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Lesson Plan with Video Integration

Teacher Name: Brianna Bloom

Lesson Title: iMovie Mathematics

Target Grade/Subject: Fifth Grade Math

Length: Two 75 minute class periods


5.15 - The student, using two-dimensional (plane) figures (square, rectangle, triangle,
parallelogram, rhombus, kite, and trapezoid) will recognize, identify, describe, and
analyze their properties in order to develop definitions of these figures.

5.16 – The student will identify, compare, and analyze properties of three-dimensional
(solid) geometric shapes (cylinder, cone, cube, square, pyramid, and rectangular prism).

Essential Questions:

1. What are the properties of two dimensional figures?

2. What are the properties of three dimensional figures

3. How would you describe a square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, rhombus, kite,
and trapezoid?

4. How would you describe a cylinder, cone, cube, square, pyramid, and rectangular


• Students will work in groups and use digital cameras to capture examples of two and
three dimensional objects found outside of the classroom.

• Students will use the images captured with the digital cameras to organize, create,
and edit an iMovie

• Reinforce geometric vocabulary words

Tools and Resources:

• Internet access

• Digital camera and batteries

• Computer with iMovie software

• Textbook for vocabulary reference


Technology/Classroom Arrangement and Management


• Group class into groups of 3-4 students, keeping the fact that the lesson involves
student work outside of the classroom in mind.

Prerequisite Technology Skills Needed by Students:

• Basic working knowledge of the Internet and word processing skills

• Basic knowledge of the use of a digital camera

Lesson Development:

Focus and Review of Previous Work/Knowledge:

This lesson will start with the anticipatory set to get students to recall basic geometric
terms that will be used in this lesson.

Anticipatory Set:

Students will complete a geometry worksheet which asks them to match drawings to
descriptions of the following: square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, rhombus, kite,
trapezoid, cylinder, cone, cube, pyramid, and rectangular prism. This worksheet will be
used in conjunction with other materials later on in the lesson.

Instructional Activity:


• Students will be given time to complete the anticipatory set (10 minutes)

• Students will be placed into groups of 3-4, and given a digital camera.

• A Geometry Hunt Checklist, and a project grading rubric, will be distributed to each
group for use in conjunction with their anticipatory set worksheet.
• The teacher will explain to students (10-15 minutes) that their mission is to find
representations of the geometric shapes on their checklist around the school, and take at
least one picture of each item on their Checklist.

• Different parts of the school will be assigned to different groups to reduce the
possibility of duplicate pictures.

• Students will be given 30-40 minutes to work as a group and take digital pictures of
geometric objects.

• At the end of class one, students will need to turn in both their checklist and their
camera to the teacher.


• The students will be given an overview of iMovie (about 10 minutes). They will need
to understand the following:

1. Importing their images into iMovie

2. Arranging images

3. Adding text

4. Adding music

5. Saving

• The teacher will do a practice iMovie using a LCD projector to further help students
understand the iMovie software (about 10 minutes).

• Students will be given time to work in their groups (about 30 minutes) and create an
iMovie, no longer than 3 minutes, from the images they collected in the prior class

• Each group will present their movie to the rest of the class, and point out each of the
geometric shapes they found.

Guided Practice and Checking for Understanding:

The teacher will make sure each group has correct definitions of each shape before they
start taking pictures outside of the classroom. As students are working on their iMovies,
the teacher will be walking around checking their progress and helping/answering any
questions that may come up.
Independent Practice:

Students will have the ability to access iMovie during class after they revieve the results
of their group presentations. They may have the ability to edit and re-submit
their projects based on their feedback.


The students will present their iMovies to the rest of the class, which allows them to
demonstrate what they have learned/mastered with the vocabulary and iMovie software.

Evaluation Procedure:

Assessment of Objectives:

• The final group project can be used to evaluate students’ understanding of the
software. The teacher will check to make sure all of the items on the Geometry Hunt
Checklist are accurately represented in the iMovie.

• Behavior / participation within the group

• Clarity of class presentation


/15 Points - Completed anticipatory set worksheet

/35 Points - Accurate pictures of geometric shapes

/35 Points - Cohesive iMovie, kept under 3 minutes

/15 Points - Group presentation, by ALL group members, of iMovie


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