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General information:
Capital: Surface area: Official languages: Population: Exchange rate: Ottawa 9,971 thousand sq km English, French 34.8 million (2012) A$1 = C$1.0419 (Jan 2013) 2008 1,542.5 1,337.2 46,370 40,198 1.1 1,788 0.1 34.8 2.4 2009 1,368.9 1,311.1 40,651 38,934 -2.8 -40,588 -3.0 28.7 0.3
Real GDP growth
% 4

Fact sheets are updated biannually; June and December

Head of State: HM Queen Elizabeth II, represented by Governor-General HE the Rt Hon David Johnston Head of Government: Prime Minister The Rt Hon Stephen Harper 2010 1,616.0 1,370.6 47,424 40,224 3.2 -58,414 -3.6 29.1 1.8 2011 1,781.1 1,435.8 51,716 41,690 2.6 -52,846 -3.0 30.7 2.9 2012(a) 1,819.1 1,488.3 52,232 42,734 1.8 -66,999 -3.7 30.0 1.5 2013(b) 1,843.8 1,534.9 52,364 43,594 1.5 -64,911 -3.5 29.9 1.5

Recent economic indicators:

GDP (US$bn) (current prices): GDP PPP (Int'l $bn) (c): GDP per capita (US$): GDP per capita PPP (Int'l $) (c): Real GDP growth (% change yoy): Current account balance (US$m): Current account balance (% GDP): Goods & services exports (% GDP): Inflation (% change yoy):
Australia's merchandise trade with Canada
A$m 3,000 2,500 2 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 -4 2008 Exports -2 Imports 0

Australia's merchandise exports to Canada

A$m 1,000 800 600 400 200
2007 2012
















Australia's trade and investment relationship with Canada (d):

Australian merchandise trade with Canada, 2012: Exports to Canada (A$m): Imports from Canada (A$m): Total trade (exports + imports) (A$m): Major Australian exports, 2012* (A$m): Nickel ores & concentrates Alcoholic beverages Non-ferrous waste & scrap Lead ores & concentrates
Total share: Rank: Growth (yoy):

1,656 2,300 3,956

0.7% 0.9% 0.8%

22nd 23rd 20th

9.8% 29.9% 20.6%

291 180 162 87

Major Australian imports, 2012 (A$m): Civil engineering equipment & parts Sulphur & iron pyrites Medicaments (incl veterinary) Railway vehicles (incl hovertrains)

217 125 125 124

*Includes A$358m of confidential items, 22% of total exports.

Australia's trade in services with Canada, 2012: Exports of services to Canada (A$m): Imports of services from Canada (A$m): Major Australian service exports, 2012 (A$m): Personal travel excl education Prof, tech & other business services

Total share:

808 925

1.6% 1.5% Major Australian service imports, 2012 (A$m): Personal travel excl education Prof, tech & other business services

288 147

490 147

Australia's investment relationship with Canada, 2012 (e): Australia's investment in Canada (A$m): Canada's investment in Australia (A$m):

42,744 31,822

np 21,233

Canada's global merchandise trade relationships:

Canada's principal export destinations, 2012: 1 United States 74.6% 2 China 4.3% 3 United Kingdom 4.1% 15 Australia 0.4% Canada's principal import sources, 2012: 1 United States 2 China 3 Mexico 26 Australia 50.6% 11.0% 5.5% 0.4%

Compiled by the Trade Advocacy and Statistics Section, DFAT, using the latest data from the ABS, the IMF and various international sources. (a) All recent data subject to revision; (b) EIU/IMF forecast; (c) PPP is purchasing power parity; (d) Total may not add due to rounding; (e) Stock, as at 31 December. Released annually by the ABS. na Data not available. np Data not published. .. Data not meaningful.

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