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Professor Glyndwr Williams


Journeys of the Great Explorers:

Columbus to Cook Professor Glyndwr (Glyn) Williams
University of London

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Journeys of the Great Explorers: Columbus to Cook

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Lecture content 2004 by Glyndwr Williams Course Guide 2004 by Recorded Books, LLC

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Cover image: PhotoDisc #UT043 ISBN: 978-1-4025-8200-4
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Course Syllabus Journeys of the Great Explorers: Columbus to Cook

About Your Professor ......................................................................................................4 Introduction ......................................................................................................................5 Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 The World Before Columbus ....................................................................6 The Voyages of Christopher Columbus ..................................................12 The Voyage of Vasco da Gama and the Sea Road to the East ............................................................................18 The First Circumnavigation: The Voyage of Ferdinand Magellan ........................................................24 The Second Circumnavigation: The Voyage of Francis Drake..................................................................30 The Tools of Discovery............................................................................36 Life at Sea................................................................................................42 Voyages of Delusion: The Search for the Northwest Passage ..................................................47 The Pacific Ocean: The Great Unknown ................................................................................52 The Rambling Voyages of William Dampier ........................................57 Vitus Bering and the Russian Discovery of America ..............................62 The Pacific Voyages of James Cook ......................................................68 The Revolution in Navigation and Health ................................................75 The World After Cook ..............................................................................80

Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Lecture 6 Lecture 7 Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Lecture 13 Lecture 14

Nautical Terms ..............................................................................................................85 Course Materials............................................................................................................86 Recorded Books ............................................................................................................87

Photograph courtesy of Glyndwr Williams

About Your Professor Glyndwr Williams

Dr. Williams has been a professor of history at Queen Mary, University of London, since 1974, and was appointed Emeritus Professor in 1997. He has traveled and lectured in the United States, Canada, Australia, the West Indies, and Jamaica and has held visiting appointments at many universities outside Britain. Among his awards and honors are a D. Litt. from Memorial University, Newfoundland; a D. Litt. from La Trobe University, Melbourne; the Elizabeth Laird Distinguished Lectureship at the University of Winnipeg (1992); and the Caird Medal of the National Maritime Museum, London, awarded for services to maritime history (1994). Among the named lectures he has given are the E.G.R. Taylor Lecture (London, 1978), the Caird Lecture (London, 1995), the Bernard Bailyn Lecture (Melbourne, 1999), and the John Kemble Memorial Lecture (The Huntington Library, 2000). In July 1999, he was presented with a volume of essays, Pacific Empires, by colleagues and former students, published in his honor by Melbourne University Press. Dr. Williams is vice president of the Hakluyt Society and a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, the Mariners Mirror, the Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History, the Oxford Companion to Exploration, and the History of Cartography (University of Chicago Press). In 2001-2002, he served as historical consultant on the BBC television series, The Ship, on Captain Cooks first Pacific voyage. Dr. Williams research and writing have been mainly on the exploration of the Pacific and North America. His dozen books and thirty articles include Voyages of Delusion: The Search for the Northwest Passage in the Age of Reason, The Prize of All Oceans: The Triumph and Tragedy of Ansons Voyage Round the World, The Voyages of Captain Cook, The Great South Sea: English Voyages and Encounters 1570-1750, and Voyages to Hudson Bay in Search of a Northwest Passage 1741-1747, with William Barr. His current commitments include work on the Hakluyt Societys multivolume edition of The Malaspina Expedition 1789-1794 and the editing of a collection of papers to be published in 2004, Captain Cook: Explorations and Reassessments.

ne of the most dramatic periods in world history is the age of Europes discovery of the world from Columbus and da Gama in the late fifteenth century to the voyages of James Cook in the eighteenth century. The extent of the changes can be seen by comparing the pre-Columbian maps, which showed no knowledge of either the Americas or the Pacific, with those of 1800, which in terms of projection, scale, and content approximate todays maps. In these lectures, the most important discovery voyages, the individual characteristics of their commanders, and the endurance of their crews will be described. Interspersed with accounts of individual voyages will be lectures that explain the more general and technical aspects of the voyages: improvements in ship design and navigation, constraints of wind and current, living conditions on board ship, and problems of health and discipline. Special attention will be paid to the controversies that developed from some of these voyages.




In addition to the readings and resources included in this guide, the resources below will enhance your overall knowledge of the Age of Exploration. Further Readings New Worlds: The Great Voyages of Discovery 1400-1600 by Ronald H. Fritz (2003). An up-to-date, well-illustrated survey. Encyclopedia of Exploration to 1800 by Raymond John Howgego (2003). A massive reference work with biographies of all the worlds significant explorers up to the early nineteenth century. The Age of Reconnaissance by J.H. Parry (1981). Still the best short account of the early European discovery voyages and their background. The Times Atlas of Exploration (1991). A valuable aid with a skillful mix of text and maps. Periodicals Among scholarly journals that publish articles on voyages and voyages are Mariners Mirror, American Neptune, Northern Mariner, and Great Circle. Imago Mundi is a leading journal on the history of cartography. Website Many of the original journals and accounts of the explorers discussed in this course have been published in scholarly, annotated editions by the Hakluyt Society, London.

Lecture 1: The World Before Columbus

Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read John Larners Marco Polo and the Discovery of the World. Consider this . . .


1. Did Norse sailors reach America 500 years before Columbus? 2. Why did Europeans think of the Atlantic as an island-filled ocean? 3. Why was the fifteenth-century rediscovery of the work of a secondcentury geographer important?

orld maps of the fifteenth century were filled by three great land masses: Europe, Asia, and Africa. They showed no sign of the Americas or of Australia, and there was a massive preponderance of land over sea. There were trading and other exchanges between the three known continents, but little in the way of direct contact. Most lucrative was the overland trade in Asian spices and silks, dominated at its consumer end by Venice on one side of the Mediterranean and Egypt on the other. This trade was brutally interrupted when the Mongol conquests of the thirteenth century under the leadership of Genghis Khan spread destruction across huge areas of Asia from China to Persia, and at its high-water mark even reached the Balkans and the Middle East. However, once the fighting died down, much of Asia was left under the unified control of the Mongols, and this made long-distance travel slightly easier, especially as the Mongols established a system of posts where travellers could change horses.

0 THE TREASURES OF THE INDIES Centuries before Columbus sailed, Arabs had well-established trade routes on both land and sea as far east as the Moluccas and as far south as present-day Kenya. These routes had proven economically successful not only to the Arabs, but also to their European trading partners around the Mediterranean. The bazaars of Cairo, Jerusalem, and Baghdad displayed sacks of nutmeg, pepper, mace, cinnamon, cloves, and other exotic, palate-enhancing spices. Silk, cotton, and colorful dyes made their way to the fashion-conscious aristocracy throughout Europe. Not least of all, Europeans set out on dangerous expeditions in search of adventure and fame along with wealth and title sponsored by monarchs wishing to extend their realms and reap further fortune. Thus, the Age of Exploration was born.


By the fourteenth century, merchants from Genoa and Venice had opened a direct trade with India and China. Few of these left any record of their travels, the exception being the Venetian merchant Marco Polo. Soon after Polos time, major changes began to take place in the Mongol empire. The western Khans became Muslim and blocked Christian travellers moving through their domains. In the mid-fifteenth century, the Buddhist Ming dynasty established itself in China and took up a consistently antiforeign stance. In Europe, Polos account continued to be read, but it described an Asian world that had since changed dramatically. Generally, Europeans regarded the outside world with apprehension and suspicion. Outside the battlements of medieval Christendom swirled misty and monstrous shapes: giants, troglodytes, men with six arms, unipeds, hermaphrodites, cannibalsaberrant, sub-human figures moving on the edge of the known world. Columbus wrote almost apologetically after his voyage of 1492, I have so far found no human monstrosities, as many expected. Amerigo Vespucci, describing his explorations along the coast of South America, made up for this with lurid details of polygamy, human sacrifice, and cannibalism among the native inhabitants. As far as Africa was concerned, European contacts were limited to its Mediterranean littoral, where European merchants traded and European mercenaries served in the Muslim armies. The first recorded attempt to explore the coast of West Africa was made by the Vivaldi brothers from Genoa in 1291, but neither that nor a later attempt by sailors from Majorca in 1346 succeeded. The east coast of Africa had been reached by Chinese fleets in the early fifteenth century, but there is no conclusive evidence that they rounded the Cape of Good Hope. How far south Africa extended, and indeed whether there was a sea passage around its tip or whether it was joined to a frigid southern continent, was a matter of speculation. In terms of general European knowledge of the outside world, there had not been much development from ancient times, when three continents were known, and there were vague reports of further lands in the antipodes (which, however, no one had seen). There was certainly no anticipation of huge continents across the ocean west of Europe. In the medieval period, there were reports of several voyages out into the Atlantic. The earliest of these concerned the Island of Seven Cities, supposedly founded by seven bishops who fled west across the ocean from Portugal at the time of the Moorish invasion in the eighth century. By the fifteenth century, maps showed this island in various parts of the Atlantic, often with the name Antilla (the opposite island). Another story was that of the Irish saint, Brendan, who in the sixth century undoubtedly made voyages that took him to island groups lying off the British mainlandthe Shetlands and the Hebrides and perhaps the Faroes. By

about the year 1000, the story of his voyages appeared in a more elaborate form, which took him to wondrous landsranging from Iceland to the Caribbean islands. In a different category altogether were the voyages from Norway on Europes northern edge, which have come down to us in the form of sagas or folk tales. The Norsemen, hemmed in on the narrow coastal strips of Scandinavia, went to sea in search of land and plunder in open, squaresailed ships. They reached Iceland, then Greenland in the tenth century, and at the end of the century lands west of Greenland. We now know for certain that there was a Norse settlement on the northeast coast of Newfoundland, excavated in the 1960s. The Norse were the first Europeans known to have discovered parts of America, and this five centuries before Columbus. The American settlement or settlements were probably short-lived, and climactic changes and Inuit incursions also led in the end

Marco Polo and family members are honored by Kublai Khan with a royal procession atop trained elephants.

MARCO POLO Travelling with members of his family, Marco Polo reached China and the court of the Great Khan, Kublai Khan. Marco spent seventeen years as an official of the Mongol ruler, and during this time he continued to travel widely through lands totally unknown to Europeans. In the 1290s, he eventually returned to Venice by seafrom China to Java, India, Persia, and Constantinople, and during a spell as a prisoner of war, wrote a narrative of his travels that was soon translated into all the main European languages. It was a mix of fact and fiction, detailed observation and fanciful elaborationso much so that some at the time and since have queried whether Polo ever made the travels described. His most recent biographer (John Larner) has argued persuasively that he did, and certainly there can be no doubting the impact that his description of the riches of the East had on his contemporaries and those who came later. It was first printed in 1483, and it is known that Columbus possessed a copy, which survives with his handwritten notes in the margin, although whether these were made before or after his first voyage is not certain.


to the abandonment of the Greenland colony. Ironically, while tales about the Seven Bishops and St Brendan continued to circulate in late medieval Europe, knowledge of the Norse discoveries vanished. It was a sign perhaps of the distance, both geographical and intellectual, between Scandinavia and the Mediterranean.
Great monsters inhabited the minds, if not the seas, of the earliest explorers and sailors.

The medieval belief that the western ocean was full of islands was reinforced by the voyages of Mediterranean sailors in the fourteenth century through the Strait of Gibraltar and into the open Atlantic, followed by Portuguese seamen. They found a succession of islands or island groupsMadeira, the Canary Islands, the Azores. Some were identified with the islands of myth and legend, but more often those islands were pushed farther west into the ocean so that maps showed two island chainsone of actual islands, discovered and mapped, the otherinfinitely shifting and changingof islands we know existed only in the imaginationAntilla, the Island of Seven Cities, the Fortunate Isles of St Brendan, the Isle of Brazil. Farther west still were lands described by Marco PoloCipangu (Japan) and Cathay (China). Columbus had sailed to Iceland in 1477, possibly in a Bristol ship, at a time when Bristol merchants were looking for islands in the Atlantic. In 1481, two ships left Bristol to search for the Isle of Brasile, and there has been some speculation that they actually reached some part of Americaeleven years before Columbuss voyage. Away from the world of practical seamen, the fifteenth century was marked by the rediscovery of the writings and maps of the second-century geographer Ptolemy. By the 1480s, there were printed copies of his world map, which represented one view of the world just before the great age of seaborne exploration. Africa was shown joined to an Antarctic continent, so that the Indian Ocean was landlocked. And it was, of course, a world without America. In compensation for the lost continent, the Old World of Asia and Europe was elongated, and because the size of the globe was underestimated by about 25 percent, the two errors made it appear that western Europe and eastern Asia were not impossibly far apart. Even closer in time and outlook to Columbus was Martin Behaims globe of 1492the earliest surviving terrestrial globe. This showed an Atlantic Ocean filled with a familiar mix of islands stretching westwardthe Canaries, Antilla, and so on, then the great island of Cipangu and the smaller one of Cathay, and finally an unexplored north-south coastline, that of Asia. The way was open for Columbuss first voyage.

MARTIN BEHAIM Martin Behaim was born October 6, 1459, in Nrnberg, Germany. Behaim is best known as the geographer who invented the Nrnberg Terrestrial Globe. After traveling to Portugal around the year 1480, Behaim served as an advisor on navigation to King John II. Some credit him as the first to introduce the brass astrolabe (wood models were in use at the time). Behaim, assisted by painter Georg Glockendon, completed his globe in 1492. While inaccurate, his globe nevertheless stands as an important entry in the history of navigation. The globe is now kept in the German National Museum in Nrnberg.
(Source: Martin Behaim. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopdia Britannica Premium Service.)





What was Columbus likely to have known about the world before his voyage of 1492?

Suggested Reading
Larner, John. Marco Polo and the Discovery of the World. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999.

Other Books of Interest

Bentley, Jerry H. Old World Encounters: Cross-Cultural Contacts and Exchanges in Pre-Modern Times. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. Bovill, Edward William. The Golden Trade of the Moors: West African Kingdoms in the Fourteenth Century. Princeton, NJ: Markus Wiener Publishers, 1995. Fernndez-Armesto, Felipe. Before Columbus: Exploration and Colonisation from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987. Jones, Gwyn. The North Atlantic Saga: Being the Norse Voyages of Discovery. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. Levathes, Louise. When China Ruled the Seas: The Treasure Fleet of the Dragon Throne, 1400-1433. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. Phillips, J.R.S. The Medieval Expansion of Europe. 2nd edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Rossabi, Morris. Voyager from Xanadu: Rabban Sauma and the First Journey from China to the West. Tokyo, Kondasha, 1992.

Recorded Books
Anonymous. The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America. Narrated by Norman Dietz and George Guidall. UNABRIDGED Recorded Books, 1990. 3 cassettes/3.5 hours. Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nuez. Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America. Narrated by George Guidall. SELECTIONS Recorded Books, 1994. 3 cassettes/4.5 hours. Polo, Marco. The Travels of Marco Polo. Narrated by George Guidall. SELECTIONS Recorded Books, 1994. 9 cassettes/12 hours. To order Recorded Books, call 1-800-638-1304 or go to Also available for rental.


Lecture 2: The Voyages of Christopher Columbus Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read Samuel E. Morrisons Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus. Consider this . . .


1. Was Columbuss reputation deserved? 2. Why did Columbus cling to the notion that his new discoveries were Asian? 3. Did Columbuss visionary nature obscure his skill as a practical seaman?

he daring crossing of the Atlantic in 1492 by the son of a Genoese weaver, Christopher Columbus, proved to be the most famous discovery voyage in history. Columbuss first Atlantic voyage was the result of individual perseverance and much misunderstanding of world geography. He was looking not for a new continent, but for an old one, for the Asia and its wealth so vividly described in Marco Polos account. His grand design was based on two fundamental misconceptionsthat the earth was about 25 percent smaller than it actually is and that Asia extended much farther east than it does. By 1484, Columbus had drawn up his project, but it was turned down by Portugal, France, and Spain. It was Spain, however, newly united under Isabel of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, that paid most serious attention to Columbuss grand design. After various committees of experts had reported against his plan, the monarchs intervened to give it their support.

0 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1451-1506) Columbus was born about 1451 in Genoa in what is now Italy. The date of his birth is in doubt, as no written record of it or his baptism exists. His father, Domenico, was a weaver and keeper of a city gate through political connections. Susanna Fontanarossa, his mother, was the daughter of a weaver. Columbus was the oldest surviving child of the union. He had two brothers, Bartholomew and Giacomo (Diego in Spanish), and a sister, Bianchinetta. Columbus traveled first to Portugal and then to Spain to make his way in life. His pursuit of social elevationand wealth provided him the necessary motives for his later journeys.



The decision to fit out an expedition was made, much of the finance coming from a Genoese banker and a treasury official. Columbus himself was to receive a share (one-tenth) of the profits made from his discoveries, together with the title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea, which showed that Columbus was not sent to look for new continents, but rather for islands that would provide stepping stones on the new route to Asia. The First Voyage, 1492-1493 For all its portentous consequences, Columbuss first crossing of the Atlantic with three small vessels was a low-key affair. The little fleet left the Canaries on September 6, 1492, and sailed west into the unknown. It was a smooth, uneventful voyage, though there is evidence of crew anxiety about their return as the weeks passed.

EARLY COLUMBUS In a biography by his son Ferdinand, Columbus took to the sea at the age of fourteen and followed it ever after. The voyages of his earliest years at sea were confined to the Mediterranean Sea and ports of call along the Republic of Genoas trading network. On a merchant voyage in 1476 destined for the British Isles, the ship on which Columbus sailed was sunk by pirates just off the west coast of Portugal. Columbus survived by clinging to an oar and washed up in Lagos. This proved fortuitous, as the home of Prince Henry the Navigator was the port from which many of the early Portuguese explorers sailed. The intrepid youth learned much while there. Columbus made his way to Lisbon and for a time was a cartographer there with his younger brother, Bartholomew. In 1477, he sailed on another Genoese ship to Bristol in England and (most likely on a British ship) to Galway in Ireland and Thuletodays Iceland. During 1478-79, Columbus traveled again to England and to the islands of the eastern Atlantic, including the Azores, the Canaries, and Madeira, where he met and married Dona Felipa Moniz Perestrello in 1479. In 1482 and 1484, Columbus made two voyages to So Jorge da Mina on the west African coast. Columbus lived in Madiera for a number of years before his most famous voyages of exploration.
(Source: Zvi Dor-Ners Columbus and the Age of Discovery, William-Morrow and Co., Inc., 1991.)



The First Voyage of Columbus August 3, 1492March 15, 1493

Landfall: *San Salvador, Bahamas October 12, 1492

*The exact location is still a matter of controversy.

Return Track

Outbound Track

Graphi-Ogre - France

Landfall was finally made on October 12 at a small island, probably in the Bahamas, whose identity has been hotly disputed. Watlings Island (now known by Columbuss name of San Salvador) is the favourite, but there are other contenders, such as Samana Cay. For Columbus, dreaming of Asian riches, the native inhabitants were unimpressivepoor in everything, he noted, and as naked as the day they were born. Even so, to him they were Indians, a name that was immediately adopted. As he headed south, he reached the large islands of Cuba and Hispaniola, more populous and varied than the tiny islands of the Bahamas, but still not obviously Asian. Columbuss flagship, the Santa Maria, was wrecked or scuttled off Hispaniola and the crew were left behind to establish a settlement (none survived). Columbus sailed for home in his two remaining vessels, taking with him some natives and specimens of animal, bird, and plant life from the Caribbean to prove that he had found land across the Atlantic. The Second Voyage, 1493-1496, and the Third Voyage, 1498-1500 Columbus remained convinced that the islands he found on this and succeeding voyages were part of an Asian archipelago, that they were the Indies. However, he made an interesting comment when he reached the South American mainland on his third voyage. I believe that this is another world, hitherto unknown, he wrote. Whether or not Columbus had reached outlying parts of Asia or hitherto unknown lands, there was no mistaking Spains determination to exploit his discoveries.

Columbuss second voyage in 1493 was made with seventeen ships and 1200 or more settlers, and soon an ambitious programme of settlement and exploitation was under way. For the rest of his life, Columbus awkwardly tried to combine further exploration with his role of governor of the newfound lands. He was more success14

ful in the first, as he criss-crossed the Caribbean and reached the South American mainland on both his third and fourth voyages. The first voyage is the one that secured his fame, but the amount of detailed exploration he carried out on his next three voyages was remarkable. Still, he was sent home from his third voyage in chains, despite the grand title that he held as Viceroy and Governor General of the Islands and Mainland of Asia and the Indies. The Fourth Voyage, 1502-1504 Columbuss fourth and last voyage was another attempt to reach Asia. He carried with him written credentials to show to any Portuguese he met in Asian waters, and he had Arab interpreters on board for the moment he reached seas dominated by Muslim ships. But he once again faced opposition and mutiny. He returned to Spain for the last time in 1504, just before the death of his patron Queen Isabel, and when he died in 1506, he was an embittered if wealthy man. He had discovered, without realising, a new continent, and, as one scholar has pointed out, was for a time governor of more territory than even the Great Khan whom he had sought. After Columbus In 1500, a Portuguese trading fleet under Pedro Alvares Cabral, bound for India, was blown off course and reached Brazil. At the same time other expeditions were exploring the same region. The Florentine-born navigator, Amerigo Vespucci, not only made voyages to Brazil, but put forward inflated claims in print to his own prowess and insisted that the southern lands he had discovered were part of a New World, Mundus Novus. In 1507, the year after Columbuss death, Martin Waldseemullers map paid tribute to Vespucci by marking the name America across South America, which was shown as a great landmass floating in the ocean east of Asia. Soon the name extended over Central and North America as well, though Spain for long continued to use the term las Indias, the Indies. Seamen in the North Atlantic also found lands that seemed to bear no relation to descriptions of Asia. The Venetian-born navigator John Cabot was convinced that Asia and Europe lay nearer to each other in northern latitudes than in the tropics, and in 1497, with the support of Henry VII of England, he sailed from Bristol in a single small vessel and headed out into the Atlantic. After a months voyage, Cabot crossed the great cod banks of Newfoundland to land somewhere on the northeast coast of America, probably on the east coast of Newfoundland. On a follow-up voyage the next year, Cabot and a small fleet of ships was lost at sea, but he was soon followed into northern waters by the Portuguese brothers, Gaspar and Miguel Corte-Real, who reached Greenland, Newfoundland, and Labrador. The definitive voyage from this point of view was the French one commanded by Giovanni da Verrazzano, who in 1524 sailed along 1500 miles of the North American coastline from South Carolina to Nova Scotia. By now there was no doubt that a new continent existed. Exploration was followed by conquest and exploitation. The Spanish conquest was a brutal exercise of armed might over native peoples from the 15

Caribbean islands to Mexico and Peru. In Europe, there was a shift of power from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic as the influx of American silver brought a marked if temporary increase in power to Spain, and finally the emergence of rival imperial powers in the form of the Dutch, French, and English. In todays postcolonial world, the exploits of Europeans overseas in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are regarded with disapproval. Some still regard the explorers as heroic figures, innocent of the crimes against humanity perpetrated by many who followed them. Columbus Day is still celebrated in the United Statesregardless of the fact that Columbus never reached any part of North America and indeed refused to believe in the existence of an American continent. More critical commentators point out that the motives of the explorers were to find riches, acquire land, and save benighted souls for God. They were men of their age, conscious agents of an aggressive imperialism.

AMERIGO VESPUCCI (1454-1512) An Italian navigator and explorer involved in several early voyages to the new world, Amerigo Vespucci was the navigator of Ojedas expedition of 1499-1500 and made the claim of discovering a New World.



Has Columbuss importance been exaggerated?

Suggested Reading
Morrison Eliot, Samuel. Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus. New York: Little, Brown & Company, 1991.

Other Books of Interest

Columbus, Christopher. The Diario of Christopher Columbuss First Voyage. Oliver Dunn and James E. Kelley, Jr. (eds.). Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. Columbus, Ferdinand. The Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus by His Son Ferdinand. Benjamin Keen (trans.). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1959. Fernndez-Armesto, Felipe. Columbus. London: Duckworth Publishers, 1996. Lestringant, Frank. Mapping the Renaissance World: The Geographical Imagination in the Age of Discovery. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. Morison, S.E. The Great Explorers: The European Discovery of America (Columbus, Cabot, Magellan, Verrazzano). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978. Pope, Peter E. The Many Landfalls of John Cabot. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997. Sale, Kirkpatrick. The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy. New York: Plume, 1991.

Websites to Visit
1. Extracts from the diaries of Christopher Columbus on-line from the Medieval Source Book site. 2. Columbuss letter to the Queen and King of Spain, 1494, on-line from the Medieval Source Book site. 3. Three documents regarding John Cabots Atlantic crossing in 1497 from witnesses whose information may have come from Cabot directly. 17

Lecture 3: The Voyage of Vasco da Gama and the Sea Road to the East Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read Sanjay Subrahmanyams The Career and Legend of Vasco da Gama.

Consider this . . . Why was Portugal more interested in exploring the coast of West Africa than in crossing the Atlantic?

ive years after Columbus first crossed the Atlantic, the Portuguese nobleman and soldier, Vasco da Gama, made the longer voyage around the Cape of Good Hope and into the commercial world of the Indian Ocean. The two voyages have always been linked, for their repercussions were immense. In his famous book of 1776, The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith wrote, The discovery of America, and that of a passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope are the two greatest and most important events recorded in the history of mankind. During the fourteenth century, Europeans reached what may be called Europes offshore islands, lying west of the Strait of Gibraltar and the northwest coast of Africa: the Canary Islands, Madeira, and the Azores. Portugal, under its able and ambitious King John I (13851433), took a more serious interest in the islands. Overseas ventures, especially those directed at the Muslim world, were an offshoot of the crusading movement, which had a strong appeal to the turbulent Portuguese nobility. The conquest

0 VASCO da GAMA (1469-1524) The early life of Vasco da Gama is largely unknown, but his first major foray into nautical matters occured in 1492, when King John II of Portugal dispatched da Gama to sieze French ships in the ports of Setbal and Algarve. After the death of Estvo da Gama, who had been appointed by King John II to lead a Portuguese fleet to open a sea route to Asia, Vasco took his place, and the stage was set for his voyages of exploration.
(Source: Vasco da Gama, 1st Count da Vidigueira. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopdia Britannica Premium Service.)



of Ceuta in Morocco across the Strait of Gibraltar in 1415 gave Portugal a foothold on the African continent as well as its first overseas possession, and the campaign brought to the fore the Kings favourite son, Prince Henry (Henry the Navigator). Prince Henry was a man driven by the lure of economic expansion, by a crusading impulse, and not least by the desire for personal glory. In territorial terms, his priority was the nearby Atlantic islands, which brought Portugal control of some of the more important islands in the Canary, Madeira, and Azores groups. Given that the islands now controlled by Portugal pointed out into the Atlantic, the next step might seem to be westward exploration towards those islands of rumour that might be stepping-stones towards Asia. If Henry had followed this line of thought, then it might have been Portugal and not Spain that crossed the Atlantic well before Columbus. But Portugals foothold in Morocco, on the edge of the Muslim world, exerted a different kind of pull. First, it alerted Henry to the riches, including gold, carried by the Arab trade routes across the Sahara. Second, some geographers speculated that south of Cape Bojador a great strait cut Africa in two, and that ships could sail through it to the fabled Christian kingdom of Prester John in Ethiopia. For Prince Henry, this conjured up the possibility of a military alliance with Prester John that would outflank the Muslim world and make him the greatest crusader of all. It was with these varied motives in mind that Henry sent Portuguese vessels to begin the exploration of the unknown coast of West Africa. Starting in the 1420s, small craft pushed their way down the African coast. The northwest winds raised a thundering surf onshore, threatening danger to any vessel that got too close, and sending tremors of worry to crews about how they might return against the wind. When Cape Bojador was at last rounded in 1434, it was some sort of triumph that the commander not only managed to land but also picked some sprigs of rosemary. Further progress was shown by the capes that appeared on the maps: in the 1440s, Cape Blanco (Branco) and then Cape Verde. This last was the westernmost point of Africa, and also marked the transition from the desert landscape of the northwest coast to the more heavily populated and luxuriant tropical lands of the Guinea coast. By mid-century, a trading post had been established on Arguin Island near Cape Blanco, and in all about fifty Portuguese ships had sailed beyond that and south of Cape Bojador. They brought back a little gold and ivory, but their main saleable cargo consisted of slaves seized along the coast. It was the beginning of a mass trade that brought high profits at an enormous cost in human misery, and in later times this region would carry the ominous name of the Slave Coasts. Before Prince Henry died in 1460, the coastal stretches of the Gambia were reasonably well known, though the limitations of Portuguese knowledge can be seen in the fact that there was still a lingering belief that a strait or great river might cut through from the coast all the way east to the land of Prester John. The trade in slaves and gold, though not of huge proportions, was 19

enough to divert attention from further exploration, and not until 1469 was the southward movement resumed. Then the Portuguese pushed steadily eastward in the Gulf of Guinea, past the delta of the Niger River, one of the worlds great waterways, until the coast turned south at Fernando Po. From there it stretches more than two thousand miles south, and as the Portuguese worked their way along it all thoughts of a transcontinental waterway to the land of Prester John vanished, to be replaced by hopes of finding a sea route to India. As Portuguese caravels got farther south and crossed the Equator, the idea of circumnavigating Africa and crossing the sea on the other side of the continent to India took hold. In 1482, John II sent Diogo Co on what was clearly a discovery expedition, which passed the outlet of the Congo River and reached Cape St Mary on the coast of Angola. On a further voyage in 1485, Co reached Cape Cross in latitude 22S, but still the coast trended south. The final expedition sent by John II along the African coast was the most important, that of Bartholomew Dias. He sailed across rather than around the Gulf of Guinea, thus saving much time, and kept heading south past Cape Cross. Both wind and current were against him, so he stood well out to sea. When he picked up the westerlies of the South Atlantic, they took him east and past the southern tip of Africa. His landfall was east of the Cape of Good Hope near Algoa Bay. It was a historic moment, for the Indian Ocean lay before Dias. Uneasiness among his crew forced him to turn back, and it was on the return voyage that he first sighted the cliffs of the great cape that he called the Cape of Storms but which (tradition has it) was renamed the Cape of Good Hope by the king. It was during this time that John II sent overland travellers to report back both on Ethiopia and India. There can be no doubt that by the early 1490s overland travels and Diass voyage had transformed Portuguese knowledge of the route to India. An immediate follow-up to Diass voyage might have seen the Portuguese arrive in India before Columbus found his own Indies across the Atlantic, but this did not occur. John II died in 1495, and it was left to his young successor, Manuel I, to mount the expedition of Vasco da Gama, the belated rival to Columbuss first voyage. 20

Ronald H. Fritze, 2003, Sutton PUblishing, Ltd.

Unlike Columbus or Dias, da Gama had no obvious credentials as a navigator; he was a member of the minor nobility, a soldier, and a diplomat, and his appointment was a sign that the forthcoming voyage was viewed as much as a diplomatic embassy as one of discovery. He left Portugal in July 1497 with four ships, two specially built for the voyage, and a selection of trade goods. The most novel aspect of the outward voyage was that instead of hugging the African coast, da Gama struck boldly out in a southwest direction from Sierra Leone, heading for the still unknown coast of Brazil before turning east across the south Atlantic and towards the Cape of Good Hope. It was a brave decision, for it meant that the ships were out of sight of land for three months (compared with the five weeks of Columbuss first oceanic crossing), but it took advantage of the prevailing winds, and variants of his great arc, swinging out into the south Atlantic before turning back towards Africa, became the established route. Once round the Cape of Good Hope, da Gama passed the farthest point of Diass voyage ten years earlier and sailed north along the coast of Natal and into an area dominated by Arab ships and traders. At Malindi, da Gama persuaded an Arab pilot to guide him across the Indian Ocean to the Malabar coast of India. Within a month, in late May 1498, the little fleet reached Calicut, capital of a Hindu state and an important centre for the spice trade. The voyage had taken almost eleven months. Da Gamas stay in Calicut was marked by misunderstanding and disappointment. Having looked in vain along the east African coast for Prester John and his Christian followers, da Gama now mistook the Hindus of Calicut for Christians. His attitude was arrogant and uncompromising, and out of keeping with his poor selection of trade goods, which were rejected with scorn by the traders of Calicut. After three months, he sailed for home, losing two of his ships and half his men before returning to Lisbon at the end of August 1499. He had shown that there was a continuous sea route from Europe to India, an alternative to the overland route between India and the Mediterranean, but it was long and costly. Nevertheless, King Manuel decided to follow up the reconnaissance voyage of da Gama with a much larger trading expedition under Pedro Alvares Cabralthirteen ships and fifteen hundred men. Among his captains was Bartholomew Dias. After leaving Portugal in March 1500, Cabral followed an even more exaggerated arc out into the South Atlantic than da Gama had, and in doing so sighted the coast of Brazil. This chance discovery laid the foundation for Brazils eventual incorporation into the Portuguese empire. Storms battered the fleet as they tried to sail round the southern tip of Africa (Diass ship was among those lost), and when Cabral reached Calicut he had only six ships left. Friction with local Muslim merchants soon escalated into something like fullscale hostilities. Luckily for Cabral, other ports on the coast were willing to trade, and he returned home with a lucrative cargo of spices. His voyage was followed by an even larger expedition, commanded once more by Vasco da Gama. It became a byword for death and destruction, and paved the way for a permanent Portuguese military presence in the Indian 21

Return Track (small yellow arrows)

da Gama anchors at Capocate, near Calicut, India, May 20, 1498

Outbound Track (white arrows)

The Voyage of Vasco da Gama July 8, 1497 September 9, 1499

Graphi-Ogre - France

Ocean. The lofty, ocean-going Portuguese ships, carrying cannon, outgunned the lighter local craft, while on land divisions between Muslims and Hindus weakened opposition to the European intruders. Under Alfonso de Albuquerque, Portugese ships captured key points on the sea road to the Indies: Ormuz in the Persian Gulf, Goa on the west coast of India, and Malacca, which controlled the vital strait between the Indian Ocean and the China Sea. Sailing farther east still, the Portuguese reached their main goal, the Moluccas (the fabled Spice Islands), while to the north they established themselves, somewhat uneasily, in Macao just off the Chinese mainland, and even more precariously in Japan. In an amazingly short period of time, the Portuguese had outflanked the traditional overland routes by which spices and silks reached the Mediterranean and were poised to open up a direct, seaborne trade between the producing regions of the East and Europe. What some historians have termed the Vasco da Gama era of Asian history had begun.




Did Henry the Navigator deserve his title?

Suggested Reading
Subrahmanyam, Sanjay. The Career and Legend of Vasco da Gama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Other Books of Interest

Alvares, Francisco. The Prester John of the Indies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1961. Anonymous. A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-1498. London: Hakluyt Society, 1898. Correa, Gaspar. The Three Voyages of Vasco da Gama and his Viceroyalty from the Lendas da India. Henry E.J. Stanley (trans.). London: Hakluyt Society, 1869. Diffie, B.W. and Winius, G.D. Foundations of the Portuguese Empire 14151580. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1977. Disney, A.R. and Booth, Emily, eds. Vasco da Gama and the Linking of Europe and Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Hart, Henry H. Sea Road to the Indies: An Account of the Voyages and Exploits of the Portuguese Navigators, Together with the Life and Times of Dom Vasco da Gama, Capito-Mor, Viceroy of India, and Count of Vidigueira. New York: Macmillan, 1950. Russell, P.E. Prince Henry the Navigator: A Life. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000.

Websites to Visit
1. Notes from Vasco da Gamas trip from Africa to India, 1497-1498 CE, from the Modern History Sourcebook maintained by Fordham. 2. The Mariners Museum website, which has a searchable database with short biographies of explorers and a helpful timeline.


Lecture 4: The First Circumnavigation: The Voyage of Ferdinand Magellan Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read F.H.H. Guillemards The Life of Ferdinand Magellan and the First Circumnavigation of the Globe.

Consider this . . . How did Magellans voyage contribute to the building of Spains Pacific empire?


The first European approaches to the Pacific, by the Portuguese in one hemisphere and the Spaniards in another, took place within a few months of each other. In 1512, Portuguese vessels left Malacca, which had been seized by Albuquerque only the year before, and sailed through the Java Sea to the Moluccas, the Spice Islands. Here the Portuguese intruders were in the border area between the Indian and Pacific oceans, though they had no knowledge of the extent of the ocean stretching away to the east. 24

0 FERDINAND MAGELLAN (14801521) Born into Portuguese nobility, Magellan enlisted in the fleet of Francisco de Almeida in 1505. Three years later, he took part in the Battle of Diu, which gave Portugal dominion over most of the Indian Ocean. After King Manuel of Portugal refused to increase Magellans pension, due in part to reports of erratic behavior, Magellan offered his services to King Charles I of Spain. The discovery of the Strait of Magellan lay before him.
(Source: Ferdinand Magellan. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopdia Britannica Premium Service.)

s Europeans in the early sixteenth century slowly became aware of the existence of a great continent across the Atlantic, they also realised that between the unexpected landmass, soon to be called America, and Asia lay a vast ocean. The first European expedition to cross that ocean, and to give it a name, was Magellans. His was a discovery venture to rival Columbuss, and like Columbus, he was faced with difficulties that at times threatened to overwhelm him.

Magellan Killed on Mactan Island in the Phillipines, April 27, 1521

The Voyage of Ferdinand Magellan August 10, 1519 September 6, 1522

Graphi-Ogre - France

Ferdinand Magellans Voyage, 1519-1522

The next year, and many thousands of miles away, came the celebrated sighting of the Pacific Ocean by the Spanish adventurer Balboa. The chronicler Oviedo tells the story of how in September 1513 Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama from the Caribbean and, having gone ahead of his company, climbed a hill with a bare summit, and from the top of that hill saw the South Sea . . . he fell upon his knees to the ground and gave great thanks to God for his mercy. In 1519, Magellan was appointed captain-general of a Spanish squadron that left Spain for the South Atlantic in search of an entrance somewhere near the unexplored tip of South America that would take ships into the South Sea and across to the Spice Islands. Such a route would challenge the hypothesis of Ptolemy, the Alexandrian scholar who in about AD 150 had visualized a great southern continent that was joined to Africa and Asia. It should also be noted that the choice of a Portuguese commander reflected the experience Portuguese seamen had gained of oceanic sailing. Magellans fleet of five vessels coasted the shores of South America south of Brazil until at the end of March 1520 they reached the harbour of San Julin in latitude 49S in Patagonia, where Magellan decided to see out the southern hemisphere winter. There the simmering discontents of his Spanish captains at their foreign-born commander came to a head, and Magellan faced conspiracy and mutiny. One of the ringleaders was killed in a skirmish, another was executed, and two were maroonedto face certain death. There was some contact with the local inhabitants, whose size led the Spaniards to name them Patagonian (big feet). The voyages chronicler, Antonio Pigafetta, began the long saga of the Patagonian giants when he described natives so big that the head of one of our men of a mean stature came but to his waist. Two hundred and fifty years later British and French discovery expeditions were still searching for the giants of Patagonia. 25

Magellan was prepared to sail south as far as latitude 75S, if necessary, to find a passage, but not far south of San Julin he found a gap in the desolate coastline in latitude 5230S. This was the entrance to the tortuous, 350-mile strait that still bears Magellans name. Magellans probable route Battling against through the strait. squalls, desertions, and shipwreck, Magellan got through the twists and turns of the strait in thirty-seven days to reach the placid waters of an ocean that he (or his chronicler) named the Pacific. Picking up the southeast trade winds, Magellans three remaining vessels followed a slanting route across the ocean. For fifteen weeks they sailed across trackless waters, sighting only two small uninhabited islands on the way. Pigafetta described the horrors of the final stages of the crossing: Having in this time consumed all their biscuit and others victuals, they fell into such necessity that they were forced to eat the powder that remained thereof being full of worms and stinking. Their fresh water was also putrefied and became yellow. They did eat skins and pieces of leather which were folded about certain great ropes of the ships. Nineteen men died, and many others were incapacitated before in March 1521 the ships reached Guam in the North Pacific. Farther west, in the Philippines, Magellan unwisely became involved in struggles between local rulers, and in April he and nearly thirty of his men, overconfident in the superiority of their firearms, were killed. The remaining two ships sailed south to the Moluccas, where they traded for spices before parting company. The Trinidad, barely seaworthy, tried to claw its way back across the Pacific to the known ports of the Panama Isthmus, but after sailing far north was forced back to the Moluccas, where the crew were made prisoner by the Portuguese. Magellans flagship, the Victoria, now commanded by Juan Sebastian del Cano, continued to sail west, through the Portuguese-claimed waters of the Indian Ocean, and round the Cape of Good Hope. It reached Seville in September 1522 with a full cargo of spices, but with only eighteen of those who had set off three years before left on board. In the following months, another seventeen straggled back, to make thirty-five in all who had completed the first circumnavigation of the globe. One historian has written, No other single voyage has ever added so much to the dimension of the world, and dimension is the key word, for revelation of distances rather than of new lands represented the true importance of Magellans voyage. The tracks of his ships across the Pacific showed the 26


daunting immensity of the ocean, where a voyage of almost four months was marked by the sighting of only two specks of land. The voyage proved that Ptolemys concept of a landlocked southern ocean was wrong, and showed that the underestimated Ptolemaic proportions of the globe, so helpful to Columbuss arguments thirty years before, might also be in error. To the huge problem of reaching the Moluccas from across the Pacific, either through the Strait of Magellan, or from the new Spanish ports on Mexicos Pacific coast, were added diplomatic uncertainties about whether the Moluccas fell within the Portuguese or Spanish spheres of influence as laid down by the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. The issue was resolved when the Treaty of Zaragoza (1529) assigned the Moluccas to Portugal. Shut out from the Moluccas, Spanish attention turned north to the Philippines, which were without spices but were near to China and its exotic products. The way was prospected by the voyage of Lpez de Villalobos (1542-5) from Mexico, who gave the islands their present name, although he grossly underestimated their distance from Mexico. In the 1560s, the Spaniards conquered and settled the Philippines, and discovered that because of the prevailing winds the best route back to Acapulco lay along a great semicircular track to the north, three thousand miles north of the flatter and more direct westbound track. This would soon become the regular trade route of the galleon sailing from Manila (founded in 1571 as the capital of the Philippines) with Chinese silks and porcelain to Acapulco. There the galleon took on silver for the return voyage. It was the Spaniards in South America who were the first to mount a sustained search for the lands thought to lie far out into the Pacific, and in 1565

Magellans death on Mactan Island


a scheme was put to the Viceroy of Peru to find some islands, called Solomon, which lie over opposite Chile. Two years later an expedition led by Alvaro de Mendaa left Peru in search of these islands. After two months sailing across the ocean, the ships reached a large island that they named Santa Isabel, and then came across other islands just south of the Equator that they named the Isles of Solomon. Initial friendly relations with the islanders were followed by misunderstandings, suspicion, and violenceto set a pattern for the region that was to endure for centuries. The expedition returned home by way of Mexico, but with so uncertain an estimation of where they had been that the Solomons were to be lost for another two centuries. Mendaas hope of returning to the area to found a colony were thwarted, and not until 1595 did he sail west again. He failed to find the Solomons, and when he touched at the Marquesas the slaughter of two hundred islanders made an ominous beginning to the relationship between Europe and Polynesia. However flawed in its navigation, the first Mendaa expedition marked the beginning of a remarkable sequence of Spanish explorations in the Pacific. When Mendaa limped into port in Mexico after his first voyage, the local reaction to his description of islands with no spices, gold, or silver was disappointing and disparaging. Even so, officials speculated that the islands might provide a base for the discovery of the mainland, where it is reported that there is gold and silver. Within fifty years of Magellans voyage, the outlines of Spains new Pacific empire were visible. Its eastern rim along the American coast had been explored from the Strait of Magellan to Mexico. From Peru silver was being shipped along the coast to Panama on the first stage of its journey to Spain. Farther north, New Spain looked both east and west, for its precious metals went back to Europe by way of Vera Cruz, but by the 1570s it was tapping the wealth of the Orient by way of Manila. Through diplomatic treaty and papal bull, buttressed by exploration, conquest, and settlement, Spain claimed an ocean whose lands and waters covered one-third of the surface of the globe. It seemed indeed to be The Spanish Lake.




What effect did Magellans voyage have on contemporary notions about the size of the globe?

Suggested Reading
Guillemard, F.H.H. The Life of Ferdinand Magellan and the First Circumnavigation of the Globe. London: G. Philip and Son, 1890.

Other Books of Interest

Amherst, William A. and Basil Thomson (eds.). The Discovery of the Solomon Islands in 1568. London: Boydell & Brewer, Ltd., 1996. Bergreen, Laurence. Over the Edge of the World: Magellans Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2003. Parr, Charles McKew. So Noble a Captain: The Life and Times of Ferdinand Magellan. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1953. Pigafetta, Antonio. Magellans Voyage: A Narrative Account of the First Circumnavigation. R.A. Skelton (trans.). New York: Dover Publications, 1994. Silverberg, Robert. The Longest Voyage: Circumnavigation in the Age of Discovery. Athens, NY: Ohio University Press, 1997. Spate, O.H.K. The Pacific Since Magellan, Vol. I, The Spanish Lake. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1979. Wilson, Derek. The Circumnavigators. New York: M. Evans and Company, 1989.

Websites to Visit A firsthand account of Ferdinand Magellans voyage around the world.

Recorded Books
Bergreen, Laurence. Over the Edge of the World: Magellans Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe. Narrated by the author. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 1990. 4 cassettes/6 hours. To order Recorded Books, call 1-800-638-1304 or go to Also available for rental.


Lecture 5: The Second Circumnavigation: The Voyage of Francis Drake Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read Harry Kelseys Sir Francis Drake: The Queens Pirate.

Consider this . . . What were the long-term effects of Drakes voyage on the Spanish empire in the Pacific?

he expeditions sent west into the Pacific from Peru, such as that of Mendaa in 1567, seemed to mark the next stage of expansion in what now appeared to be a Spanish lake. It was at this moment that the process was interrupted by the unexpected intrusion of English seamen into the great ocean, notably the voyage of Francis Drake. As relations between the England of Elizabeth I and the Spain of Philip II worsened, plans were made in England for ventures into the South Sea. Behind them were those expansionist, militantly Protestant members of Court and Council who saw both material and spiritual profit in attacking Spain in the New World. While some pinned their hopes on finding a Northwest Passage that would take ships into the Pacific well away from Spanish centres of power, others thought in terms of a more direct confrontation by way of expeditions through the Strait of Magellan. The late 1570s saw expeditions following both routes. Martin

0 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE (1540-1596) By all accounts, Francis Drake led a remarkable life. Early exploits in the Caribbean and along the coasts of Central and South America to raid the Spanish Main had netted him fame and fortuneand misfortune. Drake lost two brothers to yellow fever on an expedition in 1573. After his famed circumnavigation from 1577 to 1580, Drake continued to play an important role in English seafaring adventures, including the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. Drake, like his brothers, died of yellow fever on a later expedition. He was buried at sea in a lead coffin.



Frobisher made three voyages to Baffin Bay, where his search for a sea route around or through the North American continent became diverted by his hopes of finding gold in the Arctic. But another expedition that left England at this time represented a more aggressive aspect of English interest in the Pacific. Its choice as commander of Francis Drake was significant, for his reputation was that of a bold raider of the Spanish Main whose narrow escape from death in a Spanish ambush at Vera Cruz had left him with an obsessive desire for revenge. Like Frobishers voyages, Drakes was privately organized. The syndicate that financed it included men close to the Queen, and possibly even the Queen herself, but it was not a government venture as such. For so celebrated a voyage, the motives behind Drakes voyage are hazy and disputed. A draft plan for it was discovered in the 1920s, but so badly damaged by fire that only parts of it were legible. A key phrase indicated that Drake was to sail looking for trade and profit along the said coast aforename, but any previous mention and naming of that coast has disappeared in the flames. For some scholars, it was a reference to the coast of the great unknown southern continent, and certainly projects to discover that mighty land mass were being mooted at this time. Others, more persuasively, see the coast as being the Pacific shores of Spanish America, and that from the beginning the object of the voyage was a plundering raid in the South Sea. In any event, the voyage went well beyond the outlines suggested in the draft plan; it was to be a full-blooded challenge to the Spanish position in the Pacific, for as Drake said, he came for a greater purpose than that of seizing vessels. Drake sailed from Plymouth late in 1577 with five vessels. The largest, his flagship Pelican, later renamed the Golden Hind, was about 150 tons in burthen and 70 feet in length, with 18 guns and 80 or so

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QUEEN ELIZABETH I AND PHILIP II Queen Elizabeth I of England presided over one of the greatest periods of English history. During this period, England launched its massive program of colonization, established a dominant navy, and became a major European power. King Philip II of Spain was one of Queen Elizabeths many suitors. She refused an offer of marriage from Philip in 1559. Spain would become Englands main enemy, and English sailors were encouraged to interrupt Spanish shipping and disrupt Spains dominance of the sea. In 1588, King Philip launched his mighty Spanish Armada against England, only to see it defeated by the skill of English leaders, including Francis Drake, and by violent storms. The defeat of the Spanish Armada both increased English power in Europe and decreased Spanish dominance of the sea, though war with Spain continued until Elizabeths death.
(Source: The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright 2003 Columbia University Press.)


men. Her armament and large crew would make her more than a match for any Spanish vessel she was likely to meet in the South Sea. That this was the destination, and not Alexandria in Egypt, as had been announced, was kept a close secret until the ships were well out to sea. By the time that Drake reached the first rendezvous appointed for the expedition on the coast of Chile, more than a year after leaving Plymouth, only his own vessel was left. Casualties, self-inflicted and otherwise, had affected the venture from the moment that Drake had executed Thomas Doughty at Port San Julian in Patagoniaon the spot where Magellan had executed his mutineers almost sixty years earlier. From Port San Julian, the little fleet, now only three ships, headed for the Strait of Magellan. They threaded their way through in sixteen days, compared to Magellans thirtyseven, but it was still not an easy passage. On September 6, 1578, the ships reached the open waters of the Pacific and headed north, but two days onto the new course a furious storm broke over the ships and continued for fifty-six days. When the storm finally subsided, the Golden Hind was alone. During the storms fury the vessel had been driven south back across the western mouth of the Strait of Magellan and into an unknown group of islands. This was the first indication that the south shore of the strait, Tierra del Fuego, might not be the northern edge of a continental landmass. Drake had not sailed right round Tierra del Fuego, and whether the most southerly of the islands he reached, named by him Elizabeth Island, is todays Henderson Island, or Cape Horn fifty miles to the southeast, is uncertain. It was not until 1616 that a Dutch expedition rounded Cape Horn to prove that there was anoth-

Drake foils Doughtys mutiny.

THOMAS DOUGHTY Thomas Doughty was not only a friend of Francis Drakes, he was a good friendor so it seemed when they set sail together in 1577. Doughty was also a favored courtier of Queen Elizabeth I. After heavy storms caused countless delays in Drakes progress along his intended route, Doughty mutinied. He persuaded many in Drakes crewmen who had been worn out by the seemingly endless days fighting the stormsto follow his lead and revolt against their captain. Drake, however, was able to regain control of his men and had Doughty put in chains until they reached the coast of South America. Once there, Drake held a trial at which Thomas Doughty was duly convicted and sentenced to death. He was beheaded shortly thereafter.



er and less tortuous way into the South Sea than that through the Strait of Magellan. As he sailed along the coast of Chile, Drake, with the help of his young cousin John, kept a careful record of the main features of the coast and its harbours. Prisoners taken from Spanish ships recalled how he kept a great book in which he entered details of the navigation, and how when he captured ships his first action was to seize the charts and navigational instruments. To exploit local knowledge of unknown coasts was a sensible and obvious expedient, but Drakes actions seem to go beyond that. They are further confirmation that the voyage was one of reconnaissance, with a view to later exploitation, as well as a plundering expedition. As Drake raided the little settlements along the coast and seized trading vessels, he accumulated silver and gold valued at 447,000 pesos. Then off Peru he heard that the Nuestra Seora de la Concepcion, laden with silver, had sailed for Panama two weeks earlier. Just north of the Equator the Golden Hind came up with the slow-sailing treasure ship. Virtually unarmed, and with twenty-six tons of silver in her hold, the Spaniards offered only token resistance. Two more prizes were taken in Mexican waters, one laden with Chinese silks and porcelain offloaded from the Manila galleon, the other carrying pilots and charts for the transoceanic route to the Philippines. The whole tenor of the expedition had changed. The Golden Hind, with its treasure on board, was now vulnerable in turn. The question now was the best route home. The coasts of Spanish America were on the alert from Mexico to Chile. Even if the Golden Hind could pass unscathed through those hostile waters, Drake would be faced with the hazards of the return passage through the Strait of Magellan. Two other possibilities remained. One was to sail west through the ocean, through the Moluccas and into the Indian Ocean, and so around the Cape of Good Hope and home. Magellans men had shown that this was practical. The other possibility was the beguiling but uncertain alternative of sailing north in hope of finding the Northwest Passage, and so by a short passage passing back into the Atlantic. Of all the events of the voyage, the events of the summer of 1579 are the most baffling. Drake came home by the same route as Magellans Victoria, but before that he had sailed three thousand or more miles north. He may have been looking for the entrance to the Northwest Passage, or, less ambitiously, for a favourable wind to take him across the Pacific, or simply for a harbour where he could refit out of reach of the Spaniards. How far north Drake sailed is uncertain; one account says 42N, another 48N, almost to the present U.S.Canada border. One scholar has recently argued that the latitude in one journal was altered from its original 53N, which would have taken the ship near Alaska, and would certainly point to an intention of returning by a Northwest Passage. Faced with cold and fog at sea, Drake turned back south, and found a harbour probably near San Francisco where the expedition stayed for five weeks. There relations with the local Indians appear to have been good. Allegedly at their initiative, Drake took possession of New Albion, as he called it, in the name of the Queen during some sort of coronation ceremony. Not for the first or last time, there seems to have been a gulf of mutual incomprehension 33

between what may have been simply the welcoming rituals of the native inhabitants and the gloss put on them by the European visitors. But on the maps, at least, New Albion was to have a long lifea standing challenge, if only on paper, to Spanish claims of dominion over the whole Pacific seaboard of the Americas. In July 1579, Drake sailed out into the Pacific once more, heading for the Moluccas. His first landfall, after sixty-eight days at sea, was probably at Palau (east of the Philippines). From Palau, Drake turned west towards Mindanao before turning south to the Moluccas, where he signed treaties with local rulers. His stay in the Spice Islands, and his observations there, were to be of importance in encouraging the establishment of the English East India Company in 1600. From the Moluccas, Drake sailed into the Indian Ocean and around the Cape of Good Hope into the Atlantic. In September 1580, the Golden Hind arrived back at Plymouth having completed the second circumnavigation of the world. With fifty-six out of the original crew of eighty or so on board, the voyage was an astounding achievement in terms of seamanship, navigation, and willpower. As Drake came into home waters, there was no heros welcome for him from the government, for the air was heavy with Spanish protests. Despite a meeting with the Queen, during which Drake presented her with his journal and chart, it took six months before he was knighted on board the Golden Hind in the Thames. As a feat of navigation, Drakes voyage enhanced the reputation of English seafarers in the years before the defeat of the Spanish Armada. It opened the possibility of breaking into the spice trade of the eastern seas, or into the newly revealed trade triangle between Canton, Manila, and Acapulco. Above all, it revealed to future generations of privateers and buccaneers the wealth and vulnerability of the Spanish empire in the Pacific.





In what ways did Drakes voyage challenge the idea of the Pacific as The Spanish Lake?

Suggested Reading
Kelsey, Harry. Sir Francis Drake: The Queens Pirate. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000.

Other Books of Interest

Bawlf, Samuel. The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake: 1577-1580. Boston, MA: Walker & Company, 2003. Drake, Francis. The World Encompassed. W.S. Vaux (ed.). London: Hakluyt Society, 1981. Williams, Glyndwr. The Great South Sea: English Voyages and Encounters 1570-1750. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997. Wilson, Derek. The World Encompassed: Drakes Great Voyage 1577-1580. London: Allison & Busby, 1998.

Websites to Visit
1. Collection of papers relating to various sea voyages, including Francis Fletchers narrative of Drakes second voyage. 2. Sir Francis Drakes Famous Voyage Round the World by Francis Pretty, one of Drakes gentlemen at arms. 3. Document relating Drakes firsthand account of his voyage.


Lecture 6: The Tools of Discovery Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read Carlo M. Cipollas Guns, Sails, and Empires: Technological Innovation and European Expansion 1400-1700.


Consider this . . . How did inadequate technology lead to wildly inaccurate assumptions about the size and shape of the world?

he voyages of discovery would not have been possible without significant developments in both ship design and navigational instruments. Not until the fifteenth century were there technical developments that enabled seafarers to make long voyages with some confidence. New ship designs brought together the techniques of northern and southern European shipbuilders. In northern waters, the standard trading vessel was the cog. Broad of beam and clinker-built (that is, with its planks overlapping), the cog had An early Portuguese caravel. a mast or masts carrying a square sail. The disadvantage of the cog was that its simple square rig made it difficult, often impossible, to beat against contrary winds. In the Mediterranean, the norm was the carvel-built (that is, with flush planking) narrow galley, with its banks of oars, fast and maneuverable, but hopelessly inadequate for oceanic voyaging. During the fifteenth century, Iberian shipbuilders began to develop craft that combined some of the characteristics of both types. There was the caravel, with slim hull and shallow draught of a galley, but propelled by great lateen (or triangular) sails, which allowed it to sail close to the wind. The early caravels were used by the Portuguese in their explorations along the coast of West Africa and proved to be handy and seaworthy vessels. Their small size (about fifty tons, usually), lack of cargo space, and fragile build made them less suitable for long oceanic voyages, where a square rig, usually supplemented with a lateen sail on the mizzen mast, was introduced.



Columbuss ships: (l. to r.) Pinta, Santa Mara, and his favourite, the Nia

In 1492, Columbuss favourite vessel was not his flagship the square-rigged Santa Mara, but the smaller Nia, with square and lateen sails. Da Gamas voyage to India in 1497 was made with three ships and one caravel, while Magellans fleet of five vessels included no caravels. The caravel was not suitable for the longer voyages of exploration, and still less for the voyages of exploitation that followed. Both living and cargo space were limited, and their hull timbers could not support cannon of any weight. In time a larger and stouter vessel, the carrack, was developed with the same hybrid rig and became the standard oceangoing vessel. Although not primarily a fighting ship, its timbers were strong enough to bear the weight of cannon, and these proved devastating against local shipping in the Indian Ocean and elsewhere. The carracks developed by the Portuguese for their eastern trade, and the galleons used by the Spaniards on their Atlantic and Pacific routes, were often huge and rather unwieldy ships, with some monsters of as much as 2,000 tons burthen. These, of course, were not suitable for exploration, where smaller and lighter craft were looked forranging in type according to nation and region to be explored: brigs, fast naval sloops, heavily built bomb vessels (for work in the Arctic), and the shallow-draught converted colliers used by James Cook. Before oceangoing voyages could be undertaken with any confidence, improved navigational instruments were necessary. On such voyages, a navigator who operated with traditional methods would be able to determine the position of his ship or the location of any land sighted only by combining compass bearings with the estimated distance travelledand both elements were subject to error. Only when a reliable method had been developed to give latitude and longitude would a ships position be known with any confidence. Because the Portuguese voyages down the coast of Africa in the fifteenth century were in a north-south direction, knowledge of latitude rather than longitude was the important factor, and it seems to be on these voyages that astronomical instruments to measure latitude were first used. One of the most prominent stars in the night sky was the Pole Star, and because it lay on a northerly bearing, its angle above the horizon would indicate how far south a 37

An astrolabe of Arabic or Yemeni origin.

A more sophisticated astrolabe of the type used by Sir Francis Drake on his circumnavigation of the globe, 1577-1580.

ASTROLABE Probably invented by early Greeks, the astrolabe has been called the most significant invention prior to the telescope. Followers of Islam in Arab countries who used the device to locate the direction of Mecca improved on the earlier, simple designs by adding intricate scrollwork and useful symbols on the rete, the cutaway disk on most of the instruments. The static portion of an astrolabe has engraved on it indicators for local star coordinates. The rete was rotated to show the sky at a specific time. A navigator skilled in the use of an astrolabe could, with limited accuracy, determine his location on the planet.
(Source: The Columbia Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition Copyright 2004 Columbia University Press.)

ship had sailed. Experienced navigators could judge this by eye, but from about the middle of the fifteenth century instruments such as the simple quadrant were developed to give a more accurate reading. As ships sailed farther south, the Pole Star got lower in the sky, and by the Equator it disappeared altogether and seamen generally used the altitude of the sun to judge their latitude. This was a more difficult and complex business than using the Pole Star, for not only could a navigator not sight his instrument direct on the sun, but the question of the suns declination had to be taken into account. To cope with these problems, new instruments were developedthe astrolabe and later the back-staffwhile land-based astronomers, firstly in Portugal, provided tables showing the declination of the sun.

The seemingly insurmountable problem was that of determining a ships longitude, and this became a crucial factor as voyages began to be made eastwest into the Atlantic and then across the Pacific. In principle, the solution to the problem was known as early as the 1530s, when Gemma Frisius pointed out that if a reliable clock set to the time at the port of departure was carried on board ship, the difference between that and local time (as determined by 38

Both images

noon observation of the sun) would show the longitudinal difference between the departure point and the ships current position. But until the development of chronometers in the eighteenth century, no clock existed that could keep accurate time during the buffetings of long sea voyages. Instead, for all practical purposes, navigators determined their longitude by dead reckoning. This would seem a straightforward enough matter, for the basic information needed was simply a ships course and speed. But these were subject to numerous factors, and an error in calculating any one of these could produce significant, sometimes catastrophic errors. During the long oceanic crossings of the Pacific, where ships might be out of sight of land for months at a time, and where the strength of the deep currents was difficult to gauge, cumulative errors could make nonsense of dead reckoning. As we have seen, this lay behind the navigational problems of the Mendaa expedition of 1567-8, which so underestimated the westward drift of the Pacific Ocean current that the run from the Peruvian coast to the Solomons was given as 5,242 nautical miles instead of 7,309. Little wonder that the return voyage took longer than expected! To sail to an unknown coast, to observe its position, and to record its profile, was only the initial part of the process of discovery. The next stage was the dissemination of the newly gained knowledge, and this presented its own difficulties. There might be political and commercial reasons why reports of discoveries should not be publicized, and international exchanges of information were often slow and grudging. The publication of the reports, journals, and charts of the navigators soon became a standard part of the exploration process, especially when it redounded to the greater glory of the nation involved. So in the seventeenth century, the Dutch discoveries in the Eastern Seas and the Pacific were displayed in the great tessellat-

EXTRACTS FROM THE 1492 JOURNAL OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS Pledging Ferdinand and Isabella prior to his first voyage in 1492 that he would . . . keep an account of the voyage, and write down punctually every thing we performed or saw . . . Columbus (in the third-person voice) detailed some of the navigational difficulties he experienced on his voyage.
Sunday, 9 September. Sailed this day nineteen leagues, and determined to count less than the true number, that the crew might not be dismayed if the voyage should prove long. In the night sailed one hundred and twenty miles, at the rate of ten miles an hour, which make thirty leagues. The sailors steered badly, causing the vessels to fall to leeward toward the northeast, for which the Admiral reprimanded them repeatedly. Sunday, 30 September. Continued their course west and sailed day and night in calms, fourteen leagues; reckoned eleven.Four tropic birds came to the ship, which is a very clear sign of land, for so many birds of one sort together show that they are not straying about, having lost themselves. Twice, saw two pelicans; many weeds. The constellation called Las Gallardias, which at evening appeared in a westerly direction, was seen in the northeast the next morning, making no more progress in a night of nine hours, this was the case every night, as says the Admiral. At night the needles varied a point towards the northwest, in the morning they were true, by which it appears that the polar star moves, like the others, and the needles are always right.
(Source: Journal of Christopher Columbus During His First Voyage 1492-93 and Documents Relating to the Voyages of John Cabot and Gasper Corte Real by Clements R. Markham. New York: Burt Franklin, 1972.)


ed wall map laid on the floor of the new city hall in Amsterdam for all to see. In the earlier age of Columbus, da Gama, and Magellan, of prime importance was the coincidence that the recent invention of the printing press enabled the documentary evidence brought back by the explorers, whether written or cartographical, to be circulated throughout Europe. So Columbuss letter describing his first voyage was published (in Latin) within six weeks of his return, and was soon reprinted and translated.

Later explorers preferred the brig above other ships.

On a different scale, accounts of Magellans voyage from which the survivors returned in 1521 were published in 1523 (after Del Cano and other survivors had been interviewed) and in 1525 (when parts of Pigafettas vivid journal appeared). On the other hand, the first account of Drakes circumnavigation was not published until nine years after his return in 1580, and then only a brief and scrappy narrative. Cartographical representations of the discoveries fell into two broad categories: surveys made by the navigators and attempts by geographers to put the surveys into a more general context, sometimes on a global scale. The best cartographers eagerly awaited the reports and charts of the seaborne explorers, but there was frustration on both sides. Navigators often brought back rough sketches and guess-work estimates; once formalised by the cartographer and his engraver, these took on a deceptive appearance of accuracy and permanence. Even in the late eighteenth century, Cook could write of fellow seamen who lay down the line of a coast they have never seen and put down soundings where they have never sounded. There was, however, a deeper problem. In the uncharted regions of the world, a navigators track was a thin line stretching across an immensity of ocean, his sighting of land a mere pinprick on the map. Some cartographers were honest enough to show this, and only this, on their maps. Others preferred to speculate about what lay beyond the masthead sighting; and here myth and legend, voyages of the imagination, fraud and deception, could come into play. Flamboyant creations appeared on the mapsa navigable Northwest Passage, a temperate southern continent, the great island of California. Reluctant collaborators, navigators and geographers worked together to fill in the blank spaces on the worlds surface, but it was not a symmetrical process. The accumulation of knowledge was a fragmentary, often haphazard business; discovery could be as accidental as deliberate.




What was the ideal ship type for oceanic exploration?

Suggested Reading
Cipolla, Carlo M. Guns, Sails and Empires: Technological Innovation and European Expansion 1400-1700. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 2000.

Other Books of Interest

Crane, Nicholas. Mercator: The Man Who Mapped the Planet. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 2003. Culver, Henry B. The Book of Old Ships: From Egyptian Galleys to Clipper Ships. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1992. Falconer, William. Falconers Marine Dictionary (1780). Clifton, NJ: Augustus M. Kelley Publishers (reprint edition), 1970.
(Editors note: This book is out of print and has limited availability for purchase. However, it is available at many public libraries. The book is full of technical information about ships and navigation of the period.)

Howarth, Stephen and Joseph Wheatly (Illustrator). Historic Sail: The Glory of the Sailing Ship from the 13th to the 19th Century. London: Greenhill Books, 2000. Smith, Roger C. Vanguard of Empire: Ships of Exploration in the Age of Columbus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. Sobel, Dava. Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time. New York: Penguin, 1996. Taylor, E.G.R. The Haven-Finding Art: A History of Navigation from Odysseus to Captain Cook. New York: Random House, 1971.

Websites to Visit
1. The British Cartographic Society website, which contains a list of publications and news in the field of cartography. 2. Extracts from the journals of Christopher Columbus.


Lecture 7: Life at Sea Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read Peter Earles Sailors: Englands Merchant Seamen, 1650-1775.

Consider this . . . What forces drove men to risk the many dangers of a life at sea?

e have seen how improvements in ship design and navigational instruments made long oceanic voyages technically feasible. What remains to be taken into account is the human factor, from the leadership qualities of the captain of a discovery vessel to the living conditions of the youngest ships boy. The rigid hierarchy and command structure of the naval vessels of the modern era was the exception rather than the rule on the discovery voyages, and crew dissatisfaction, perhaps culminating in mutiny, was a constant threat.
In 1611, after a mutiny aboard his ship Discovery, Mutiny rarely occurred on regular Henry Hudson, his son, and men loyal to him or distrading voyages. The destination liked by the mutineers, were set adrift in a small and approximate length of the voylifeboat in James Bay (at the lower end of what is now known as Hudson Bay). Hudson and his crew age were known, and although the had spent the winter iced-in while reputedly searching crew might grumble at delays or for a Northwest passage. Hudson and those set adrift poor conditions, they rarely took with him were never seen again. their dissatisfaction to the point of overthrowing their officers. Discovery voyages were in a different category. They were longer, aimed at an unknown destination, and afflicted by an air of uncertainty. As the provisions ran down, as no land was sighted, and as the distance from home increased, so fears and tensions rose.


Columbuss first voyage might have ended in failure if his crews worries had taken a sharper turn a few days before land was sighted. The voyages of Magellan and Drake showed that not all mutinies consisted of mass risings by the crew; rivalries among the officers could be just as dangerous. 42

Magellan and Drake were faced with challenges to their leadership from those on board who considered themselves at least equal to their commanders, and both men dealt with the ringleaders ruthlessly, as the executions at San Julian showed. The successors of Drake in the South Sea were the buccaneers of the seventeenth century, among whom mutiny was not a problem for the simple reason that there was rarely any legal authority in command. Instead, the buccaneers observed a rather flimsy system of self-discipline. They elected their captains and received no wages, but depended on the prizes they took. A captain who failed to find prizes was in a vulnerable position, and changes of command were frequent.

On Spanish voyages, a frequent source of discord was friction between sailors and soldiers, between the ships officers and those of military rank. Mendaas second voyage in 1595-6 has become a byword for dissension and disaster. Here the trouble was caused not only by the senior soldier, Camp Master Manrique, but by Mendaas wife, Doa Isabel, and her three brothers. At the island of Santa Cruz, Manrique was killed on Mendaas orders, but when the commander himself died shortly afterwards, authority was divided between the Chief Pilot, Quiros, and Mendaas wife. On the long voyage north to the Philippines, provisions ran out, but Doa Isabel refused to share her private hoard, and raided the remaining supplies of water to wash her clothes. When the ship eventually reached Manila, there were only a hundred survivors out of the four hundred who had sailed from Peru a year before. The Spanish coastguards who came aboard at Manila reported awful scenes of starving men, women, and children, while Doa Isabel still had food in plenty, including two pigs. Voyages such as Mendaas raise questions of why men signed on for gruelling exploration voyages or went to sea at all. For many, it was a last resort, but poverty and desperation were not the only reasons men went to sea. Among masters, pilots, gunners, and boatswains, family traditions were often strong; and a son might accompany his father to sea at an early age. There are many examples of this among Spanish seamen, while on English ships John Cabot, Francis Drake, and Henry Hudson all had young relatives on board. There were also less practical reasons. The later image of the sailor as a swaggering, free-and-easy type with a wife in every port had some basis in reality, and the lure of easy pickings also played a part. An expedition such as Drakes, part exploring, part plundering, brought huge financial gains, some of which filtered down to the crew. In the eighteenth century, Britain Parliament offered a 20,000 reward for the discovery of a Northwest Passagea huge sum in the currency of the time, where the wages of a seaman in the navy amounted to only 15 a year. 43

During their circumnavigation of the Earth, Englishman Francis Drake and his crew capture the Spanish ship, Nuestra Seora de la Cocepcion, laden with treasure. Drake raided ships and settlements as much as he explored on his journey.

Exoticism and eroticism cannot be ignored either, especially as reports of the Pacific islands reached Europe. In 1767 Samuel Wallis, in command of a British naval sloop, sighted Tahitiits first known sighting by Europeans. It was an island of idyllic beauty that for generations was to conjure up voluptuous images of the South Seas. To the crews of a discovery vessel after months at sea, the islands of Polynesia were an earthly paradise. To the breaking surf, palm-fringed beaches and towering volcanic peaks were added sensual overtonesof women and girls lining the beach, swimming out to the shipnubile, garlanded, and welcoming. The opportunities for sexual encounters, in the words of one of Walliss officers, made all our men madly fond of the shore. On shipboard, the crew lived in conditions of grim overcrowding and squalor. At best a sailor would only be allowed to take his sea chest on board. Not only would it contain all his worldly possessions, but it would also serve as seat and table. Vessels increased in size, but so did the size of the crews manning them, for not only were more needed for a voyage round the world, but there were also marines, naturalists, astronomers, and artists to be accommodated. To cope with the increased numbers, men sometimes lived for years in quarters where they could never stand upright. Discovery ships not only carried large crews, for disease, death, and desertion could all be expected to take their toll on long voyages, but they had to take with them provisions far in excess of what would be carried on, for example, a trading voyage across the Atlantic. On Pacific voyages, problems of shipboard health were most acute. There were many causes from which seamen could die: dysentery, typhus, starvation, and frostbite, to name a few, but the great killer was scurvy. It was the deadly accompaniment to the discovery voyages from da Gamas and Magellans onward. We have known, but only since the early twentieth century, that scurvy is caused by vitamin C deficiency. Many foodstuffs contain vitamin Cmilk and greens among them, but one of the most concentrated forms is found in citric fruits. Scurvy was associated above all with the sea because it was there that men were most likely to go for three months without any access to fresh vegetables, milk, or citrus fruit. By the late sixteenth century, seamen on long voyages had found a name for their afflictionscurvy in English, scorbut in French, escorbuto in Spanish. Physicians, distinguished and otherwise, wrote treatises on scurvy, though few had any practical experience of life at sea. In 1593, Richard Hawkins, on his voyage to the South Sea, witnessed the curative effects of lemons and oranges, and in the seventeenth century many English East India Company ships carried lemon juice, although the difficulty of finding and preserving sufficient quantities remained a constant problem. On their long eastbound voyages across the Pacific, the Manila galleons were said to resemble floating gardens, so much fruit and greenstuffs did they carry; but these would not last more than the first months of the six-month crossing. Long before the American coast was sighted, provisions were rotten and the water foul. Mortality on the crowded galleons was higha 20 percent rate was regarded as quite normal. But nothing could match for horror the saga of the San Jos, a galleon of the 1650s that was sighted drifting helplessly at sea off her 44


destination of Acapulco a year after she had left Manila, with everyone on board dead. In retrospect, the voyages of discovery represent a remarkable achievement against the odds. In clumsy wooden vessels, with inadequate instruments, and with crews beset with problems of diet, discipline, and health, the explorers ventured across thousands of miles of uncharted waters from the tropics to the frozen seas of the north. The cost of the knowledge gained was high. From John Cabots second expedition of 1498 to that of La Prouse in the 1780s, ships disappeared with all their crews. And even on those expeditions that returned, crew losses were high. They were, without exception, voyages of endurance and often of suffering. Not until the late eighteenth century could men sail on an oceanic voyage of discovery with a reasonable expectation that they would return safely.

Once citrus fruitsrich in Vitamin Cbecame a staple aboard ship on long voyages, the scourge of scurvy declined.



Why did men go to sea?

Suggested Reading
Earle, Peter. Sailors: Englands Merchant Seamen, 1650-1775. London: Methuen Drama, 1999.

Other Books of Interest

Prerez-Mallaina, Pablo and Carla Rahn Phillips (trans.). Spains Men of the Sea: Daily Life on the Indies Fleets in the Sixteenth Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.

Websites to Visit
1. The Mariners Museum page on the early tools of ship navigation. 2. ships/html/sh_000106_shipsofthewo.htm A historical encyclopedia of the ships of the world maintained by Houghton Mifflin. 3. A listing of links relating to nautical history sponsored by the Nautical Guild of St. Erasmus (East Kingdom). 4. Geoffrey Chaucers Treatise on the Astrolabe, c. 1391, presented by the Medieval Sourcebook. 5. The Seamans Secrets, a navigation manual written by English seaman and navigator John Davis around 1594.



Lecture 8: Voyages of Delusion: The Search for the Northwest Passage Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read Glyn Williamss Voyages of Delusion: The Quest for the Northwest Passage.


Consider this . . . What were the ultimate costs and rewards of the search for the Northwest Passage?

he search for the Northwest Passage was the holy grail of European seamen from the sixteenth century to the twentieth. As the successors of Columbus slowly realised the massive, continental dimensions of the new lands across the Atlantic, they began to search for a sea route through or around America. Seamen sailed along thousands of miles of coastline looking for a barrier through which they could reach the lands of the Orient and their fabulous riches, but they found only the distant and tortuous Strait of Magellan far to the south. More appealing would be a waterway through or around North America, and the search for this was encouraged by reports that in the littleknown region north of Mexico lay a great strait linking the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. By the middle of the sixteenth century, the strait had a name, Anian, but all Spanish efforts to find it failed. Nor did French expeditions probing along the eastern shores of North America have any more success, although they followed the St Lawrence River deep into the continent. For their part, English sea-

(1570-1611) Probably born about 1570, few facts are known about Hudson before his first voyage of discovery in 1607. It is possible that Hudson served John Davis on one of his arctic voyages to locate a Northwest Passage. After two earlier voyages north from England to find a northern passage to the East, Hudson, sailing under the Dutch flag, captained the Half Moon across the Atlantic. There he discovered the river that today bears his name. On that journey, he also explored much of the northeast coast of what is now the United States.


men sailed even farther north, where they searched for the route they called the Northwest Passage. The search began in earnest with the first voyage of Martin Frobisher in 1576 in the service of the Company of Cathay (or China)an indication of the expeditions objective. In a single small vessel, Frobisher struggled through tempestuous seas off Greenland to reach the southeast coast of Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. There he found an opening out of which surged a strong tide, surely, Frobisher argued, from a great sea or ocean to the west. Frobisher named the opening after himself, Frobishers Straits. In England, interest in this discovery was submerged by excitement over reports that mineral ore picked up by Frobishers men at their landing place contained gold, and the expeditions he led to Baffin Island in 1577 and 1578 were mining ventures rather than voyages of discovery. His third voyage was made with no fewer than fifteen shipsan enormous fleet for the period. On this voyage Frobisher, hindered by thick fog and ice, held his course too far south, and instead of entering Frobisher Bay, as his hoped-for strait is now called, he sailed for twenty days into an opening farther south before he realised his error. In irritation, he called it Mistaken Strait; it was in fact the great waterway into the heart of the Canadian North soon to be known as Hudson Strait. Nor were his mining efforts successful, for the shiploads of ore brought back from Baffin Island proved to be iron pyrites (fools gold). The following decade saw three more northern voyages led by the master mariner John Davis. On his first Arctic voyage in 1585, Davis landed on both the east and west coasts of Greenland and made contact with the local Inuit. In relatively ice-free conditions, he then crossed the southern part of Davis Strait and sailed 180 miles into Cumberland Sound on the east coast of Baffin Island. He returned to England claiming that he was on the verge of finding the Northwest Passage, but on a follow-up voyage the next year he was surprised to find Davis Strait choked with ice. The ice that pestered the ships prevented Davis from sailing westward as he had hoped, but on his third voyage in 1587 he planned to follow Davis Strait north. By the end of June he had reached latitude 73N before crossing Baffin Bay (as this great stretch of water would later be called) and coasting back south along its western shores. Cumberland Sound was entered once more, and this time followed to its end. Disappointed, Davis headed out of the inlet and kept south, keeping clear of a very great gulf where the waters whirled and roared. It was Hudson Strait. Despite Daviss optimism that his finding of open sea in far northern latitudes meant that the passage is most probable, the execution easy, this was the last of his Arctic voyages, in part because the war with Spain diverted ships and resources elsewhere. With peace signed with Spain in 1604, the search for a passage was taken up again, although no major new discovery was made until Henry Hudson, discoverer of the Hudson River, set sail in 1610. At the end of June he entered Hudson Strait in the Discovery, and unlike Frobisher and Davis, worked his way for six weeks against ice and tidal rips until he reached the huge bay that was soon to bear his name. Whether he was the first European discoverer of the great bay named after him is a matter of controversy, but it was Hudson who established the reality of an inland sea in the northern parts of the American 48


INUIT OF GREENLAND, ca. 1920 These Inuit people appear much the same as described by early arctic explorers searching for the Northwest Passage at the end of the sixteenth century.

continent. Within a few years, he had found two of the most important entry points into the North American continent, and the names of the Hudson River, Hudson Strait, and Hudson Bay still acknowledge the importance of his discoveries. After entering Hudson Bay, the Discovery worked its way to the bottom of the bay (later James Bay) before it was frozen in. Short of food, the crew spent a miserable winter, and when the ice broke up in the spring most opposed Hudsons intention of continuing the search for a passage westward. He, his son, and seven crew members were cast adrift in a small boat and were never seen again. It was long remembered as one of the classic tragedies of Arctic exploration. Reports from the survivors led to a determination in English mercantile circles to exploit the new discovery. Encouraged by royal patronage, almost 400 investors financed a series of expeditions, of which the most important were two voyages commanded by Robert Bylot, who had been on Hudsons last voyage and was now accompanied as pilot by William Baffin. In 1615, Bylot and Baffin led an expedition to search for a passage along the northwest coast of Hudson Bay. As their ship, the long-serving Discovery, struggled through Hudson Strait, Baffin made the first reasonably accurate chart of the strait, calculating longitude by means of lunar observations (an unheard-of accomplishment in this period). But the main quest was unsuccessful, and on the question of whether there was a passage through Hudson Bay, Baffin wrote, I am doubtful, supposing the contrary. In 1616, Bylot and Baffin pushed north through heavy ice in Davis Strait until they reached open water, the North Water of Baffin Bay, as the whalers later called it. In latitude 78N (the farthest north reached by ships until the nineteenth century), the voyagers sighted Smith Sound stretching even farther north. As the ship turned back south along the west coast of Baffin Bay another great opening came in sight, Lancaster Sound. In the nineteenth century, it proved to be the entrance of the Northwest Passage, but Baffin simply noted 49

that it was blocked by ice and sailed on. Soon they were on that part of the coast already explored by Frobisher and Davis, and Baffin concluded there is no passage nor hope of passage in the north of Davis Strait. In 1619, a Danish frigate and sloop, commanded by Jens Munk, sailed for Hudson Bay to explore its western coast. The expedition was notable less for its discoveries than for its harrowing experiences. After a difficult passage through Hudson Strait, it was the end of August before the two vessels reached Hudson Bay. Munk headed southwest across the Bay until he reached Churchill River, where the ships became frozen in. Hunting was essential to keep the men active and to provide fresh food, but as the temperature fell and the snow increased in depth, they were unable to leave the ships. Soon men were dying daily, mostly from scurvy. By early June, only Munk and two others were left alive out of a total of sixty-four. In mid-July, the three men embarked on their homeward voyage, and, remarkably, reached Denmark by the end of 1620. By odd coincidence, two English discovery expeditions left for Hudson Bay in 1631 within a few weeks of each other: that of Luke Foxe, financed by London merchants, the other commanded by Thomas James from Bristol. The expeditions made overlapping searches of Hudson Bay, and at one stage met each other and exchanged some rather frosty courtesies. Whereas Foxe sailed for home at the end of the exploring season, James decided to winter in the south of Hudson Bay (todays James Bay). By midSeptember, the rigging froze every night, and by morning there were six inches of snow on the deck. James decided to scuttle his ship. The winter was an ordeal, with the men suffering from hunger, scurvy, and frostbite, and four of them died. In the spring, the crew baled out and repaired the ship, and although it was badly damaged, it reached Bristol in October 1632. The narratives of James and the other explorers of the northern regions were a reminder of what the crews had endured. Yet among the hazards, lessons were learned. Seamen gained experience that would allow later adventurers to exploit the resources of a region whose first explorers had suffered hardship and death.




A triumph of wishful thinking over experience. Does this describe the search for a Northwest Passage in this period?

Suggested Reading
Williams, Glyndwr. Voyages of Delusion: The Quest for the Northwest Passage. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003.

Other Books of Interest

McDermott, James. Martin Frobisher: Elizabethan Privateer. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2001. Quinn, D.B. England and the Discovery of America 1481-1620. New York: Random House, 1974. Savours, Ann. The Search for the North West Passage. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 1999.

Websites to Visit James Linds A Treatise of the Scurvy reproduced on-line by the University of Virginia.

Recorded Books
Gibson, Gregory. Demon of the Waters: The True Story of the Mutiny on the Whaleship Globe. Narrated by Richard M. Davidson. UNABRIDGED Recorded Books, 2002. 7 cassettes/9.25 hours. To order Recorded Books, call 1-800-638-1304 or go to Also available for rental.


Lecture 9: The Pacific Ocean: The Great Unknown Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read Miriam Estensens Discovery: The Quest for the Great South Land.

Consider this . . . How did the Pacific craze affect the popular imagination of Europeans in the 1600s?

t the end of the sixteenth century, eighty years after Magellans voyage, Europes knowledge of the Pacific was still sketchy and incomplete, and the process of discovery was to be slow and drawn-out. The European arrival in the Pacific is only the most recent phase in the human history of the region, for long before Magellans ships entered the Pacific, its 25,000 or so islands had been subject to a steady process of exploration, migration, and settlement. To its own inhabitants, the Pacific was known, and some indication of their knowledge is suggested by a chart drawn in 1769 on Captain Cooks first voyage by Tuapaia, a priest and navigator from the Society Islands. Taking Tahiti as its centre, the chart showed seventy-four islands in all, scattered across an area of ocean roughly equal in area to the United States. The type of craft used in Pacific voyaging ranged from the small single-hulled outriggers of Micronesia to giant double-hulled outriggers in Polynesia that could make voyages of several thousand miles. Navigation was by observa-

0 ABEL J. TASMAN (1603-1659) Widely considered the greatest Dutch explorer, Abel Tasman discovered Tasmania, New Zealand, Tonga, and the Fiji Islands. Tasman sailed in the service of the Dutch East India Trading Company, which chose him to explore the Southern Hemisphere. At the time, it was still believed that there might be a southern continent to which Australia was attached. His circumnavigation of Australia thereafter proved that this was not the case.
(Source: Abel Janszoon Tasman. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopdia Britannica Premium Service.)



tion of stars, currents, wave- and wind-patterns, and the shape and loom of the land rather than by instruments. Long-distance voyages were made that led to the peopling by Polynesians of lands as far distant from each other as the Hawaiian Islands in the north and New Zealand in the far south. For Europeans who ventured into the great ocean, the obstacles seemed overwhelming. The sheer size of an ocean that covered one-third of the globes surface presented problems: determining longitude, the threat of scurvy on the one hand, mutiny on the other, and the constraints of wind and current all posed formidable obstacles to methodical exploration. Magellans successors made slow progress in filling in the blanks on the map, and little progress was made in answering the two great questions that Europeans askedwas there a great southern continent, and was there a navigable Northwest Passage? Spanish explorations faltered and died early in the seventeenth century after the expedition of Pedro de Quiros, who had been chief pilot of Mendaas disastrous voyage in the 1590s. Ten years later, in 1606, Quiros made one more attempt to find the southern continent. In May 1606 he sighted and named Espiritu Santo, the main island in the group later known as the New Hebrides (todays Vanuatu), and decided it was part of the continent. The attempt to found a settlement there, New Jerusalem, ended in violence and the abandonment of the venture. Even so, the discovery of Espiritu Santo was inflated by Quiros to epic proportions. It was, he claimed, the fifth part of the terrestrial globe, an earthly paradise with numerous inhabitants waiting to be converted. Quiros never returned to the South Pacific, and it was altogether appropriate that a different and more realistic view of the region should be taken by the Dutch, enemies to Spain both in Europe and overseas. As the Dutch East India Company began to establish itself in the Spice Islands at the expense of the Portuguese, so it sent out expeditions to investigate the unknown seas

DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY The Dutch East India Company was formed in 1602 by Dutch authorities to establish direct links for trade in the Spice Islands. Up until the late sixteenth century, the Dutch were the principal distributors to Northern Europe of valuable cargo brought from the East by Portuguese traders. Spains rulers imposed restrictions on this network when they forced the Portuguese to sign a treaty after years of conflict between the two powers. Rather than suffer the economic loss of profitable trade, the Dutch quickly capitalized on Portuguese weakness and set about taking over contracts with Eastern leaders during the last two decades of the 1500s. The Dutch East India Company operated a virtual monopoly on the trade of spices and, eventually, other commodities from China, Japan, and hundreds of islands in the South Pacific. Dutch merchants continued to dominate trade in the Far East until the late 1700s when other, stronger European powers imposed their will on the region.
(Source: In Pursuit of Pepper and Tea: The Story of the Dutch East India Company by E.M. Jacobs, Netherlands Maritime Museum Walburg Pers, 1991.)


and lands to the south. In 1605, a year before Quiros reached Espiritu Santo, the Dutch made their first landfall on the Australian coast, in the Gulf of Carpentaria. This was the first of a series of reconnaissance probes along the northern and western shores of the unknown continent in the first half of the seventeenth century. These culminated in the far-reaching explorations of Abel Tasman, who in 1642-3 sailed south of New Holland (the name given by the Dutch to what is now Australia), touched on the coast of Van Diemens Land (Tasmania), and then sailed east to a land he named New Zealand before heading north to Tonga.

Anton Van Diemen,

15931645 By circumnavigating the Australian landmass, if at a distance, Tasman had shown that it could not Governor-general for the Dutch East India Company after 1636, be part of a great southern continent stretching he captured Ceylon (Sri Lanka) towards Cape Horn. The unknown continent was and Malacca from the Portupushed back at least as far as the stretch of the guese and sent Abel Tasman on exploring voyages. New Zealand coastline that he had sighted. Landing only briefly, and for the most part along the north and south coasts of Australia, the Dutch accounts described a land that was arid and barren, with little in the way of resources, and inhabited by a few primitive nomads who seemed as backward as any people in the world.

Amid the disappointments, there were some notable achievements, for it was in this period of Dutch exploration that the expedition of Jacob Le Maire and Isaac Schouten (1615-16) found an alternative route into the Pacific from the east. They sailed from Europe to South America, and then past the Atlantic entrance to the Strait of Magellan, round Cape Horn, and into the South Sea. In time, the passage round the Horn rather than that through the narrow windings of the strait became the normal route. A map of the Pacific in the early eighteenth century makes it clear that the uncertainties still outnumbered the certainties. In the North Pacific stretched the one regular European trade route across the ocean, the galleon run between the Philippines and Mexico, but little was known outside the galleons tracks. Japans coasts had been charted by the Dutch, but the ocean to the north and east remained unexplored, and the Pacific coast of America was known only as far north as California. In the South Pacific, there had been sightings of some island groups near the diagonal sailing course between the tip of South America and the East Indies, but their location seemed to shift from voyage to voyage. The coasts of New Guinea and of the western half of New Holland, together with short stretches of the shoreline of Van Diemens Land and New Zealand, had been roughly charted, but their relationship with each other and with the hoped-for southern continent was unknown. If the geography of the Pacific was blurred, so was knowledge of its inhabitants, for successive surges of migration across the ocean had produced a complex racial and cultural pattern in its three main island groups Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. The observations of the explorers 54


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were usually hasty and superficial. Encounters varied from friendly to violent, but all too often ended with a blast of cannon or musket on one side and a shower of stones and spears on the other. National rivalries in the mid-eighteenth century brought a revival of interest in the Pacific, and in particular after Commodore Ansons voyage of 1740-44 in the war between Britain and Spain. After capturing the Acapulco treasure galleon off the Philippines, Anson brought back a colossal treasure to wartime Britain, but at an appalling cost in lives. Out of more than 1900 men who sailed from England, almost 1400 died on the voyagefour from enemy accident, a few from shipboard accidents, the rest from scurvy or other diseases. After the ending of the Seven Years War in 1763, both Britain and France experienced a Pacific craze. Politicians assumed that the unexplored lands of the Pacific held resources sufficient to tilt the commercial balance of power in Europefor Britain a confirmation of her overseas superiority brought about by the wartime conquests, for France a chance to redress the humiliations of an unsuccessful war and an imposed peace. The first voyage in the new era of state-sponsored Pacific exploration was Commodore John Byrons in 1764. Foul-weather Jack followed the normal slanting sailing route from the tip of South America across the Pacific and made few discoveries of note. Two years later, the Admiralty sent out two more ships, commanded by Captain Samuel Wallis and Lieutenant Philip Carteret, with orders to sail into high latitudes in search of the southern continent. A few months later, ships of the French navy left European waters under the command of one of the outstanding Frenchmen of the day, LouisAntoine Bougainville, also bound for the Pacific. After becoming separated from Walliss ship, the enterprising Carteret crossed the Pacific farther south than any of his predecessors and in doing so removed part of the supposed southern continent from the maps. Wallis took a more cautious route across the ocean, but his voyage was marked by a chance discoverythe island of Tahiti in the heart of Polynesia. Bougainvilles ships reached Tahiti the next year, and from Tahiti, Bougainville sailed west through the Samoan group and on to the Espiritu Santo discovered by Quiros 250 years earlier. This he found to be an island, not part of a continent, as the Spanish navigator had imagined. The French ships continued westward in search of the unknown east coast of New Holland before the outliers of the Great Barrier Reef forced them away north. For all the flurry of activity that these voyages represented, the central issues of Pacific geography were no nearer solution. The fabulous continent of Terra Australis had simply receded a little farther south; New Holland was still the western outline of a land of unknown extent; islands discovered and undiscovered remained to be properly identified and located. In the North Pacific, Russian expeditions had found a few pinpricks of land that might or might not be part of the American continent, but a navigable Northwest Passage remained as elusive as ever.



What differences do you see between the Polynesian voyages of the pre-contact period and those of the European explorers?

Suggested Reading
Estensen, Miriam. Discovery: The Quest for the Great South Land. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000.

Other Books of Interest

Anderson, Grahame. The Merchant of the Zeehaen: Isaac Gilsemans and the Voyages of Abel Tasman. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Papa Press, 2001. Finney, Ben. Voyage of Rediscovery: A Cultural Odyssey Through Polynesia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. Jacobs, E.M. In Pursuit of Pepper and Tea: The Story of the Dutch East India Company. Amsterdam: Netherlands Maritime Museum Walburg Pers, 1991. Lewis, David and Sir Oulton Derek (ed.). We the Navigators: The Ancient Art of Landfinding in the Pacific. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994. Spate, O.H.K. The Pacific Since Magellan, Vol. II, Monopolists and Freebooters. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1983. Williams, Glyndwr. The Prize of All the Oceans: The Dramatic True Story of Commodore Ansons Voyage Round the World and How He Seized the Spanish Treasure Galleon. New York: Viking Press, 2000.

Websites to Visit
1. Netherlands Maritime Museum site. (There is a button for an English summary.) 2. Information on the voyage of Commodore John Byron. 3. Information on the voyage of Captain Samuel Wallis.

4. Information on the voyage of Captain Philip Carteret.


Lecture 10: The Rambling Voyages of William Dampier Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read William Dampiers A New Voyage Round the World: The Journal of an English Buccaneer.


Consider this . . . How did William Dampiers observations contribute to the methodology of scientific exploration?

he figure of William Dampier has come down to us in more than one guise: as buccaneer, privateer, explorer, and author. In terms of years spent voyaging, of miles travelled, and of areas of the world visited, his achievement was extraordinary, and has perhaps been masked by the title of his best-known book, A New Voyage Round the World, first published in 1697. What the book in fact described was not a single voyage, but a whole series of wanderings, detours, and diversions that lasted more than a dozen years. Born in a small village in Dorset in the West of England, Dampier soon abandoned thoughts of a quiet rural existence, and by his early twenties was working as a supervisor on a Jamaican sugar plantation. His rambling instincts soon took him away from the confines of the plantation and into the ranks of the buccaneers who were terrorising shipping on the Spanish Main. There he began to keep a journal. Dampier had joined the buccaneers at a crucial moment, for in

0 WILLIAM DAMPIER (1651-1715) An English buccaneer and explorer, Dampier, an orphan from the age of sixteen, sailed to Newfoundland, the East Indies, and the Gulf of Mexico, among other journeys. The author of the wildly successful book, A New Voyage Round the World, Dampiers powers of observation contributed to the field of scientific exploration. One such observation was recorded in his ships log, where he penned the first known European description of a typhoon.
(Source: William Dampier. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopdia Britannica Premium Service.)


1680, some of the most daring among them crossed the Panama Isthmus and descended onto the thinly defended Pacific coasts of Spanish America. There neither exploration nor trade was of much interest to themGold was the bait that tempted a Pack of Merry Boys of us, one of them wrote. In Dampiers journal, we can read how his companions, violent, disputatious, and anarchic, looted and burnt their way along the Pacific coasts from Chile to Mexico. Dampiers personal role in the buccaneers bloody activities is unclear. He never became captain of a buccaneer vessel, despite the constant turnover of commanders, and his journal describes the events of these years in a curiously detached way. Incident followed incident, some of them to live on in the works of more illustrious writers. For example, in 1684, Dampier landed at Juan Fernandez, five hundred miles off the coast of Chile. There he found Will, a Miskito Indian accidentally stranded on the island three years earlier, whose experiences formed part of the material that Daniel Defoe later drew on for his Robinson Crusoe. Will may have served as an inspiration for Man Friday, but his resourcefulness has more than an echo of Crusoe himself. Dampiers description of Wills lifestyle on the island is not far from that of Crusoe: He had with him his gun and a knife, with a small horn of powder, and a few shot, which being spent, he contrived a way by notching his knife, to saw the barrel of his gun into small pieces, wherewith he made harpoons, lances, hooks and a long knife, heating the pieces first in the fire . . . With such instruments as he made in that manner, he got such provision as the island afforded, either goats or fish. He told us that at first he was forced to eat seal, which is very ordinary meat, before he had made hooks: but afterwards he never killed any seals but to make lines, cutting their skins into thongs. He had a little house or hut half a mile from the sea, which was lined with goats skin: his couch of sticks lying about two foot off the ground was spread with the same, and was all his bedding. He had no clothes left, but only a skin about his waist. The very number of buccaneers now arriving in the South Sea hindered their search for profit as they jostled for prizes and every Spaniard seemed aware of their presence. Dampier was among those who looked further afield, and in 1685, intent as he said on further discoveries, he and Captain Swan in the Cygnet headed west across the North Pacific towards Guam and the Philippinesan 8,000 mile voyage. When Guam was sighted after fifty days, the ship was down to three days of provision, and the crew were on the verge of mutiny. The Cygnet spent seven months in the South China Seas before sailing south through the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies until, by the end of 1687, it was near Timor, southernmost of the Dutch islands. It then kept on south into waters totally unknown to English seamen, and in January 1688 reached the west coast of New Holland (todays Australia). After New Holland, Dampier left the Cygnet, and spent more than two years sailing in the Eastern Seas. At last he was showing signs of travel-weariness, and in September 1691, he arrived back in England. In 1697, his New Voyage Round the World was published, and was an immediate success. Its descriptions of life as a buccaneer had tremendous 58


Dampier with aboriginal Australians

narrative excitement, but there were also sections on natural history, on the customs of exotic peoples, and, throughout, suggestions for new overseas enterprises. Dampier acknowledged that he had assistance in writing his account, and guesses as to the identity of these helpers have included two of the most celebrated literary figures of the ageJonathan Swift and Daniel Defoe. But there is no direct evidence, and it seems unlikely that any will emerge.

By 1699, the New Voyage was in its fourth edition, and in that year his publisher brought out a second volume of Dampiers travels, including material that had been squeezed out of the 1697 volume. Dampier had become a minor celebrityso much so that in 1699 he was given the command of a naval discovery expedition to Australia. The detached observer who had made a virtue out of his refusal to accept a position of authority on board ship was now a captain in the Royal Navy. Dampier had probably been wise in his earlier reluctance, for both his voyages as captain were marked by dissension and dispute. In 1699, he sailed with a captains commission in the Navy in command of the Roebuck, bound on a voyage of discovery to New Holland and, hopefully, the great southern continent. The voyage was a troubled and contentious one. Dampier found the ship inadequate, and the crew worseignorant, obstinate, and refractory. Most serious were the quarrels with his first lieutenant, George Fisher, who in the end was sent back in irons. Despite the problems, Dampier carried out some useful exploration along the coasts of Australia, New Guinea, and New Britainuntil on the return voyage the decrepit Roebuck sank at her anchorage at Ascension Island. Back in England, Dampier faced court martial. The court found him guilty of very hard and cruel usage towards his lieutenant, fined him all his pay for the voyage, and added that the said Captain Dampier is not a fit person to be employed as commander of any of Her Majestys ships. The court martials verdict was in June 1702, but as war with France resumed, Dampiers services were soon in demand again. In January 1703 he was appointed to the command of a 200-ton privateer, the St George, bound for the South Sea with a smaller consort vessel. The expedition was a disaster from beginning to end, and perhaps not surprisingly, Dampier never published his journal. The only full-length account of the voyage was by his mate, no friend of Dampiers, and is studded with examples of the captains alleged incapacity, cowardice, and drunkenness. For the investors, the voyage was a disasterboth ships lost and little or nothing in prize-money. The expedition confirmed what the Roebuck voyage had already indicated, that 59

whatever his skills as a navigator and observer, Dampier lacked the qualities of an effective captain. There is recognition of this in Dampiers last voyage, the privateering venture of Woodes Rogers to the South Sea, for he sailed in an advisory rather than executive positionthat of Pilot for the South Seas. That Dampier, alone among the officers, was promised a share in the owners profits was acknowledgment that Dampier knew more about the Pacific than any other Englishman. The captains of the two vessels were instructed, You are to consult your pilot Captain Dampier on whose knowledge in those parts we do mainly depend upon for satisfactory success. But sadly, all the evidence is that his advice became less and less heeded as the voyage went on. Even so, when the ships reached European waters, the news of their arrival sent to the British government began with the words, Dampier is alive. Dampier had travelled farther than any other Englishman; he had, among much else, circumnavigated the world three times. But his importance lies in the fact that he had not only travelled, but had observed and recorded. His New Voyage was to be translated into several languages and has rarely been out of print. It was to serve as a model for the travel accounts of the eighteenth century, and continues to be of interest to scholars from different disciplinesbotanists, climatologists, historians, and anthropologists. We know little about Dampiers last years except that he died during the winter of 171415, admitting shortly before his death that he was diseased and weak in bodybut still of sound and perfect mind.




A better travel-writer than a captain. Is this a fair assessment of William Dampier?

Suggested Reading
Dampier, William and Milton Giles (ed.). A New Voyage Round the World: The Journal of an English Buccaneer. Londonderry, VT: Hummingbird Press, 1998.

Other Books of Interest

Cordingly, David. Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates. New York: Random House, 1996. Gill, Anton. The Devils Mariner: A Life of William Dampier, Pirate and Explorer 1651-1715. London: Michael Joseph, 1997. Preston, Diana and Michael Preston. A Pirate of Exquisite Mind: Explorer, Naturalist, and Buccaneer: The Life of William Dampier. New York: Walker and Company, 2004. Williams, Glyndwr. The Great South Sea: English Voyages and Encounters 1570-1750, Chapters IV & V. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997.


Lecture 11: Vitus Bering and the Russian Discovery of America Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read Orcutt Frosts Bering: The Russian Discovery of America.

Consider this . . . What were the most daunting challenges faced by Bering on his expeditions?


t the beginning of the eighteenth century, the lands and waters of the North Pacific were for Europeans among the least-known areas of the inhabited globe. This remote region presented baffling problems to geographers, not least the relationship between Asia and America. Whether the two continents were connected by a land bridge, or separated by sea, was uncertain. French explorers pushing westward along the rivers and lakes of North America could throw no light on the puzzle, for they had not got far beyond the line of the Mississippi. On the Pacific coast, the Spaniards from their Mexican ports had by the early seventeenth century carried out sketchy surveys of the coast as far north as Cape Blanco (latitude 43N) in California. This marked the southernmost point of the longest unexplored coastline in the world, for across the waters of the North Pacific the next known point of land was the Asian peninsula of Kamchatka, and that was 5,000 miles distant. What lay between no one knew. The explorer who did most to throw light on this mystery was Vitus Bering.

0 VITUS JONASSEN BERING (1681-1741) Danish navigator Vitus Bering was born in Horsens, Denmark. After joining the fleet of Tsar Peter I the Great as a sublieutenant, the tsar placed him in command of an expedition to find a land bridge between Asia and North America. On his second expedition to the area, known as Russias Great Northern Expedition, Bering contracted scurvy. His ship was wrecked and he died on Bering Island near the Kamchatka Peninsula.
(Source: Vitus Bering. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopdia Britannica Premium Service.)


Berings Overland Route to First Voyage 1725-1730

Graphi-Ogre - France

Since the sixteenth century, Cossacks had pushed slowly across the great spaces that lay beyond the Urals, and in 1706, the Russians reached the southern tip of Kamchatka. During the push eastward, a Russian trader, Semen Deshnev, had sailed round the eastern extremity of Asia (todays Cape Dezhneva) in a flimsy craft, but his report had been lost and his discovery forgotten. When Tsar Peter I (the Great) visited western Europe in 1716 and 1717, he was asked about the extent of the Asian continent, but was unable to give definite answers. On his return to Russia, he took up the matter, and shortly before his death in 1725, he appointed Vitus Bering, an experienced Danish officer in the Russian navy, to command an expedition east from Kamchatka to settle the matter. Berings task was a formidable one. After a colossal trek across Siberia, Bering and his party reached Okhotsk. There they built a vessel, sailed to the west shore of Kamchatka, and crossed overland to the peninsulas east coast, where they built another small boat. They had come 6,000 miles from St Petersburg and had spent three years doing so. In this vessel, the St Gabriel, Bering sailed north along the Kamchatkan coast and in August 1728 sailed through the strait that now carries his name. On a clear day, America can be seen across the water, but haze hid the opposite shore, and Bering failed to bring back definite information as to the whereabouts of the American continent. Four years later, Mikhail Gvosdev sighted the American shore while on a voyage in Berings old ship, but referred to it merely as bolshaya zemlya (big land), a hint but no more of a continent. Berings own report and chart of the momentous but inconclusive voyage reached western Europe in the 1730s. The chart showed the eastern tip of Asia which Bering had reached as an unnamed cape close to the righthand margin of the page, and so avoided any commitment to the existence of land across the water to the east. Even so, it considerably reduced the possi63

bility of a northern land bridge between Asia and America, and raised the hopes of those who were interested in the discovery of either a Northeast Passage (around Asia) or a Northwest Passage (around America). In the meantime, Bering had been entrusted with a second, more ambitious project: the Second Kamchatka, or Great Northern Expedition. The main expedition under Bering was to build two brigs at Okhotsk, sail them to Kamchatka, and then head southeast in search of the mysterious lands that Dutch navigators claimed to have sighted in the previous century. The French astronomer Joseph-Nicolas Delisle, working at the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences, produced a map and a memoir that greatly influenced the course, and the fate, of Berings second expedition, for it marked the countries supposedly lying southeast of Kamchatka. Following this chart, Bering in the St Peter and Aleksei Chirikov in the St Paul, they left Avacha Bay on the east coast of Kamchatka in the spring of 1741. They sailed southeast to where Company Land and Gama Land were thought to be. After losing company with Bering, Chirikov sailed northeast until he sighted a coastline in latitude 55N (near present-day Sitka in Alaska), but soon after lost both his boats with their crews, probably in the fierce tidal rips of this part of the coast. Unable to land anywhere, Chirikov turned for home, and after a difficult voyage through the Aleutian chain of islands, reached Kamchatka. Bering held a more northerly course than Chirikov, and his first sight of land was the towering peak of Mount St Elias in Alaska. He anchored at Kayak Island, the first known landing by Europeans on the northwest coast of America. The St Peter, with its crew weakened by scurvy, sailed back through the Shumagin and Aleutian Islands, onto a harbour that they hoped was on the east coast of Kamchatka, near their starting point of Avacha Bay. In fact, it was a small island a hundred miles from the mainland, and it became a death trap where Bering and several of his crew died. The survivors, led by Waxell and Steller, reached Avacha Bay the next summer. Berings character has remained an enigma. He left no written record of his second voyage, so our accounts come from others on the St Peter who were not always well disposed towards him. He has been criticised for timidity on his first voyage, when he failed to discover the American coast, and for lack of enterprise and indecisiveness on his second. The discovery in 1991 on Bering Island of his remains has drastically modified this image. He was a well-built, muscular man, and, for a man of sixty, in good health until his last terrible weeks. Taken with recognition of the hardships and achievements of those long treks across Siberia before his ships were launched into the waters of Kamchatka, a new and more favourable interpretation of the Danish seaman is now emerging.

The American landfalls of Berings second voyage represented one of the defining moments of world geography. The journals show that expedition members were convinced that they had landed in America, and for Steller in particular, even a shore excursion of a few hours was enough to reveal a land of great promise. Nevertheless, the expedition had not proved that the land sighted was the American continent, and that it was part of the big land sighted by Gwosdev across Berings strait ten years earlier. Doubts about the significance of the 64

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The Voyages of Vitus Bering, 1725-1730 and 1733-1741

expeditions explorations were increased by the failure of the Russian authorities to publish any proper account of the voyage until 1758. This uncertainty was now increased by the intervention of two Frenchmen, Joseph-Nicolas Delisle and Philippe Buache. As we have seen, Delisle was much involved with the planning of the second Bering expedition, and when in 1747 he returned to France after twenty-one years in St Petersburg, he brought with him a collection of maps and manuscripts that he sold to Louis XV. He shared his information on the Russian discoveries with his uncle, Philippe Buache, the leading geographer in France at this time. In 1750, Delisle read a paper on Berings discoveries to the prestigious Academy of Sciences in Paris and accompanied it with a map constructed by Buache. As far as the Russian explorations were concerned, Delisle had disappointingly little to say, although he insisted that Berings ship had been wrecked soon after leaving Kamchatka, and that the only explorations had been carried out by Chirikov in the St Paul, on board which was Delisles half-brother. But what followed was a bombshell. Delisle linked the fragmentary Russian discoveries on the northwest coast of America with the alleged explorations of a Spanish admiral, De Fonte, who in 1640 was supposed to have made an extraordinary discovery voyage north from Lima to the northwest coast. There, in latitude 53N he found an opening that took him into a network of inland waterways deep into the heart of the continent. At his farthest east he encountered a Boston ship, which had reached that point by way of a strait from Hudson Bay. If the report was correct, there wasafter alla navigable Northwest Passage. Not only was the account fictitious, but so was De Fonte. The account was a hoax, but in the hands of Delisle and Buache, it became the foundation stone of an elaborate system of theoretical geography that influenced exploration in the North Pacific for the rest of the century. In 1758, a book, Voyages from Asia to America, written by Gerhard Friedrich Mller, became the standard account of the Bering phase of Russian explorations in the North Pacific. Mller admitted that Bering on his first voyage had not brought back the conclusive information expected, but he insisted, correctly, that his explorations in 1728, and Gwosdevs four years later, had shown that there is a real separation between the two parts of the world, Asia and America, that it consists only of a narrow strait. His account of the second expedition described the explorations of both Bering and Chirikov, which he pointed out diminished the chances of finding a Northwest Passage since they seemed to show that beyond California the coast curved away far to the northwest.




In what ways did speculative geographers obscure Berings achievements as an explorer?

Suggested Reading
Frost, Orcutt. Bering: The Russian Discovery of America. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003.

Other Books of Interest

Fisher, Raymond H. The Voyage of Semen Dezhnev in 1648: Berings Precursor. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 1998. Moller, Peter Ulf and Natasha Lind. Under Vitus Berings Command: Recent Findings and New Perspectives on the Russian Kamchatka Expeditions (Berengiana, 1). Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press, 2004. Mller, Gerhard Friedrich. Voyages from Asia to America. Anchorage: University of Alaska Press, 1986. Steller, Georg Wilhelm and Orcutt Frost (ed.). Journal of a Voyage with Bering, 1741-1742. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 1993.

Websites to Visit
1. The text to Wiliam Dampiers A New Voyage Round the World on-line. 2. The text to Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe on-line.

Recorded Books
Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Narrated by Ron Keith. UNABRIDGED Recorded Books, 1991. 9 cassettes/13.5 hours. Also on CD. To order Recorded Books, call 1-800-638-1304 or go to Also available for rental.


Lecture 12: The Pacific Voyages of James Cook Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read John C. Beagleholes The Life of Captain James Cook.

Consider this . . . How did Cooks voyages change Europes understanding of the Pacific?

aptain Cooks three voyages revealed the Pacific to Europe in a way no previous explorations had done. As the books, charts, and engraved views came off the presses, Cook became a figure of European renown. Other explorers were in the Pacific during the years that Cooks ships were out, but attention was focused on the methodical, comprehensive explorations of the remarkable Englishman. Born in 1728 in Yorkshire to humble parents, Cook first went to sea in colliers operating out of Whitby and underwent an arduous training in that hard school of seamanship along the east coast of England. In 1755, he turned down the offer to command a collier to join the Royal Navy as an able seaman, and within two years passed his masters examinations and became qualified for that most responsible of naval posts, the navigation and handling of a royal ship. Cook spent most of the Seven Years War in North American waters, where he took part in the surveying of the St Lawrence as a preliminary to the British assault on Quebec. After


0 JAMES COOK (1728-1779) James Cook spent his early years on the farm where his father worked. While serving an apprenticeship in a general store in a coastal village near Whitby, Cook was given the opportunity to serve as an apprentice to shipowner John Walker. After much useful practical training, Cook passed up a promising career as a working seaman to join the Royal Navy, where his skills quickly attracted notice.
(Source: James Cook. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopdia Britannica Premium Service.)


the war, he spent five years in command of a small naval schooner surveying the intricate and fogbound coastline of Newfoundland, and his charts marked a new standard in British hydrographical surveys. He studied mathematics and astronomy, and in contrast to some of his predecessors in the Pacific, possessed the technical skills needed to make an effective explorer. When in 1768 the Admiralty decided to follow up the expedition of Samuel Wallis and Philip Carteret with another voyage to the Pacific, it chose Cook as commander even though he was not a commissioned officer. Cooks vessel was a bluff-bowed Whitby collier modified for the venture and renamed the Endeavour. The Resolution of the second and third voyages was of the same build, and even came from the same shipyard in Whitby. Cooks first voyage (1768-71) was a collaborative venture by the Admiralty and the Royal Society. First, there would be the voyage to Tahiti for astronomical observations, but then Cook was to sail south in search of the great southern continent. Cooks instructions for the voyage were to report on all aspects of the new lands discovered and to bring back specimens, drawings, and surveys. Shortly before Cook sailed, the President of the Royal Society, Lord Morton, added his own instructions, appealing to Cook for the utmost patience and forbearance with respect to the natives of the several lands where the ship may touch. Cook sailed first to Tahiti, the third European expedition to visit the island, where he and his accompanying scientists carried out observations of the Transit of Venus. Then the Endeavour sailed south. Cook reached latitude 40S without sighting land, and he noted that the long rolling swell coming from the south argued against the existence of any great land mass in that direction. He then turned west to New Zealand, whose coasts he charted in a little over six months by means of a superb running survey that showed, among much else, that the two islands were not part of a continent. From there, Cook pointed the Endeavour towards that region of mystery, the unexplored eastern parts of New Holland. Cook reached Australian shores just north of Van Diemens Land (Tasmania), and coasted northwards, stopping at Botany Bay (near present-day Sydney) and then at Endeavour River (Queensland) after the ship was almost wrecked on the Great Barrier Reef. From there he sailed through Torres Strait, and so settled the question of whether New Holland and New Guinea were separated or not, and home by way of a stay at Batavia (Jakarta) where he lost many of his crew to land-based diseases, although not a single man had died from scurvy on the long voyage. With only one vessel, he had put more than 5000 miles of previously unknown coastline on the map. The twin islands of New Zealand, the east coast of Australia, and Torres Strait had at last emerged from the mists of uncertainty. In 1772, Cook left on his second voyage. Although on his first voyage he had lopped a considerable slice off the supposed continent of the south, there remained vast unexplored stretches in the high latitudes of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans where land might yet be found. Pressure in Britain for another voyage grew as reports came in that the French were again sending expeditions to the Pacific, while the Spaniards in Peru were investigating Tahiti, and even established a short-lived mission there. So in 1772, Cook left England to search once more for the great southern continent. 69


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Places of Interest from James Cooks First and Second Voyages, 1768-1771 and 1772-1775

Cooks second Pacific expedition (1772-5) was arguably the greatest, most perfect of all seaborne voyages of discovery. In his three years away he disposed of the imagined southern continent, reached closer to the South Pole than any man before him, and touched on a multitude of landsNew Zealand and Tahiti again, and for the first time Easter Island, the Marquesas, Tonga, New Caledonia, the New Hebrides, and South Georgia. In high latitudes, he crossed and recrossed the Antarctic Circle in a series of long methodical sweeps. At his farthest south, he reached latitude 71S before being stopped by the ice barrier that encircles the immense continent of the south. This was not the fertile land of the geographers dreams, but the frozen Antarcticin Cooks words, a country doomed by nature never once to feel the warmth of the suns rays, but to lie for ever buried under everlasting snow and ice. There was, he judged, little more to do in the South Pacific. He thought the southern hemisphere sufficiently explored and a final end put to the searching after a southern continent, which has engrossed the attention of some of the maritime powers for near two centuries past and the geographers of all ages. The third voyage was differentin location, objective, and feel. It had its own logic in that it took Cook to the North Pacific in an effort to solve that other, long-standing geographical mysterythe existence of a Northwest Passage. Cook had been at sea for more than six of the previous seven years. There is evidence that he was frayed mentally and worn out physically. The Cook of the third voyageirritable, given to outbursts of fury, uncertain in some navigational mattersis not the Cook of the first two voyages. By now he wrote his own instructions, and they directed him to sail to latitude 65 N on the Alaskan coast of northwest America, to the great gap that existed between the Spanish explorations coming up from the south, from Mexico and California, and the Russian explorations from the west, from Asia. In that spot, a new Russian map suggested that there was a wide strait that led into the Arctic Ocean and out into the Atlantic. The map was a fiction, but Cook thought it was true. He sailed once more in the Resolution, in the summer of 1776, just as the War of American Independence broke out. Almost from the beginning, things went wrong, and by the time he reached the Pacific, his timetable had slipped by a year. Visits to Tahiti and Tonga also took time, and his patience, already strained by the delays, ran out in the face of persistent thieving by the islanders. Floggings, cropping of ears and slashing of arms, burning of houses and canoes, reflected his exasperation. The problem was not new, but Cooks reaction was, at least in the scale and frequency of the punishments, and his own crew suffered too. From Tahiti, Cook sailed for the northwest coast of America. The summer of 1778 he spent in hazardous exploration along the Alaskan coast, searching in vain for the promised strait. No such passage was found before Bering Strait was reached, and after only a weeks sailing through that narrow opening, Cook found his way blocked by a massive wall of ice bearing down upon the ships. The results of this single season of exploration were impressive. He had charted the main outline of Americas shores from Mount St Elias to Bering Strait, determined the shape of the Alaskan peninsula, and touched on the coast of modern British Columbia. He closed the gap between the Russian and the Spanish probes, and for the first time the region takes rec71


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Places of Interest from James Cooks Third Voyage, 1776-1779

ognizable shape on the maps. But for Cook, the overwhelming disappointment was that he had not found the Northwest Passage. From Alaska, the ships sailed south to the Hawaiian Islands to winter. They reached the islands in late November, but Cook did not find harbour until midJanuary. These final six weeks of frustration, on reduced allowances, had a depressing effect on the men, some of whom sent Cook a very mutinous letter. By the time the ships dropped anchor at Kealakekua Bay on the southwest coast of the island of Hawaii, there is no doubt that Cook was a weary, disappointed, and possibly quite sick man. The extraordinary events during the ships stay at Kealakekua Bay are still difficult to explain. After an ecstatic reception in which Cook seems to have been worshipped as the god Lono, the god of fertility, the ships put to sea again, but were forced back by damage to the foremast of the Resolution. This time the appearance of the ships was met with open hostilitypossibly because Lonos season had finished and had been succeeded by that of Ku, the god of war. In an atmosphere of mounting anger, Cook was killed in a scuffle on the beach on February 14, 1779. The crews were devastated. Earlier irritation with Cook was forgotten, and the few words written by the German coxswain Heinrich Zimmermann reveal something of the effect that Cooks death had: Everyone on the ships was stricken dumb, crushed, and felt as though he had lost his father. It took a year for the news to reach Londonby way of Russia. The Northwest Passage had not been found, and Captain Cook was dead. It was the last that dominated. As the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Earl of Sandwich, wrote, What is uppermost in our mind always must come out first, poor Captain Cook is no more.



What are the arguments for saying that Cook should not have gone on his third voyage?

Suggested Reading
Beaglehole, J.C. The Life of Captain James Cook. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 1992.

Other Books of Interest

Obeyesekere, Gananath. The Apotheosis of Captain Cook: European Mythmaking in the Pacific. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992. Salmond, Anne. The Trial of the Cannibal Dog: The Remarkable Story of Captain Cooks Encounters in the South Seas. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003. Thomas, Nicholas. Cook: The Extraordinary Voyages of Captain James Cook. New York: Walker and Company, 2003.

Websites to Visit
1. Homesite of the Captain Cook Society. 2. The text to Captain Cooks Endeavor journal on-line.

Recorded Books
Horwitz, Tony. Blue Latitudes. Narrated by Daniel Gerroll. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 2002. 6 cassettes/9 hours. To order Recorded Books, call 1-800-638-1304 or go to Also available for rental.



Lecture 13: The Revolution in Navigation and Health Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read Kenneth J. Carpenters The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C and Dava Sobels Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time.

Consider this . . . How did better technology and understanding of ship-borne disease help to open the seas for voyages of exploration?

he Pacific voyages of James Cook are indelibly associated with the two eighteenthcentury advances that brought dramatic changes to long-distance voyagesthe invention of the chronometer and the elimination of scurvy. But to give Cook credit for these is a personalisation of history that misleads as much as it illumines, and we need to look more carefully and critically at both these developments. In our earlier lecture, The Tools of Discovery, we saw some of the problems caused by the inability of navigators to calculate their longitude. In 1714, the British Parliament passed the Longitude Act, offering a reward of 20,000 for a successful invention. The saga of John Harrisons dedicated work in developing the chronometer is now well-known; perhaps less well-known is that his lifetime was a period marked by the invention or refinement of other navigational instruments: John Hadleys quadrant with its double reflection for more accurate

0 JOHN HARRISON (1693-1776) John Harrison, born in Yorkshire, England, answered one of the greatest scientific challenges of his day: the invention of a practical marine chronometer. His chronometer made it possible to calculate longitude, an essential determination for accurate navigation. Of such importance was this invention that the British government offered a prize of 20,000 to the man whose chronometer could calculate longitude to within half a degree on a voyage to the West Indies.
(Source: John Harrison. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopdia Britannica Premium Service.)


sun sights; John Campbells modifications to the quadrant to produce the even more accurate sextant; Eltons quadrant, whose two spirit levels provided an artificial horizon when the actual horizon was obscured; and a fifteenfoot refracting telescope to observe the satellites of Jupiter (for determining longitude, though so complicated were the mathematical calculations that few sea officers could attempt this method). Just as Harrisons chronometer was reaching an advanced state, another method of finding longitude was developedthat of lunar distances, that is, measuring with a quadrant the angular distance between the moon and the sun or a specific star and comparing the difference between the time of observation and that at Greenwich as shown in tables first printed in 1765. Cook was among the first to use these tables, but it was said that most masters took four hours to work out the various calculations, and the whole process depended on clear weather. The beauty of the chronometer was that once you obtained your own time astronomically, the fixing of your longitude was immediateno complicated calculations. On Cooks first Pacific voyage, without a chronometer on board, he relied on lunar observations. On his second voyage, he took with him a copy of Harrisons masterpiece, H-4, made by the watchmaker Larcum Kendall, together with some cheaper imitations. K-1, as it was known, triumphed. It was, Cook wrote, our faithful guide through all vicissitudes of climates, and he took it with him on his third voyage. Much of Cooks achievement would have been impossible without the developments in navigational science and instrument making in this period. Harrisons invention had given seamen an easy way of determining their longitude, but chronometers were expensive, and to ensure that they were keeping accurate time they had to be checked by lunar observations. What was needed was a cheaper, simplified version of Harrisons marvelous invention. K-1 had cost 500 to make; by the 1780s, watchmakers were turning out chronometers for 70 or 80. By the end of the century, naval vessels and East Indiamen carried them, both as official issue and as an officers personal timepiece. By the end of the French wars in 1815, about 5,000 chronometers were in use worldwide, and oceanic navigation had been revolutionised.

If the problem of establishing longitude was the sailing masters main concern on oceanic voyages, the ships surgeons greatest worry was likely to be the threat of scurvy. James Lind, who had seen scurvy firsthand while his ship was on patrol duty in the English Channel, carried out a series of clinical tests that seemed to show that the most effective antiscorbutics were lemon and orange juicerecommended by John Woodall, surgeon-general of the East 76

A Harrison Number 1, the first navigational clock, ca. 1735 (back view), Harrison, John (1693-1776).

Private Collection /

India Company as early as 1617. In 1753, Linds Treatise of the Scurvy was published. In it, Lind stressed a multiple approach to the treatment of scurvy: the importance of cleanliness and good ventilation on shipboard, a balanced diet that should include lemon juice, but also cress and lettuce grown on board, and onions (this last a favourite standby on Portuguese and Spanish ships). Lemon juice, he thought, could be kept for long periods in tightly corked bottles under a thin layer of olive oil. The Admiralty of the 1760s and 1770s was doubtful about the potency of lemon juice once it had been stored some time, and preferred malt wort (which has no vitamin C). It was at this time that Cook seemed to have found the secret of preventing scurvy. Deaths had occurred on Cooks first Pacific voyage, but mostly from malaria and dysentery picked up at the homeward call in the Dutch East Indies there were no deaths from scurvy, nor any on his second and third voyages, and few deaths from natural causes. The work of specialists has long since corrected the popular view that it was Cook who discovered the cure for scurvy on long sea voyages. There was little that Cook tried that had not already been put into practice by Wallis: a balanced diet with as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible; attention to cleanliness and exercise; shorter watches, and so on. Paradoxically, Cooks success in keeping his crews alive delayed the acceptance of the most effective way of warding off scurvy lemon juice. Although Cook used lemons he attributed no particular virtue to them, and preferred sauerkraut and malt wort (neither containing the essential vitamin C). What was striking about Cook was the thoroughness with which he carried out a whole range of antiscorbutic measures. His crews were given only a small ration of salt meat. Instead, fresh meat and vegetables were substituted whenever possible, supplemented by sauerkraut, vinegar, lemon and orange rob, and malt wort. Cook had men flogged for refusing to follow their prescribed diet, and used every device to persuade them to eat such unfamiliar fresh foodstuffs as walrus meat. Exacting standards of cleanliness were enforced; dry clothing and bedding were provided; stoves kept the lower decks dry. Uncertain of the causes of scurvy (and there is no indication that he had ever read Linds work) Cook combined all the standard remedies. It was, in the words of one medical historian, a blunderbuss approach which confused the issue by failing to differentiate true antiscorbutics from the empirical remedies of longstanding tradition. The later French voyage of La Prouse, the Spanish voyage of Malaspina, and the British voyage of Vancouver, took Cooks regime as their model, and recorded few or no deaths from scurvy. Even more remarkable was the achievement of The First Fleet, which transported convicts and marines to New South Wales in 1788 to found the first British colony in Australia. It was commanded by Arthur Phillip, who from the beginning was apprehensive about the dangers of scurvy. Once at sea, he adopted the Cook model: fresh provisions whenever possible; dry clothes and bedding; ventilated quarters. By calling at Teneriffe, Rio de Janeiro, and Cape Town, he cut down the length of the sea passages. Just as important was Phillips purchase at Rio of whole boat-loads of oranges. There were casualtiesforty-eight out of more than a thousand on boardbut given that many of the convicts were in a very sickly state when they embarked, this was not a bad record.


By the last quarter of the eighteenth century, discovery ships on well-managed expeditions could sail to the Pacific and back with minimal losses from scurvy. But, as the French explorer La Prouse pointed out, One should not conclude from these experiences that the same would apply to crews of 800, 1,000, or 1,200 men who are often recruited among convalescents leaving hospital, and who cannot be fed as one feeds a crew of 100 men selected for a special expedition, with top quality flour, wine, and all the antiscorbutics. In other ways, too, it was difficult to take the Cook model and simply apply it to the huge fleets of the period of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. On his Pacific voyages, I am struck by the personal dominance of Cook in health matters. In a sense, Cook filled a vacuum on his ship, making himself directly responsible for his crews health. On his second voyage, he blamed Tobias Furneaux, captain of the consort vessel, when scurvy broke out. Effective measures, he told Furneaux, required the attention of the captain. It was simply not possible to transfer this personal responsibility to the great ships and huge fleets of the wartime navies, and in the British navy of the 1790s, there was a growing recognition of the inappropriateness of the much-praised Cook model to the navy at large. Instead, the divisional system was introduced by which men were put into squads under midshipmen for purposes of inspection, cleanliness, and sobriety. In 1796, under the pressure of medical men such as Thomas Trotter and Gilbert Blane, lemon juice was being distributed daily to each man. This was a breakthrough, but it was used in the context of a general regime that tried to enforce cleanliness and regular diet under professional guidance. Success was never complete, but given the size of the Nelsonian navy, and the raw material that made up its manpower, one must be impressed by its efficiency in terms of keeping crews alive and generally healthy. That, in sum, was a greater achievement than Cooks, which attracted so much attention at the time.




Why were the methods of countering scurvy on the discovery voyages difficult to employ on larger naval vessels?

Suggested Reading
Carpenter, Kenneth J. The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Sobel, Dava. Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time. New York: Penguin (USA), 1998.

Other Books of Interest

Brown, Stephen R. Scurvy: How a Surgeon, a Mariner and a Gentleman Solved the Greatest Medical Problem of the Age of Sail. Toronto: Thomas Allen Publishers, 2003. Williams, Glyndwr. The Prize of All the Oceans: The Dramatic True Story of Commodore Ansons Voyage Round the World and How He Seized the Spanish Treasure Galleon. New York: Viking Press, 2000.

Websites to Visit
1. Student project detailing the history of the chronometer. 2. Article on Captain James Cook from the Mariners Museum in Newport. 3. Website on UCLA exhibit regarding James Cooks voyages. 4. Detail of Captain Cooks journal detailing treatments for scurvy.


Lecture 14: The World After Cook Before beginning this lecture you may want to . . . Read David McKays In the Wake of Cook: Exploration, Science and Empire 1780-1801.


Consider this . . . What were the ultimate effects of the voyages of exploration on the discovered peoples?

he death of Captain Cook in February 1779 brought into sharper focus the conflict of attitudes about the peoples of the Pacific that had emerged both among the discovery crews and the scholars of Europe. To those who had seen the islands, Tahiti and its neighbours might be nearer an earthly paradise than any other region known to man, but they now realised that there was also war, infanticide, and distinctions of rank and property on the islands. The killing of Cook, following as it did the massacre of one of his boat The lush beauty of the Raiatea Mountains of Tahiti lend themselves to visions of an crews in New Zealand in 1773, and Earthly paradise. the killing of the French navigator Marion de Fresne and two dozen of his men a year earlier, was proof to many of an innately treacherous and murderous disposition. There were others who still saw in the Pacific islands traces of the golden age of mans past and feared that it was European influences that were corrupting and contaminating. The noble savage was not yet dead as an emblematic figure. More dispassionate observers were influenced by the fashionable insistence in European philosophical circles on measuring human societies by their capacity and desire for improvement. And whether the discoverers and the readers of their accounts looked at the incurious Aborigines or the boisterous Tahitians, they found few Pacific peoples who conformed to Western ideals of progress and development. To see the importance of Cooks voyages in terms only of maps and mapping would be to underestimate their broader significance. There was more to the



achievement than the accumulation of geographical knowledge; there was, if it is not too grand a term, a new methodology. It was the insistent determination to show things as they were, to dispel myths and illusions by way of empirical observation and prompt publication. As Sparrman, who was with Cook on his second voyage, wrote: Men with one foot, indeed, cyclops, sirens, troglodytes, and such like imaginary beings, have almost entirely disappeared. The observations made by Cook and his contemporaries played an important role in hydrography, oceanography, meteorology, astronomyand much else. In the realm of naturAs ancient myths disappeared with each voyal history, the voyages were age, stories of incredible sights like the stark among the great collecting expebeauty of the stone statues of Easter Island ditions of any era. The specievoked new mysteries to be explored. mens, sketches, and data brought back were overwhelming in their profusion. Neither Cook nor his scientific companions had any training in anthropological investigation, because there was none to be had. It was their voyages that helped to give birth to the new disciplines of ethnology and anthropology. The earnest inquiry by the explorers into the alien life styles that confronted them and their careful if amateurish collection of data brought a new urgency to the need for a systematic study of man. After Cooks last voyage one of his officers exclaimed, The grand bounds of the four quarters of the globe are known. It is true that after Cook the coastal outlines of the world were largely known, although there were still blank areas in the Arctic and Antarctic, and much remained to be done along the coasts of Africa and Asia, and in the Pacific alsoalthough more in the way of defining detail than in solving major geographical problems. Cooks men dominated the British voyages to the Pacific, whether for exploration or trade. Bligh, Vancouver, Dixon, Portlock, Colnett, and others had all sailed with Cook in that most demanding of training schools. The editor of the journals of Cooks third voyage, Dr John Douglas, pointed the way forward to the next stage of Pacific enterprise when he wrote in his introduction that every nation that sends a ship to sea will partake of the benefit [of the published accounts]; but Great Britain herself, whose commerce is boundless, must take the lead in reaping the full advantage of her own discoveries. By the end of the century, there were British settlements in New South Wales; Nootka Sound was no longer simply Cooks watering place on Vancouver Island but a centre of international dispute; the first missionaries 81

had reached Tahiti, Tonga, and the Marquesas; and everywhere traders and whalers from Europe and the United States were following the explorers tracks. Prominent in the British ventures was Sir Joseph Banks. The young naturalist of Cooks first voyage was now one of the most influential men in England: President of the Royal Society, friend of ministers and merchants, and the patron of scientific enterprises in all parts of the world. Bankss earliest participation was with British plans to establish a convict settlement in New South Wales. Banks was among the few Englishmen who had firsthand experience of the region, for he and Cook had visited Botany Bay in 1770. With Cook dead, Banks became the authoritative source for information on that region, 12,000 miles distant, and unvisited by Europeans since 1770. His evidence to a series of Parliamentary committees was favourable. The soil was fertile, and the climate was similar to that of the south of France. There were, he remembered, vast quantities of grass at Botany Bay, so European cattle would thrive there. There were no predatory animals, nor was it likely that the native inhabitants would constitute any threat. Such observations based on a stay of only eight days fifteen years earlierwere taken as evidence that New South Wales was ready for occupation and exploitation. Were it not for the unassailable reputation of Cook and Banks, such memories might well have been regarded as altogether too flimsy a foundation on which to send 1,000 convicts and their guards to the other side of the world without further investigation. In 1788, the First Fleet established the first British settlement on the site of the modern city of Sydney. The official reasons for the establishment of the settlement were sternly practical. As the prime minister remarked, No cheaper mode of disposing of the convicts could be found. But it is true that less publicized motives may Australian aborigine boys perform a sacred dance. have played a part: the possibility of developing the colony as a base strategically situated on the south or blind side of the Dutch East Indies; the hope of providing naval stores in the form of timber for hulls and masts, flax for sails, and hemp for rigging; or even the necessity of a preventative move to forestall growing French interest in the region. Whatever the motives, from the beginning there was pressure to send out free settlers as well as convicts, and from 1795 onwards, free settlers began to arrive. After the Napoleonic Wars, they became a flood. Sheep farming formed the backbone of the economy, and as other colonies were established along the coast, the political map of Australia began to take the shape we know today. In the North Pacific, Bankss involvement was even more direct. Although Cook had failed to find a Northwest Passage on his final voyage, his men had 82


found compensation in the lustrous sea-otter pelts that they traded along the coast of northwest America. Pelts obtained for a handful of beads fetched more than a hundred dollars when the ships reached China. The quest for beaver had lured fur traders thousands of miles westward across the North American continent, and the maritime traders in turn were quick to respond to the opportunities of the sea-otter trade, until this time the preserve of Russian traders from Kamchatka. By the mid-1780s, British merchants in India and China were fitting out vessels for the northwest coast, and others from Europe and the United States soon followed. Spain still clung to its claim that it possessed the entire Pacific coast of the Americas by virtue of the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) and prior discovery. The British advanced the opposing doctrine of effective occupation. Matters came to a head when in 1789 Spanish forces captured a small British trading base and some trading vessels at Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island. So seriously did both the Spanish and British governments take the matter that they were prepared, as a last resort, to go to war over what appeared to be an unimportant incident many thousands of miles from Europe. But much was at stakenot only the Pacific fur trade, but the general question of territorial rights on the northwest coast. In the face of superior British naval strength, Spain backed down, and the Nootka Sound Convention of 1790 in effect opened the northwest coast to foreign settlement. Ironically, the nation that benefited most from the dispute was the United States, which had not been involved in the negotiations at all. As Britain became more deeply involved in war with Napoleonic France, so the region was dominated by American fur traders, some of whom were now arriving overland as spearheads of the American drive towards the Pacific. Americans were also making their mark in the South Pacific, where whalers and traders followed in the wake of Cook among the island groups. By now the Greenland whalers could not meet the growing demand for oil, and Cooks report on his second voyage of whales in far southerly latitudes soon attracted British and American whalers to Antarctic waters. Often the whalers and the traders were the rejects of society, violent and unscrupulous. Their uncontrolled activities did incalculable harm, and since European governments refused to accept responsibility for the Pacific islands, the only resistance came from the missionaries. The missionaries were undoubtedly a protective influence against the ruffians who visited and exploited the islands, but in a more subtle way their teachings had perhaps as great a disintegrating effect on the traditional societies they found as the ruinous influence of the whalers and traders. With various influences taken together, the European arrival has been widely seen in the title of Alan Mooreheads influential book of the 1960s: The Fatal Impact: An Account of the Invasion of the South Pacific. But not all scholars follow this cataclysmic thesis. Kerry Howe is one of those who has criticised the patronising implications of the Fatal Impact thesis, with its depiction of the Pacific peoples as helpless victims, and he argues in favour of acculturation and adaptation rather than catastrophe and extinction. The debate continues.



Is fatal impact an accurate description of the effect of the European arrival on the peoples of the Pacific?

Suggested Reading
Mackay, David. In the Wake of Cook: Exploration, Science and Empire 17801801. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 1985.

Other Books of Interest

Banks, R.E.R. (ed.). Sir Joseph Banks: A Global Perspective. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Surrey, UK: Kew Publishing, 1994. Frost, Alan. The Global Reach of Empire: Britains Maritime Expansion in the Indian and Pacific Oceans 1764-1815. Melbourne, AU: Melbourne University Press, 2003. Howe, K.R. Where the Waves Fall: A New South Sea Islands History. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989.

Recorded Books
Alexander, Caroline. The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny on The Bounty. Narrated by Michael York. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 2003. 4 cassettes/6 hours. Lundy, Derek. The Way of a Ship: A Square-Rigger Voyage in the Last Days of Sail. Narrated by Richard Easton. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 2003. 4 cassettes/6 hours. Parry, Richard. Trial by Ice: The True Story of Murder and Survival on the 1871 Polaris Expedition. Narrated by Paul Hecht. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 2002. 9 cassettes/12.25 hours. To order Recorded Books, call 1-800-638-1304 or go to Also available for rental.



Antiscorbutic: Treatment of symptoms related to scurvy. (See scurvy below.) Azimuth: An arc of the horizon measured between a fixed point (as true north) and the vertical circle passing through the center of an object, usually in navigation being measured clockwise from the north point through 360 degrees. Back-Staff: An instrument similar to a cross-staff, but fitted with a reflector and used for taking the altitudes of heavenly bodies. (See cross-staff below.) Brig: A two-masted square-rigged vessel. Buccaneer: The term is derived from the Tupian Indian (Brazil) word boucan adapted by the French as boucanier for a person who dries and smokes flesh or fish. It was originally used to describe the French settlers in Haiti who hunted wild cattle and swine and later adapted to freebooters preying upon Spanish ships and settlements in the West Indies. (See pirate below.) Caravel: A small vessel of the 15th and 16th centuries with broad bows, high narrow poop deck, three or four masts, and usually lateen sails on the two or three aftermasts. (See poop deck and lateen below.) Carrack: A large Mediterranean merchant ship sometimes fitted for fighting. (See galleon below.) Chronometer: A portable timepiece that beats in half-second increments for keeping time where great accuracy is essential (as in determining longitude at sea). Collier: A ship employed in transporting coal. Cross-Staff: An instrument once used at sea for taking the altitudes of celestial bodies, especially of the sun. Dead Reckoning (longitude by account): The determination without the aid of celestial observations of the position of a ship deduced from the record of the courses sailed, the distance made, and the known or estimated drift. Galleon: A heavily built chiefly square-rigged sailing ship of the 15th to early 18th centuries usually having a high, fortified, and sometimes elaborately decorated forecastle and poop and often three or four decks and being used for war or commerce especially by the Spanish for their treasure ships. Lateen: A triangular sail extended by a long spar that is slung to a usually low mast. Latitude: Angular distance north or south from the Earths equator measured through 90 degrees. Longitude: The arc or portion of the Earths equator intersected between the meridian of a given place and the prime meridian (as from Greenwich, England) expressed in either degrees or in time. Mutiny: Insurrection against or willful refusal to obey constituted, recognized, or traditional authority. Pirate: A person who commits an act of depredation on the high seas with the intent of stealing that would, if committed on land, amount to a felony. Poop Deck: A smaller deck above the main deck in the afterpart of a ship. Privateer: A term used to describe a person or a vessel bearing the commission of a sovereign power to cruise against the commerce or warships of an enemy. Quadrant: An instrument for measuring altitudes variously constructed and mounted for different specific uses. In navigation, it was used to measure distances of celestial bodies. Scurvy: A disease characterized by spongy gums, loosening of the teeth, and a tendency to bleed into the skin and mucous membranes and caused by a dietary deficiency of ascorbic acid commonly found in fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C. Sextant: An instrument used for measuring altitudes of celestial bodies from a moving ship with a maximum angle of 60 degrees between its reflecting mirrors. Sounding: A method of measuring the depth of a body of water where a hand sounding line (a line, or cord that is weighted at one end and is divided into marks) will reach the bottom.



Suggested Reading: Beaglehole, J.C. The Life of Captain James Cook. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 1992. Carpenter, Kenneth J. The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Cipolla, Carlo M. Guns, Sails and Empires: Technological Innovation and European Expansion 1400-1700. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 2000. Dampier, William and Milton Giles (ed.). A New Voyage Round the World: The Journal of an English Buccaneer. Londonderry, VT: Hummingbird Press, 1998. Earle, Peter. Sailors: Englands Merchant Seamen, 1650-1775. London: Methuen Drama, 1999. Estensen, Miriam. Discovery: The Quest for the Great South Land. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. Frost, Orcutt. Bering: The Russian Discovery of America. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003. Guillemard, F.H.H. The Life of Ferdinand Magellan and the First Circumnavigation of the Globe. London: G. Philip and Son, 1890. Kelsey, Harry. Sir Francis Drake: The Queens Pirate. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. Larner, John. Marco Polo and the Discovery of the World. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999. Mackay, David. In the Wake of Cook: Exploration, Science and Empire 17801801. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 1985. Morrison, S.E. Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus. New York: Little, Brown & Company, 1991. Sobel, Dava. Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time. New York: Penguin (USA), 1998. Subrahmanyam, Sanjay. The Career and Legend of Vasco da Gama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Williams, Glyndwr. Voyages of Delusion: The Quest for the Northwest Passage. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003.

All books are available on-line through or by calling Recorded Books at 1-800-638-1304.



Recorded Books: Alexander, Caroline. The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny on The Bounty. Narrated by Michael York. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 2003. 4 cassettes/6 hours. Anonymous. The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America. Narrated by Norman Dietz and George Guidall. UNABRIDGED Recorded Books, 1990. 3 cassettes/3.5 hours. Bergreen, Laurence. Over the Edge of the World: Magellans Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe. Narrated by the author. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 1990. 4 cassettes/6 hours. Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nuez. Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America. Narrated by George Guidall. SELECTIONS Recorded Books, 1994. 3 cassettes/4.5 hours. Horwitz, Tony. Blue Latitudes. Narrated by Daniel Gerroll. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 2002. 6 cassettes/9 hours. Lundy, Derek. The Way of a Ship: A Square-Rigger Voyage in the Last Days of Sail. Narrated by Richard Easton. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 2003. 4 cassettes/6 hours. Parry, Richard. Trial by Ice: The True Story of Murder and Survival on the 1871 Polaris Expedition. Narrated by Paul Hecht. ABRIDGED Recorded Books, 2002. 9 cassettes/12.25 hours. Polo, Marco. The Travels of Marco Polo. Narrated by George Guidall. SELECTIONS Recorded Books, 1994. 9 cassettes/12 hours. To order Recorded Books, call 1-800-638-1304 or go to Also available for rental.


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