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SGDU5023/5024 Leadership in Education

1. Define Successful Leadership and describe the difference between Successful Leadership and Effective Leadership a. The skills and talents necessary to guide your team in the right direction can be simple, and anyone with the determination can develop them. b. A successful leaders will usually be able to achieve a satisfactory level of achievement at least in the short term by focusing on each task and making sure that they are completed c. They often achieve these results by making sure that the job gets done through close supervision, and even completing the job themselves d. To achieve this it will necessitate their always being close by in order to keep people on task. The problem with this is it only works in the short term and so the long term results will depend upon a series of short term achievements. e. Conversely effective leadership will lead to better performance and greater results in the long term. f. This is achieved by the leaders focusing primarily on the development of others in their attitudes, feelings and commitment to their goals by increasing their levels of engagement and task skills. g. This certainly takes more time from the leader up front, which is one of the major reasons constantly hear why managers dont do this. But in the long term it means that everyone is skilled and committed to their job. The leader does not have to be around to make sure that things are done properly and can effectively delegate job where appropriate. h. In the long term this provides leaders with more time to fulfill their leadership responsibilities effectively and long term sustainability of results can be achieved. 2. One of the competencies of Leadership is solving problems and making decision. Provide an example of problem solving and creative decision making a. 7 STEPS TO PROBLEM SOLVING i. Define and Identify the Problem ii. Analyze the Problem (questions to ask) 1. What is the history of the problem? 2. How long has it existed? 3. How serious is the problem? 4. What are the causes of the problem? 5. What are the effects of the problem? 6. What are the symptoms of the problem? 7. What methods do we have for dealing with the problem? 8. What are the limitations of those methods? 9. How much freedom does the group have in gathering information and attempting to solve the problem? 10. What obstacles keep the group from achieving the goal? 11. Can the problem be divided into sub problems for definition and analysis? iii. Identifying Possible Solutions iv. Selecting the Best Solutions v. Evaluating Solutions vi. Develop an Action Plan 1. Divide the Solution Into Sequential Tasks

2. Develop Contingency Plans 3. Action Planning Question Checklist 4. Considerations include resources, contingency plans and necessity vii. Implement the Solution 1. Monitoring 2. Implement Contingency Plan if Necessary 3. Evaluate Results 4. Considering 3. What are some of the quality of a leader demonstrating professionalism in his/her daily activities? a. Professionalism is very important, and is one of the best ways to show kindness and respect. Seeks to utilize their knowledge and training. Demonstrates self-control, adherence to a high code of moral ethics and standards of their profession. b. Qualities of a professional leader i. Physical appearance vii. Sense of ii. Vision and foresight responsibility iii. Intelligence viii. Self-confidence and iv. Communicative skills will-power v. Objective ix. Humanist vi. Knowledge of work x. Empathy c. A leader needs multidimensional traits to be appealing and effective. They must always consider the application of the leadership qualities in their daily duties. 4. How does a leader keep track of critical steps in Project Management? a. Project management consists of i. planning, ii. organizing, iii. motivating, iv. controlling resources b. A project is a temporary endeavour with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables), [1] undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, [2] typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. c. Critical chain project management (CCPM) is a method of planning and managing project execution designed to deal with uncertainties inherent in managing projects, while taking into consideration limited availability of resources (physical, human skills, as well as management & support capacity) needed to execute projects. d. CCPM is an application of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to projects. The goal is to increase the flow of projects in an organization (throughput). i. Identify the system's constraints ii. Decide how to exploit the system's constraints iii. Subordinate everything else to the decision iv. Elevate the system's constraints v. If a constraint has been broken, go back to step 1

e. The five focusing steps aim to ensure ongoing improvement efforts are centred on the organization's constraint(s). In the TOC literature, this is referred to as the process of ongoing improvement (POOGI). 5. Describe power, influence and control, and describe the variety of individual power a leader can use? 6. As a future Educational Leader, how would you lead change in your organization? Use Instructional design model to describe your efforts a. The Instructional Design process is a systems approach. b. The ID process is expressed as a linear model, an iterative process, and often as a pragmatic, real-world set of procedures. c. ID Models includes: i. ASSURE model ii. Dick and Carey Model iii. ICARE model iv. ADDIE model 1. The ADDIE model contain five phases: a. ANALYZE b. DESIGN c. DEVELOPMENT d. IMPLEMENTATION e. EVALUATION d. A future education leader should have ability to identify learners needs. e. An educational leaders must know how to use resources and strategy to achieve the objectives of the lesson. f. Again, he should know how to choose appropriate delivery point and assess learners understanding. g. A future educational leader should know how to examine and evaluate their students so that they can accomplish their goal. h. Also, an educational leader should be able to modify instructional materials to make it suitable for learners. 7. Below are some common Leadership style: Define each one briefly a. Visionary i. Inspires others by providing long-term direction and vision for individuals b. Coaching i. Long-term professional development of individuals c. Democratic i. Building commitment and generating new ideas d. Affiliate i. Creates harmony among individuals and between leaders and individuals. e. Pace setting i. Accomplishing tasks to high standards of excellence f. Commanding i. Immediate compliance

8. What Is Emotional Intelligence? What kind of personal competences are required to effectively and successfully use Emotional Intelligence in a business context and in life in general a. Emotional Intelligence is a learned ability to know and to control ones own emotions. It is a powerful skill, able to transform negative, stressful feelings to be more efficient and productive. b. The Emotional Intelligence competences are : i. Self-awareness viii. Conscientiousness ii. Emotional ix. Adaptability awareness x. Innovativeness iii. Accurate Selfxi. Self-Motivation Assessment xii. Achievement Drive iv. Self Confidence xiii. Commitment v. Self-Regulation xiv. Initiative vi. Self-Control xv. Optimism vii. Trustworthiness 9. Self-motivated leaders consistently work toward their goals. And they have extremely high standards for the quality of their work. If you were given this opportunity, how can you improve your motivation? a. Self-motivation is the ability to do what needs to be done without outside influences. b. Self-motivated people would find the reason and strength to complete a task, regardless of the challenges faced. c. How you can get motivated to achieve your goals i. Visualize the future successes. ii. Mentally walk the path towards your success. iii. Assign a priority to each task. iv. Set a target. v. Focus on your positive achievements. vi. Finish what you start d. Quality leadership must be self-motivated. He must know his identity, needs and must have the urge to do to achieve the set goals. 10. Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure. Give an example of this concept in your work environment a. Motivation or encouragement movement behavior of organisms is continuing to carry out the activities stimulated by an incentive. It is the driving force to the will and desire to succeed or to achieve something. b. KEY FEATURES OF MOTIVATION: i. Motivation does not exist in nature. ii. The motivation is not inherited. iii. Motivation can be created by the physiological or psychological needs. iv. Motivation heading towards the direction of achievement. v. The level of motivation is different from one person to another. An increasingly strong desire to achieve a goal, the higher the motivation. c. Motivation which stems from within ourselves and is pleasure and curiosity driven is called intrinsic motivation. The willingness to do a job because of the job itself that gives pleasure and satisfaction d. Factors that affect intrinsic motivation

i. Perception Ability ii. The perception of control iii. The feeling of learning. e. Examples of this concepts in your work environment i. As a assistance for teaching in three ways 1. Shows an example 2. Segregation of duties 3. Share assignments f. Intrinsic motivation is associated with job satisfaction covering self-fulfillment, development, recognition of their own efforts. This concept is in line with the needs of self-fulfillment. 11. What are the Six common Leadership styles a. Visionary: inspired by articulating a heartfelt, shared goals; routinely give performance feedback and suggestions for improvement of that goal b. Coaching: take people aside for a talk to learn their personal aspiration; routinely give performance feedback in those terms and stretches assignments to move toward those goals c. Democratic: Knows when to listen and ask for input; gets buy-in and draws on what others know to make better decisions d. Affiliate : Realizes that having fun together is not a waste of time, but build emotional capital and harmony e. Pacesetting: Leads by hard driving example and expects others to meet the same pace and high performance standards f. Commanding: Gives orders and demand immediate compliance; tends to be coercive 12. Power in Leadership addresses modern concepts and explain why Transforming Leaders are more powerful than Transactional Leaders? a. Leadership is the ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals b. Transformational leadership is the process where an individual engages and creates a connection that raises the motivation and morality in the leader and followers c. A process that changes and transforms individuals, concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals and involves assessing followers motives, satisfying their needs, and treating them as full human beings d. Often linked to visionary and charismatic leadership e. Transformational Leadership Factors i. Idealized influence Leaders who act as strong role models for followers ii. Inspirational motivation Leaders who communicate high expectations, inspiring them to become committed to organizational goals. iii. Intellectual stimulation Leaders who stimulate followers to be creative and innovative iv. Individualized consideration Leaders who provide a supportive climate in which they listen to needs of followers f. Transactional Leadership Factors i. Contingent reward Leaders try to obtain agreement on what needs to be done and what the payoffs will be for the people doing it

ii. Management-by-exception Leaders use corrective criticism, negative feedback, and negative reinforcement 1. Active: Micromanagement 2. Passive: Problem-based intervention g. Non- leadership i. Laissez-faire The absence of leadership: abdicate responsibility, delay decision, give no feedback, and make no efforts to satisfy followers needs. h. Strengths of Transformational Leadership i. Widely researched from many different perspectives ii. It has intuitive appeal as a concept iii. It treats leadership as a process between leaders and followers iv. It offers an expanded picture of leadership. Most other models are transactional v. It has a strong emphasis on followers needs, values, and morals. vi. It has substantial evidence of being effective. vii. Provides a broad set of generalizations about what is typical of transforming leaders viii. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire can be used in training programs to identify leadership strengths and weaknesses ix. Many training programs focus on creating a vision 13. Describe the two primary role of a leader in Islam a. Leadership in Islam is a trust, a psychological contract between a leader and his followers, he will guide, protect and treat them fairly and justly. b. According to Islam, the two primary roles of a leader, are those of servantleader and guardian-leader. i. A leader is the servant of his followers. He looks out for their welfare and guides them towards good. ii. As the guardian-leader the Muslim leader protects his community against tyranny and oppression, encourages God-consciousness and taqwa, and promotes justice. 14. Communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another; Studying the communication process is important to a leader because he/she chain of understanding that integrates the members of an organization from top to bottom, bottom to top, and side to side. However, the leader is required to listen actively, hear the message clearly, and understand the meaning. Describe the traits of active listening: a. An important aspect of communication is the ability to listen actively. Active listening focusses on both the verbal and nonverbal language of the speaker. b. Active listening is an easy powerful way to make people feel valued while simultaneously make the listener aware of the issues that need to be resolved and areas that can be improved. c. Leaders must : i. Pay Attention ii. Avoid Emotional involvement iii. Hold judgment iv. Making clarification

v. Share the summary to end the conversation. d. Important characteristics of a good listener i. Be There ii. Accept iii. Trust iv. Listen v. Stay with the other person e. Active listening allows the leader to understand what message the group members are sending him, and also foundation of returning feedback effectively to the members. 16. Intrinsic Motivation is based on taking pleasure in an activity rather working towards an external reward. Intrinsic motivation has been studied by social and educational psychologists a. Intrinsic motivation is a persons internal desire to do something, due to such things as interest, challenge, and personal satisfaction i. Self-regulatory ii. Highly individualized Motivation in education can have several effects on how students learn. i. Direct behavior toward particular goals ii. Lead to increased effort and energy iii. Increase initiation of, and persistence in, activities iv. Enhance cognitive processing v. Determine what consequences are reinforcing vi. Lead to improved performance. vii. As intrinsic motivation deals with activities that act as their own rewards viii. Occurs when people are internally motivated to do something 1. Because it either brings them pleasure or they think it is important, or they feel that what they are learning is significant. 17. Describe the four Stages of Spiritual Development Among Islamic Leader: a. Iman i. To believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, to believe in meeting Him, to believe in His Messengers, the Resurrection and the predestination b. Islam i. Islam means the achievement of peace with God, within oneself and with the creation of God, through willing submission to Him ii. As Maudoodi (1991) points out so well, Iman is the seed and Islam is the fruition. c. Taqwa i. is to avoid Allah's punishment by doing what He commands, and to keep away from doing what He forbids d. Ihsan 1. The constant feeling that God is watching is likely to prompt any leader or follower with Ihsan to behave at his best. b.

18. Decision-making is one of the defining characteristics of leadership. Its core to the job description. What behavioral indicators can better serve in solving problems and making decisions? a. Decision-making is one of the defining characteristics of leadership. Its core to the job description. b. Discipline to do at least four things i. Realize when and why you need to make a decision. ii. Declare the decision and who should be involved. iii. Work the decision: generate a complete set of alternatives, gather the information you need to understand the possibilities and probabilities, and ultimately make a choice that best fits your values. iv. Commit resources and act c. The decision-making process involves the following steps: i. Define the problem. ii. Identify limiting factors. iii. Develop potential alternatives. iv. Analyze the alternatives. v. Select the best alternative. vi. Implement the decision. vii. Establish a control and evaluation system 19. Differentiate between the transactional leadership model and the transformation leadership? A. Describe the similarities and differences of the transactional leadership and transformation leadership models a. transactional and transforming leaders are distinguished by how they motivate followers i. Transactional approach is where leaders motivate followers to achieve goals by mutual exchange. E.g. Business bonuses to achieve goals, politicians votes for promises ii. Transformational leaders - visionary leaders seeking to appeal to their followers better character. Want to move them toward higher and more universal needs and purposes to achieve goals iii. The transformational leader is seen as an agent of change. B. Examine the strength of transaction leaders and how it may generate a leader in education institution? a. Transactional leadership focuses on motivational exchanges that occur between leaders and followers. E.g. politicians get votes by promising tax cuts, Managers who offer promotions/bonuses/good evaluations to those who do well/exceed targets, Teachers who remind students good grades will be given to those who work hard b. Transactional leadership is common at all levels in organizations

20. Describe the basic functions of Leader/Manager a. Function of a Leader i. An Executive ii. A Planner iii. A Policy Maker: iv. An Expertise v. An External Group Representative vi. A Controller Of Internal Relationship b. Function of a Leader i. Planning ii. Organizing iii. Staffing

vii. A Purveyor Of Reward And Punishment : viii. An Arbitrator And Mediator: ix. An Exemplar x. The Father Figure

iv. Leading v. Directing vi. Controlling

21. Active Listening requires the receiver to hear the various messages, understand the meaning, and then verify the meaning by offering feedback. What are the important traits of active listeners? a. Listening is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages; to hear something with thoughtful attention. i. Hearing- physical process; natural; passive ii. Listening- physical & mental process; active; learned process; a skill b. Actve lstenng is a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding. It is a way of paying attention to other people that can make them feel that you are hearing them. c. Benefits of active listening i. It forces people to listen attentively to others. ii. It tends to open people up, to get them to say more. iii. Shows empathy iv. Builds relationships v. Maximizes your understanding of the others perspective vi. Minimize their defensiveness (and your own, too) 22. There are several leadership modules that may be applied and practiced in education, charismatic leadership is an example one of modules. Examine the features of this model? a.

23. Describe the characteristics of servant leadership by providing examples for each characteristic as it applies to school. a. Traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the top of the pyramid. By comparison, the servant-leader shares power puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. b. The priority of a servant leader is to encourage, support and enable subordinates to unfold their full potential and abilities. This leads to an obligation to delegate responsibility and engage in participative decision-making, with the greatest possible performance and employee satisfaction. c. 9 Qualities of the Servant Leader i. Values diverse opinions ii. Cultivates a culture of trust iii. Develops other leaders iv. Helps people with life issues v. Encourages vi. Sells instead of tells vii. Thinks you, not me. viii. Thinks long-term ix. Acts with humility d. In a school environment, a servant leader will be the one who is teacher of teachers, who in turn will be a friend, confidante and sounding board to his subordinates while all-time keeps his sights on the objectives of the organization.

24. How does instructional or entrepreneurial leadership apply to school organization provide an example in improving the quality of School Management. a. 9 Attributes of the Best Entrepreneurial Leaders i. Clarity of vision and expectations ii. Willingness to make decisions iii. Experience and knowledge in your business area iv. Commitment and conviction for the venture. v. Open to new ideas and creativity. vi. Courage to acknowledge and attack constraints. vii. Reward continuous learning. viii. Self-discipline for consistency and reliability ix. Accept responsibility for all actions. b. As the good school principal, looking for continues improvement should be practiced. 25. Explain the important domains of Emotional Intelligence. a. Self-awareness i. Emotional self-awareness ii. Accurate self-assessment iii. Self-confidence b. Self-management i. Emotional self-control ii. Transparency

iii. Adaptability iv. Achievement orientation v. Initiative vi. Optimism c. Social Awareness i. Empathy ii. Organizational awareness iii. Service Orientation d. Relationship management i. Developing others ii. Inspirational leadership iii. Change catalyst iv. Influence v. Conflict management vi. Teamwork & collaboration 26. Describe the characteristics of Islamic Moral that should help a principal to be a good Islamic leader. a. Faith and belief. b. Knowledge and Wisdom. c. Courage and determination. d. Mutual consultation and Unity. (Fraternity and brotherhood.) e. Morality and Piety. (Honesty and trust.) f. Superior communication. g. Justice and compassion. h. Patience and Endurance. i. Commitment and Sacrifice. j. Lifelong Endeavour. k. Gratitude and Prayers. 27. Tarbiyyah is a process in developing individual skills. Based on Islamic Leadership, explain three criteria in Tarbiyyah Islamiah? 28. How Prophet Mohammed's (PUH) leadership style can be applied in the education system in this country?

29. Of the four caliph ar-Rashideen, which one has the best leadership practices that could be appropriate to the current situation? Explain. a. Caliph Ar-Rashideen(632-661) were four Caliphs (leaders) of Islam, the successor of the Prophet Muhammad's leadership after he died b. Caliph Abu Bakr Al-Shiddiq has soft and firm character, yet decisive. c. Caliph Umar bin Khattab, was intelligent, decisive, and always had the best interests of the people. d. Caliph Uthman bin Affan was a pious leader, kind and patient. e. Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib was assertive

30. How anger and stress can motivate yourself to achieve organizational goals? a. Anger is a basic human emotion that is experienced by all people. b. Anger is a feeling that has to be recognized outright. Could be a start of something deeper, like rage or violent actions and reactions. Anger is best recognized and best controlled if it is more understood. c. The difference between anger and aggression. i. Anger is an emotion. It is ok to be angry. ii. Aggression is acting out inappropriately and is not ok. d. A common cause for anger is the prevention or incompletion of attaining your goals and desires. e. Stress is a reaction to a basic threat and the basic threat is the perceived inability to cope. The reaction to stress is a unique personal experience, triggered by our unique personal perception of the world f. Types of stress i. Eustress- Positive. ii. Distress Negative. Commonly known as stress. g. Anger and stress are also can be as a motivation to achieve an organizational goal if we can manage with a rational feeling but not as an emotional feeling. h. By using the emotions above to push and motivate us to achieve our organizational goals, they are useful tools. 31. If you are a manager, how do we identify your subordinate experiencing anger and stress, what is the best way for you to overcome this? a. Anger is a natural emotion that every human experiences. Mild forms of human anger may include displeasure, irritation or dislike. When we react to frustration, criticism or a threat, we may become angry and usually this is a healthy response. Anger may be a secondary response to feeling sad, lonely or frightened. b. When anger becomes a full-blown rage our judgment and thinking can become impaired and we are more likely to do and say unreasonable and irrational things. c. The emotion of anger is neither good nor bad. Anger only becomes a problem when it harms you or others. d. Strictly anger is the external expression of stress and has variety of causes, has a range of symptoms. By recognizing these signs it can be identified. i. Psychological signs 1. Inability to concentrate or make simple decisions 2. Memory lapses 3. Becoming rather vague 4. Easily distracted 5. Less intuitive & creative 6. Worrying 7. Negative thinking 8. Depression & anxiety ii. Emotional signs 1. Tearful 2. Irritable 3. Mood swings





4. Extra sensitive to criticism 5. Defensive 6. Feeling out of control 7. Lack of motivation 8. Angry 9. Frustrated 10. Lack of confidence 11. Lack of self-esteem Behavioral signs 1. No time for relaxation or pleasurable activities 2. Prone to accidents, forgetfulness 3. Increased reliance on alcohol, smoking, caffeine, or illegal drugs 4. Becoming a workaholic 5. Poor time management and/or poor standards of work 6. Absenteeism 7. Self-neglect/change in appearance 8. Social withdrawal 9. Relationship problems 10. Insomnia or waking tired 11. Reckless 12. Aggressive/anger outbursts 13. Nervous 14. Uncharacteristically lying Physical signs 1. Aches/pains & muscle tension/grinding teeth 2. Frequent colds/infections 3. Allergies/rashes/skin irritations 4. Constipation/diarrhea/ IBS 5. Weight loss or gain 6. Indigestion/heartburn/ulcers 7. Hyperventilating/lump in the throat/pins & needles 8. Dizziness/palpitations 9. Panic attacks/nausea 10. Physical tiredness 11. Menstrual changes/loss of libido/sexual problems 12. Heart problems/high blood pressure Steps to manage and control stress 1. An open door policy 2. Always remember to separate personal and work issues. 3. Assess the situation and understand the emotions involved. 4. Open communications to attack the problems, not the persons. 5. Empower your employees. 6. Recognize that each one has a different way in dealing with stress. 7. Prevention is better than cure Stress and anger is commonplace in work environment. The only thing to be done is learn to cope and deal with the stresses involved. As a leader, our role is to provide a conducive working environment in which our subordinates will be able work and grow professionally to achieve their full and optimum potential

32. As a leader what method will you choose to make a good decision a. Taking and implementing decisions are two important roles in the management of an effective school. Leaders decision are crucial to the achievement of education goals and the implementation need participation from teacher and support staff. The quality of decisions taken reflects the leaders effectiveness b. Activities such as planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, monitoring, controlling, and evaluating all involve a certain degree of decision making. Decision must be transparent and consistent with reality i. Autocratic the leader will make the decision without consulting other and they are expected to accept the decision once the decision has been made ii. Persuasive the leader will initially make the decision, and following that will persuade other to accept the decision iii. Consultative the leader seeks views from other before making the decision. iv. Co-determinate decision taken based on consensus or majority vote. c. Regardless of the types of decision made, there are several steps that can be followed (Gorton and Alston 2009, 36) i. Step 1: Define the situation ii. Step 2: identify the alternative iii. Step 3: Assess the alternative iv. Step 4: Select the best possible alternative v. Step 5: Secure acceptance of the decision vi. Step 6: Implement the decision vii. Step 7: Evaluate the decision d. Decision making is a dynamic process that is required to solve organizational problem. They propose five different model of decision making. i. The classical model which uses a strategy to maximize goal achievement ii. The administrative model which is viewed as a pragmatic decision making strategy. This approach is normally chosen because an administrator does not have all the capacity to optimize decision making iii. The incremental model which approaches decision making by comparing and reducing the numbers of alternatives. iv. The mixed scanning model which is considered as an adaptive strategy focusing on board ends and tentative means of decisions. This approach combines the best of the incremental and the administrative approaches in decision making. v. The garbage can model which is considered as a non-rational decision making strategy that views a good decision as one that match the problem with a solution because organizations are characterized by problematic preferences, ambiguity, and decision relies on chance that on rationality

33. What communication skills should be practiced by a leader in an organization? a. Communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another; It involves a sender transmitting an idea, information, or feeling to a receiver i. Active Listening ii. Feedback iii. Nonverbal Behaviors of Communication 1. Eye contact 2. Gestures 3. Posture and body orientation 4. Proximity 5. Vocal iv. Speaking

34. The emotional competencies are those that enable us to put the IQ that we have and the professional (technical) skills that we have effectively and successfully into use in a business context and in life in general. Given this scenario, describe the following terms and what it means to you: a. Emotional Self-Awareness: i. Recognizing how our emotions affect our performance. It is the ability to recognize ones emotions and their effects. It is the ability to effectively read how we react to cues in the environment and be aware of how ones emotions affect performance. b. Accurate Self-Assessment: i. Knowing ones own inner resources, abilities and limits. It is being aware of ones strengths and limitations. It is based on the desire to receive feedback and new perspectives about oneself and to be motivated by continuous learning and self-development. It implies having the ability to target areas for change. c. Self-Confidence: i. A strong sense of ones self-worth and capabilities. It is a belief in ones own capability to accomplish a task and select an effective approach to a task or problem. This includes confidence in ones ability as expressed in increasingly challenging circumstances and confidence in ones decisions or opinion.

35. How do teachers establish the effective ways to handle self-stress in school to avoid disturbing learning activities and avoid students negative outcome.

36. Reflect on some general principles that guide your thoughts about organizational leadership? a. Organizational leadership is management. Leadership is transformative, shifting priorities in followers through the articulation of a vision. b. When leadership is embedded within an organization, the definition changes to leadership becomes management or supervision. c. 11 Important Principles of Leadership in Organizations i. Must continuously seek self-improvement ii. Be Technically Proficient iii. Must Seek Responsibility and Take Responsibility for His Actions iv. Must Make Sound and Timely Decisions v. Must Set the Example vi. Must know people and consider their well-being vii. Must Keep Followers Informed viii. Must Develop a Sense of Responsibility in Followers ix. Must Ensure Tasks Are Understood, Supervised and Accomplished x. Must Train Followers as a Team xi. Must Develop Full Capabilities of Organization 37. Define and describe the concept of transforming leadership? a. Style of leadership in which the leader identifies the needed change, creates a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executes the change with the commitment of the members of the group. b. Idealized influence (charisma) i. Demonstrate an inclusive vision ii. High standards of moral and ethical conduct iii. Respected by followers iv. Exhibit great commitment and persistence in pursuing objectives v. Develop trust and confidence among employees vi. I believe that this is truly the right thing to do c. Inspiration motivation i. Communicate high expectations to followers ii. Inspire others to perform iii. Create a strong sense of purpose among employees iv. Align individual and organizational needs d. Intellectual stimulation i. Stimulate followers to be creative and innovative ii. Support new approaches to deal with organizational issues iii. Willing to take risk for potential gains and encourage the followers not to think like him/her e. Individual consideration i. Is an active listener ii. Make interpersonal connections with followers iii. Act as a coach and adviser iv. Promote self-development v. I care about you and am looking out for your best interest f. Transformational leadership helps to :

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Develop a clear and appealing vision Develop a strategy for attaining the vision Articulate and promote the vision Act confident and optimistic Express confident in follower Use early success in small steps to build confidence

38. Define and explain the link between leadership and organizational culture? a. Leadership is the ability possess by an individual to influence or convince other people to think or act to achieve certain objective b. 3 Factors: i. 1. Involves another person ii. 2. Authority to give an order/instruction iii. 3. Influence other through orders given c. School leaders are directly involved in school administration and management; principal, assistant principal, and head department d. Culture is sharing of behavior, belief, value and idea among individual within the group of people or organization. Consists with knowledge, beliefs, art, morale, law and custom. Inherited from one generation to generation e. School/organizational culture i. School effectiveness and successfulness depends on the culture practice at the school ii. Can affect organizational productivity iii. Positive culture have a strong relationship with leadership f. Leaders & organizational culture i. Positive environment by leaders increase student achievement, teachers satisfaction ii. Action determines what culture to be practice-considering the values and norms iii. Responsible to ensure student motivation and achievement and teachers satisfaction at the highest level iv. Reasons to develop positive school culture: 1. effective school 2. school improvement 3. improve student learning quality 4. increase teachers satisfaction v. Leaders should have detailed understanding about the organizational culture to communicate and implement his new vision and increase his subordinate commitment. vi. Transformational Leadership is useful to structure and keep the required culture needed and also to understand the efficiencies of the organization. Stresses on positive values and harmony in relationships. Goal oriented, focuses on reward, support and motivation in the organization g. Leaders should have a constructive thinking way, further understanding about culture and show the highest spirit, ethics and enthusiasm in their effort to change and develop the positive culture. For better achievement, performance and success of the organization

39. How do you motivate people? List some ways that you, as an administrator, could motivate those whom you supervise? a. Use financial rewards to outputs (pay for performance) - for example, low wages but high-commission fee higher quality work b. Use reward merit (merit pay) - approval for the better, even good payment c. Use of immediate reward (spot awards) - release-task-praise break d. The use of reward based on skills (skill-based pay) e. The use of recognition award certificate, appreciation letter, rank and medals f. Conduct structural change task (job redesign) g. The use of reward empowerment, h. Goal setting i. Use stimulus positive reinforcement. j. Short courses, seminars etc. k. A conducive workplace

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