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Early Life When the Emperor began his Great Crusade to reunite the galaxy he created the Pr imarchs,

superhuman warriors to lead his Space Marines across the galaxy. The po wers of Chaos stole the Primarchs, but unable to destroy them, set them astray i n the Warp [Needs Citation]. The infant Sanguinius came to rest upon the moon of Baal Secundus and was adopte d by a tribe of humans known as the 'People of the Pure Blood' or simply 'The Bl ood', Sanguinius, like all Primarchs, grew quickly and soon surpassed all his te achers and was capable of mighty feats of strength and endurance. Uniquely among st the Primarchs he sported a pair of angel-like wings from his back, though whe ther this was by the design of the Emperor or a mutation caused by the high leve ls of radiation on Baal is unknown. He was also said to have psychic powers, esp ecially the ability to divine the future[Needs Citation]. Sanguinius was able to foresee the Emperor's arrival on Baal and the two met upo n the surface. Sanguinius bowed his knee before the Emperor and pledged his serv ice to the Imperium, unlike resistance from some of his brothers like Leman Russ . The Emperor had already created a Legion of ten thousand Space Marines using S anguinius's gene-seed and thus the Blood Angels were finally united with their P rimarch[Needs Citation]. The Great Crusade Sanguinius holding the head of a daemon.[Needs Citation] During the Emperor's Great Crusade, Sanguinius and Horus became close brothers a nd it was said that they were closer than any of the other Primarchs. Supposedly Horus pointed to Sanguinius to be the new Warmaster when he thought he was dyin g on Davin. He provided counsel that Horus listened to during the incident with the Interex, shortly after Horus became Warmaster and was generally the one with the most sway on Horus, after the Emperor[Needs Citation]. Sanguinius was a beloved figure who was revered by all of the Imperium. The nobl e angel was highly respected by all the legions, and by all his brother Primarch s. Even Horus highly valued his brother's advice. It was Sanguinius who convince d Horus to follow the Emperor's suggestion and rename his legion. As Horus lay d ying above the planet Davin, he revealed that he believed Sanguinius should have been proclaimed Warmaster in his stead[Needs Citation]. Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to carry us to victory, and the wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolne ss, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father within us, whether it is his hunger for battle, his psychic talent or hi s determination to succeed. Sanguinius holds it all. It should have been his...[ Needs Citation] Horus Heresy The Angel battles Ka'Bandha in the air over Signus Prime. Before Horus' treachery was revealed, he sent Sanguinius to a world named Signus Prime. There he was ambushed by hordes of daemons, badly damaging his Legion, w ith a Greater Daemon of Khorne named Ka'Bandha even managing to wound the Primar ch himself by breaking his legs. Eventually they succeeded in beating the daemon s back and withdrew to Terra [Needs Citation]. In the Battle of Terra, Sanguinius fought valiantly, organising the final defenc e of the Imperial Palace and held the Eternity Gate alone when no others could w ithstand the horror of the assault, even breaking the back of the same Greater D aemon Ka'Bandha who wounded him on Signum. When the Emperor teleported aboard Ho rus's Battle Barge, the Vengeful Spirit, Sanguinius was with him but they became separated and the Primarch was forced to face Horus first. Despite being in the

pit of Horus's tainted and mutated Chaos fuelled Battle Barge, Sanguinius tried to revert his brother to the side of the Emperor, using their old friendship as a lever. Horus would not listen to or agree with any of Sanguinius' words and t he two argued and tried to sway the other to the side of the heresy they stood u pon. Sanguinius was eventually struck down by Horus, the only damage Sanguinius did was create a small dent in Horus' armour. Some say, however, that it was thr ough this chink in Horus's armour that the Emperor was able to deliver the fatal blow. Thus the belief is that Sanguinius did not die in vain; but by dying, all owed Horus to be slain and the Heresy destroyed[Needs Citation]. Sanguinius's body was taken by the Imperial forces as they retreated from the bu ckling Chaos Barge and his body was borne away to his home planet Baal, where he was buried deep within a vast tomb whose doors were topped with massive Angel e ffigies in honour of the fallen Primarch[Needs Citation]. Sanguinius lies dead at Horus' feet. [Needs Citation] Of all the Primarchs, Sanguinius is commonly held in the highest honour. Because he is generally believed to have sacrificed himself to allow Horus, the "Great Betrayer", to be defeated, the Primarch's name is cherished by the common citize ns of the Imperium. Temples devoted to Sanguinius rise aside those of the Empero r. Sanguinius is commemorated on a sacred day of celebration called the Sanguina la, when adepts across the galaxy wear on their breast the red badge of Sanguini us[Needs Citation].

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