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# 15 Narrative Problem solving experience Sometimes problems arise when technology doesn't work properly. Tell me a story about an experience you've had when your technology was not working. How did you solve the problem? " (problem solving) (talking about your past experience) ." # OPIc Strategy 1. Logical Order ! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2. ! # 4 Factors 1. ? What specific issue was it? 2. ? How did you solve it? 3. ? Why did you choose the way? 4. , ? What was the result and what did you learn from it? # Useful Expressions 1. * Suddenly / all of a sudden ~ a) Suddenly, the power was down. *power b) My computer broke down. c) It won't turn on. * won't = will not turn on ( ) d) It keeps turning off 10 minutes after I turn it on. 10 . *keep ~ing ~ e)!!!! . : My computer shut down again for no reason. f)!!!! . : My computer was frozen and I couldn't use my mouse and keyboard. g) The jammed paper is torn and remained in the copier machine. *jam , jammed torn (tear pp) remain **** *When did it happen? What was the project you were working on? a) It was last week, / in the middle of ~ / my computer shut down ~ b) My computer shut down in the middle of and transferring a video file.

c) When I was in a rush to upload a file and an error popup message appeared. D) During a group videoconference, suddenly the power went out. 2. ? How did you solve it? Who helped you out? a) I made an emergency call to ~ b) I called the computer tech team. c)!!!! .() *: I had to reboot my PC to make it work again. d) I contacted the after sales service department immediately. e) It took me about an hour to figure out the problem. * ~ ~ 3. ? Why did you choose the way? a) I thought that was the best way to do. b) Actually the manual said what to do and what was supposed to happen. * be supposed to ~ c) I knew he was the man who could handle the problem. * handle , d) My supervisor said I had to call that number in case of emergency. *in case of : ~ 4. ? What did you think of new technology and what did you learn from that? a) I think~ / In my opinion, b) I have to improve my computer skills. c) So often, I said to myself that new technology is a double edged sword. * a double edged sword d)!!!! . . In my opinion, new technology makes my job more difficult because so often I need to spend more time to search for the most up-to-date information. *up-to-date Possible Answers Review When I was working on the report for the class, my computer broke down. So my report disappeared. I couldn't find how to fix the computer so I called my brother to help me. He figured out the way to get the report back. So I could turn was able to hand in my report on due day. Weak point: . I had a big problem with Adobe Acrobat. It just froze and wouldn't respond at all.

It happened about one month ago when I was in a rush to draft a summary of all of the financial statements for the whole year for my boss. detail Without any hesitation, I made an emergency call to our tech support team and Vince came to help me out. solution I was sure that he was the man who could handle any computer related problems and he showed me that there are other programs that can read PDF files when Acrobat has a problem. After that, I made up my mind to improve my computer skills so I can solve any problems in the near future. # BONUS Q: What was the most difficult thing during your school life? What did you do to overcome the situation? Please give me as much details as you can. A: I never got along with my teachers very well. Frankly, school was so boring to me. It was like torture. I did my best to pay attention, but the lessons were usually too simple for me, so I became a bit of a troublemaker. I wasn't trying to be a troublemaker; I was just bored out of my mind. The teachers identified me as a bad apple, and that stuck with me all through the rest of my schooling until I made it to college. I simply dealt with it by not taking it personally and studying things as they interested me on my own. solution Anyhow, the good thing about all that is that it really helped me to develop a sixth sense for how to fight an unjust situation. What you learned * . *torture bad apple I made it to college. = I entered college. sixth sense # WRAP-UP .

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