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Crt. No.

0 1.

Work type, controls and checks specified in the technical specifications

1 Checking the drawing of the axis and the land territory of the road

Checks or characteristics to be determined

2 -staking road axis between the important points of the territory -angle peaks marked with concrete miles stones, tied to the road marks, outside the land territory -marking with stakes and templates a. land territory of the road b. tilt of the embankment c. height of the fillings (backfill) and depth (cutting) in the axis -identifying the underground and aerial installations in the land territory -grubbing -cleaning the territory -dismantling the top soil -draining the road territory -demolishing existing buildings -compacting degree

Admitted tolerances
3 Max. + 0.05m According to situation plan Visual findings and measurements + 0.5m + 0.1m under width 3m + 0.05m Findings concerning respecting the norms when taking-over the location Visual findings concerning respecting the documentation Min. 100% on 30 cm depth for h<2m and min. 95% for h>2m cutting as in tab. 5 CS

Technical documentation/ standards

4 STAS 9824/84 PT+CS C56/86 PT

Test frequency
5 -min. 3 points at 100m -max. 30m alignment -max. 20m curves -before starting works -during the execution period

Registering, documents issued

6 Official report of drawings

Responsible for control/ check

7 Consultant, CQ, land surveyor



Approval for asphalt cutting for cases Consultant, constructor Official report of taking-over the location Final official report of taking-over Analyze bulletin (AB) compacting degree Final official report of taking-over AB - bearing capacity Consultant, RTEL, CQ Consultant, constructor

PT cross sections + CS The taking-over documents for the location PT + CS

The control of the preparative works Checking the foundation soil

Before starting earthworks


STAS 2984/84 C182 STAS 7107/1;3 STAS 2914/84 CS CD 31-94

3 samples at 250 ml

Laboratory Consultant, constructor

-distortion at the foundation soil level

< admitted distortion in max. 10% of the measured points

every 25m

Laboratory, CQ


The quality of the soil from the borrowed pits

-classifying and identifying the soils -density in dry state -granulosity -plasticity limits -evenless coefficient -compacting characteristics -free swelling -freezing/unfreezing sensibility -humidity -respecting technical procedure of execution and technological processes -checking when working with uncohesive materials: a. humidity b. compacting degree -when working with cohesive materials a. humidity b. compacting degree -checking the quality of the soil from the borrowed pits -checking the technical characteristics of the compacting equipments (weight, vibrating frequency, speed) -establishing compacting humidity

According to tab. 1a and 2b STAS 2914-84 and CS

STAS 1243-88 STAS 2914-84 STAS 1913/5-85 STAS 1913/4-86 STAS 1913/13-83 STAS 1913/12-83 STAS 1706/3-90 STAS 1913/1-82

Before carrying out the earthworks

AB the nature of the soil Approval for the borrowed pit AB compacting degree

Laboratory, CQ Consultant

Laboratory, CQ

1. Checking the quality of the works during the execution Following PTE Assuring Wopt min.98% from d max in 95% of measured points Assuring Wopt min.98% from d max in 95% of measured points PAC STAS 12253-84 STAS 1913/1-82 STAS 12288-85 CS STAS 1913/1-82 STAS 1913/3-76 CS Daily or 1 test at 250 m platform 3 test at 250ml platform Daily and when necessary; 1 test at 250 ml 1 test at 5000m3 Permanently AB compacting degree Final official report of taking-over AB compacting degree AB the nature of the soil Laboratory, CQ

Consultant, constructor, laboratory, CQ

Laboratory, CQ Constructor Ventilation, water


Compacting parameters

Following the compacting parameters Following the optimal compacting humidity

C 182-87, PT

PT+CS C182-87 STAS 1913/1-82 CS-C 182-87

-checking if the execution technology is followed

According to the execution technology

Min. 3 tests at 500cm or 2000sqm of layer or 1 to 250m Permanently

Official report of control

RTEL, CQ, laboratory

Approval from the compacting workshop


-establishing the thickness of the compacting layer

< max. thickness of the elementary layer (optimal compacting thickness) max. + 1-2cm from the project 4% accepted in max. 10% of the number of measured points Ensuring the necessary bearing capacity: > admitted distortion in max. 10% of measured points

PT+CS experimental section STAS 2914-84 STAS 1913/13-83 CS+PT C 182-87 PT + CS STAS 2914-84 CD 31-94

Permanently 3 tests every 250m 1 test at every 30m platform In transversal profiles at 25m

Site documents

Consultant, CQ, constructor

3. 4.

Checking the compacting degree Checking the bearing capacity

Checking the compacting degree by establishing d max Checking the distortion at the level of the road platform

AB compacting degree Final official report of taking-over AB bearing capacity AB measurements (annex to PVFD) PVFD AB bearing capacity

Laboratory Consultant, constructor Laboratory

Constatat ion note (CN)- the layer is leveled CN the compacti ng is continued


1. Leveling measurements -checking the leveling at the platform by survey -roughness check transversally and longitudinally Checking the distortion at the level of the road platform Respecting admitted tolerances + 0.05m Max. + 3cm under the width of 3m Ensuring the necessary bearing capacity: > admitted distortion in max. 10% of measured points C 182-87 PT STAS 2914-84 PT+CS C 182-87 PT + CS STAS 2914-84 CD 31-94 Transversal profiles at every 20m 1 at every 200m 3 for every 250m of platform on layer, or 1 for 25m Max. 400t lot for every source and sort 1 test for each provided lot at 500t Consultant, RTEL, surveyor, CQ I+B+P+C Laboratory CN platform leveling


Checking the bearing capacity

1. Materials control (ballast and optimal ballast) before making the ballast layer -fraction content: under 0.02mm <0.2mm 0-7.1mm 31.5-71mm -granulosity sort 0-71 -evenless coefficient U n min. -same equivalent E n min. -wear with Los Angeles machine LA max Ballast/ optimal ballast Max. 3% 4-10% 15-70 / 30-45% 25-40% Continuous as in tab. 2CS 15 30 30 STAS 1913-55 STAS 4606-80 STAS 662-89 STAS 730-89 STAS 4606-80 STAS 662-89 STAS 730-89 STAS 662-89 STAS 730-89 STAS 662-89 STAS 730-89 AB ballast Laboratory, CQ

Approval for ballast source


1 test for each provided lot, for each source 500t


Real humidity accepted

STAS 4606-80

1 test/shift and when necessary

1. Quality control for ballast compacting -the Proctor test, modified -establishing the compacting humidity and the correction -establishing the thickness of the compacted layer -checking the compacting intensity -compacting degree measurements by measuring d -establishing the bearing capacity at the superior level of the foundation level d max in dry state max + 2% from W opt STAS 1913 /13-83 PT+CS STAS 1913/1-82 Daily, but at least 1 test for every 250m of lane Min 3 tests daily for every 2000sqm layer Min 3points <2000sqm Min 5points <2000sqm In 2 points of the transv. profile every 250m for each lane In 3 points every 2000sqm carried layer Inward transversal profile Inward transv. and long. profiles at every 25m In the axis of every lane Inward the PT

<max thickness of the ballast layer like at the experimental section min. 95-98% min. 98-100%(I; III) <250 l / 100mm

STAS 4606-80 PT+CS STAS 12288-85 STAS 1913/15-75 CD 31-94

Site registering Equipment aproval AB compacting degree AB bearing capacity Final official report of taking-over Measurements Bulletin

Consultant, CQ, RTEL

Consultant, laboratory, CQ Laboratory, CQ, consultant, constructor


1 Checking the geometrical elements -layer thickness + 20 mm STAS 6400-84 Surveyor, RTEL, CQ

-layer width -transversal slope -declivity in the longitudinal profiles -ballast foundation level -bumps in the longitudinal profile -bumps in the transversal profile

+ 50 mm tolerances +4% idem

PT transversal profiles As in PT+CS Idem



+ 10mm + 1 mm + 1 mm Project levels+CS PT+CS PT+CS At bigger bumps-it must be

The characteristics of the ballast layer




1 Checking the materials quality before preparing the stabilized mixture Natural aggregates -examining data from certificates or guaranties -content of impurity:
#fine materials and fractions<0.09mm #organically material #foreign materials (wood, leaves, clay, coal etc)

Max 35% as tab4 from CS

STAS 730-89 STAS 4606-80 STAS 730-89 STAS 730-89 STAS 4606-80

for each lot provided

#1 test at max. 500m3 #1 test for each lot provided # 1 test for each lot provided

AB ballast Approval for the ballast source

Laboratory, CQ Consultant

-wear resistance LA -granulometric composition -evenless coefficient -sand equivalent(SE) -humidity -max. dimension of the particles(mm) Cement -choosing the cement type according to Tech. Spec.
a. III A-S 32.5 b. SR III A-S c. H III A-S d. I 42.5 (p40) e. CD 40

Continuous as tab5 from CS Min. 8% as tab4 from CS Min 30% as tab4 from CS 0.31mm According tab. 6 from Tech. Spec.
-ballast pit aggregates -20 mm -quarry aggregates -25 mm

1 test for each provided lot

Table 1

CS and Quality certificates

before mixture preparation at each lot provided

Approval for the cement source and suppliers


-examining data from the quality or warranty certificate -initial time for the setting
a. III A-S 32.5 b. SR III A-S c. H III A-S d. I 42.5 (p40) e. CD 40

Storage time must not exceed 45 days from sending the certificates Min 90 minutes
Minimum 90 min. Minimum 120 min. Minimum 120 min. Minimum 60 min. Minimum 120 min.

SREN 196/3-95

Analyze bulletin for cement AB for cement


-minimum expansion-stability

Max 10 mm

SREN 196/3-95

1 test for each provided lot/silo -1 test/ 100t or one from each


-mechanical resistance at minimum compression at 2(7) days (N/mm2)

R2 = 10/15 N/mm2 for (d,e) R7 = 16 N/mm2 for (a,b,c)

NE 012/99 and CS STAS 3011-96 SREN 196/1-95

-mechanical resistance at minimum compression at 28 days (N/mm2) -preserving status: if the storage time has passed or if alteration factors were -additives -water -bitumen emulsion

R28 = 32.5 N/mm2 for (a) R28 = 52.5 N/mm2 for (b,c) R28=42.5-62.5 N/mm2 for (d,e) Max 10% residuum of the 1.25 sieves Checking data from quality certificates; density of prepared solution CD22-92 Chemical composition As in the quality certificate

STAS 3011-96 SREN 196/1-95 STAS 227/1-86 SREN 196/6-94

silo -1 test/ 100t or one from each silo -1 test/each provided silo or silo

STAS 790-84 STAS 8877-72 -1 test at the beginning -For each provided lot 1 test/ shift or min. 1/500m2 At least 1 test /shift or as necessary 2 test/ 1500m2 2 test/ 1500m2 Daily 2 series of 3 cylindrical specimens for a 1500sqm surface Every transport 2 series of 3 cylindrical specimens for a 1500sqm surface Min. 2 points / 1500sqm Min. 2 test at Approval for the bitumen emulsion AB stabilized ballast Consultant

Quality control for the mixture

-granulometric composition of the mixture -mixtures humidity -checking the compacting characteristics a.compacting humidity b.layer density c.Q/S -making specimens for resistance determination at 7 and 28 days -checking the transport documents

As in the preliminary study Assuring W opt As at the experimental section

STAS 10473/1-87 STAS 4606/80 STAS 1913/1-82 STAS 10473/2 STAS 1913/1 STAS 1913/13-83 STAS 12288-85 STAS 10473/2-86


As in tab 9

Approval for the receipt


Transport time max 45minutes


1 The control of the natural aggregates stabilized with cement Rc determinations on cylindrical specimens: 7 days 28 days -density of the carriage way for establishing the compacting degree -maximum density in dry state STAS 10473/2-86 1.2-1.8 N/sqmm 1.8-3.0 N/sqmm As tab 11 CS Min. 100% in 95% of the STAS 10473/2-86 STAS 12288/85 AB compression resistance AB compacting degree Equipments Laboratory

Laboratory Consultant

Checking the

compacting degree -optimum compacting humidity 3 The taking-over of materials and works -checking of: quality certificates, all documents referring to quality, all documents referring to materials taking-over -bumps in the longitudinal profiles -bumps in the transversal profiles -thickness of the natural stabilized aggregate layer -layers width -transversal slope -declivity

measured points and min. 98% in the others Min. 98% in 95% of the measured points Following the project documentation and concluding the execution documentation + 10mm under the width of 3m + 9mm under the width of 3m + 20mm; minus 10mm of the projected thickness + 2cm + 0.4% from PT + 10mm from project level

1500sqm STAS 1913/1 CD 56/85 Taking-over for each stage


Laboratory, CQ

Official report of qualitative taking-over (PVRC) Measurements Bulletin Final official report of taking-over

Taking-over commission


1 Layer surface characteristics Checking the geometrical elements STAS 10473/1-87 Measurements on the axis of each lane -PT profiles Every 200m of executed layer Inward transversal profile In the important points of the road Before the beginning of the works Lot of max 200t or for each provided Lot of max 1000t or for each provided lot Lot of 50-700t and, monthly, on one lot Per lot and monthly Daily, from AB for aggregates, filler and bitumen Land surveyor, RTEL, CQ, consultant and constructor

STAS 6400-84

STAS 10473/1-87


1. 2. Choosing the mixture type Checking the materials Type C, with big aggregates (type AB2) Aggregates for the base layer -natural sand sort 0-3, 0-7 -gravel sort 3-7 -gravel sort 7-31 -double crushed sand 0-3 -grit sort 0-8 -chipping 8-16, 16-25 -limestone filler -un-paraffined bitumen 3. Checking the -preparing the support layer According to intensity of the heavy traffic of natural aggregates resources As in STAS 662-2002 As in STAS 667-2000 STAS 539-79 Norm AND 537 Longitudinal bumps <3cm PT +CS STAS 7970-2000 STAS 7970-2000

STAS 174-97 STAS 7970-2000 PT +CS, section 4, part 6.I, Coated Macadam

Receipt approval


Daily check


preparation, the transport and the pouring through samples taken from the mixer or from pouring


Checking the coated macadam of base layer previously made

-the exterior temperature related to the meteorological conditions -preparation and transport a.determining the bitumen content b.determining the mineral aggregates granulosity -pouring, compacting, priming, treating the surface of the base layer -determining the bitumen content -determining the granulosity of the mineral aggregate -determining the physicalmechanical characteristics -checking the geometrical elements a)total width b)thickness c)transversal slope

>10C bitumen D60/80, no rain as in SR 174-97 table I STAS 7970-2000 fig. 1,2,3 STAS 7970 as in the general execution requirements according to STAS 7970-2000 + 0.4% to the receipt

the beginning of the works Permanently STAS 1338 Two samples of 10kg taken from the mixer or pouring, for 400-600t Permanently 2 core samples 40/40cm taken at 7000sqm 20 days after pouring on core samples max 50m distance acc. to the transv. profiles 5 measurement 1axis, 2 at 1m and at 2m from the edge 4 measurement 2 at 10cm from the axis, 2 at 1m from the edge

Register for temperatures AB for coated macadam

Laboratory, SPL

Laboratory AB for the compacting degree AB coated macadam Laboratory, CQ

PT +CS +PTE STAS 1338 STAS 7970


table 10, 11, 12 from CS, section 4, part 6 + 50mm max -10% of the designed thickness + 0.4% allowed deviance to the project 5mm under 3m reglet STAS 6400

Measurement bulletins

Land surveying, RTEL, CQ, SPL

CS 56-85

d)max. allowed bumps in longitudinal profile e)the other geometrical elements acc. to SR 174-97

CS tab 16


Determinant phase

f)the existence of the site registering(measurements book, laboratory register, consumptions register) The whole surface must be checked before priming

STAS 6400


Consultant Constructor I +B +P +C

SR 174-97

For a sector of maximum 5km


1 The quality control for the materials before use -technical quality characteristics of the materials, upon destination -the taking-over of the supplied materials As in CS and product standards SR 388-95 STAS 438-80 SR 196/3-95 NE 012-99 STAS 10796/2-79 STAS 10976/3-88 As CS and Technical execution procedures Before starting works

The quality characteristics from the quality certificates must be in accordance with the ones from the product standards Concluding the taking-over documents

Before starting works


Taking-over commission, CQ, laboratory

1 Checking the work drawings -staking works -realizing the work axis and the foundation limits, and the land territory -connecting to the staked axis of the road and to the surveying bench marks -foundation diggings -ditches and gutters digging: a.the width of digging bottom b.the height c. the slope inclination 3 Checking the fills Checking the mortars Checking the concrete -diggings for drains and sewage Executing the fills Official report of drawings Execution project and technical execution project Established level Level, slope and profile reported to road axis, the edge of the slopes It must be followed: -the width of the ditch -the slope inclination -the level -the slope Thickness < 20cm dmax dry > opt dry min 30kg cement for M50 min 400kg cement for M100 Annex 1.4 and 1.5 IV.I Execution drawings Execution details Execution plans Final official report of taking-over Measurements Bulletin Final official report of taking-over Land surveyor, RTEL, CQ, SPI Consultant, constructor Land surveyor RTEL CQ SPR Consultant Constructor

Checking diggings

Technical project CS STAS 1030-85 STAS 2634-80 NE 012-99 On works On works Min 12samples

4 5

-composition and use of mortars -composition and use of concrete

AB humidity and compacting degree AB mortars AB for concreting

Laboratory CQ Laboratory CQ Laboratory CQ


Checking the shuttering Checking the reinforcing Checking the works


7 8

-steel concrete -concrete works and rubble stone masonry -arranging the ditches, gutters and slope drains

-shoulder ditches with emptying through slope drains arranged on slopes -watch ditches

-drains and devices for draining and for the removal of the waters from the road

-draining layer -longitudinal drains under the shoulder or the gutters

+/- 1cm at leveling max 5 cm at dimension max 2 mm at joints max 3 mm admitted bumps Correct assembling, positioning, number of pieces, diameter, types Controlling the dimensions and the admitted tolerances Longitudinal slope finishing degree: min 0.25% natural soil min 0.1% paved ditch Maximum slope of the ditches and the unprotected gutters Maximum slope of the ditches and the protected gutters -embankments h=3-5m -converted and heightened curves -embankments h>5m at min. 5m of the edge of the slope at min 1.5-2m of the slopes foot The possibility of draining the water in the ditch min 15cm above the bottom of the ditch or the foot of the ditch; >2% is done inclined(60) 15cm thickness, is done up to the slope -emplacement -apron level, mounting the tube -making the inverse filter -placing the manholes and making them usable

NE 012-99 PT and CS NE 012-99 STAS 438/1-80 As in CS STAS 10796/2-79 STAS 10796/1-77 According to CS According to CS

Before concreting each element Before concreting each element Each work Permanently

Official report of control Final official report of taking-over Final official report of taking-over


Consultant, constructor Consultant, constructor

STAS 10796/2-79 CS STAS 10796/2-79 CS STAS 6400-84 STAS 10796/1-77 STAS 10796/3-88 Each work Final official report of taking-over Consultant Constructor


Each work


-making the channels, the box culverts and the manholes

Checking the kerbs and the precasted gutters

-diggings -support finish of sand or mortar -joints -levels

-emplacement -apron level -correct filling -placing and correctly executing the box culverts and the manholes -connections between the box culverts and the sewage usage control Element width +20cm Min. thickness 10cm Max thickness 2cm 5cm to the levels from the transversal profile As the quality certificates PT and CS Following PT and CS -drawing and placing the manhole -digging level -making the apron; tube position -drain filling -drawing the channel, the box culverts and the manholes -digging level -placing the tubes and joining -making the apron -filling for each 1m and final level -drawings -digging level -making the shuttering -assembling the shuttering

STAS 816-80 CS

STAS 1139-87 In transversal profiles Final official report of taking-over Consultant Constructor


1 Tests, controls, and taking-over on execution stages -informative preliminary tests -quality control tests -taking-over control tests -taking-over the works that become partially or totally covered, on stages: a.drains As CS technical execution procedures C 56-85

On each technological stage Final official report of taking-over Consultant Constructor


c.concrete work and masonry d.transversal drains for the shoulder

C 56-85

On each technological stage

Final official report of taking-over Final of taking-over

Consultant Constructor Consultant Constructor



1. Material denomination -cement -examining data from quality certificate -preservation status (if the storage term has been passed or if alteration happened) -storage Similarity with the written data R%<R%=m/50 m=residuum on the 1.25mm sieve Gross cement is stored in silos, the one packed in sacks- in closed rooms with wood floor, batches of max. 10 sacks at 50cm from the exterior wall Printed: cement type, fabrication date and arrival date Max. 10mm Min. 45 min for type IIA and 60 min. for type IIB, IIIA, IVA,VA and what left from IIA -at 2 days, depending on the type, the resistance class 1030N/sqmm -at 7 days min. 16N/sqmm -at 28 days, depending on the type, min. 32.5-62.5 N/sqmm -double-checks in case of litigations Observing the quality warranty of the supplier Natural sand Gravel 0-7<3% <1 yelow yelow no < 0.5% no no < 0.5% < 0.25% < 1% no SR 196/3 -for each provided lot -1 test at 100t -2 samples/silo befor use or at 50t used -it will be used in arrival order -the storage time depends on the warranty period from the quality certificate 1test for each transport but not less thean 1test at 100t supplied -For lots<100t 1 test at 200t -For lots>100t 1 test at 500t -Before use if alterations occur For each provided lot For each provided lot 1test at max. 500m3 for each source or when changing the source, when impurities occur AB storage state of the cement Laboratory, CQ

NE 012-99

SPL, supplying department

-expansion (volume constant) -setting time

SR196/3-97 SR1500-96

AB expansion and setting time


-mechanical resistances at 2(7) and 28 days

SR 1500-96 SREN 196-1

AB mechanical resistance for cement




-taking samples which are kept 45 days a.Examining data from the quality certificate of the supplier b.Impurities content: -levigable part -humus -foreign particles -pieces of clay -adherent clay -charcoal content -mica content

NE 012-99 NE 012-99 STAS 4606-80 STAS 1667-76

AB samples


AB Source approval

Laboratory Consultant


c.Sort granulosity d.Density in stock in dry and loosen status e.Humidity 3. 4. 5. 6. Additions Admixture Water Reinforcement steel Finesse, stability, stability factor at 24 hours Examining the data of the quality certificate a.aspect, taste, smell b.chemical composition -examining data from the quality certificate of the supplier -checking the aspect (surface quality), dimensions and profiles -testing at bending on the screw tap -checking the mechanical characteristics (breaking resistance, leaking limit, elongation when breaking) Examining the data of the quality certificate Checking the aspect and the dimensions

It should reach the limits from tab.6.7 Min. 1800kg/cm= ap Min. 1200kg/cm density in dry and loosen stock For correcting the receipt concerning water content Reaching the limits of the product standard Observing the quality warranty Clear, no suspension as point 2.1 STAS Observing the quality warranty by the producer As in tab. 2 and 3; breakings, breaches are not allowed Bending angle min. 180 Conforming the standard characteristics Observing the quality warranty -max. 3% unwelded knots -local defects if they dont lead to a diameter under admitted -a thin layer of oxide if when removed doesnt lead to a smaller diameter than admitted Conforming the standard characteristics Visually, no rust admitted

STAS 1667-80 STAS 4606-80 STAS 1606-80 STAS 1667-76 STAS 1667-76 SREN 196/6-99 NE 012-99 STAS 790-84 NE 012-99 STAS 438/1-89

1test at max. 500m3 sort 1test at 200m3 1test at 200m3 concrete and when necesary 1test at each provided lot at each provided lot For each water source at each provided lot At 2% of the number of bar skeins and links 2 specimens Min. 6 tests/lot

AB checking granulosity AB AB Approval from supplier Approval from supplier

Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Consultant Consultant


STAS 438/1-80 STAS 438/1-89

AB Suppliers approval

Laboratory Consultant


Welded mesh

STAS 438/3-89 STAS 438/3-89

at each provided lot At 3% of the lot but not less than 3 random welded meshes



Strand of slick wire

Checking the mechanical characteristics and the quality of knots welding -dimensions, shape -aspect

STAS 438/1-89 STAS 438/2-91

At 3% of the lot, but not less than 3 meshes 2% of the lot, but no less

Suppliers approval Suppliers approval

Consultant Consultant


than 3 skeins


1. Fresh concrete Consistency As in performance levels tab. 711-714 of NE 012-99 Within 5-30C concrete + 40kg f min.%= -2 f max. %=+2 -internal regulation -aggregate storage on sorts -silos for min. 2 types of cement -material dosing equipment -preparing equipment -authorized personnel -authorized laboratory -internal authorization -receipt approved by the consultant In bunker max. 20 min. As in tab. 12.1; when carried with weighing machine duration is 15 shorter As the terms (days) for shuttering removal from tab. 14.3 of NE 012-99 Compression resistance as in STAS 3622-86 for 28 days; 5% of the results can be under statistical values STAS 1759-88 STAS 3622-86 NE 012-99 STAS 2414-91 STAS 1759-88 NE 012-99 2/shift and concrete type 4 ests/shift and concrete type 2 tests/ concrete type When necessary Permanently AB for consistency check by subsidence AB AB Sand content 0/3 Official report calibration, concrete plant check Laboratory

Temperature Apparent density Sand content 0/3 mm Concrete preparing

Laboratory Laboratory Plant chief, AQ, RTEL, CQ

Concrete storing Concrete transport

NE 012-99 NE 012-99

Permanently Permanently

Plant chief, SPL


Hardened concrete

a1.determining compression resistance on cylindrical specimens, cubes for resistance checks on stages a2.determining compression resistance for checking the concrete class

STAS 1275-88

1 test/shift or as in project or PTE

For each concrete type from the structure, but at least 1test at: 300m3, C<6/7.5 100m3, C 8/10 50m3, C>16/20 1test at 300 m3

Sample taking bulletin AB Rc test


STAS 1275-88 STAS 3622-86 STAS 1799-88 NE 012-99


b.determinating sealing degree

As in tab. 7.2.2. NE 012-99

STAS 3518-86

AB sealing



STAS 3662-86 c.determinating the frost susceptibility degree Tab. 7.2.3. NE 012-99 STAS 3518-86 STAS 3662-86 PT PT+CS PT CS CS CS NE 012-99
Guide for shuttering design and usage

but min. 2 tests/ object 1test at 1000m3

degree det. AB Laboratory

1. Checks at direct foundations in enclosure -location -dimensions, positions -foundation level -the nature of the foundation soil -compacting degree -bearing capacity -as in PT (technical project) -as in CS -as in PT -as in CS -as in CS -as in CS -following the requirements of chapt. II NE 012 and chapt. 7 CS -respecting the norms for stability, rigidity and sealing -as the technological project or PTE As annex III.I from NE 01299 and table III.I.I fron chapt. 7 CS
Off.rep. of taking-over loc.

at each elem. at each elem. at each elem. at each elem. at each elem. Before starting works Permanently Before beginning execution Permanently

Direct measurements PVRF AB AB AB

Land survey, SPL CQ, SPL B+C Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory

1. Preliminary check -preparative works and shuttering and propping elements or parts -dimensioning the shuttering and the fixing pieces -written specifications for shuttering in the project for special constructions -drawing the shuttering position -assembling and temporary propping up of the plates -checking and correcting the plates position -closing, tiding and final propping Controlling before pourring the concrete: -shuttering geometry -shuttering stability -shuttering tightness -treatment with oil for shuttering removal(decofrol) -finishing -cleaning the shuttering -quality certificate data

PT + Cs

Autocontrol Official report of drawing Official report of control

SPL Land surveyor, SPL CQ, SPL


Control during execution

NE 012-99


Final control, taking-over the shuttering

Length + 4mm Width + 3mm Chapter 17 NE 012-99 Chapter 8 CS

Before pourring the concrete NE 012-99 CS

Final official report of taking-over

Consultant Constructor


1. Checking the At each lot Final official CQ, SPL


reinforcement of overconcreting slabs

-assembling the reinforcement

-distance between bar axis + 5mm -ensuring the covering layer of concrete + 2mm

NE 012-99

At each element

report of taking-over

Consultant Constructor

1. Controlling the material quality for waterproofing before execution Checkings during execution -checking data from quality certificates -taking-over the aproved material -of the support surface: a.evenness b.connecting to the edges and gorges c.executing the slopes from the project d.assembling the box culverts e.removing the impurities -of the prime cote: a.penetration b.covering degree -of the base, the supplementary and the gluing layer a.adherence between waterproofing foils and support surface b.empty spaces, bubbles, nongluing at joints -of the protection layers: a.planeity b.lack of bumps -of the joining finishing at the edge of the construction element, at the box culverts and at the breaches -of the way of realizing the joints covering devices -the aspect As product standard table STAS 5088-75 SR 137-95 Each supplied lot Final official report of taking-over (PVRF) PVRF Laboratory Taking-over commission Consultant Constructor Consultant Constructor Consultant Constructor Consultant Constructor SPL, CQ Consultant Constructor Consultant Constructor Consultant Constructor


-admitted bumps < 2mm -the surface must be smooth -one bump admitted + 5mm with 3m straightedge in any direction -temp > 5 C -total priming of the surface as product standard -as product standard for physico-mechanical characteristics(breaking force, traction resistance, flexibility) -Solutions accepted: concrete finishing, lute bitumen or protection membranes -as execution details, through visual observation -following technical characteristics from CS

STAS 5088-75 PT + CS

Before strarting waterproofing




SR 137-95 STAS 6642-73 PT + CS

Permanently Permanently Permanently







Checking at the


end of waterproofing

-the tightness, if there are unconvenient notes in the Official report of covered works -quality certificate -verifying the aspect, the form and the main dimensions -checking the numbering of precasted elements a.verifying the preparative works for assembling b.verifying the assembling of precasted elements -during assembling -at the end of assembling

-proper response to water drowning test for hmax =5cm

STAS 5080-75 PT + CS

When finishing works -at each supplied lot -before assembling the precasted elements Before beginning assembling During assembling At the end Permanently Permanently



Determin ant stage


1. Checking the quality of precasted elements -as in the recorded data -according with the admitted tolerances -as the position from the mounting plan -visual verifying and measurements -following the mounting plan + 0.5cm from the project level in the long. and transv. profile -reaching the tolerances for shuttering -reaching the tolerances for assembling the reinforcemnet -using the same class of concrete at monolithing and at precasted elements; it must be well compacted - reaching the tolerances for concreting; the concrete must not be segregated Max + 0.05m Max + 5cm As in PT CS C 182-87 C 56-85 Technical project NE 012-99 STAS 6657/1-76 STAS 7009/79 STAS 8600/79 Mounting plan NE 012-99 PVRC Taking-over comission, CQ CQ

Quality control documents PVRF


Verifying the assembling of the precasted elements

Consultant Constructor CQ Consultant Constructor CQ

Work instructions

Assembling register PVRF Official report for shutt.


Verifying the monolithing of the precasted elements

a.verifying the cast-in-place shuttering of the precasted elem. b.verifying the cast-in-place reinforcement of the precasted elements c.verifying the cast-in-place concreting of the precasted elements d.verifying the monolithing of the precasted elements after the removal of the shuttering

NE 012-99



Consultant Constructor

After shuttering removal -Before beginning the works at every 6m Official report of drawing PVRF Land surveyor

1 Checking the embankments(di ggings) -drawing the reference elements of the retaining walls -foundation level -geometrical elements of the foundation excavation -the nature of the foundation soil



Checking the concrete

3. 4.

Checking the shuttering Checking the collecting and removal of the waters from behind the retaining wall Taking-over the works


-ensuring the physic-mechanical characteristics of the foundation soil -concrete composition -preparation -transport -pouring -criteria for class -ensuring the collaboration between the foundation and the elevations of the retaining wall -the aspect of the wall after the shuttering removal -ensuring the shape of the retaining wall -weep holes functioning -continuous drain from behind the retaining wall -gutters from the bottom of the face and the top of the back at the retaining wall -suction drain behind the retaining wall Checking the taking-over documents

As in PT and CS (compacting, bearing capacity) As PTE

CS section 4 part7-III NE 012-99

Permanently for each section Permanently

AB Concrete register Concrete plant documents AB PVRF

Consultant Constructor Laboratory Constructor Concrete plant chief RTE Laboratory CQ Consultant

As NE 012-99 As PT + CS


Permanently Permanently

PVRF Official report of covered works PVRF

Consultant Constructor Consultant Projector Constructor

As the projecting and execution documents

C 56-85

At the end of each technological stage Lot at max. 1000t For each chipping sort or for ach provided lot


Consultant Projector Constructor

Materials used for preparing the coated macadam:

-granulometry -shape coefficient -other materials -fractions , 0.09 mm -L.A. wear -granules content


Chipping sort 3/8, 8/16

Max. 5% >d max 10% < d min Max 25% Are not allowed 3/8 max 1.20% 8/16 max 1.0% 3/8 max 20(22) 8/16 max 18 max. 5% leftover on the superior sieve max 10% passed through the inferior sieve

STAS 730-89 SR 667-97 STAS 4606-80 SR 667-97

AB chippings

Laboratory, CQ

Freezing-unfreezing resistance


-frost susceptibility coefficient -sensibility -water absorption -granulosity 2. Sand from crushing sort 0-3 - content of impurities -activity coefficient a)sand from crushing with max 8% fractions of 0-0.09 mm b)sand from crushing with max. 8% fractions of 0-0.09 mm -cellulose fiber -granulosity 3. Natural sand sort 0-3, 3-7, 0-7 -sand equivalent -impurities content: other materials humus(the color of the sodium hydroxide solution) -granules shape b/a; c/a -content of flat and acicular granules -content of fractions <0.63mm -levigable parts -LA wear 5. Filler -breaking degree Checking the lot: -granulosity % passes through 0.63 and 0.70 mm sieve -humidity Periodical checks: -calcium carbonate content -hydrophilic coefficient

max. 3% max. 25% max. 1.6% continuous, min. 15% of the total mass of the mixture Are not allowed

STAS 6200/15 STAS 730-89 SR 667-97 STAS 730-89 STAS 4606-80 Max 1000t lot or for each provided lot

AB sand from crushing AB sand from crushing

Laboratory, CQ

Max. 1.5% Max. 2% 0.3-1% of mixture mass continuous max. 10%>dmax max. 10%<dmax min. 85% Are not allowed Colorless, slightly yellow or yellow Min. 0.66; min. 0.33 Max. 25% Max. 1% Max. 0.3% Max. 35% base layer Max. 30% Min. 35% Passes 0.09 min 20% 100% and 98% max. 2% STAS 4606-80 STAS 730-89 STAS 730-89 STAS 539-79 STAS 4605/9-72 Lots of max.: -700t limestone filler -100t chalk filler -50t lime filler STAS 662-89 Lot at max. 200t or for each provided STAS 730-89 STAS 4606-80 STAS 662-89 STAS 730-89 At every 400 t or each provided lot

AB natural sand

Laboratory, CQ


Sorted gravel sort 7-16, 16-31

AB sorted gravel

Laboratoy, CQ

AB filler min 90(limestone and chalk) max. 1 STAS 539-79 STAS 4605-72 Monthly on one of the lots

Laboratoy, CQ


6. 7. 8.

Bitumen type D60/80 Bituminous emulsion Taking-over the supplied materials

-apparent density -empty spaces coefficient According to the annexed table Viscosity, bituminous residuum, stability when storing Examining the quality certificates from the suppliers, comparing the data from the quality certificate with the laboratory tests and analyzes, taking-over document Visual examining Existence of the receipts according to HG 766-97 Initial dosage equipments: -calibrating -the existence and the state of the grates -functioning of the volumetrical dosage equipment -functioning of the vibrators -functioning of the sieves Mixer -functioning of the rotative sieve -bunkers for sorts -functioning of the bitumen doser -functioning of the filer supply installation -functioning of the aggregate balance -reaching the granulosity area for the designed type of mixture -the cleanness

0.5-0.8 g/cm3 0.-0.5 Anexis 1 PCCVI According to the technical specifications table 1 According to the product standards PT and CS

checked NAR norm 537 SR 174-1/97 STAS 7970-76 STAS 8877 C 56-85 AB bitumen, bituminous emulsion Material and source approval PVRC Laboratoy, CQ Consultancy Taking-over commission, CQ

For each provided lot Taking-over on stages

1. 2. 3. Material keeping and storing Applying the production receipt Checking the plant for coated macadam, the equipments, the laboratory equip. and conditions On concreted platforms On sorts Reaching the limits for the mixture type SR 174-97 Permanently At production beginning When changing the aggregates Site chief Receipt approval Official report for calibrating and for checking the plant(anexis to the metrology bulletin) Consultancy

Plant chief, AQ, RTEL, CQ

In accordance with the functioning authorization, the internal authorization and the technical agreement

SR 174-97 STAS 7970-86

Daily and random


Checking the preparation of the coated

tolerance limit from Table 4 Impurities content

SR 174/2-97

When beginning the production and

AB coated macadam

Laboratory, CQ


macadam -the temperature of the binder at the entrance in the mixer -the temperature of the aggregates dried and heated at the exit from the drier -the granulosity of the aggregates at the exit from the drier -the temperature of the coated macadam when preparing, at the exit from the mixer -reaching the established bitumen dosage -the composition of the coated macadam a)SOXHLET extraction b)centrifugal device extraction c)granulometrical composition -taking-over the support layer -exterior temperature -verifying the pouring equipments a)technically and functionally b)installation for beam vibration c)installation for beam heating d)side limiter, touching equipment -priming the surface of the support layer and the working joint -the temperature of the coated macadam when pouring min. C -thickness of the aired layer of mixture -gaps at the transversal and longitudinal joints -checking the compacting equipment a) technically and functionally Table 1 Table 1 According to the receipt Table 1 Allowed deviance 0-0.3% Table 4 SR 174/2 and receipt SR 174/2-97 STAS 1338-87 STAS 1338/2 -87 SR 174/2-97

when changing materials Permanently Permanently Daily or at one inappropriate mixture At every working hour Daily 20 kg daily for 400t of coated macadam Daily at the beginning of the works on the sector Permanently Register for the temperatures Plant chief Laboratory

Register for the production AB for dosage of bitumen, aggregates, filler

Plant chief Laboratory


Checking the pouring of the coated macadam

According to PT and CS Minimum 10C

SR 174/2-97 SR 174-97

Official report of control


Bitumen quantity after priming 0.3-0.5 kg/m2 According to table 2 20% bigger than the project Minimum 10 cm

SR 174/2-97 SR 174/2-97

Permanently At least twice a day Permanently Daily

Official report of control


Site register

Land surveying, SPL



Checking and controlling the compaction of


the coated macadam

b)moisturizing-cleaning installation c)equipment weighing -mixture temperatures before compaction -checking no. of passes -mixture temperatures at the end of min. compacting C -method of compacting -compaction degree -ulterior treatment of the wearing course surface

According to table 2 Min. table 3 and the trial sector According to table 2 According to PTE Min. table 9 2-3 kg/m2 bituminize sand 2-3% At approx. 1m from the edge of the pavement to the mixer; pouring with the beneficiary present Tab. 4 SR 174/2-97 0-0.3% allowed deviances to the dosage

SR 174/2-97 SR 174/2-97 SR 174/2-97 SR 174/2-97 SR 174/2-97 PT and CS

At least twice a day Permanently At least twice a day Daily Permanently Permanently

Equipments and compacting workshop approval Temperatures register AB coated macadam compaction AB coated macadam AB aggregates, bitumen dosage


SPL Laboratory, CQ

1. Methods of sample-taking Checking the composition of the coated macadam Checking the physicalmechanical characteristics of the coated macadam Determining the density, the absorption, the thickness and the compacting degree -Granulosity of the mineral aggregates -Bitumen dosage table 6 SR 174/2-97 Characteristics on Marshall cylinder: -stability (S) at 60C -flowing index (I) -rapport S/IkN/mm -apparent density kg/m3 -water absorption % Characteristics on cubes -compression resistance at 22C min. N/m2 - compression resistance at 50C min. N/m2 -apparent density min. -water absorption % vol. -Apparent density of the mixture from the layer -Apparent density of the mixture determined on Marshall cylinders SR 174/2 -97 1 sample 20 kg at 400t min. 1 plate 40x40 at 7000m2 made Idem 1 SR 174/2-97 Laboratory


STAS 1338/2



According to SR 174/1-97 table 7, 8, 9

STAS 1338/1 STAS 1338/2 STAS 1338/3 Norm 539/2000

Samples taken from the mixer, poring, before compacting or existing pavement During the execution

AB physicalmechanical characteristics of the coated macadam



Checking the compacting degree of the pavement done

The apparent density of the mixture must reach 100% in 95% of the samples, and in the other 5% of the samples it must be > ap

SR 174/2-97 PT and CS

AB compacting degree of the coated macadam

Laboratory and CQ



Checking the geometrical elements includes fulfilling the quality conditions for support layer as in STAS 6400

-thickness of existing pavement -width of lane layer -transversal slope -longitudinal slope -surface evenness a.maximum allowed bumps in long profiles <3m width

Local -10% thickness PT + 50 mm + 5 mm/m to 2.5 % + 20 mm to the levels table 3 SR 174/1-97 max. 3 mm class th I max. 4 mm class th II max. 5 mm class th III + 5 mm under template

SR 174/1-97

STAS 863 C56-85 STAS 8849

By testing at 2 km at 1m from the edge max 50m dist. Transversal profiles PT 4 measuring to at 10 cm from the axis and 2 at one m from the edge 5 measuring, one axis, 2 at one meter from the edge, 2 at 2 meters from the edge According to F.D. program When finishing the works on sectors of maximum 5 km

Measuring bulletin

Land surveying, RTEL, CQ, SPL

b.maximum allowed bumps in transversal direction



Checking the works for the taking-over

c.surface roughness -checking binder layer of chipping -checking pavement of asphalted concrete -the existence of the documentation -table with core samples results -bumps measuring

As in table II SR 174 As in PT and CS Proposal from the takingover commission

MLPAT order 31/N/95 HG 273-94 SR 174/2-97

Stopping point PVFD I+B+P+C


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