April 2013 Board Meeting

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Meeting Minutes Richmond Hills Homeowners Association Board Thursday, April 4, 2013

1. CALL TO ORDER / QUORUM: The meeting began at approximately 7:05 p.m. ET. The following were in attendance constituting a quorum. Jim Lundberg David Bixby Stephen Perry Tim Haughn Kyle Matthews Donna Culotta-Kehler Paul Baker

2. APPROVAL OF MARCH 14, 2013 MEETING MINUTES: The minutes were approved as written.

3. UPDATE ON RESPONSE TO JOANN STONE COMPLAINT: Kyle talked to Ms. Stone and the person with the outside flood lights has taken them down. No further complaints and no further action needed.
nd 4. UPDATE ON MARCH 22 CAR ACCIDENT AT RH ENTRANCE: Jim went over the details contained in his email about the accident. Repairs have been made to the accident site and no further action is needed.

5. FINANCIAL REPORT: Jim handed out the financial updates, and the balance sheet shows we now have $37,000 in the bank. The profit & loss/budget vs. actuals were reviewed and are looking good. A spreadsheet on current dues activity was also reviewed, including past due receivables. Jim asked whether the Board should forgive the $1.88 for 4 homeowners accrued because they had paid after the March 18th grace period. The Board agreed to do so and to put this amount on their bill for next year.

6. UPDATE ON SIGNAGE UPGRADES / IMPROVEMENTS: The Board reviewed Steves handout for various upgrades and associated costs to Richmond Hills signage. It was agreed that all improvements identified by Steve should be done. The Board approved Steves total cost of $8,364.60, based on using 30 stop signs, 4x4 posts with decorative caps, including tax. It was also agreed to inform the homeowners of these improvements to show the value of their membership dues.

7. REPORT ON NATURAL AQUATICS LAKE MAINTENANCE: Paul reported that he has talked with Natural Aquatics and has told them that he needs to be informed of what they are doing every month, in order to more closely monitor costs. In addition, it was agreed to obtain a quote from another company for lake maintenance for review. We will continue with this company for now.

8. DISCUSS DUES DRAWING FOR NEXT SEMIANNUAL MEETING: It was agreed to put this subject on the agenda for the next meeting in May.

9. OLD BUSINESS: Steve removed the gazebo graffiti. The removal of reflectors/stakes on the Twin Bridge Drive curve near the entrance drive should be replaced with something else to make sure vehicles dont run over the curb and damage sprinkler heads. It was agreed to mail Bob Steel his reimbursement for light replacements. Kyle agreed to replace the missing pole light cover. /Continued. .

10. NEW BUSINESS: The construction of a new house in Waverly Woods has created a wide path from the back of that property into our development on Twin Bridge Drive. The path leads to a large trash container on the new house site and negatively impacts the appearance on our side. Kyle will talk to the Waverly Woods HOA president about getting this path eliminated and the appearance restored. Steve will call about getting the large pothole filled on Claussen Road near our entrance. (The pothole has subsequently been filled.) It was reported that there is an issue with the appearance of an abandoned house in the development. It was agreed to call Wells Fargo about this. The wooden posts/rails on the bridge on Twin Bridge Drive are looking bad and need to be upgraded. It was agreed to address this in a future improvements project. Jim distributed a new draft letter to homeowners related to dues which was approved. It was agreed that the Board should have their collections person attend a future meeting to discuss how to go over handing past dues over a year. Jim also distributed a lot ownership directory for the Boards information. Jim announced that due to an immediate need to focus on his health, he will be unable to attend the May meeting and needs to resign from the Board as treasurer after this meeting concludes. Jim gave Tim the P.O. Box key, but Donna agreed to take the key and collect the mail for now. Tim agreed to temporarily fill in as treasurer until someone else is found, as he is unable to be the permanent treasurer. Jim turned over records and other materials related to the treasurer. The Board reluctantly accepted Jims resignation and thanked him for his dedicated service to the Board and Richmond Hills in general over the years. The Board hoped that Jim would consider becoming treasurer again should his health improve.

11. NEXT MEETING: Thursday, May 16 @ 7:30 p.m. at Donnas house.

12. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, David C. Bixby, Secretary

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