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Marcin Szymaniuk

Flat 4, Felinskiego 36 Street Warsaw, Poland 01-563 Mobiles: +48 793-901-265, +44 0795-163-1566 email: github:

Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science Specialization: Information System Engineering Masters Subject: OVERVIEW OF NON-RELATIONAL DATABASES ALGORITHMS Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science Specialization: Information and Decision Systems Master of Science in Engineering February 2011 - March 2013

Bachelor of Science in Engineering February 2005 - February 2009

Professional Experience
IG Index Senior Java Developer London, United Kingdom July 2012-September 2012

Responsible for maintaining and development of spread betting application. Technologies used: Spring, Spring MVC, WMQ, Oracle DB, JSP

Created timezone offset module which loads offsets data from database and changes time tokens in financial instrument name to a time specific to a particular website the instrument belongs to. Technologies used: Spring, WMQ, Joda HomeAway Inc. London, United Kingdom Java Developer November 2010 - May 2012 Worked in a team responsible for development of a cart application that facilitates the purchase of holiday rentals listings. Independently set up and took responsibility for remote webapp controller. The application comunicates with thin ui layer with redirect after post using JSON view model. Technologies used: Maven, Spring, Jersey, Jetty, MongoDB, Apache CAS Participated in creation of generic service layer solution in order to have many cart applications maintained by the same engine. Entire communication between components is defined in RESTful way. Technologies used: Maven, Spring, Jersey, Resin, MS SQL, MyBatis, Drools, Camel.

Responsible for development and maintenance of existing cart solutions. Technologies used: Ant, Ivy Gears, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring WebFlow, Resin, MSSQL, IBatis, JQuery. Polkomtel S.A. Warsaw, Poland Software Engineer September 2008 - May 2010 Worked in CRM division of largest Polish telecommunication company maintaining Java/J2EE application while cooperating with vendors. Created process definition for custom workflow engine that was used to create short message marketing campaigns, automatic client account activation and client retention. Process definition is described in XML, every action is executed in JavaScript language wrapped by Rhino Java framework. Maintained and added additional functionality for the engine. Technologies used were Java, EJB 2.1, WebServices, MQ, JDBC, XML, Rhino and AWT. Worked on dedicated application for selling mobile phones that enabled customization of client contract and generation of appropriate documents. Technologies used were: Java, Struts2, Hibernate, XML, XSLT, FOP.

Member of a team dedicated to optimizing billing system database. Reviewed a large amount of java applications focusing on database performance tuning.

All application discussed above are deployed on JBoss application server and use MS SQL or Sybase database. Com-Pan Warsaw, Poland Java developer February 2008 - August 2008 I was part of a team that was responsible for the development of EDM system. I was responsible for developing standard functions in the above mentioned system and integrating it with clients systems. I maintained constant contact with client in order to fully understand their requirements, and help them with problems. Technologies used: Java, Hibernate, Struts2, WebServices, XML, XSLT, FOP. Warsaw, Poland June 2007 - January 2008

Databases used: MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird. Gather4 Software .NET developer

I was responsible for developing a time organizing application in small TDD, XP team. It was a standalone application written in .NET technology. I added new functions, extended existing ones and created unit tests. Technologies used: J#, C#, XML, WPF

Polish (mother tongue), English, Russian

Technical Skills
Operating systems Programming languages Web technologies Servers Databases Distributed Programming Software Engineering related JEE related Infrastructure Big Data related Windows, MacOS, Linux/Unix Java, C#, J#, C++, C, PHP HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Apache CAS Tomcat, Jboss, Resin, Apache, Jetty MS SQL, Sybase, Cassandra, MongoDb RMI, JMS, WebServices, REST(JAX-RS - Jersey) Agile, XP, OOP, AOP, TDD, UML, Design Patterns JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, Struts2, Spring(Core, MVC, WebFlow, AOP), JMX Maven, Ant, Hudson, TeamCity, SVN, Git Cassandra, Hadoop

Skills&Additional information
Member of Warsaw JUG, London JUG, Warsaw Design Pattern Study Group. Open-minded, Highly-motivated, Team player Driving licence

Sport, reading books, board games

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