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Name: Date: AP Biology: Mr.

Cain Reproductive Health Project Many young adults are not aware of the many threats to reproductive health that exist in the world today. Working in pairs, I would like you to create a PowerPoint presentation on one of the following sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): o o o o o o o o o Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) / AIDS Syphilis Hepatitis B Human Papillomavirus (HPV) aka Genital Warts Genital Herpes Chlamydia Gonorrhea Pubic Lice, aka Crabs Trichomoniasis, aka Urinary Tract Infection.

Introductory Slide (including the name of the disease and the two names of your team members). At least one slide describing the symptoms of the disease. At least one slide describing how the disease is transmitted. At least two slides identifying and describing the bacterium/protist/fungus/virus that causes the disease. Be sure to include a clear picture on one of these two slides. At least one slide identifying where in the world this disease is most prevalent (which country/countries has the most cases per year of this disease/infection?). At least one slide explaining how the disease can be prevented and/or treated. At least one slide with your teams thoughtful analysis of the disease (answer this question - If you were directors of the World Health Organization, what one thing would you do to make the greatest impact on fighting the disease?) A final slide explaining where you found your information (Wikipedia, Google and other search engines are NOT appropriate websites to cite). See Mr. Shannon if you are confused as to what is an appropriate website to use and what is not. Recommended Resources: o www.cdc.gov U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. o www.who.org - World Health Organization. o www.webmd.com WebMD.

On the due date, your team of two will present your finished project to the class. While you will not be graded on your presentation skills, it is important that you are able to clearly explain what you have learned as you show the class your PowerPoint Presentation. *Keep in mind that the instructions provide the minimum number of slides on each topic you are more than welcome to add more information if you would like to go above and beyond in your presentation!

The criteria on the following page will be used to grade your presentations. Please use the information on this rubric to make sure that your presentation receives the maximum possible points in each category .







Format and Presentation has a proper Length introductory slide with the name of the disease/infection and names of team members, and has at least 9 additional slides. Symptoms Effectively describes most common symptoms.

Presentation has a proper introductory slide with the name of the disease/infection and names of team members, and has only 8 additional slides.

Presentation has a proper introductory slide with the name of the disease/infection and names of team members, and has only 7 additional slides.

Effectively describes some Effectively describes few common symptoms. common symptoms.

Transmission Correctly and comprehensively Correctly describes some Correctly describes little to describes how the modes of disease/infection no modes of disease/infection is transmitted.transmission. disease/infection transmission. Description Organism/virus that causes the Organism/virus that causes Organism/virus that causes of organism/ disease/infection is correctly the disease/infection is the disease/infection is not virus that identified and a clear picture of correctly identified, but a correctly identified, but a causes said organism/virus is included. clear picture of said clear picture of said disease organism/virus is not organism/virus is included. included. Prevalence of Correctly identifies where in thePartially identifies where in Includes little information disease world the disease is currently the world the disease is about where in the world most prevalent. currently most prevalent. the disease is currently most prevalent. Prevention Effectively explains how the Mostly explains how the Partially explains how the and disease can be prevented disease can be prevented disease can be prevented Treatment and/or treated. and/or treated. and/or treated. Analysis Gives a thoughtful analysis of the disease (If you were the director of the World Health Organization, what one thing would you do to make the greatest impact on fighting the disease? Why?) Attempts at a thoughtful Cursory analysis of the analysis of the disease (If disease given (If you were you were the director of the the director of the World World Health Organization, Health Organization, what what one thing would you one thing would you do to do to make the greatest make the greatest impact impact on fighting the on fighting the disease? disease? Why?) Why?)

Works Cited Name of web sites and proper Links provided to proper Name of proper websites links are provided. web sites without names. provided but no links, Total Points Earned

Presentation has a proper introductory slide with the name of the disease/infection and names of team members, and has only 6 or fewer additional slides. Identifies no common symptoms or only incorrect symptoms. Incorrectly describes modes of disease/infection transmission. Organism/virus that causes the disease/infection is not correctly identified and a clear picture of said organism/virus is not included. Includes no information about where in the world the disease is currently most prevalent. Does not explain how the disease can be prevented and/or treated. No analysis of the disease given (If you were the director of the World Health Organization, what one thing would you do to make the greatest impact on fighting the disease? Why?) Inappropriate sites exclusively used.


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