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Your Name

PTA President

St. Mary School

Dear Parents, I want to thank you for all your support these past few years during my term as PTA President. When I began as President-Elect three years ago, we started the process to expand the PTA Board and developed new ways to invite parents to volunteer. You responded and helped ~ the parents of our school are phenomenal! There has never been a time that help was needed that parents didnt rise to the occasion ~ be it to assist with a PTA fundraiser or a program that benefit St. Mary students. I know we are all leading busy lives as we juggle time with our families, work, household responsibilities and other demands. I thank you for giving of your time...especially when you didnt have time to give!!! May God bless you for your generosity. As we look to next year, we are still in need of someone to assume the office of PTA President. I ask you to please prayerfully consider this position. Sometimes God calls us to serve in ways we never have before. Being the PTA President has been a wonderful- rewarding experience. I am a richer person because of the experiences I have had working with the many great parents at our school. The role of the PTA President is to oversee the work of the PTA and is the liaison to the St. Mary School Advancement office and administration. The newly appointed VP of Programming, Mrs. Megan Harris will focus on working with chairpersons of programs such as Santas Workshop and the Book Fair. The VP of Fundraising, Mrs. Brooke Mello will continue in her role and focus on fundraising. As parents, we have worked hard to build a strong PTA that supports our school ~ our children and we want to continue with a strong, organized PTA Board to guide us in our efforts. Therefore, we are looking for dedicated parents to serve on the PTA Board. In order to prepare for the 2013-2014 school year we need to elect a board before the close of this year. Please consider the office of President. I would be happy to discuss the position of President with anyone who is interested. I look forward to hearing from you and working with our new PTA Board to make a smooth transition for a successful 2013-2014 school year. You can reach me at 856-692-8537 x 330 or at Most Sincerely,

Patty Barse PTA President

Minds at Work Hearts With God Lives of Service

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