 1993
It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the University authorities have revised Ordinance
Revised Ordinance shall be applicable to examination to be held in first session of year 1993 and onwards.
Revised Ordinance No.140-A shall read as follows :
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Ordinance, if an examinee passes in any one or more
subject/s, head/s of passing, of any examination he shall not be allowed to appear for subject/s, head/s
unless there is specific provision to the effect in respect of concerned examination.
(2) If any examinee fails in any subject/s, head/s of passing in the examination, the marks obtained by him/her
in such subject/s, head/s of passing shall not be carried forward.
If an examinee does not appear in any subject of passing in which he/she has failed in previous attempt,
his/her performance in such subject/head of passing shall be treated as nil, unless he/she claims the
benefits provided in Clause No.3.
(3) If an examinee appears for the subejct/head of passing of the same examination of the university for more
than once, highest marks obtained by him/her in the last two proceeding examination shall be given effect
to in the result of the concerned examinations, on the following conditions :
(a) If an examinee submits an application for the purpose alongwith copies of the statement of marks of
the concerned examination attested by the Principal of the College/Head of the University Department,
with a fee of Rs.100/- within a period of 45 clear days from the day of declaration of result.
(b) If due to such marks of previous attempt, examinee passes the subject concerned and also examination
as a whole.
(c) If an examinee has not failed in more than one subject/ head of passing.
(Note : If a candidate fails in a head of passing which is included in another head of passing of the
same subject, he shall be entitled to the benefit of better performance in both the heads e.g. In the
Third Year LL.B. Examination, student has to secure 35 marks in the subject of Tenancy Law and
Land Laws out of 100. He has secured 30 marks in the said subject . The student also has to secure
300 marks in all subjects taken together out of 600 total marks for passing. The student has secured
296 marks. If by getting benefit provided under Clause (3) above, marks of the students in the subject
of Tenancy Law and Land Laws are increased to 36 marks, his total number of marks
will increase from 296 to 302).
(4) In case of change of marks due to verification or revaluation of the date on which revised statement of
marks is issued, shall be the date of declaration of the result of the examination for the purpose of clause
3 (a) above.
(5) The clause 3 shall not be applicable to :
(i) All examinations for which passing in all the subjects is required at the one and the same attempt and
also to all the examinations in Medical Faculty.
(ii) If examinee remains absent for the subject/head of passing of the examinations.
Date : February 9, 1993.

Sd/- XXX

[Amendment to Ordinance passed by A.C. on 18/19-8-1992 and by E.C. Resolution No.11 PK-A/606/92,
dated 30.9.1992/30.10.1992.]


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

l{Ur gwYma `m{OZm
A`mX{e H$. 168
CIRCULAR NO. 383 / 2007
It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the amended Ordinance 168 shall come into force
with effect from 7.11.2007.
1. A candidate who has passed the B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./LL.B./B.E./B.Arch./B.Pharm./B.Lib.& I.Sc./M.A./
M.Com./M.Sc./M.C.S./LL.M./M.E./M.Pharm./M.Ed./M.B.A./M.P.M./M.C.M./M.M.S/M.Lib. & I.Sc./
M.C.J./M.M.M./M.B.A.(Bio-Technology)/M.C.A.(Management Faculty)/P.G.D.B.M./P.G.D.F.S./
P.G.D.I.E.M./B.Sc. Hospitality Management Degree Examinations of this University with class mentioned
in column No.I and who desires to improve the class as shown in column No.II below will be permitted at
his/her option to appear again for the same examination without being required to keep any terms :
Column I
Column II
Pass Class or SecondClass OR
Second Class OR
Higher Second Class OR
Higher Second Class OR
First Class, as the case may be.
First Class OR First Class with Distinction,
as the case may be.
2. A candidate who has re-appeared for the above examination/s under the provision of this Ordinance fails
to improve his/her class/grade, his/her performance at such re-appearance shall be ignored.
3. A candidate will be allowed to re-appear for the Examination for improvement of class/grade within
a period of five years from the date of his/her passing the Bachelors/Masters Degree Examination.
A candidate who has passed the Bachelors / Masters Degree examination prior to the commencement
of this Ordinance, will also be allowed to improve his/her class/grade within a period of five years from the
date of commencement of this Ordinance. (Date of commencement of this Ordinance 27th January
4. A candidate shall have to reappear for minimum 1/3 and/or maximum all the University theory courses
at a time on which the class is awarded.
5. A candidate will be allowed maximum three attempts for the improvement of his/her class/grade within the
stipulated period of five years.
6. A candidate appearing for the improvement of class/grade, shall not be entitled to get benefit of any rules/
Ordinance of the University regarding condonation.
7. A candidate appearing for the improvement of class/grade, shall not be entitled to get any prize/medal/
scholarship/award, etc.
8. A candidate who desires to apply for improvement of class/grade should submit his/her examination
application form for improvement of class from the College/Department of University/Recognized Institution
from which he/she has obtained the original degree. The external student shall register his/her name with
External Section of the University and submit his/her examination form through External Section.
9. A candidate who has reappeared for the examination under the provisions of this Ordinance for improvement
of his/her class/grade and improves his/her class/grade by such re-appearance, will have to surrender his/
her original degree, statement of marks and passing certificate, etc. to the University. In the revised
degree certificate, statement of marks and passing certificate, which will be issued to the candidate,
mention will be made of the fact that he/she improved his/her class/grade under this Ordinance.
Ref.No. Law/2007/473,
Date : 7.11.2007.

Sd/- XXX


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Jq{ gJ qH$dm H$S>mZ{ e
{ Z a H$a`m]m]V
A`mX{e H$. 139 (A)
CIRCULAR NO. 370 / 1999.

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the University authorities are pleased
to pass amount Ordinance No. 139-A whereby the date of enforcement of the said Ordinance is changed. The
said Ordinance shall be applicable to the examination held in March 1994 and onwards.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Ordinance from 136 to 138 a candidate may waive the benefits
contained therein as follows :

If a student is declared to have passed the University examination with benefits contained in Ordinance
Nos. 136 to 138, he may submit an application in the prescribed form within 45 clear days from the date of
declaration of result of his examination in the University alongwith the copy of statement of marks and
with fee of Rs.50/- requesting to declare his result without benefits provided in Ordinance Nos. 136 to 138.


The University may declare the result accordingly which shall be final and no change therein shall be
permitted thereafter.
This Ordinance shall be applicable to the examinations held in March 1994 and onwards.

Date : 22.11.1999

Sd/- XXX



narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Preliminary :
The conduct of examinations and declaration of result is one of the important activities of the University. The Scheme of Central Assessment Programme is being introduced by way of Ordinance with a view to
(1) declaring the result in the shortest possible time, (2) increasing the reliability of the result, (3) maintaining
uniformity and consistency in the assessment, (4) increasing accuracy and efficiency in the declaration of
results, and (5) creating confidence amongst the students about the assessment system.
The Central Assessment Programme shall consist of the following stages :
( ii )
( iii )

Pre-assessment Work
Assessment and Moderation Process
Post-Assessment Work.




To fix the venue of the Central Assessment Programme :

The venue of the CAP shall be decided by the University authorities. It shall be on the University
campus/in Affiliated College/Recognized Institution/any other place decided by the University
Appointment of CAP Director :
The Director for the Central Assessment Programme shall be appointed by the University
authorities from amongst the following :
Principal of the Affiliated College concerned or his nominee from amongst the senior faculty
(ii )
Head of the Recognized Institution concerned or his nominee from amongst the senior faculty
Head of the University Department concerned or his nominee not below the rank of Reader.
Any other senior person with the suitable academic and administrative experience. The Director
shall communicate his acceptance along with the undertaking in the prescribed form
Invitation to Examiners/Moderators :
The University authorities shall provide a list indicating number of students appearing for each subject
and other relevant information to the Director. The Director/Controller of Examinations shall ascertain
the number of examiners and moderators required per subject. The Director shall make arrangements
regarding the space and the supporting staff required for the CAP.
The Director of CAP/Controller of Examinations shall send invitation letters to all the examiners and
moderators shown in the lists finalized by the University authorities well in advance so as to enable the
examiners and moderators to communicate their acceptance. In case of any difficulty in doing so, the
Director, CAP shall consult the Controller of Examinations and take decision. All the instructions regarding the CAP shall also be sent to examiners and moderators. In case of shortage of examiners/
moderators as reported by the Director, CAP the substitute appointments of examiner/moderators shall
be made by the Controller of Examinations.
Collection of Answer-books :
It is the responsibility of the Principal of the College /Director of the Recognized Institute / Head of the
University Department to see that the answer-books of the examinations held at his centres are sent
promptly to CAP Centre as per instructions given by the University authorities from time to time.





narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


Preparation for CAP :

( i ) The Director of CAP shall make adequate arrangements to receive answer-books coming from
the examination centres from time to time.
(ii) On receipt of the answer-books at the CAP venue, the staff employed for this work shall check
the number of answer-books. Junior Supervisors Reports and ascertain as to whether the number
of candidate present and absent indicated in the report are correct. In case of any discrepancy, it
shall be resolved in consultation with the Deputy Registrar (Examinations) or an Officer nominated
by the Controller of Examinations.
(iii) It shall be seen and verified that all the answer-books of the subjects, are received from all the
centres of examination. This shall be checked with the subjectwise and centrewise summaries of
the examinations concerned. In case of non-receipt of answer-books from any examination centre,
the Director of CAP shall take immediate steps for receiving the said answer-books from the
examination centre concerned under intimation to the Co-ordinator/Asstt. Co-ordinator of the
(iv) The bundle of answer-books so prepared shall preferably be computer coded and masked and
the coded sheets shall be inserted in the bundles of answer-books. The Junior Supervisor/s Reports
shall be taken out and kept in a separate file. Papers or bundles tied or presented in a doubtful
manner shall be separated and further decision regarding their evaluation shall be taken in
consultation with Controller of Examinations.



The University shall issue instructions to the concerned do the following :
( i ) Consistency and uniformity in assessment.
( ii) Remedial measures in respect of discrepancies detected/noticed in the question paper.
(iii) Unfairmeans noticed during the assessment process.
(iv) Administrative, financial and organizational details.
(v) Any other details not covered under this Ordinance shall be prescribed by the University and
the Central Assessment Programme shall be carried out accordingly.


The University shall issue instructions on the following :
( i ) Decoding/unmasking of assessed answer-books.
(ii) Scrutiny and verification of assessed answer-books.
(iii) Preparation and schedule of submission of mark-lists to the University.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$nm~m~V.

gX^ n H$. narjm/~r.Egr./322, {X. 24.11.2009
_hmam> {dmnrR> H$m`Xm 1994, H$b_ 32 (5) (\$) Ad`o {dmnrR>m`m gd narjm`m Cman{H$mMo
_y`_mnZ, H|$r` _y`_mnZ nVrZo H$a`mMr VaVyX AgyZ H$b_ 71 Ad`o narjmMo {ZH$mb 30 {Xdgm`m
AmV d OmVrVOmV 45 {Xdgmn`V bmdmd`mMo AgVmV.
{d{dY narjmMo H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$n {d{dY _hm{dmb`o/gWm `oWo Am`mo{OV H$a`mV `oV AmhoV/
AgVmV. H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$nmgmR>r _hm{dmb`mVrb/gWoVrb {d{dY {ejH$m`m {Z`w`m Cman{H$mMo
_y`mH$Z d {Z`_Z H$a`mgmR>r H$a`mV `oV AgVmV. `m gX^mV AmnUmg {dZVr H$s, H|$r` _y`_mnZ
H$nAVJV Ho$bo OmUmao _y`_mnZmMo H$m_ doioV d gwairV nma nmS>`mgmR>r {dmnrR>mZo {Z`w$ Ho$bo`m
Amn`m _hm{dmb`mVrb {ejH$mZm H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$nm`m {R>H$mUr doioda CnpWV amh`mg gmJmdo.
H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$nm`m {R>H$mUr OmVmZm, g~{ YV narjH$mH$S>o _hm{dmb`mMo g_{Vn (Releaving Order)
d `m_`o {eH$dV Agbobm {df`, AZw^d `mMm CboI Agmdm, VgoM `m`mOdi AmoiIn Agmdo.
`mMr _m{hVr g~{YV narjH$/{Z`m_H$ `mZm mdr, hr {dZVr.
{dmnrR>m`m dVrZo KoV`m Jobo`m AmQ>mo~a 2009 _Yrb H$mhr narjm Ceram gw$ H$am`m bmJbo`m
AmhoV d `m narjmMo {ZH$mb doioV Omhra H$a`m`m >rZo Amnbo Zoh_r_mUo g{H$` ghH$m` {_iob, Aer
Imr Amho.
Amnbm {dmgy,
S>m. {e. _mo. Am[hao
^mar narjm {Z`H$.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Ordinance No. 149
This Ordinance shall come into force with effect from the examinations to be held from October 2002 and

The candidate at the University Examinations may apply to the Registrar or Deputy Registrar (Examinations).
University of Pune in the prescribed form for Verification of Marks for his/her answer-book/s through the
Principal of respective college. The External students shall apply directly to the University following
regular procedure.


The application form must be accompanied with fee of Rs.100/- (w.e.f. Oct.06 - Rs.120) and Rs.75/(w.e.f. Oct.06 - Rs.95) for professional and non-professional courses respectively, per subject/course/
paper/head of passing. This fee shall not be refunded.


The application may be entertained by the University only if it is received, through the College to the
University Office, within 3 weeks from the date of declaration of result of the examination concerned.
( The period for application has been reduced to 10 days with effect from April/May 2003, vide Circular
No.7 of 2002, dated 20.2.2002 and Corrigendum Circular No. 114 of 2002, dated 23.4.2002).


No application for verification shall be entertained unless :

(i) A xerox copy of the statement of marks of the candidate concerned, at the examination concerned,
is enclosed with the application.
(ii) Seat number, nomenclature of Paper/s, date of examination, centre and name of the college are
correctly filled in.
(iii) Exact amount of fees as prescribed in the rule is remitted alongwith the application form.


The Principal of colleges concerned, shall collect the application forms of verification of marks alongwith
prescribed fee of verification of marks and send the same to the University in one lot with demand draft of
the amount of fees collected, for verification of marks.


On receipt of application for Verification, following factors, may be verified :

(i ) The answer-book contains the number of supplements recorded.
(ii ) All the answers of the questions are assessed by the examiners.
(iii) The total of the marks is correctly counted and recorded.


For verification of marks in respect of script of Practical and Oral examination, marks on the record only
may be verified.


The marks obtained by the candidate in any individual question or section of the subject/course/paper/head
of passing shall not be communicated.


The candidate may be allowed to submit application for verification of marks and revaluation of answerbook/s at one and the same time.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Ordinance No. 134 A & B
Circular No. 8 / 2008

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the amendment to Ordinance No. 134 A
and B into force with effect from October/November 2007 Examination Session.

A candidate at the University Examinations may be eligible to apply for revaluation of

his/her answer-book/s of the theory paper/s of the University examinations, subject to the following
conditions :
1. A candidate may apply for revaluation in 50% of heads of passing in theory subject/s or maximum
three heads of passing in theory subject/s whichever is less, at the University examination in which
he/she has appeared at the said University examination.
2. The revaluation includes the process of verification. If on verification of marks, it is found that the
marks originally shown in the marklist issued to a candidate have changed as a result of verification,
the changed marks shall be considered as original marks for the purpose of revaluation.
3. The revaluation of the answer-books, however, shall not be permitted in respect of scripts of
practical Examination/Term Work/Internal Assessment/Sessional Marks/ Dissertation/Thesis/Clinical/
MCQ (Multiple choices question in practical examination) and Viva-Voce, etc.
4. A candidate shall submit an application only in the prescribed form to the Controller of Examinations
of University of Pune for :
(i) Verification under Ordinance 149 along with fees for verification, prescribed from time to time,
per subject/course/paper/head of passing of theory paper.
(ii) Revaluation, alongwith the fee prescribed from time to time for Revaluation, per subject/course/
paper/head of passing of theory paper, within 10 days from the date of declaration of the
University result, through the Principal of respective college. The external students shall apply
directly to the University following the regular procedure.
5. No application for verification and revaluation shall be entertained unless :
(i) A Xerox copy of the statement of marks at the examinations concerned is enclosed with the
(ii) Seat number, nomenclature of theory paper/s, date of examination and examination centre are
correctly filled in.
(iii) Exact amount of fee as prescribed in the rule is remitted along with the application form.
(iv) This fee shall not be refunded in case of those whose application is processed for revaluation.
However, the fee for revaluation can be refunded,
(a) If the application is not entertained and not processed for revaluation under the provision
of this Ordinance, and if the candidate concerned submits his request for refund in this
behalf accordingly.
(b) If the difference between original marks and marks obtained after revaluation exceeds by
5% or more, of the maximum marks of theory paper/s, 50% revaluation fee of the theory
paper/s, concerned shall be refunded to the candidate.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

6. The Principal of College concerned shall collect the application forms of verification of marks/
revaluation of answer-books of the theory paper/s along with prescribed fee of verification of marks/
revaluation of the answer-books of the theory paper/s and send the same to the University in one
lot with demand draft of the amount of fees collected for verification/revaluation.
7. A candidate applying for revaluation shall note that the result of the revaluation of his/her answerbook/s of the theory paper/s shall be binding on him/her and that he/she shall accept the revised
marks obtained his/her theory paper/s after revaluation.
8. The benefit of the revaluation shall be given to a candidate if the difference between original marks
and the marks obtained after revaluation exceeds by 5% or more, of the maximum marks of the
theory paper/s these marks will be accepted by the University and will be binding on the candidate.
However, in extreme cases the Vice-Chancellor may use his discretion for getting second opinion for
revaluation. For the purpose of computing the 5% difference in marks half per cent of the marks
assigned to the paper or a part thereof shall be taken in to account and rounded of for next
successive higher integer.
9. The Revised marks obtained by the candidate after revaluation as accepted by the University shall
be taken into account for the purpose of amendment of his/her result in accordance with the rules
of the University made on that behalf.
10. For the purpose of this Ordinance revaluation of the answer-book/s of the theory paper/s shall be
deemed to be an additional facility provided to the students with a view to improve upon their results
at the preceeding University Examination, it being understood that delay in the declaration of revaluation
result for any reason whatsoever shall not confer any right upon them for admission to the next higher
class and such matter shall always be regulated in accordance with the relevant ordinances and rules
or regulations framed by the University in that behalf. If as a result of revaluation, the candidate
attracts the provision of condonation of deficiency the same shall be applied to him.
B. Mode of Revaluation :
The answer-book shall be re-examined by a separate examiner of the choice of the


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

\{$aV[mgUr d [wZ_y`mH$Zm`m AmYma{

Vm[waVm (Provisional) d{e
[na[H$ H$. 232/1981-82
gd g]oYVmZm odoXV Amh{ H$s, [wU{ odm[rR>mZ{ `m odm`mZm [arj{_`{ CmrU hm{`mg Amd`H$ JwU
o_imb{ ZmhrV AJa odm`m`m A[{j{[{jm H$_r JwU o_imb{ Va `m odm`mZm \{$aV[mgUr (Verification)
d [wZ_y `mH$ZmMr (Revaluation) gdbV oXbr Amh{.
darb Xm{hr gdbVtMm EImm odm`mZ{ \$m`Xm `m`Mm R>aod`mg darb H$m`dmhrg ]amM H$mbmdYr
bmJVm{ d `mV Vm{ AZwmrUmMm CmrU Pm`mg `mg [wT>rb gmgmR>r AJa dfmgmR>r _hmodmb`mV Zmd XmIb
H$a`mg AdKS> OmV{. `m_wi{ `mM{ ZwH$gmZ hm{V,{ Ag{ oXgyZ Am`m_wi{ [wU{ odm[rR>mZ{ Agm oZU` K{Vbm Amh{
H$s, Aem odm`mM{ ejoUH$ ZwH$gmZ Q>mi`mgmR>r Imbr Z_yX H{$b{`m AQ>tZwgma odm`mg _hmodmb`mV
ZdrZ g AJa dfmgmR>r `m`m odZVrd$Z d{e mdm
1. O{ odmWu `m [arj{_`{ AZwmrU Pmb{b{ Amh{V.
2. `m odm`mZr \{$aV[mgUr (Verification) d [wZ_y`mH$ZmgmR>r (Revaluation) AO H{$bm Ag{b d
`m[H$s O{ odmWu [wT>rb dJmV d{emgmR>r odZVr H$aVrb.
3. hm d{e Vm[waVm (Provisional) amhrb.
4. gXaMm d{e odm`mZ{ dV`m O]m]Xmarda `md`mMm Amh{.
5. Oa odm`mMm \{$aV[mgUr d [wZ_y`mH$Zm_`{ oZH$mb AZwmrUV{Mm CmrU Pmbm Va Vm{ d{e H$m`_
6. darb Jm{>tV oZH$mbmV ]Xb Z Pm`mg hUO{M odmWr AZwmrU amoh`mg Vm{ d{e a g_O`mV
7. `m odm`mMm d{e darb H$maUmgmR>r (AQ> H$. 6) a Pmbm Va `mZ{ _hmodmb`mV ^ab{b{ ewH$
[aV H{$b{ OmUma Zmhr.
8. Aem Vh{Mr gdbV `m oR>H$mUr odm`m`m g`{M{ ]YZ Zmhr, AemM A`mgH$_mZm bmJy amhrb.
JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007.
Om.H$. [wZ_y `mH$Z/nah`yEeZ/2352,
oXZmH$ 19.11.1981.

ghr/- XXX


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m



d{emM{ ewH$

[na[H$ H$. 328/1994-95

odm[rR>m`m [arj{_`{ odm`mZm CmrU hm{`mg Amd`H$ V{dT>{ JwU Z o_im`mg AJa A[{j{[{jm H$_r
JwU o_im`mg, JwU \{$aV[mgUr (Verification) d [wZ_y`mH$ZmgmR>r (Revaluation) oZ`_mZwgma AO H$a`mMr
gdbV Amh{. Aem odm`mZm _hmodmb`mV [wT>rb gmV AJa dfmgmR>r `m`m odZVrd$Z [na[H$ H$. 232/
81-82, oX. 19.11.1981 Ad`{ d{e K{Vm `{Vm{.
`mg]Y r odm[rR> AoYH$ma _S>imZ{ K{Vb{`m oZU`mZwgma gd g]o YVmZm H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, [na[H$ H$.
232/81-82, oX. 19.11.1981 _Yrb VaVwXr _hmodmb`mZr gd odm`m`m [wZM ZOa{g AmUm`mV.
gm{]V gXa`m [na[H$mMr V Om{S>br Amh{.
[na[H$ H$. 232/81-82, oX. 19.11.1981 `m VaVwXt`m AYrZ amhZ odm`mZm Vm[waVm
(Provisional) d{e X{V{d{ir, g]oYV odm`mH$Sy>Z \$V 50% ewH$ K{`mV `md{ d d{e H$m`_
Pm`mZVa amohb{b{ 50% ewH$ K{`mV `md{.
_m. mMm`, gd gb _hmodmb`{ d _m. gMmbH$, _m`VmmV gWm AmoU od^mJ_wI, ejoUH$ od^mJ
`mZm odZVr H$s, `m [na[H$mVrb Ame` gd odmWu, [mbH$ d BVa g]oYVm`m ZOa{g AmUyZ mdm.

JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007.

Om.H$. [arjm-6/4955,
oXZmH$ 27.8.1994.

ghr/- XXX


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

[arjm JaH$ma H$aU{ H$m`dmhr]m]V

A`mX{e H$_mH$ 9
[na[H$ H$. 218/1997
`m [na[H$mma{ gd g]oYVmZm H$iod`mV `{V{ H$s, [wU{ odm[rR>mH$S>{ `m odm`mZr [arj{V JaH$ma
H{$`m]b VH$mar Amb{`m Amh{V, `m odm`m`m ]m]VrV H$m`dmhr H$a`mH$naVm odm[rR>m`m [arjm _S>imZ{
Z{_b{`m g]o YV go_Vr[wT>{ VH$mar R>d{ `mV `{Vrb. JaH$ma H$aUmVrb odm`mZm odm[rR>mMm oZU` H$iod`mg
H$mhr H$mbmdYr bmJVm{. Xa`mZ`m H$mimV odm[rR>m`m [wT>rb [arjmM{ AO ^a`mMr VmarI odm[rR>m_m\$V
Omhra H$a`mV `{V.{ Vg{M _hmodmb`{ d{e X{`mMr oH$`mhr gw$ H$a`m`m VmaIm Omhra H$aVmV. odm`mZm
[arj{`m H$mimVrb KS>b{ `m JaH$mam`m H$aUm]m]V oZU` H$iodbm Zg{b AemZm `m`m dV`m O]m]Xmarda
[arjm-AO ^aVm `{Bb
. Vg{M _hmodmb`mV Vm[waVm d{e K{Vm `{Bb
. `m gX^mV Imbrb oZ`_mMr A_b]OmdUr
H$a`mV `{Bb
1. `m odm`mZr [arj{V JaH$ma H{$bm Amh{ d `mMr H$aU{ odm[rR>mV Amb{br Amh{V, Aem odm`mZm
[wT>rb gmgmR>r AJa dfmgmR>r d{e `md`mMm Ag{b Va g]o YV odmWu mMm`mZm Vgm AO gmXa H$aVrb.
2. `m odm`mZm odm[rR>m`m [arj{gmR>r AO H$amd`mMm Amh{, Ag{ odmWu _m. mMm`mZm/gMmbH$mZm/
od^mJ_wImZm Ver b{Ir odZVr H$aVrb AmoU odm[rR> `m`m JaH$mam`m H$aUmda Om{ oZU` K{Bb
Vm{ oZU` g]o YV odm`mda ]YZH$maH$ amhrb AmoU `m]m]V odm`mMr H$m{UVrhr VH$ma amhUma Zmhr,
Ag{ h_r[ V{ ^$Z X{Vrb.
3. Aem odm`mZm _hmodmb`mV Vm[waVm d{e (Provisional) oXbm OmBb. Vg{M Aem odm`mM{ d{eAO Vm[wa`md$[mV (Provisional) drH$mab{ OmVrb.
4. JaH$ma H$aUmV odmWu oZXm}f AmT>iZy Am`mg `mMm _hmodmb`mVrb d{e Vg{M odm[rR> [arjmAO Jm Ya`mV `{Bb.
5. odmWu Oa [arjm JaH$aUmV Xm{fr AmT>ibm Va `mbm odm[rR>mZ{ oXb{`m oej{`m H$mamZwgma `mMm
_hmodmb`mVrb d{e, Vg{M odm[rR> [arjm-AO Am[m{Am[ a g_Obm OmBb. `mgmR>r ^ab{br \$s [aV
H{$br OmUma Zmhr.
6. JaH$aUmV gm[S>b{`m odm`mZr dV`m O]m]XmardaM _hmodmb`mV d{e `md`mMm Amh{,
Vg{M [arjm-AO ^amd`mMm Amh{.
7. JaH$aUmV gm[S>b{ `m odm`mZm [arjm-AO ^aVmZm [whm `m [arj{gmR>r gd odf`mgmR>r AO ^amdm.
[arj{`m H$mim[`V odm[rR>mMm oZU` `mZm Z H$iod`mg g[Uy odf`mMr [arjm `mZr [whm mdr. _m
odm[rR>mV\}$ `m`m H$aUm]m]V Om{ oZU` oXbm OmBb `mZwgma `m`m]m]V [wT>rb H$m`dmhr H{$br OmBb.
JU{eqIS>, [wU-{ 411007
ghr/- XXX
Om.H$. [arjm/H$j-5/1375
[arjm oZ`H$.
oXZmH$ 9 OyZ 1997


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

narjm JaH$ma-H$madmB{df`r
gX^ n[anH$ H$. 348, {X. 23.11.2009
narjm Am`moOZm`m H$m`nVrMm AmT>mdm Ko`mV Ambm AgyZ narjm H|$mV narjm JaH$ma AmT>i`mg
VgoM narjm {eV~ d {ZH$mon dmVmdaUmV nma nmS>`m`m >rZo {dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>imZo KoVbo`m
{ZU`mZwgma, gd g~{YVmZm nwT>rb_mUo H$i{d`mV `oV Amho
1. `oH$ _hm{dmb`mZo mMm`m_m\$V `m`m _hm{dmb`mV H$m`aV Agbo`m d[a> m`mnH$m`m AVJV
XjVm nWH$mMr `oH$ gm`m (goeZ`m) doir {Z`w$s H$amdr. gXa nWH$m_`o _{hbm gX` AgUo
Amd`H$ Amho. VgoM Vo _hm{dmb`mMo AVJV XjVm nWH$ Ag`m_wio `m~m~V H$moU`mhr H$maMo
_mZYZ Xo`mV `oD$ Z`o.
2. narjo`m {Xder g~{YV _hm{dmb`mVrb `m bmH$_`o narjm Mmby AgVmZm, bmH$`m {dmWug`o`m 15% nojm OmV {dm`mZr narjoV JaH$ma Ho$`mMo AmT>i`mg, `m bmH$_Yrb g~{YV
H${Z> n`dojH$ d `m goeZ_`o H$m`aV Agbo`m AVJV d ~{hW d[a> n`dojH$mZm `m {XdgmMo
_mZYZ Xo`mV `oD$ Z`o.
3. narjo`m {Xder g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mV narjm Mmby AgVmZm EHy$U {dmWu-g`o`m 15% nojm OmV
{dm`mZr narjoV JaH$ma Ho$`mMo AmT>i`mg narjm H|$mda H$m`aV Agbobo gd g~{YV H${Z>
n`dojH$, AVJV d ~{hW n`dojH$ Am{U mMm` `mZm `m {XdgmMo _mZYZ Xo`mV `oD$ Z`o.
VgoM, {dmnrR>m`m narjobm Zn{H$m V`ma H$aUmao mpZH$ (Paper-Setters), Cman{H$m Vnmg`mgmR>r
narjH$ (Examiners), {Z`m_H$ (Moderator) d n`dojH$ `mMo H$moUVo ZmVodmBH$ narjobm ~gbo AgVm narjoMo
H$moUVo H$m_ g~{YVmZr H$amdo d H$moUVo H$m_ H$$ Z`o `mg~Yr nwT>rb_mUo H$i{d`mV `oV Amho
1. mpZH$ (Paper-Setters), narjH$, {Z`m_H$ (Moderator) d n`dojH$ `mZm `mMo ZmVodmBH$ `m`m
{dmemIoV nXdr narjobm ~gbm Agob Va `mZm nXdr narjoMo H$m_ H$a`mg AZw_Vr ZgyZ `mZm
nX`wma narjoMo H$m_ H$a`mg AZw_Vr Xo`mV `oV Amho.
2. VgoM, `mMo ZmVodmBH$ `m`m {dmemIoV nX`wma narjobm ~gbm Agob Va `mZm nX`wma narjoMo
H$m_ H$a`mg AZw_Vr ZgyZ, `mZm nXdr narjoMo H$m_ H$a`mg AZw_Vr Xo`mV `oV Amho. "ZmVodmBH$'
`m gkoV Imbrb ZmVodmBH$mMm g_mdoe H$a`mV `oV Amho
"Father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, daughter-in-law, brother, sister, first cousine and its

darb {ZU`mMr A_b~OmdUr AmQ>mo~a/Zmoh|~a 2009 `m narjm gmnmgyZ H$a`mV `mdr.

S>m. {e. _mo. Am{hao
^mar narjm {Z`H$.

gX^ narjm-g_d`/1609
{XZmH$ 23.11.2009


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


Circular No. 123/2008

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the new Ordinance No. 182 as regards supply of
the photo copy/ies of assessed and/or moderated theory subject/s answer-book/s to the examinees,
This Ordinance shall be made applicable from March/April, 2008 examination season.
1. The photo copy/ies of assessed and/or moderated theory subject/s answer-book/s of the current
examination will be supplied to the examinee/s. The photo copy/ies of answer-books of practical
examination, sessional marks, marks of viva-voce/dissertation/thesis/project, Common Entrance Test
conducted by University etc. shall not be supplied to the examinee/s.
2. An examinee may apply for the photo copy/ies of the answer-book/s in 50% of theory subjects/papers
or maximum three of theory subjects/papers, whichever is less, for which he/she has appeared at the
University examination. . .
3. The prescribed application form for demand of photo copy/ies of answer-book/s will be available at the
Publication Unit of the University or from Regional Centres, on payment of Rs.20/- for Non-professional
Course and Rs.30/- for Professional Course.
4. The photo copy/ies shall be supplied on the payment of non-refundable fees as follows :

Non- Professional course - Rs.250/- per answer-book of theory paper.


Professional course - Rs. 300/- per answer-book of theory paper.

5. The prescribed application form shall have to be filled in and signed by the examinee only and shall
be submitted to the Principal of the college concerned along with the requisite fees, within 10 days (both
days inclusive) from the date of declaration of results of the examination concerned. Incomplete or
Incorrect application form shall be rejected without assigning any reasons and fees paid along with
application form shall not be refunded, The external students should apply directly to the Controller of
Examinations of the University along with the requisite fees, within 10 days (both days inclusive) from
the date of declaration of results of the examination concerned.
6. The Principal of the College shall forward all such applications collectively to the Controller of
Examinations, University of Pune within 15 days (both days inclusive) from the date of declaration of
results of the examination concerned.
7. In clause 5 & 6 above, if the last day happens to be the holiday to the College/University, the next
working day will be treated as the last day.
8. Out of the fees collected for supply of photo copy/ies, a sum of Rs. 10/- (Rs. Ten only) per examinee
shall be deducted by the college concerned towards administrative charges and D. D. commission and
remaining amount shall be sent by Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, University of Pune along with
the application forms and statements of fees collected/remitted.
9. Upon receipt of the application forms by the University from the college., The Photo Copies Cell of
the University (hereinafter referred to as the Cell) shall scrutinize the answer-book/s and shall verify
the following :

Whether the total marks in the given paper awarded to the examinee on the statement of marks
matches with the marks awarded to the examinee on the cover page of the answer-book/s?


Whether the question-wise marks awarded to all the questions inside the answer-book are correctly


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

carried over to the cover page?

Whether the total of the question-wise marks on the cover page is correct?


Whether all the answers or parts thereof in the answer-book have been assessed by the examiner?

10. Discrepancy, if any on any, of the count as mentioned in clause 9 above, noted by the Cell, shall be
corrected by the Cell.

If any question or part thereof in the answer-book is found to be unvalued/unassessed, the same shall
be got valued from the examiner and additional marks awarded, if any, shall then be carried, and added
on the cover page and accordingly, the total of the marks shall be corrected.

12. The change, if any, on the counts mentioned in clause 9 above, shall be informed to the examinee
and corrected statement of marks shall also be issued to the examinee on his/her surrendering
the original statement of marks to the University through the college concerned, without charging any
13. The photo copy/ies of the answer-book/s shall be made available to the examinee after making
corrections, if any, in the marks on the cover page and after awarding grace marks, if any, and
concealing the identity of the examiner and moderator. The designated officer shall certify on main page
of the answer book by placing the seal. In no case, the identity of the examiner/s, moderator/s shall
be disclosed.
14. The photo copy/ies of only written part of answer book/s shall be provided. No photo copy/ies of blank
pages of answer book/s shall be provided.
15. The photo copy/ies of the answer-book/s shall be sent to the Principal/s of College/s concerned for
further issuance of the same to the examinee/s concerned. The Principal of the college concerned
shall obtain from the examinee, a written acknowledgement of the receipt of photo copy/ies of answer
16. The University shall supply the photo copy/ies within 45 days from the date of receipt of application
through the Principal of the College concerned.
17. Upon receipt of photo copy/ies of answer-book/s, an examinee may apply for Revaluation within seven
days from the date of the receipt of the answer-book/s (both days inclusive) through his/her college.
The external student/s concerned shall apply directly to the University. The Principal of the College
concerned shall forward all such applications to the University within three days (both days inclusive).
The fees for revaluation shall be as follows :

Non-professional course : Rs. 180/- per subject/course/head of passing of the theory paper.


Professional course : Rs. 245/- per subject/course/head of passing of the theory paper.
The said fees may be revised, by the University from time to time.

18. An examinee may apply separately for Verification & Revaluation of answer-book/s as per Ordinance
149 and Ordinance 134 A & B and for photo copy/ies of answer-book/s as per this ordinance
simultaneously. An examinee, upon the receipt of the photo copy/ies of answer-book/s, may also apply
for revaluation as mentioned in clause 17 above subject to following conditions :

An examinee will not be eligible to apply for Revaluation again for the subjects for which he/she
has applied to get photo copies and Revaluation was also carried out for the same subjects initially
as per his application.


An examinee who has initially applied for Revaluation Separately and who also applies for
Revaluation after the receipt of Photo copies of answer-books, may also apply for Revaluation


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

of answer-books of theory papers for maximum 50% heads of passing in theory subjects or
maximum three head of passing in theory subjects whichever is less in both the modes of
Revaluation taken together. :
19. Photo copy/ies of answer-book/s after revaluation, shall not be provided.
20. The supply of photo copy/ies of answer-books is an additional facility made available to the candidates.
The University shall not be liable for failure or delay in supplying the photo copy/ies of the answerbook/s due to any reason beyond the control of the University.
21. An examinee who is found to have indulged in any malpractice/s as per the Ordinance 9 relating to
the conduct of examinations and/or has been punished on account of malpractices in the
examination/s, shall not be eligible to apply for photo copy/ies of answer-book/s of any of the subjects/
papers of that examination.
22. The examinee shall be sole custodian of the photo copy/ies so supplied and shall not be entitled to
transfer the same to anybody for any purpose, whatsoever. The examinee shall further refrain himself
from putting such photo copy/ies to any misuse that might jeopardize the reputation of the University.
23. In case of misused of photo copy/ies by the examinee, University Authority will take action against such
candidates as per the provision of Section 32(6) (a) of Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994.
24. If any difficulty arises in application of this Ordinance, the Vice-Chancellor shall be competent to take
the decision and his decision shall be final and binding.
Ref. No. Law/2008/105
Date : 12-3-2008

Sd/- XXX

Copy for information to :

1) The Principals of Affiliated Colleges
2) The Heads of Recognized Institutions
3) The Heads of University Departments
4) The Heads of Sections in the University Office.



narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


CIRCULAR NO. 178/2008

It is hereby notified for the information of afl concerned that the amended Ordinance 104-A
regarding permission to apply for degrees/diplomas in various faculties, after convocation shall come into
force with effect from 29/1/2003.
The Management Council under provisions of Section 28(n) on the recommendations of the Academic
Council under Section 96(1) of the Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994, confer the Degrees/Dilpomas/
Certificates and other academic distinction at the University Convocation.
The Candidates examined and found eligible for degrees/diplomas in different faculties but could not
apply for admission to the convocation held, would be permitted to apply even after the convocation. Such
degrees/diplomas will be issued to them as per procedure laid down below :

The candidates must have passed the examination before the date of convocation held in the
year and must have been qualified for the award of the degree/diploma concerned before the
said date.


Such candidates will have to apply to the University in the prescribed form. He/She will have
to pay the prescribed fee and an additional prescribed fee as a special fee, along with the


Such candidates can apply for degree/diploma certificates through out the year. The certificates
will be issued through out the year except the period of 30 days before regular Convocation
of the year.



Candidates residing in Pune will have to collect certificates from the University Office
one month after the submission of application in exchange of the fee receipt,


For candidates residing outside Pune, certificates will be sent by Registered post.

(iii) For Candidates residing abroad, certificates will be sent by registered post on payment of
Rs. 150/- in addition to the prescribed fee and additional fee.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate issued after Convocation under the provision of this ordinance will
bear the signature of the Honble Vice-Chancellor in the Chair.

Ref.No. : Law/2008/135
Date : 29.3.2008

Sd/- XXX

Copy for information to:

1) The Principals of Affiliated Colleges
2) The Heads of Recognized Institutions
3) The Heads of University Departments
4) The Heads of Sections in the University Office.



narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

W_ df narjm _hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ H$a`m~m~V

W_ df H$bm, dm{U` d {dkmZ narjm _hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ H$a`m~m~V.
gX^ n[anH$ H$. narjm/g_d`H$/163, {X. 2.2.2010
{dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>imZo KoVbo`m {ZU`mZwgma W_ df H$bm, b{bVH$bm, _mZg ZrVr d g_mO{dkmZ,
dm{U`, {dkmZ (gJUH$) d {dkmZ (OdVkmZ) `m A`mgH$_m`m narjm ej{UH$ df 2010-11 nmgyZ
_hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ Ho$`m Ag`mMo gX^ H$. narjm/g_d`/1633, {X. 24 Zmoh|~a, 2009 `m nm`o
AmnUmg `mnyduM H$i{d`mV Ambobo Amho. gXa narjm _hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ Ho$`mZVa H$amd`m`m
H$m_H$mOm~m~V`m g{dVa gwYm[aV gyMZm gmo~V OmoS>bo`m AmhoV.
AmnUmg {dZVr H$s, `m nmMm Ame` gd g~{YV {ejH$, {ejHo$Va godH$, {dmWu d BVa gd
g~{YVm`m {ZXeZmg AmUyZ mdm.
Amnbm {dmgy,
(S>m. {e. _mo. Am{hao)
^mar narjm {Z`H$.
gmo~V darb_mUo.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

W_ df narjm _hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ Ho$`mZVa`m H$m_H$mOmMr H$m`nVr

W_ df H$bm, b{bVH$bm, _mZg, ZrVr d g_mO{dkmZ, dm{U`, {dkmZ, {dkmZ (gJUH$) d {dkmZ
(OdVkmZ) `m narjm ej{UH$ df 2010-2011 nmgyZ _hm{dmb`mH$S>o gmon{d`m~m~V {ZU` Ko`mV
Ambobm AgyZ gXa narjm _hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ Ho$`mZVa H$amd`m`m H$m_H$mOm~m~V`m g{dVa gyMZm/
H$m`nVr Imbrb_mUo amhrb
(1) {dmnrR>mZo H$amd`mMr H$m_o
narjmMr H$m`H$ _n{H$m (Schedule of Examinations) Omhra H$aUo.
_hmam> {dmnrR> H$m`Xm 1994, H$b_ 32 (5) (A) Ad`o g^mMo Am`moOZ H$$Z
mpZH$m`m {Z`w`m H$aUo.
mpZH$m`m g^m Am`mo{OV H$$Z ZgM V`ma H$$Z KoUo.
narjoMo doimnH$ Omhra H$aUo.
nZn{H$mMr N>nmB H$$Z `m g~{YV _hm{dmb`mZm doioV nmohmoM{dUo.
narjm {ZH$mon dmVmdaUmV nma nmS>`mgmR>r XjVm nWH$mMr Zo_UyH$ H$aUo.
narjoMm {ZH$mb V`ma H$a`m`m {H$`o~m~V _hm{dmb`mVrb {V{ZYtMr {Ohmdma H$m`emim
Am`mo{OV H$aUo.
nW_ dfm`m narjm d `m`m Cman{H$m Vnmg`mMo H$m_H$mO {Vr` d VVr` dfm`m narjm gw$
hmo`m`m AmYr nyU H$a`mgmR>r W_, {Vr` d VVr` df narjmMr H$m`H$ _n{H$m `mZwgma V`ma H$aUo.
(2) _hm{dmb`mZo H$amd`mMr H$m_o
1. ej{UH$ nmVm VnmgyZ {dmnrR> {Z`_m_mUo {dm`mZm doe XoUo.
2. CnpWVr d VXZwf{JH$ ~m~r {dMmamV KoD$Z gnyVVm (Term Grant) H$aUo.
3. nm {dm`mMo narjm-AO ^$Z KoD$Z {dm`mZm _hm{dmb`mMm AmgZH$_mH$ XoU,o {df`dma
g_ar H$$Z {dm`mZm narjo`m doimnH$mZwgma narjoMo doen XoUo, {dm`mMr narjoMr
~R>H$`dWm H$aUo, B`mXr. gXa {dm`mZm H$m`_ Zm|XUr H$_mH$ (PRN) Xo`mV `oD$ Z`o.
4. narjogmR>r _hm{dmb`mMo Zmd d AZwH$ _mH$ Agbo`m Cman{H$m N>mnyZ KoUo d `mMm dmna narjogmR>r H$aUo.
5. {df`{Zhm` {dmWu-g`m {dmnrR>mg _wXVrV H$i{dUo d `m_mUo Zn{H$m {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z drH$maUo.
6. narjm Am`moOZmgmR>r {Z`_mZwgma g~{YVm`m Zo_UwH$m H$aUo.
7. narjm Am`moOZmgmR>r AVJV d[a> n`dojH$ VgoM ~{hW d[a> n`dojH$ {Z`w$ H$aUo.
g~{ YV mMm`mZr A` gWo`m _hm{dmb`m`m mMm`mer gnH$ gmYyZ d[a> _hm{dmb`mVrb
H$_rVH$_r nmM dfmMm {eH${d`mMm AZw^d Agbo`m {ejH$mg ~{hW d[a> n`dojH$
hUyZ {Z`w$ H$aUo. AVJV d[a> n`dojH$mg nmM df} {eH${d`mMr AQ> {e{Wbj_ amhrb.
8. narjo`m doimnH$mZwgma narjoMo Am`moOZ H$aUo.
9. _hm{dmb` AmdmamV Cman{H$m g~{YV nm {df` {ejH$mH$Sy>Z VnmgyZ KoUo.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

10. g~{YV _hm{dmb`mZo {dmnrR> {Z`_mZwgma narjoMm {ZH$mb _wXVrV Omhra H$aUo.
11. JwUnH$mda _hm{dmb`mMo Zmd, Am`.S>r.H$_mH$, VgoM {dmnrR>m`m bmoJmogh N>mnyZ KoUo d
`m {dm`mZm {ZH$mbmZVa XoUo.
12. Vnmgbo`m Cman{H$m {ZH$mb Omhra Pmbo`m VmaIonmgyZ nwT>o ghm _{h`mn`V OVZ H$$Z
R>do Uo.
13. \o$aVnmgUr d nwZ_y`mH$Z VgoM Cman{Ho$Mr N>m`m{H$VV, {dmnrR> {Z`_m_mUo ewH$
AmH$m$Z XoUo.
14. {dm`mZm X`_ (duplicate) JwUnH$ XoUo, B`mXr.
15. {dmnrR> narjogmR>r H|$ _m`VoMm Vmd {Vr` dfmgmR>r (n[anH$ 303, {X. 8 gQ>|~a
2008 Zwgma) gmXa H$aUo.
16. narjmMo Am`moOZ, _y`_mnZ, Q>oeZar, B`mXr {d{dY H$m_mgmR>r H$amdm bmJUmam IM,
_hm{dmb`mZo narjm ewH$ d BVa ewH$mVrb _hm{dmb`m`m {h`mVyZ H$amd`mMm Amho.
_hm{dmb`m`m {h`mMr aH$_ _hm{dmb`mZo R>odyZ `m`Mr AgyZ Cabo`m {dmnrR>m`m
{h`mMr aH$_ {dmnrR>mH$S>o nmR>dmd`mMr Amho.
_hm{dmb`mMm d {dmnrR>mMm {hgm Imbrb_mUo Amho
A.H$. ewH$mMo dUZ
_hm{dmb`mMm {dmnrR>mMm
narjm-AOmMr qH$_V
A) A`mdgm{`H$
. 20/- . 15/. 5/~) `mdgm{`H$
. 30/- . 20/. 10/2.
narjm ewH$
W_ df A) H$bm d b{bVH$bm
. 240/- . 145/- . 95/~) dm{U`
. 240/- . 145/- . 95/H$) {dkmZ
. 360/- . 220/- . 140/3.
H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$n
A) A`mdgm{`H$
. 60/- . 40/. 20/~) `mdgm{`H$
. 95/- . 60/. 35/4.
A) A`mdgm{`H$
. 60/- . 40/. 20/~) `mdgm{`H$
. 95/- . 60/. 35/5.
JwUnS>VmiUr d nwZ_y `mH$Z AOmMr qH$_V
A) A`mdgm{`H$
. 20/- . 15/. 5/~) `mdgm{`H$
. 30/- . 20/. 10/88

A.H$. ewH$mMo dUZ



JwUnS>VmiUr d nwZ_y`mH$Z ewH$

A) A`mdgm{`H$
~) `mdgm{`H$
Cman{H$m N>m`m{H$V V AOmMr qH$_V
A) A`mdgm{`H$
~) `mdgm{`H$
Cman{H$m N>m`m{H$V V ewH$
A) A`mdgm{`H$
~) `mdgm{`H$
JwUnH$ X`_ V
A) A`mdgm{`H$
~) `mdgm{`H$

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

_hm{dmb`mMm {dmnrR>mMm

. 275/- . 175/. 365/- . 220/-

. 100/. 145/-

. 20/. 30/-

. 5/. 10/-

. 15/. 20/-

. 250/- . 150/. 300/- . 180/-

. 100/. 120/-

. 65/. 95/-

. 20/. 35/-

. 45/. 60/-

narjm-AOmMr qH$_V, narjm ewH$, H|$r` _y`mH$Z ewH$ d JwUnH$ ewH$ `m gd ewH$mMm
gd {dm`mMm ({Z`{_V d ~{hW), {dmnrR>m`m {h`mMm EH${V YZmH$f nmR>dmdm. AZwH$ _mH$
5 Vo 9 ~m~VMo {dmnrR>m`m {h`mMo ewH$ g~{YV narjm gm`m eodQ>r {dmnrR>mH$S>o nmR>{dUo
~YZH$maH$ Amho.
(3) ~{hW {dmWu
ej{UH$ df 2010-2011 `m dfmnmgyZ W_ df H$bm d dm{U`gmR>r {dm`mZr `m`m
AmdS>rZwgma gb _hm{dmb`m_`o ~{hW {dmWu hUyZ Zm|XUr H$amdr d `mM doir narjoMm
AO ^amdm. `m _hm{dmb`m_`o {eH$drV AgUm`m {df`mnH$sM {df` {ZdS>Uo `m {dm`mda
~YZH$maH$ Agob. g~{ YV _hm{dmb`m_`o ~{hW {dmWu hUyZ Zm|XUr Ho$`mZVa `m {dm`mbm
narjoMo doen Xo`mMr, {dm`mMr narjm Ko`mMr, Cman{H$m Vnmg`mMr d {ZH$mb Omhra
H$a`mMr, B`mXr O~m~Xmar g~{YV _hm{dmb`mda amhrb.
ej{UH$ df 2010-2011 _`o W_ df H$bm d dm{U` A`mgH$_mgmR>r `m _hm{dmb`m_`o
~{hW {dmWu hUyZ Zm|XUr Ho$bobr Agob `m ~{hW {dm`mZr nwT>rb df {Vr` df (gZ
2011-2012) d `mZVa VVr` df (gZ 2012-2013) H$bm d dm{U` A`mgH$_mgmR>r `mM
_hm{dmb`m_`o ~{hW {dmWu hUyZ Zm|XUr H$amd`mMr Amho. A`mgH$_mgmR>r Zm|XUr Ho$bo`m
~{hW {dm`mMr narjm `mM _hm{dmb`mV {Z`{_V {dm`m~amo~a Am`mo{OV H$amdr. g~{YV
_hm{dmb`mZr narjm Am`moOZmgmR>r Amd`H$ Agbo`m gmo`r, gw{dYm, OmJm, B`mXr ~m~r
{dMmamV KoD$Z ~{hW {dm`mMr Zm|XUr H$amdr. VgoM, _hm{dmb`mMr gnyU _m{hVr `m`m
gHo$VWimda {g H$aUo ~YZH$maH$ amhrb.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

ej{UH$ df 2010-2011 nmgyZ W_ df H$bm/dm{U`/{dkmZ/{dkmZ(gJUH$)/{dkmZ(OdVkmZ)
`m A`mgH$_m`m {Z`{_V d ~{hW {dm`mMr (nydu`m AZwmrU {dm`mgh) AmQ>m~o a/Zmoh|~a
gmVrb narjm (AmQ>m~o a 2011 `m narjmnmgyZ) Am`mo{OV H$a`mV `oUma Zmhr. (No Examination
will be conducted in Oct./Nov. season of first year B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.Sc.(Computer Science)/
B.Sc.(Biotechnology) from the examinations of Oct./Nov. 2011 season and onwards.)

`m _hm{dmb`m_`o _m`VmmV mMm` ZmhrV, Amd`H$ `m _mUmV _m`VmmV m`mnH$mMr

nXo ^abobr ZmhrV d narjm Ko`mgmR>r`m nm`m^yV gw{dYm CnbY ZmhrV Aem _hm{dmb`mZm
narjm H|$ AgUma Zmhr. Aem _hm{dmb`mVrb {dm`mMr gmo` bjmV KoD$Z ZOrH$`m _hm{dmb`mH$S>o
narjoMr gd `dWm gmon{d`mV `oBb. g~{YV _hm{dmb`mZr `mMr Zm|X KoD$Z `mZwgma {dmnrR>
H$m`mb`mg doirM H$i{dUo Amd`H$ Amh.
darb H$m`nVrMm Adb~ H$$Z narjm d VXg~{YV BVa H$m_o `dpWV nma nmS>`mV `mdrV,
hr {dZVr.

(S>m. {e. _mo. Am{hao)

^mar narjm {Z`H$.

JUoeqIS>, nwUo-411007.
{XZmH$ 02.02.2010


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

W_ df ~r.~r.E./`.~r.) (OwZm ~r.E\$.Q>r.) narjm
_hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ H$a`m~m~V.
gX^ n$ H$. narjm/g_d`H$/265, {X. 25.2.2010
{dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>imZo KoVbo`m {ZU`mZwgma AmnUmg H$i{d`mV `oVo H$s, ~r.~r.E./
~r.~r.E_.(Am`.~r.) (OwZm ~r.E\$.Q>r.) `m A`mgH$_m`m W_ df (W_ d {Vr` g) narjm`m
Cman{H$mMo _y`_mnZ, VgoM m`{jH$ narjm _hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ H$a`mV `oV AmhoV. gXa narjm
_hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ Ho$`mZVa H$amd`m`m H$m_H$mOm~m~V`m g{dVa gyMZm gmo~V OmoS>bo`m AmhoV. `m
{ZU`mMr A_b~OmdUr ej{UH$ df 2010-11 nmgyZ H$a`mV `mdr.
AmnUmg {dZVr H$s, `m nmMm Ame` gd g~{YV {ejH$, {ejHo$Va godH$, {dmWu d BVa gd
g~{YVm`m {ZXeZmg AmUyZ mdm.
Amnbm {dmgy,
ghr/- XXX
(S>m. {e. _mo. Am{hao)
^mar narjm {Z`H$.
gmo~V darb_mUo.
gX^ {dmn[afX R>amd H$. {d.n.A. 5 nrE/310/2009, {X. 30 Zmoh|~a, 2009.
`dWmnZ n[afX R>amd H$. 49 dA 59/150210, _ 60/150210


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

W_ df narjm _hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ Ho$`mZVa`m

H$m_H$mOmMr H$m`nVr
~r.~r.E./`.~r.) (OwZm ~r.E\$.Q>r.) `m A`mgH$_m`m W_ df (W_ d
{Vr` g) narjm`m Cman{H$mMo _y`_mnZ, VgoM W_ dfm`m m`{jH$mMr narjm ej{UH$ df 20102011 nmgyZ _hm{dmb`mH$S>o gmon{d`m~m~V {ZU` Ko`mV Ambobm AgyZ gXa narjm _hm{dmb`mH$S>o dJ
Ho$`mZVa H$amd`m`m H$m_H$mOm~m~V`m g{dVa gyMZm/H$m`nVr Imbrb_mUo amhrb
(1) {dmnrR>mZo H$amd`mMr H$m_o
narjmMr H$m`H$ _n{H$m (Schedule of Examinations) Omhra H$aUo.
_hmam> {dmnrR> H$m`Xm 1994, H$b_ 32 (5) (A) Ad`o g^mMo Am`moOZ H$$Z mpZH$m`m
{Z`w`m H$aUo.
mpZH$m`m g^m Am`mo{OV H$$Z ZgM V`ma H$$Z KoU.o
narjoMo doimnH$ Omhra H$aUo.
nZn{H$mMr N>nmB H$$Z `m g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mZm doiVo nmohmoM{dUo.
narjm {ZH$mon dmVmdaUmV nma nmS>`mgmR>r XjVm nWH$mMr Zo_UyH$ H$aUo.
narjoMm {ZH$mb V`ma H$a`m`m {H$`o~m~V _hm{dmb`mVrb {V{ZYtMr {Ohmdma H$m`emim
Am`mo{OV H$aUo.
nW_ dfm`m narjm d `m`m Cman{H$m Vnmg`mMo H$m_H$mO {Vr` d VVr` dfm`m narjm
gw$ hmo`m`m AmYr nyU H$a`mgmR>r W_, {Vr` d VVr` df narjmMr H$m`H$ _n{H$m `mZwgma
V`ma H$aUo.
(2) _hm{dmb`mZo H$amd`mMr H$m_o
1. ej{UH$ nmVm VnmgyZ {dmnrR> {Z`_m_mUo {dm`mZm doe XoU.o
2. CnpWVr d VXZfw { JH$ ~m~r {dMmamV KoD$Z gnyVV m (Term Grant) H$aUo.
3. nm {dm`mMo narjm-AO ^$Z KoD$Z {dm`mZm _hm{dmb`mMm AmgZH$_mH$ XoU,o {df`dma
g_ar H$$Z {dm`mZm narjo`m doimnH$mZwgma narjoMo doen XoU,o {dm`mMr narjoMr
~R>H$`dWm H$aUo, B`mXr. gXa {dm`mZm H$m`_ Zm|XUr H$_mH$ (PRN) Xo`mV `oD$ Z`o.
4. narjogmR>r _hm{dmb`mMo Zmd d AZwH$ _mH$ Agbo`m Cman{H$m N>mnyZ KoUo d `mMm dmna
narjogmR>r H$aUo.
5. {df`{Zhm` {dmWu-g`m {dmnrR>mg _wXVrV H$i{dUo d `m_mUo Zn{H$m {dmnrR>mH$Sy>Z
6. narjm Am`moOZmgmR>r {Z`_mZwgma g~{ YVm`m Zo_UwH$m H$aUo.
7. narjm Am`moOZmgmR>r AVJV d[a> n`dj
o H$ VgoM ~{hW d[a> n`dj
o H$ {Z`w$ H$aUo. g~{ YV
mMm`mZr A` gWo`m _hm{dmb`m`m mMm`mer gnH$ gmYyZ d[a> _hm{dmb`mVrb

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


H$_rVH$_r nmM dfmMm {eH${d`mMm AZw^d Agbo`m {ejH$mg ~{hW d[a> n`dj
o H$ hUyZ
{Z`w$ H$aUo. AVJV d[a> n`dj
o H$mg nmM df} {eH${d`mMr AQ> {e{Wbj_ amhrb.
narjo`m doimnH$mZwgma boIr d m`{jH$ narjoMo Am`moOZ H$aUo.
_hm{dmb` AmdmamV Cman{H$m g~{ YV nm {df` {ejH$mH$Sy>Z VnmgyZ KoU.o
g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mZo {dmnrR> {Z`_mZgw ma narjoMm {ZH$mb _wXVrV Omhra H$aUo.
JwUnH$mda _hm{dmb`mMo Zmd, Am`.S>r.H$_mH$, VgoM {dmnrR>m`m bmoJmogh N>mnyZ KoUo d `m
{dm`mZm {ZH$mbmZVa XoU.o
Vnmgbo`m Cman{H$m {ZH$mb Omhra Pmbo`m VmaIonmgyZ nwT>o ghm _{h`mn`V OVZ H$$Z R>do Uo.
\o$aVnmgUr d nwZ_y `mH$Z VgoM Cman{Ho$Mr N>m`m{H$VV, {dmnrR> {Z`_m_mUo ewH$ AmH$m$Z XoU.o
{dm`mZm X`_ (duplicate) JwUnH$ XoU,o B`mXr.
{dmnrR> narjogmR>r H|$ _m`VoMm Vmd {Vr` dfmgmR>r (n[anH$ 303, {X. 8 gQ>~| a 2008
Zwgma) gmXa H$aUo.
narjmMo Am`moOZ, _y`_mnZ, Q>e
o Zar, B`mXr {d{dY H$m_mgmR>r H$amdm bmJUmam IM, {dmnrR>m`m
M{bV {Z`_mZgw ma _hm{dmb`mZo narjm ewH$ d BVa ewH$mVrb _hm{dmb`m`m {h`mVyZ
H$amd`mMm Amho. _hm{dmb`m`m {h`mMr aH$_ _hm{dmb`mZo R>do Zy `m`Mr AgyZ Cabo`m
{dmnrR>m`m {h`mMr aH$_ {dmnrR>mH$S>o nmR>dmd`mMr Amho.

_hm{dmb`mMm d {dmnrR>mMm {hgm Imbrb_mUo Amho

A.H$. ewH$mMo dUZ


_hm{dmb`mMm {dmnrR>mMm


narjm-AOmMr qH$_V

. 30/-

. 20/-


narjm ewH$
W_ df A) ~r.~r.E. g-1
moOo Q>

. 980/- . 600/. 980/- . 600/. 400/- . 245/-

. 380/. 380/. 155/-

~) g-1

. 980/- . 600/. 980/- . 600/-

. 380/. 380/-

H$) ~r.~r.E_. g-1

moOo Q>

. 980/- . 600/. 980/- . 600/. 400/- . 245/-

. 380/. 380/. 155/-

. 105/- . 65/-

. 40/-


H|$r` _y`_mnZ H$n


. 10/-

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

A.H$. ewH$mMo dUZ


JwUnS>VmiUr d nwZ_y `mH$Z AOmMr qH$_V
JwUnS>VmiUr d nwZ_y `mH$Z ewH$
Cman{H$m N>m`m{H$V V AOmMr qH$_V
Cman{H$m N>m`m{H$V V ewH$
JwUnH$ X`_ V



. 65/. 20/. 245/. 20/. 200/. 65/-

. 40/. 10/. 155/. 10/. 130/. 40/-

narjm-AOmMr qH$_V, narjm ewH$, H|$r` _y`mH$Z ewH$ d JwUnH$ ewH$ `m gd ewH$mMm gd
{dm`mMm {dmnrR>m`m {h`mMm EH${V YZmH$f (Demand Draft) {dmnrR>mH$S>o Zoh_r`m nVrZo
{Vr` dfmMo narjm-AO O_m H$aVmZm nmR>dmdm. AZwH$ _mH$ 5 Vo 9 ~m~VMo {dmnrR>m`m {h`mMo
ewH$ g~{ YV narjm gm`m eodQ>r {dmnrR>mH$S>o nmR>{dUo ~YZH$maH$ Amho.
(3) ej{UH$ df 2009-2010 d Vnydu do{eV {dm`m~m~V
ej{UH$ df 2010-2011 _Yrb AmQ>m~o a 2010 `m narjmnmgyZ W_ df ~r.~r.E./
~r.~r.E_.(Am`.~r.) (OwZm ~r.E\$.Q>r.) `m A`mgH$_m`m {dm`mMr (nydu`m AZwmrU {dm`mgh)
W_ g d {Vr` gmMr narjm gd g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mZr Am`mo{OV H$amd`mMr Amho. ej{UH$
df 2009-2010 d `mnydu`m `m nwZnarjm`mMr (Repeater Students) narjm {dmnrR>mZo KoVbr
hmoVr, `m {dm`mMr g-1 d g-2 _Yrb `m {df`mMm AZwefo (Backlog) Amho, `m {df`mMr
narjmXoIrb g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mZo Am`mo{OV H$amd`mMr Amho. Aem gd {dm`mMr JwUnHo$ g~{ YV
_hm{dmb`mZo md`mMr AmhoV. nwZnarjm`mZm (Repeater Students) JwUnH$ XoVmZm, {dmnrR>mZo
Vnydu KoVbo`m narjoV {dmWu `m {df`m_`o CmrU Agob `m {df`mMo JwU ho {dmnrR>mZo
_hm{dmb`mg {Xbo`m {ZH$mbnm`m (College Ledger) AmYmao KoD$Z g~{ YV {dm`m`m JwUn{Ho$V
g_m{d> H$$Z XmI{d`mV `mdoV d `mZwgma g~{ YV {dm`mMm {ZH$mb Omhra H$a`mV `mdm.
`m _hm{dmb`m_`o _m`VmmV mMm` ZmhrV, Amd`H$ `m _mUmV _m`VmmV m`mnH$mMr
nXo ^abobr ZmhrV d narjm Ko`mgmR>r`m nm`m^yV gw{dYm CnbY ZmhrV Aem _hm{dmb`mZm narjm
H|$ AgUma Zmhr. Aem _hm{dmb`mVrb {dm`mMr gmo` bjmV KoD$Z ZOrH$`m _hm{dmb`mH$S>o
narjoMr gd `dWm gmon{d`mV `oBb
. g~{ YV _hm{dmb`mZr `mMr Zm|X KoD$Z `mZwgma {dmnrR>
H$m`mb`mg doirM H$i{dUo Amd`H$ Amho.
darb H$m`nVrMm Adb~ H$$Z narjm d VXg~ { YV BVa H$m_o `dpWV nma nmS>`mV `mdrV,
hr {dZVr.
JUoeqIS>, nwUo-411007.
(S>m. {e. _mo. Am{hao)
{XZmH$ 25.02.2010
^mar narjm {Z`H$.

narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

gHo$VWimda _m[hVr CnbYVo~m~V.

gX^ narjm/n{Z/71, {X. 9.7.2010

{dmnrR>mZo `mnyduM KoVbo`m YmoaUm_H$ {ZU`mZwgma narjm {d^mJm{df`rMr OmVrV OmV _m[hVr
gH$o VWimda CnbY H$Z Xo`mV `oV Amho. `mMmM EH$ ^mJ hUyZ Imbrb _m[hVr gH$o VWimda CnbY
H$Z Xo`mV Ambr Amho.

narjm {df`r A`mXoe : {dm`m`m {ZH$mbmgX^mV H$mhr A{YH$Mo JwU Xo`m~m~VMo VgoM
A` {df`mg~YrMo gd A`mXoe dVar`m gHo$VWimda R>od`mV Ambobo AmhoV.
( (Link : Ordinance)


nydu`m Zn{H$m : {dm`mZm gX^mgmR>r AmYr`m dfm`m Zn{H$m gHo$VWimda

{dmemIm{Zhm` CnbY H$Z Xo`mV Am`m AmhoV. ( (Link : Old Question


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m : {dmnrR> A{YH$ma _S>imZo KoVbobo {ZU` d A` n[anHo$ doimodi
o r
_hm{dmb`o, _m`Vmm gWmZm H$i{d`mV Ambobr AmhoV. gXa {ZU`mMr d n[anH$mMr
EH${V nwpVH$m narjm {d^mJmZo V`ma Ho$br AgyZ Vrhr gHo$VWimda bdH$aM R>od`mV `oV

AmnUmg {dZVr H$s, darb nmMm Ame` gd {ejH$, {ejHo$Va H$_Mmar, {dmWu d BVa gd
g~{YVm`m {ZXeZmg AmUyZ mdm.
Amnbm {dmgy,
ghr/- XXX
(S>m. {e. _mo. Am{hao)
narjm {Z`H$.


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m


Circular No. 37/2010

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the
University Authorities are pleased to revise the Convocation Fees and
other charges shall come into force with effect from the Convocation
commencing from 1st June 2010.

Ref. No. Ex/Con/1101

Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007
Date : 07 May 2010

Dr. M. L. Jadhav


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Revised Fee for the following Certificates
From 1st June 2010


Revised Charges
Non Professional


a) Degree PG Degree/Diploma Certificate (withing 5 years)



b) Late fee after prescribed date



c) Application received after Convocation



d) Degree/PG Degree/Dimploma Certificate (after 5 years)



e) Duplicate Degree Dimploma Certificate




Duplicate Statement of Marks




Duplicate Statement of Marks




Rank Certificate




Special Certificate




Transcript (For each year)




Certificate Verification (each Certificate)



(Special fees in Addition to regular charges)


narjm H$m_H$mO nwpVH$m

Statement showing Increase in Workload

For the year from 2000 to 2009.

Particulars /Item

Workload in

Workload in

Workload in

Affiliated Colleges




Recognized Institutes




University Teaching









Departments School/Centers

No.of Examinations in
March/April/May Season

Students for Oct. & April Season

Paper Setter








Question Paper (April)




External Senior Supervisor





CAP Director










Veri./Rev. Applications




April 2004

April 2006

April 2009


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