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Education in Malaysia is a continuous effort towards enhancing potentials of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner in order to create individuals

who are well-equipped intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. This effort aims to produce knowledgeable, ethical and responsible Malaysian citizens who are can contribute towards the harmony and prosperity of the community and nation.

The quote above is the National Philosophy of Education objectives in achieving 2020 mission vision. So in order to earn it The Standard Curriculum for Primary Schools(KSSR) was introduced in 2011 replacing The Primary School Integrated Curriculum(KBSR). As teacher-to-be we need to understand what KSSR really is and be prepared to know what we are going to face with this new system so that we can prepare our future generations for the challenges ahead. First and foremost we need to know in full details what is The Standard Curriculum for Primary Schools (KSSR). In the standard can be define as a set of rules for ensuring quality. Next according to Franklin

Bobbit(1918) who was known as the Father of Curriculum view curriculum in two perspectives that is all the experiences, directed or otherwise : planned or otherwise: which focused on the holistic development of the individual and all the conscious and purposeful educational experiences provided by the schools for the pupils. While John Dewey stated in his book Democracy and Education that curriculum is efforts made restructure society. In brief , curriculum is one of the course focus on mental and social, rather than just the physical given by an educational institution. KSSR is the transformation in the Malaysia education implanted gradually started in 2011 for the Year 1 students. KSSR has been implemented starting this year to the year one pupils throughout the nation. The curriculum implemented is a revised version of the 2003 syllabus, with the focus of preparing balanced human capital that are capable of transcending over future challenges. The process of holistically changes involved the changes in the current curriculum in terms of organization, contents, pedagogical, time allocation, assessment and the

management of curriculum in school. Teachers currently undergoing courses pertaining to this matter and many more are expected to go through the same exposure as the KSSR will be fully implemented by 2015. In KSSR the activities depends on the subject for example if its language subject like Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Inggeris the focus is on three main thing which are speaking, writing and listening so usually teachers will organize activities like matching words for listening where the teacher will speak the word and student will find pictures that match the word. Teacher will also held a role play for speaking where the students will act and that way they will have no option but to talk in English moreover it is more fun and will not pressure the students. Likewise other subject where it is more student centred for example group works. Teacher also used ICT to make learning lesson is more fun and interactive. One of the problems that occur in this system is it is a burden to the teachers as the teachers now needs to learn and adapt to the new system. We know that teachers are already busy not only because of the school works but because of the extra courses that the teachers have to attend. So they do not have much time to learn and if they do learn they will not learn entirely. In fact the government did not train the teachers and did not give any clear information about this system so the teachers have to take effort on themselves to learn it. Moreover how about the teachers who do not have access in learning this themselves for example if they are teaching in the rural area where they will not have sources to look for information. So in order to solve this problem teachers should think positive especially for the teachers who are always busy they should stop practising procrastination by completing all the works that they should have done within the same week. Spare some time to search for information for example in the internet whenever possible or if they are too desperate maybe they can just discuss with the teachers that are already expert in the new system. Whereas the teachers who teach at the rural areas should regularly go to the city and buy educational books and magazine, they can also contact with the teachers from other school if the cannot get internet service at their places.

Next, parents will complained because they do not know their children accomplishment like before they will have the chance to go to school and get to sign their children report card. In fact they can also discuss directly with the teachers on their children weakness and how to fix it. However now parents have to take time to go to their childrens school and asked for the teachers to print their children accomplishment that are only available for the teachers online. Like teachers, parents are also busy with their life especially to those parents who work on the office hours where they are only free during weekend. So the parents will take decision to ignore their children which lead on to the children failure because they are lack of attention. As teachers, we know that parents are very important on shaping a child development in many aspect especially the child cognitive development, it does not depends on the teachers only because teacher will not have to focus on every student as they have at least 40 student in one class. So the teachers should always stay connected with parents especially now we have so many ways to communicate for example social networks like facebook, skype, email and many more. If parents cannot meet teachers and discuss together at least they can still know their children progression and give attention to them at home. Furthermore this system is not eco-friendly as it used a lot of paper and space more than the KBSR system. It is used for profiling the student achievement in every subject at school. Then the school have to keep the file until the students are going to the next level of education which is the secondary school. So more trees are being cut down to provide papers and will soon result in climate change and more problems to the ecosystem. Therefore teachers need to limit on the papers that they are using not only while they are profiling for the students but also for any other activities including daily life activities. This will reduce the use of paper and we can still manage to balance the use of paper in our country. Other than that, teacher can reuse the paper that they are not using anymore for example if student A have gone for the secondary school then the teachers can reuse the paper by using the back of the paper for other students at the school.

In addition one of the module in KSSR are implenting sex education in the school starting with the year 1, 2 ,3. In simpler terms, Social and Reproductive Health Education is taught as a large component (75%) in the subject of Health Education. The government intention in wanting the students to know what is sex is acceptable because nowadays children are very advance in everything and without certain knowledge or limitations it will crush them. Sex education maybe is too earlier for them and they may sometimes confused but too ashamed to ask so we as teachers have to understand them. Try to engage conversation with them and then make them understand what they are really learning in the class because they may get the wrong idea which lead in more problems. Aside from that, there are also complain from the parents that their children have to much free time at home because they are now have fewer homework. Sometimes they have none because all of the KSSR activities are being held at school. So this student will become lazier and not focus. Furthermore, now they only have to face examinations twice a year not like before where they have four exams in a year and they have no time to get lazy if they want to pass with flying colours. In fact the teacher will also pressure them to their best in every exam but with this new system teacher does not even have time to get them focus. So as teachers, we can give them extra homework just to make sure that they are not lost. Then always give attention to them and make sure they complete the task given. We cant make them feel comfortable with the new system but we have to make them understand that it is to shape them in being a balance student. In conclusion, our education system will always change by time so we as teachers have to always be prepared and accept with whatever changes that the government made. We have to understand that the word are changing to a more demanding world so in order for our country to be at the same level we have to cooperate and adapt to the situation.

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