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Bingchen Ji ENG3080J May 24, 2013 Project #1

You Should Write Everything Honestly About What You Think?

Nowadays, the informational age has coming for long time, people have to acquire thousands of information everyday no matter it comes from Internet or from Newspaper. However, most of the article people read everyday belong to formal writing which means that the article include the author`s opinion or the public opinion of the issue. Despite the journal or academic article, people could see the writer choose the word and describe the issue very professional. They did not write anything they want but write with many implications to make people understand what they want to tell or trigger introspection after read. These news article has the common ground is limited. This means the writer should not write everything honestly about what they think or feel. This idea is also same in the academic writing. Writers cannot write too honestly about what they want to write even without any considering. Students do not like the writer or journalist, they could write the article more freedom then them but also need considering some academic requirements. Some people may argue that writing is explaining everything you want and you feel about it. You can include all you emotion and your personal judgment about how you treat the issue or problem. If people say like this is correct or could be accepted. But, this is for


some personal thinking, diary, blog, or personal opinion post on some public platform like Facebook. However, people should think about the word choice or sentence they use before they submit the academic article even some important public. Rhetorical become the unforgettable part in academic writing. Because this may make the article seems more academic and trustable. People learn how to rhetoric article will make the reader understand it easier. Writing is like speaking, people cannot say anything we want no matter who is the audience. When people talk to friends, they can say more oral; when people talk to professor, they can say formal; when people talk to the public, they may say official. Writing is in the same way. People should consider what could say and what cannot say in public. Situation as the condition of writer`s constituents. There are several reason that people cannot write anything they want. Academic article is formal writing to students. They need to write as formally as they can because the requirement does not allow they to write any impractical things as they want. Even though writer could write any opinion they want, academic article require the sources to support the author`s viewpoint. For example, if an academic article without any sources to support author`s idea. No one will believe the author`s opinion. On the contrary, audience will not pay any attention to the article. They will think the article is just personal thinking without any reliability. Trustable is the most important thing in academic writing. Writing anything without support will not make the article stand no matter how truth the writer talks. Also, when people talk something in the academic writing is wrong would make the article


looks thoughtless. Because, when people who are not so academicals that do not know too much about the academic knowledge talks some wrong knowledge without check will make audience totally suspect what the writer wrote. Sometimes, politics would limited the words or some idea in people`s writing. Because, some thing happened become sensitive subject. Then, if people writing as they wish would make some trouble especially in some traditional country. For example, Chinese people cannot find too much politically issue on search engine like Baidu. This because Chinese parties control the social media, so make the freedom of report is restricted. People should think before they writing in different state and social institution. For example, people in public or some academic writing cannot talk Taiwan unless they are the politicos in China. If people talk these topics without knowing the state in that country would make some trouble. This may kind of same in Germany, people cannot talk Hitler optional because the name is sensitive topic. And, people do not want to talk too much about it. People should consider the different state before they write. On the other hand, people cannot write some bad or negative things to some countries. Because this would hurt national unity or lead some bad things happens. For example, Dalai Lama always give some speech or public some article to instigate national secession in China even though he cannot be allowed to enter the country. People in China know that he is ill disposed and he is losing support in China. However, his speech or article post in public will made some Tibetan separatist disturb national stability. In the article, Cui Jia (2012) said in his article that the Tibetan separatist seriously disturbs the national rule and stability. Their


effort will fail. From this official article, people could tell if the people say anything without considering the result will arouse a lot of negative effects. The word writer write sometime may hurt other people`s feeling. There are a lot of people that they called themselves commentators or some adjudicators always public some words that hurt a lot of people`s feeling. For example, Charles Barkley, was a famous NBA basketball player, always public some bad words or some individualism sentence in public to judge other player. He is always condemning other players even without any proof. There was a famous story was about his boast made a rod for his own back. Fran Blinebury(2012) write about the old story in his article. When Yao Ming, a Chinese famous basketball player, first came into NBA, Barkley published his judge that if Yao got 19 points in any rest of the entire season games, he will kiss another commentator`s ass. However, in the next week, Yao got 20 points in one game. Barkley had to fulfill his promise. But another commentator did not want Barkley to kiss his ass. Then they found a donkey to ask Barkley to kiss. This story told people do not judge anything without any exactly proof or evidence because the personal opinion would hurt others` feeling or breed discontent. In addition, people write directly about what they think without checking may give rise to misunderstanding. Sometime, people write out is not like what they think at first. They may choose the impertinent word lead the reader to think about the other meaning. If this happens, reader will not get what the author want to talk and the author does not happy about that in finally. Also, some scholar will not accept the mistake because they may think the author does not respect the reader and does not respect or careful to the work. The words fail


to convey the idea happens would show the writers` stack of thinking and double-check. Too casual to write academic paper means does not respect the earnest attitude towards writing. Also, even though writer writes what they want, without rhetorical the work would seem does not like academic article. Rhetorical helps article become more academic or more objective. There was a story about the rhetorical is important in academic or public announcement. Last prime minister gave public announcement to the journalists from all over the world about the development in China. The translator translated the sentence in classical Chinese poetry gain a lot of acclaim from the audience. This shows that the rhetorical method will improve the influence and impression from other people. Some people argue that writing is writing whatever they want, and some people said that people have the freedom of writing and speaking. These both right in general, but, not everyone could understand that and people should know the rhetorical is also necessary not only because it could make article looks native and masterful but also looks trustable and valuable. Also, Elaine Currie (2011) also mentioned this idea in his article that people cannot writing anything they want. Rhetorical device as an art in writing is worth for everyone to learn due to it will saves people from a lot of unnecessary hassle like argued, refutation, even national conflict. Moreover, rhetorical method would make the original article looks brand new and level up from the low level. Professional article always have a lot of rhetorical like metaphor, analogy, parallelism, and suppose. Robert (2013) gave a exhaustive explanation of rhetorical device in his article that include the adverb, asyndeton, and polysyndeton. These method will make the article easier to read and easy to understand.


As an international student, we always feel our way into trying to practice. Different culture and different background would make our article looks sloppy and nonprofessional. But we know how to improve this issue step by step. Sometimes the paper we write without any rhetorical or metaphor and seems like primary composition. Because of this, we need to overcome the difficult and try our best on writing it. This will require our to think more than other people, we must consider the word choice and the grammar mistake. If we write everything too honestly about what we think would make our article looks low level. All in all, it is hard for people to reject the personal opinion totally in academic article. But, it is harder for them to explain what they think in academically way. Sometimes, people cannot write too directly about what they think. Because, too oral article may let reader feels hard to understand and unauthentic about the content. So, if people want to avoid this problem, they cannot write too honestly about what they think and try to write it in an academic way like rhetorical device.



B, F. (2012, March 21). Nostalgia runs deep in yao's bittersweet return to houston. Retrieved from

Currie, E. (2011). In your own words . Retrieved from

J, C. (2012, march 28). Tibetan separatist efforts will fail: official. Retrieved from

H, R. (2013, January 19). A handbook of rhetorical devices. Retrieved from

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