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The reason for this academic change conference is for students most especially to understand the role played by their dreams in the great commission. Its one thing to have a dream and its another thing to know what it really means. Though many have dreams in life, they find it diffi cult to fulfill it. However if you are a child of God your dream must be enveloped in the great commission. Many Christians are not effective in fulfilling their dreams because they dont know Gods dream or they have kept Gods dream aside. The fulfillment of your dream will become much more effective when you acknowledge the fact that your dream is a product of Gods dream. The great commission is Gods dream for the world. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things [mathew28:20]------- The underlined portion of the quoted verse is an instruction. As a child of God, He expects you to effect the change you want to see in your world by preaching the Gospel. It is your responsibility to teach and preach the gospel. It is something you consciously do in response to His love. If you really love Jesus you will be willing to save others out of sin and its consequences. The great commission is a set of commands Jesus gave his church through the spirit after His recsurrection.These commands are the answers to lifes problem.

DIFFERENT FORMS OF THE GREAT COMMISSION SOUL WINNING: Go ye into all world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.And these signs shall follow them that believe------- [mark 16:15-17].Jesus here was referring to soul winning. As a child of God nothing should mean more to you than leading those in your area of calling who have not yet known the Lord into salvation. God has committed to you the ministry of reconciliation; not only did He call you into the fellowship of His son Jesus [1cor1:9], Hes also called you to partner with him in soul winning. People are Gods greatest assets on earth. Until you start winning people for Jesus, youre not involved in Gods asset building. The Lord is always reaching out to the unsaved, to touch their lives with His power and glory; but He can only do so through you. Therefore you must always be passionate about soul winning.

DISCIPLESHIP: The bible says in Mathew28:18 that all power is given unto Jesus. This means just like Jesus we have been bestowed with authority to train, build Christians to maturity through the teaching of the word until they start living and expressing the Christ like life. As a Christian you must vibrantly be about this great cause. You must be totally committed to training and equipping others for ministry. [acts1:8 and eph4:11]. You cannot be an effective Christian or pastor if you have not gone through the process of discipleship. A disciple therefore is one who has decided to lay down his life for the sake of the gospel or a disciple is a disciplined follower of Jesus Christ. CHURCH PLANTING: Having believed in Jesus Christ, one of the greatest and beautiful things you should crave and belong to is a church family; a place where there is constant fellowship with brethren. If you truly love God then you will make fellowshipping with brethren a paramount endeavor in your life, because there is no love without fellowship. Fellowship means oneness of spirit, communing and sharing together. To promote fellowship amongst brethren, church planting is of great importance. A church is a disciple training centre; a place where believers assemble and build personal relationships with God through worship and fellowship. It involves planting a cell [a small group of believers that gather at least once a week for worship fellowship and discipleship] which is for every believer and planting a structured church [an organized assembly of believers] which is not for every believer .Realize that there can be no fellowship and consistent growth without you belonging to a good local church. Thats the reason Jesus said I shall build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. The more fellowship you have with brethren in a local church and a pastor over you, the more Christs attributes and character are manifested in your life. MISSIONS: Jesus said in John20:19 as the father has sent me, so send I you. A great church is not just defined by it seating capacity but by it sending capacity. Churches must be greatly involved in sending forth mature and trained believers to their respective sphere of influence to accomplish the great commission. Realize that you are a teacher and a preacher in your world. God has anointed you to deliver men from bondage into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Therefore passionately be about your heavenly fathers, business of turning men and women to righteousness. Talk to someone about Jesus today.

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