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Te1: 929-538

Cu1de E10:
Cas Sfaf1on
lf re-blending is done on-site then speoial preoautions for
fire prevention will be required.
1raining of personnel by all marketing oompanies or ser-
vioe station operators to potentially exeoute this prooe-
dure. (1his is not reoommended by Petrojam, due to pub-
lio safety and seourity issues.)
Pe1ro]am Terms o1 accep1ance
Pe1ro]am may accep1 1oW oc1ane con-
1am1na1ed gaso11ne under 1he 1o11oW-
1ng genera1 cond111ons:
1. all oosts are borne by the owner of the produot i.e.
servioe station, haulage oontraotor or marketing oom-
2. the produot does not oontain any water, solids ,
soales or debris
3. the produot is transported to the refinery in a olean
tanker oertified for the gasoline transport
4. Petrojam reserves the right to oonduot full testing on
all returned produot to determine if it is suitable to
return to our system. 1his oost will be borne by the
owner of the produot.
5. Petrojam does not guarantee any payment to the
owner for this oontaminated produot.
6. 1he prioe to be paid by Petrojam to the owner of the
produot is negotiable and will always be below the
prioe of eavy luel 0il.
1he aooeptanoe of oontaminated produots by the refinery
will not have a guaranteed sohedule for delivery/reoeipt. lt
will be of lower priority than safe operation inolusive of
normal refinery produotion, produot transfers and reproo-
essing. As suoh the owner of the oontaminated produot is
responsible for storing it until it is oonvenient for it to be

Cenera1 gu1dance
1. All equipment must be grounded
2. fire fighting equipment and training must be in plaoe
3. although still olassified as gasoline, training in han-
dling the produot must be done with attendants and
station operators, this should foous on good steward-
ship praotioes to prevent and deteot water intrusion. .
4. develop good maintenanoe and operational praotioes
to ensure there is no water intrusion, and that signs of
water intrusion are deteoted early.

01her use1u1 resources
1. Marketing oompanies will advise on oompany require-
ments for transitioning to L10

Pe1ro1eum Company o1 JamaJca (PCJ} does no1
Warran1 1he accuracy o1 1he Jn1orma1Jon con-
1aJned 1here Jn, nor Js J1 responsJb1e 1or any
error or omJssJons and assumes no 1JabJ1J1y
1or J1s use.

Wa1er Con1am1na1ed Caso11ne
lf the gasoline beoomes severely oontaminate with
water then the ethanol-water layer will separate from
the gasoline rendering it of lesser ootanei.e. low qual-
0asoline portion
1. a sample of the gasoline should be tested to de-
termine the ethanol oontent. lf the produot does
not meet the desired speoifioation for ethanol,
then prooeed to step 2.
2. oaloulate the volume of ethanol required to re-
store the desired ethanol oontent..
3. blend the 'dry' ethanol to the reoovered produot to
restore ethanol oontent.
Upr|on 1: re-blend on site baok 10 ethanol
Upr|on 2. return the gasoline portion to Petrojam (see
terms of aooeptanoe overleaf).
Lthanol portion
1he ethanol water portion is be to treated in a lioensed
waste treatment faoility. Contaot NLPA for further de-
Tank C1ean1ng
1ank oleaning may may may may be required if tanks are dirty or if there is
water in the tanks. Note that the souroe of any water intrusion
Mu31 be determined and oorreoted.
3ludge oleaned from the tank is expeoted to oonsists mainly of
soales, water and gasoline. 1his should be held in drums lined
with inert plastio liner and may subsequently be inoinerated.
An environmental permit will be required for storage of suoh
materials above ground in exoess of 4000 litres.
A11er F1rs1 0e11very
1. Cheok the truok before offloading to ensure there is no
water in the tanker.
2. Uip the tank hourly and oheok for water.
3. lf there are speos of water on the dip stiok, this indioates
that water is building up in the tank. New L10 may be
added to reduoe the peroentage of water in the tan
4. 1ake a sample for visual inspeotion at the end of the eaoh
day. 0asoline should remain 'bright and olear'...not
0ur1ng Norma1 0pera11on
1. lnventory managementtanks should be dipped at least
twioe per day for water assessment. A speoial ethanol
oompatible paste should be used on the dip stiok. lf
there is water present in the gasoline it will show as bub-
bles on the stiok. lf separation has already ooourred (0.5
water) then it will show as a layer on the tank bottom.
2. when bubbles begin to show on the stiok then a sample
of the fuel should be taken for water analysis. lf the gaso-
line appears oloudy it is an in indioation of water separa-
tion problems developing.
3. water analysis plaoe 100ml the fuel in a measuring
oylinder with a 10 mil of water. 3hake and allow to settle
until two layers separate. lf the water layer is greater than
15mil volume then the L10 has met speoifioation..
4. Lnsure 10 mioron ethanol oompatible filters are on hand
(with spares) to remove any water, rust or soales whioh
may be stirred up or loosened with the introduotion of
L10is gasoline blended with 10ethanol.
Lthanol blended gasoline has a high affinity for water
beoause ethanol and water are highly misoible.
enoe, it is very important to deteot possible routes of
entry or water into the gasoline system and have this
As the level of water in the gasoline begins to in-
orease it will separate into a low ootane gasoline layer
and a water/ethanol layer.
e1ore Load1ng E1
1. lt is important that water is not able to enter the
storage and distribution system. All possible
points for water entry to the system are deteoted
and repaired.
2. water must be removed from the tank before
L10 is delivered. Cheok, lill points, vents, tanks,
gaskets, seals, filters eto.
3. Material oompatibilityassess the tanks, pumps,
nozzles, eto to ensure the material of oonstruo-
tion is oompatible with L10 blends.
4. Bring down the tank of gasoline to as low as
possible before loading L10.1his will ensure
there is olose to 10 ethanol in the gasoline
mixed in the tank.
Pe1ro1eum Corpora11on o1 Jama1ca
36 Tra1a1gar koad
k1ngs1on 1

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