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1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

subject - like - work - Job - careful
? ...................................Shady
: What's your uncle's .
' .Hady
: He is a teacher
? ................................... Shady
: Where does he .
:In Ahmed Maher prep

: What school . .................. does he teach

: He teaches Arabic
: Does he... ............................ his job
:Yes, he does

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

? a) Amany : Why didn't you come to school last week
............................................................................................ :
?........................................................................................... : b) Teacher
: I think dinosaurs are more dangerous than whales

3- Read and match :


How high is the biggest

aThe tourists enjoy
bX-ray pictures show doctors
cThe science lab is the place where d- The tea is too hot

the inside of the body.

we do experiments.
visiting the pyramids.
to drinkkeep the environment clean,
mountain in Egypt?

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Every summer, Samy visits his uncle who lives in Alexandria. He is called
Nabil. He is a taxi driver. He lives with his wife Shadia and his three children.
Every morning, Nabil takes Samy and his family for a swim in the sea. Nabil's
children like swimming very much. Samy doesn't like swimming because he
can't swim. He spends all his time playing
handball with his uncle. Shadia likes reading stories on the beach.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- Where does Nabil and his family live? ..................................................

2- Why doesn't Samy like swimming? ..................................................

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- Nabil has got.................... children.
a) four
b) three
c two
4- Samy visits his uncle every ................... .
a) winter
b) spring
c) summer
5- Shadia likes ..................... stories on the beach.
a) watching
b) cleaning
c) reading

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- The third month of the year is .............. .
a) April
b) March
c) January
2- My father's son is my ............... .
a) uncle
b) grandfather
c) brother
3- There arc sixty ............. in a minute.
a) weeks
b) seconds
c) hours
4- Because Nagy is ..................... he can't hear.
a) deaf
b) young
c) blind
5- While she ............, the telephone rang.
a) sleeps
b) is sleeping
c) was sleeping
6- The boy ............... is wearing glasses is my brother.
a) where
b) who
c) which
7- There isn't ..................meat in the fridge.
a) any
b) a
c) some
8- Tables and chairs ................ of wood.
a) made
b) is making
c) are made
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- She'll visit her grandmother tomorrow.
2- We can buy medicine at the chemist's.
3- Camels can live up to forty years.
(How long)

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1-1 have got too eyes.
2- A screen is a metal part of the computer.
3- The plane is the faster vehicle.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
examines medicine a
The doctor is a person who helps patients. ......................

9- Punctuate the following:

nora didn t go to school last monday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:
old years speak time England
:Where do you come from
: I come from
? ...................................... Amir
:What language do you..
:I speak English
: How............... ................................ are you
:I am twenty ... ...................................... old

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

? a) Aya
: Where were you born
......................................................................................... :
?.............................................................................. : b)Reham
: My father is a doctor

2- Read and match :


A baker is a person
She isn't married;
We should put litter
My book is
Blind people


can't see.
made of paper.
who sells bread.
she is single.
are strong animals.


in bins.

3- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Omar couldn't go to school last Sunday. He was very ill, so he didn't help
his father in the shop. He went to hospital where Dr Maged examined him.
He gave him some medicine. His friends visited him. They gave him some
flowers and sweets. Omar went back to school on Wednesday. All his friends
were happy to see him again.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- When couldn't Omar go to
school? ............................................................................
2- Who examined
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- Omar went back to school on .....................
a) Sunday
b) Wednesday
c) Friday
4- Omar's father works in a ................... .
a) clinic
b) school
c) shop
5- Omar's friends gave him ......................
a) money
b) flowers
c) medicine
5-Choose the correct answer from a, b,
or c:
1- What subject.............. you got on Monday?
a) is
b) have
c) has
2- A car, a bus and a plane are ............... .
a) vehicles
b) animals
c) boats
.3- While I.............. I met my friends.
a) walking
b) walks
c) was walking
4- Ahmed is ....................than his brother.
a) tall
b) taller
c) tallest
5- Rana ............. lunch now.
a) cooks
c) is cooking
6- If you put wood in water, it will .................. .
a) float
b) sink
c) play
7-A beach is a place .................. people can sit and swim.
a) why
b) where
c) which
8- How ................ teachers are there in your school?
a) many
b) much
c) long
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:

1- Yes, he can ride a camel.

2-A butcher sells meat.
3- It's seven o'clock.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- Nadia is a housewife, she works at school.
2-1 don't have some pens.
3- Opening your book, please.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
a postman streets deliver
This is my uncle Kamal. ......................

9- Punctuate the following:

did ali go to the zoo last friday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:
experiments - kind bad science - like
?Mona : Which subjects do you ...... ................. best
.David : I like ................ ..................... and maths
Mona : Why do you like them?
....................................David : I'm fond of doing .....
? Mona : What about maths
.David : Our teacher is ........... ............. and helps us a lot

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

?a) Salma
: What time do you get up
............................................................................................. :
?......................................................................................... :
: I go to school on foot

2- Read and match :

Is your uncle
12- Some Turkish words
She was happy because
3The environment is the place
4Have you got


Have you got

.she won a prize
?a new car
.where we live and work
?single or married


trees and vegetables

3- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Hello, my name's Sherif. There are four people in my family, my sister Dalia,
my father Nabil, my mother Sawsan and me. We live in Alexandria. Dalia and
I go to school. My father is a businessman. He works in a tourist company.
My mother works in a big hospital. She's a nurse.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where does Sherifs family live? ............................................................
2- Where does Sherifs father work? ...........................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- Sherif is a .................. .
a) businessman
b) student
c) nurse
4- Sawsan is Nabil's ................... .
a) mother
b) daughter
c) wife
5- Sawsan works in a ....................... .
a) tourist company b) hospital
c) school
5-Choose the correct answer from a, b,
or c:
1- Look! He ................ a horse.
a) is riding
b) rides
c) riding
2- What............... yesterday?
a) does she do
b) is she doing
c) did she do
3- There are sixty ............. in a minute.
a) hours
b) seconds
c) days
4- At the ............. of two, I could walk.
a) old
b) ago
c) age
5- My uncle's son is my ...................
a) aunt
b) cousin
c) brother
6- If you ................. twenty-eight by four, you'll get seven,
a) add
b) divide
c) take away.

1- While they were walking, they Amr.

a) were meeting
b) met
c) meet
8- He's got school from Sunday ............. Thursday.
a) from
b) on
c) to
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1-1 like English because my teacher is good.
2- Yes, the tea is too hot to drink.
3- Tourists visit Egypt in winter.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- It's half and twelve now.
2- He was watching TV when the phone rings.
3-A blind person can't sea.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
strong live carry
Camels are big animals . ......................

9- Punctuate the following:

i don t live in giza

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:
show -ask - straight what speak
: Can yon ...... ................ English?
: Yes,.................. .................. can I do for you?
:Could you........ ....... me the way to Khan El- Khalili, please?
: Yes, go ......... ........... along Al-Azhar Road.
: Is it far from here?
: No, it isn't.
: Thank you. Goodbye.
: You're welcome, goodbye.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:
a) Samia : May I see your mobile phone?
b) Ahmed : ........................................................................?
: I was reading a story when you phoned me.

3- Read and match :


If you put a piece of metal in water,aThe food is too salty,

bAhmed is at the restaurant
cA butcher is a person who
dWhile I was having lunch,

sells meat.
the telephone rang.
it will float.
it will sink
so I can't eat it.
to have lunch,

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Last summer Ahmed and Amina were visiting their uncle in Minya. One
day they went to the fields to speak to their uncle who was watering his
plants. While they were speaking to him, they saw two little boys who were
throwing litter in the water, which ran next to one of their uncle's fields.
Ahmed and Amina shouted to their uncle, who ran to the water and took out
the rubbish. Uncle Nabil told the boys to look after the environment. The
boys said they were sorry.
A) Answer the following questions:
1 - What was Ahmed and Amina's uncle doing when they went to speak to
2- Who was throwing litter in the water? ..................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- What is a word for nature and the places where we live?
a) plants
b) rubbish
c) environment
4- Where does Ahmed and Amina's uncle live ?
a) In Aswan
b) In Minya
c) In Cairo
5- What did uncle Nabil tell the boys to do?

a) To take out the rubbish.

b) To look after the environment,
c) To leave Minya.
5-Choose the correct answer from a, b,
or c:
1- Braille's special writing is for the ....................... .
a) deaf
b) blind
c) famous
2-1 walked to the chemist's for ...................... .
a) medicine
b) beans
c) biscuits
3- Deaf people can't....................... .
a) eat
b) hear
c) see
4- If you ............... seven and five, you will get twelve.
a) add
b) multiply
c) divide
5-1 went to the butcher's ............... 1 bought some meat.
a) when
b) where
c) why
6- While he .................. he had an accident.
a) ran
b) is running
c) was running
7- Shaimaa ..................... us last week .
a) visit
b) visited
c) visits
8- How ......................... rice do you eat for lunch?
a) heavy
b) many
c) much
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- Football is his favourite sport.
2- There are too many desks in class.
(How many)
3- He was ill, so he didn't go to school.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- He studied hard, because he got high marks. (...................................)
2- She likes played computer games.
3- My uncle visited us next week.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
plane- pyramids Luxor and
Tourists usually come to Egypt in winter ......................

9- Punctuate the following:

does ahmed like to speak english in his class


Finish the following dialogue with these words:

examines- clinic where help which

Ramy What's your father's job ?
Nabil He is a doctor.
Ramy Where does he work?
Nabil He works in a .........................
Ramy What's a clinic?
Nabil It's a place..... ................. people go to see a doctor.
Ramy How does your father.......................... sick people?
Nabil He...................... them and gives them medicine.
2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:
a) Hany : What will happen if you drop a glass?
: ....................................................................................
: .......................................................................................?
Nora : I'd like to drink tea.
3- Read and match :

Blind people
a- on the computer screen.
A secretary uses a computer
b- can't hear.
A fine is
c- and types letters.
He will stay in
d- money which someone pays for doing something wr

5- 1 can't see anything

e- can't see
f- a comfortable hotel

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Chess must be one of the oldest games in the world. An Arab traveller in
India wrote that it was played long ago. Chess was probably invented in
India, and it has been played everywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400.
Chess is very interesting. When one player is attacking the other's king, he
says in English "check". When the king has been caught and cannot move
anywhere, he says "Checkmate" "Shah mat" means the king is dead.
That is when the game is over and one player has won.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where was chess
invented? ...............................................................................
2- What does the underlined word it refer to? ..
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- Chess is one of the oldest games in ...................
a) Japan
b) the world
c) Europe
4- When the king is ......, the game is over.
a) caught
b) moved
c) dead
5- Chess isn't a/an ............ game.
a) interesting
b) boring
c) exciting
5-Choose the correct answer from a, b,
or c:
1-What do you ...................?
a) did
b) does
c) do
2- When my father .................. I was eating.
a) was arriving
b) arrived
c) arrives
3- Braille is special writing for the .................
a) blind
b) deaf
c) rich
4- The plane is a .................... .
a) tool
b) vehicle
c) magazine
5-1.............. anyone in class.
a) saw
b) didn't see
c) see
6- People who throw litter should be .....................
a) find
b) fined
c) fine
7- She won a ............. yesterday.

a) price
b) prize
c) space
8- There isn't................ spaghetti in the fridge.
a) enough
b) many
c) too
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- He bought a new car last year.
2- She needs a litre of water.
(How much)
3- Yes, Soha broke the glass.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- She able to draw well at the age of four.
2- She ran to ask the telephone.
3- Lake Nasser is about ten kilometres tall.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
expensive- now smaller cheapersend e-mail
In the past computers were very big ......................

9- Punctuate the following:

my father won t go to the beach next tuesday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

subject - like - work - Job - careful
? ...................................Shady
: What's your uncle's .
' .Hady
: He is a teacher
? ................................... Shady
: Where does he .
:In Ahmed Maher prep school
: What school . .................. does he teach


: He teaches Arabic
: Does he... ............................ his job
:Yes, he does

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

? a) Amany : Why didn't you come to school last week
............................................................................................ :
?........................................................................................... : b) Teacher
: I think dinosaurs are more dangerous than whales

3- Read and match :


How high is the biggest

aThe tourists enjoy
bX-ray pictures show doctors
cThe science lab is the place where d- The tea is too hot

the inside of the body.

we do experiments.
visiting the pyramids.
to drinkkeep the environment clean,
mountain in Egypt?

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Every summer, Samy visits his uncle who lives in Alexandria. He is called
Nabil. He is a taxi driver. He lives with his wife Shadia and his three children.
Every morning, Nabil takes Samy and his family for a swim in the sea. Nabil's
children like swimming very much. Samy doesn't like swimming because he
can't swim. He spends all his time playing
handball with his uncle. Shadia likes reading stories on the beach.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- Where does Nabil and his family live? ..................................................
2- Why doesn't Samy like swimming? ..................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- Nabil has got.................... children.
a) four
b) three
c two
4- Samy visits his uncle every ................... .
a) winter
b) spring
c) summer
5- Shadia likes ..................... stories on the beach.
a) watching
b) cleaning
c) reading

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- The third month of the year is .............. .
a) April
b) March
c) January
2- My father's son is my ............... .
a) uncle
b) grandfather
c) brother
3- There arc sixty ............. in a minute.
a) weeks
b) seconds
c) hours
4- Because Nagy is ..................... he can't hear.
a) deaf
b) young
c) blind
5- While she ............, the telephone rang.
a) sleeps
b) is sleeping
c) was sleeping
6- The boy ............... is wearing glasses is my brother.
a) where
b) who
c) which
7- There isn't ..................meat in the fridge.
a) any
b) a
c) some
8- Tables and chairs ................ of wood.
a) made
b) is making
c) are made
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- She'll visit her grandmother tomorrow.
2- We can buy medicine at the chemist's.
3- Camels can live up to forty years.
(How long)

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1-1 have got too eyes.
2- A screen is a metal part of the computer.
3- The plane is the faster vehicle.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
examines medicine a
The doctor is a person who helps patients. ......................

9- Punctuate the following:

nora didn t go to school last monday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

long -come -places -first -tall
?Sara Welcome to Egypt. Where do you .. ................... from
.Tourist I come from America
Is this your ...... .................. visit to Egypt
.Tourist Yes, it is
How.... .................. will you stay in Egypt
.Tourist I will stay for a week
What ............ ............ will you visit
.Tourist The Egyptian Museum and Khan El Khalili

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

?a) Nahla : What will happen if you put a rubber duck in water
................................................................................................ :
?............................................................................... :
b) 0mar
: By putting rubbish in litter bins

3- Read and match :


Mothers look after

If you aren't fit,
Ali dropped
My brother isn't single,
This is the car


a banana peel.
which my father bought.
their children.
you should exercise.
He is married.
He isn't married.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
In the past, villages were just groups of poor houses. There were no
electricity or clean water. Boys and girls didn't go to school because schools
were in towns and cities only. Sick people had to be carried to hospitals far
from their villages. Women farmers washed the dishes in the
small canals where animals washed too. There were few houses where rich
people lived. Now, the picture is different; all houses are well built and

people use electricity. In every village there is at least one school and one
hospital. Farmer's life has become better and more comfortable.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- Why didn't boys and girls in villages go to school in the
2- How do people in villages get light now?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- In the past, schools were in .............. .
a) villages
b) towns and cities only
c) the capital only
4- Modem villages have .............. .
a) poor houses
b) no schools or hospitals
c) schools and hospitals
5- Women farmers used to .............. in the past.
a) wash their dishes in their houses
b) wash their dishes in canals
c) wash their animals in their houses

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- There are ............... seconds in a minute.
a) six
b) sixteen
c) sixty
2- While 1 was ............... home. it rained.
a) going
b) go
c) goes
3- Blind people can't................ .
a) see
b) hear
4- Egypt is famous ............ the Pyramids.
a) with
b) for
c) by
5- ................. the dishes, please, Dalia.
a Wash
b) Washing
c) Washes
6- We like internet shopping because it is ............... .
a) slow
b) difficult
c) quick
7- My father is one metre 80 centimetres tall. He is the .............. in our
a) tallest
b) heaviest
c) lightest
8- There isn't ............... meat in the fridge.
a) any
b) some
c) an
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- He likes English best.
(Which subject)
2- It takes me ten minutes to go to school.
(How long)
3-1 can't read this story because it is too long to read.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Listen! He is sing.
2- He fell of his bike.
3- We go back house at two o'clock.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
hospital help - patients
Mariam is a nurse . ...................................................

9- Punctuate the following:

i will visit aswan next January

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


Can -tomorrow -who -going -how

:Good morning, Huda ,....... ............... are you
:I am fine, thank you
: ........... ................ you come with me to play a game
:Sorry, I am.... ................. to do my homework
: I'll see you ......... ................ Goodbye

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

?a) Hassan : Where does a nurse work

......................................................................................... :
?..................................................................................... :
: I was shopping

3- Read and match :


My brother is ten kilograms

A lot of tourists
Camels can live in a place
At the beach
My uncle is not married;


to visit Egypt
we can sit, play and have fun,
he is single.
heavier than me.
come to Egypt every year.
where there is not much water.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
I have got two uncles, one is called Ramy and lives in Cairo, He is 46 years
old. He has got two daughters and a son. He is a teacher in a big school. He
likes it very much. My other uncle is called Karim. He lives in Luxor. He is
single. He is two years younger than my uncle Ramy. Both of them like
drawing, but uncle Ramy doesn't like watching TV.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- How old is
Karim? ..................................................................................................
2- What are Ramy and Karim interested in? ..
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- My uncle Karim has got.............. children.
a) two
b) three
c) no
4- The underlined word it refers to .................. .
a) Cairo
b) the school
c) Luxor
5- Ramy is the writer's ............... .
a) cousin
b) father
c) uncle

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- A ............... takes letters to houses and companies.
a) secretary
b) baker
c) postman
2- If you .............. careful, you'll fall off.
a) aren't
b) weren't
c) isn't
3- When did Ahmed .................. last night?
a) arrived
b) arrive
c) arriving

4- In the Egyptian museum, we can see a lot of.................. .

a) flats
b) statues
c) stations
5- The baby is ..................... Omar.
a) calling
b) calls
c) called
6- A boy had an accident while he ............. a bike.
a) was riding
b) rode
c) is riding
7- After lunch, we have some fruit for .............. .
a) desert
b) deserts
c) dessert
8- A second is a ....................... of time.
a) weight
b) height
c) length
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- My uncle lives in Alexandria.
2-1 couldn't drink the tea because it was too hot.
3- Soha did two puzzles last week.
(How many)

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- Is Ahmed live in Cairo?
2- We will been able to go to London next year.
3- My father will go to the station to take the plane to London. (..................)

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
metal -

paper - window

A ball is made of plastic . ...............................................


9- Punctuate the following:

hassan s father works in a big company near aswan

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

special - easy - difficult - deaf - hands

:How was Helen Keller's life
.......................................... Amira
:It was .............
:Because she was....... ......., blind and she couldn't speak
? Soha
:Could she spell words
:Yes, she could spell words with her...... .......... using Braille
: What is " Braille
: It's ................ ........... writing for the blind

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

?a) Salma : Why do people go to the butcher's
............................................................................... :
?...............................................................................: b)Ahmed
.Nader : Because the tea is too hot to drink

3- Read and match :


You will be cold without

If you don't sleep early,
When you have a headache,
We should follow our
Camels are animals


you can see a doctor.

which can carry heavy things and people.
you'll get up early.
you won't get up early.
teachers' instructions.
your jumper.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Our school made a trip to Cairo last December. There were thirty pupils,
four teachers and the driver. We took the bus at eight o'clock in the morning.
We arrived at ten o'clock. We visited the zoo where we saw a lot of animals
as lions, monkeys and elephants. After that we went to the Pyramids in Giza
where we met some tourists and spoke to them. Then we went to
Wonderland Park where we played exciting games and spent a nice time. We
returned in the evening. All the pupils were singing, clapping their hands and
A) Answer the following questions;

1- How did the pupils go to

Cairo? ...........................................................................
2- How many people were there on the bus?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- All pupils were ..................
a) happy
b) lazy
c) bad
4- The trip to Cairo took .................... hours.
a) three
b) two
c) four
5- The pupils went to Cairo in .............................. .
a) winter
b) spring
c) summer

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- What.......... you do last Sunday?
a) are
b) were
c) did
2- While I.......... the story, the telephone rang.
a) was reading
b) read
c) reading
3- Wood doesn't........... in water because it is light.
a) sink
b) float
c) break
4- Who is .................. you or your brother?
a) tall
b) taller
c) tallest
5- People should wait in a .............. in front of bakeries,
a) queue
b) park
c) bin
6- How many .............. have you got on Monday?
a) desks
b) lessons
c) schools
7- A ............. assistant works in a shop to sell things.
a) sale
b) selling
c) sales
8- We don't have ............... sugar to make tea.
a) an
b) any
c) some
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- The tourists will stay in Egypt for two weeks.
2- A businessman works in a tourist company.
3-1 am laughing because the story is very funny.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- There are too any people in the park.

2- Ramy does his homework at the moment.

3- The environment is nature and the places which we live and work.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
library experiments
This is my school . ...............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

what time will salma and ahmed go to the park

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


pair - many - much - size - How

: ........ .......... can I help you
: I'd like to have a ... .................. of sandals
:Please, tell me the...... ................ and the colour
:38, pink, please
. Seller
: Here you are
:Thank you, how .... ................. are they
:Eighty pounds

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

?a) Father : Where do you play basketball
............................................................................................ :
?........................................................................................ : b) Nancy
.Mark : She goes shopping once a week

3- Read and match :


I can't see anything

Ramy has got school
Nora was happy because
The puzzle was too difficult
Deaf people


she won a prize.

not to watch much TV.
Cant near.
on the computer screen.
for Ali to do.
from Sunday to Thursday.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Sami is twelve years old. He goes to preparatory school. His father is a
carpenter and his mother is a housewife. He has got two sisters; Eman and
Rana. They go to a primary school. Yesterday Sami was hungry, so he went
to the kitchen. He tried to cut a carrot with a knife. He was not careful, so he
cut his finger. He cried and shouted. His mother took him
to hospital.
A) Answer the following questions;
1 - What happened to Sami when he tried to cut the carrot?

2- What does the underlined word "They " refer to?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3- Sami is ............... his sisters.
a) younger than
b) as old as
c) older than
4- Sami went to the kitchen to ................ .
a) eat
b) cut himself
c) study
5- When Sami cut his finger, he was ..............
a) happy
b) unhappy
c) thirsty

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- Patients go to a clinic to see ............. .
a) a teacher
b) a baker
c) a doctor
2- Nagy goes to school................ a bike.
a) in
b) by
c) on
3- ............. is the speed of your new car?
a) How
b) Who
c) What
4- If you put glass in water, it will ............. .
a) sinks
b) sink
c) sank
5-1 usually start my lunch with ................ .
a) soup
b) soap
c) salt

6- The environment is the .............. where we live and work.

a) plan
b) palace
c) place
7- A postman is a person who ............. letters.
a) delivers
b) dives
c) drives
8- How ............ sugar do you need in your tea? - Three spoons.
a) much
b) long
c) many
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- The shirt is made of cotton.
2-A mechanic works in a garage.
3-1 go to school at seven o'clock.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1-Yesterday I so my uncle.
1- Mona does not has much money.
3- Hala makes experiments every Sunday.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
teacher- school teaches
My mother is called Maha . ...............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

we have been in aswan since december

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

England - spelling - subject - Where - speak
: I'd like to have a ..................... of sandals
?Ahmed : ............ ..... do you come from
:I come from...............
? .....................Ahmed :What language do you...

: I speak English
?Ahmed :Is English difficult
:No, but English............ ................. isn't easy

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

?a) Hcba : What is the chair made of
............................................................................................ : Mona
?..........................................................,..................,................ : b) Samia
.Noura : Go straight on, then turn right

3- Read and match :


The' environment' means

If you put metal in water,
How fast
people who throw litter
1 get up at


should pay a fine.

7 o'clock.
it will sink.
it will float.
nature and the places where we live and
f- can camels run?

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Ali is a student in Tanta prep school for boys, He is thirteen years old. He
gets up early and goes to school on foot because it is near his house. His
favourite subject is English. All the school teachers like him because he is
clever and helpful. All's family spends the summer holiday in Alexandria
where Ali enjoys swimming in the sea and playing with his younger brother,
Samir. In the evening, he enjoys reading and watching TV.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- How does Ali go to
school? ...........................................................................................
2- Where does All spend the summer holiday?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3- ..................... is Ali's favourite subject.
a) Arabic
b) English
c) Science
4- All the teachers like Ali because he is ...............

a) clever
b) tall
c) naughty
5- The underlined word "him" refers to ...........
a) All's brother
b) Ali
c) All's father

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- How ............ rice is there in the bag?
a) many
b) much
c) fast
2- While I........... my homework, the telephone rang.
a) do
b) did
c) was doing
3- The tea is too hot .............. me to drink.
a) for
b) with
c) to
4- Ahmed likes ........... puzzles.
a) do
b) did
c) doing
5- Potatoes and onions are .. .
a) vegetables
b) fruit
c) dessert
6- Tourists would like to stay in .. hotels,
a) old
b) comfortable
c) noisy
7- The library is ............ the head teachers office.
a) next
b opposite
c) in front
8- If it rains. I ............. stay at home.
a) will
b) won't
c) can't
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- Ahmed starts work at seven oclock in the morning.
2- He was ill, so he didnt do to school
3- A camel can live without water for 15 days.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- Samir didn't have some rice in his bag.
2- While he is riding his bike, he fell down.
3- It's half and seven now.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
hospital - examines - helps
My father is a doctor . ...............................................


9- Punctuate the following:

we don t go to school on friday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:
job - When - do - will - does
:What's your uncle's
:He is a doctor
:Where .. he work
:He works in Mansoura Hospital in Mansoura
: will he come to Mansoura
:He ............................. come tomorrow

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

?Ahmed : Where were you born (1
?...................................................................................... : b) Teacher
: Tourists come to Egypt by air

3- Read and match :


We like supermarkets
Another word for litter is
We do experiments

a- in the science lab.

b- you should exercise more.
c- because they are cheaper than comer shops.


If you put metal in water

If you aren't fit,

d- it will float.
e- rubbish.
f- it will sink.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Last Monday, I went with my friend Hani to a restaurant. We went there by
taxi. When we reached there, the waiter came and asked us what we wanted
to eat and drink. Hani ordered chicken soup and macaroni. I ordered fish and
rice. We had a nice meal. Then we asked the waiter to bring us something to
drink. We stayed there for an hour till it came 3 o'clock. We returned home
and decided to go there again and again.
A) Answer the following questions;
1 - How long did they stay at the restaurant? .
2- Did they like eating in the
restaurant? ...............................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- They went to the restaurant.
a) by train
b) by taxi
c) by bus
4- Hani ordered ................... .
a) rice
b) fish
c) chicken soup
5- They went to the restaurant at................... .
a) one o'clock
b) two o'clock
c) three o'clock

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- February is the ............. month of the year.
a) two
b) twice
c) second
2- He won the competition and ............. a prize.
a) made
c) bought
3- Two ............... by six equals twelve.
a) divided
b) plus
c) multiplied
4-.............. your homework.
a) Did
b) Do
c) Was
5-............ he won a prize, he was happy.
a) Because
b) While
c) so
6- If you put a stone in water, it.............. sink.
d) is
b) are
c) will
7- They ............. Alexandria two years ago.
1) visited
b) visit
c) were visiting

8- There are .............. cars in front of the school.

a) much
b) little
c) many
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- We need two kilos of sugar.
(How much(
2- People go to the sea to enjoy swimming.
3- No, I haven't got any plates.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1-I can't buy a car so I haven't got enough money.
2- The tea is too hot to drinking.
3- We buy meat from the grocer's.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
weather - sandwiches and fruit
- enjoy
Last week , Ahmed and his family went to the park. ................

9- Punctuate the following:

hany and omar don t like football

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


exciting - hobby - horse - sport - enjoy

: What's your favourite .Nadcr
:Horse-riding. I .. it very much.
: T think it's a dangerous
: But it's vcry ............................. and useful.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a)Nada : What were you doing yesterday evening ?
: .............................................................................................
b) Ali
: .............................................................................................?
: She works in a clothes shop.

3- Read and match :


While the boy was crossingathe street,

"Environment" means
bWe buy bread
cYou are too tired.
dPeople who throw litter

nature and the places where people live

and work.
You should go to bed.
a car hit him.
should be fined.
at the bakery.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Last July, I decided to spend a month in Gamasa and another in a small
village where my uncle lives. I went to Gamasa with my family. Every day. 1
went swimming and playing on the sand. The family always sat and enjoyed
looking at the sea. In the evening we used to go out for a walk. In August, I
left my family and went by car to the village where my
uncle lives. There. I was happy with my cousins. We enjoyed singing and
dancing with sticks. Really, it was a very nice holiday. I enjoyed myself a lot.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- Where does the writer's uncle
2- What does the underlined word "We" refer
to? ..................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- In Gamasa, they .................... in the evening.
a) watched TV
b) swam
c) walked
4- The writer stayed in Gamasa for ................. days.
a) three
b) thirty-one
c) thirteen
5- The writer went to the village with ............ .

a) no one
b) his cousins
c) his family

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- My aunt is my father's or mothers ................ .
a) uncle
1- There are sixty ................ in a minute.
b) seconds
c) hours
3- I'm very sick. I should see the .................
a) doctor
b) baker
c) teacher
4- Yoko is from Japan. She speaks .................
a) Arabic
b) Turkish
c) Japanese
5- The walls of our house ............... of bricks.
a) is made
h) are made
c) was made
6- The Nile is the ........... river in the world.
a) longest
b) longer
c) long
7-1 like ............ football in the playground.
a) playing
b) plays
c) played
8- A cleaner is a person .............. cleans rooms.
a) which
b) where
c) who
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- There are forty boys in my class.
(How many)
2-Ali went to Aswan last holiday.
(Where )
3- I can't buy the car because it is expensive.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- Can I have too apples?
2- We'll go and swim in the see.
3" He didn't have some water.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
plane - hotels - visits
Tourists visit Egypt all the year round. .........................

9- Punctuate the following:

noha and heba don t watch too much TV

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


When - teach - live - Where - teacher

:Hello, Hala. Where do you .......... .................. ?
: In Ismailia.
:Is your mother a .. ?
:Yes, she is.
:What does she ?
:She teaches English.
:.............................does she work?
: She works in a prep school for girls.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

: What are books made of?
: ...............................................................................................
: ...............................................................................................?
Eman : A doctor works in a hospital.

3- Read and match :


Is your uncle
Dolphins are
"Litter" means
Some Turkish words
She can't go shopping


are very long.

" rubbish".
because she is ill. he is from Turkey.
single or married?
animals which swim in the sea.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Last winter, many tourists came to visit Egypt. They came from Europe.
They came by plane. They stayed for a week. They visited the Pyramids, the
Sphinx, the Egyptian Museum and the zoo. They also visited the temples of
Luxor and High Dam in Aswan. Mr. Samir, the guide, was with them during
their visit. On their way back home, they went to Khan El-Khalili to buy jewels
and presents.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- Where did the tourists come from?
2- Why did they go to Khan El-Khalili? ....................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- The tourists visited temples in ......................................
a) Luxor
h) Cairo
c) Aswan
4- The tourists come to Egypt in .................................
a) spring
b) winter
c) summer
5- The underlined word "them" refers to '......,...-....................
a) Luxor and Aswan b) the Pyramids
c) the tourists

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- She ............... burn in Alexandria.
a) is
b) was
c) were
2- Religion, maths, English and science are school............. .
a) subjects
b) hobbies
c) sports
3- ............. I use your mobile phone?- Here you are.
a) Do
b) Am
c) May
4- A sales assistant...... ........ things at a shop.
a) bakes
b) makes
c) sells
5- Deaf people can't................. .
a) hear
b) smell
c) see
6- Dad is The .............. person in our family.
a) tall
b) tallest
c) taller
7-I need some bread, I should go to the ...,....... .
a) butcher's
b) chemist's
c) baker's
S- While they were playing, it ............. .. .
a) rained
b) rains
c) rain
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- Nabil is one metre 58 cm tall.

2- No. I haven't got any oranges.

3- Amany likes English because her teacher is very good.
(Why )

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- I enjoy play the piano.
2- A clinic is a place which people go to see a doctor.
3- The boy is call Yousef

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
works - cooks cleans
My mother is a housewife. .........................

9- Punctuate the following:

her name is mariam and she lives in aswan

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


housewife - types - a - an - difficult

:Is your mother a......... .................. ?
:No, she is a secretary .
:Where does she work?
:In ............................. office .
:What does a secretary do?
:She ................ .......... letters and uses computers.
: Is her work easy?
: No, it's .................. .............

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Aya
: May I have a piece of cake, please?
: ........................................................................................
b)Teacher : .........................................................................................?
Student : I think dinosaurs are more interesting than whales.

3- Read and match :


If wood is put in water,

A hospital is
A butcher
If you aren't fit,
She can't watch TV


sells meat.
you should exercise.
it will float.
because she's too busy.
buys meat.
a place where patients go.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Sham Al-Nasim is the spring feast. On that day a lot of people get up
early. Some people go to parks and others take boat trips on the river. Most
children usually colour boiled eggs. They enjoy eating them later. A year ago,
we enjoyed the fine weather of Sham- Al Nasim. My family took us to the
park. We arrived there at eight. We played lots of different
games. We had fish for lunch. At five o'clock we went back home.
A) Answer the following questions;
1 - Where do people go on the day of Sham Al-Nasim?
2- What do children usually do on the day of Sham Al-Nasim?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3- Sham Al-Nasim comes in ............. .
a) winter
b) summer
c) spring
4- On the day of Sham Al-Nasim we had lunch .................. .
a) at the park
b) on the river
c) at home
5- We arrived at the park at...................... o'clock.
a) 5.00
b) 9.00
c) 8.00

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- The boy .......... is wearing glasses is my brother.
a) why
b) which
c) who
2- I'm very sick. I should see the .............. .

a) doctor
b) baker
c) teacher
3- The rat is ............. than the cat.
a) small
b) smaller
c) smallest
4- There are sixty ............... in a minute, aren't there? - Yes, there are.
b) seconds
c) hours
5- My school is next............... the post office.
a) to
b) with
c) at
6- She left the shop and ......... the road.
a) cross
b) crossed
c) crossing
7- Last....................... I was in primary six.
a) day
b) night
c) year
8- If you put............... in water, it'll float.
a) glass
b) brick
c) wood
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- It's five twenty now.
(What time )
2- Tourists will go back home by plane.
3- They usually stay in hotels.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- I've got too eyes.
2- She didn't have some water.
3- There are seven days in a weak.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
doctor - examined medicine
Last week, I was ill, ....................................

9- Punctuate the following:

aya and i don t like science but we like maths

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

how - meat - kilogram - many - what
:What are we going to have for lunch?
Mona :Potatoes with ... ................... and rice.
Soha :How ............ ............. kilos of potatoes do we need?
Mona :Half a kilo.
:And .................... much rice do we need?
Mona :One ........... ........................

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Ahmed : Which animal is faster, a horse or a rabbit?
Samir : .........................................................................................
b) Sally
Dalia : A mechanic works in a workshop or a garage.

3- Read and match :


She can't watch TV

A butcher
If you put wood in water,
Where is the library?
Books are


it will float.
made of paper.
it will sink.
sells meat.
because she is too busy.
It is on the first floor.
4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
My cousin Manar is a pupil in prep school. She has got two brothers, Nabil
and Adel. She has also got a sister called Sherin. Manar's father is a doctor.
His name is Samy. He works in a big hospital in Tanta, It is not far from
home, so he walks to work. Manar's mother is a good housewife. She does
the housework and looks after the children.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- What does Manar's mother
do? ...............................................................................
2- How many people are there in Manar's family?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3- Manar's father works in a ............... .
a) hospital
b) school
c) house
4- Dr Samy goes to his work .................
a) by car
b) on foot
c) by taxi
5- Manar is ............. years old .
a) 12
b) 22
c) 8

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1-While Ali............. TV, the phone rang.
a) watches
b) is watching
c) was watching
2- ................ means nature and the places where we work and live.
a) Environment
b) Experiment
c) Information
3-Ahmed ............. to school late yesterday.
a) go
b) went
c) goes
4- Soha is ............. than Sally.
a) taller
b) tallest
c) tall
5- The playground is ................. it is not upstairs.
a) upstairs
b) downstairs
c between
6- A mechanic .............. cars.
a) fix
b) fixes
c) fixing
7- Blind people cannot............. .
8- "What is the time"? - It is half.................... ten.
a) past
h) to
c) at
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1-A baker makes bread and cakes.
(Who )
2-1 am 12 years old.
(How old )
3- They are playing football at the club.
(Where )

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1-1 get up in half past six.
2- How many sugar do you need?
3- The tea is to hot for Hesham to drink.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)

by taxi - saw - interesting happy

Last week, we visited
the zoo, ....................................

9- Punctuate the following:

they ll leave at six next friday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

in - What - years - days - were
:.............. ........... is your name?
Samy :My name is Samy.
:Where................. .................. you bom?
Samy :I was born ...... ............. Mallawi.
:How old are you?
:I'm twelve ........ ................... old.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Huda : What would you like to be in the future?
Nadia : .............................................................................................
b)Ahmed : .............................................................................................?
Nabil : I go to school at seven o'clock.

3- Read and match :


A doctor
She is not married,
My father's brother is
He is from London
Blind people


my uncle.
and he speaks English.
works in a clinic.
my daughter.
She is single.
can't see.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
One day last winter we took a bus to the zoo. We took the picnic bags and
we took umbrellas too. The weather was not very good. After half an hour at
the zoo, we were very cold and it started to rain. We looked for a place to sit
at. We ate our sandwiches and drank hot tea. Three hours passed and the
rain did not stop. In the end, we went home. Next time we will go to the zoo
in summer.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- Where did the children
go? ...........................................................................
2- Why did the children take umbrellas?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- It was very cold because it was ............... .
a) the zoo
b) a picnic
c) winter
4- The children ........... their picnic.
a) enjoyed
b) did not enjoy
c) liked
5- The rain lasted for more than ...................
a) two hours
b) half an hour
c) three hours

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- My school is next.......... the post office.
b) on
c) to
2- There are sixty minutes in a / an ...............
a) hour
b) day
c) second
3- The lion is ............ than the dog.
a) strong
b) strongest
c) stronger
4- He is ............ a letter.
a) write
b) writing
c) writes
5- We'll go and swim in the ............... .
a) see
b) sea
c) saw
6- We should go to the ............. to buy meat.
a) school
b) bakery
c) butcher's
7- He can ........... volleyball.
a) play
b) swim
c) ride
8- How ............. is Lake Nasser at Aswan?
a) wide
b) high
c) heavy
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:

1- Our class has got English on Sunday.

(When )
2- My uncle went to Cairo last week.
(Where )
3- They are playing football at the club .

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- Where do she go every day?
2- Japan writing is very difficult.
3-Where does he job?

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
expensive - red - very fast
Last week, I bought a new car, ....................................

9- Punctuate the following:

they ll leave at six next friday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


Next - at - good - visit - will

:My name is Samy.
: Would you like to visit the zoo?
: Yes, that's a ... ........................ idea.
: When ............. .............. we be able to go?
: ...................... Friday....... ............. ten o'clock.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Huda : May I use your telephone, please?
Nour : Yes,.......................................................................................
b) Rania : ............................................................?
Reem : I'm playing football.

3- Read and match :


Heavy things
She was happy because
A baker works
Is there
My brother works


at a bakery.
in a big school.
she got a prize.
bread and cakes.
sink in water.
any milk in the bottle?
4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
The park is the place where people sit under green trees. They enjoy
seeing flowers. Too many people go to the park on holidays. It is nice to keep
the park clean and tidy, but some children pick up flowers and walk on the
grass. They don't put litter in the bins. This isn't good. We should keep the
park clean.
A) Answer the following questions;
1-What is a park? ................................................................................
2- What do some children do? ..............................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- The underlined word " They " refers to ............... .
a) trees
b) people
c) flowers
4- It's .................. to keep the park clean.
b) bad
c) wrong
5- The litter should be put in ..................... .
a) parks
b) rooms
c) bins

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- Camels can live to the ............. of forty.
a) old
b age
c) weight
2- She ........... shopping two days ago.
a goes
b) going
c) went
3- She is the ......................girl in our family.
a) young
4- A nurse is a person who looks ............... ill people.
a) at
b) after
c) in
5- We can visit the see animals.
a) hospital
b) market
c) zoo

6- ............... are made of wood.

a) Tables
b) Books
c) Cars
7- January is the first.................... of the year.
a) day
b) year
c) month
8- She gets up early ............ catch the bus.
a) because
b) in
c) to
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- He will go to his work by car.
2- She's got two brothers.
(How many )
3- He couldn't go to school because he was ill.
(Why )

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- We cook food now.
2- I'd like any tea.
3- We should keep our school dirty.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
farm - animals - grows
My uncle is a farmer., ....................................

9- Punctuate the following:

does ahmed live in aswan

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

farm - bakery - Where - is - bread

: Is your father a baker?
:Yes, he ............ ..................
:What does he sell?
:He sells ............. ..............
: ...................... does he work?


:He works in a........ .........


2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Mona : Why can't you carry this box?
Heba :................................................................................
b)Kamal : .............................................................?
: It's half past one.

3- Read and match :


Saturday is the first

Rubbish means
How long will you
While they were crossing
At the age of one,


she could talk.

a car hit them
too busy.
day of the week.

e- litter.
f- stay in Cairo?

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Two years ago, Mr. Hassan and his family visited the park. They wanted to
spend a good time there. They went there by taxi. The weather was very
nice. Mr. Hassan and his wife sat at a table and asked for some drinks. The
children rode bikes and flew kites. At two o'clock, they had their lunch under
a big tree. They enjoyed visiting the park. They came back home
A) Answer the following questions;
1- When did Mr Hassan and his family visit the park? ..
2- Who rode bikes and flew
kites? .....................................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- Mr. Hassan and his wife asked for some .................. .
a) trees
b) drinks
c) cars
4-They went to the park by ..................
a) taxi
b) bus
c) train

5- They had their ............. under a big tree.

a) lunch
b) kites
c) bikes

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- Egypt and Japan are .................
a) subjects
b) languages
c) countries
2-She ............. rice now.
a) cook
b) is cooking
c) will cook
3- A ........... fixes cars.
a) mechanic
b) doctor
c) teacher
4- Hany is ............. than Wael.
a) tall
b) taller
c) tallest
5-A piece of metal................. in water.
a) sings
b) thinks
c) sinks
6- A school is a place ............. we learn.
a) which
b) where
c) who
7- We can see with our ............. .
a) ears
b) noses
c) eyes
8-1 was born................. 1970.
a) in
b) on
c) at
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- He bought a computer last month.
2- They will travel to Turkey next week.
(Where )
3- This mountain is 2000 metres high.
(How high)

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- We haven't got some milk.
2- How much students are there is your class?
3- If you adds two and three, you will get five.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
50 years - Tanta watching TV
My uncle's name is Sherif....................................

9- Punctuate the following:
he s going to take an exam next december

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

does - examines - job - buy - in
:What's your father's ....... ...................... ?
Hatem : He is a doctor.
:Where.............. ................ he work?
Hatem :He works .... ................... Al Salam Hospital.
:What does he do?
Hatem :He......... .......... patients and gives them medicine.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Anwa : What will happen if you put metal in water?
: ....................................................................................
b)Ahmcd : .........,.........................................................................,..?
Waleed : It's half past eight.

3- Read and match :


A butcher
The science lab is
Books are
Tourists usually stay in
People can't live


eat well.
comfortable hotels
without water.
next to the library.
sells meat.
made of paper

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Mr. Omar Hussein is my friend. He is a teacher of French. He is thirty years
old. He likes his students and takes care of them. All teachers and students
like him because he is very clever and polite. He got married to a teacher
last year but they work in different schools.

A) Answer the following questions;

1- Why do teachers and students like Mr. Omar?
2- How old is
he? .................................................................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- The underlined word "them" refers to ................
a) teachers
b) students
c) schools
4- Mr. Omar's wife works in a .................. .
a) school
b) clinic
c) chemist's
5- Mr. Omar got married in ..................... .
a) 2000
b) 2005
c) 2010

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- If I............. thirty by five, I'll get six.
a) add
b) divide
c) multiply
2- There are sixty ........... in an hour.
a) seconds
b) hours
c) minutes
3- Tourists visit Egypt to see its ....................... .
a) treasures
b) stations
c) fields
4- After lunch we had ................ .
a) dress
b) dessert
c) desert
5- A mosque is a place ...............we pray.
a) who
b) which
c where
6- Arwa is older ................ Yomna ,
a) than
b) then
c) as
7- Are there .................... books on the desk?
a) some
b) any
c) much
8- Where ............ you go yesterday?
a) did
b) do
c) does
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- This shirt is 75 pounds.
(How much )
2- He will arrive tomorrow.
(When )
3- She was too ill, so she didn't go to work.
(Why )

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- My mother's husband is my sister.
2-1 am born in Luxor.

3- We likes internet shopping.


8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
works - cooks - cleans
My mother is a housewife....................................

9- Punctuate the following:

i ll go to aswan next month

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


Anything - can - kilos - may - much

: He is a doctor.
: Good morning, ....... .............. I help you?
:Yes, of course. May I have two........................ of sugar?
:Of course.
:10 pounds. .......................... else?
:No, thanks.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Samir : What were you doing yesterday evening?
Ayman :............................................................................................
No ha : My favourite hobby is reading.

3- Read and match :


A baker is a person
aHow long will
bMy uncle is single,
cAswan is very far
dEnglish is more interestingef-

he is not married.
from Cairo.
who bakes bread.
than maths.
the tourists stay in Egypt?
which we learn in.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
I don't like eating at restaurants, but it was late and there was no food in the
fridge. I phoned my friend Hossam and walked together to a near restaurant.
When we sat down, the waiter came and asked us what we wanted to eat
and drink. Hossam ordered chicken, soup and macaroni. I ordered fish and
rice. It was a nice meal. Then we asked the waiter to bring two cups of tea.
We stayed till mid-night. We returned home and decided to eat there again.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- Did the writer like eating at the restaurant before that night?
2- How did they go to the
restaurant? ..................................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- Hossam ordered ............... .
a) rice
b) fish
c) chicken
4- They returned home at.................. .
a) 3 o'clock
b) 12 o'clock
c) 9 o'clock
5- The food at the restaurant was ..................... .
a) bad
b) not good
c) good

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- Hala went to the ............. to buy some carrots and peas.
a) butcher's
b) greengrocer's
c) grocer's
2- This dress is too expensive ........... me to buy.
a) to
b) with
c) for
3- If you put apiece of wood in water, it....................... .
a) will float
b) float
c) sink
4- You will get ten if you ................ four and six.
a) add
b) multiply
c) divide
5- Did you buy ...............books last week?

a) some
b) any
c) a
6- Chairs ................... of wood or plastic.
a) are making
b) is made
c) are made
7- Blind people cannot.................... .
a) see
b) hear
c) smell
8- While I was ............ home, it rained.
a) go
b) going
c) goes
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- My first name is Hani.
2-Amrgoes to school at seven o'clock.
3- Yes, there is some milk in the fridge.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1- My school is next too the bank.
2- My uncle will visit us at Friday.
3- The food is salt enough.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
hospital - examines medicine
My father is a doctor....................................

9- Punctuate the following:

ali and i live in aswan

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

old - years - Arabic - is - Syria
Ahmcd : Where do you come from?
: I come from ........................
Ahmed : What language do you speak?
: ....................................

Ahmed : How.......................................... are you?

: I am thirteen ............................... old.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Mustafa : Where were you born?
b) Nada
: ..........................................................................................
Farah : I will stay in Luxor for two weeks.

3- Read and match :


Dresses and blouses

Peoplewho throw litters
A butcher
Dolphins are
If you aren't fit.


should pay a tine

sells meal.
are women's clothes.
animals which swim in the sea.
they win the prize.
you should exercise.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Mona usually gets up at half past six in the morning. She washes her face
and brush her teeth. She has breakfast with her family. She puts on her
school uniform, then she walks to school. Her school is not far from her
home. Her favourite subjects are English and science. She is a clever girl.
When the school day ends. she goes home and has lunch with her family.
A) Answer the following questions;
1- How does Mona go to school'? ................................... .........................
2- What are her favourite subjects? ..........................................................
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3- Mona has her .. before going to school.
a) lunch
b) dinner
c) breakfast
4- Mona is a ................. .
a) pupil
b) teacher
c) nurse
5- She gets up at .
a) 6:15
b) 6:30
c) 6:00

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1- Take .. the book from your bag , please.

a) in
b) up
c) out
2- Please, help me to .............. the car.
a) push
b) kick
c) answer
3-1 like ................ computer games.
a) play
b) playing
c) played
4- After lunch, we had ................ .
a) dessert
b) dress
c) desert
5- Would you like .............. milk?
a) many
b) some
c) any
6- The daughter of my uncle is called ................. .
a) wife
b) brother
c) cousin
7- The Nile is the ............... river in the world.
a) longest
b) long
c) longer
8- How ................ can a camel carry?
a) many
b) much
c) fast
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1-I went to the zoo with my friends.
(Who )
2- Hany goes to school at half past seven.
3- Osama will go to Aswan next holiday.
(Where )

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1-We are making an experiment.
2- I was late four my first lesson.
3- My mother and I was cleaning the flat.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
fast - tail - zoo - carry
A horse is a useful animal.....................................

9- Punctuate the following:

we don t go to school on friday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


How - work examines- what- nurse

: Is your mother a housewife ?
: No, she's a . ..................
: Where'does she ................. ?
: In El-Amal Hospital.
:.......... ........ does she do in her work ?
: She ...... ............ patients and gives them medicine.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a)Waiter: What would you like to eat, sir ?
: .....................................................................
b) Yara :.................................................................... ?
Tourist: I come from England.

3- Read and match :


Tourists like to
aIf we divide twenty by five,bBlind people
cWe should keep
dMy father's father

the environment clean.

can't hear.
visit Egypt in winter.
is my grandfather.
can't see.
we will get four.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
My name is Soha. I live in a small house in Shoubra. My father is a
mechanic. My mother is a housewife. I have got one sister but I haven't got
any brothers; I go to school on foot because it is not very far from my house.

I do many activities at school. My friends and I like the computer lab. We can
send e-mails to our pen friends.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Where does Soha live ? ..
2. What does Soha do at school ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. There are ............ people in Soha's family.
a. three
b. four
c. five
4. Sohas father works in a .............
a. garage
b. school
c. company
5. The underlined word "it" refers to the .............
a. computer
b. e-mail
c. school

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. The Nile is .......... river in the world.
a. long
b. longer than
c. the longest
2. People in Egypt speak ...........
a. Turkish
b. Arabic
c. Italian
3.1.......... born in Cairo.
a. am
b. was
c. were
4. My .......... name is Maha.
a. first
b. second
c. last
5. A farmer is a person .......... grows plants.
a. which
b. where
c. who
6. He can .......... a bike.
a. ride
b. fly
c. drive
7. They .......... an experiment now.
a. do
b. are doing
c. did
8. She needs some bread. She should go to the ...........
a. baker's
b. post office
c. clinic
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. It's two o'clock.
2. Horses can live about twenty years.
(How long)
3. A carpenter works in a workshop.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. She enjoys play basketball.

2. How many sugar have you got ?
3. We shouldn't eat a lot of meet.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
Carry strong withoutwater
This is a camel.....................................

9- Punctuate the following:

mona s grandmother lives in giza

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


When what- computer work job

:What is your ........ ?
:I'm a doctor.
:Where do you .. ........ ?
:In a hospital.
:Do you use .... ...... to examine patients ?
:Yes, I use computer.
:...... ...... do you go to hospital ?
:Early in the morning.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Amir : What is the first day of the week ?
Eslam: .....................................................................
b)Mina : .................................................................... ?
Dina : I use computer to do my homework.

3- Read and match :

If you are ill,

aThe environment is nature bPeople cannot see
cWhere are you
dA doctor is someone

are deaf.
who works in hospital.
going in the mid-year holiday ?
are blind.
and place where we live and work.
you should see the doctor.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Dara and Darin are sisters, they live in Shubra. Dara goes to school but
Darin is still a baby. Dara goes to school by car with her father. She likes to
play with toys. Her mother Doaa is a housewife, her father Wael is a
businessman. Dara loves Darin very much.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Where does Dara live ?
2. What does Dara like to play with ? ..
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. How does Dara go to school ?
a. By bus.
b. By car.
c. By taxi.
4. Her mother Doaa works at.......... .
a. school
b. house
c. hospital
5. Darin is .......... than Dara.
a. older
b. bigger
c. younger

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. If you put wood in water, it......
a. float
b. sink
c. will float
2. The school is the place .......... we learn.
a. when
b. where
c. who
3. How .......... onions do you need ?
a. much
b. fast
c. many
4. Soha is .......... than Nehad.
a. taller
b. tall
c. the tallest
5.1 have not got.......... money.
a. some
b. no
c. any

6. You should put litter in a ...........

a. pen
b. bin
c. pin
7. Yesterday I.......... the lunch.
a. cook
b. cooks
c. cooked
8. While I.........., I heard the noise in the street.
a. sleep
b. sleeping
c. was sleeping
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. A carpenter works with wood.
2. Malak goes to bed at 10 o'clock.
3. You can get shoes at the shoe shop.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. The milk is two hot to drink.
2. What were Ali doing when his father came ?
3. If you put brick in water, it will float.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
at school teaches- likes
My father is a teacher ...............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

soha and mona live in tanta

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:
a little pay took anybody dropped
Policeman :You must . .................. a fine.
:Why ?
Policeman :Because you ......... ........... a bottle on the sand.
:Was ........ ............ injured ?
Policeman :Yes, .... ................girl.
:Sorry, sir. This is the fine.


2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Ola
: What will happen if we put a piece of brick in water ?
Heba : .....................................................................
b)Wael : ....................................................................?
Sameh : It's half past eleven.

3- Read and match :


Football is
a- from a bakery.
Dolphins are animals
b- where we can buy many things,
A supermarket is a big shop
c- my favourite sport.
If you aren't fit,
d- fixes cars.
We buy bread
e- you should exercise.
f- which swim in the sea

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Parks are very important for us. We need parks everywhere. People go
there to talk,
relax and breathe fresh air. In the parks, we find trees, flowers and grass
where people
can enjoy beautiful time. Children can find a safe place to play, run and
laugh. People
usually go to the park on Fridays. They take with them too much food and
drinks. We

should clean the parks. We should put litter in bins to keep our environment
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Why do people go to the park ? ....
2. What can we find in the park ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. People usually go to the park on ..............
a. Sundays
b. Saturdays
c. Fridays
4. We ............. put litter in the bins.
a. shouldn't
b. should
c. can
5. We should keep our environment..............
a. dirty
b. clean
c. empty

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. Pupils do .......... in the science lab.
a. experiments
b. exercises
c. shopping
2. A .......... sells meat.
a. chemist
b. butcher
c. grocer
3. The car, bus and plane are ...........
a. vehicles
b. tools
c. streets
4. I'm married but my sister is ...........
a. husband
b. son
c. single
5. She has breakfast.......... ten to seven.
a. on
b. in
c. at
6. A hotel is a place .......... tourists stay.
a. where
b. which
c. who
7. Listen ! The pupils .......... in English.
a. speak
b. speaks
c. are speaking
8. If you revise well, you .......... high marks.
a. will get
b. got
c. gets
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. Pupils go to the library to read books.
2. Horses can live about 20 years.
(How long)
3. He bought a pen yesterday.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. Go straight, then turn write.

2. How many sugar do you need ?
3. The tea is to hot for me to drink.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
not careful fell
A fast car hit a boy on a bike. ...............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

we ll buy this car because it isnt expensive

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


What ask speak straight- show

: Good morning.
:Good morning: Can you....... ........... English ?
: Yes, I can...... ............ can I do for you ?
:Could you ....... ........... me the way to the nearest hotel ?
: Yes. Go ....... ........... along this road. It's next to a big hospital.
:Is it far from here ?
: No,it isn't.
: Thank you. Goodbye
: You're welcome. Goodbye.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Amr
: Where are you from ?
Tourist : .....................................................................

b)Teacher : .................................................................... ?
Student : I think dinosaurs are more interesting than whales.

3- Read and match :


Dolphins are is
a- should pay fine.
People who throw litter
b- where we live and work.
My mother works at home. c- it will sink.
The environment is the place d- animals which swim in the sea.
If a piece of wood is put in water,
e- it will float.
f- She's a housewife.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Hello. My name's Amgad. There are four people in my family : my sister
my father Omar, my mother Karima and me. We live in Alexandria. Heba and
I are
pupils. We walk to school because our school isn't far from our home. My
father is
a businessman. He works in a tourist company. My mother works in a big
She's a doctor.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Where does Amgad' s family live ?
2. How do Amgad and Heba go to school ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3. Karima is Omar's ...........
a. daughter
b. wife
c. mother
4. Amgad' s father is a ...........
a. doctor
b. teacher
c. businessman
5. Karima works in a ...........
a. hospital
b. school
c. tourist company

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1.1 need some bread. I should go to the ...........
a. butcher's
b. bakery
c. chemist's

2. My aunt is my father's or mother's ...........

a. uncle
b. mother
c. sister
3. The walls of our house ..........of brick.
' a. are made
b. is made
c. was made
4. The rat is .......... than the cat.
a. strongest
b. strong
c. stronger
5. A ,-....... is a place where people go to see a doctor.
a. library
b. clothes shop
c. clinic
6.1 was born .......... Giza.
a. on
b. in
c. about
7. The woman .......... is driving a car is my aunt.
a. why
b. which
c. who
8. Blind people can't.......... .
a. hear
b. see
c. speak
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. Randa went to the zoo last Friday.
2. He starts work at half past ten in the morning.
3. Horses can live to the age of twenty.
(How long)

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

I.I' ve got too eyes.
2. She'll reach home at for in the afternoon.
3.1 haven't got some apples.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
Strong live- carry
Camels are big animals . ...............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

why can t hesham do his homework

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

Enas :
Enas :

Enough - buy going many market

: Hello, Enas. Where are you ....... ........... ?
: To the ........ ...........
: What are you going to ...... ............ ?
Some vegetables and fruit for mum.
: Have you got ........... ....... money ?
Yes, I have. Thank you .
: Goodbye.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Sally : What's you father's job ?
Mona : .....................................................................
b) Ali
: .................................................................... ?
Magdy: The library is next to the office.

3- Read and match :


Planes are
aA strong camel can
bTourists visit Egypt
cShe didn't answer the phone dWe should keep

the environment clean.

playing football.
the fastest vehicle.
carry 100 kilograms.
in winter.
because she was busy.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
The park is a place where, people sit under green trees. They enjoy seeing
flowers. Too many people go to the park on holidays. It's important to keep
the park

clean and tidy, but some children pick flowers and walk on the grass. Some
people take
too much food with them to the park. They don't put litter in the bins. This is
not good.
The police should make them pay a fine.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. What is a park ? .
2. What do some children do ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. They should put the litter ....... .
a. in the park
b. in bins
c. under trees
4. Too many people go the park .......... .
a. on holidays
b. every day
c. on Saturdays
5. The underlined word "them" refers to .......... .
a. flowers
b. holidays
c. people

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. Some clothes are .......... of cotton.
a. made
b. make
c. making
2. Sorry, we haven't got.......... carrots.
a. some
b. a lot of
c. any
3. If you put.......... in water, it will float.
a. metal
b. wood
c. glass
4. Your father's brother is your .......... .
a. grandfather
b. aunt
c. uncle
5. A doctor is a person .......... examines patients.
a. who
b. which
c. where
6. She is .......... an ice cream now.
a. eats
b. eating
c. eat
7. While I .......... , she came home,
a. read
b. reads
c. was reading
8. Blind people can't.......... .
a. see
b. smell
c. hear
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. My friend is the shorter in the class.
2. The accident happened on 7 o'clock.
3. We can sea with our eyes.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:
(The words in the box may help you.)
Pyramids photo - horse
We like going to Giza. ...............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

my dad s brother is called ayman

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


How station invite When - stay

: I'd like to .......... .......... you to visit my town.
:It's very kind of you.
: .......... .......... will you come ?
:Next Sunday.
:......... ........... will you come ?
:By bus.
:I'll wait for you at the bus ......... ............
:Thank you.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a)Omar : What will happen if you put a brick in water ?
Hany : ................................................
b) Mother : ................................................ ?
Daughter : I'm laughing because I'm reading a funny story.

3- Read and match :


Noha didn't answer the phonea- basketball at two.

If you add five and five,
b- you will get sixty.


The policeman made me

He was playing
We should put rubbish


in a bin.
because she was busy.
pay a fine.
you'll get ten.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Last Friday, I went with my friend Ali to a restaurant. We went there by
taxi. When
we reached there, the waiter came and asked us what we wanted to eat and
drink. Ali
ordered chicken, soup and macaroni, I ordered fish and rice. We had a nice
meal. Then
we asked the waiter to bring us something to drink. We stayed there for an
hour till it
became three o'clock. We returned home and decided to go there again and
A) Answer the following questions;
1. How long did they stay at the restaurant ?
2. Did they like eating at the restaurant ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. The restaurant was .......... the friend's home.
a. next to
b. near
c. far from
4. They .......... at the restaurant.
a. ate only
b. drank only
c. ate and drank
5. They went to the restaurant at.......... o'clock.
a. one
b. two
c. three

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. The boy .......... is wearing glasses is my friend.
a. why
b. which
c. who
2. I'm very sick, I should see the .......... .
a. doctor
b. baker
c. teacher
3. Maha is married .......... Mr Sameer.
a. with
4. Deaf people can't.......... .
a. smell
b. see
c. hear

5. She left the shop and .......... the road.

a. cross
b. crossed
c. crossing
6. There are sixty .......... in a minute.
a. hours
b. minutes
c. seconds
7. The elephant is .......... than the camel.
a. big
b. bigger
c. as big
8. When you phoned yesterday, I...........
a. am sleeping
b. was sleeping
c. sleeping
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. A baker makes bread.
2. Nagy went to Aswan last holiday.
3. Ahmed travelled by plane.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. There aren't some pupils in the class.
2,1 have got too eyes.
3. He worked in the garden now.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
hospital- examine
My father is a doctor . ...............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

salma and i dont like fish, but we like chicken

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


tourist- businessman work- live- job

: Hello , Nagwa. Where do you ......... .......... ?
:I live in Tanta.
:What's your father's........ ............ ?
:He's a ............ .........
:Where does he work ?
:He works in a .......... .......... company.
:That's interesting.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a)Hani : What is the first day of the week ?
Nabil : ..................................................
b)Ali : ................................................?
Omar: At seven o'clock.

3- Read and match :


If you put metal in water,

Braille is
She was happy because
He is not married,
Internet shopping is


she won a prize.

he is single.
easy and quick.
special writing for the blind.
it will sink.
it will float.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Last month, Nadia fell off a tree near her house and broke her leg. She
was trying to
catch fruit. Her father and her mother weren't at home. Her mother was at
the market.
Her father was at school. Nadia called her younger brother Hassan. He ran
out of the
house and telephoned the hospital. Five minutes later, an ambulance came
and carried
Nadia to hospital. After ten days, Nadia was able to walk to her school.

A) Answer the following questions;

1. How long did Nadia stay in bed ?

2. Where was Nadia's mother when Nadia fell off the tree ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3. Hassan telephoned the hospital to help ...........
a. his mother
b. his brother
c. his sister
4. Nadia was .......... Hassan .
a. younger than
b. older than
c. as old as
5. Nadia and Hassan went to school...........
a. by bus
b. by car
c. on foot

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. She didn't.......... any food yesterday.
a. buy
b. bought
c. buying
2. He went to the grocer's .......... rice and cheese.
a. at
b. to
c. for
3. My father's son is my ...........
a. uncle
b. brother
c. cousin
4. The glass was not full. It was ...........
a. cold
b. hot
c. empty
5. If you .......... six by two, you'll get twelve.
a. add
b. multiply
c. divide
6. The tea was .......... hot to drink.
a. two
b. to
c. too
7. How .......... are you ? - I'm 55 kilograms.
a. heavy
b. tall
c. old
8. Desks .......... of wood.
a. made
b. arc making
c. arc made
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. She bought the red car.
2. Camels can drink about fifty litres of water each day.
3.1 was listening to music when my father came.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. Monday is the three day of the week.

2.1 born in Alexandria.
3. People can buy bread at the baker.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
Pyramids ride camels
nice time
A lot of tourists like to visit . ...............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

mahmoud s uncle is a doctor and he lives in aswan

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


When teach live Where teacher

:Hello, Hala. Where do you ..... ............... ?
:In Ismailia.
: Is your mother a ...... .............. ?
:Yes, she is.
:What does she ..... ............... ?
:She teaches English.
:........... ......... does she work ?
:She works in a prep school for girls.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Shady : What are books made of ?
Fady :.................................................
b) Hend : ................................................ ?
Eman : A doctor works in a hospital.

3- Read and match :

Is your uncle
Dolphins are
"Litter" means
Some Turkish words
She can't go shopping


are very long.

because she is ill.
he is from Turkey.
single or married ?
animals which swim in the sea

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Last winter, many tourists came to visit Egypt. They came from Europe.
They came
by plane. They stayed for a week. They visited the Pyramids, the Sphinx, the
Museum and the zoo. They also visited the Temple of Luxor and the High
Dam in
Aswan. Mr Samir, the guide was with them during their visit. On their way
back home,
they went to Khan Al-Khalili to buy jewels and presents.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Where did the tourists come from ?
2. Why did they go to Khan El-Khalili ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. The temple is in .......... .
a- Luxor
b. Cairo
c. Aswan
4. The tourists come to Egypt in ...........
a. spring
b. winter
c. summer
5. The underlined word "them" refers to ...........
a. Luxor
b. Aswan
c. tourists

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. She ..........born in Alexandria.
a. is
b. was
c. were
2. Religion, Math, English and science are school...........
a. subjects
b. hobbies
c. sports

3........... I use your mobile phone ? - Here you are.

a. Do
b. Am
c. May
4. A sales assistant.......... things at a shop.
a. bakes
b. makes
c. sells
5. Deaf people can't.......... .
a. hear
b. smell
c. see
6. Dad is the .......... person in our family.
a. tall
b. tallest
c. taller
7.1 need some bread. I should go to the ...........
a. butcher's
b. chemist's
c. bakery
8. While they were playing, it.......... .
a. rained
b. rains
c. rain
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. Nabil is one meter 58 cm tall.
2. No, I haven't got any oranges.
3. Amany likes English because her teacher is very good.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1.1 enjoy play the piano.
2. A clinic is a place which people go to see a doctor.
3. The boy is call Youssef.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
works- cooks cleans
My mother is a housewife . ...........................................

9- Punctuate the following:

her name is mariem and she lives in aswan

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:
job- when do- will does
Adel : What is your father's ............ ........?
:He is a teacher.
Adel :Where ........... ......... he work ?
:He works in Aswan.
Adel :.......... .......... will he come to Luxor ?
:He ........ ............ come next week.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a)Nabil : What is the third day of the week ?
Soha : .................................................
Ali : He makes tables and chairs.

3- Read and match :


People who can't see

a- patients to hospitals.
Nurses look after
b- are deaf.
. In the future, we'll be able toc- is rubbish.
Another word for litter
d- are blind.
The ambulance carried
e- find new medicines.
f- patients in hospitals.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Enas and Dina live in a flat near the Nile. Their father is a doctor and their
teaches English. Both Enas and Dina like history best. Enas's favourite hobby
reading but Dina likes playing tennis. They walk to school every day. Their
doesn't go to the same school.
A) Answer the following questions;

1. What's Dina's favourite hobby ?

2. How did they go to school ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3. There are .......... people in the family.
a. three
b. five
c. four
4. .......... works in a hospital.
a. Father
b. Mother
c. The Nile
5. Both Enas and Dina like .......... best.
a. Maths
b. English
c. history

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. Are there ......... apples at home ?
a. an
b. any
c. some
2. There are twelve months in a .......... .
a. week
b. year
c. day
3. Look ! Ahmed and I.......... eating ice cream.
a. am
c. is
4. The police should .......... people who drop litter.
a. fight
b. fine
c. pay
5. The man .......... off the horse yesterday.
a. fall
b. fell
c. falls
6. What was the boy doing .......... the policeman arrived ?
a. while
b. where
c. when ,
7. What.......... do you speak ?
a, day
b. language
c. school
8. My father is a .........., he works in the fields.
a. baker
b. farmer
c. carpenter
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. I'd like to start with salad.
2. Manal speaks Italian very well.
3.1 won a prize, so I was happy.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. I read the letter now.

2. Monday is the three day of the week.

3. At the age of 5, Huda can speak two languages.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
Pyramids ride camels
nice time
Giza is a very famous place . ...........................................

9- Punctuate the following:

we study english and arabic

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

do- expensive- much does kind

:Do you have a mobile ?
:Yes,I ........ ...........
:What ........ .......... is your mobile ?
:How ............ ...... is it ?
:1500 pounds.
:Oh, it is very ............ ...... .

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a)Soha : .................................................................... ?
Reem : It's half past four.
b)Aya : Which is faster, a letter or an e-mail ?
Salma: .....................................................................

1- Read and match :


Another word for litter

At the age of ten, Ahmed
If you are very ill,
My uncle's daughter
Nagwa is deaf and blind,


You shoud see a doctor

is my cousin.
is rubbish.
so she can't hear or see.
could read the Holy Koran.
is "letter".

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
One day, a girl was going into the city to sell some eggs. She was
carrying the eggs
in a basket on her head. "When 1 have sold these eggs". She thought "I'll
have much
money". Just then, a big bus came behind her. She didn't hear it. Then she
jumped out of
the way. Her basket fell to the ground and all the eggs were broken. One
man shouted at
her, "You should never carry all your eggs in one basket".
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Why did the girl go into the city ?

2. What does the underlined word "it" refer to ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. The girl sold .............
a. many eggs
b. all the eggs
c. no eggs
4. The girl was walking .............
a. behind the bus
b. near the bus
c. in front of the bus
5. The man advised the girl............ all her eggs in one basket.
a. to carry
b. not to carry
c. should carry

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. English is the subject.......... I like best.
a. where
b. who
c. which
2. My sister .......... a new house a month ago.
a. will buy
b. bought
c. buys
3. My school is next.......... El Baset mosque.
a. to
b. at

4. The glass was not full. It was ...........

a. old
b. cold
c. empty
5. A postman .......... letters to homes and companies.
a. delivers
b. reads
c. writes
6. My father had an accident while he .......... home.
a. drives
b. drove
c. was driving
7.1 need some meat. I should go to the ...........
a. bakery
b. mosque
c. butcher's
8. We should .......... after our environment.
a. look
b. take
c. see
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. A farmer keeps animals and birds.
2. There are seven oranges on the table.
3.1 like reading stories because they're useful.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. There are seven days in a weak.
2.1 don't want some bananas.
3. Abeer and Azza are the same wait.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
school- English clever
My teacher is called Ali . ...........................................

9- Punctuate the following:

how do we get from cairo to aswan

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


sell- bakery baker what - by

: .......... ........ is your father's job ?
:He is a ...... .............
:Where does he work ?
:In a ......... ..........
:What does he ....... ........... ?
:Cakes and bread.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a. Ali
: What is your favourite subject ?
Ahmed: .....................................................................
b.Radwa: ....................................................................?
Aya : I was born in Cairo.

1- Read and match :


Blind people
a- she is single.
The environment is the place b- at the butcher's.
The library is
c- next to class B.
We buy meat
d- in the kitchen.
She is not married,
e- where we live and work.
f- can't see.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Huda is thirteen years old. She is a pupil at Giza Prep School for Girls. She
was bom
in Tanta but now she lives in Giza with her family. In the morning, she goes
to school.
She comes from school at 2 o'clock. She sometimes helps her mother in the
kitchen. She
watches TV when she finishes doing her homework. Huda hopes to be a
doctor like her
A) Answer the following questions;

1. How old is Huda?

2. When does Huda come back from school ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3. Huda watches TV ............ she finishes doing her homework.
a. before
b. when
c. while
4. Huda is at school in ............ .
a. Giza
b. Cairo
c. Tanta
5. Huda's father is .............
a. a doctor
b. a teacher
c. a engineer

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. My brother ............ a new car yesterday.
a. bought
b. buy
2.1 go to school ............ 7 o'clock in the morning.
a. at
c. in
3. A cleaner is a person ............ cleans rooms.
a. which
b. where
4. Omar is ............ than Yasser.
a. tall
b. taller
c. tallest
5. While I ............ football, it rained.
a. play
b. was playing
c. is playing
6. The tea was ............ hot to drink.
a. to
b. two
c. too
7. A doctor likes ............ people.
a. helps
b. helping
c. helped
8. Are there ............ apples at home ?
a. some
b. any
c. an
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. He goes to school by bus.
2. Azza made the tea.
3. Yes, he is a doctor.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. She have got two brothers and one sister.

2. How about visit me tomorrow ?

3. She put two many sugar in the coffee.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
carpenter- workshop tables
and chairs
My uncle is called Hesham . ...........................................

9- Punctuate the following:

we should study english and arable very hard

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

are of was were last

:How old ....... ?
:I am twelve years old.
:What was the name of your teacher ......... ......... year ?
:It ............ ...... Mr Youssef.
:What's the name ........ .......... your teacher this year ?
:It is Mr Waleed.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Maher : Where were you born ?
Tourist: .....................................................................
b)Nadia :.................................................................... ?
Ahmed: I'm looking to see what food we've got.

1- Read and match :


Soha will arrive home

aWhat can you say is famous b1 cant buy the mobile phone cA hospital is
dIf you add ten and two,

place where patients go.

because I haven't got enough money.
you will get twelve.
at ten past three.
a fruit or vegetable ?
a person or building ?

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Ahmed is a first year prep student. His father's name is Hesham. He is
He works in a tourist company. His mother Nadia is a housewife. She works
at home.
They all live in Nasr City. Ahmed's uncle Kamal is a sales assistant. He works
in a clothes
shop. He isn't married. He doesn't live in Nasr City. He lives in Alexandria
and he loves it
very much.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. What is Hesham's job ?
2. Where does Kamal live ? ..
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. Ahmed is a ............ .
a. businessman
b. housewife
c. student
4. Nadia is ............ mother.
a. Ahmed's
b. Hesham's
c. Kamal's
5............. works in a tourist company.
a. Kamal
b. Ahmed
c. Hesham

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. There are sixty ............ in a minute.
a. minutes
b. seconds
c. hours
2. Last ............ I was at primary six.
a. day
b. night
c. year
3. If you are tired, you ............ late.
a. will be
b. will
c. would
4. I'd like to buy ............ meat.
a. some
b. an
c. any

5-CanSohago ............?
a. to shop
b. shopping
c. shop
6............. Manal and Soha wearing dresses?
a. Did
b. Do
c. Were
7. Mum asked me ............ lunch.
a. to cook
b. cook
c. cooking
8. To indent is to leave ............ before the first line of the paragraph.
a. list
b. space
c. full stop
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1.A baker makes bread and cakes.
2- My school is next to the office.
3. You need one big onion.
(How many)

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. At the age of ten, Huda can speak two languages.
2. Well catch the bus on half past ten.
3. He didn't have some water.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
examine clinic x-rays
This is Dr Khalid . ...........................................

9- Punctuate the following:

we dont go to school every friday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


Where went did - was - were

:What school .......... ........ you go to last year ?
:I ......... ......... to Abu Bakr Primary School.
:What ......... ......... your teacher's name last year ?


:It was Mrs Salwa.

:............. ..... do you live ?
:I live in Housh Essa.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Ali : What is your father's job ?
Tarek: ....................................................................
b) Soha : .................................................................... ?
Sama : I have got two brothers.

1- Read and match :


How old is
Aya writes letters
Football is
Would you like
1 can speak English,


To a pen friend from Japan

to go for a walk ?
but I can't speak Arabic.
Cairo ?
my favourite sport.
your sister ?

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
My friend is called Marwa, She is a doctor. She likes her job because she
likes helping
people. She works in a hospital. She goes to work at 7 o'clock. She examines
patients and
gives them medicine. All the patients like her because she is kind.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Where does Dr Marwa work ?
2. Why do all the patients like her ? ..
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. Dr Marwa goes to work at............ o'clock.
a. four
b. six
c. seven
4. She ............ patients and gives them the medicine.
a. examines
b. feeds
c. meets
5. The underlined word "her" refers to .............
a, patients
b. Dr Marwa
c. medicine

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. Blind people can't............ .
a. see
2. If you put metal in water, it will ............ .
a. sink
b. float
3. The police should ............ people who drop litter.
a. thank
b. fine
4. My father's sister is my ............ .
a. sister
b. aunt
c. uncle
5. The library is ............ the second floor.
a. at
b. in
c. on
6. The boy ............ wearing glasses is my son.
a. which
b. where
c. who
7. Look! Salma .............
a. is running
b. ran
c. run
8. A door is made ............ wood.
a. of
b. from
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. Salwa can't drink her tea because it's too hot.
2. All will go to Aswan next week.
3. I went to the zoo last Friday.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. It's half and ten.
2. Opened the door, please.
3. I 's got two sisters.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
grows animals finishes
A farmer starts work at five oclock in the morning . ..............................

9- Punctuate the following:
aya ll go to cairo

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

Amal :
Amal :

trip- travelled with stay arrived

: I heard you ....... ........... to London last month.
Yes, I went ..... ............. dad and mum.
: And how long did you ....... ........... there ?
Ten days. It was really a fantastic ...... ............ .

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Dina : May I use your pen, please ?
Amal : ....................................................................
b)Ali : ....................................................................?
Amr : He grows crops and keeps animals,

1- Read and match :


We ususally have delicious meals

a- from left to right.
The story was so exciting
b- holes to find oil.
Oil was formed
c- to stop working.
English is written
d- at a restaurant.
"Retire" means
e- millions of years ago.
f- that I read it many times.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
One day last winter, we took a bus to the zoo. We took the picnic bags
with us and we
took umbrellas too, because the weather wasn't very good. After half an hour
at the zoo,
we were very cold and it started to rain heavily. We looked for a place to sit
at. "Let's

eat our picnic", said my friend. So, we sat down and opened the picnic bag.
We ate our
sandwiches and drank hot tea. Three hours passed and the rain didn't stop.
At the end, we
went home. Next time, we'll go to the zoo in summer.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Where did the children go ?
2. Why did they take umbrellas ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. It was very cold because it was .............
a. the zoo
b. a picnic
c. winter
4. The children ............ their picnic.
a. enjoyed
b. didn't enjoy
c. liked
5. The rain lasted for more than .............
a. three hours
b. half an hour
c. three o'clock

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. Postmen ............ letters from door to door.
a. read
b. write
c. deliver
2. Braille is special writing for the .............
a. blind
b. deaf
c. famous
3. Tourists like to stay in this hotel because it is very .............
a. kind
b. comfortable
c. dangerous
4. How much ............ have you got ?
a. apple
b. sugar
c. books
5. The headmaster's office is ............ the stairs and class IB.
a. behind
b. between
c. in front
6. These are too big ............ me to wear.
a. at
b. too
c. for
7. Light things ............ in water.
a. float
b. fall
c. sink
8. We ............ live on the moon in the future.
a. be able to
b. were able to
c. will be able to
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. He was born in 1997.
2. This mountain is two kilometers high.
(How high)

3.1 am Egyptian.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

I. I have got won brother and two sisters.
2.1 enjoy read English books.
3. He didn't have some water.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
capital- nice weather
Egypt is a fabulous country . ..............................

9- Punctuate the following:

they bought meat rice chicken and sugar yesterday

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:

pleased speak show welcome What

:Can you ............ ...... English ?
:Yes. ............ ...... can I do for you ?
:Could you ...... ............ me the way to Khan El-Khalili, please ?
:Yes. Go straight along Al-Azhar Road.
:Thank you. Goodbye.
:You're ............ .......

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a)Kamel: May I have a piece of cake, please ?
: .....................................................................
b) Mr Samy is asking Dina a question.
MrSamy: .................................................................... ?
Dina : I think that we will be able to make better medicines.

1- Read and match :


She was too busy

A hospital is
A butcher
If you aren't fit,
If wood is put in water,


you should exercise.

it won't float.
a place where patients go.
it won't sink.
to watch TV.
sells meat.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
One day last January, we took a bus to the zoo. We took the picnic bag
.with us and
we took umbrellas too, because the weather wasn't very good. After half an
hour at the
zoo, we were very cold and it started to rain heavily. We looked for a place to
sit. "Let's
eat our picnic", said my friend. So, we sat down and opened the picnic bag.
We ate our
sandwiches and drank hot tea. Three hours passed and the rain didn't stop.
At the end, we
went home. Next time, we'll go to the zoo in summer.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Where did the children go ? ..
2. Why did they take umbrellas ? .
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. It was very cold because it was .............
a. autumn
b. spring
c. winter
4. The children didn't............ their picnic.
a. enjoy
b. start
c. send
5. The rain lasted for more than ............ .
a. three hours
b. half an hour
c. three o'clock

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. This is the house ............ my father bought.
a. which
b. who
c. where
2. The money I took ............ enough to buy the dress.

a. didn't
b. wasn't
c. hadn't
3. That museum is so ............ that I will visit it again.
a. fabulous
b. excited
c. frightening
4. My mother usually uses tomato ............ in cooking.
a. plaster
b. past
c. paste
5. He was working in a town ............ the sea.
a. in front
b. far
c. by
6. A second is a ............ of time.
a. length
b. height
c. weight
7. Dina's friends ............ got two cameras.
a. has
b. have had
c. have
8. Riham is a ............ assistant. She works in a clothes shop.
a. sales
b. sails
c. seals
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. A baker makes bread and cakes.
2. Football is my favourite sport.
3.1 watch too much TV.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. I was so surprised that I fell a plate ?
2. Police should thank people who throw litter in streets.
3. "What's at lunch today", said Dad.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
carry- walk water
The camel is the ship of the desert . ..............................

9- Punctuate the following:

why can t azza get the bag

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:
bike- doing- phoned cake- helping
: What were you doing when I (1)..... .......... you

yesterday ?
: I was ........ ....... my mother in the kitchen.
: What was your mother ........ .......... in the kitchen ?
: She was making a ........ ...........

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Ihab : Where can we do science experiments ?
Mona : .....................................................................
b) Amr : .................................................................... ?
Ola : My favourite sport is swimming.

1- Read and match :


How old is
He writes letters
Volleyball is
Would you like
1 can speak English


to a pen friend from Japan.

to go for a walk ?
but I can't speak Turkish.
England ?
my favourite sport.
Al-Azhar mosque ?

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Mrs Mona often spends too much money on clothes. She does not need
new clothes,
but she loves buying them. Yesterday, she saw a beautiful coat in a shop
window. She
went in and put it on. It was Just the right size, but it was very expensive. Mrs
didn't have enough money, but she took the coat home and showed it to her

He liked it very much, but he didn't like the price.

A) Answer the following questions;
1. What does Mrs Mona spend her money on ?

2. What did she see in a shop window yesterday ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3. Mrs Mona loves .............
a. money
b. clothes
c. windows
4. Mona's husband didn't like the .............
a. coat
b. price
c. wife
5. The coat was ............ .
a. cheap
b. expensive
c. bad

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. Helen Keller is a ............ person.
a. lazy
b. famous
c. dangerous
2.1 didn't see ............ in the room.
a, someone
b. anyone
c, something
3. They were helping their father ............ he was tired.
a. so
b. but
c. because
4. My house is ............ the bus station,
a. next to
b. between
5. The lion is ............ than the giraffe.
a. strong
b. stronger
c. strongest
6. If you put............ in water, it'll float.
a. wood
b. brick
c. glass
7. In the future, we ............ find new inventions,
a. were able to
b. able to
c. will be able to
8.1 usually get up at half ............ six.
a. and
b. to
c. past
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. His name is Khaled.
2.1 played football in the club.
3. She needs two kilos of meat.
(How much)

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. She ran to ask the telephone.

2. You should go to bed late.
3. He had too many homework.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
tourists enjoy photos
The Giza pyramids are great . ..............................

9- Punctuate the following:

salma and i don t like fish, but we like chicken

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


your What is old - are

:............ ...... is your first name ?
:My first name is Reem.
:What is ........ .......... last name ?
:It is Hassan.
:How old ........... ....... you ?
:I am thirteen years .......... ........ .

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a)Nada : May I have a piece of cake, please ?
Gehad : .....................................................................
b) Laila : .................................................................... ?
Fatma : I think that we will be able to make better medicines.

1- Read and match :


My father's brother
The tea is too hot
A horse is an animal
Chairs are
Ahmed is holding


made of wood.
a mobile phone.
is my sister.
is my uncle.
. to drink.
which can carry people.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Ramy is a clever student. He is twelve years old. Ramy lives in a flat in
Assiut with
his father, mother and two sisters. Ramy does his homework every day. He
helps his father and mother on holidays. Yesterday, the science teacher gave
a nice prize because he picked up litter in the break and put it in the bin.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Where does Ramy live ?
2. Why did Ramy win a prize ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
3. Ramy is ............ years old.
a. 11
c. 13
4. Ramy helps his father and mother ............ .
a. after school
b. on holidays
c. on Sundays
5. Ramy is very ............ .
a, clever
b. lazy

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. Blind people can't ............ .
a. smell
b. hear
c. see
2. If you put a brick in water, it ............ .
a. sinks
b. will sink
c. sank
3. English is my favourite ............ .
a. subject
4. We haven't got ............ apples.


b. a
c. any
Carrots and onions are .............
b. drinks
c. vegetables
While I............ the story, the telephone rang.
b. was reading
c. reads
We buy bread and cakes at the .............
b. butcher's
c. grocer's
The red car is ............ than the blue car.
b. slower
c. slow

6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. Amira is listening to music.
2. He will arrive tomorrow.
3. She works in Tanta.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. We don't go to school in Fridays.
2. There are too much cars at the park.
3. You shouldn't eat a lot of meet.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
Doctor hospital- examines
My father is called Nabil. . ............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

ahmed and heba live in cairo

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


ask- show straight speak - What

: Can you ...... ............ English ?
: Yes. ......... ......... can I do for you ?
: Could you ....... ........... me the way to Khan El-Khalili ?
: Certainly, go ..... ............. along Al-Azhar Road.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a)Mona: May I have a cup of tea, please ?
Heba : .................................................................... .
b)Teacher: ....................................................................?
Student : English is my favourite subject.

1- Read and match :


How old is Manal ?

A fine is
Another word for "litter"
A baker
What time is it now ?


Shes thirteen
It's one o'clock.
fixes cars.
money which someone pays for doing something

f- bakes bread.
4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Shukry is a teacher. He works in El-Hager Prep School for Boys. He usually
goes to
school by taxi. He has got five children, three sons and two daughters. Samir
is married
to Sara. Samy is eighteen years old. He is interested in painting. Tarek is
sixteen years
old. He goes to El-Kawther Prep School for Deaf. Rasha is nineteen years old.
Hanaa is
ten years old. Shukry's wife works at home.
A) Answer the following questions;

1. How many children has Shukry got ?

2. Is Samir married to Sara ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3. Hanaa goes to a ............ school.
a. primary
b. prep
c. secondary
4. Samy is interested in .............
a. music
b. football
c. painting
5. Shukry's wife is a .............
a. doctor
b. housewife
c. teacher

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. The man ............ lives next door is my uncle.
a. what
b. who
c. which
2. I'm very sick. I should see the .............
a. doctor
b. mechanic
c. teacher
3. My house is next............ the post office.
a. at
b. to
c. of
4. The car is faster ............ a donkey.
a. the
b. there
c. than
5. There are ............ days in a week.
a. eight
b. seven
c. thirty
6. Hesham ............ all the e-mails yesterday.
a. answer
b. answers
c. answered
7. Last............ I was in year six.
a. year
b. night
c. week
8. If you put............ in water, it'll float.
a. paper
b. brick
c. metal
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. A mechanic fixes cars.
2. Soha went to Aswan last year.
3. Yes, I'm a teacher.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. He didn't have some water.

2. If you add two and ten, you'll get eleven.

3. I'd like buy sugar, please.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
carry- live walk
A camel is a very useful animal. . ............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

salma and i don t like fish, but we like chicken

1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:


Was- were in last - What

:............ ...... is your first name ?
:My first name is Mustafa.
:What is your ........ .......... name ?
:It's Ahmed.
:Where .......... ........ you born ?
:I was born ..... ............. Giza.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a.Amira : .................................................................... ?
Heba : My mother is a housewife.
b. Badr : How will vou travel to Aswan ?
Ali : ....................................................................

1- Read and match :


If you put paper in water,

This cupboard is made of
There is too much salt
My aunt's daughter is
The library is


in the food.
next to class 3A.
it will sink.
it will float.
my cousin.
4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
Hello, My name' s Tamer. I live with my family in Alexandria. My father is a
He works in a tourist company. My mother is a nurse. She works in a big
hospital. I have
got two sisters Donia and Nesreen. They are at a primary school. My
favourite subject is
science. I like playing football. I usually walk to school with my sisters.
A) Answer the following questions;
1. Where does Tamer live ?

2. How many brothers does Tamer have ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3. Tamer and his sisters go to school.............
a. by train
b. by bus
c. on foot
4. There are ............ people in Tamer's family.
a. four
b. five
c. six

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

1. The girl............ is wearing a red dress is my sister.
a. which
b. where
c. who
2. He is very sick. He should ............ a doctor.
a. take
b. see
c. play
3. Sara left school and ............ the road.
a. crossed
b. cross
c. crossing
4. A horse is ............ than a camel.
a. slower
b. taller
c. faster

5. This year I............ in prep one.

a. was
b. am
c. is
6. There isn't............ sugar in the bag.
a. many
b. some
c. any
7. We buy ............ at the butcher's.
a. meat
b. rice
c. tomatoes
8. How ............ is your friend. He's ten years old.
a. far
b. old
c. heavy
6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
1. The name of my English teacher is Mr Sayed.
2. The sports hall is downstairs.
3. A baker sells bread.

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. They do their homework now.
2. A farmer works in a garage.
3. My uncle is my father's sister.

8- Look at the picture and write three more sentences:

(The words in the box may help you.)
doctor hospital helps
My father is called Ramy . . ............................................

9- Punctuate the following:

my cousins are called nabil and hend

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